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Rationalized by the observational circulation pattern in the upper ocean of the North Pacific, meridional friction term is first incorporated in a barotropic theoretical model of the wind-driven circulation. The governing potential vorticity equation thence has β term and wind stress curl term (the two of the Sverdrup balance), zonal friction term and meridional friction term. The analytical solution satisfactorily captures many important features of the wind-driven circulation in the North Pacific: Kuroshio, Oyashio, Kuroshio extension, North Equatorial Current, and especially the eastern boundary currents in the North Pacific, i.e. California current and Alaska current.  相似文献   


Barotropic Rossby waves are studied in a homogeneous fluid contained in a rotating cylindrical annulus with a radially sloping bottom boundary. The waves are forced by a simple source-sink distribution which can be rotated differentially relative to the annulus. When the speed of the source-sink distribution is close to the phase speed for a free Rossby wave of a given mode, resonant amplification occurs. The experimental results are in qualitative agreement with the predictions of a simple linear theory, but certain systematic differences between theory and experiment were observed.  相似文献   

A preliminary study of sediments and overlying water samples obtained at the approximate centre of the sewage sludge bed in the New York Bight, revealed significant numbers of coliforms resistant to antibiotics and heavy metals. Some of the isolates were shown to transfer antibiotic resistance during conjugation with a recipient strain of Salmonella gallinarum. The selection of bacterial populations resistant to antimicrobials may be significant in the ecology of this impoverished area, and requires further study.  相似文献   

Concentrations of chromium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc in superficial sediments in New York Bight are ten to a hundred times greater near waste disposal areas than in uncontaminated sediments. Some wastes are transported by currents north-east towards Long Island and south-east along the Hudson Submarine Valley.  相似文献   

Sediment from the sewage sludge dump site area in the New York Bight contains bacteria resistant to antibiotics and heavy metals. The purpose of this study was to determine if antibiotic resistance could be transferred from donor to recipient Escherichia coli strains inoculated into glass vessels containing sediment and seawater obtained near the dump site. Temperature was maintained at 10°C, the mean winter temperature of benthic water at the dump site. Transconjugants (recipients which inherit donor genes for tetracycline resistance) were isolated from the seawater and sediment within one hour after inoculation and were found in all subsequent sediment samples for one month. Donor and recipient E. coli remained viable in the sediment for at least one month. Our results indicate that sewage sludge polluted sediment may serve as an environment conducive to conjugal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes.  相似文献   

Sediments of the New York Bight were analysed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and found to be heavily contaminated by such substances. The highest concentrations are adjacent to an offshore sludge dump zone, implying that the primary source of PCBs is sewage sludge in the area under consideration. Widespread transport of PCBs out of the bight is not evident as the area of contamination is limited to areas of mud accumulation. The PCB profile in a core of these mud facies can be historically correlated to the commercial production of PCBs.  相似文献   

The distribution of faecal coliform densities found in New York Bight sediments indicated that sewage sludge material has contaminated areas extending 11 km north and 37 km south from the disposal site. A high degree of confidence for enumerating faecal coliforms in marine sediments was demonstrated by standard water methodology since 82.3% of the faecal coliform group isolated were Escherichia coli. This study also indicated that marine sediments could be stored 4 days at 4°C without appreciable changes in the faecal coliform count, and that, in situ, faecal coliforms would persist longer when sediment temperatures were low.  相似文献   

Concentrations of silver, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, manganese, nickel, lead and zinc were measured in five species of finfish collected from the New York Bight and two from Long Island Sound. With few exceptions the trace metal contents were similar for the various species examined and also for a single species when comparing catch locations. Metal levels also were similar to concentrations reported by two other investigators who studied fish from the North Atlantic.  相似文献   


We consider the growth of disturbances to large-scale zonally-asymmetric steady states in a truncated spectral model for forced and dissipated barotropic flow. A variant of the energy method is developed to optimize the instantaneous disturbance energy growth rate. The method involves solving a matrix eigenvalue problem amenable to standard numerical techniques. Two applications are discussed. (1) The global stability of a family of steady states is assessed in terms of the Ekman damping coefficient r. It is shown that monotonic global stability (i.e., every disturbances energy monotonically decays to zero) prevails when rrc . (2) Initially fastest-growing disturbances are constructed in the r<rc regime. Particular attention is paid to a subregion of the r<rc regime where initially-growing disturbances exist despite stability with respect to normal modes. Nonlinear time-dependent simulations are performed in order to appraise the time evolution of various disturbances.  相似文献   

