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Recent experimental studies have reported the existence of two new Sb sulfide species, Sb2S52− and Sb2S62−, in alkaline sulfidic solutions in equilibrium with stibnite, Sb2S3, and orthorhombic S. These species contain Sb(V), which has also recently been identified in similar solutions using EXAFS by other researchers. This represents a significant change from the consensus a decade ago that sulfidic solutions of Sb contained only Sb(III) species. I have calculated from first principles of quantum mechanics the energetics for the oxidation of the Sb(III) sulfide dimer Sb2S42− to the mixed Sb(III,V) dimer Sb2S52− and then to the all Sb(V) dimer, Sb2S62−. Gas-phase reaction energies have been evaluated using polarized valence double zeta effective core potential basis sets and Moller-Plesset second order treatments of electron correlation. All translational, rotational and vibrational contributions to the gas-phase reaction free energy have been calculated. Hydration energies have been obtained using the COSMO version of the self-consistent reaction field polarizable continuum method. Negative free energy changes are calculated for the oxidation of the dianion of the III,III dimer to the III,V dimer by both small polysulfides, like S4H, and elemental S, modeled as S8. For the further oxidation of the III,V dimer to the V,V dimer the reaction free energies are calculated to be close to zero. The partially protonated Sb III,III dimer monoanion HSb2S4 can also be oxidized, but the reaction is not so favorable as for the dianion. Comparison of the calculated aqueous deprotonation energies of H2Sb2S4, H2Sb2S5 and H2Sb2S6 and their dianions with values calculated for various oxyacids indicates that the III,V and V,V dimers will have pKa2 values <5, so that their dianions will be the dominant species in alkaline solutions. These results are thus consistent with the recent identification of Sb2S52− and Sb2S62− species. I have also calculated the Raman spectra of Sb2S52− and Sb2S62− to assist in their identification. The calculated vibrational frequencies of the III,V and V,V dimers are characteristically higher than those of the III,III dimer I previously studied. The III,V dimer may contribute shoulders to the Raman spectrum.  相似文献   

An experimental study of the solubility of Pt and Pd sulfides and Au metal in aqueous bisulfide solutions was conducted at temperatures from 200° to 350 °C and at saturated vapor pressure. A 500-mL Bridgemantype pressure vessel constructed of titanium, and equipped with a motor-driven magnetic stirrer was employed. The pH and the oxidation state were buffered by the coexistence of H2S/HS/SO inf4 sup2– . The pH at temperature was calculated to be in the range 5.91–9.43, and S was 0.3–2.2 m. Under the experimental conditions, the measured solubility of gold is about two to three orders of magnitude greater than that of either platinum and palladium, and the measured solubility of platinum is, in general, approximately equal to that of palladium, in molal units. The solubilities are found to be in the range: platinum 4–800 ppb, palladium 1–400 ppb, and gold 2–300 ppm. The solubility data can be modeled adequately using the following reactions: Au+H2S+HH=Au(HS) 2 +1/2H2 (K14); PtS+HS+H+=Pt (HS) 2 0 (K15); PdS+HS+H+=Pd (HS) 2 0 (K16); PtS2+H2=Pt (HS) 2 0 (K21).With equilibrium constants determined as follows (errors represent two standard deviations): Preliminary measurements of the solubilities of metallic Pt, Pd and Au as hydroxide complexes were also conducted using a second titanium pressure vessel, at temperatures of 200° to 350 °C and vapor saturation pressure, with pH and the oxidation state controlled or buffered by adding known amounts of NaOH and H2 gas. The concentration of NaOH was in the range 0.01–1.3 m, and the partial pressure of H2 at 200 °C was 62–275 bars, initially. Under the temperature and pressure conditions of these experiments, the solubility of platinum in 1 m NaOH solution is less than 100 ppb, that of palladium is less than 10 ppb and that of gold is less than 0.2 ppm; and in 0.01 m NaOH solutions, both Pt and Pd solubilities are less than 1 ppb. These data indicate that the contributions of hydroxide complexes to the total solubilities in the bisulfide runs, where the pH was in the range of 5.9–9.4, are negligible. The concentrations of both Pt and Pd as bisulfide complexes in the Salton Sea geothermal system predicted using the stability constants determined in this work agree very well with those values measured by McKibben et al. (1990). This calculation strongly suggests that the PGE are transported in moderately reducing, near neutral hydrothermal fluids as bisulfide complexes, as is gold. However, the much lower maximum solubility of the PGE relative to gold severely constrains models of re genesis, and may explain the relative rarity of hydrothermal PGE deposits compared to the relative abundance of hydrothermal Au deposits.  相似文献   

