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The U-Th-Pb isotope systematics of the eucrite “Juvinas” have been studied in whole rock fragments as well as in plagioclases and pyroxenes. The results show that this monomict breccia crystallized with a very high UPb initial ratio at T = 4.539 ± 0.004 AE ago. There is evidence for a less radiogenic Pb component (206Pb204Pb = 13.0; 207Pb204Pb = 13.5; 208Pb204Pb = 32.71) interpreted as “exotic lead” induced by a meteoritical impact at the surface of the Juvinas parent body, 1.92 ± 0.06 AE ago.  相似文献   

Clinopyroxene/melt pairs in strongly potassic silicate and carbonatite melts exhibit unusually high U/Th partitioning ratios of ˜ 3 and ˜ 2, respectively. These values are much higher than those found for aluminous clinopyroxenes in peridotite, and have the potential to cause significant (230Th)/(238U) isotope enrichment in volcanics. The potassic silicate (lamproite) and carbonatite melts correspond closely to the main agents of mantle metasomatism, indicating that clinopyroxene in metasomatized regions of the mantle may greatly affect U/Th disequilibria. Recycling of alkali pyroxenite veins in the oceanic lithosphere formed by solidification of melt in the extremities of the MORB melting region presents an alternative to eclogite recycling in MORB and OIB genesis.  相似文献   

定年和示踪一直是伟晶岩成岩成矿过程和稀有金属富集机制研究的关键问题。副矿物不仅是伟晶岩中稀有稀土元素的重要载体,还蕴含丰富的微量元素并常常具有较高的U- Th含量,是研究伟晶岩年代学、成岩成矿过程和物质源区的“理想探针”。伟晶岩中常用的适合于U- Pb同位素定年的副矿物有锆石、铌钽铁矿、独居石、锡石、榍石、褐帘石、磷钇矿和磷灰石等。由于封闭温度、矿物学特性和不同性质流体中元素行为的差异,伟晶岩中不同副矿物的U- Pb系统常表现出复杂的年龄谱系,可能记录了伟晶岩中潜在的后期地质过程,如:自交代、后期变质与流体改造等。因此,基于前期光学显微镜、扫描电镜、冷阴极发光、激光拉曼光谱分析等矿物微观结构研究,对不同期次或世代的副矿物进行原位微区U- Pb定年及主微量元素和同位素地球化学分析,对于全面认知多期地质事件和伟晶岩成岩成矿过程演化历史,进而更准确地构建其构造- 岩浆- 热液- 成矿作用时空框架具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

Stilbite from Malmberget and Svappavara is part of hydrothermal mineral assemblages occupying regionally occurring open Palaeoproterozoic fractures in northern Sweden. At these locations, stilbite is characterized by Pbrad excess relative to U and by activity ratios of [234U]/[238U] > 1 and [230Th]/[238U] > 1. The activity disequilibrium requires a disturbance of the U-Th systematics within the last one million years. Leaching and infiltration experiments on Malmberget stilbite demonstrate: (i) preferential leaching in the order Pb >U >Th and uptake in the order Pb > U, and (ii) isotopic fractionation of U by preferential mobilization of 238U and 235U relative to 234U. Stepwise-leaching further indicates that the bulk of U is hosted in the channel sites of stilbite. The Th-U disequilibrium systematics observed in untreated Malmberget and Svappavara stilbite can be explained by: (1) addition of U with [234U]/[238U] > 1 from a fluid, or alternatively (2) loss of U from a two-component system, consisting of a component that is “open” or accessible and a component that is “closed” or inaccessible to mobilization. U addition requires a multistage history involving multiple gain or loss of U and/or Pb. In contrast, U loss does not necessarily require multistage processes but can also be explained by preferential removal of 238U (and 235U) relative to recoiled daughter isotopes such as 234U, 230Th, and 206Pb (and 207Pb) during a single event. Such a behavior could be obtained if the recoiled daughter isotopes of channel-sited uranium are implanted into the crystal lattice and, in such a way, become less mobile than their parent isotopes. This case implies an open-system behavior for ions in the channel sites and a closed-system behavior for ions in the silicate framework of stilbite. Each α-recoil directly or indirectly, i.e., through its recoil cascade, damages the silicate framework. Subsequent (continuous) low-temperature annealing of the damaged stilbite lattice could trap the recoiled daughter isotopes in the repaired crystal lattice or sealed-off channels. Such immobile recoiled material can, in part, represent the “closed” component of the system. This model can account for all observations regarding the Th-U-Pb systematics, including the Th-U disequilibrium systematics, the similarity in Th/U as deduced from Th-U disequilibrium and Pb isotope data, and the excess of radiogenic Pb (208Pb-parents also had been multiply recoiled). These two contrasting explanations involve either multistage or multicomponent systems. They do not permit the derivation of an accurate age.  相似文献   

