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In the southern periphery of the Sausar Mobile Belt (SMB), thesouthern component of the Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ),a suite of felsic and aluminous granulites, intruded by gabbro,noritic gabbro, norite and orthopyroxenite, records the polymetamorphicevolution of the CITZ. Using sequences of prograde, peak andretrograde reaction textures, mineral chemistry, geothermobarometricresults and petrogenetic grid considerations from the felsicand the aluminous granulites and applying metamorphosed maficdyke markers and geochronological constraints, two temporallyunrelated granulite-facies tectonothermal events of Pre-Grenvillianage have been established. The first event caused ultrahigh-temperature(UHT) metamorphism (M1) (T 950°C) at relatively deepercrustal levels (P 9 kbar) and a subsequent post-peak near-isobariccooling PT history (M2). M1 caused pervasive biotite-dehydrationmelting, producing garnet–orthopyroxene and garnet–rutileand sapphirine–spinel-bearing incongruent solid assemblagesin felsic and aluminous granulites, respectively. During M2,garnet–corundum and later spinel–sillimanite–biotiteassemblages were produced by reacting sapphirine–spinel–sillimaniteand rehydration of garnet–corundum assemblages, respectively.Applying electron microprobe (EMP) dating techniques to monazitesincluded in M1 garnet or occurring in low-strain domains inthe felsic granulites, the UHT metamorphism is dated at 2040–2090Ma. Based on the deep crustal heating–cooling PTtrajectory, the authors infer an overall counterclockwise PTpath for this UHT event. During the second granulite event,the Palaeoproterozoic granulites experienced crustal attenuationto 6·4 kbar at T 675°C during M3 and subsequentnear-isothermal loading to 8 kbar during M4. In the felsic granulites,the former is marked by decomposition of M1 garnet to orthopyroxene–plagioclasesymplectites. During M4, there was renewed growth of garnet–quartzsymplectites in the felsic granulites, replacing the M3 mineralassemblage and also the appearance of coronal garnet–quartz–clinopyroxeneassemblages in metamorphosed mafic dykes. Using monazites frommetamorphic overgrowths and metamorphic recrystallization domainsfrom the felsic granulite, the M4 metamorphism is dated at 1525–1450Ma. Using geochronological and metamorphic constraints, theauthors interpret the M3–M4 stages to be part of the sameMesoproterozoic tectonothermal event. The result provides thefirst documentation of UHT metamorphism and Palaeo- and Mesoproterozoicmetamorphic processes in the CITZ. On a broader scale, the findingsare also consistent with the current prediction that isobaricallycooled granulites require a separate orogeny for their exhumation. KEY WORDS: Central Indian Tectonic Zone; UHT metamorphism; counterclockwise PT path; monazite chemical dating  相似文献   

V. Mathavan  G. W. A. R. Fernando   《Lithos》2001,59(4):217-232
Grossular–wollastonite–scapolite calc–silicate granulites from Maligawila in the Buttala klippe, which form part of the overthrusted rocks of the Highland Complex of Sri Lanka, preserve a number of spectacular coronas and replacement textures that could be effectively used to infer their P–T–fluid history. These textures include coronas of garnet, garnet–quartz, and garnet–quartz–calcite at the grain boundaries of wollastonite, scapolite, and calcite as well as calcite–plagioclase and calcite–quartz symplectites or finer grains after scapolite and wollastonite respectively. Other textures include a double rind of coronal scapolite and coronal garnet between matrix garnet and calcite. The reactions that produced these coronas and replacement textures, except those involving clinopyroxene, are modelled in the CaO–Al2O3–SiO2–CO2 system using the reduced activities. Calculated examples of TXCO2 and PXCO2 projections indicate that the peak metamorphic temperature of about 900–875 °C at a pressure of 9 kbar and the peak metamorphic fluid composition is constrained to be low in XCO2 (0.1<XCO2<0.30). Interpretation of the textural features on the basis of the partial grids revealed that the calc–silicate granulites underwent high-temperature isobaric cooling, from about 900–875 °C to a temperature below 675 °C, following the peak metamorphism. The late-stage cooling was accompanied by an influx of hydrous fluids. The calc–silicate granulites provide evidence for high-temperature isobaric cooling in the meta-sediments of the Highland Complex, earlier considered by some workers to be confined exclusively to the meta-igneous rocks. The coronal scapolite may have formed under open-system metasomatism.  相似文献   

