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A structural–geomorphic analysis, including visual and computer interpretation of the topographic maps and satellite images, as well as statistical processing of the results of the interpretation, has been carried out to reveal an arch-block style of the recent dislocations in the central West Siberian Plate. The kinematics, formation environments, and character of the relationship with deep structures are determined for these dislocations. It is shown that the recent structure formed as a result of submeridional shortening.  相似文献   


40Ar/39Ar analysis showed a simultaneous (at about 490 Ma) formation of the Paleozoic picrite and basalt complexes of the West Siberian Plate basement. The petrochemistry, trace and REE geochemistry, and composition of clinopyroxene indicate the formation of the picrite of well no. 11 (Chkalov area) as a result of intraplate magmatism of the OIB type. Calculations based on the compositions of clinopyroxene allowed crystallization of minerals of porphyric picrite at 1215–1275°C and 4.5–8 kbar. In general, it has been found that the picrite basalt complexes considered were formed from enriched igneous plume systems under intraplate conditions near the active margin of the ancient ocean.


On the basis of combined (paleomagnetic, lithological, and paleontological) data, a scale of Neogene geomagnetic polarity is proposed for the West Siberian Plate (WSP). It comprises 17 large orthozones of normal and reversed polarity. The scale was compiled by comparing and correlating the Neogene key sections of the Kulunda and Baraba plains, Irtysh regions between Omsk and Pavlodar and near Tara, and Ob’ region near Tomsk. The reliability of paleomagnetic data is confirmed by component analysis of natural remanent magnetization and by a possibility of determining its primary component. In the studied Neogene rocks this is a high-temperature component related to magnetite, hematite, and maghemite, which decays at 420–675 °C. In the period from Early Miocene to Late Pliocene, the Late Cenozoic geomagnetic field reconstructed from NRM vectors for WSP rocks of Neogene age experienced 17 reversals (at the level of orthozone boundaries), with eight regimes of normal polarity and nine regimes of reversed polarity. Comparison of the WSP Neogene scale with Berggren’s scale provided absolute age boundaries of the Late Cenozoic series on the WSP regional stratigraphic scale. The 23.8 Ma boundary between the Oligocene and Miocene is recorded in the regional scale at the sole of the Lyamin beds of the Abrosimovka Formation, at the bottom of Orthochron R1N1aq, and the Miocene-Pliocene 5.2 Ma boundary (Chron C3r), in the Novaya Stanitsa Formation (top of the Cherlak beds).  相似文献   

We discuss the results of measurements of the thermal conductivity of the Bazhenovo Formation rocks from wells drilled in the Salym petroliferous area of the West Siberian Plate. The thermal conductivity was measured by “Thermal-conductivity comparator” and “Scanning thermal-conductivity meter” in different years. A total of 225 measurements were made in two directions with respect to the rock layering: parallel (λ1) and orthogonal (λ2). The results show that the Bazhenovo Formation rocks are mostly of abnormally low thermal conductivity: λ1 = 1.0–2.3 W/(m⋅K) (average is 1.6 W/(m⋅K)) and λ2 = 0.8–1.9 W/(m⋅K) (average is 1.3 W/(m⋅K)). This leads to an abnormal increase in geothermal gradient within the Bazhenovo Formation. Such geothermal-gradient anomalies can be easily revealed by high-precision thermal logging. It is also shown that the thermal conductivity of the studied rocks is in inverse relationship with their organic-matter content.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous assemblage of zircons was identified in metamorphic schists of the Karabash site of the West Siberian Plate. Based on the U–Pb (SHRIMP II) isotope data, zircon varies in age from the Archean–Paleoproterozoic boundary to the early Permian. The Precambrian age data obtained for the study area reflect the erosion of the Precambrian complexes in the framework of West Siberian Plate (with subsequent redeposition of the ancient detrital material within the West Siberian megabasin). Our results make it possible to clarify the history of the formation and evolution of metamorphic rocks in the basement of the West Siberian Plate.  相似文献   