The chalcogenes (S, Se, Te), semimetals (As, Sb) and the metal Bi are important ligands for noble metals and form a wide range of compositionally diverse minerals with the platinum-group elements (PGE). With the exception of S, few experimental data exist to quantify the behavior of these elements in magmatic sulfide systems. Here we report experimental partition coefficients for Se, Te, As, Sb, and Bi between monosulfide solid solution (mss) and sulfide melt, determined at 950 °C at a range of sulfur fugacities (fS2) bracketed by the Fe-FeS (metal-troilite) and the Fe1−×S-Sx (mss-sulfur) equilibria. Selenium is shown to partition in mss-saturated sulfide melt as an anion replacing S2−. Arsenic changes its oxidation state with fS2 from predominantly anionic speciation at low fS2, to cationic speciation at high fS2. The elements Sb, Te, and Bi are so highly incompatible with mss that they can only be present in sulfide melt as cations and/or as neutral metallic species. The partition coefficients derived fall with increasing atomic radius of the element. They also reflect the positions of the respective elements in the Periodic Table: within a group (e.g., As, Sb, Bi) the partition coefficients fall with increasing atomic radius, and within a period the elements of the 15th group are more incompatible with mss than the neighboring elements of the 16th group.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2000,15(6):879-889
Direct evidence of the structure of thioantimonide species in alkaline aqueous solutions is provided by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Twenty solutions containing thioantimonide species were prepared by dissolving stibnite (Sb2S3) in deoxygenated aqueous NaHS solutions; the solution pH range was 8–14, the [Sbtot] 1–100 mM and the [HS] 0.009–2.5 M. The structural environment of the dissolved Sb was determined by EXAFS analysis of the Sb K-edge over the temperature range 80–473 K.Many of the solutions contain a species with Sb bonded to four S atoms at 2.34 Å, consistent with the presence of a [Sb(V)S43−] species, demonstrating that oxidation of Sb(III) to Sb(V) has occurred on dissolution. There is evidence that the complementary reduced phase is H2. In three solutions, the Sb has three nearest neighbor S atoms and two of these solutions have an additional S shell of two atoms at 2.9Å, with one showing evidence of an Sb shell at 4.15 Å. This provides evidence of the presence of multimeric Sb(V) thioantimonide species. Analysis of several solutions reveals the presence of a species with three Sb–S interactions of 2.41–2.42 Å, supporting the presence of a Sb(III) species such as Sb2S2(SH)2. Six solutions have S coordination numbers from 2.7–4 Å and Sb–S distances of 2.37–2.39 Å, and are likely to contain mixtures of at least two species in concentrations such that each make a significant contribution to the EXAFS. There was no clear relationship between either [Sbtot] or [HS] and the type of species present, but Sb(III) species were only present in the solutions with high pH. The effect of temperature was most significant in one solution, where at 423 K partial hydrolysis occurred and the presence of a species such as Sb2S2(OH)2, with an Sb–O distance of 1.91 Å, is indicated.The study provides new information on the coordination environment of thioantimonide species, complementary to previous studies and provides a basis for a better understanding of Sb speciation in aqueous solutions found in hydrothermal systems, anoxic basins and man-made, high pH environments. In particular it demonstrates the need for Sb(V) to be considered in theoretical and experimental studies of such systems. However, more definitive interpretation of some of the data is inhibited by the presence of mixtures of species and the lack of information on the outer coordination shells that would confirm the presence of multimeric species.  相似文献   