This paper compares and contrasts data on the chemical characteristics and acute toxicities of the waste from nine applicants (representing 20 sewage treatment facilities) currently disposing of municipal sewage sludge at the 12-Mile dumpsite located in the New York Bight Apex. Each of the chemical analytes examined for the 20 facilities was highly variable, both within and among facilities. Toxicity tests conducted by the applicants revealed that, in the majority of tests, Mysidopsis bahia was the most sensitive of the three species tested. Five facilities that receive large volumes of industrial waste were found to contribute over 75% of the total toxic load to the dumpsite.  相似文献   

Microorganisms resistant to 1–500 ppm cadmium were isolated over an 11 month period from sediments at the sewage sludge, dredge spoils and industrial acid waste disposal sites, as well as at an estuarine outflow to the New York Bight apex. Tests for antibiotic resistance in these isolates revealed that 94% of the isolates were resistant to one or more antibiotics and that 91% of the original isolates could be characterized by multiple drug resistance. Different selective pressures may account for the various genera and antimicrobial resistance patterns observed. The possibility of extrachromosomal linkage of cadmium and streptomycin resistance is discussed.  相似文献   

The mean residence time (τ) of thorium with respect to non-radioactive removal from water was determined as a function of location in three traverses of the New York Bight using both234Th/238U and228Th/228Ra. τ correlates well with salinity increasing from about ten days near shore to 70 days at the shelf break. It shows a much weaker correlation with suspended matter concentrations both because suspended matter varies in its scavenging efficiency and because salinity is a longer-term integrator of scavenging potential.τ's computed from228Th/228Ra were often higher than those computed from234Th/238U either because of the detrital matter present as reflected in the232Th concentrations or because the water parcels had recently arrived from environments of lower scavenging efficiency.Anomalous isotopic concentrations found in three adjacent samples can best be explained as the result of an episodic release of228Ra from bottom sediments at a rate 200 times the normal one.  相似文献   

The quantities of petroleum hydrocarbons being discharged to the Hudson Raritan estuary have been estimated, in tonnes day?1, from data in the literature as: sewage discharges (35), oil refinery discharges (1.3), non-oil refinery industrial discharges (17), oil spills (1.5), atmospheric deposition (0.002), urban and rural run-off (37). Losses have been estimated in a somewhat similar manner as: permanent deposition in sediments (11), dredging (5.8), advection (6.5), bed sedimentary transport (0.007), decomposition in water and sediments (42), evaporation (0.4), movement of surface slicks (0.4). The results are approximate but suggest that petroleum hydrocarbons originate principally from sewage as well as urban and rural run-off and only moderate proportions are discharged through the estuary mouth. However, this discharge combined with that due to dredging spoil disposal operations results in a considerable quantity of petroleum hydrocarbon entering the adjacent New York Bight.  相似文献   

Particle-reactive radionuclides were determined in sediments from the inner New York Bight to trace transport and storage of fine-grained sediments and associated reactive materials. Seven sediment ? cores 20–50 cm in length were analyzed for water content, loss on ignition (LOI) and excess210Pb; three of these were also analyzed for239,240Pu. Excepting some depth horizons in a core from a dredge-spoil dumpsite, every sample analyzed contained excess210Pb. Variations in the concentration of excess210Pb with depth in the sediment at all stations correlated strongly with LOI, which apparently traces that fraction of the sediment which is active in removing reactive elements from the water column. In the cores analyzed for239,240Pu, every sample contained finite Pu, and Pu concentrations correlated strongly with excess210Pb.The radionuclide distributions may be simply viewed as products of steady-state sediment accumulation or of mixing. Geochemically reasonable accumulation rates are very high (0.5–2.6 g/cm2 y) and could probably only be sustained by offshore transport of dumped materials. At the other extreme the relationships between excess210Pb and LOI are compatible with rapid mixing of a210Pb carrier phase (traced by LOI) into the pre-existing substrate with little or no actual accumulation. Other non-steady-state processes, such as sediment gravity flow, could also explain the observed distributions.Measured sediment inventories (dpm/cm2) of excess210Pb and Pu at these stations are greatly in excess of those supportable by direct atmospheric deposition: lateral supply is required. Incorporation of sedimentary fines into the sand substrate could make the inner New York Bight an important repository of reactive materials.  相似文献   

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