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40Ar/39Ar method is a high precision dating means, of which the age is obtained by contrasting the un- known sample with those of standards. Usually the age of standard is determined by K-Ar method in which the 38Ar spike should be added for measurement. However, the absolute concentration of 38Ar spike is measured through the calibrated standards in turn, al- though occasionally the concentration of 38Ar spike is determined by other dating methods, such as Rb-Sr, U-Pb methods, which is kn… 相似文献
The Shangyi-Chicheng fault belt extending along the south boundary of the Inner Mongolia axis on the north of the North China Craton was formed in the Middle Proterozoic. This fault has special geological significance1) in the evolution of the North China… 相似文献
New40Ar/39Ar plateau ages from rocks of Changle-Nanao ductile shear zone are 107.9 Ma(Mus), 108.2 Ma(Bi), 107.1 Ma(Bi), 109.2 Ma(Hb)
and 117.9 Ma(Bi) respectively, which are concordant with their isochron ages and record the formation age of the ductile shear
zone. The similarity and apparent overlap of the cooling ages with respective closure temperatures of 5 minerals document
initial rapid uplift during 107–118 Ma following the collision between the Min-Tai microcontinent and the Min-Zhe Mesozoic
volcanic arc. The40Ar/39 Ar plateau ages, K-Ar date of K-feldspar and other geochronologic information suggest that the exhumation rate of the ductile
shear zone is about 0.18–1.12 mm/a in the range of 107–70 Ma, which is mainly influenced by tectonic extension. 相似文献
(40)~Ar/(39)~Ar chronology and geochemistry of high-K volcanic rocks in the Mangkang basin, Tibet 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
ZHANG Huihua HE Huaiyu WANG Jianghai & XIE Guanghong Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangzhou China Institute of Geology Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China College of Life Sciences Sun Yat-Sen University Guangzhou China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2005,48(1)
Our two newly obtained high-quality 40Ar/39Ar ages suggest that the high-K volcanic rocks of the Lawuxiang Formation in the Mangkang basin, Tibet were formed at 33.5±0.2 Ma. The tracing of elemental and Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic geochemistry indicates that they were derived from an EM2 enriched mantle in continental subduction caused by transpression. Their evidently negative anomalies in HFSEs such as Nb and Ta make clear that there is an input of continental material into the mantle source. The high-K rocks at 33.5±0.2 Ma in the Mangkang basin may temporally, spatially and compositionally compare with the early one of two-pulse high-K rocks in eastern Tibet distinguished by Wang J. H. et al., implying that they were formed in the same tectonic setting. 相似文献
Studies on40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of strike-slip time of the Tan-Lu fault zone and their tectonic implications 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Samples of mylonite, ultramylonite and phyllonite were collected from 5 localities in the Anhui part of the Tan-Lu fault zone
for40Ar/39Ar chronological studies. Among them 4 samples from 3 localities on the eastern margin of the Dabie orogenic belt yielded40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 128 —132 Ma; and 2 samples from the western margin of the Zhangbalin uplift and eastern margin of the Bengbu
uplift gave the same40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 120 Ma. Isochron analyses and other lines of evidence suggest that the data are reliable. The data are
interpreted as cooling ages of sinistral strike-slip deformation of the Tan-Lu fault zone. The younger ages from the north
might be related to slower strike-slip rising. These results indicate that the large-scale left-lateral displacement in the
Tan-Lu fault zone took place in the Early Cretaceous, rather than in Late Triassic (Indosinian) as proposed by some geologists.