U-Pb isotope analysis of zircon, titanite, monazite and rutile extracted from 15 different Grenville Province rocks in eastern Labrador reveals: 1) major crust formation through magmatism between 1,710 and 1,630 Ma ago; no evidence of older crustal material was found. 2) Pegmatite and gabbro intrusions between 1,500 and 1,400 Ma ago, probably related to incomplete rifting of the earlier formed crust. 3) Granite and syenite plutonism, presumably anorogenic, circa 1,300 Ma ago. 4) High grade metamorphism and anatexis during the Grenvillian Orogeny, causing Pb-loss in primary zircon and new growth of zircon, titanite and monazite at circa 1,030 Ma ago in the south (Lake Melville and Mealy Mountains terranes) and circa 970 Ma ago in the north (Groswater Bay Terrane and Trans-Labrador Batholith); geochronological distinction of these large-scale crustal segments substantiates their juxtaposition along deeply rooted, intracontinental ductile thrust zones during Grenvillian Orogeny. 5) Late Grenvillian growth of rutile in gabbros circa 925 Ma ago.  相似文献   

The Siberian flood basalts (SFB) make up one of the world’s largest known magmatic province and cover a vast area of the northern Siberian platform. The northeastern flank of the SFB province is occupied by the Maymecha-Kotuy ultramafic-alkaline complex consisting of enormous volumes of alkaline lavas, numerous dikes, and the Guli massif comprising many smaller alkaline plutons. The genetic relationship between SFB and the Maymecha-Kotuy complex continues to be a matter of considerable debate. Despite the fact that the rocks of both blocks have almost the same age, close to the Permian-Triassic boundary, there are still major uncertainties in the relative succession of emplacement and the source material for each lithology present. On the basis of previous petrological, geochemical, and isotopic results, this study attempted to put tighter limits on possible relationships between SFB and alkaline rocks.  相似文献   

The Dead Sea is surrounded by chemical and detrital sediments that were deposited in its larger precursor lakes, Lake Samra and Lake Lisan. The sedimentary history of these lakes was recon-structed by means of 230Th/234U ages of 30 samples, mostly of argonite laminae, from 8 columnar sections up to 110 km apart. The general validity of the ages was demonstrated by subjecting them to tests of internal isotopic consistency, agreement with stratigraphic order, and concordance with 14C ages. In the south, only the part of the Samra Formation older than 170,000 yr is exposed, while the aragonite-detritus rhythmites found in the central and northern region are generally younger than 120,000 yr. The Lisan Formation started accumulating about 63,000 yr B.P., with the clay and aragonite beds in the south-central area reflecting a rise in water level to at least −280 m. The upper part of the Lisan Formation, the aragonite-rich White Cliff Member, started accumulating about 36,000 yr B.P. The lake probably reached its highest level sometime after this, based on the ages of Lisan sediments preserved in the southernmost reaches of the basin.  相似文献   

