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INTRODUCTIONMining activlties have significant envi ronmenta1 inll)ac'l ssuch as visual intrusions, dust, noise, blasting, trafflc and h}'drology (Kwolek, l999; Ripley et al., l996 ). The l)rot'csst'sof mineral extraction, processing, smelting and refinlng;1rt'never approximate to the environmental neutrality, but tht' affected areas can be ameliorated (KwoIek, l999; Klukanov;1;llltlRapant, 1999). The regions, where mining activities are I,r('sent or continuous for a long tlme, are pote…  相似文献   

层序地层研究表明,位于扬子地块西南缘的黔西南地区在中三叠世末期(相当于Ladinian-Carnian期)出现了一次与全球同步的大规模海侵,形成了一个向上变深的碳酸盐岩台地淹没沉积层序。垄头组顶部和竹竿坡组分别是海进体系域(TST)的下、上部分。碳、氧同位素研究表明,垄头组顶部自下而上δ(^18O)持续增大,而δ(^13 C)先逐渐增大,后在顶部界面附近快速下降,反映了垄头组顶部在暴露环境下氧化作用的结果。竹竿坡组δ(^13 C)自下而上逐渐增大,δ(^13 C)总体呈现逐渐减小趋势,反映了海平面变化特征。研究认为,海进体系域的δ(^13 C)和δ(^18 O)演化不但反映了海平面和沉积环境变化,同时对密集段(CS)、层序界面和古暴露面等也有很好的识别作用,在层序地层研究中具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

黔西南碱性超基性脉岩的铂族元素地球化学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黔西南出露大范围的碱性超基性脉岩,其成因研究对了解该地区大规模的金矿形成具有重要意义。采用卡洛斯管同位素稀释法结合ICP-MS分析了黔西南4个岩区碱性超基性脉岩中的Ni、Ir、Ru、Rh、Pt、Pd和Cu的含量。结果显示:研究区脉岩铂族元素(PGE)的含量普遍较低,原始地幔标准化PGE分布模式呈正斜率型;并具有较高的Cu/Pd比值(11903~60210)。综合对比研究表明,研究区脉岩为地幔低程度部分熔融作用的产物,原始岩浆具有硫不饱和的特征,岩浆在上升过程中没有发生明显的硫化物分异,但发生了一定程度的岩浆分离结晶。此外,陇要脉岩可能经历了岩浆上升时铬铁矿的分离结晶作用。  相似文献   

新疆阿尔泰山地区极端水文事件对气候变化的响应   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
新疆北部阿尔泰山地区受西风带气流影响, 降水丰沛, 尤其冬季积雪厚而稳定, 山区产流发育了额尔齐斯河与乌伦古河, 从西到东形成主要支流十余条. 在全球气候变化下, 山区气温上升明显, 极端降水增多, 气候变暖带来的水循环加快, 极端水文事件也趋于增多. 由于冬季气温升高, 春季积雪消融提前, 春季融雪洪水提前, 洪峰流量增强; 夏季极端降水增加, 使得暴雨洪水增多. 由于冬、 春季积雪增多, 雪灾发生频率增加, 春季的融雪洪水灾害危害增强. 极端水文事件引起的自然灾害已经威胁到阿勒泰地区的牧业生产、 交通安全和水资源供给, 应加强水文水资源安全对气候变化的应对措施, 提高水资源安全保障, 减缓气候变化的危害.  相似文献   

构造蚀变体(SBT)是沉积作用、构造作用和热液蚀变的综合产物。SBT作为黔西南地区金、锑、萤石等矿产的重要就位空间,金锑矿成矿与其密切相关。近年在黔西南地区发现了丰富的金资源量,关键在于SBT体系的提出及与之为核心的成矿模式的建立和应用。本文应用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)分析了黔西南台地相区典型矿床的SBT样品,揭示稀土元素的地球化学特征。结果表明,不同矿区SBT的ΣREE=49.55×10~(-6)~271.72×10~(-6),含量变化较大,LREE/HREE=5.62~13.59,轻重稀土分馏明显,轻稀土富集;SBT对北美页岩和CI球粒陨石标准化配分模式图均表现为轻稀土富集的右倾型、"四分组"效应明显、强烈热液作用,为同一体系的产物;大厂至戈塘一线显示高的正铕异常,推测有两个方向含矿热液在此汇聚。本文系统对比了黔西南地区SBT稀土元素地球化学特征,反映该区成矿流体来源及演化,为本区微细浸染型金矿的成矿预测提供了依据。  相似文献   

