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Simple models, like the well-known point source of dilation (Mogis source) in an elastic, homogeneous and isotropic half-space, are widely used to interpret geodetic and gravity data in active volcanic areas. This approach appears at odds with the real geology of volcanic regions, since the crust is not a homogeneous medium and magma chambers are not spheres. In this paper, we evaluate several more realistic source models that take into account the influence of self-gravitation effects, vertical discontinuities in the Earths density and elastic parameters, and non-spherical source geometries. Our results indicate that self-gravitation effects are second order over the distance and time scales normally associated with volcano monitoring. For an elastic model appropriate to Long Valley caldera, we find only minor differences between modeling the 1982–1999 caldera unrest using a point source in elastic, homogeneous half-spaces, or in elasto-gravitational, layered half-spaces. A simple experiment of matching deformation and gravity data from an ellipsoidal source using a spherical source shows that the standard approach of fitting a center of dilation to gravity and uplift data only, excluding the horizontal displacements, may yield estimates of the source parameters that are not reliable. The spherical source successfully fits the uplift and gravity changes, overestimating the depth and density of the intrusion, but is not able to fit the radial displacements.  相似文献   

Long Valley Caldera is an active volcanic region in east central California. Surface deformation on the resurgent dome within the caldera was an order of magnitude higher for the five-month period September 1997 through January 1998 compared to the previous three-year average. However, the location of the immediate (shallow) source of deformation remained essentially constant, 5–7 km beneath the dome, near the top of a region of probable magma accumulation defined by seismic data. Similarly, although the rate of seismic moment release increased dramatically, earthquake locations remained similar to earlier periods. The rate of deformation increased exponentially between April–May 1997 and late November 1997 with a time constant of ∼55–65 days, after which it decreased exponentially with about the same time constant. We develop a model consistent with these observations and also consistent with independent constraints on sub-surface rheology from thermal, geochemical and laboratory data. Deformation at sites on the resurgent dome most sensitive to the shallow deformation source are well fit by a model with a single pressure source at 6 km depth which experienced a pressure pulse that began in late 1996, peaked in November 1997, close to the time of major seismic moment release, and essentially ended in mid-1999. The pressure source in our model is surrounded by a 1 km thick “shell” of Maxwell viscoelastic material (shell viscosity 1016 Pa s) within an elastic half space, and has peak values that are much lower than corresponding purely elastic half space models. The shell viscosity is characteristic of a weak, deformable solid, e.g. quartz-bearing country rock surrounding the magma chamber at temperatures in the range 500–600°C, i.e. above the brittle–ductile transition, and/or largely crystallized rhyolite near its solidus temperature of ∼670°C, material that probably exists near the top of the zoned magma chamber at Long Valley.  相似文献   

In this paper, we detail the combination of the genetic algorithm (GA) inversion technique with the elastic-gravitational model originally developed by Rundle and subsequently refined by Fernández and others. A sensitivity analysis is performed for the joint inversion of deformation and gravity to each of the model parameters, illustrating the importance of proper identification of both the strengths and limitations of any source model inversion, and this technique in particular. There is a practical comparison of the theoretical results with the inversion of geodetic data observed at the Mayon volcano in the Philippines, where there are gravity changes without significant deformation, after the 1993 eruption.  相似文献   

Surface displacements and gravity changes due to volcanic sources are influenced by medium properties. We investigate topographic, elastic and self-gravitation interaction in order to outline the major factors that are significant in data modelling. While elastic-gravitational models can provide a suitable approximation to problems of volcanic loading in areas where topographic relief is negligible, for prominent volcanoes the rough topography could affect deformation and gravity changes to a greater extent than self-gravitation. This fact requires the selection, depending on local relief, of a suitable model for use in the interpretation of surface precursors of volcanic activity. We use the three-dimensional Indirect Boundary Element Method to examine the effects of topography on deformation and gravity changes in models of magma chamber inflation/deflation. Topography has a significant effect on predicted surface deformation and gravity changes. Both the magnitude and pattern of the geodetic signals are significantly different compared to half-space solutions. Thus, failure to account for topographic effects in areas of prominent relief can bias the estimate of volcanic source parameters, since the magnitude and pattern of deformation and gravity changes depend on such effects.  相似文献   

