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D. L. Whitney  A. J. Irving 《Lithos》1994,32(3-4):173-192
Two types of stromatic leucosomes are identified in metasedimentary rocks from the Skagit migmatite complex, North Cascades, Washington state, U.S.A. Both types are trondhjemitic and appear similar in outcrop, but, although both contain low abundances of REE, one type consists of leucosomes that are relatively REE-enriched compared to the other, and contains (1) small (<0.8 mm), Fe-rich garnets that are compositionally and texturally different from mesosome and melanosome garnet; (2) Ti-rich minerals (rutile, titanite) that are not present in the groundmass of the associated mesosomes or melanosomes and (3) CO2-rich fluid inclusions in quartz. Leucosomes of the second type are REE-depleted compared to the first type, lack garnet and Ti-minerals, and contain only H2O-rich fluid inclusions. The first type of leucosome is interpreted to have formed by in situ partial melting accompanied, and perhaps initiated, by an influx of water-rich fluid during upper amphibolite facies metamorphism. These conclusions are based on estimates of metamorphic P-T-Xfluid conditions (9–10 kbar, > 700°C, water-rich fluid present), inferences about the origin of the above-listed mineralogical and fluid inclusion features, and modeling of leucosome trace element abundances. The second type of leucosome is interpreted to have formed entirely by subsolidus processes (e.g., metamorphic differentiation) because these leucosomes lack features consistent with an origin by partial melting.

K-poor (tonalitic/trondhjemitic) leucosomes associated with metasedimentary (biotite-bearing) source rocks may form by water-saturated partial melting or by subsolidus processes. Both general leucosome-forming mechanisms may operate at different times during upper amphibolite facies regional metamorphism. Partial melting may be initiated by syn-metamorphic magmatic activity if crystallizing plutons serve as external sources of the water-rich fluid necessary for ultrametamorphism in the middle crust during orogenesis. Large-scale migmatite complexes such as the Skagit migmatites may form at least in part in response to contact effects of plutonism associated with high-grade metamorphism, so, although migmatite complexes are a volumetrically substantial part of many orogenic belts, they may not themselves represent a significant original source of magma for larger-scale igneous bodies.  相似文献   

Experiments have been conducted over a wide range of temperatures and pressures (300°–950°C, 500–2000 bars) in an attempt to gain some better understanding of the geological features of Precambrian migmatite granites and banded iron formation (BIF) widespread in Northeast China. Results indicate that the BIF of Anshan type is unstable under the action of sufficient alkaline solutions with some iron or aluminum silicates formed at the expense of quartz. Rock melting experiments show that the initial melting temperatures of phyllite, biotite plagioclase gneiss and migmatite granite range from 630° to 640°C, but those of BIF and plagioclase amphibolite are 150°–200° C higher. The authors suggest that migmatites in this region have resulted from partial melting and metasomatism. With respect to the relationship between migmatization and iron deposits, it has been experimentally revealed that the migmatites will not “digest” the BIF if they are separated by other wall rocks. But melting to various extents will take place in the BIF where migmatites are in direct contact with it. Additionally, the BIF will even become richer in iron under favorable conditions. This information may probably help guide our efforts to prospect for Precambrian iron deposits in regions with extensive occurrence of migmatites.  相似文献   