Sedimentary rock-hosted disseminated gold (SRHDG) deposits in the Youjiang-Nanpanjiang Basin,southwestem Guizhou Province are commonly hosted by the same fold crests that commonly contain a remarkable amount of organic material. The total organic carbon (TOC) contents of the ores and host rocks are usually less than 1%. The reflectance of vitrinite and pyrobitumen in the ores and the host rocks ranges from 1.5% to 4.5%, often in the range of 2% to 3%. In the Lannigou deposit, the reflectance of vitrinite and pyrobitumen in the ores is usually somewhat higher than those within the host rocks, indicating a hydrothermal impact on the organic matter in the altered host rocks. On the contrary, the estimated maximum paleotemperatures of the Getang and Zimudang deposits are higher than the homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions in the ores, signifying that the organic matter maturation predated Au mineralization. No correlation between the organic matter contents and Au concentrations were recognized in the ores.However, the most striking observation is that there is a positive correlation between the $2 (a parameter of Rock-Eval analysis), Au and As contents of the ores in the Lannigou deposit. Organic matter maturation and migration is apparent from the TOC vs. HCI diagram. Furthermore, group analysis of the dichloromethane extractable organic component of the ores and host rocks shows that the maturation degree of the organic matter in the ores is slightly higher than that of the host rocks in the Lannigou gold deposit. However, the compositions of their alkanes, steranes and terpenes, which serve as biomarkers, are quite similar; this suggests that the organic matter found in the ores and host rocks has a common marine source. Organic matter probably contributed to the preconcentration of Au in the host rocks. Hydrocarbons in the system,on the other hand, clearly contributed to the emplacement of the gold mineralization through thermal sulfate reduction.Organic matter in the solution might have increased the potential of the hydrothermal solution to transport Au.  相似文献   

辽河流域径流对气候变化的响应特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近百年来,全球气候发生了以气温升高为主要特征的显著变化。东北是中国的重要粮食主产区,气候变化将可能加剧东北地区水资源短缺情势,进一步影响到国家的粮食安全。以辽河流域为对象,分析了近60年来降水径流变化特性,采用水文模拟方法,揭示了河川径流变化成因,基于假定气候情景,研究了河川径流量及土壤含水量对气候变化的响应。结果表明:铁岭站实测径流量自20世纪60年代中期以来,总体呈明显的阶段性减少趋势,人类活动是河川径流减少的主要原因。降水增加比减少对河川径流量的影响明显,土壤含水量对降水减少的响应更加敏感,气候暖干化趋势将非常不利于东北地区的水资源利用和农业生产。  相似文献   

Marine gas hydrates, one of the largest methane reservoirs on Earth, may greatly affect the deep sea sedimentary environment and biogeochemistry; however, the carbon geochemistry in gas hydrate-bearing sediments is poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the carbon variables in sediment core 973-3 from the southwestern Taiwan Basin in the South China Sea to understand the effect of environmental factors and archaeal communities on carbon geochemistry. The carbon profiles suggest the methanogenesis with the incerase of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC) and high total organic carbon(TOC)(mean = 0.46%) originated from terrigenous organic matter(mean δ~(13)C_(TOC) value of-23.6‰) driven by the abundant methanogen ‘Methanosaeta and Methanomicrobiales'. The active anaerobic oxidation of methane is characterized by the increase of DIC and inorganic carbon(IC), and the depleted δ~(13)C_(IC), coupled with the increase of TOC and the decrease of δ~(13)C_(TOC) values owing to the methanotroph ‘Methanosarcinales/ANME' in 430–840 cm. Environmental factors and archaeal communities in core 973-3 are significantly correlated to carbon variables owing to methane production and oxidation. Our results indicate that the carbon geochemical characteristics are obviously responding to the formation and decomposition of gas hydrates. Furthermore, pH, Eh and grain size, and Methanosaeta greatly affect the carbon geochemistry in gas hydrate-associated sediments.  相似文献   

