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Near real-time transfer of GPS common-view data is no longer a problem, but near real-time data processing of the data still calls for study, because it is not yet achieved by the usual smoothing and filtering techniques. Based on the characteristics of the GPS common-view data, a Kalman filtering algorithm is designed for estimating the time difference between two sites, while greatly reducing the observational noise. The algorithm is applied to the time difference between the National Time Service Center (NTSC) of China and the Communications Research Laboratory (CRL) of Japan (Over 2000 km apart), and to that between the CRL and the Korean Research Institute of Standards and Sciences (KRIS) (over 1000 km apart). The root mean square errors of the results obtained by the Kalman filter relative to those obtained from the Circular T of BIPM are less than 2.9 ns and 2.6 ns, in the two cases. Further, it is pointed out that, when multi-site data within a common-view network are available we can further improve the accuracy of the time comparisons by indirect observation adjustment. This statement was justified by application to the data from all three stations, i.e. NTSC, CRL, and KRIS.  相似文献   

The Abel integral transformation in GPS/LEO occultation technique requires the atmospheric index of refraction n to be a single-valued function of the refractional radius a. This condition is broken when the vertical refractivity gradient is less than a critical value dN/dr∼-0.16 N-units m−1, and it is called superrefraction. The Abel integral transformation is no longer valid under this condition, and, if the classical Abel transformation is still formally applied, then a negative refractivity bias occurs in results. The physical characteristics and mathematical expression of the superrefraction phenomenon in the lower troposphere are described. In the frame of a general Abel integral transformation, the inversion algorithm of the atmospheric profiles in and below the superrefraction layer is discussed. Under a simple assumption of the constant vertical gradient of refractivity in the sampling interval, the simulation calculation is carried out on UK High Resolution Radiosonde Data. The computational results have verified the relationship between the negative refractivity bias and the superrefraction phenomenon, as well as the validity of the general Abel transformation proposed.  相似文献   

GPS/LEO掩星技术中Abel积分变换的奇点问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
郭鹏  严豪健  洪振杰  刘敏  黄珹 《天文学报》2004,45(3):330-337
在GPS/LEO无线电掩星反演地球大气技术中,Abel积分是反演地球大气折射指数的最常用的方法,Abel积分存在积分奇点的问题,根据这一问题讨论了解决奇异积分的几种不同的积分方法,并提出了一种直接求Abel积分变换的解析解.通过数值积分模拟计算,对比了各种不同积分方法引入了的计算误差。  相似文献   

非圆轨道GPS/LEO掩星反演地球大气参数的算法及讨论   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
在非圆轨道GPS和LEO卫星条件下,给出一种较为直接的GPS/LEO掩星反演地球大气参数技术中弯曲角序列的迭代算法,并在理论上对该迭代法的收敛性进行了严格的数学证明.利用GPS掩星反演模拟程序,定量估算了卫星圆轨道假设对GPS/LEO掩星反演地球大气参数的影响,并验证了在非圆轨道条件下各种迭代法的一致性.指出了文献中给出的级数展开迭代算法的不足之处.  相似文献   

GIM在LEO卫星单频GPS定轨中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭冬菊  吴斌 《天文学报》2012,53(1):36-50
电离层延迟误差是单频GPS(Global Positioning System)数据最主要的误差源,为提高基于单频GPS数据的LEO(Low Earth Orbiting)卫星定轨精度,必须消除/减弱GPS观测数据中电离层延迟影响.研究了全球电离层模型GIM(Global IonosphericMaps)在基于单频GPS伪距数据的低轨卫星运动学和动力学定轨中的应用,并通过估算电离层尺度因子的方法消除C/A码伪距观测量中电离层延迟影响.由于LEO卫星星载GPS信号受电离层延迟影响与卫星轨道高度相关,选取了轨道高度在300~800 km的CHAMP(CHAllenging Mini-satellite Payload)、GRACE(Gravity Recovery AndClimate Experiment)、TerraSAR-X及SAC-C等LEO卫星C/A码伪距观测量作为试算数据.CHAMP等卫星实测数据计算结果表明:以JPL(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)发布的GIM模型作为背景模型,通过电离层比例因子法能很好地消除C/A码伪距观测量中电离层延迟影响,提高LEO卫星运动学和动力学定轨精度,其中,CHAMP卫星轨道最低,受电离层延迟影响最严重,定轨精度提高最显著,分别为55.6%和47.6%;SAC-C卫星轨道高度最高,受电离层延迟影响最小,相应的定轨精度提高幅度也最低,分别为47.8%和38.2%.  相似文献   