Schlieren are trains of platy or blocky minerals, typically the ferromagnesian minerals and accessory phases, that occur in granites and melt‐rich migmatites, such as diatexites. They have been considered as: (1) unmelted residue from xenoliths or the source region; (2) mineral accumulations formed during magma flow; (3) compositional layering; and (4) sites of melt loss. In order to help identify schlieren‐forming processes in the diatexites at St Malo, differences in the size, shape, orientation, distribution and composition of the biotite from schlieren and from their hosts have been investigated. Small biotite grains are much less abundant in the schlieren than in their hosts. Schlieren biotite grains are generally larger, have greater aspect ratios and have, except in hosts with low (< 10%) biotite contents, a much stronger shape preferred orientation than host biotite. The compositional ranges of host and schlieren biotite are similar, but schlieren biotite defines tighter, sharper peaks on composition‐frequency plots. Hosts show magmatic textures such as imbricated (tiled), unstrained plagioclase. Some schlieren show only magmatic textures (tiled biotite, no crystal‐plastic strain features), but many have textures indicating submagmatic and subsolidus deformation (e.g. kinked grains) and these schlieren show the most extensive evidence for recrystallization. Magmas at St Malo initially contained a significant fraction of residual biotite and plagioclase crystals; smaller biotite grains were separated from the larger plagioclase crystals during magma flow. Since plagioclase was also the major, early crystallizing phase, the plagioclase‐rich domains developed rapidly and reached the rigid percolation threshold first, forcing further magma flow to be concentrated into narrowing melt‐rich zones where the biotite had accumulated, hence increasing shear strain and the degree of shape preferred orientation in these domains. Schlieren formed in these domains as a result of grain contacts and tiling in the grain inertia‐regime. Final amalgamation of the biotite aggregates into schlieren involved volume loss as melt trapped between grains was expelled after the rigid percolation threshold was reached in the biotite‐rich layers.  相似文献   

造山运动和造山带是被广泛应用和影响较大的两个古老概念,一百多年来随着地球科学的快速发展和板块构造理论的问世,情况已发生很大的变化。如何修订这一概念的内涵使之适应新的认识而又保持原定义的首尾一贯性正受到普遍关注。本文回顾了上述概念产生的历史背景,分析了它们在板块构造理论框架下、特别是在现今大陆构造研究中所面临的问题,本文认为对这一古老概念应进行重新修订、增补或再定义。  相似文献   

The Violet Town Volcanics are a 373 Ma old, comagmatic, S-type volcanic sequence mainly comprising crystal-rich intracaldera ignimbrites. Rock types vary from rhyolites to rhyodacites, all containing magmatic cordierite and garnet phenocrysts. Variation in the suite is primarily due to fractionation of early-crystallized quartz, plagioclase and biotite (plus minor accessory phases) in a high-level magma chamber prior to eruption. Early magmatic crystallization occurred at around 4 kb and 850° C with melt water contents between 2.8 and 4 wt.%. This high-temperature, markedly water-undersaturated, restite-poor, granitic magma was generated by partial melting reactions involving biotite breakdown in a dominantly quartzofeldspathic source terrain, leaving a granulite facies residue.Table of Less Common Abbreviations Used Pkb pressure in kilobars - T° C temperature in degrees Celsius - mole fraction of water in the fluid - aH2O activity of water - Bi biotite - Cd cordierite - Gt garnet - Py pyrope - Gr grossular - Alm almandine - Sp spessartine - He hercynite - Ilm ilmenite - Kfs potassium feldspar - Opx orthopyroxene - Pl plagioclase - An anorthite - Q quartz - Sill sillimanite - Ap apatite  相似文献   

本文通过对天津滨海贝壳堤成因的研究,初步确定贝壳堤是全新世晚期形成的,它的形成和演化反映了近岸生源物质迁移、现代沉积过程,贝壳堤的演化模式划分为三个阶段.这对正确地揭示淤泥质平原海岸的形成机理、合理规划开发潮滩和贝壳堤资源有着重要意义.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1887-1908