New and previously published micro-gravity data are combined with InSAR data, precise levelling and GPS measurements to produce a model for the processes operating at Krafla volcano, 20 years after its most recent eruption. The data have been divided into two periods: from 1990 to 1995 and from 1996 to 2003 and show that the rate of deflation at Krafla is decaying exponentially. The net micro-gravity change at the centre of the caldera is shown, using the measured free air gradient, to be −85 μGal for the first and −100 μGal for the second period. After consideration of the effects of water extraction by the geothermal power station within the caldera, the net gravity decreases are −73±17 μGal for the first and −65±17 μGal for the second period. These decreases are interpreted in terms of magma drainage. Following a Mogi point source model, we calculate the mass decrease to be ∼2×1010 kg/year reflecting a drainage rate of ∼0.23 m3/s, similar to the ∼0.13 m3/s drainage rate previously found at Askja volcano, N. Iceland. Based on the evidence for deeper magma reservoirs and the similarity between the two volcanic systems, we suggest a pressure-link between Askja and Krafla at deeper levels (at the lower crust or the crust-mantle boundary). After the Krafla fires, co-rifting pressure decrease of a deep source at Krafla stimulated the subsequent inflow of magma, eventually affecting conditions along the plate boundary in N. Iceland, as far away as Askja. We anticipate that the pressure of the deeper reservoir at Krafla will reach a critical value and eventually magma will rise from there to the shallow magma chamber, possibly initiating a new rifting episode. We have demonstrated that by examining micro-gravity and geodetic data, our knowledge of active volcanic systems can be significantly improved.Editorial responsibility: A. Harris  相似文献   

The Corbetti Caldera area, a recent volcanic complex in the Main Ethiopian Rift Valley, is described. In the area, most of the volcanic products are peralkaline pyroclastics (ignimbrites and pumice). The volcanological history of this complex has been reconstructed. It comprises fissure eruptions, which were followed by a volcano-tectonic collapse. Finally the activity resumed with the birth of two recent peralkaline volcanoes (Urji and Chabbi) inside the caidera. Both these volcanoes are at present in a fumarolic stage. Relations between the tectonic of the Rift Valley and the volcanological evolution of the Caldera Corbetti Area are discussed.  相似文献   

Surfacedeformationandgravitychangescausedbydilatancyinalayeredelastic┐vis┐coelastichalfspaceYONGWANG(王勇)HOUTSEHSU(许厚泽)Instit...  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the stress change associated with the inverted volcanic source models at Mayon volcano, Philippines, where there are gravity changes without significant deformation after the 1993 eruption. We detail the applicable data and the associated inversion techniques and models prior to calculating the appropriate stress changes. It is determined that the stress change associated with the central magmatic source produces compressional stress changes at a secondary source to the northwest, prompting a change in the local water storage in the underlying fractured rock.  相似文献   

One of the fundamental questions in modern volcanology is the manner in which a volcanic eruption is triggered; the intrusion of fresh magma into a reservoir is thought to be a key component. The amount by which previously ponded reservoir magma interacts with a newly intruded magma will determine the nature and rate of eruption as well as the chemistry of erupted lavas and shallow dykes. The physics of this interaction can be investigated through a conventional monitoring procedure that incorporates the simple and much used Mogi model relating ground deformation (most simply represented by Δh) to changes in volume of a magma reservoir. Gravity changes (Δg) combined with ground deformation provide information on magma reservoir mass changes. Our models predict how, during inflation, the observed Δgh gradient will evolve as a volcano develops from a state of dormancy through unrest into a state of explosive activity. Calderas in a state of unrest and large composite volcanoes are the targets for the methods proposed here and are exemplified by Campi Flegrei, Rabaul, Krafla, and Long Valley. We show here how the simultaneous measurement of deformation and gravity at only a few key stations can identify important precursory processes within a magma reservoir prior to the onset of more conventional eruption precursors.  相似文献   