WILLNER  ARNE P. 《Journal of Petrology》2005,46(9):1805-1833
In the Chilean Coastal Cordillera, two units, the Western andEastern Series, constitute coeval parts of a Late Palaeozoicpaired metamorphic belt dominated by siliciclastic metasediments.The Western Series also contains rocks from the upper oceaniccrust and represents an accretionary prism. Omnipresent high-pressureconditions are reflected by Na–Ca-amphibole and phengitein greenschists. Peak PT conditions of 7·0–9·3kbar, 380–420°C point to a metamorphic gradient of11–16°C/km. Three unique occurrences of blueschistyield deviating conditions of 9·5–10·7 kbar,350–385°C and are interpreted as relics from the lowermostpart of the basal accretion zone preserving the original gradientof 9–11°C/km along the subducting slab. Pervasiveductile deformation related to basal accretion occurred nearpeak PT conditions. Deformation and PT evolution of the metapsammopeliticrocks is similar to that of the metabasites. However, a raregarnet mica-schist yields peak PT conditions of 9·6–14·7kbar, 390–440°C reflecting a retrograde stage aftercooling from a high-temperature garnet-forming stage. It isconsidered to be an exhumed relic from the earliest siliciclasticrocks subducted below a still hot mantle wedge. A retrogradeoverprint of all rock types occurred at 300–380°C.Continuous reactions caused crystal growth and recrystallizationwith abundant free water mostly under strain-free conditions.They record a pressure release of 3–4 kbar without erasingpeak metamorphic mineral compositions. The Eastern Series lacksmetabasite intercalations and represents a less deformed retro-wedgearea. In the study area it was entirely overprinted at a uniformdepth at 3 ± 0·5 kbar with temperatures progressivelyrising from 400°C to 720°C towards the coeval Late Palaeozoicmagmatic arc batholith. The interrelated pattern of PT datapermits a conceptual reconstruction of the fossil convergentmargin suggesting a flat subduction angle of 25° with continuousbasal accretion at a depth of 25–40 km and a short mainintrusion pulse in the magmatic arc. The latter was accompaniedby the formation of a thermal dome in the retro-wedge area,which remained stable relative to the vertically growing accretionaryprism characterized by cyclic mass flow. KEY WORDS: paired metamorphic belt; greenschist; blueschist; central Chile; thermobarometry  相似文献   

Hafnium isotope and incompatible trace element data are presentedfor a suite of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) from 13 to 47°Eon the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR), one of the slowest spreadingand most isotopically heterogeneous mid-ocean ridges. Variationsin Nd–Hf isotope compositions and Lu/Hf ratios clearlydistinguish an Atlantic–Pacific-type MORB source, presentwest of 26°E, characterized by relatively low Hf valuesfor a given Nd relative to the regression line through all Nd–Hfisotope data for oceanic basalts (termed the ‘Nd–Hfmantle array line’; the deviation from this line is termedHf) and low Lu/Hf ratios, from an Indian Ocean-type MORB signature,present east of 32°E, characterized by relatively high Hfvalues and Lu/Hf ratios. Additionally, two localized, isotopicallyanomalous areas, at 13–15°E and 39–41°E,are characterized by distinctly low negative and high positiveHf values, respectively. The low Hf MORB from 13 to 15°Eappear to reflect contamination by HIMU-type mantle from thenearby Bouvet mantle plume, whereas the trace element and isotopiccompositions of MORB from 39 to 41°E are most consistentwith contamination by metasomatized Archean continental lithosphericmantle. Relatively small source-melt fractionation of Lu/Hfrelative to Sm/Nd, compared with MORB from faster-spreadingridges, argues against a significant role for garnet pyroxenitein the generation of most central SWIR MORB. Correlations betweenHf and Sr and Pb isotopic and trace element ratios clearly delineatea high-Hf ‘Indian Ocean mantle component’ that canexplain the isotope composition of most Indian Ocean MORB asmixtures between this component and a heterogeneous Atlantic–Pacific-typeMORB source. The Hf, Nd and Sr isotope compositions of IndianOcean MORB appear to be most consistent with the hypothesisthat this component represents fragments of subduction-modifiedlithospheric mantle beneath Proterozoic orogenic belts thatfoundered into the nascent Indian Ocean upper mantle duringthe Mesozoic breakup of Gondwana. KEY WORDS: mid-ocean ridge basalt; isotopes; incompatible elements; Indian Ocean  相似文献   

The mutual solubility in the system corundum–hematite[-(Al, Fe3+)2O3] was investigated experimentally using bothsynthetic and natural materials. Mixtures of -Al2O3 and -Fe2O3(weight ratios of 8:2 and 10:1) were used as starting materialsfor synthesis experiments in air at 800–1300°C withrun times of 7–34 days. Experiments at 8–40 kbarand 490–1100°C were performed in a piston-cylinderapparatus (run times of 0·8–7·4 days) usinga natural diasporite consisting of 60–70 vol. % diasporeand 20–30 vol. % Ti-hematite. During the diasporite–corunditetransformation, the FeTiO3 component (12–18 mol %) ofTi-hematite only slightly increased, implying that oxygen fugacitywas maintained at high values. Run products were studied byelectron microprobe and X-ray diffraction (Rietveld) techniques.An essentially linear volume of mixing exists in the solid solutionwith a slight positive deviation at the hematite side. Up to1000°C, corundum contains <4 mol % Fe2O3 and hematite<10 mol % Al2O3; at 1200°C these amounts increase to9·3 and 17·0 mol %, respectively. At 1300°Chematite was no longer stable and coexists with the orthorhombic phase . The present results agree with corundum (solvus) compositions obtained inprevious studies but indicate a larger solubility of Al in hematite.The miscibility gap in the solution can be modelled with anasymmetric Margules equation with interaction parameters (2uncertainties): ; ; ; . Application of the corundum–hematite solution as a solvus geothermometer is limited because of thescarcity of suitable rock compositions. KEY WORDS: corundum; hematite; corundum–hematite miscibility gap; experimental study; Margules model; metabauxite  相似文献   