A great volume of original information on the formation of the ultrabasic rocks of the Siberian Platform has been accumulated owing to the study of melt inclusions in Cr-spinels. The inclusions show the general tendencies in the behavior of the magmatic systems during the formation of the ultrabasic massifs of the Siberian Platform, tracing the main evolution trend of decreasing Mg number with SiO2 increase in the melts with subsequent transition from picrites through picrobasalts to basalts. The compositions of the melt inclusions indicate that the crystallization conditions of the rocks of the concentrically zoned massifs (Konder, Inagli, Chad) sharply differ from those of the Guli massif. Numerical modeling using the PETROLOG and PLUTON softwares and data on the composition of inclusions in Cr-spinels yielded maximum crystallization temperatures of the olivines from the dunites of the Konder (1545–1430°C), Inagli (1530–1430°C), Chad (1460–1420°C), and Guli (1520–1420°C) massifs, and those of Cr-spinels from the Konder (1420–1380°C), Inagli (up to 1430°C), Chad (1430–1330°C), and Guli (1410–1370°C) massifs. Modeling of the Guli massif with the PLUTON software using the compositions of the melt inclusions revealed the possible formation of the alkaline rocks at the final reverse stage of the evolution of the picritic magmas (with decrease of SiO2 and alkali accumulation) after termination of olivine crystallization with temperature decrease from 1240–1230°C to 1200–1090°C. Modeling with the PLUTON software showed that the dunites of the Guli massif coexisted with Fe-rich (with moderate TiO2 contents) melts, the crystallization of which led (beginning from 1210°C) to the formation of pyroxenes between cumulate olivine. Further temperature decrease (from 1125°C) with decreasing FeO and TiO2 contents provided the formation of clinopyroxenes of pyroxenites. For the Konder massif, modeling with the PLUTON software indicates the possible formation of kosvites from picrobasaltic magmas beginning from 1350°C and the formation of clinopyroxenites and olivine–diopside rocks from olivine basaltic melts from 1250°C.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the chemical composition and parageneses of fluorides and fluorcarbonates in rocks of the Katugin Complex, with which a unique deposit of REE–Nb–Ta ore with cryolite is associated. In mineralogy and chemical composition, the rocks correspond to biotite, biotite–amphibole, arfvedsonite, and aegirine–arfvedsonite granites, which were regarded in earlier publications as granite-like metasomatic rocks. Aegirine–arfvedsonite granite contains a cryolite–gagarinite assemblage, which reflects depletion of Ca in the mineral-forming medium and enrichment in Na and F. Arfvedsonite granite is characterized by intergrowth of yttrofluorite with fluocerite and gagarinite, which indicates a relative enrichment in Ca and low CO2 content. Biotite granite is characterized by an assemblage of fluorite with titanite, apatite, and monazite as evidence for an elevated Ca concentration along with moderate F and P contents in the system. Neighborite, coulsellite, gagarinite, fluocerite, and tveitite-(Y) appear in biotite–amphibole granite along with replacement of annite with riebeckite and development of albite after microcline. All this indicates that a moderately alkaline Na-fluoride solution with a low Ca concentration affects biotite granite.  相似文献   

柯霖  高山  潘永信  胡兆初 《地球科学》2008,33(4):504-514
辽西北票上园镇四合屯地区义县组沉积层是热河生物群珍稀化石的重要产出层位之一, 其中蕴含丰富的地壳演化和古地理环境演化信息.分析了四合屯剖面上12m厚的含鸟化石沉积岩层的50件样品的微量元素组成和其中10件样品的主量元素组成.结合前人已发表数据, 得出以下认识: (1) 该套沉积岩具有与下伏火山岩类似的地球化学特征: Mg#值较高, 大离子亲石元素含量较高.稀土元素的分异程度较高, 在微量元素分布蛛网图中表现为明显的Nb负异常和Pb正异常等.因此我们认为义县组高镁火山岩构成了该沉积岩的主要源区之一; (2) 样品的Eu/Eu*=0.48~1.81, 其中大部分样品具负Eu异常.正的Eu异常(7件样品) 主要由于含有长石造成; (3) 通过微量元素Th-Co-Zr/10沉积构造环境判别图解对区域构造环境进行分析, 结果表明该沉积岩物源区具有大陆岛弧和活动大陆边缘物源特征.   相似文献   

This paper is concerned with study of tephriphonolites, rare rocks that have been first found in the pre-Jurassic basement of West Siberia. Based on geological observations of the bedding of different types of volcanics and their geochemical peculiarities, the conclusion about the synchronous occurrence of subalkaline and alkaline volcanism is drawn. This is confirmed by the coexistence of compositionally contrasting volcanics in the borehole section. The hypothesis is put forward that these rocks alternate in the section, as is the case in the Tunguska syneclise of the Siberian Platform. The new data on Sr and Nd isotopy suggest the participation of crustal material in the formation of alkaline rocks. The rift nature of the regional intraplate volcanism is confirmed.  相似文献   