In order to determine the geochemical evolution of a freshwater limestone cave system located in central Switzerland (Hell Grottoes at Baar/Zug,) young postglacial tufaceous limestone and travertine precipitates were investigated using the 230Th/234U ingrowth system. Additional analyses of further radionuclides within the 238U decay chain, i.e. 226Ra and 210Pb, showed that the Th/U chronometer started with insignificant inherited 230Th over the entire formation period of the travertine setting (i.e. 230Th(0)=0). A contribution from detrital impurities with 230Th/234U in secular equilibrium could be precisely subtracted by applying isochron dating of cogenetic phases and recently formed travertine. The resulting precise 230Th/234U formation ages were found to be consistent with the geological stratigraphy and were furthermore used to demonstrate the applicability of the next geologically important chronometer in the 238U-decay series, based on decay of excess 226Ra normalized to the initial, i.e.226Raex/226Ra(0). This system is suitable for dating phases younger than 7000 yr when the correction of a detritus component increasingly limits the precision of the 230Th/234U chronometer. Analytical solutions of the coupled 234U/230Th/226Ra radionuclide system predicted that the 226Raex/226Ra(0) chronometer is independent of the actual 230Th activity build up from decay of 234U, if the systems starts with zero inherited 230Th(0). The data set confirmed this hypothesis and showed furthermore that the initially incorporated 226Ra excess must have remained almost uniform in all limestone over a period of at least 7000 yr, i.e. 4–5 half-lives of 226Ra. This is concluded because (i) the 226Raex/226Ra(0) ages agreed well with those derived from 230Th/234U, (ii) all data plot within uncertainty on the 226Raex/226Ra(0) decay curve and (iii) the atomic Ba/Ca ratio was found to be constant in the travertine material independent of the sample ages. Provided that such boundary conditions hold, 226Raex/226Ra(0) should be applicable to materials which are suitable for 230Th/234U dating in sedimentology and oceanography, i.e. travertine, corals, phosphorites, etc., and should strongly support 230Th/234U for samples that have been formed a few thousand years ago.  相似文献   

We report elemental abundances and the isotopic systematics of the short-lived 26Al-26Mg (half-life of ∼0.73 Ma) and long-lived U-Pb radiochronometers in the ungrouped basaltic meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 2976. The bulk geochemical composition of NWA 2976 is clearly distinct from that of the eucrites and angrites, but shows broad similarities to that of the paired NWA 001 and 2400 ungrouped achondrites indicating that it is likely to also be paired with these two samples. The major and trace element abundances in NWA 2976 further indicate that it formed by extensive melting and magmatic fractionation processes on its parent body. The Al-Mg and Pb-Pb isotope systematics indicate that this meteorite represents the earliest stages of crust formation on a differentiated parent body in the early Solar System. The absolute Pb-Pb internal isochron age of NWA 2976, obtained from acid leaching residues of three whole-rock samples and two pyroxene separates, is 4562.89 ± 0.59 Ma (MSWD = 0.02). This Pb-Pb age is calculated using the measured 238U/235U ratio of a NWA 2976 whole-rock of 137.751 ± 0.018 (2σ) which was determined relative to the recently revised value of 137.840 ± 0.008 for the SRM 950a U isotope standard. The Al-Mg systematics reveal the presence of 26Mg isotopic anomalies produced by the decay of 26Al with an (26Al/27Al)0 of (3.94 ± 0.16) × 10−7, and indicate a time of formation of 0.26 ± 0.18 Ma after the D’Orbigny angrite. Using the revised Pb-Pb age of 4563.36 ± 0.34 Ma for the D’Orbigny anchor (corrected for its U isotopic composition), we deduce an Al-Mg model age of 4563.10 ± 0.38 Ma for NWA 2976, which is consistent with its Pb-Pb internal isochron age.The concordance of the Pb-Pb and Al-Mg chronometers, when taking into account the differences in the U isotopic compositions of the D’Orbigny and NWA 2976 achondrites (whose parent bodies likely formed in distinct regions of early Solar System as indicated by their different oxygen isotopic compositions), implies that 26Al was homogeneously distributed in the early Solar System. It also suggests that igneous processes on planetesimals, as represented by the formation of various basaltic meteorite groups that likely originated on distinct parent bodies (e.g., eucrites and angrites, as well as ungrouped achondrites), were widespread throughout the protoplanetary disk within the first ∼5 Ma of the history of the Solar System.  相似文献   