We hereby present a new Bouguer gravity map of the La Gomera island (Canarian Archipelago), which is analysed and interpreted by means of a 3-dimensional inversion, in order to contribute to the knowledge of the structural setting of this volcanic island and its evolutionary history. A land gravity data set covering the whole island of La Gomera is used in combination with offshore measurements to achieve a better determination of the gravity field in areas near the coasts.The study of this map let us to shed some light on the hypothesis established about the volcanism of this island. Moreover, it shows the information that is hidden from a geological surface exploration, modelling deep sections of the crust in La Gomera, which have been unknown until now.A first interpretation of the Bouguer gravity anomaly is achieved from 1) the residual gravity map calculated by removing a regional component and 2) the total horizontal gradient of the gravity. These residual and derivative maps allow us to identify the horizontal location and borders of the shallowest gravity sources. This provides a useful tool to study the structures associated to the latest periods of the volcanism in the area. Moreover, the information so obtained supports the hypothesis about the migration of volcanic activity towards the south of the island.Subsequently, an inversion process is carried out looking for the 3D-modelisation of the sources of the observed gravity field, which provides a comprehensive view of the structures in volcanic environments. The inversion technique used is based on a genetic algorithm (GA) applied upon a prismatic partition of the subsoil volume, and adopting a priori values of density contrast (positive and negative). The main advantage of this method is that let us to model deep and shallow bodies which exhibit very different geometries and density contrasts. So, results indicate that this inversion strategy can be very effective for characterization of volcanic structures, improving the information from previous geologic and volcanologic studies. The inversion model obtained shows correlation between several sources of the gravity field and the volcanic units associated with the growth of La Gomera Island. The main gravity source of this model is associated with the oldest unit, called the Basal Complex. This unit corresponds to the first submarine growth stage and it is modelled as the most important and deepest high density structure. According to previous geological studies, the following edifice (Old Edifice) was also submarine in its initial phases, later being represented by a wide basaltic shield volcano. The original location and morphology of this Old Edifice is deduced from the distribution of positive density contrasts that appears in the model. Moreover, other gravity field sources are identified and associated to several feeding systems of this stage of the volcanism in La Gomera. The shallowest sections of the model let us recognise the distribution of light material inside the Vallehermoso caldera, surrounded by high density structures. This gives us some insight into the internal structure and morphology of the caldera, pointing to a vertical collapse origin followed by erosion and other destructive processes. Finally, other conclusions are obtained from the correlation found between the sources of the gravity field and the migration of the volcanic activity towards the southern area of the island.  相似文献   

The Reporoa Caldera occupies the northern end of the Reporoa Depression, previously described as a tectonic fault-angle depression. Earlier confirmation of the topographic basin as a caldera had been hindered by the lack of an associated young pyroclastic flow deposit of large enough volume to have caused caldera collapse. New exposures on the eastern margin of the Reporoa basin reveal thick lithic lag breccias (>30 m) interbedded within the 0.24 Ma Kaingaroa Ignimbrites. These ignimbrites were previously attributed to the adjacent Okataina Volcanic Centre. Lag breccia thicknesses and maximum clast sizes decrease rapidly outward from the caldera rim, and discrete breccias are absent from ignimbrite sections more than 3 km from the rim. The lithic lag breccias, together with structural and geophysical evidence, confirm Reporoa Caldera as the source of the c. 100 km3 Kaingaroa Ignimbrites, adding another major rhyolitic volcanic centre to the seven previously recognized in the Taupo Volcanic Zone. Other, older, calderas may also be present in the Reporoa Depression.  相似文献   