Therefore, this fault zone is an intracontinental wrench fault rather than a transform fault or suture line developed during
formation of the Dabie orogenic belt. 相似文献
This paper has reported the first application of 40Ar/39Ar dating to orthoclase from Qitianling granite. The resultant plateau ages yielded by three orthoclase specimens 2KL-17, 99LQ-2 and 2KL-31 (Note: The last one was taken from the part of granite which had been attributed to Cailing super-unit of the Indosinian Period by the former researchers) collected from the said granite are (139.57±2.79) Ma, (140.55±2.81) Ma and (144.91±2.90) Ma respectively. The above-mentioned ages represent the closed 40Ar/39Ar age of the orthoclase. The consistency in age dating results, the similarity in geochemical characteristics and rock textures, and the NW-SE orientation of orthoclase phenocrysts almost throughout the granite, provide evidence for the intimate relationship between the Furong super-unit and the Cailing super-unit that form the main part of the granite, suggesting that they are products of comagmatic conjugate differentiation during the Late Jurassic. This paper also makes a comparison between the Qitianling granite and the Qianlishan granite. 相似文献
ZHANG Xiaohui WANG Hui & LI Tiesheng Key Laboratory of Lithosphere Tectonic Evolution Institute of Geology Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2005,48(5)
As for the metamorphic rock series distributed on the “Faku Faulted Convex (FFC)”[1] of the northern Liaoning, the earliest geologic investigation divided it into the Langzishan, Dashiqiao and Gaixian forma-tions1) and considered it to be equivalent to the Liaohe Group in the eastern Liaoning, whereas Liaoning Bu-reau of Geology and Mineral Resources (LBGMR) included it into the Lower Proterozoic basement[1]. Recent 1︰50000 scale geological mapping2) reveals that this deformed and … 相似文献
A dating of two biotite samples taken from the meso- and low-temperature mylonites within the Shangyi-Chicheng fault belt
on the north of the North China Craton yields 40Ar/39Ar isotopic ages of (399 ± 1) Ma and (263 ± 2) Ma, respectively. These data reflect an Early Devonian deformation and a Late
Carboniferous retrograde metamorphism event along the fault, suggesting that the tectonic activities of the North China Craton
in Paleozoic should be reconsidered. 相似文献
Wang Fei He Huaiyu Zhu Rixiang Sang Haiqing Wang Yinglan Yang Liekun 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2006,49(5):461-470
Four international standards, Ga1550, MMhb-1, Lp-6, Bem 4M, and one domestic standard BT-1 have been intercalibrated. The
repeated measurements on MMhb-1 with different mass demonstrate that MMhb-1 is inhomogeneous in age and its average age is
519.8 Ma. The results of Bern 4M and Lp-6 reflect that they have an invariable value of 40Ar*/39Ark (F) and the ages we obtained are consensus with their K-Ar age: Lp-6=127.7Ma; Bern 4M=18.2 Ma. Analyses of BT-1 age spectra,
Ca/K and Cl/K spectra as well as inverse isochrons indicate that the sample is homogeneous and invariable and keeps close
chemically, with its trapped argon isotope composition close to the atmosphere. The dating results show that age values are
reproducible and steady, total fusion age, step-heating age, plateau age and isochron age are in accord with each other within
the error range (2σ). Therefore, we recommend 28.7 Ma as the calibrated age of BT-1.
We also discuss the variation in neutron flux gradients of Beijing 49-2 reactor. It was found that the neutron flux gradient
varies considerably, and more monitors (standard samples) are needed to fix the trend of variation. The coefficient of the
49-2 reactor that transfers the ratio of production rate of 37ArCa/39ArK into Ca/K ratio is 1.78. This is different from that reported earlier, 2.0, which may be caused by the reconstruction of
the reactor. 相似文献
Stefano Zanchetta Paolo D’Adda Andrea Zanchi Valentina Barberini Igor M. Villa 《Journal of Geodynamics》2011