The widespread migmatites in the northwestern part of the Sulu Orogen, China, indicate regional anatexis that is of great significance when discussing the tectonic evolution of this continental orogenic belt. Cathodoluminescence (CL) images, U–Pb ages, and in situ trace element compositions of zircons from four pegmatite veins within these migmatites provide clear evidence for the nature of the post-collisional evolution of the Sulu Orogen. The inherited zircon cores reveal that the protoliths of the migmatites were middle Neoproterozoic magmatic rocks (810–620 Ma) of the South China Block. The protoliths underwent two partial melting events. The mantle domains of the inherited zircons record a Late Triassic (222.0–204.0 Ma) partial melting event that occurred during the exhumation and retrograde metamorphism, after ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism. Subsequent newly grown zircons record a Middle–Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (164.1–125.5 Ma) anatexis event, indicating that the late Mesozoic anatexis started before ca. 164.1 Ma, reached a peak at ca. 152.1 Ma, and ceased at ca. 125.5 Ma. Combined with previous results of studies on the Sulu orogen, the late Mesozoic anatexis suggested that the thickened crust of the Sulu Orogen had started to become unstable before 164.1 Ma. The duration of ~164.1–137 Ma corresponds to a period of transition in the tectonic regime of the Sulu Orogen, enabling the early high-temperature ductile deformation. After ca. 137 Ma, the tectonic regime was fully transformed into extension and the Sulu Orogen underwent rapid thinning and collapse, thus leading to the late medium–low temperature ductile deformation (137–121 Ma) and laying the foundations for the large-scale magmatic emplacement during the late Early Cretaceous (127–115 Ma). These two partial melting events together promoted the rapid exhumation of the Sulu UHP rocks.  相似文献   

This study uses field, microstructural and geochemical data to investigate the processes contributing to the petrological diversity that arises when granitic continental crust is reworked. The Kinawa migmatite formed when Archean TTG crust in the São Francisco Craton, Brazil was reworked by partial melting at ~730 °C and 5–6 kbar in a regional‐scale shear zone. As a result, a relatively uniform leucogranodiorite protolith produced compositionally and microstructurally diverse diatexites and leucosomes. All outcrops of migmatite display either a magmatic foliation, flow banding or transposed leucosomes and indicate strong, melt‐present shearing. There are three types of diatexite. Grey diatexites are interpreted to be residuum, although melt segregation was incomplete in some samples. Biotite stable, H2O‐fluxed melting is inferred via the reaction Pl + Kfs + Qz + H2O = melt and geochemical modelling indicates 0.35–0.40 partial melting. Schlieren diatexites are extremely heterogeneous; residuum‐rich domains alternate with leucocratic quartzofeldspathic domains. Homogeneous diatexites have the highest SiO2 and K2O contents and are coarse‐grained, leucocratic rocks. Homogeneous diatexites, quartzofeldspathic domains from the schlieren diatexites and the leucosomes contain both plagioclase‐dominated and K‐feldspar‐dominated feldspar framework microstructures and hence were melt‐derived rocks. Both types of feldspar frameworks show evidence of tectonic compaction. Modelling the crystallization of an initial anatectic melt shows plagioclase appears first; K‐feldspar appears after ~40% crystallization. In the active shear zone setting, shear‐enhanced compaction provided an essentially continuous driving force for segregation. Thus, Kinawa migmatites with plagioclase frameworks are interpreted to have formed by shear‐enhanced compaction early in the crystallization of anatectic melt, whereas those with K‐feldspar frameworks formed later from the expelled fractionated melt. Trace element abundances in some biotite and plagioclase from the fractionated melt‐derived rocks indicate that these entrained minerals were derived from the wall rocks. Results from the Kinawa migmatites indicate that the key factor in generating petrological diversity during crustal reworking is that shear‐enhanced compaction drove melt segregation throughout the period that melt was present in the rocks. Segregation of melt during melting produced residuum and anatectic melt and their mixtures, whereas segregation during crystallization resulted in crystal fractionation and generated diverse plagioclase‐rich rocks and fractionated melts.  相似文献   

为了深入认识华夏地块早古生代陆内造山作用相应的地壳再造过程,本文选取粤西福湖岭混合岩进行了详细的岩相学以及锆石U-Pb年代学研究。根据混合岩化程度,粤西福湖岭混合岩剖面由上而下可以分为3部分:混合岩化沉积变质岩、条带状混合岩和混合花岗岩。根据岩性与岩相学特征,福湖岭混合岩又可分为古成体、暗色体和浅色体。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果及与区域上基底变质岩资料的对比研究表明,福湖岭混合岩的原岩(古成体)是形成于新元古代的变质沉积岩。粤西福湖岭混合岩的形成时代为441~435 Ma,是华夏地块早古生代陆内造山事件的重要产物。  相似文献   