With the precise GPS ephemeris and clock error available, the iono- spheric delay is left as the dominant error source in the single-frequency GPS data. Thus, the removal of ionospheric effects is a ma jor prerequisite for an improved orbit reconstruction of LEO satellites based on the single-frequency GPS data. In this paper, the use of Global Ionospheric Maps (GIM) in kine- matic and dynamic orbit determinations for LEO satellites with single-frequency GPS pseudorange measurements is discussed first, and then, estimating the iono- spheric scale factor to remove the ionospheric effects from the C/A-code pseu- dorange measurements for both kinematic and dynamic orbit determinations is addressed. As it is known that the ionospheric delay of space-borne GPS sig- nals is strongly dependent on the orbit altitudes of LEO satellites, we select the real C/A-code pseudorange measurement data of the CHAMP, GRACE, TerraSAR-X and SAC-C satellites with altitudes between 300 km and 800 km as sample data in this paper. It is demonstrated that the approach to eliminating ionospheric effects in C/A-code pseudorange measurements by estimating the ionospheric scale factor is highly effective. Employing this approach, the accu- racy of both kinematic and dynamic orbits can be improved notably. Among those five LEO satellites, CHAMP with the lowest orbit altitude has the most remarkable improvements in orbit accuracy, which are 55.6% and 47.6% for kine- matic and dynamic orbits, respectively. SAC-C with the highest orbit altitude has the least improvements in orbit accuracy accordingly, which are 47.8% and 38.2%, respectively.  相似文献   

Using principal component analysis, we have studied the equivalent widths of optical spectral lines of 41 Galactic globular clusters and 22 young stellar clusters. We have discovered that some characteristic spectral lines, such as the CN, Ca IIK, Ca IIH and MgI+MgII lines, are rather sensitive to metallicity. We have also found some lines that may be used as indicators of age, e.g. Hδ, Hγ, Hβ and H. These lines can help us to disentangle the coupling effects of age and metallicity in the clusters.  相似文献   

GPS/LEO掩星技术中超折射效应的修正   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
严豪健  郭鹏  洪振杰  刘敏 《天文学报》2004,45(4):437-446
在GPS掩星探测地球大气技术中,Abel积分变换要求大气折射指数n是折射半径a的单值函数,当大气折射率的垂直梯度达到小于一个极限值dN/dr≈-0.16N-unit m^-1上述单值性不成立,称其为超折射,此时Abel积分变换不再适用,如果还是在形式上应用经典的Abel变换,在反演结果中就会产生负大气折射率偏差.描述了低对流层中超折射现象的物理特性和数学表示;在广义Abel积分变换的基础上,讨论了超折射层内和超折射层下的大气剖面反演算法;选择了一个简单的采样间隔内等大气折射率垂直梯度假设,对英国高分辨率无线电探空观测资料进行模拟计算,验证了负超折射与大气折射率偏差的关系,并提出的广义Abel变换的合理性.  相似文献   

利用GRACE 数据监测中亚地区陆地水储量动态变化的研究?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2003年1月至2013年1月10 yr 间的GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment)重力场恢复与气候实验重力卫星数据,辅以 TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)/CMAP (Climate Prediction Center’s Merged Analysis of Precipitation)降水量数、NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)数据、DEM (Digital Elevation Model)数据等多种数据源及诸多GIS (Geographic Information System)手段,分析了121个月内研究区陆地水储量的动态变化情况。研究结果表明:⑴自东向西研究区陆地水储量变化程度由微弱逐步变化为非常剧烈;⑵巴尔喀什湖域外流区、鄂毕河流域以及部分叶尼塞河中下游地区的陆地水储量持续增长趋势显著;⑶锡尔河流域、阿姆河流域的交界处、幼发拉底-底格里斯河流域和里海西南海岸交界范围内,陆地水储量呈现了急剧降低的趋势;⑷降水量、蒸散发、地表植被的覆盖变化、地形因素等自然因素均对陆地水储量产生影响作用;⑸陆地水储量最大值出现的时间滞后于降水量最大值出现的时间。  相似文献   