The integration of structural analyses with 40Ar/39Ar dating of fault-related pseudotachylytes provides time constraints for the reconstruction of the Alpine evolution of the central portion of the South Alpine orogenic wedge. In the northern sector of the belt a Variscan basement is stacked southward on the Permian to Mesozoic cover along regional faults (Orobic and Porcile thrusts). Fault zones, slightly postdating a first folding event of Alpine age, experienced a complex evolution through the ductile and brittle deformation regime, showing greenschist facies mylonites overprinted by a penetrative cataclastic deformation. Generation of fault-related pseudotachylyte veins marks the onset of brittle conditions, lasting up to the youngest episodes of fault activity. 40Ar/39Ar dating of the pseudotachylyte matrix of 9 samples give two separated age clusters: Late Cretaceous (80–68 Ma) and latest Palaeocene to Middle Eocene (55–43 Ma). These new data provide evidence that the pre-Adamello evolution of the central Southern Alps was characterised by the superposition of different tectonic events accompanying the exhumation of the deepest part of the belt through the brittle–ductile transition. The oldest pseudotachylyte ages demonstrate that south-verging regional thrusting in the central Southern Alps was already active during the Late Cretaceous, concurrently with the development of a synorogenic foredeep basin where the Upper Cretaceous Lombardian Flysch was deposited. 相似文献
Petrological, geochemical and chronological constraints for the tectonic setting of the Dongco ophiolite in Tibet 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
BAO PeiSheng XIAO XuChang SU Li & WANG Jun Institute of Geology Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences Beijing China Experimental Center China University of Geology Beijing China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2007,50(5):660-671
The Dongco ophiolite occurred in the middle-western segment of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone. The thickness of the ophiolite suite is more than 5 km, which is composed, from bottom to top, of the mantle peridotite, mafic-ultramafic cumulates, basic sills (dykes) and basic lava and tectoni- cally emplaced in Jurassic strata (Mugagongru Group). The Dongco cumulates consist of dunite- troctolite-olivine-gabbro, being a part of DTG series of mafic-ultramafic cumulates. The basic lavas are characterized by being rich in alkali (Na2O K2O), TiO2, P2O5 and a LREE-rich type pattern dip- ping right with [La/Yb]=6.94―16.6 as well as a trace elements spider-diagram with normal anomaly of Th, Nb, Ta, Hf. Therefore, the Dongco basic lavas belong to ocean-island basalt (OIB) and dis- tinctly differ from mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and island-arc basalt (IAB) formed in the plate convergence margin. The basic lavas have higher 87Sr/86Sr (0.704363―0.705007), lower 143Nd/144Nd (0.512708―0.512887) and εNd(t ) from 2.7― 5.8, indicating that they derive from a two-components mixing mantle source of depleted mantle (DM) and enriched mantle (EMI). From above it is ready to see that the Dongco ophiolite forms in oceanic island (OIB) where the mantle source is replaced by a large amount of enriched material, therefore it distinctly differs from these ophiolites formed in island-arc and mid-oecan ridge. Newly obtained SHRIMP U-Pb dating for zircon of the cumulate troctolite is 132 ± 3 Ma and whole-rock dating of ~(39)Ar/~(40)Ar for the basalt is 173.4 ± 2.7 Ma and 140.9 ± 2.8 Ma, indicating that the Dongco ophiolite formed at Early Cretaceous and the middle-western segment of the Bangong-Nujiang oceanic basin was still in the developing and evolving period at Early Cretaceous. 相似文献
Mt. Erebus, a 3,794-meter-high active polygenetic stratovolcano, is composed of voluminous anorthoclase-phyric tephriphonolite and phonolite lavas overlying unknown volumes of poorly exposed, less differentiated lavas. The older basanite to phonotephrite lavas crop out on Fang Ridge, an eroded remnant of a proto-Erebus volcano and at other isolated locations on the flanks of the Mt. Erebus edifice. Anorthoclase feldspars in the phonolitic lavas are large (~10 cm), abundant (~30–40%) and contain numerous melt inclusions. Although excess argon is known to exist within the melt inclusions, rigorous sample preparation was used to remove the majority of the contaminant. Twenty-five sample sites were dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method (using 20 anorthoclase, 5 plagioclase and 9 groundmass concentrates) to examine the eruptive history of the volcano. Cape Barne, the oldest site, is 1,311±16 ka and represents the first of three stages of eruptive activity on the Mt. Erebus edifice. It shows a transition from sub-aqueous to sub-aerial volcanism that may mark the initiation of proto-Erebus eruptive activity. It is inferred that a further ~300 ky of basanitic/phonotephritic volcanism built a low, broad platform shield volcano. Cessation of the shield-building phase is marked by eruptions at Fang Ridge at ~1,000 ka. The termination of proto-Erebus eruptive activity is marked by the stratigraphically highest flow at Fang Ridge (758±20 ka). Younger lavas (~550–250 ka) on a modern-Erebus edifice are characterized by phonotephrites, tephriphonolites and trachytes. Plagioclase-phyric phonotephrite from coastal and flank flows yield ages between 531±38 and 368±18 ka. The initiation of anorthoclase tephriphonolite occurred in the southwest sector of the volcano at and around Turks Head (243±10 ka). A short pulse of effusive activity marked by crustal contamination occurred ~160 ka as indicated by at least two trachytic flows (157±6 and 166±10 ka). Most anorthoclase-phyric lavas, characteristic of Mt. Erebus, are less than 250 ka. All Mt. Erebus flows between about 250 and 90 ka are anorthoclase tephriphonolite in composition.Editorial responsibility: J. Donelly-Nolan 相似文献