Melt inclusion and host glass compositions from the easternend of the Southwest Indian Ridge show a progressive depletionin light rare earth elements (LREE), Na8 and (La/Sm)n, but anincrease in Fe8, from the NE (64°E) towards the SW (49°E).These changes indicate an increase in the degree of mantle meltingtowards the SW and correlate with a shallowing of the ridgeaxial depth and increase in crustal thickness. In addition,LREE enrichment in both melt inclusions and host glasses fromthe NE end of the ridge are compatible with re-fertilizationof a depleted mantle source. The large compositional variations(e.g. P2O5 and K2O) of the melt inclusions from the NE end ofthe ridge (64°E), coupled with low Fe8 values, suggest thatmelts from the NE correspond to a variety of different batchesof melts generated at shallow levels in the mantle melting column.In contrast, the progressively more depleted compositions andhigher Fe8 values of the olivine- and plagioclase-hosted meltinclusions at the SW end of the studied region (49°E), suggestthat these melt inclusions represent batches of melt generatedby higher degrees of melting at greater mean depths in the mantlemelting column. Systematic differences in Fe8 values betweenthe plagioclase- and the olivine-hosted melt inclusions in theSW end (49°E) of the studied ridge area, suggest that theplagioclase-hosted melt inclusions represent final batches ofmelt generated at the top of the mantle melting column, whereasthe olivine-hosted melt inclusions correspond to melts generatedfrom less depleted, more fertile mantle at greater depths. KEY WORDS: basalt; melt inclusions; olivine; plagioclase; Southwest Indian Ridge  相似文献   

A multi-method geochronological approach is applied to unravelthe dynamics of a paired metamorphic belt in the Coastal Cordilleraof central Chile. This is represented by high-pressure–low-temperaturerocks of an accretionary prism (Western Series), and a low-pressure–high-temperatureoverprint in the retro-wedge with less deformed metagreywackes(Eastern Series) intruded by magmas of the coeval arc. A pervasivetransposition foliation formed in metagreywackes and interlayeredoceanic crust of the Western Series during basal accretion nearmetamorphic peak conditions (350–400°C, 7–11kbar) at 292–319 Ma (40Ar/39Ar phengite plateau ages).40Ar/39Ar UV laser ablation ages of phengite record strain-freegrain growth and recrystallization with a duration of 31–41Myr during a pressure release of 3–4 kbar. During earlyaccretion the main intrusion in the arc occurred at 305 Ma (Pb–Pbevaporation; zircon) and the Eastern Series was overprintedby a short high-temperature metamorphism at 3 kbar, 296–301Ma (40Ar/39Ar muscovite plateau ages). Fission-track ages ofzircon (206–232 Ma) and of apatite (80–113 Ma) aresimilar in both series, indicating synchronous cooling duringdistinct periods of exhumation. Early exhumation (period I)during continuing basal accretion proceeded with mean ratesof 0·19–0·56 mm/yr, suggesting that erosionin a tectonically active area was an important unroofing mechanism.At the same time mean rates were 0·03–0·05mm/yr in the Eastern Series, where crustal thickening was minor.A shallow granite intruded into the Western Series at 224 Ma,at the end of basal accretion activity, when exhumation ratesdecreased to 0·04–0·06 mm/yr in both seriesduring period II (100–225 Ma). Major extension, basinformation and local bimodal dyke intrusion at 138 Ma were accompaniedby mean cooling rates of 1–2°C/Myr. Accelerated coolingof 3–5°C/Myr at 80–113 Ma suggests a mid-Cretaceousconvergence event (period III). After 80 Ma cooling rates decreasedto 1–2°C/Myr (period IV). The pressure–temperature–deformation–timeinformation for subduction, basal accretion and exhumation inthe accretionary wedge of central Chile illustrates that theseprocesses reflect a continuous cyclic mass flow that lastednearly 100 Myr, while the retro-wedge remained stable. Afterthe cessation of accretion activity a similarly long periodof retreat of the subducting slab occurred; this ended withrenewed convergence and shortening of the continental margin. KEY WORDS: exhumation rates; Ar/Ar geochronology; fission-track geochronology; Chile; paired metamorphic belt  相似文献   

