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Abstract— We used synchrotron X‐ray microtomography to image in 3‐dimensions (3D) eight whole chondrules in a ?1 cm3piece of the Renazzo (CR) chondrite at ?17 μm per volume element (voxel) edge. We report the first volumetric (3D) measurement of metal/silicate ratios in chondrules and quantify indices of chondrule sphericity. Volumetric metal abundances in whole chondrules range from 1 to 37 volume % in 8 measured chondrules and by inspection in tomography data. We show that metal abundances and metal grain locations in individual chondrules cannot be reliably obtained from single random 2D sections. Samples were physically cut to intersect representative chondrules multiple times and to verify 3D data. Detailed 2D chemical analysis combined with 3D data yield highly variable whole‐chondrule Mg/Si ratios with a supra‐chondritic mean value, yet the chemically diverse, independently formed chondrules are mutually complementary in preserving chondritic (solar) Fe/Si ratios in the aggregate CR chondrite. These results are consistent with localized chondrule formation and rapid accretion resulting in chondrule + matrix aggregates (meteorite parent bodies) that preserve the bulk chondritic composition of source regions.  相似文献   

We analyzed noble gases in nine individual chondrules, an assemblage of small chondrules, and four whole‐rock samples of the Allende CV3 chondrite. Major elements were also determined for five chondrules. The cosmic ray exposure ages are calculated from cosmogenic 3He to be 5.17 ± 0.38 and 5.15 ± 0.25 Myr for the averages of the chondrules and whole rocks, respectively, showing no significant pre‐exposure evidence for the studied chondrules. Large amounts of 36Ar, 80,82Kr, and 128Xe produced by neutron capture are observed in most samples; the abundances of these nuclides are correlated among the samples. The epithermal neutron flux and neutron slowing down density are calculated based on [80Kr]n, from which a sample depth of about 30 cm can be calculated. The measured chondrules contain variable amounts of radiogenic 129Xe. The abundance ratios of radiogenic 129Xe to neutron capture–produced 128Xe are rather constant among the studied chondrules; four chondrules give more precise ratios at the high‐temperature fractions, ranging from 1920 ± 80 to 2280 ± 140, which corresponds to a time difference of 3.9 ± 2.4 Myr. It is noticeable that most chondrules also contain 244Pu‐derived fission Xe. The average 244Pu/238U ratio for nine chondrules is 0.0069 ± 0.0018, which agrees well with the preferred ratio reported for chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— CR chondrites contain metal lumps (>300 μm) either attached to chondrule silicates or apparently isolated in the matrix. Here, laser ablation microanalysis of six metal lumps from a polished thin section of the Acfer 097 CR2 chondrite at 15 μm spatial resolution revealed zoning profiles for the volatile elements Cu and Ga. The mutual diffusivities of Cu and Ga were used to infer T ~ 1473 ± 100 K from the correlation of Cu versus Ga. The cooling rates of the metal lumps were calculated to be 0.5–50 K h?1 for Tp ~ 1473 ± 100 K, with a maximum possible range of 0.1–400 K h?1 for Tp ~ 1200–1800 K, overlapping the range of cooling rates inferred from petrological studies of type I chondrules (10–1000 K h?1). Chondrule textures were established near the peak heating temperatures of chondrules (approximately 1900–2000 K), while the Cu and Ga diffusive profiles were established after solidification (T ~ 1500 K), consistent with nonlinear cooling. Furthermore, one chondrule (N2) has a more complex zoning profile that is modeled as a three‐stage cooling history involving initial cooling at approximately 1 K h?1, followed by mild re‐heating (T ~ 1700 K) that re‐evaporated Cu and Ga from the outer approximately 100 μm of the metal lump and then cooled again at approximately 5 K h?1. The thermal effects of parent body and other preaccretionary heating events on the Cu and Ga zoning profiles are examined. Although CR parent bodies have experienced aqueous alteration, the thermal effects of this process can neither produce nor erase the Cu and Ga diffusive profiles. Thus, metal lumps in CR chondrites record the solid‐state thermal history of chondrules as they travelled away from the chondrule‐forming region.  相似文献   