近年研究显示,古元古代晚期,扬子陆块西南缘发生了大规模的地幔物质上涌事件。本文系统报道了康滇地区中部东川铜矿因民 落雪矿区古元古代辉绿岩的地球化学特征。主量元素中MgO含量较高,为6.16%~9.65%,Mg#平均为72.2;富Na2O,Na2O/K2O为1.3~9.8;低SiO2,45.61%~49.34%;低TiO2,0.74%~2.74%;FeO/MgO小于1,表明本区辉绿岩初始岩浆相对较原始,MgO与主要组分的相关性表明岩浆早期出现过轻微的橄榄石、斜方辉石及铬铁矿、钛铁矿结晶分异。(La/Yb)N为1.66~4.37,δEu为1.04~1.22,稀土元素球粒陨石的配分呈平缓右倾模式,出现Eu的弱正异常。富集Rb、Ba等大离子半径元素,MORB配分为向右陡倾模式,出现突出的Rb、Ba峰,Zr、Hf弱负异常,多数样品没有明显的Nb、Ta异常。εNdt为-0.2~3.8,初始87Sr/86Sri值为0.7055~0.7084。东川地区辉绿岩的源区为尖晶石二辉橄榄岩相,为较亏损的过渡型地幔部分熔融的产物,轻度混染主要源于陆下岩石圈地幔及少量的下地壳物质。东川古元古代辉绿岩地球化学表现为明显的板内玄武岩、E MORB和OIB的特征,表明古元古代末期,扬子陆块西南缘发生了大规模的陆内裂谷拉张事件,与全球性Columbia超级大陆裂解同步,可能与地幔柱活动密切相关。  相似文献   

赵兰兰  刘志雨  王金星 《水文》2015,35(5):78-81
利用黄河流域近50年气象水文资料,开展了黄河流域气候变化和极端水文现象特征研究,研究结果表明:20世纪80年代以来黄河流域的气温显著升高,年降水量呈不明显下降趋势,暴雨、洪水、干旱等极端水文现象更加突出,研究成果为科学规划和水资源优化调度提供了有力依据。  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation on the Yangtze Platform, South China, documents a sedimentary succession with different sedimentary facies from carbonate platform to slope and to deep sea basin, and hosts one of the world-class phosphorite deposits. In these strata, exquisitely preserved fossils have been discovered: the Weng'an biota. This study presents carbon isotope geochemistry which is associated paired carbonate and organic matter from the Weng'an section of a carbonate platform (shelf of the Yangtze Platform, Guizhou Province) from the Songtao section and Nanming section of a transition belt (slope of the Yangtze Platform, Guizhou Province) and from the Yanwutan section (basin area of the Yangtze Platform, Hunan Province). Environmental variations and bio-events on the Yangtze Platform during the Late Neoproterozoic and their causal relationship are discussed. Negative carbon isotope values for carbonate and organic carbon (mean δ^13Corg = -35.0‰) from the uppermost Nantuo Formation are followed by an overall increase in δ^13C up-section. Carbon isotope values vary between -9.9‰ and 3.6‰ for carbonate and between -35.6‰ and -21.5‰ for organic carbon, respectively. Heavier δ^13Ccarb values suggest an increase in organic carbon burial, possibly related to increasing productivity (such as the Weng'an biota). The δ^13C values of the sediments from the Doushantuo Formation decreased from the platform via the slope to basin, reflecting a reduced environment with minor dissolved inorganic carbon possibly due to a lower primary productivity. It is deduced that the classical upwelling process, the stratification structure and the hydrothermal eruption are principally important mechanisms to interpret the carbon isotopic compositions of the sediments from the Doushantuo Formation.  相似文献   

云南省保山—镇康古生代沉积盆地的上寒武统碳酸盐岩中发育有脉状铅锌矿体, 它们均受地层和构造的双重控制. 芦子园铅锌矿是该区此类型规模最大的一个矿床, 矿体赋存于沙河厂组的大理岩及大理岩化灰岩中.其原生矿金属矿物组合为: 闪锌矿、方铅矿、黄铜矿、黄铁矿和磁铁矿.围岩蚀变有矽卡岩化、绿泥石化、硅化、黄铁矿化和大理岩化等.流体包裹体研究表明, 该地区铅锌矿化经历中低温(160~280℃) 和中高温(280~420℃) 2个主要矿化阶段.芦子园铅锌矿的硫、铅同位素组成具有变化范围窄、相对均一的特点(δ(34S)=9.23×10-3~10.17×10-3; w(206Pb)/w(204Pb)=18.224~18.338, w(207Pb)/w(204Pb) =15.715~15.849, w(208Pb)/w(204Pb)=38.381~38.874), 其矿石硫与铅同位素都反映了成矿过程曾受到岩浆活动的影响.研究表明: 镇康地区铅锌矿为与上寒武统局部层位和隐伏岩体有关的热液型铅锌多金属矿床.   相似文献   