Within the Zitácuaro–Valle de Bravo (ZVB) regionof the central Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB), three lava serieshave erupted during the Quaternary: (1) high-K2O basaltic andesitesand andesites; (2) medium-K2O basaltic andesites, andesitesand dacites; (3) high-TiO2 basalts and basaltic andesites. Thedominant feature of the first two groups is the lack of plagioclaseaccompanying the various ferromagnesian phenocrysts (olivine,orthopyroxene, augite, and hornblende) in all but the dacites.This absence of plagioclase in the phenocryst assemblages ofthe high-K2O and medium-K2O intermediate lavas is significantbecause it indicates high water contents during the stage ofphenocryst equilibration. In contrast, the high-TiO2 group ischaracterized by phenocrysts of plagioclase and olivine. Thespatial distribution of these three lava series is systematic.The southern section of the ZVB transect, 280–330 km fromthe Middle America Trench (MAT), is characterized by high-K2Omelts that are relatively enriched in fluid-mobile elementsand have the highest 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Medium-K2O basaltic andesiteand andesite lavas are present throughout the transect, butthose closest to the MAT are MgO-rich (3·5–9·4wt %) and have phenocryst assemblages indicative of high magmaticwater contents (3·5–6·5 wt % water) andrelatively low temperatures (950–1000°C). In markedcontrast, the northern section of the ZVB transect (380–480km from the MAT) has high-TiO2, high field strength element(HFSE)-enriched magmas that have comparatively dry (< 1·5wt % magmatic water) and hot (1100–1200°C) phenocrystequilibration conditions. The central section of the ZVB transect(330–380 km from the MAT) is a transition zone and producesmoderately light rare earth element (LREE) and large ion lithophileelement (LILE)-enriched, medium-K2O lavas with phenocryst assemblagesindicative of intermediate (1·5–3·5 wt %)water contents and temperatures. The high-K2O series compositionsare the most enriched in LILE and LREE, with a narrow rangeof radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr from 0·704245 to 0·704507,143Nd/144Nd values ranging from 0·512857 to 0·512927(Nd = 4·27–5·63), and 208Pb/204Pb valuesfrom 38·248 to 38·442, 207Pb/204Pb values from15·563 to 15·585, and 206Pb/204Pb values from18·598 to 18·688. The medium-K2O series compositionsare only moderately enriched in the LILE and LREE, with a broaderrange of 87Sr/86Sr, but similar 143Nd/144Nd and 208Pb/204Pbvalues to those of the high-K2O series. In contrast, the high-TiO2series compositions have little enrichment in LILE or LREE andinstead are enriched in the HFSE and heavy rare earth elements(HREE). The high-TiO2 lavas are isotopically distinct in theirlower and narrower range of 143Nd/144Nd. The isotopic variationsare believed to reflect the upper mantle magma source regionsas the low content of phenocrysts in most lavas precludes significantupper crustal assimilation or magma mixing, other than thatrepresented by the presence of quartz xenocrysts (< 2 vol.%) with rhyolitic glass inclusions, which are found in manyof these lavas. The systematic spatial variation in compositionof the three lava series is a reflection of the underlying subduction-modifiedmantle and its evolution. KEY WORDS: central Mexico; geochemistry; isotopes; Quaternary volcanism; hydrous lavas  相似文献   

The mid-Holocene eruptive products of Nevado de Longavívolcano (36·2°S, Chile) are the only reported occurrenceof adakitic volcanic rocks in the Quaternary Andean SouthernVolcanic Zone (33–46°S). Dacites of this volcano arechemically distinct from other evolved magmas of the regionin that they have high La/Yb (15–20) and Sr/Y (60–90)ratios and systematically lower incompatible element contents.An origin by partial melting of high-pressure crustal sourcesseems unlikely from isotopic and trace element considerations.Mafic enclaves quenched into one of the dacites, on the otherhand, constitute plausible parental magmas. Dacites and maficenclaves share several characteristics such as mineral chemistry,whole-rock isotope and trace element ratios, highly oxidizingconditions (NNO + 1·5 to >NNO + 2, where NNO is thenickel–nickel oxide buffer), and elevated boron contents.A two-stage mass-balance crystal fractionation model that matchesboth major and trace elements is proposed to explain magmaticevolution from the least evolved mafic enclave to the dacites.Amphibole is the main ferromagnesian phase in both stages ofthis model, in agreement with the mineralogy of the magmas.We also describe cumulate-textured xenoliths that correspondvery closely to the solid assemblages predicted by the model.We conclude that Nevado de Longaví adakitic dacites arethe products of polybaric fractional crystallization from exceptionallywater-rich parent magmas. These basaltic magmas are inferredto be related to an exceptionally high, but transient inputof slab-derived fluids released from serpentinite bodies hostedin the oceanic Mocha Fracture Zone, which projects beneath Nevadode Longaví. Fractional crystallization that is modallydominated by amphibole, with very minor garnet extraction, isa mechanism for generating adakitic magmas in cold subductionzones where a high flux of slab-derived fluids is present. KEY WORDS: adakite; amphibole; Andes; differentiation; Southern Volcanic Zone  相似文献   