2002~2003年长白山火山区的水平运动缺乏中心对称性分布特征,本文采用同一深度沿三个互相垂直方向拉张的点源模式模拟了长白山火山区的岩浆囊压力变形源. 在介质参数为Vp=6.700 km/s,Vs=3.8700 km/s,ρ=2900 kg/m3的均匀弹性半空间中, 联合利用2002~2003年长白山火山区的GPS观测数据和水准数据, 结合PSGRN/PSCMP代码和遗传算法反演长白山火山区的压力变形源特征. 反演结果表明,由三个垂直的不等量扩张方向确定的椭球状点源模型可以较好地模拟长白山火山区岩浆囊压力变形源. 岩浆囊深处9.2 km,在走向为34.4°,倾角为82.2°的断层面的法向方向体积扩张量最大,达到7000000 m3;在走向为3028°,倾角为78.5°的断层面的法向方向体积扩张量次之,达到6598071 m3;在走向为337.7°,倾角为14.0°的断层面的法向方向体积扩张量最小,达到5220160 m3.  相似文献   

Mammoth Mountain, which stands on the southwest rim of Long Valley caldera in eastern California, last erupted ∼57,000 years BP. Episodic volcanic unrest detected beneath the mountain since late 1979, however, emphasizes that the underlying volcanic system is still active and capable of producing future volcanic eruptions. The unrest symptoms include swarms of small (M  3) earthquakes, spasmodic bursts (rapid-fire sequences of brittle-failure earthquakes with overlapping coda), long-period (LP) and very-long-period (VLP) volcanic earthquakes, ground deformation, diffuse emission of magmatic CO2, and fumarole gases with elevated 3He/4He ratios. Spatial-temporal relations defined by the multi-parameter monitoring data together with earthquake source mechanisms suggest that this Mammoth Mountain unrest is driven by the episodic release of a volume of CO2-rich hydrous magmatic fluid derived from the upper reaches of a plexus of basaltic dikes and sills at mid-crustal depths (10–20 km). As the mobilized fluid ascends through the brittle–plastic transition zone and into overlying brittle crust, it triggers earthquake swarm activity and, in the case of the prolonged, 11-month-long earthquake swarm of 1989, crustal deformation and the onset of diffuse CO2 emissions. Future volcanic activity from this system would most likely involve steam explosions or small-volume, basaltic, strombolian or Hawaiaan style eruptions. The impact of such an event would depend critically on vent location and season.  相似文献   

A 17-benchmark geodetic network in the volcanic area of the Teide Caldera, Canary Islands has been utilised several times since 1982 to detect crustal movements associated with volcanic activity within the network, as well as a procedure for solving configuration problems. The network is located on the mid-western side of the Caldera, where there are two different morphological zones that both have benchmarks. The authors performed a sensitivity test of this geodetic network for volcano monitoring purposes. To do so, we use a deformation model to calculate surface displacement caused by a dike intrusion in a homogenous half space. The depth and location of dike are changed to study the variation of the effects produced (displacements). The size and location of the intruded dike are found to play a major role in determining both the displacement pattern and magnitude. When the dike is close to the surface, there is an inversion of the surface displacement pattern and very large surface displacement at certain benchmarks. Such phenomena can serve as precursors of such dike eruptions. Our study show a clear need to extend the existing geodetic network to cover the full island for volcano monitoring purposes.  相似文献   

Aso Volcano experienced a huge pyroclastic eruption 90 thousand years ago, and formed a large caldera (18 km × 25 km). In order to test the hypothesis of a magma body in the mid and lower crust that has been suggested geophysically and geochemically, we investigated seismic velocity discontinuities and velocity structure beneath Aso Caldera using receiver functions and a genetic algorithm inversion. We confirm the existence of the Moho at depths between 30 km and 35 km and a large velocity anomaly should exist in the deep portion of the crust beneath Aso Caldera, from imaging of receiver functions observed only at stations outside the caldera. As a result of a more detailed examination with GA inversion, a low velocity layer is detected at depths between 10 km and 24 km beneath the western part of the caldera. S-wave velocity of the layer is estimated to be 2.0–2.4 km/s. We estimate that the low velocity layer contains at most 15% melt or 30% aqueous fluid. The layer exists near the Conrad and at the same depths as the swarm of the low frequency earthquakes and a compressional and dilatational deformation source which are expected to be caused by fluid movement beneath the middle-eastern part of the caldera. Fluid contained in the layer might be related with huge pyroclastic eruptions of Aso Volcano.  相似文献   