流域碳、氮的生物地球化学循环过程关联着区域/全球尺度的气候变化,同时受到气候条件变化的影响。本次研究以我国西南喀斯特地区的西江为例,通过时间序列的高频次样品采集和分析,揭示水文条件变化对河流碳、氮动态变化的影响及其控制机制。结果表明,在高流量条件下,化学风化的加速、土壤CO2的汇入及流域内有机质的降解导致了水体δ13CDIC偏负,碳酸盐矿物的快速风化致使河水HCO3-浓度表现出强烈的"化学稳定性";对DIC、δ13CDIC、流量、温度的联合分析表明,矿物溶解、土壤CO2的汇入与河流中有机质降解的共同作用导致了西江河水碳动态的季节变化;河水NO3-浓度在高流量条件下并未表现出明显的稀释效应,反应了人为输入和化学转化过程对NO3-浓度的影响;硝酸盐氮、氧同位素的分析结果表明,西江NO3-来源受人为活动影响较大,主要转化过程为硝化作用;同位素和水化学证据表明碳酸、硫酸、硝酸共同参与流域岩石化学风化,雨季外源酸参与风化的减弱是河流中HCO3-稀释的重要原因。  相似文献   

西南岩溶地下河系统水流运动数值模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为深入认识地下河系统水循环规律,针对与周围空隙介质有密切水力联系、分布于饱和带中且具有集中排泄的地下河系统,建立了水文地质概念模型.阐述了该类型地下河系统中不同含水介质水流运动特征及相应的运动方程,给出了数值模型中方程和空间离散方式及模型的求解方法,分析了数值模型中孔隙水和裂隙水自由面、管道有压和无压转换、管道层流和紊...  相似文献   

Xu  Chong  Cui  Yulong  Xu  Xiwei  Bao  Pengpeng  Fu  Gui  Jiang  Wenliang 《Natural Hazards》2019,99(1):599-608

On March 20, 2019, a landslide (named Yagu landslide) occurred in eastern Tibetan Plateau. It produced a 10-m-high dam, resulting in a lake on the Songmai River, a tributary of the Jinsha River. This paper describes this slope failure and analyzes the process and cause of the landsliding based on the combination of Google Earth images, PlanetScope satellite optical images, field photography and geologic data. It is speculated that this event was likely induced by local human activity, such as quarrying rather than natural factors. This example raises a challenging issue whether the ongoing projects along the Jinsha River can induce landslides. In addition, the emergency responses of the government and the effort for risk removal of the dammed lake are presented.


黑河流域水文特性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
陈文雄 《水文》2002,22(6):57-60
介绍了黑河流域基本概况,依据黑河流域多年水文资料,分析了黑河流域降水、蒸发、径流的年内分配、年际变化和地域分布。黑河流域降水稀少,蒸发量大,水资源短缺,植被稀疏,水土流失严重,生态环境极为脆弱。  相似文献   

Once or twice weekly, water sampling was undertaken for a two and a half year period in the Kalix River, northern Sweden. Soil water, groundwater, water in tributaries and mire water were also sampled at several occasions. Samples were filtered and analysed for major dissolved elements and TOC. Although only 5 of the bedrock in the Kalix River drainage basin is situated in the Caledonian mountains (mostly schist, with some outcrops of dolomite and limestone), the chemical composition of the river, at the river mouth, is clearly influenced by water from the mountain areas. High dissolved Ca/Mg ratios in June and July indicate a large influence of water from the mountain areas during summer. The dissolved Si/Mg ratio increases when water from the woodland (bedrock consisting of Precambrian granitoids) predominates during snowmelt in May, but the ratio is low during summer when water from the mountains is increased. However, the low Si concentrations in the mountain areas are probably not primarily the result of the different rocks but more a reflection of the less intense weathering of silicate minerals in the mountains. High Si/Mg ratios are closely related to high TOC. All the major dissolved elements, except TOC, are diluted by snowmelt in May. However, the dilution varies for different elements. Based on the interpretations of major element ratios the melt water discharge in May reflects two major compartments in the woodland; peatland areas and the upper section of the soil. During summer and autumn storm events in the woodland most of the storm water originated from peatland. High K/Mg ratios in the river in May are related to water discharge from the upper section of the till. Low S/Mg ratios in the river indicate an influence of mire water from the woodland both during melt water discharge in May and during increased water discharge in autumn. The Ca/Mg ratios in tributaries in the woodland are consistently lower during melt water discharge compared with values in August. The lower Ca/Mg ratio in May probably reflects water that has been in contact with the B-horizon in the till during spring flood. Data show that the TOC discharged during spring flood originates from two major compartments in the landscape, the upper soil profile and peatland. Storm discharge of TOC during the rest of the year originates mostly from peatland.  相似文献   