We present an experimental and petrological study aimed at estimatingthe pre-eruptive conditions of a Holocene dacitic lava fromVolcán San Pedro (36°S, Chilean Andes). Phase-equilibriumexperiments were performed at temperatures (T) from 800 to 950°C,and mainly at 200 MPa, but also at 55, 150, and 406 MPa. Oxygenfugacity (fO2) ranged from the Ni–NiO buffer (NNO) to3·5 log units above (NNO + 3·5), and water contentsfrom  相似文献   

A combined petrological and geochronological study was carriedout on mafic granulites and associated felsic gneisses fromthe McKaskle Hills, eastern Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica.Garnet-bearing mafic granulites exhibit reaction textures andexsolution textures that indicate two-stage metamorphic evolution.Thermobarometric estimates from matrix and symplectite assemblagesyield peak and retrograde PT conditions of 9·0–9·5kbar and 880–950°C and 6·6–7·2kbar and 700–750°C, respectively. Similar but slightlyscattered peak PT estimates of 7·9–10·1kbar and 820–980°C are obtained from the core compositionsof minerals from felsic para- and orthogneisses. Evidence forthe prograde history is provided by muscovite inclusions ingarnet from a paragneiss. Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobeU–Pb zircon dating reveals an evolutionary history forthe granulites, including a mafic and felsic igneous intrusionat 1174–1019 Ma, sedimentation after 932–916 Ma,and a high-grade metamorphism at 533–529 Ma. In contrast,Sm–Nd mineral–whole-rock dating mainly yields asingle age population at 500 Ma. This suggests that the McKaskleHills form part of the Prydz Belt, and that the relatively highpeak PT conditions and a decompression-dominated PTpath for the rocks resulted from a single Cambrian metamorphiccycle, rather than two distinct metamorphic events as formerlyinferred for the granulites from Prydz Bay. The age data alsoindicate that the Precambrian history of the McKaskle Hillsis not only distinct from that of the early Neoproterozoic terranein the northern Prince Charles Mountains, but also differentfrom that of other parts of the Prydz Belt. The existence ofmultiple basement terranes, together with considerable crustalthickening followed by tectonic uplift and unroofing indicatedby the clockwise PTt evolution, suggests thatthe Prydz Belt may represent a collisional orogen that resultedin the assembly of Gondwana during the Cambrian period. KEY WORDS: Mesoproterozoic basement; Cambrian metamorphism; P–T path; Prydz Belt; East Antarctica  相似文献   

The Central Zone (CZ) of the Limpopo Complex of southern Africais characterized by a complex deformational pattern dominatedby two types of fold geometries: large sheath folds and crossfolds. The sheath folds are steeply SSW-plunging closed structureswhereas the cross folds are north–south-oriented withnear-horizontal fold axes. In the area south of Messina thiscomplexly folded terrain grades continuously towards the southinto a crustal-scale ENE–WSW-trending ductile shear zonewith moderate dip towards the WSW. All sheath folds documentconsistent top-to-the-NE thrust movement of high-grade material.The timing of this shear deformational event (D2) and thus ofthe gneissic fabric (S2) is constrained (at  相似文献   

The Kyffhäuser Crystalline Complex, Central Germany, formspart of the Mid-German Crystalline Rise, which is assumed torepresent the Variscan collision zone between the East Avalonianterrane and the Armorican terrane assemblage. High-precisionU–Pb zircon and monazite dating indicates that sedimentaryrocks of the Kyffhäuser Crystalline Complex are youngerthan c. 470 Ma and were intruded by gabbros and diorites between345 ± 4 and 340 ± 1 Ma. These intrusions had magmatictemperatures between 850 and 900°C, and caused a contactmetamorphic overprint of the sediments at PT conditionsof 690–750°C and 5–7 kbar, corresponding toan intrusion depth of 19–25 km. At 337 ± 1 Ma themagmatic–metamorphic suite was intruded by granites, syenitesand diorites at a shallow crustal level of some 7–11 km.This is inferred from a diorite, and conforms to PT pathsobtained from the metasediments, indicating a nearly isothermaldecompression from 5–7 to 2–4 kbar at 690–750°C.Subsequently, the metamorphic–magmatic sequence underwentaccelerated cooling to below 400°C, as constrained by garnetgeospeedometry and a previously published K–Ar muscoviteage of 333 ± 7 Ma. With respect to PTDtdata from surrounding units, rapid exhumation of the KCC canbe interpreted to result from NW-directed crustal shorteningduring the Viséan. KEY WORDS: contact metamorphism; U–Pb dating; hornblende; garnet; Mid-German Crystalline Rise; PT pseudosection  相似文献   