Lord Howe Island is the eroded remnant of a large shield volcano. Tholeiitic lavas of the North Ridge Basalt comprise the main shield building phase and were erupted about 6.9 Ma ago. The Boat Harbour Breccia probably formed within the throat of the volcano and, together with the North Ridge Basalt, is intruded by numerous basaltic dykes, which grade into a cone sheet complex near the main vent. Large scale collapse of the summit area of the volcano produced a caldera which was filled rapidly by lavas of the Mount Lidgbird Basalt some 6.4 Ma ago, bringing to a close the volcanic history of Lord Howe Island. The shield volcano thus was built during a short interval in the late Miocene.

Palaeomagnetic data show that the North Ridge Basalt and the Mount Lidgbird Basalt were erupted during periods when the geomagnetic field had normal polarity, and that their formation was separated by at least one interval of reversed polarity when the dykes and cone sheets were emplaced. The directions of magnetisation for the lavas and intrusives are such that, palaeomagnetically, no movement of Lord Howe Island is detected since its formation.

Lord Howe Island is the subaerial part of a large seamount which lies at the southern end of a northerly‐trending line of volcanic seamounts extending for more than 1000 km. The Lord Howe seamount chain probably was produced by movement of the Australian lithospheric plate over a magma source or hot spot located below the plate within the upper mantle. Other data suggest that the Australian plate is moving N at about 6 cm/a and from this it is predicted that the seamount underlying Nova Bank, at the northern end of the chain, was constructed by volcanic activity about 23 Ma ago. Similarly, if volcanism were to occur now in the Lord Howe seamount chain we predict that its location would be about 400 km S of Lord Howe Island.  相似文献   

何明倩  黄文辉  久博 《地学前缘》2021,28(4):327-336
膏质白云岩是鄂尔多斯盆地中东部下古生界马家沟组M51最有利储层,影响膏质白云岩储层性质的最大因素在于溶蚀作用.本文在已有的研究基础上,应用岩心资料及阴极发光、地球化学等方法,测定M51膏质白云岩及其特殊的示底构造的化学成分,并分析其成因模式.岩心、薄片以及物性资料显示:石膏溶蚀形成的大量膏模孔及伴生的次生孔是储层的主要...  相似文献   

Clinopyroxene phenocrysts in fergusite from a diatreme in the Dunkel’dyk potassic alkaline complex in the southeastern Pamirs, Tajikistan, and from carbonate veinlets cutting across this rock contain syngenetic carbonate, silicate, and complex melt inclusions. The homogenization of the silicate and carbonate material of the inclusions with the complete dissolution of daughter crystalline phases and fluid in each of them occur simultaneously at 1150?1180°C. The pressures estimated using fluid inclusions and mineral geobarometers were 0.5–0.7 GPa. The behavior of the inclusions during their heating and their geochemistry are in good agreement with the origin of carbonate melts via liquid immiscibility. Carbonatite magma was segregated at the preservation of volatile components (H2O, CO2, F, Cl, and S) in the melt, and this resulted in the crystallization of H2O-rich minerals and carbonates and testifies that the magma was not intensely degassed during its ascent to the surface. The silicate melts are rich in alkalis (up to 4 wt % Na2O and 12 wt % K2O), H2O, F, Cl, and REE (up to 1000 ppm), LREE, Ba, Th, U, Li, B, and Be. The diagrams of the concentrations of incompatible elements of these rocks typically show deep Nb, Ta, and Ti minima, a fact making them similar to the unusual type of ultrapotassic magmas: lamproites of the Mediterranean type. These magmas are thought to be generated in relation to subduction processes, first of all, the fluid transport of various components from a down-going continental crustal slab into overlying levels of the mantle wedge, from which ultrapotassic magmas are presumably derived.  相似文献   