Collapsed calderas are the structural surface expression of the largest volcanic eruptions on Earth and may reach diameters of tens of kilometres while erupting volumes larger than 1000 km3. Remnants of collapse calderas can be found along the South American volcanic arc and are thought to be inactive. However, this study shows that systems of such dimension may become active in a relatively short period of time without attracting much attention. Using satellite-based InSAR data, a 45 km wide elongated area of ground deformation was observed in the Lazufre volcanic region (Chile), where no deformation was detected 10 years ago. The deformation signal shows an uplift of up to ~ 3 cm yr− 1 during 2003–2006, affecting an area of about 1100 km2, comparable in size to super-volcanoes such as Yellowstone or Long Valley. This deformation signal can be explained by an inflating magma body at about 10 km depth, expanding and propagating laterally at a velocity of up to 4 km per year. Although it is not clear whether this intrusion will lead to an eruption, its dimensions and the rapid deformation rate insinuate that a potentially large volcanic system is forming.  相似文献   

Subsidence within the main caldera of Askja volcano in the North of Iceland has been in progress since 1983. Here, we present new ground- and satellite-based deformation data, which we interpret together with new and existing micro-gravity data, to help understand which processes may be responsible for the unrest. From 2003 to 2007, we observe a net micro-gravity decrease combined with subsidence and from 2007 to 2009 we observe a net micro-gravity increase while the subsidence continues. We infer subsidence is caused by a combination of a cooling and contracting magma chamber at a divergent plate boundary. Mass movements at active volcanoes can be caused by several processes, including water table/lake level movements, hydrothermal activity and magma movements. We suggest that, here, magma movement and/or a steam cap in the geothermal system of Askja at depth are responsible for the observed micro-gravity variations. In this respect, we rule out the possibility of a shallow intrusion as an explanation for the observed micro-gravity increase but suggest magma may have flowed into the residing shallow magma chamber at Askja despite continued subsidence. In particular, variable compressibility of magma residing in the magma chamber as well as compressibility of the surrounding rock may be the reason why this additional magma did not create any detectable surface deformation.  相似文献   

We review the results of the geodetic and structural studies carried out on La Palma Island using geodetic and geophysical data during the period 1992–2007. InSAR and GPS observation techniques were applied to study the existence of deformation on the island and gravity observations were carried out for structural studies. Gravity data were inverted using a nonlinear three-dimensional gravity inversion approach to obtain the geometry of the anomalous bodies constructed in a random growth process with respect to an exponentially stratified background. The main structural feature is a large central body (under the Caldera de Taburiente) with high density, which was interpreted as the Pliocene-age uplifted seamount and a relatively dense intrusive plutonic complex/magma body. The Cumbre Vieja series is characterized by elongated minima distributed according to the rift structure. InSAR results show a clear subsidence located on the Teneguía volcano, where the last eruption took place in 1971. A thermal source is the most probable origin for this deformation. A GPS network composed of 26 stations covering the total island surface was set up. Vertical displacements determined comparing the GPS coordinates obtained in 2007 with coordinates determined in 1994 are consistent with the InSAR results obtained in the southern part of the island. This is not the case for the northern part. From the comparison of 2006 and 2007 coordinates it is clear that more time is needed to obtain significant displacements, but observed trends are also consistent with InSAR results. All the observed significant displacements are in stations located outside of the large high-density central body.  相似文献   

火山岩油气藏重磁电震综合预测方法及应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过准噶尔盆地陆东地区数十口钻井资料的对比分析、归纳总结,提出了火山岩油气藏重磁电震综合预测方法.将正则化下延与延拓回返垂直二次导数串联形成了一个新的滤波器,该滤波器相当于首先通过正则化下延将位场曲面延拓至地下目的层段,降低火山岩埋深对磁J异常幅值的影响,然后利用延拓回返垂直二次导数对弱信号进行增强,不仅提高了位场异常...  相似文献   

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