The short residence times of Th and Pa in seawater make them very responsive to changes in the ocean environment. We use a new multi-ion-counting technique to make Th and Pa isotope measurements in seawaters from a near-shore environment in which oceanic chemical tracers are not overwhelmed by terrestrial inputs (the Bahamas). An unusual feature of the Bahamas setting is the shallow depth of water residing on the bank tops. These waters have significantly lower 232Th/230Th (∼10,000) than those immediately adjacent to the banks (24,000-31,000) and a (231Pa/230Th) near the production ratio (∼0.1). The change in 232Th/230Th and (231Pa/230Th) on the bank tops is explained by almost quantitative removal of Th and Pa by scavenging, and their replacement with a mixture of 230Th and 231Pa alpha-recoiled from the underlying carbonates, together with Th from dust dissolution. Analysis of a water profile in the Tongue of the Ocean, which separates the Great and Little Bahama Banks, allows us to trace the movement of bank-top water to depth. A distinct minimum in both 232Th/230Th (∼13,000) and (231Pa/230Th) (∼0.5) is observed at ∼430 m and is interpreted to reflect density cascading of bank-top water with entrained carbonate sediment. These results suggest that Th and Pa can be used as water-mass tracers in near-shore environments. Uranium concentration measurements on the same waters demonstrate that U is conservative across a range in salinity of 2 psu, with a concentration of 3.33 ppb (at a salinity of 35).The incorporation of U and Th isotopes into marine carbonates has also been assessed by analyzing carbonate samples from the same location as these Bahamas waters. Such incorporation is critical for U-Th geochronology. U isotope analyses demonstrate that seawater δ234U averages 146.6 and does not vary by more than 2.5%o, and that carbonates capture this value. Additional high precision measurements (≈±1%o) on modern carbonates confirm that all oceans have identical δ234U. Modern marine carbonates are shown to have 232Th/230Th ratios that reflect the local seawater in which they formed.  相似文献   

Age determinations of several lava flows from Etna through 230Th-238U disequilibrium (internal isochrons) yield a precise chronology of the volcano's history for the last 200,000 years, and emphasize the main episodes in the formation of this huge complex strato-volcano. Study of (230Th232Th)0 initial ratios of lavas together with their trace-element compositions yields a consistent model of magmatic evolution implying the existence, for 200,000 years, of a deep reservoir of alkalic magma periodically mixed with magmas of tholeiitic affinity. These short periods of mixing appear to be related to the formation of the large calderas of Etna. In addition to these processes affecting the deep reservoir, fractional crystallization also occurred in more superficial levels of the volcanic edifice, thereby yielding several series of differentiation of relatively short duration. As for its geochemistry, Etna's volcanism is of oceanic type but with its own characteristics and in a peculiar geodynamic context, at the edge of the African Plate.  相似文献   

Uranium (U) concentrations and activity ratios (δ234U) of authigenic carbonates are sensitive recorders of different fluid compositions at submarine seeps of hydrocarbon-rich fluids (“cold seeps”) at Hydrate Ridge, off the coast of Oregon, USA. The low U concentrations (mean: 1.3 ± 0.4 μg/g) and high δ234U values (165-317‰) of gas hydrate carbonates reflect the influence of sedimentary pore water indicating that these carbonates were formed under reducing conditions below or at the seafloor. Their 230Th/234U ages span a time interval from 0.8 to 6.4 ka and cluster around 1.2 and 4.7 ka. In contrast, chemoherm carbonates precipitate from marine bottom water marked by relatively high U concentrations (mean: 5.2 ± 0.8 μg/g) and a mean δ234U ratio of 166 ± 3‰. Their U isotopes reflect the δ234U ratios of the bottom water being enriched in 234U relative to normal seawater. Simple mass balance calculations based on U concentrations and their corresponding δ234U ratios reveal a contribution of about 11% of sedimentary pore water to the bottom water. From the U pore water flux and the reconstructed U pore water concentration a mean flow rate of about 147 ± 68 cm/a can be estimated. 230Th/234U ages of chemoherm carbonates range from 7.3 to 267.6 ka. 230Th/234U ages of two chemoherms (Alvin and SE-Knoll chemoherm) correspond to time intervals of low sealevel stands in marine isotope stages (MIS) 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. This observation indicates that fluid flow at cold seep sites sensitively reflects pressure changes of the hydraulic head in the sediments. The δ18OPDB ratios of the chemoherm carbonates support the hypothesis of precipitation during glacial times. Deviations of the chemoherm δ18O values from the marine δ18O record can be interpreted as to reflect temporally and spatially varying bottom water and/or vent fluid temperatures during carbonate precipitation between 2.6 and 8.6°C.  相似文献   