Structures, stabilities and vibrational spectra have been calculated using molecular quantum mechanical methods for As(OH)3, AsO(OH)3, As(SH)3, AsS(SH)3 and their conjugate bases and for several species with partial substitution of S for O. Properties for the neutral gas-phase molecules are calculated with state-of-the-art methods which yield AsL distances within 0. 01 Å and AsL stretching frequencies within 10 cm−1 of experiment. Similar accuracy is obtained for neutral molecules in solution using a polarizable continuum model (PCM). For monoanions such as and frequencies can be calculated to within 20 cm−1 of experiment using the polarizable continuum model. Multiply charged anions remain a challenge for accurate frequency calculations, but we have obtained results within the PCM model which at least semiquantitatively reproduce the available data. This allows us to assign the controversial features D, E and F in the Raman data of (Wood S. A., Tait C. D. and Janecky D. R. (2002) A Raman spectroscopic study of arsenite and thioarsenite species in aqueous solution at 25 °C. Geochem. Trans. 3, 31-39).To help in the assignment of the arsenic sulfide spectra we have also calculated energetics for the oxidation of As(III) to As(V) compounds by polysulfides, disproportionation of As(III) compounds and for the dissociation of the oxo- and thio-acids. We have determined that As(III) oxyacids can be transformed to thioacids which can in turn be oxidized to As(V) sulfides by polysulfides and that the pKa1s of the acids involved can be ordered as follows: AsS(SH)3 < As(SH)3 < AsO(OH)3 < As(OH)3 in order of increasing pKa1. We have also established from the calculated energies that the most stable form of the As(III) oxyacid in acidic aqueous solution is indeed As(OH)3, consistent with previous assignments.  相似文献   

Erickson and Helz (2000) established that molybdate, MoO4−2, is quickly and completely transformed to thiomolybdate, MoS4−2, by reaction with sulfide. They monitored the equilibria and kinetics of this process by measuring the UV-visible spectra of solutions containing the different oxythiomolybdate species. There is interest in the analogous reactions for the ReO4 species but little experimental data. We have therefore calculated quantum-chemically the equilibrium constants in solution for the sulfidation reactions of both MoO4−2 and ReO4, as well as recalculating their UV-visible charge-transfer spectra. Calculations using configuration interaction singles and time-dependent hybrid Hartree-Fock density functional methods give good absolute values and trends in UV-vis energies for both series. For MoO4−2 the calculated equilibrium constants for the various sulfidation steps match reasonably well against the experimental values (within two log K units). For the ReO4 sulfidation reaction the first two steps are considerably less favorable than for MoO4−2, suggesting that the “geochemical switch” of Erickson and Helz, a rapid transformation of oxyanion to thioanion highly dependent on sulfide concentration, will be less effective in the Re case. However, both our calculations and experiment indicate that ReO4 and ReS4 are both easier to reduce than their Mo analogs, so that reduction of these Re(VII) species will be the preferred mechanism for their removal from seawater. A previous suggestion that the neutral species MoO4H2 is actually the hydrated octahedral Mo(OH)6 species is found to be incorrect, but the MoO3(OH2)3 species, a highly distorted six-coordinate complex, is almost competitive in energy with MoO4H2 plus two H2O.  相似文献   