Abstract— We carried out a petrologic and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) whole chondrite compositional study of Grosvenor Mountains (GRO) 95577. GRO 95577 has many petrological similarities to the CR chondrites. Although the INAA data show patterns indicative of terrestrial weathering, some of the elemental abundances are consistent with a relationship to CR chondrites. The oxygen isotopic composition of GRO 95577 plots close to the Renazzo CR chondrite on the three‐isotope diagram. However, GRO 95577 is remarkable in that the chondrules are completely hydrated, consisting almost entirely of phyllosilicates, magnetite, and sulfides. Although GRO 95577 is completely hydrated, the initial chondrule textures are perfectly preserved. The chondrules are in sharp contact with the matrix, their fine‐grained rims are clearly visible, and the boundaries of the dark inclusions can be easily discerned. Many chondrules in GRO 95577 have textures suggestive of type I chondrules, but the phenocrysts have undergone perfect pseudomorphic replacement by yellow to brownish serpentine‐rich phyllosilicate, with sharp original crystal outlines preserved. The chondrule mesostasis is a green aluminous chlorite‐rich material, most likely a hydration product of the feldspathic mesostasis commonly found in anhydrous type I chondrules. Some chondrules contain magnetite spheres, most likely formed by oxidation of metal. We propose that GRO 95577 be classified as a CR1 chondrite, making it the first known CR1 chondrite and expanding the range of alteration conditions on the CR parent body.  相似文献   

We report trace element analyses by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) of metal grains from nine different CR chondrites, distinguishing grains from chondrule interior (“interior grains”), chondrule surficial shells (“margin grains”), and the matrix (“isolated grains”). Save for a few anomalous grains, Ni‐normalized trace element patterns are similar for all three petrographic settings, with largely unfractionated refractory siderophile elements and depleted volatile Au, Cu, Ag, S. All three types of grains are interpreted to derive from a common precursor approximated by the least‐melted, fine‐grained objects in CR chondrites. This also excludes recondensation of metal vapor as the origin of the bulk of margin grains. The metal precursors were presumably formed by incomplete condensation, with evidence for high‐temperature isolation of refractory platinum‐group‐element (PGE)‐rich condensates before mixing with lower temperature PGE‐depleted condensates. The rounded shape of the Ni‐rich, interior grains shows that they were molten and that they equilibrated with silicates upon slow cooling (1–100 K h?1), largely by oxidation/evaporation of Fe, hence their high Pd content, for example. We propose that Ni‐poorer, amoeboid margin grains, often included in the pyroxene‐rich periphery common to type I chondrules, result from less intense processing of a rim accreted onto the chondrule subsequent to the melting event recorded by the interior grains. This means either that there were two separate heating events, which formed olivine/interior grains and pyroxene/margin grains, respectively, between which dust was accreted around the chondrule, or that there was a single high‐temperature event, of which the chondrule margin records a late “quenching phase,” in which case dust accreted onto chondrules while they were molten. In the latter case, high dust concentrations in the chondrule‐forming region (at least three orders of magnitude above minimum mass solar nebula models) are indicated.  相似文献   

Petrofabrics in chondrites have the potential to yield important information on the impact evolution of chondritic parent asteroids, but studies involving chondritic petrofabrics are scarce. We undertook an analysis of the Pu?tusk H chondrite regolith breccia. Measurements of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and quantitative tomographic examination of metal grains are presented here and the results are compared with petrographic observations. The major fabric elements are in Pu?tusk shear fractures cutting the light‐colored chondritic clasts as well as brittly and semibrittly deformed, cataclased fragments in dark matrix of regolith breccia. Cataclasis is accompanied by rotation of silicate grains and frictional melting. Fabric of metal grains in chondrite is well defined and coherently oriented over the breccia, both in the clasts and in the cataclastic matrix. Metal grains have prolate shapes and they are arranged into foliation plane and lineation direction, both of which are spatially related and kinematically compatible to shear‐dominated deformational features. We argue that the fabric of Pu?tusk was formed in response to impact‐related noncoaxial shear strain. Deformation promoted brittle cataclastic processes and shearing of silicates, and, simultaneously, allowed for ductile metal to develop foliation and lineation. We suggest that plastic flow is the most probable mechanism for the deformation of metal grains in the shear‐dominated strain field. The process led also to the formation of large metal nodules and bands in the dark matrix of breccia.  相似文献   