Southeastern extension of the Red River fault zone (RRFZ) and its tectonic evolution significance in western South China Sea 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
LIU Baoming XIA Bin LI Xuxuan ZHANG Minqiang NIU Binhua ZHONG Lifeng JIN Qinghuan JI Shaocheng 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2006,49(8):839-850
The tectonic evolution features in the western South China Sea (SCS) are directly related to the Tethys tectonic province. The Red River fault zone (RRFZ) comprises a large part of the Tethys tectonic province and is the boundary between the Europe Block and the India-Asia Block[1]. It serves as the contact between the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the SCSopening. The RRFZ, which is an important dividing line in the geology of the SE Asia, is about 1000 km long in the co… 相似文献
Eruptive activity has occurred in the summit region of Mount Erebus over the last 95 ky, and has included numerous lava flows and small explosive eruptions, at least one plinian eruption, and at least one and probably two caldera-forming events. Furnace and laser step-heating 40Ar/39Ar ages have been determined for 16 summit lava flows and three englacial tephra layers erupted from Mount Erebus. The summit region is composed of at least one or possibly two superimposed calderas that have been filled by post-caldera lava flows ranging in age from 17 ± 8 to 1 ± 5 ka. Dated pre-caldera summit flows display two age populations at 95 ± 9 to 76 ± 4 ka and 27 ± 3 to 21 ± 4 ka of samples with tephriphonolite and phonolite compositions, respectively. A caldera-collapse event occurred between 25 and 11 ka. An older caldera-collapse event is likely to have occurred between 80 and 24 ka. Two englacial tephra layers from the flanks of Mount Erebus have been dated at 71 ± 5 and 15 ± 4 ka. These layers stratigraphically bracket 14 undated tephra layers, and predate 19 undated tephra layers, indicating that small-scale explosive activity has occurred throughout the late Pleistocene and Holocene eruptive history of Mount Erebus. A distal, englacial plinian-fall tephra sample has an age of 39 ± 6 ka and may have been associated with the older of the two caldera-collapse events. A shift in magma composition from tephriphonolite to phonolite occurred at around 36 ka.Editorial responsibility: Julie Donnelly-Nolan 相似文献
F. Marra C. Freda P. Scarlato J. Taddeucci D. B. Karner P. R. Renne M. Gaeta D. M. Palladino R. Trigila G. Cavarretta 《Bulletin of Volcanology》2003,65(4):227-247
We present 24 40Ar/39Ar ages for the youngest volcanic products from the Alban Hills volcanic district (Rome). Combined with petrological data
on these products, we have attempted to define the chronology of the most recent phase of activity and to investigate the
magma evolution of this volcanic district. The early, mainly explosive activity of the Alban Hills spanned the interval from
561±1 to 351±3 ka. After approximately 50-kyr of dormancy, a mainly effusive phase of activity took place, accompanied by
the strombolian activity of a small central edifice (Monte delle Faete). This second phase of activity spanned the interval
308±2 to 250±1 ka. After another dormancy period of approximately 50-kyr, a new, hydromagmatic phase of activity started at
200 ka at several centers located to the southwest of the Monte delle Faete edifice. After an initial recurrence period of
approximately 50-kyr, which also characterized this new phase of activity, the longest dormancy period (approximately 80-kyr)
in the history of the volcanic district preceded the start of the activity of the Albano and Giuturna centers at 70±1 ka.
Results of our study suggest a quasi-continuous magmatic activity feeding hydromagmatic centers with a new acme of volcanism
since around 70 ka. Based on data presented in this paper, we argue that the Alban Hills should not be considered an extinct
volcanic district and a detailed re-assessment of the volcanic hazard for the area of Rome is in order.