The solid solution-aqueous solution system KCl-KBr-H2O is used as a model system to determine the mechanism of the replacement process of one crystalline phase by another. A single crystal of KBr was allowed to react with a saturated KCl solution enriched in 40K and the resulting new product phases were analyzed for changes in both anion and K isotope composition, using SEM, EDX, microprobe analysis, mass spectrometry and X-ray diffraction. The results show that the new product, K(Cl,Br), contains elements derived from both the original fluid and solid phases, indicating that both anions and K isotopes are exchanged during the replacement reaction. The interface between the advancing reaction front and the original parent crystal is sharp on a micron scale, showing no reaction profile that could indicate a solid state diffusion mechanism. Macroscopically the new phase is turbid due to the development of porosity that is consistent with a net volume deficit replacement reaction and this porosity may act as an indication that a replacement process has taken place. Single crystal X-ray diffraction patterns show the preservation of the crystallographic orientation during the replacement process. The replacement mechanism is interpreted as a result of a coupled process of dissolution and recrystallization occurring at the fluid-crystal interface.  相似文献   

To characterize the compositions of materials accreted to the Earth-Moon system between about 4.5 and 3.8 Ga, we have determined Os isotopic compositions and some highly siderophile element (HSE: Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, and Pd) abundances in 48 subsamples of six lunar breccias. These are: Apollo 17 poikilitic melt breccias 72395 and 76215; Apollo 17 aphanitic melt breccias 73215 and 73255; Apollo 14 polymict breccia 14321; and lunar meteorite NWA482, a crystallized impact melt. Plots of Ir versus other HSE define excellent linear correlations, indicating that all data sets likely represent dominantly two-component mixtures of a low-HSE target, presumably endogenous component, and a high-HSE, presumably exogenous component. Linear regressions of these trends yield intercepts that are statistically indistinguishable from zero for all HSE, except for Ru and Pd in two samples. The slopes of the linear regressions are insensitive to target rock contributions of Ru and Pd of the magnitude observed; thus, the trendline slopes approximate the elemental ratios present in the impactor components contributed to these rocks. The 187Os/188Os and regression-derived elemental ratios for the Apollo 17 aphanitic melt breccias and the lunar meteorite indicate that the impactor components in these samples have close affinities to chondritic meteorites. The HSE in the Apollo 17 aphanitic melt breccias, however, might partially or entirely reflect the HSE characteristics of HSE-rich granulitic breccia clasts that were incorporated in the impact melt at the time of its creation. In this case, the HSE characteristics of these rocks may reflect those of an impactor that predated the impact event that led to the creation of the melt breccias. The impactor components in the Apollo 17 poikilitic melt breccias and in the Apollo 14 breccia have higher 187Os/188Os, Pt/Ir, and Ru/Ir and lower Os/Ir than most chondrites. These compositions suggest that the impactors they represent were chemically distinct from known chondrite types, and possibly represent a type of primitive material not currently delivered to Earth as meteorites.  相似文献   

Nd and Sr isotopic data are reported for a granulite terrain in the Proterozoic Arunta Block of Central Australia. Sm-Nd data from a wide range of rock types define a crust formation age of 2,070±125 Ma and provide further evidence for voluminous crustal growth in the Proterozoic. An Nd value of +1.5±0.8 indicates a depleted mantle source for this crustal segment and there is no evidence for a large component of significantly older sialic crust. Field relationships, geochemistry and Rb-Sr data for mafic and felsic granulites indicate that intracrustal differentiation and polyphase deformation were followed by granulite facies metamorphism (Rb depletion) at 1,800 Ma. Rb-Sr data for strongly retrogressed granulites define an age of 1,700 Ma which is interpreted as the time of retrograde biotite growth. Partial melting at the presently exposed crustal level and anatexis at deeper crustal levels were broadly coeval with the retrograde metamorphism. Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic systematics of minerals indicate that the terrain cooled slowly, did not experience significant uplift until 1,000 Ma and remained at temperatures above 320° C until the late Palaeozoic. The mineral data are consistent with geological relationships and petrological evidence for a prolonged period of isobaric cooling followed by uplift late in the metamorphic evolution of the terrain. The granulite protoliths appear to have formed in a rift which closed within 280 Ma of initial separation. Deformation and granulite facies metamorphism at 1,800 Ma are interpreted to be a consequence of collision between the continental blocks which defined the rift. Regional retrogression and granitoid magmatism at 1,700 Ma are attributed to underthrusting of the granulites by lower grade rocks in the final stages of collision. Subsequent events in the cooling and uplift history appear to have been controlled by the presence of long-lived major faults in the crust and a prolonged history of episodic compression in the continental lithosphere. The results of this study suggest that granulite terrains, in general, cannot be equated with lower continental crust but instead represent assemblages of (mainly) supracrustal rocks which in some instances have been involved in major collision events.Abbreviations Opx orthopyroxene - Cpx clinopyroxene - Plag plagioclase - Hb hornblende - Ox opaque oxide - Bi biotite - Ap apatite - Zir zircon - Gt garnet - 2°CA secondary clinoamphibole - Qtz quartz - Ol olivine - Sp spinel - Se serpentine - Ep epidote - Kf alkali feldspar - Mz monazite - Sph sphene - Sill sillimanite - Rut rutile - Cd cordierite - Sphal sphalerite - Ms muscovite - Act actinolite - Cc calcite - Scap scapolite - Cor corundum - Xen xenotime - Sapph sapphirine - Ged gedrite - All allanite - Clh clinohumite - Dol dolomite - Mt magnetite - Ghn gahnite - Gal galena  相似文献   