Significant petrogenetic processes governing the geochemicalevolution of magma bodies include magma Recharge (includingformation of ‘quenched inclusions’ or enclaves),heating and concomitant partial melting of country rock withpossible ‘contamination’ of the evolving magma body(Assimilation), and formation and separation of cumulates byFractional Crystallization (RAFC). Although the importance ofmodeling such open-system magma chambers subject to energy conservationhas been demonstrated, the effects of concurrent removal ofmagma by eruption and/or variable assimilation (involving imperfectextraction of anatectic melt from wall rock) have not been considered.In this study, we extend the EC-RAFC model to include the effectsof Eruption and variable amounts of assimilation, A. This model,called EC-E'RAFC, tracks the compositions (trace elements andisotopes), temperatures, and masses of magma body liquid (melt),eruptive magma, cumulates and enclaves within a composite magmaticsystem undergoing simultaneous eruption, recharge, assimilationand fractional crystallization. The model is formulated as aset of 4 + t + i + s coupled nonlinear differential equations,where the number of trace elements, radiogenic and stable isotoperatios modeled are t, i and s, respectively. Solution of theEC-E'RAFC equations provides values for the average temperatureof wall rock (Ta), mass of melt within the magma body (Mm),masses of cumulates (Mct), enclaves (Men) and wall rock () and the masses of anatectic melt generated () and assimilated (). In addition, t trace element concentrations and i + s isotopic ratios inmelt and eruptive magma (Cm, m, m), cumulates (Cct, m, m), enclaves(Cen, , ) and anatectic melt (Ca, , ) as a function of magma temperature (Tm) are also computed. Input parametersinclude the (user-defined) equilibration temperature (Teq),a factor describing the efficiency of addition of anatecticmelt () from country rock to host magma, the initial temperatureand composition of pristine host melt (, , , ), recharge melt (, , , ) and wall rock (, , , ), distribution coefficients (Dm, Dr, Da) and their temperaturedependences (Hm, Hr, Ha), latent heats of transition (meltingor crystallization) for wall rock (ha), pristine magma (hm)and recharge magma (hr) as well as the isobaric specific heatcapacity of assimilant (Cp,a), pristine (Cp,m) and recharge(Cp,r) melts. The magma recharge mass and eruptive magma massfunctions, Mr(Tm) and Me(Tm), respectively, are specified apriori. Mr(Tm) and Me(Tm) are modeled as either continuous orepisodic (step-like) processes. Melt productivity functions,which prescribe the relationship between melt mass fractionand temperature, are defined for end-member bulk compositionscharacterizing the local geologic site. EC-E'RAFC has potentialfor addressing fundamental questions in igneous petrology suchas: What are intrusive to extrusive ratios (I/E) for particularmagmatic systems, and how does this factor relate to rates ofcrustal growth? How does I/E vary temporally at single, long-livedmagmatic centers? What system characteristics are most profoundlyinfluenced by eruption? What is the quantitative relationshipbetween recharge and assimilation? In cases where the extractionefficiency can be shown to be less than unity, what geologiccriteria are important and can these criteria be linked to fieldobservations? A critical aspect of the energy-constrained approachis that it requires integration of field, geochronological,petrologic, and geochemical data, and, thus, the EC-ERAFC ‘systems’approach provides a means for answering broad questions whileunifying observations from a number of disciplines relevantto the study of igneous rocks. KEY WORDS: assimilation; energy conservation; eruption; open system; recharge  相似文献   

ZEH  A. 《Journal of Petrology》2004,45(10):2101-2132
Crystal size distributions (CSD) and shapes of accessory apatite,titanite and allanite are investigated in three texturally distinctgarnet zones (Z1–Z3) and in the matrix (Z4) of a garnet–epidote–biotitegneiss from the Moine Supergroup. Additionally, textural relationshipsand interactions between the accessory minerals and surroundingrock-forming minerals are considered, results of numerical CSDmodelling are presented, and geochronological and geologicalconsequences of the inferred CSD evolutions are discussed. Texturesand CSDs indicate that the accessory minerals were in, or near,a stage of nucleation and initial growth immediately prior togarnet Z1 overgrowth, and formed within less than 20 000 years,either by a size-independent or size-dependent growth mechanism.Subsequently, the CSDs were modified by different growth mechanisms,as supported by several parameters including CSDs, grain numbers,grain sizes, specific volumes and others. The apatite CSD evolutionfrom Z1 to Z4 is consistent with open-system LPE (Law of ProportionateEffects) growth accompanied and followed by supply controlledrandom ripening, whereas transformation of the original titaniteCSD is more consistent with Ostwald ripening, temporarily accompaniedby positive or negative McCabe growth. The allanite CSDs alsopoint to Ostwald ripening between Z3 and Z4. The textural observationsindicate that the growth evolution of the accessory phases wasinfluenced by mineral reactions with surrounding rock-formingminerals, as well as by deformation and matrix coarsening, ina manner similar to that found in more simple ceramic systems.The observed textures require a successive temperature risethroughout the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the investigatedrock, in agreement with existing PT data. Fast nucleationand initial growth of the accessory minerals during Z1 was perhapsinitiated by contact metamorphism, whereas subsequent growthand annealing (Z2–Z4) result from regional metamorphicevents. KEY WORDS: apatite; titanite; allanite; CSD; Moine Supergroup; textures; kinetics  相似文献   