Two sets of measurements of the solubility of Pt and Pd in bisulfide solutions have been carried out at low temperatures. The first involved the equilibration of Pt metal with bisulfide solutions at 25 °C and pH = 6–12 for periods up to five years. These experiments yielded Pt concentrations on the order of tens of g/L at sulfide concentrations as low as 0.001 molal under conditions too reducing to permit significant contributions from hydroxide complexes. The second set of experiments consisted of reacting PtS, PdS and Au with H2S-saturated solutions having pH values of 3–4 at 25°, 50° and 90 °C. These experiments showed that the solubilities of all three metals increased with temperature. The observed order of solubility was Au > Pt Pd. Solubilities ranged from 10 to 75 g/L Au, 4 to 20 g/L Pt and 0.5 to 10 g/L Pd. The data do not permit definitive identification of the Pt and Pd species present in either set of experiments, but do strongly suggest that the species present under acidic and basic conditions are different. The measured solubility of gold at 25° and 50 °C is consistent with that measured in previous studies.Although the measured Pt and Pd solubilities are not as high as those estimated by theoretical methods, it is nevertheless evident that bisulfide complexation can lead to the remobilization of Pt and Pd over a wide range of pH under reducing conditions at geologically reasonable sulfide concentrations, at low as well as high temperatures. Such conditions are characteristic of a wide variety of geological environments where Pt and Pd have been inferred to have been affected by hydrothermal transport. In these cases, bisulfide complexation is far more effective than chloride or hydroxide complexes in transporting the PGE. On leave from: Shenyang Laboratory of Rock and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources, People's Republic of China  相似文献   

At Avoca, Eire, Kuroko-like sulfide mineralization comprising massive stratiform cupriferous pyrite, accompanied by hanging-wall galena-sphalerite mineralization and footwall stringer pyrite, is hosted by Ordovician sediments, calc-alkaline lavas and pyroclastics. The sequence has been subjected to low-grade regional metamorphism, isoclinal folding and thrusting. The surficial cover comprises nonexotic glacial drift some 2 m thick. Previous work has demonstrated that major-element lithogeochemistry reflects the wall-rock alteration associated with the mineralization, but these signatures are absent from the overlying till. There is a poor heavy metal-expression at surface of the concealed mineralization.Analysis of wall rock, basal till and surface till samples for the chalcophile pathfinder elements As, Sb, Bi and Se (by rapid techniques which involve the introduction of their volatile hydrides into an inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer) shows that a primary zonation of these elements around the mineralization can, in part, be traced to surface. In wall rocks, Bi enrichment is associated with the massive pyrite and footwall mineralization, Sb and Se anomalies occur in the hanging wall, and an As halo extends across all three types of mineralization. At surface, Bi and As anomalies are found over the massive pyrite and footwall zones, and an Sb anomaly occurs above the hanging-wall mineralization. The development of these patterns is attributed to mainly hydromorphic dispersion.The primary and surficial dispersion patterns of the chalcophile pathfinders should prove useful in exploration for other examples of Kuroko-type mineralization. The determination of these elements in geochemical exploration can be carried out quickly and cost-effectively.  相似文献   

The interaction of water and sulfide minerals yields dissolved species which can be utilized to trace back the presence of sulfide minerals and associated minerals. Computer modeling and laboratory and field results show that the most characteristic dissolved species are hydrogen sulfide (H2S, HS), polysulfide ions (Sn2−) and thiosulfate (S2O32−), derived from the hydrolysis of sulfide minerals. Typical concentration ranges are: 10−5 – 10−7 mole/l for hydrogen sulfide, 10−6 – 10−9 mole/l for polysulfides and 10−5 – 10−8 mole/l for thiosulfate. The chemical reactivity of these species at contact with air makes them difficult to assess unless determined immediately after sampling.These sulfur species can be determined rapidly and accurately in field conditions by simultaneous titration with mercuric chloride employing an Ag/Ag2S electrode for the determination of the end points.The application to ore exploration is exemplified by the results of the research on roll-type uranium deposits in the southwest of France.  相似文献   

采用全自动原子荧光光谱仪对海洋沉积物中的As、Sb、Bi、Hg进行连续测定,选择了仪器的最佳工作条件,探讨了方法的精密度、检出限。方法精密度为3.10%~3.92%,各元素的方法检出限:As、Sb为0.02×10-6,Bi为0.01×10-6,Hg为0.1×10-9。方法经国家一级标准物质验证,分析结果与推荐值十分吻合。该方法简便、快速、准确,已经应用于大量海洋沉积物样品的测定,取得了满意的效果。  相似文献   