Abstract— Bencubbin is an unclassified meteorite breccia which consists mainly of host silicate (~40 vol.%) and host metal (~60%) components. Rare (< 1%) ordinary chondrite clasts and a dark xenolith (formerly called a carbonaceous chondrite clast) are also found. A petrologic study of the host silicates shows that they have textures, modes, mineralogy and bulk compositions that are essentially the same as that of barred olivine (BO) chondrules, and they are considered to be BO chondritic material. Bulk compositions of individual host silicate clasts are identical and differ only in their textures which are a continuum from coarsely barred, to finely barred, to feathery microcrystalline; these result from differing cooling rates. The host silicates differ from average BO chondrules only in being angular clasts rather than fluid droplet-shaped objects, and in being larger in size (up to 1 cm) than most chondrules; but large angular to droplet-shaped chondrules occur in many chondrites. Bencubbin host metallic FeNi clasts have a positive Ni-Co trend, which coincides with that of a calculated equilibrium nebular condensation path. This appears to indicate a chondritic, rather than impact, origin for this component as well. The rare ordinary chondrite clast and dark xenolith also contain FeNi metal with compositions similar to that of the host metal. Two scenarios are offered for the origin of the Bencubbin breccia. One is that the Bencubbin components are chondritic and were produced in the solar nebula. Later brecciation, reaggregation and minor melting of the chondritic material resulted in it becoming a monomict chondritic breccia. The alternative scenario is that the Bencubbin components formed as a result of major impact melting on a chondritic parent body; the silicate fragments were formed from an impact-induced lava flow and are analogous to the spinifex-textured rocks characteristic of terrestrial komatiites. Both scenarios have difficulties, but the petrologic, chemical and isotopic data are more consistent with Bencubbin being a brecciated chondrite. Bencubbin has a number of important chemical and isotopic characteristics in common with the major components in the CR (Renazzo-type) chondrites and the unique ALH85085 chondrite, which suggests that their major components may be related. These include: (1) Mafic silicates that are similarly Mg-rich and formed in similar reducing environments. (2) Similarly low volatiles; TiO2, Al2O3 and Cr2O3 contents are also similar. (3) Similar metallic FeNi compositions that sharply differ from those in other chondrites. (4) Remarkable enrichments in 15N. (5) Similar oxygen isotopic compositions that lie on the same mixing line. Thus, the major components of the Bencubbin breccia are highly similar to those of the ALH85085 and CR chondrites and they may have all formed in the same isotopic reservoir, under similar conditions, in the CR region of the solar nebula.  相似文献   

Analysis of the NWA 2086 CV3 chondrite showed a matrix/chondrule ratio of 52%, similar to Bali, Mokoia, and Grosanaja. Nearly twice as many chondrule fragments as intact ones demonstrate that an early fragmentation phase occurred prior to final accretion. After this event, no substantial mechanical change or redeposition is evident. Rims with double‐layered structures were identified around some chondrules, which, in at least one case, is attributed to an accretionary origin. The rim's outer parts with a diffuse appearance were formed by in situ chemical alteration. During this later process, Mg content decreased, Fe content increased, and olivine composition was homogenized, producing a rim composition close to that of the matrix. This alteration occasionally happened along fractures and at confined locations, and was probably produced by fluid interactions. Iron oxides are the best candidate for a small grain‐sized alteration product; however, technical limitations in the available equipment did not allow exact phase identification. These results suggest that NWA 2086 came from a location (possible more deeply buried) in the CV parent body than Mokoia or Bali, and suffered less impact effects—although there is no evidence of sustained thermal alteration. This meteorite may represent a sample of the CV parent asteroid interior and provide a useful basis for comparison with other CV meteorites in the future.  相似文献   