A light-coloured, fine-grained eclogite sample from near thevillage of Hammerunterwiesenthal in the Erzgebirge (NW BohemianMassif) preserves the low-variance mineral assemblage of garnet,omphacite, phengite, talc, amphibole, clinozoisite, quartz,rutile, and accessory phases. Porphyroblasts of amphibole, clinozoisite,and phengite formed during a late stage (III) of metamorphism.Paragonite joined the assemblage late in this stage (IIIb).The chemical zonation of the minerals was carefully studied.Various geothermobarometric methods were applied, especiallyinvolving phengite and talc. The constrained PT pathfor the eclogite starts at about 480°C and 25 kbar (stageIb), followed by a significant temperature rise (stage II) atslightly increasing pressure. At the peak PT conditionsof 720°C and 27 kbar, blastesis of amphibole, clinozoisite,and phengite was caused by infiltrating hydrous fluids. Theresulting density reduction may have allowed buoyant upliftof the eclogite. Subsequently, significant cooling occurredat high pressures. Stage IIIb is characterized by PTconditions around 520°C and 18 kbar at reduced water activities.This unusual late PT evolution might explain the freshnessof the eclogite, including the preservation of chemical zonationon the micrometre scale. KEY WORDS: eclogite; Saxonian Erzgebirge; PT evolution; talc; phengite  相似文献   

Abstract A suite of granulites including a meta-ironstone, pyroxenites, and spinel-lherzolites from East Tonagh Island, Enderby Land, Antarctica, preserve exsolution-recry-stallization features consistent with a shared metamorphic evolution that involves marked cooling from initial metamorphic temperatures of nearly 1000°C. Reintegrated pre-exsolution and pre-reaction grain compositions in the meta-ironstone indicate the former coexistence of metamorphic pigeonite (Wo12En38Fs50) and ferroaugite (Wo35En31Fs34) at temperatures in excess of 980°C for pressures of 7 kbar (0.7 GPa) using pyroxene quadrilateral thermometry (Lindsley, 1983). Intra-grain lamellae relationships indicate the exsolution of a second pigeonite (Wo12En35Fs53) from the ferroaugite at temperatures in the range 930–970°C, prior to the c. 720–600°C exsolution of orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene (100) lamellae and later partial recrystallization at similar temperatures. Although pyroxenitic and iherzolitic granulites preserve a much less complete history, reintegrated porphyroclast compositions in these yield temperature estimates which approach those inferred from the metaironstone. Pyroxene thermometry based on neoblast compositions suggests that recrystallization post-dating a late, low intensity, deformation phase (D3) occurred at temperatures greater than 600°C. These results are consistent with the independent evidence obtained from studies of metapelitic and felsic rock types for very high temperature metamorphism throughout the Napier Complex followed by near-isobaric cooling and later deformation under lower-grade granulite facies conditions. Comparison with similar pyroxene data from Fyfe Hills (Sandiford & Powell, 1986) demonstrates further the regional significance of these high temperatures, and implies broadly isothermal metamorphic conditions over a large area (~ 5000 km2) and thickness (6–9 km) of lower crust at c. 3070 Ma.  相似文献   

Xenoliths hosted by Quaternary basanites and alkali basaltsfrom Marsabit (northern Kenya) represent fragments of Proterozoiclithospheric mantle thinned and chemically modified during riftingin the Mesozoic (Anza Graben) and in the Tertiary–Quaternary(Kenya rift). Four types of peridotite xenoliths were investigatedto constrain the thermal and chemical evolution of the lithosphericmantle. Group I, III and IV peridotites provide evidence ofa cold, highly deformed and heterogeneous upper mantle. Textures,thermobarometry and trace element characteristics of mineralsindicate that low temperatures in the spinel stability field(750–800°C at <1·5 GPa) were attained bydecompression and cooling from initially high pressures andtemperatures in the garnet stability field (970–1080°Cat 2·3–2·9 GPa). Cooling, decompressionand penetrative deformation are consistent with lithosphericthinning, probably related to the development of the Mesozoicto Paleogene Anza Graben. Re-equilibrated and recrystallizedperidotite xenoliths (Group II) record heating (from 800°Cto 1100°C). Mineral trace element signatures indicate enrichmentby mafic silicate melts, parental to the Quaternary host basanitesand alkali basalts. Relationships between mineral textures,P–T conditions of equilibration, and geochemistry canbe explained by metasomatism and heating of the lithosphererelated to the formation of the Kenya rift, above a zone ofhot upwelling mantle. KEY WORDS: East African Rift System; Anza Graben; in situ LA-ICPMS; peridotite xenoliths; thermobarometry  相似文献   

