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Among the most puzzling questions in climate change is that of solar-climate variability, which has attracted the attention of scientists for more than two centuries. Until recently, even the existence of solar-climate variability has been controversial—perhaps because the observations had largely involved correlations between climate and the sunspot cycle that had persisted for only a few decades. Over the last few years, however, diverse reconstructions of past climate change have revealed clear associations with cosmic ray variations recorded in cosmogenic isotope archives, providing persuasive evidence for solar or cosmic ray forcing of the climate. However, despite the increasing evidence of its importance, solar-climate variability is likely to remain controversial until a physical mechanism is established. Although this remains a mystery, observations suggest that cloud cover may be influenced by cosmic rays, which are modulated by the solar wind and, on longer time scales, by the geomagnetic field and by the galactic environment of Earth. Two different classes of microphysical mechanisms have been proposed to connect cosmic rays with clouds: firstly, an influence of cosmic rays on the production of cloud condensation nuclei and, secondly, an influence of cosmic rays on the global electrical circuit in the atmosphere and, in turn, on ice nucleation and other cloud microphysical processes. Considerable progress on understanding ion–aerosol–cloud processes has been made in recent years, and the results are suggestive of a physically-plausible link between cosmic rays, clouds and climate. However, a concerted effort is now required to carry out definitive laboratory measurements of the fundamental physical and chemical processes involved, and to evaluate their climatic significance with dedicated field observations and modelling studies.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - Two Forbush effects that occurred during geomagnetic storms in March 1989 and March 1991 are analyzed based on ground-based measurements of cosmic rays at a global...  相似文献   

The variations of total ozone at Alma-Ata (43°N, 76 °E) and ozone profiles obtained by balloon sounding at Tateno (36°N, 140°E), Wallops Island (38°N, 75°W) and Cagliari (39°N, 9°E) in the periods of Forbush decreases (FD) in galactic cosmic rays have been analysed. A decrease of total ozone was observed in the initial stage of the FD and an increase 10–11 days later. The average total deviations calculated using the superposed epoch method for 9 FD events are equal to 30 D. U. in the positive and to –18 D. U. in the negative phase. The changes of average ozone profiles, associated with 26 FD events, are more significant in the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere. The decrease of the partial ozone pressure at a height of 12–15 km is about 30 mb. These vertical variations of ozone coincide with the average changes of the respective temperature profiles. A cooling, on the average, of 3°C was observed at 12–15 km, and a heating of 4°C below this level.  相似文献   

The problem of the rapid depletion and saturation of the Earth’s outer radiation belt with energetic electrons is one of the central problems in the physics of the magnetosphere. The precipitation into the atmosphere and the escape of electrons from the magnetosphere are competing reasons for the depletion of the radiation belt. Long-term measurements of energetic electron precipitation (EEP) in the atmosphere in the experiment of the Lebedev Physical Institute (LPI) can be used to study the relative role of these phenomena. High fluence values of relativistic electrons in the outer belt is a necessary condition for EEP observation; however, the relation of the EEP rate to the condition of the belt is ambiguous, which is shown by the example of observations in 1994.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - Type-II radio emission often accompanies events in solar cosmic rays and is an indicator of the propagation of a shock wave in the solar corona. Conversely, the shock...  相似文献   

The well-known 11-year cycle in low cloud cover amount for Solar Cycle Number 22 and the trend with time for Solar Cycle Number 23 are interpreted as being due to similar changes, but of opposite phase, in the mean global surface temperature of the Earth. An analysis of cloud amounts in two higher altitude bands shows that they, and the surface temperature, are roughly in phase with each other. The suggested mechanism to explain this result is that a warming of the Earth’s surface causes low clouds to rise and to be reclassified in the next upper category. The energetics of the process are shown to be satisfactory for this to be the correct explanation.  相似文献   