The NWA 5491 CV3 meteorite is a CVoxA subtype, and composed of two substantially different units (titled “upper” and “lower” units) in the cm size range with original accreted material and also subsequent alteration produced features. Based on the large chondrules in the “upper” unit and the small chondrules plus CAIs in the “lower” unit, they possibly accreted material from different parts of the solar nebula and/or at different times, whereas substantial changes happened in the nebula's composition. Differences are observed in the level of early fragmentation too, which was stronger in the upper units. During later alteration oxidizing fluids possibly circulated only in the upper unit, mechanical fragmentation and resorption were also stronger there. In the last phase of the geological history these two rock units came into physical contact, but impact‐driven shock effects were not observed. The characteristics of this meteorite provide evidence that the same parent body might accrete substantially different material and also the later processes could differ spatially in the parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— The ten specimens of the paired Acfer 059/El Djouf 001 CR2 chondrite contain abundant lithic fragments which we refer to as dark clasts. Petrological and mineralogical studies reveal that they are not related to the CR2 host meteorite but are similar to dark clasts in other CR2 chondrites. Dark clasts consist of chondrule and mineral fragments, phyllosilicate fragments and clusters, magnetite, sulfides and accessory phases, embedded into a very fine-grained, phyllosilicate-rich matrix. Magnetite has morphologies known from CI chondrites: spherules, framboids and platelets. Average abundances of major elements in the dark clasts are mostly in the range of both CR and CV chondrites, but strong depletions in Na and S are apparent. Oxygen isotopic compositions of two dark clasts suggest relationships to type 3 carbonaceous chondrites and dark inclusions in Allende. The dark clasts are clearly different in texture and mineralogical composition from the host matrix of Acfer 059/El Djouf 001. Therefore, these dark clasts are xenoliths and are quite unlike the Acfer 059/El Djouf 001 CR2 host meteorite. We suggest that dark clasts accreted at the same time with all other components during the formation of Acfer 059/El Djouf 001 whole rock.  相似文献   

Abstract— Transmission-electron-microscopy (TEM) and optical data suggest that chondrules in the Chainpur (LL3.4) chondrite experienced varied thermal and deformation histories prior to the final agglomeration of the meteorite. Chainpur may be regarded as an agglomerate or breccia that experienced little deformation or heating during and after the final accumulation and compaction of its constituents. One chondrule in Chainpur was impact-shocked to high pressures (~ 20–50 GPa), almost certainly prior to final agglomeration, either while it was an independent entity in space or while it was in the regolith of a parent body. However, most (>85%) of the chondrules in Chainpur were evidently not significantly shock-metamorphosed subsequent to their formation. The dearth of shock effects implies that most chondrules in Chainpur did not form by shock melting, although some chondrules may have formed by this process. Dusty-metal-bearing olivine grains, which are widely interpreted to have escaped melting during chondrule formation, contain moderate densities of dislocations (~ 108 cm?2). The dislocations in these grains were introduced before or during the last episode of melting in at least one chondrule. This observation can be explained if olivine was impact-deformed before or during chondrule formation, or if olivine was strained by reduction or thermally-induced processes during chondrule formation. Low-Ca pyroxene grains in chondrules are often strained. In most cases this strain probably arose as a by-product of polytype transformations (protoenstatite → clinoenstatite/orthoenstatite and clinoenstatite → orthoenstatite) that occurred during the igneous crystallization and static annealing of chondrules. Droplet chondrules with glassy mesostases were minimally annealed, consistent with an origin as relatively rapidly cooled objects in an unconfined, cold environment. Some irregular chondrules and at least one droplet chondrule were thermally metamorphosed prior to final agglomeration, either as a result of moderately slow cooling (~ 100 °C/hr) from melt temperatures (during autometamorphism) or as a result of reheating episodes. Two of the most annealed chondrules contain relatively abundant plagioclase feldspar, and one of these has a uniform olivine composition appropriate to that of an LL4 chondrite.  相似文献   