区域GPS网实测电离层变化和卫星硬件延迟的可靠性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据高精度卫星导航定位的实际需要,介绍了利用中国GPS区域网双频相位平滑伪距实测数据,准实时监测区域网电离层电子总含量(TEC)变化和GPS卫星硬件延迟(DCB)的方法和结果.着重研究了区域网独立测定DCB的可靠性,利用中国境内的GPS站点分别构造了3个大小不同的区域网,通过实测DCB和垂直电子总含量(VTEC)与CO...  相似文献   

The prediction of a time series using a neural network involves an optimum state-space reconstruction. The state space of the daily 10.7-cm solar radio flux is reconstructed using an information theory approach. A multi-layer feed-forward neural net is used for short-term prediction of the time series. The convergence of the synaptic weights is obtained partially by simulated annealing and partially by the 'quick prop' variation of back-propagation. The result gives a reasonably accurate short-term prediction.  相似文献   

The infrared AOTF spectrometer is a part of the SPICAM experiment onboard the Mars-Express ESA mission. The instrument has a capability of solar occultations and operates in the spectral range of 1-1.7 μm with a spectral resolution of ∼3.5 cm−1. We report results from 24 orbits obtained during MY28 at Ls 130°-160°, and the latitude range of 40°-55° N. For these orbits the atmospheric density from 1.43 μm CO2 band, water vapor mixing ratio based on 1.38 μm absorption, and aerosol opacities were retrieved simultaneously. The vertical resolution of measurements is better than 3.5 km. Aerosol vertical extinction profiles were obtained at 10 wavelengths in the altitude range from 10 to 60 km. The interpretation using Mie scattering theory with adopted refraction indices of dust and H2O ice allows to retrieve particle size (reff∼0.5-1 μm) and number density (∼1 cm−3 at 15-30 km) profiles. The haze top is generally below 40 km, except the longitude range of 320°-50° E, where high-altitude clouds at 50-60 km were detected. Optical properties of these clouds are compatible with ice particles (effective radius reff=0.1-0.3 μm, number density N∼10 cm−3) distributed with variance νeff=0.1-0.2 μm. The vertical optical depth of the clouds is below 0.001 at 1 μm. The atmospheric density profiles are retrieved from CO2 band in the altitude range of 10-90 km, and H2O mixing ratio is determined at 15-50 km. Unless a supersaturation of the water vapor occurs in the martian atmosphere, the H2O mixing ratio indicates ∼5 K warmer atmosphere at 25-45 km than predicted by models.  相似文献   

对无线电信号在电离层中的传播路径进行了数值模拟;针对掩星观测中的五组实际卫星轨道数据(包括GPS和LEO卫星),给出了在太阳射电辐射流量(FLUX)分别为0,70,160和240等几种情况下的电离层延迟量对10.7cm波长的太阳辐射流量的响应结果;这分别对应着无太阳辐射、太阳射电辐射处于活动低谷、平静期和高峰期等几种情形。从中可以发现,掩星观测中电离层延迟量对10.7cm波长的太阳射电辐射流量的响应表现为如下特性:电离层延迟同参数FLUX的大小有明显的对应关系,即FLUX越大,则掩星观测中的电离层延迟越大;对于上升掩星情况而言,掩星观测中电离层延迟量起先逐渐增加,然后达到某一峰值,其后逐渐下降;在掩星观测的初期和中期,太阳射电辐射处于活动低谷、平静期和高峰期等几种情形之间的电离层延迟量差异都较为显著,而在掩星观测的后期,几种情形相互间电离层延迟量的差异都比较小。  相似文献   

The observed solar p-mode frequencies provide a powerful diagnostic of the internal structure of the Sun and permit us to test in considerable detail the physics used in the theory of stellar structure. Among the most commonly used techniques for inverting such helioseismic data are two implementations of the optimally localized averages (OLA) method, namely the subtractive optimally localized averages (SOLA) and multiplicative optimally localized averages (MOLA). Both are controlled by a number of parameters, the proper choice of which is very important for a reliable inference of the solar internal structure. Here we make a detailed analysis of the influence of each parameter on the solution and indicate how to arrive at an optimal set of parameters for a given data set.  相似文献   