Published online: 4 April 2003
Editorial responsibility: J. Donnelly-Nolan 相似文献
K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar dates are presented for locations in the Izu–Bonin – Mariana (IBM) forearc (Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites 786 & 782, Chichijima, Deep Sea Drilling Program (DSDP) sites 458 & 459, Saipan), and Palau on the remnant arc of the Kyushu–Palau Ridge. For a number of these locations, the 40Ar/39Ar plateau and 36Ar/40Ar versus 39Ar/40Ar isochrons give older ages than the K–Ar results. The most important results are: (i) at site 786, initial construction of the proto-IBM (now forearc) basement occurred at least by ca 47–45 Ma, consistent with the age of the immediately overlying sediments (middle Eocene nannofossil Zone CP13c); the younger pulse of construction dated at ca 35 Ma by K–Ar could not be confirmed by 40Ar/39Ar analysis; (ii) 40Ar/39Ar ages for the initial construction of the Mariana portion of the IBM system are as old as those of the Izu–Bonin portion, for example at site 458, initial construction commenced at least by ca 49 Ma and at ca 47 Ma at Saipan (Sankakayuma Formation); and (iii) a combination of K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate continued boninite magmatism in the Izu–Bonin forearc (and remnant arc at Palau) until ca 35 Ma. Subduction inception including boninite series rocks along most of the exposed length of the IBM system, clearly preceded by some 5 million years the Middle Eocene (ca 43.5 Ma) change in Pacific plate motion. Boninitic series magmatism persisted at locations now exposed in the forearc for ~ 15 million years after arc inception concurrently with low-K tholeiitic series eruptions from a subaerial arc system, established at ≥ 40 Ma, on the Kyushu–Palau Ridge. For the Mariana portion of the IBM system, reconstruction of the proto-arc places this activity adjacent to the concurrent but orthogonally spreading Central Basin Ridge of the West Philippine Basin. It is possible that a combination of subduction of a young North New Guinea Plate beneath newly created back-arc basin crust may account for some of the features of the Mariana system. It is clear, however, that the understanding of the processes of subduction initiation and early IBM arc development is incomplete. 相似文献
Perrine Paquereau-Lebti Michel Fornari Pierrick Roperch Jean-Claude Thouret Orlando Macedo 《Bulletin of Volcanology》2008,70(8):977-997
40Ar/39Ar ages and paleomagnetic correlations using characteristic remanent magnetizations (ChRM) show that two main ignimbrite sheets
were deposited at 4.86 ± 0.07 Ma (La Joya Ignimbrite: LJI) and at 1.63 ± 0.07 Ma (Arequipa Airport Ignimbrite: AAI) in the
Arequipa area, southern Peru. The AAI is a 20–100 m-thick ignimbrite that fills in the Arequipa depression to the west of
the city of Arequipa. The AAI is made up of two cooling units: an underlying white unit and an overlying weakly consolidated
pink unit. Radiometric data provide the same age for the two units. As both units record exactly the same well-defined paleomagnetic
direction (16 sites in the white unit of AAI: Dec = 173.7; Inc = 31.2; α95 = 0.7; k = 2749; and 10 sites in the pink unit of AAI; Dec = 173.6; Inc = 30.3; α95 = 1.2; k = 1634), showing no evidence of secular variation, the time gap between emplacement of the two units is unlikely to exceed
a few years. The >50 m thick well-consolidated white underlying unit of the Arequipa airport ignimbrite provides a very specific
magnetic zonation with low magnetic susceptibilities, high coercivities and unblocking temperatures of NRM above 580°C indicating
a Ti-poor titanohematite signature. The Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) is strongly enhanced in this layer with
anisotropy values up to 1.25. The fabric delineated by AMS was not recognized neither in the field nor in thin sections, because
most of the AAI consists in a massive and isotrope deposit with no visible textural fabric. Pumices deformation due to welding
is only observed at the base of the thickest sections. AMS within the AAI ignimbrite show a very well defined pattern of apparent
imbrications correlated to the paleotopography, with planes of foliation and lineation dipping often at more than 20° toward
the expected vent, buried beneath the Nevado Chachani volcanic complex. In contrast with the relatively small extent of the
thick AAI, the La Joya ignimbrite covers large areas from the Altipano down the Piedmont. Ti-poor titanomagnetites are the
dominant magnetic carriers and AMS values are generally lower than 1.05. Magnetic foliations are sub horizontal and lineations