江陵凹陷古近系沙市组含膏盐岩系沉积特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究发现,在江陵凹陷中南部梅槐桥向斜带内沙市组发育两套膏盐岩层。通过对钻井、岩心、地震资料的分析,明确了膏盐岩的岩性、电性及地震响应特征:岩性变化主要为由湖盆中心至边缘膏盐类矿物的含量越来越低而陆源碎屑物质含量越来越高;电性特征表现为低伽马、低密度、高电阻、中子趋于0、扩径明显;在地震剖面上表现为强振幅、低频率的反射特征。结合研究区古气候和古构造背景,对沙市组两套膏盐岩的沉积特征进行分析,结果表明,两套膏盐岩在凹陷内的分布差异巨大且沉积中心具有向南迁移的趋势,物源、古地貌和湖平面变化三种因素的综合作用是造成这种差异的主要原因。最后总结出研究区沙市组所沉积的膏盐岩是一种"非匀称补给"的成盐模式,主要形成于湖盆基准面下降晚期浅水蒸发沉积环境中。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the laboratory slaking behavior of common clay-bearing rocks to their slaking behavior under natural climatic conditions observed during a 1-year experimental study. Five-cycle slake durability tests were performed in the laboratory on five claystones, five mudstones, five siltstones, and five shales. Twelve replicate specimens of each of these 20 rocks were also exposed to natural climatic conditions for 12 months. After each month of exposure, one replicate specimen of each rock was removed from natural exposure and its grain size distribution was determined. The results of laboratory tests and field experiment were compared in terms of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th cycle slake durability indices (Id1, Id2, Id3, Id4, Id5), grain size distribution of slaked material, and disintegration ratio (D R), where D R is the ratio of the area under the grain size distribution curve of slaked material for a given specimen to the total area encompassing all grain size distribution curves of the specimens tested. Correlations of Id1, Id2, Id3, Id4, and Id5 with D R values for laboratory specimens exhibit R 2 values of 0.87, 0.88, 0.83, 0.75, and 0.70, respectively. However, the relationship between Id2 and D R, determined after 1, 3, 6, and 12 months of natural exposure, becomes weaker with increasing time of exposure, with R 2 values of 0.65, 0.63, 0.63, and 0.25, respectively. The fifth-cycle slake durability index (Id5) for laboratory tested specimens shows a better correlation with D R values for naturally exposed specimens (R 2 up to 0.80). A comparison of grain size distribution curves of slaked material for laboratory specimens, after the 2nd cycle slake durability test, with those of specimens exposed to natural climatic conditions shows that the laboratory test underestimates the field durability for claystones, and overestimates it for siltstones.  相似文献   

自然伽玛能谱(NGR)与磁化率(MS)均是常用的测井技术手段,它们在古环境研究与寻找韵律层中发挥着日益重要的作用。自然伽玛能谱与磁化率主要在钻井中进行应用,很少应用于露头剖面上,为了验证露头剖面岩性的自然伽玛能谱与磁化率响应特征,本文利用便携式仪器对山东淄博博山地区部分剖面的自然伽玛能谱与磁化率数据进行了测试分析研究,结果表明自然伽玛能谱中的钾(K)、无铀自然伽玛(CGR)值可以有效地区分不同沉积环境下不同沉积岩的粒度,在陆相环境下,细砂岩与粗砂岩的K、CGR值分别以3.3和23为边界,K、CGR值在3.3、23以上为细砂岩,以下为粗砂岩。在海相沉积环境下,灰岩、泥质粉砂岩、中细砂岩与粗砂岩的K、CGR边界值分别约为1、1.8、2.3和10、13.2、16.6。结合前人研究成果可以推测,在沉积近乎相同粒度的沉积物时,陆相沉积因水动力条件的不稳定性而含较多的泥质杂基,从而导致同一粒度的陆相沉积岩的K、CGR值要大于海相沉积岩的K、CGR值。在沉积物供应稳定的条件下,MS值随沉积物的粒度增大有升高的趋势。  相似文献   

通过阿拉善北部杭乌拉地区圆包山组碎屑锆石峰值年龄(420±3 Ma和419.6±3.6 Ma)以及圆包山组底部层位发育的笔石、头足类化石,认为圆包山组形成时代并非早志留世,而是泥盆纪.圆包山组中发育的大量沉积构造及其岩性特征,表明了圆包山组为典型的半深海-深海浊积岩沉积,但鲍马序列发育不完整,主要有AE、ABE、ADE和ABDE等序列组合,并划分了内扇、中扇和外扇三个沉积亚相.研究区位于阿拉善地区北部,属于西伯利亚板块南缘部分,是研究古亚洲洋闭合时间的关键部位.早古生代硅质岩岩石特征表明,研究区在早古生代处于一个被动大陆边缘的稳定大地构造背景.自晚古生代开始,研究区的大地构造活动性开始增强,逐渐由被动大陆边缘转变为活动大陆边缘,并形成了巨厚的浊积岩.根据浊积岩中槽模、沟模等沉积构造确定了物源区为研究区北部的西伯利亚板块,并根据浊积岩岩性、沉积特征以及砂岩地球化学特征的研究,认为研究区晚古生代早期的浊积岩形成于西伯利亚板块南缘的活动大陆边缘,并同时受岛弧作用的影响,导致浊积岩具有岛弧物源区属性.结合圆包山组中碎屑锆石特征及其年龄可以进一步确定圆包山组物源区位于研究区北部Gobi-Altai构造带.  相似文献   