由于空间大地观测数据传输耗时及处理过程复杂, 导致极移测量值的获取存在时延, 无法满足对高精度的极移预报值有重大需求的应用领域. 针对极移复杂的时变特性, 提出一种基于奇异谱分析(singular spectrum analysis, SSA)的预报方法. 首先用SSA分离提取极移时序中的高频组分与低频组分; 其次建立最小二乘(least square, LS)外推与自回归(AutoreGressive, AR)模型对极移高频和低频组分进行组合预报. 结果表明, SSA方法能够准确地分离和提取极移低频和高频组分, 对低频和高频组分组合预报可以显著改善极移的中长期(30--365d)预报精度, 与国际地球自转和参考系服务局(International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service, IERS)提供的A公报中的极移预报值相比, SSA方法对极移PMX分量(本初子午线方向)和PMY分量(西90$^\circ$子午线方向)的中长期预报精度改进最高分别可达45.97%和62.44%. 研究结果验证了SSA方法对极移中长期预报改进的有效性.  相似文献   

We show how Principal Component Analysis can be used to analyse the structure of Cepheid light curves. This method is more efficient than Fourier analysis at bringing out changes in light curve shape as a function of period. Using this technique, we study the shape of fundamental and first-overtone mode Cepheid light curves in the Galaxy, LMC and SMC over a wide period range. For fundamentals, we find evidence for structural changes at     It is suggested that the feature at     is associated with a resonance in the Cepheid normal-mode spectrum. For overtones, we recover the Z shape in the R 21 period plane and reproduce the metallicity dependence of this Z shape.  相似文献   

We make use of 3456 d of observations of the low-ℓ p-mode oscillations of the Sun in order to study the evolution over time of the measurement precision of the radial eigenfrequencies. These data were collected by the ground-based Birmingham Solar-Oscillations Network (BiSON) between 1991 January and 2000 June. When the power spectrum of the complete time series is fitted, the analysis yields frequency uncertainties that are close to those expected from the returned coherence times of the modes. The slightly elevated levels compared with the prediction appear to be consistent with a degradation of the signal-to-noise ratio in the spectrum that is the result of the influence of the window function of the observations (duty cycle 71 per cent). The fractional frequency precision reaches levels of a several parts in 106 for many of the modes. The corresponding errors reported from observations made by the GOLF instrument on board the ESA/NASA SOHO satellite, when extrapolated to the length of the BiSON data set, are shown to be (on average) about ∼25 per cent smaller than their BiSON counterparts owing to the uninterrupted nature of the data from which they were derived.
An analysis of the BiSON data in contiguous segments of different lengths, T , demonstrates that the frequency uncertainties scale as T −1/2. This is to be expected in the regime where the coherence (life) times of the modes, τ n ℓ, are smaller than the observing time T (the 'oversampled' regime). We show that mode detections are only now beginning to encroach on the 'undersampled' regime (where   T < τ n ℓ)  .  相似文献   

Many of the current anomalies reported in the WMAP text ( WMAP ) one-year data disappear after 'correcting' for the best-fitting embedded Bianchi type VII h component, albeit assuming no dark energy component. We investigate the effect of this Bianchi correction on the detections of non-Gaussianity in the WMAP data that we previously made using directional spherical wavelets. We confirm that the deviations from Gaussianity in the kurtosis of spherical Mexican hat wavelet coefficients are eliminated once the data are corrected for the Bianchi component, as previously discovered by Jaffe et al. This is due to the reduction of the cold spot at Galactic coordinates  ( l , b ) = (209°, −57°)  , which Cruz et al. claimed to be the sole source of non-Gaussianity introduced in the kurtosis. Our previous detections of non-Gaussianity observed in the skewness of spherical wavelet coefficients are not reduced by the Bianchi correction. Indeed, the most significant detection of non-Gaussianity made with the spherical real Morlet wavelet at a significant level of 98.4 per cent remains (using a very conservative method to estimate the significance). Furthermore, we perform preliminary tests to determine if foregrounds or systematics are the source of this non-Gaussian signal, concluding that it is unlikely that these factors are responsible. We make our code to simulate Bianchi-induced temperature fluctuations publicly available.  相似文献   

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