directions are scattered in the LJI. The AMS fabrics are probably controlled by post-depositional compaction and welding of
the deposit rather than transport dynamics.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
Water contents and deformation mechanism in ductile shear zone of middle crust along the Red River fault in southwestern China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), we measured water contents of quartz and feldspar for four thin sections of felsic mylonite and two thin sections of banded granitic gneiss col- lected from a ductile shear zone of middle crust along the Red Rivers-Ailaoshan active fault. The ab- sorbance spectra and peak position suggest that water in quartz and feldspar of granitic gneiss and felsic mylonite occurs mainly as hydroxyl in crystal defect, but also contains inclusion water and grain boundary water. The water contents of minerals were calculated based on the absorbance spectra. Water content of feldspar in granitic gneiss is 0.05 wt%-0.15 wt%, and that of quartz 0.03 wt%-0.09 wt%. Water content of feldspar ribbon and quartz ribbon in felsic mylonite is 0.095 wt%-0.32 wt%, and those of fine-grained feldspar and quartz are 0.004 wt%-0.052 wt%. These data show that the water content of weakly deformed feldspar and quartz ribbons is much higher than that of strongly deformed fine-grained feldspar and quartz. This suggests that strong shear deformation leads to breakage of the structures of constitutional water, inclusion and grain boundary water in feldspar and quartz, and most of water in minerals of mylonite is released to the upper layer in the crust. 相似文献
Deformation of the Circum-Rhodope Belt Mesozoic (Middle Triassic to earliest Lower Cretaceous) low-grade schists underneath an arc-related ophiolitic magmatic suite and associated sedimentary successions in the eastern Rhodope-Thrace region occurred as a two-episode tectonic process: (i) Late Jurassic deformation of arc to margin units resulting from the eastern Rhodope-Evros arc–Rhodope terrane continental margin collision and accretion to that margin, and (ii) Middle Eocene deformation related to the Tertiary crustal extension and final collision resulting in the closure of the Vardar ocean south of the Rhodope terrane. The first deformational event D1 is expressed by Late Jurassic NW-N vergent fold generations and the main and subsidiary planar-linear structures. Although overprinting, these structural elements depict uniform bulk north-directed thrust kinematics and are geometrically compatible with the increments of progressive deformation that develops in same greenschist-facies metamorphic grade. It followed the Early-Middle Jurassic magmatic evolution of the eastern Rhodope-Evros arc established on the upper plate of the southward subducting Maliac-Meliata oceanic lithosphere that established the Vardar Ocean in a supra-subduction back-arc setting. This first event resulted in the thrust-related tectonic emplacement of the Mesozoic schists in a supra-crustal level onto the Rhodope continental margin. This Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous tectonic event related to N-vergent Balkan orogeny is well-constrained by geochronological data and traced at a regional-scale within distinct units of the Carpatho-Balkan Belt. Following subduction reversal towards the north whereby the Vardar Ocean was subducted beneath the Rhodope margin by latest Cretaceous times, the low-grade schists aquired a new position in the upper plate, and hence, the Mesozoic schists are lacking the Cretaceous S-directed tectono-metamorphic episode whose effects are widespread in the underlying high-grade basement. The subduction of the remnant Vardar Ocean located behind the colliding arc since the middle Cretaceous was responsible for its ultimate closure, Early Tertiary collision with the Pelagonian block and extension in the region caused the extensional collapse related to the second deformational event D2. This extensional episode was experienced passively by the Mesozoic schists located in the hanging wall of the extensional detachments in Eocene times. It resulted in NE-SW oriented open folds representing corrugation antiforms of the extensional detachment surfaces, brittle faulting and burial history beneath thick Eocene sediments as indicated by 42.1–39.7 Ma 40Ar/39Ar mica plateau ages obtained in the study. The results provide structural constraints for the involvement components of Jurassic paleo-subduction zone in a Late Jurassic arc-continental margin collisional history that contributed to accretion-related crustal growth of the Rhodope terrane. 相似文献