Parameters of the interplanetary magnetic field and solar wind plasma during periods of 163 isolated substorms have been studied. It is shown that the solar wind velocity V and plasma density N remain approximately constant for at least 3 h before substorm onset Т o and 1 h after Т o . On average, the velocity of the solar wind exhibits a stable trend toward anticorrelation with its density over the whole data array. However, the situation is different if the values of V and N are considered with respect to the intensity of substorms observed during that period. With the growth of substorm intensity, quantified as the maximum absolute value of AL index, an increase in both the solar wind plasma velocity and density, at which these substorms appear, is obsreved. It has been found that the magnitude of the solar wind dynamic pressure P is closely related to the magnetosphere energy load defined as averaged values of the Kan–Lee electric field EKL and Newell parameter dΦ/dt averaged for 1 h interval before Т o . The growth of the dynamic pressure is accompanied by an increase in the load energy necessary for substorm generation. This interrelation between P and values of EKL and dΦ/dt is absent in other, arbitrarily chosen periods. It is believed that the processes accompanying increasing dynamic pressure of the solar wind result in the formation of magnetosphere conditions that increasingly impede substorm generation. Thus, the larger is P, the more solar wind energy must enter the Earth’s magnetosphere during the period of the growth phase for substorm generation. This energy is later released during the period of the substorm expansion phase and creates even more intense magnetic bays.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The work presents an analysis of changes in the correlation coefficient between the total electron content variations at magnetically conjugate points calculated based...  相似文献   

This paper provides Cartesian expressions for tangent vectors of isochron rays and velocity rays previously derived in so-called isochron-orthonormal coordinates. The Cartesian expressions are simpler and easier to implement than the expressions in isochron-orthonormal coordinates. It is shown that the expressions in both coordinate systems are equivalent.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - In this work, geomagnetic cutoff rigidities are calculated in a model magnetosphere field on the world latitude–longitude 5° × 15° grid during the...  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The correlations between variations in the geomagnetic cutoff rigidity of cosmic rays and the Dst and Kp geomagnetic indices and solar-wind and IMF parameters are...  相似文献   

The propagation of perturbation caused by the interplanetary shock wave of March 17, 2015 from the solar wind through the magnetosheath, magnetosphere, and ionosphere down to the Earth’s surface is analyzed. The onboard satellite measurements, global magnetometer network data, and records by the receivers of the global positioning system (GPS) providing the information about the total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere are used for the analysis. By the example of this event, various aspects of the influence of the interplanetary shock wave on the near-Earth environment and ground-based engineering systems are considered. It is shown which effects of this influence are well described by the existing theoretical models and which ones need additional research. The formation of the fine structure of the magnetic impulse of the storm sudden commencement (SC)—the preliminary impulse (PI) and main impulse (MI)—is considered. The MI and compression of the magnetospheric magnetic field is observed by the GOES and RBSP satellites and on the geomagnetically conjugate stations; however, the PI was only noted on the Earth. The PI was detected in the afternoon sector practically simultaneously (within 1 min) with the shock wave impact on the magnetopause. The wave’s response to the SC includes the strongly decaying resonant oscillations of the magnetic shells and the magnetoacoustic cavity mode. This study supports the possibility of detecting the ionospheric response to the SC by the GPS method. The TEC response to the MI was detected in the auroral latitudes although not on every radio path. The TEC modulation can be associated with the precipitation of superthermal electrons into the lower ionosphere which is undetectable by riometers. The burst in the intensity of the geomagnetically induced currents caused by an interplanetary shock wave turns out to be higher than the currents during the storm’s commencement, although the SC’s amplitude is noticeably lower than the amplitude of the magnetic bay related to the substorm.  相似文献   

On the 27 June 2015, at 15:34:03 UTC, a moderate-sized earthquake of M w 5.0 occurred in the Gulf of Aqaba. Using teleseismic P waves, the focal mechanism of the mainshock was investigated by two techniques. The first technique used the polarities of the first P wave onsets, and the second technique was based on the normalized waveform modeling technique. The results showed that the extension stress has a NE orientation with a shallow southward plunge while the compression stress has a NW trend with a nearly shallow westward plunge, obtaining a strike-slip mechanism. This result agrees well with the typical consequence of crustal deformation resulting from the ongoing extensional to shear stress regime in the Gulf of Aqaba (NE-SW extension and NW-SE compression). The grid search method over a range of focal depths indicates an optimum solution at 15 ± 1 km. To identify the causative fault plane, the aftershock hypocenters were relocated using the local waveform data and the double-difference technique. Considering the fault trends, the spatial distribution of relocated aftershocks demarcated a NS-oriented causative fault, in consistence with one of the nodal planes of the focal mechanism solution, emphasizing the dominant stress regime in the region. Following the Brune model, the estimates of source parameters exhibited fault lengths of 0.29 ≤ L ≤ 2.48 km, moment magnitudes of 3.0 ≤ M w ≤ 5.0, and stress drops of 0.14 ≤ Δσ < 1.14 MPa, indicating a source scaling similar to the tectonic earthquakes related to plate boundaries.  相似文献   