A new concept concerning the structure and stages of evolution of the Kas Block of the West Siberian Plate is stated in this paper. The Kas Block is traditionally considered to be a subsided western margin of the Siberian Platform. The new concept is based on the results of the interpretation of the geophysical data recently obtained along the reference and regional profiles in this territory. The geological interpretation of the deep dynamic sections obtained by reprocessing of the CDP seismic reflection records has been performed for the first time. The structural features of the Kas Block, as well as the character of its junction with the Siberian Platform and the Paleozoic framework, are discussed. The tectonic scheme of the territory and the scheme of the pre-Late Devonian surface of the Kas Block have been compiled. The Baikalian age of the basement of the Kas Block is substantiated. The Salairian allochthonous ophiolite-basalt tectonic nappe is localized for the first time within the sedimentary cover of the Kas Block. The available information allowed us to reconstruct the development of the western margin of the Siberian continent in the Riphean and Early Paleozoic before and after the Baikalian Orogeny, respectively. The informational background of the geological and geophysical interpretation involves the results of the CDP seismic reflection profiling, including the deep dynamic seismic sections and parameters of the P-wave velocities along the reference 1-SB seismic line and the regional Vostok 10, 12, 15, and 16 seismic lines; the results of the deep seismic and magnetotelluric soundings; the gravity measurements; the magnetic exploration; and the new coherent physical geological models.  相似文献   

天津蓟县元古界剖面具有极高的综合研究价值,而高于庄组在该剖面中居于承上启下的位置。高于庄组在整个中、新元古界剖面中厚度较大,岩石类型多样且成因特殊,主要岩石类型包括碳酸盐岩、泥岩、硅质岩和石英砂岩。碳酸盐岩主要为泥晶灰岩、瘤状灰岩、砂屑灰岩、臼齿灰岩及粉细晶白云岩等。硅质岩包括燧石和沉积石英岩,沉积石英岩具鲕状或砾状结构。仅在本组底部见石英砂岩。上述岩石特征表明,蓟县地区在中元古代长城纪晚期的高于庄期以浅海中深缓坡沉积为主,有短期的潮坪碳酸盐沉积环境,沉积作用受大红峪时期火山物质的影响。臼齿灰岩的存在可能提供华北地区中元古代年代地层学和构造沉积演化研究的新证据。  相似文献   

西秦岭寒武系硅岩建造是拉尔玛、邛莫金矿床和牙相金矿点的赋矿岩系。其主要由炭质硅岩和炭质板岩组成。其中的含矿硅岩构造十分丰富,有块状、条带状、层纹状、多孔状和同生角砾状等。硅岩单层厚度一般为30~200 m。其主要成分除SiO2( 平均含量 95. 30%) 外,其它氧化物含量能达1% 者仅有 FeO 、Fe2O3和 P2O5,且 FeO/Fe2O3比值大于 1, 而 Sr/Ba 比值小于 1 。硅岩建造中有机炭含量相当高,一般为(0.12~8.14) %,高者达 22 %。硅岩中稀土以总量低(3.29×10-6~100×10-6)、铈亏损为特征。硅岩建造中沉积黄铁矿的δ34S值变化在-10‰~ +46.9‰之 间。 硅岩的δ300Si值主要变化在+0.4 ‰~+0.8‰之间。硅岩建造的上述特点反映其主要是在深海-半深海环境下形成的。  相似文献   

对西加拿大阿尔伯塔和威利斯顿盆地古生界海相烃源岩的形成环境、发育特点及有机质丰度等进行了调研,西部盆地古生界海相烃源岩主要发育在深水盆地和开阔海环境,这些烃源岩的分布特点是厚度薄(一般小于10m),分布范围广(几乎分布于全盆地),有机质丰度高(Kukeristic 油页岩 TOC 可达28%),成熟度分布范围广(主要处于成熟阶段,R_o=0.6%~1.3%),岩性主要为黑色页岩和灰质泥岩。联系到我国的鄂尔多斯盆地,根据下古生界奥陶系的沉积环境和目前的烃源岩有机质丰度等分析资料,认为该盆地的西部和东部也可能发育有有机质丰度高、厚度薄的烃源岩。  相似文献   

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