230Th-238U disequilibrium systematics reveal several important characteristics of the mantle source regions and petrogenesis of volcanic rocks in the presumed hot spots of Hawaii, Marion Island (Prince Edward hot spot), and Samoa. The (230Th232Th) activity ratios of lavas from these three hot spots (1.06 ± 0.07, 1.04 ± 0.08, and 0.81 ± 0.06, respectively) imply that the source regions are each nearly homogeneous with ThU weight ratios of 2.9, 3.0, and 3.8. For Marion Island and Mauna Kea, Hawaii, negligible secular variation occurs in the (230Th232Th) initial ratios. This supports other evidence for very short transfer time between source and surface. Significant residence time at depth prior to eruption cannot be ruled out for the Samoan lavas we have studied; however, the data for one of these flows deviate from the proposed (230Th232Th)-87Sr86Sr correlation (Condomineset al., 1981a) in the opposite sense from that expected for such residence. If it is assumed that the measured (230Th232Th) ratios of the young lavas reflect ThU in their mantle sources, then the observed variations among these three hot spots, combined with those reported by other workers for Iceland, the Azores and Tristan de Cunha, suggest that these sources are characterized by ThU ratios ranging from values similar to that of MORB source (~2.5) to values similar to those of bulk earth (~3.8). Mixing of different proportions of depleted and enriched mantle may be responsible for the observed range.  相似文献   

High-precision data on U and Th contents and Th/U ratios of zircon obtained using secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis have been collected from the literature. Zircon in the granitic rocks has median values of 350 ppm U, 140 ppm Th, and Th/U=0.52; the recommended zircon-melt partition coefficients are 81 for DU and 8.2 for DTh. In zircon from mafic and intermediate rocks, the median values are 270 ppm U, 170 ppm Th, and Th/U=0.81, and the recommended zircon-melt partition coefficients are 169 for DU and 59 for DTh. The U and Th contents and Th/U ratios of magmatic zircon are low when zircon crystallizes in equilibrium with the melt. Increasing magma temperature should promote higher Th contents relative to U contents, resulting in higher Th/U ratios for zircon in mafic to intermediate rocks than in granitic rocks. However, when zircon crystallizes in disequilibrium with the melt, U and Th are more easily able to enter the zircon lattice, and their contents and Th/U ratios depend mainly on the degree of disequilibrium. The behavior of U and Th in magmatic zircon can be used as a geochemical indicator to determine the origins and crystallization environments of magmatic zircon.  相似文献   

We present a new approach to determine the composition of silicate melt inclusions (SMI) using LA-ICPMS. In this study, we take advantage of the occurrence of SMI in co-precipitated mineral phases to quantify their composition without depending on additional sources of information. Quantitative SMI analyses are obtained by assuming that the ratio of selected elements in SMI trapped in different phases are identical. In addition Fe/Mg exchange equilibrium between olivine and melt was successfully used to quantify LA-ICPMS analyses of SMI in olivine. Results show that compositions of SMI from the different host minerals are identical within their uncertainty. Thus (1) the quantification approach is valid; (2) analyses are not affected by the composition of the host phase; (3) the derived melt compositions are representative of the original melt, excluding significant syn- or postentrapment modification such as boundary layer effects or diffusive reequilibration with the host mineral. With this data we established a large dataset of mineral/melt partition coefficients for the investigated mineral phases in hydrous calc-alkaline basaltic-andesitic melts. The clinopyroxene/melt and plagioclase/melt partition coefficients are consistent with the lattice strain model of Blundy and Wood [Blundy, J., Wood B., 1994. Prediction of crystal-melt partition-coefficients from elastic-moduli. Nature372, 452-454].  相似文献   