NWA 10214 is an LL3‐6 breccia containing ~8 vol% clasts including LL5, LL6, and shocked‐darkened LL fragments as well as matrix‐rich Clast 6 (a new kind of chondrite). This clast is a dark‐colored, subrounded, 6.1 × 7.0 mm inclusion, consisting of 60 vol% fine‐grained matrix, 32 vol% coarse silicate grains, and 8 vol% coarse opaque grains. The large chondrules and chondrule fragments are mainly Type IB; one small chondrule is Type IIA. Also present are one 450 × 600 μm spinel‐pyroxene‐olivine CAI and one 85 × 110 μm AOI. Clast 6 possesses a unique set of properties. (1) It resembles carbonaceous chondrites in having relatively abundant matrix, CAIs, and AOIs; the clast's matrix composition is close to that in CV3 Vigarano. (2) It resembles type‐3 OC in its olivine and low‐Ca pyroxene compositional distributions, and in the Fe/Mn ratio of ferroan olivine grains. Its mean chondrule size is within 1σ of that of H chondrites. The O‐isotopic compositions of the chondrules are in the ordinary‐ and R‐chondrite ranges. (3) It resembles type‐3 enstatite chondrites in the minor element concentrations in low‐Ca pyroxene grains and in having a high low‐Ca pyroxene/olivine ratio in chondrules. Clast 6 is a new variety of type‐3 OC, somewhat more reduced than H chondrites or chondritic clasts in the Netschaevo IIE iron; the clast formed in a nebular region where aerodynamic radial drift processes deposited a high abundance of matrix material and CAIs. A chunk of this chondrite was ejected from its parent asteroid and later impacted the LL body at low relative velocity.  相似文献   

NWA 8785 is a remarkable EL3 chondrite with a high abundance (~34 vol%) of an Fe-rich matrix. This is the highest matrix abundance known among enstatite chondrites (ECs) and more similar to the matrix abundances in some carbonaceous and Rumuruti chondrites. X-ray diffraction and TEM data indicate that the fine-grained portion of the NWA 8785 matrix consists of nanoscale magnetite mixed with a noncrystalline silicate material and submicron-sized enstatite and plagioclase grains. This is the first report of magnetite nanoparticles in an EL3. The Si content of the metal (0.7 wt%), presence of ferroan alabandite, and its O isotopic composition indicate NWA 8785 is EL3-related. Having more abundant matrix than in other ECs, and that the matrix is rich in magnetite nanoparticles, which are not present in any other EC, suggest classification as an EL3 anomalous. Although we cannot completely exclude any of the mechanisms or environments for formation of the magnetite, we find a secondary origin to be the most compelling. We suggest that the magnetite formed due to hydrothermal activity in the meteorite parent body. Although ECs are relatively dry and likely formed within the nebular snow line, ices may have drifted inward from just beyond the snow line to the region where the EL chondrites were accreting, or more likely the snow line migrated inward during the early evolution of the solar system. This may have resulted in the condensation of ices and provided an ice-rich region for accretion of the EL3 parent body. Thus, the EL3 parent body may have had hydrothermal activity and if Earth formed near the EC accretion zone, similar bodies may have contributed to the Earth's water supply. NWA 8785 greatly extends the range of known characteristics of ECs and EC parent body processes.  相似文献   

The CB chondrites are metal‐rich meteorites with characteristics that sharply distinguish them from other chondrite groups. Their unusual chemical and petrologic features and a young formation age of bulk chondrules dated from the CBa chondrite Gujba are interpreted to reflect a single‐stage impact origin. Here, we report high‐precision internal isochrons for four individual chondrules of the Gujba chondrite to probe the formation history of CB chondrites and evaluate the concordancy of relevant short‐lived radionuclide chronometers. All four chondrules define a brief formation interval with a weighted mean age of 4562.49 ± 0.21 Myr, consistent with its origin from the vapor‐melt impact plume generated by colliding planetesimals. Formation in a debris disk mostly devoid of nebular gas and dust sets an upper limit for the solar protoplanetary disk lifetime at 4.8 ± 0.3 Myr. Finally, given the well‐behaved Pb‐Pb systematics of all four chondrules, a precise formation age and the concordancy of the Mn‐Cr, Hf‐W, and I‐Xe short‐lived radionuclide relative chronometers, we propose that Gujba may serve as a suitable time anchor for these systems.  相似文献   