西藏甲玛铜多金属矿床成矿流体来源及演化   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
对斑岩、矽卡岩及角岩矿物中石英的熔融包裹体和流体包裹体进行测温,得到甲玛铜多金属矿床斑岩体形成温度为634~887℃,斑岩体中流体开始出溶的压力为59.1 MPa.从岩浆阶段、岩浆-热液阶段、矽卡岩阶段、矽卡岩退变质阶段到石英-硫化物阶段,温度范围为170~540℃,盐度集中在15%~50%范围内,密度为0.9233~...  相似文献   

In-situ migmatite and hybrid diatexite at Mt Stafford, central Australia   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Metasedimentary gneisses show a rapid change in grade within a 10-km-wide low- P /high- T  regional aureole at Mt Stafford, Arunta Block, central Australia. Migmatites occur in all but the lowermost of five metamorphic zones, which are characterized by: (1) muscovite–quartz schist; (2) andalusite–cordierite–K-feldspar granofels with small melt segregations; (3) spinel–sillimanite–cordierite–K-feldspar migmatite; (4) garnet–orthopyroxene–cordierite migmatite and minor diatexite; and (5) biotite–cordierite–plagioclase diatexite that shows a transition to granite. A subsolidus unit comprising interbedded sandstone and siltstone is equivalent to bedded migmatite , the main rock type in Zones 2–4. Mesoscopic textures and migmatite classification of this unit vary with grade. In Zone 2, metatexite is developed in siltstone layers that are separated by quartz-rich, unmelted metapsammite layers. Melt segregation was less efficient in Zones 3 and 4, where the dominant migmatite layering is a modified bedding. High proportions of melt were present in Zone 4, in which schlieren migmatite is transitional between bedded migmatite and metapelite-sourced diatexite. The preservation of sedimentary structures and coexistence of melt reactants and products in Zone 4 metapelite imply that melting proceeded in situ without substantial migration of melt. Zone 5 biotite–cordierite–plagioclase diatexite carries rafts of bedded migmatite with strongly resorbed edges, as well as large K-feldspar and quartz augen. This unit of comparatively Ca-rich migmatites is inferred to have been formed by the mixing of locally derived and injected granitic melt.  相似文献   

Microstructural criteria for the determination of the sense of shear in rocks homogeneously deformed in the partially melted state are similar to those which apply to solid-state deformation. Sense of shear determination is either direct, deduced from the sense of rotation of markers, or indirect, involving the obliquity between the shear and foliation planes, or between the successive foliations imprinted at different stages of progressive deformation.This study is a by-product of the detailed structural and microstructural investigation of a high-grade metamorphic rock pile (Variscan Vosges Massif, France) which underwent subhorizontal shearing during partial melting and further solidification. Depending on the rock chemistry, on the position in the pile and the relative timing of progressive deformation, layered migmatites and homogeneous granites were variously deformed in the partially melted and solid states. The sense of shear obtained from these rock types, using the criteria presented here, consistently gives a top to SW direction.  相似文献   

High-spatial resolution carbon isotope analyses of natural graphite using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), together with conventional mass spectrometry techniques, demonstrate isotopic heterogeneity within single graphite crystals precipitated from a partially melted metamorphic rock. SIMS 13C/12C measurements were calibrated using an internal graphite standard previously analyzed by conventional isotope ratio mass spectrometry, which gave a reproducibility of 0.3‰ (1σ) at a spatial resolution of 2–3 μm. This resolution helped to identify an unusual carbon isotope distribution in a single graphite crystal from a metapelitic leucosome, showing remarkable core to rim variations with sharp δ13C steps up to 10‰. The results suggest that the graphite crystal grew from one edge to other forming layers perpendicular to the c-axis. The sharp isotopic steps indicate the presence of disequilibrium carbon isotope zoning in graphite and points to the possible existence of carbon isotope sector zoning. Intra-crystalline carbon isotope disequilibrium in graphite is believed to have resulted from the difference in diffusivity between 12C and 13C in the growth medium to the interface of graphite precipitation in different growth sectors.  相似文献   

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