马坑铁矿是国内著名的大型磁铁矿床之一,为闽西南地区最重要的铁多金属矿床,其矿体主要呈层状、似层状、透镜状赋存于晚古生代-中三叠世的碎屑岩-碳酸盐岩沉积建造中.本次研究对马坑铁矿的辉绿岩、大理岩、林地组砂岩和磁铁矿矿石进行了全岩稀土元素测试,并利用激光剥蚀-电感耦合等离子体质谱(LA-ICP-MS)原位微区分析法对各类磁...  相似文献   

Although products of individual volcanic eruptions, especially voluminous ash-flow eruptions, have been considered among the best available samples of natural magmas, detailed petrographic and chemical study indicates that bulk compositions of unaltered Pleistocene ash-flow tuffs from Aso caldera, Japan, deviate significantly from original magmatic compositions.The last major ash-flow sheet from Aso caldera is as much as 150 meters thick and shows a general vertical compositional change from phenocryst-poor rhyodacite upward into phenocryst-rich trachyandesite; this change apparently reflects in inverse order a compositionally zoned magma chamber in which more silicic magma overlay more mafic magma. Details of these magmatic variations were obscured, however, by: (1) mixing of compositionally distinct batches of magma during upwelling in the vent, as indicated by layering and other heterogeneities within single pumice lumps; (2) mixing of particulate fragments—pumice lumps, ash, and phenocrysts—of varied compositions during emplacement, with the result that separate pumice lenses from a single small outcrop may have a compositional range nearly as great as the bulk-rook variation of the entire sheet; (3) density sorting of phenocrysts and ash during eruption and emplacement, resulting in systematic modal variations with distance from the caldera; (4) addition of xenocrysts, resulting in significant contamination and modification of proportions of crystals in the tuffs; and (5) ground-water leaching of glassy fractions during hydration after cooling.Similar complexities characterize ash-flow tuffs under study in southwestern Nevada and in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, and probably are widespread in other ash-flow fields as well. Caution and careful planning are required in study of the magmatic chemistry and phenocryst mineralogy of these rocks.Publication authorized by the Director, U. S. Geological Survey.  相似文献   

The Precambrian Dengying Formation is a set of large-scale, extensively dolomitized, carbonate reservoirs occurring within the Sichuan Basin. Petrographic and geochemical studies reveal dolomitization was a direct result of precipitation by chemically distinct fluids occurring at different times and at different intensities. Based on this evidence, dolomitization and multiple fluid flow events are analyzed, and three types of fluid evolution models are proposed. Results of analysis show that Precambrian Dengying Formation carbonates were deposited in a restricted peritidal environment(630–542 Ma). A high temperature and high Mg~(2+) concentration seawater was a direct result of dolomitization for the micrite matrix, and for fibrous aragonite in primary pores. Geochemical evidence shows low δ~(18)O values of micritic dolomite varying from-1.29‰ to-4.52‰ PDB, abundant light rare earth elements(REEs), and low dolomite order degrees. Microbes and meteoric water significantly altered dolomite original chemical signatures, resulting in algal micritic dolomite and the fine-grained, granular, dolosparite dolomite having very negative δ~(18)O values. Finely crystalline cement dolomite(536.3–280 Ma) and coarsely crystalline cement dolomite have a higher crystallization degree and higher order degree. The diagenetic sequence and fluid inclusion evidence imply a linear correlation between their burial depth and homogenization temperatures, which closely resemble the temperature of generated hydrocarbon. Compared with finely crystalline dolomite, precipitation of coarsely crystalline dolomite was more affected by restricted basinal fluids. In addition, there is a trend toward a more negative δ~(18)O value, higher salinity, higher Fe and Mn concentrations, REE-rich. Two periods of hydrothermal fluids are identified, as the exceptionally high temperatures as opposed to the temperatures of burial history, in addition to the presence of high salinity fluid inclusions. The early hydrothermal fluid flow event was characterized by hot magnesium-and silicon-rich fluids, as demonstrated by the recrystallized matrix dolomite that is intimately associated with flint, opal, and microcrystalline quartz in intergranular or intercrystalline pores. This event was likely the result of a seafloor hydrothermal chimney eruption during Episode I of the Tongwan Movement(536.3±5.5 Ma). In contrast, later hydrothermal fluids, which caused precipitation of saddle dolomite, were characterized by high salinity(15–16.05 wt% NaCl equivalent) and homogenization temperatures(250 to 265°C), δ~(18)O values that were more enriched, and REE signatures. Geochemical data and the paragenetic sequence indicate that this hydrothermal fluid was related to extensive Permian large igneous province activity(360–280 Ma). This study demonstrates the presence of complicated dolomitization processes occurring during various paleoclimates, tectonic cycles, and basinal fluids flow; results are a useful reference for these dolomitized Precambrian carbonates reservoirs.  相似文献   

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