薛佳 《岩矿测试》2021,40(2):250-261
土壤重金属污染物的环境效应与其无机价态有密切的关系。As、Cr、Sb和Se元素的价态测定意义重大,但由于价态之间易发生转化使测定工作存在较大难度,标准化程度较低。地质行业标准DD2005-3推荐使用离子交换树脂分离,原子荧光光谱差减法测定As、Sb、Se价态及石墨炉原子吸收光谱法(GFAAS)测定Cr价态。这些方法前处理操作繁琐,测定次数多,工作量大,其他元素形态的存在还会导致结果出现误差。为满足地质调查和评价的需要,本文建立了一套适用于测定土壤水溶态和离子交换态提取液中As、Cr、Sb、Se价态的方法。样品在50℃水浴振荡加热浸提30min,采用液相色谱-原子荧光光谱法(LC-AFS)分离并测定As、Sb、Se价态,一次进样元素的两种无机价态按顺序出峰,同时测定,简便易行,结果更可靠。为了避免了某些离子交换提取剂的屏蔽和干扰,作为补充建立了AFS选择性测定Sb、Se价态的方法,设备成本较低。对于Cr价态的测定,建立了阳离子交换树脂分离-电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)的方法,比推荐的GFAAS测定法灵敏度高。As、Cr、Sb和Se的检出限≤0.02μg/g,RSD为3.8%~10.7%,加标回收率为91.0%~106.0%。应用色谱方法对采集的土壤样品进行检测,各项指标满足规范DD2005-3质量要求,与非色谱法相比,实现多组分同时测定。同时初步研究表明,土壤中元素价态含量不高,与土壤总量不存在相关性,采用价态含量作为环境风险评估指标更为合适。  相似文献   

Single-crystal Raman spectra of marcasite-type FeS2, FeSe2, and FeTe2 and loellingite-type FeP2, FeAs2, and FeSb2 are presented and discussed with reference to the energies of the two X-X stretching modes v x-x (A g, B 1g) and the four X2 librations Rx2 (A g, B 1g, B 2g, B 3g). The main results obtained are that (i) the intraionic X-X bonds of FeS2 marcasite and FeS2 pyrite are nearly equal in strengths (mean values of the S-S stretching modes 418 and 420 cm-1, respectively) and (ii) the interactions of the metal ions and the dumbbell-like X2 units increase on going from the chalcogenides to the respective pnictides and from FeS2 marcasite to pyrite (as shown from the frequencies of the X2 librations).  相似文献   

应用ICP-AES法测定地质样品中的砷和锑   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡郁  孟红  苏丹 《吉林地质》2007,26(3):62-64,67
本文采用ICP-AES方法,对地质样品中砷、锑的测定进行了研究,建立了一种准确测定土壤及金矿化岩石样品中砷、锑的方法。该方法准确、简便、快捷,采用基体匹配法消除了大量基体的干扰。而且,克服了常规原子荧光方法不能达到的高含量测定范围。此方法对5个国家标准样品进行了验证,12次测定精密度小于6%。  相似文献   

在原子荧光光谱法中,通过改进地球化学样品的分解条件,预还原条件及测定条件,使砷、锑和汞能在同一介质中测定,而且实现了砷与汞的双道同时测定。方法的检测出限、准确度及精密度均能达到行业要求。  相似文献   

以0.10mol/L NaH2PO4和0.50mol/L NaHCO3为浸提剂,试验了其对土壤样品中As、Se、Sb的浸提效果;以氢化物发生-原子荧光法(HG-AFS)测定了浸提液中As、Se、Sb的含量。方法在武汉、宁镇测区应用试验表明:采用0.50mol/L的NaHCO3为As、Se、Sb的有效态浸提剂,以HG—AFS法测定其含量的方案可行,检出限分别为:0.006mg/kg、0.001mg/kg、0.002mg/kg。精密度试验,6个标准样品的RSD(n=12)As、Se、Sb均≤10.15%。  相似文献   