The results of observations of disturbances in the lower and middle ionosphere and in the geomagnetic field accompanying the partial solar eclipse over Kharkov are presented. The ionospheric effects have been studied with the use of an ionosonde and measurements of the phase and amplitude of a radio signal with a frequency of 66.(6) kHz on the Moscow–Kharkov route, and the effects in the magnetic field have been analyzed with the help of a magnetometer–fluxmeter in the range of periods from 1 to 1000 s. Disturbances in both the lower and middle ionosphere, as well as in the geomagnetic field, have been detected. The observation results have been compared with the results of a simulation of physical processes accompanying the solar eclipse. A good agreement has been found between observational and modeling results.  相似文献   

On 27 June 2015, a moderate earthquake with magnitude Mb 5.2 struck the Gulf of Aqaba near Nuweiba City. This event was instrumentally recorded by the Egyptian National Seismic Network (ENSN) and many other international seismological centres. The event was felt in all the cities on the Gulf of Aqaba, as well as Suez City, Hurghada City, the greater Cairo Metropolitan Area, Israel, Jordan and the north-western part of Saudi Arabia. No casualties were reported, however. Approximately 95 aftershocks with magnitudes ranging from 0.7 to 4.2 were recorded by the ENSN following the mainshock. In the present study, the source characteristics of both the mainshock and the aftershocks were estimated using the near-source waveform data recorded by the very broadband stations of the ENSN, and these were validated by the P-wave polarity data from short period stations. Our analysis reveals that an estimated seismic moment of 0.762?×?1017 Nm was released, corresponding to a magnitude of Mw 5.2, a focal depth of 14 km, a fault radius of 0.72 km and a rupture area of approximately 1.65 km2. Monitoring the sequence of aftershocks reveals that they form a cluster around the mainshock and migrated downwards in focal depth towards the west. We compared the results we obtained with the published results from the international seismological centres. Our results are more realistic and accurate, in particular with respect to the epicenteral location, magnitude and fault plane solution which are in accordance with the hypocentre distribution of the aftershocks.  相似文献   

Based on the data obtained by the instruments of the Lovozero high-latitude observatory, the amplitude-frequency characteristics of atmospherics during the solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 were constructed. It was shown that no significant changes (beyond the limits of natural deviation) in the spectra of atmospherics were observed during the eclipse.  相似文献   

2015年3月磁暴期间中国中低纬地区电离层变化分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

2015年3月17日爆发了本太阳活动周最大的地磁暴,Dst指数达到-233 nT.本文利用电离层测高仪foF2hmF2、北斗同步卫星(BDS GEO)TEC以及GPS电离层闪烁S4指数对此次磁暴期间中国中低纬地区(北京、武汉、邵阳和三亚)的电离层变化进行分析,并对此次磁暴所引发电离层暴的可能机制进行了探讨.磁暴期间,中低纬电离层暴整体表现为正相暴之后长时间强的负相暴.3月17日白天中纬正相暴为风场抬升电离层所致,而驼峰区及低纬地区正相暴由东向穿透电场所引起;3月18日白天长时间的强负相暴为西向扰动发电机电场和成分扰动所引起;3月17和18日夜间的负相暴可能是日落东向电场受到抑制以及赤道向风场对扩散的抑制导致驼峰向赤道压缩所致,同时被抑制的日落东向电场强度不足以触发产生赤道扩展F,导致低纬三亚和邵阳夜间电离层闪烁在磁暴期间受到完全抑制.这是我们首次基于北斗同步卫星TEC组网观测开展的电离层暴研究.


The average latitude of theSq(X) focus along the longitude 75°E has been estimated using the Tsyganenko model (Tsyganenko, 1981) of the external magnetic field for storm time conditions of the magnetosphere. It is observed that the shift of the focal latitudes, due to magnetospheric currents, is only about 1 to 2° even during strong storms. It is also shown that the shift is asymmetric about the equator and longitude dependent. The day to day changes in observed focal position are much larger and the magnetospheric currents cannot, therefore, be regarded as a dominant mechanism of focal movement.The paper was presented at the IAGA General Assembly meeting held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, during August 1985.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The correlation between the variations of geomagnetic cutoff rigidity ΔR and interplanetary parameters and the Dst index of geomagnetic activity during one moderate...  相似文献   

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