Abstract– Northwest Africa 5492 is a new metal‐rich chondrite breccia that may represent a new oxygen reservoir and new chondrite parent body. It has some textural similarities to CB and CH chondrites, but silicates are more reduced, sulfides are more common and not associated with metal, and metal compositions differ from CB and CH chondrites. Oxygen isotope ratios indicate that Northwest Africa (NWA) 5492 components (chondrules and lithic fragments) formed in at least two different oxygen reservoirs. The more common, and presumably host, component plots in a region above the terrestrial fractionation line, below ordinary chondrite compositions, and just above enstatite chondrites in 3‐oxygen space. The only other chondritic materials that plot in this region are chondrules from the Grosvenor Mountains (GRO) 95551 ungrouped metal‐rich chondrite. The other rare component plots near the CR, CB, and CH chondrites. Based on petrologic characteristics and oxygen isotopic compositions, NWA 5492 appears to be related to the ungrouped metal‐rich GRO 95551 chondrite.  相似文献   

Forsterite and clinoenstatite in type IAB chondrules from the Murchison CM carbonaceous chondrite have been partially serpentinized, and the mechanisms of their alteration reveal crystallographic and microstructural controls on the reaction of silicate minerals with parent body aqueous solutions. Grains of forsterite were altered in two stages. Narrow veinlets of Fe‐rich serpentine formed first and by the filling of sheet pores. Most of these pores were oriented parallel to (010) and (001) and had been produced by earlier fracturing and/or congruent dissolution. In the second stage, the subset of veinlets that were oriented parallel to (001) was widened accompanying the replacement of forsterite by Mg‐Fe serpentine. This reaction proceeded most rapidly parallel to [001], and crystallographic controls on the trajectory of retreating vein walls created fine‐scale serrations. Murchison clinoenstatite grains have a skeletal appearance due to the presence of abundant veinlets and patches of phyllosilicate. Two alteration stages can again be recognized, with initial water–mineral interaction producing tochilinite‐rich veinlets by the filling of (001)‐parallel contraction cracks. Pores then formed by congruent dissolution that was guided principally by orthopyroxene lamellae, and they were subsequently filled by submicrometer‐sized crystals of polyhedral serpentine. This finding that Murchison forsterite and clinoenstatite grains have been altered demonstrates that aqueous processing of magnesium silicate minerals started much earlier in CM parent body history than previously believed. Our results also show that the occurrence of polyhedral serpentine can be used to locate former pore spaces within the parent body.  相似文献   

In the CR (Renazzo-like) chondrite group, many chondrules have successive igneous rim (IR) layers, with an outer layer that contains a silica mineral and/or silica-rich glass (silica-rich igneous rims, SIRs). Models for SIR formation include (1) accretion of Si-rich dust onto solid chondrule surfaces, followed by heating and cooling and (2) condensation of SiO(gas) onto the surface of partially molten chondrules. We evaluate these models, based on a petrographic study of five Antarctic CR chondrites that have undergone minimal secondary alteration. We obtained electron microprobe analyses of minerals and glass with quantitative wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy mapping, and identified silica polymorphs with Raman spectroscopy. Common SIRs contain silica, low-Ca pyroxene, Ca-rich pyroxene, Fe,Ni metal, ± glass ± plagioclase ± rare olivine. We also describe near-monomineralic SIRs where a narrow zone of cristobalite occurs at the outer edge of the chondrule. All crystalline silica is cristobalite, except for one SIR that consists of tridymite. Some rims contain silica-rich glass (>80 wt% SiO2) but no silica mineral. Features such as sharp interfaces and compositional boundaries between chondrules and SIRs indicate that SIRs were formed from solid precursors. Consideration of the stability fields of silica polymorphs and computed liquidus temperatures indicates that SIRs were heated to >1500°C for limited time periods, followed by rapid cooling, similar to conditions for chondrule formation. We infer that in the CR chondrule formation region, the same heating mechanism was repeated multiple times while the chemical composition of the nebular gas evolved to highly fractionated silica-rich compositions.  相似文献   