在原子荧光光谱法中,通过改进地球化学样品的分解条件、预处理及测定条件,使硒与砷、锑以及铋、汞能在同一母液中测定,而且实现了硒与汞或铋的双道同时测定.方法的检测出限、准确度及精密度均能达到行业要求.  相似文献   

徐爱琴 《岩矿测试》2001,20(1):79-80
针对原子荧光光谱法测试中易出现的仪器不稳、标准工作曲线线性不佳、重现性不好等问题,提出了相应的处理办法。  相似文献   

刘瑛 《江苏地质》2003,27(2):92-93
原子荧光光度法分析As、Sb、Bi已被广泛应用,但由于仪器没有色散系统,所以干扰因素较多。阐述了原子荧光光度分析法中常见的干扰及其消除方法。方法简单、快速、灵敏、低耗。  相似文献   

The rates of chemical reactions between aqueous sulfates and sulfides are essentially identical to sulfur isotopic exchange rates between them, because both the chemical and isotopic reactions involve simultaneous oxidation of sulfide-sulfur atoms and reduction of sulfate-sulfur. The rate of reaction can be expressed as a second order rate law: R = k·[∑SO42?]·[∑S2?], where R is the overall rate, k is the rate constant and [∑SO42?] and [∑S2?] are molal concentrations. We have computed the rate constants from the available experimental data on the partial exchange of sulfur isotopes between aqueous sulfates and sulfides using the rate law established by us: ln(αe ? ααe ? α0) = ? kt([∑SO42?] + [∑S2?]), where t is time and α0, α, and αe are, respectively, the fractionation factors at t = 0 (the initial condition), at the end of experiment, and at equilibrium. The equilibrium fractionation factor can be expressed as: 1000 ln αe = 6.463 × 106T2 + 0.56 (±.5) (T in Kelvin).The rate constants are strongly dependent on T and pH, but not in as simple a manner as suggested by Igumnov (1976). Our rate constants in Na-bearing hydrothermal solutions decrease by 1 order of magnitude with an increase in pH by 1 unit at pH's less than ~3, remain constant in the pH range of ~4 to ~7, and again decrease at pH >7. The activation energy for the reaction also depends on pH: 18.4 ± 1 kcal/mole at pH = 2, 29.6 ± 1 kcal/mole at pH = 4 to 7, and between 40 and 47 kcal/mole at pH around 9. The observed pH dependence of the rate constant and of the activation energy can be best explained by a model involving thiosulfate molecules as reaction intermediates, in which the intramolecular exchange of sulfur atoms in thiosulfates becomes the rate determining step.The rate constants obtained in this study were used to compute the changes in the isotopic fractionation factors between aqueous sulfates and sulfides during cooling of fluids. Comparisons with data of coexisting sulfate-sulfide minerals in hydrothermal deposits, suggest that simple cooling was not a likely mechanism for coprecipitation of sulfate and sulfide minerals at temperatures below 350°C. Mixing of sulfide-rich solutions with sulfate-rich solutions at or near the depositional sites is a more reasonable process for explaining the observed fractionation.The degree of attainment of chemical equilibrium between aqueous sulfates and sulfides in a hydrothermal system, and the applicability of aO2-pH type diagrams to mineral deposits, depends on the ∑S content and the thermal history of the fluid, which in turn is controlled by the flow rate and the thermal gradient in the system.The rates of sulfate reduction by non-bacterial processes involving a variety of reductants are also dependent on T, pH, [∑SO42?], and [∑S2?], and appear to be fast enough to become geochemically important at temperatures above about 200°C.  相似文献   

吴海涛 《岩矿测试》2007,26(6):509-510
针对原子荧光光谱法测试砷锑铋汞中易出现的仪器空白不稳定、样品制备及仪器污染等问题,总结出相应的解决方法。  相似文献   

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