A combined set of U–Pb and Lu–Hf in situ laser ablationICP-(MC)-MS zircon analyses were obtained from orthogneissesand granitoids in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, whichcomprises the Beit Bridge and Mahalapye complexes. The resultsindicate that by combining the two isotope systems primary magmaticzircon domains can be distinguished from those formed duringlater metamorphic events, even if the distinct zircon domainsunderwent multiple Pb loss and the texture–age relationships,as obtained by cathodoluminescence images and U–Pb analyses,are ambiguous. Furthermore, the applied technique allows distinctionof zircon grains formed in juvenile magmas from those generatedby melting of older continental crust or affected by substantialcrustal contamination. The combined U–Pb and Lu–Hfdata reveal that the Sand River gneiss suite of the Beit BridgeComplex was emplaced at 3283 ± 8 Ma and formed from meltingof an older Archaean crust, which was derived from a depletedmantle source at around 3·65 Ga. The hafnium model age(TDMHf) is significantly older than those obtained from zirconsfrom numerous Neoarchaean granitoids of the Beit Bridge Complex,comprising the Singelele gneiss (2647 ± 12 Ma), the Bulaigranite (2612 ± 7 Ma), the Regina gneiss (2649 ±9 Ma) and two samples of the Zanzibar gneiss (2613 ±6 Ma). These granitoids show initial Hf(t) values between +0·5 and –7·1, which correspond to initialTDMHf between 3·46 and 3·01 Ga. These variableTDMHfinitial and Hf(t)initial values are interpreted to be theresult of different mixtures of reworked 3·65 Ga Palaeoarchaeancrust with juvenile magmas extracted from the depleted mantleduring the Neoarchaean at 2·65 Ga. This conclusion issupported by results obtained from the Mahalapye Complex, whichwas affected by migmatization and granite intrusions duringthe Palaeoproterozoic at 2·02–2·06 Ga. TheMokgware granite (2019 ± 9 Ma) contains zircon xenocrystswith Pb–Pb ages of 2·52–2·65 Ga and2·93 Ga and hafnium model ages of 3·0–3·4Ga, indicating that this granite is derived from remelting ofArchaean crust. In contrast, uniform TDMHfinitial ages of 2·61–2·67Ga obtained from a diorite gneiss (2061 ± 6 Ma) of theMahalapye Complex indicate that its protolith may have beenformed from remelting of a Neoarchaean juvenile crust. VariableHf(t)initial values from –3·7 to +6·3 ofzircon cores (2711 ± 11 Ma) in an adjacent leucosomealso support a model of mixing of juvenile mantle derived matterwith older crust in the Neoarchaean. KEY WORDS: Archaean; Palaeoproterozoic; Limpopo Belt; zircon, U–Pb dating; Lu–Hf isotopes; LA-ICP-MS  相似文献   

Different lithologies (impure marble, eclogite and graniticorthogneiss) sampled from a restricted area of the coesite-bearingBrossasco–Isasca Unit (Dora Maira Massif) have been investigatedto examine the behaviour of 40Ar–39Ar and Rb–Srsystems in phengites developed under ultrahigh-pressure (UHP)metamorphism. Mineralogical and petrological data indicate thatzoned phengites record distinct segments of the PT path:prograde, peak to early retrograde in the marble, peak to earlyretrograde in the eclogite, and late retrograde in the orthogneiss.Besides major element zoning, ion microprobe analysis of phengitein the marble also reveals a pronounced zoning of trace elements(including Rb and Sr). 40Ar–39Ar apparent ages (35–62Ma, marble; 89–170 Ma, eclogite; 35–52 Ma, orthogneiss),determined through Ar laserprobe data on phengites (step-heatingand in situ techniques), show wide intra-sample and inter-samplevariations closely linked to within-sample microchemical variations:apparent ages decrease with decreasing celadonite contents.These data confirm previous reports on excess Ar and, more significantly,highlight that phengite acted as a closed system in the differentlithologies and that chemical exchange, not volume diffusion,was the main factor controlling the rate of Ar transport. Conversely,a Rb–Sr internal isochron from the same eclogite yieldsan age of 36 Ma, overlapping with the time of the UHP metamorphicpeak determined through U–Pb data and thereby corroboratingthe previous conclusion that UHP metamorphism and early retrogressionoccurred in close succession. Different phengite fractions ofthe marble yield calcite–phengite isochron ages of 36to 60 Ma. Although this time interval matches Ar ages from thesame sample, Rb–Sr data from phengite are not entirelyconsistent with the whole dataset. According to trace elementvariations in phengite, only Rb–Sr data from two wet-groundphengite separates, yielding ages of 36 and 41 Ma, are internallyconsistent. The oldest age obtained from a millimetre-sizedgrain fraction enriched in prograde–peak phengites mayrepresent a minimum age estimate for the prograde phengite relics.Results highlight the potential of the in situ 40Ar–39Arlaser technique in resolving discrete PT stages experiencedby eclogite-facies rocks (provided that excess Ar is demonstrablya negligible factor), and confirm the potential of Rb–Srinternal mineral isochrons in providing precise crystallizationages for eclogite-facies mineral assemblages. KEY WORDS: 40Ar–39Ar dating; Rb–Sr dating; phengite; SIMS; UHP metamorphism  相似文献   

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