We have studied the petrologic characteristics of sulfide‐metal lodes, polymineralic Fe‐Ni nodules, and opaque assemblages in the CR2 chondrite Graves Nunataks (GRA) 06100, one of the most altered CR chondrites. Unlike low petrologic type CR chondrites, alteration of metal appears to have played a central role in the formation of secondary minerals in GRA 06100. Differences in the mineralogy and chemical compositions of materials in GRA 06100 suggest that it experienced higher temperatures than other CR2 chondrites. Mineralogic features indicative of high temperature include: (1) exsolution of Ni‐poor and Ni‐rich metal from nebular kamacite; (2) formation of sulfides, oxides, and phosphates; (3) changes in the Co/Ni ratios; and (4) carbidization of Fe‐Ni metal. The conspicuous absence of pentlandite may indicate that peak temperatures exceeded 600 °C. Opaques appear to have been affected by the action of aqueous fluids that resulted in the formation of abundant oxides, Fe‐rich carbonates, including endmember ankerite, and the sulfide‐silicate‐phosphate scorzalite. We suggest that these materials formed via impact‐driven metamorphism. Mineralogic features indicative of impact metamorphism include (1) the presence of sulfide‐metal lodes; (2) the abundance of polymineralic opaque assemblages with mosaic‐like textures; and (3) the presence of suessite. Initial shock metamorphism probably resulted in replacement of nebular Fe‐Ni metal in chondrules and in matrix by Ni‐rich, Co‐rich Fe metal, Al‐Ti‐Cr‐rich alloys, and Fe sulfides, while subsequent hydrothermal alteration produced accessory oxides, phosphates, and Fe carbonates. An extensive network of sulfide‐metal veins permitted effective exchange of siderophile elements from pre‐existing metal nodules with adjacent chondrules and matrix, resulting in unusually high Fe contents in these objects.  相似文献   

Abstract— Iodine concentrations in small domains (~10 μm) of silicates and troilite (FeS) phases in three chondrules from the Semarkona (LL3) meteorite were determined by an ion microprobe. Independent determination of I content in some of these phases was accomplished by in situ laser probe mass spectrometric analysis of I-derived 128Xe in one of these neutron-irradiated chondrules. The ion microprobe data suggest low I content for olivines (20–45 ppb) and relatively higher values for pyroxene and glass (mesostasis) (40–160 ppb). The broad similarity in the measured I contents in pyroxenes in a porphyritic pyroxene chondrule by ion microprobe (42–138 ppb) and by laser probe (37–76 ppb) demonstrate the feasibility of in situ determination of I content in silicate phases via ion microprobe. The I contents in troilite measured by ion microprobe, however, are prone to uncertainty because of the lack of a sulfide standard. The ion microprobe data suggest I content of > 1 ppm in troilite, if the calibration from our silicate standard is used. However, the noble gas data suggest that the I content in troilite is comparable to that in silicates. We attribute this apparent discrepancy to an enhanced sputter ion yield of I from sulfides. Iodine-derived 129Xe excesses were observed in both pyroxene and troilite within this chondrule. The I-Xe model ages of these selected phases are consistent with the I-Xe studies of the bulk chondrule. The individual data points fall on or near the isochron obtained from the bulk chondrule, although all except the most radiogenic data point contain evidence of low-temperature uncorrelated iodine.  相似文献   

Renazzo‐type carbonaceous (CR) chondrites are accretionary breccias that formed last. As such they are ideal samples to study precompaction exposures to cosmic rays. Here, we present noble gas data for 24 chondrules and 3 dark inclusion samples (DIs) from Shi?r 033 (CR2). The meteorite was selected based on the absence of implanted solar wind noble gases and an anomalous oxygen isotopic composition of the DIs; the oxygen isotopes match those in CV3 and CO3 chondrites. Our samples contain variable mixtures of galactic cosmic ray (GCR)‐produced cosmogenic noble gases and trapped noble gases of presolar origin. Remarkably, all chondrules have cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne concentrations up to 4.3 and 7.1 times higher than the DIs, respectively. We derived an average 3He‐21Ne cosmic ray exposure (CRE) age for Shi?r 033 of 2.03 ± 0.20 Ma (2 SD) and excesses in cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne in chondrules (relative to the DIs) in the range (in 10?8 cm3STP/g) 3.99–7.76 and 0.94–1.71, respectively. Assuming present‐day GCR flux density, the excesses translate into average precompaction 3He‐21Ne CRE ages of 3.1–27.3 Ma depending on the exposure geometry. The data can be interpreted assuming a protracted storage of a single chondrule generation prior to the final assembly of the Shi?r 033 parent body in a region of the disk transparent to GCRs.  相似文献   

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