U/Pb systematics of the Acapulco meteorite have been determined on phosphate and feldspar separates and on grain size fractions of bulk material. The latter show an enrichment of U and Th with respect to CI chondrites and a low (∼1) Th/U ratio. This is consistent with the model that the majority of U and Th was added early by a low temperature melt to the Acapulco precursor. The feldspar exhibits a Pb isotope composition that is close to the primordial Pb composition. Mineral separates and bulk fractions define a 207Pb/206Pb isochron. The age corresponds to 4555.9 ± 0.6 Ma. This age anchors the thermal evolution of the Acapulco parent body into an absolute time scale. Evaluation of the Hf/W and U/Pb records with the cooling rates deduced from mineralogical investigations confirms the idea that the Acapulco parent body was fragmented during its cooling. The U/Pb system precisely dates this break-up at 4556 ± 1 Ma.  相似文献   

Activity concentrations of the naturally occurring, short-lived and highly particle-reactive radionuclide tracer 234Th in the dissolved and particulate phase were determined at 7 shallow-water stations (maximum depths: 30 (S.1 and S.2), 65 (S.3), 97 (S.5), 105 (S.6) and 220 m (S.4 and S.7) in Saronikos Gulf and Elefsis Bay (central Aegean Sea, Greece) during 3 seasonal cruises (summer 2008, autumn 2008 and winter 2009) to assess the time scales of the dynamics and the depositional fate of particulate matter (POC, particulate 234Th). For that reason, in situ filtrating systems were deployed in several depths of the water column consisting of GF/A disc prefilters to scavenge particulate fraction of 234Th and organic carbon and impregnated cartridges to adsorb dissolved 234Th.The obtained data showed average particulate 234Th activity concentrations of 3.7 ± 0.4 Bq m−3 in summer, 2.1 ± 0.2 Bq m−3 in autumn and 2.4 ± 0.2 Bq m−3 in winter. The respective average dissolved 234Th activity concentrations were 30.1 ± 2.8 Bq m−3 in summer, 30.2 ± 2.9 Bq m−3 in autumn and 27.4 ± 3.0 Bq m−3 in winter. The activity ratios of total 234Th and its long-lived conservative parent 238U were below unity in most of the stations indicating radioactive disequilibrium throughout the water column, thus very dynamic trace-metal scavenging and particle export from the water column. These profiles (234Th and 238U) were used to estimate the export fluxes and scavenging rates of 234Th, as well as their residence times in the water column. The average cumulative export fluxes of particulate 234Th were estimated to be 33 ± 4 Bq m−2 d−1 in summer, 35 ± 5 Bq m−2 d−1 in autumn and 45 ± 6 Bq m−2 d−1 in winter, whereas the respective average cumulative scavenging rates of dissolved 234Th were 39 ± 5, 33 ± 5 and 50 ± 7 Bq m−2 d−1. Moreover, the cumulative average residence times of 234Th were 25 ± 4 d in summer, 45 ± 6 d in autumn and 64 ± 7 d in winter 2009 for the dissolved fraction and 4 ± 1, 3 ± 1 and 4 ± 1 d for the particulate one, respectively.POC/ ratio profiles decreased versus depth showing a variety of marine processes, such as loss of POC due to dissolution after biological activity, impact of minerals in particle sinking and microbial remineralization. Average cumulative export fluxes of POC were 162 ± 18 mmol m−2 d−1 in summer, 107 ± 19 mmol m−2 d−1 in autumn and 157 ± 25 mmol m−2 d−1 in winter 2009. The seasonal data of POC fluxes certified the existence of phytoplankton bloom in winter for Saronikos Gulf. In addition, after evaluating the maxima of POC fluxes in Elefsis Bay (a small embayment in northern Saronikos Gulf) during summer, potential bloom of phytoplankton also concluded; this approach is in agreement with previous data of the same area. Finally, the elevated POC concentrations and fluxes in the region certify that the Gulf is still one of the most organic polluted in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

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