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Coesite and stishovite are developed in shock veins within metaquartzites beyond a radius of ~30 km from the center of the 2.02 Ga Vredefort impact structure. This work focuses on deploying analytical field emission scanning electron microscopy, electron backscattered diffraction, and Raman spectrometry to better understand the temporal and spatial relations of these silica polymorphs. α-Quartz in the host metaquartzites, away from shock veins, exhibits planar features, Brazil twins, and decorated planar deformation features, indicating a primary (bulk) shock loading of >5 < 35 GPa. Within the shock veins, coesite forms anhedral grains, ranging in size from 0.5 to 4 μm, with an average of 1.25 μm. It occurs in clasts, where it displays a distinct jigsaw texture, indicative of partial reversion to a less dense SiO2 phase, now represented by microcrystalline quartz. It is also developed in the matrix of the shock veins, where it is typically of smaller size (<1 μm). Stishovite occurs as euhedral acicular crystals, typically <0.5 μm wide and up to 15 μm in length, associated with clast–matrix or shock vein margin–matrix interfaces. In this context, the needles occur as radiating or subparallel clusters, which grow into/over both coesite and what is now microcrystalline quartz. Stishovite also occurs as more blebby, subhedral to anhedral grains in the vein matrix (typically <1 μm). We propose a model for the evolution of the veins (1) precursory frictional melting in a microfault (~1 mm wide) generates a molten matrix containing quartz clasts. This is followed by (2) arrival of the main shock front, which shocks to 35 GPa. This generates coesite in the clasts and in the matrix. (3) On initial shock release, the coesite partly reverts to a less dense SiO2 phase, which is now represented by microcrystalline quartz. (4) With continued release, stishovite forms euhedral needle clusters at solid–liquid interfaces and as anhedral crystals in the matrix. (5) With decreasing pressure–temperature, the matrix completes crystallization to yield a microcrystalline quasi-igneous texture comprising quartz–coesite–stishovite–kyanite–biotite–alkali feldspar and accessory phases. It is possible that the shock vein represents the locus of a thermal spike within the bulk shock, in which case there is no requirement for additional pressure (i.e., the bulk shock was ≃35 GPa). However, if that pressure was not realized from the main shock, then supplementary pressure excursions within the vein would have been required. These could have taken the form of localized reverberations from wave trapping, or implosion processes, including pore collapse, phase change–initiated volume reduction, and melt cavitation.  相似文献   

Haughton is a ~24 Myr old midsize (apparent diameter 23 km) complex impact structure located on Devon Island in Nunavut, Canada. The center of the structure shows a negative gravity anomaly of ?12 mGal coupled to a localized positive magnetic field anomaly of ~900 nT. A field expedition in 2013 led to the acquisition of new ground magnetic field mapping and electrical resistivity data sets, as well as the first subsurface drill cores down to 13 m depth at the top of the magnetic field anomaly. Petrography, rock magnetic, and petrophysical measurements were performed on the cores and revealed two different types of clast‐rich polymict impactites: (1) a white hydrothermally altered impact melt rock, not previously observed at Haughton, and (2) a gray impact melt rock with no macroscopic sign of alteration. In the altered core, gypsum is present in macroscopic veins and in the form of intergranular selenite associated with colored and zoned carbonate clasts. This altered core has a natural remanent magnetization (NRM) four to five times higher than materials from the other core but the same magnetic susceptibility. Their magnetization is still higher than the surrounding crater‐fill impact melt rocks. X‐ray fluorescence data indicate a similar proportion of iron‐rich phases in both cores and an enrichment in silicates within the altered core. In addition, alternating‐field demagnetization results show that one main process remagnetized the rocks. These results support the hypothesis that intense and possibly localized post‐impact hydrothermal alteration enhanced the magnetization of the clast‐rich impact melt rocks by crystallization of magnetite within the center of the Haughton impact structure. Subsequent erosion was followed by in situ concentration in the subsurface leading to large magnetic gradient on surface.  相似文献   

Abstract– Pyrrhotite from suevite of the 35 Ma Chesapeake Bay impact structure (CBIS) shows a shock metamorphism and we report on several mineralogical and magnetic features. Pyrrhotite shows strong brittle deformation with a high density of stacking faults, twinning parallel to the hexagonal (001) planes and average fault distances in the order of 10 nm. Although the determination of a superstructure was not possible due to the lattice defects, the reflections of the NiAs subcell, which is typical of all pyrrhotite modifications, were clearly detected. This phase is ferrimagnetic with a Curie temperature (TC) between 350 and 365 °C, and suevite with this phase does not show the 34 K transition. The most peculiar feature is the low metal/sulfur ratio of 0.81, which indicates a distinctly higher vacancy concentration than for 4C pyrrhotite and a composition close to smythite (Fe9S11). This phase carries a stable natural remanent magnetization and is relatively hard magnetic. Steep inclinations of the natural remanent magnetization vector, however, suggest that this phase has been remagnetized by the drilling process. A possible explanation is the magnetic domain size of faultless areas of about 10 nm in diameter, which is at the lower limit of the single domain size near the threshold, below which superparamagnetic behavior occurs. The low thermal stability of this phase excludes postshock heating above 300 °C for the suevite of the CBIS. Our results imply that the iron‐deficient pyrrhotite is produced by shock metamorphism, although an iron loss due to shock has never been reported before for pyrrhotite.  相似文献   

We present two catalogues of positions of selected asteroids in the system of the Tycho Reference Catalogue from the photographic observations carried out on Mt. Maidanak with the AFR-1 wide-field astrograph (D = 230 mm, F = 2300 mm) and in Zvenigorod with the Zeiss wide-field astrograph (D = 400 mm, F = 2000 mm) in 1991–1993. The catalogue obtained on Maidanak contains 109 positions of selected asteroids; the one obtained in Zvenigorod contains 177 asteroid positions. The two catalogues are compared to show that they are uniform. The one-position mean square errors in the Maidanak and Zvenigorod catalogues are calculated: 0.306″, 0.153″ and 0.370″, 0.219″.  相似文献   

The Mars Exploration Rover, Spirit, landed on 4 January 2004, in a lava field in Gusev crater on Mars. Samples interpreted as olivine basalt have been investigated with Mössbauer spectroscopy and chemically with Alpha-particle-X-ray spectrometry (APXS).In this contribution we present the results of a new analysis of the Mössbauer spectra of selected rock targets in Gusev crater. The results show that the rock surfaces investigated are inhomogeneous, and show strong enhancement of olivine in the surface layer. By subtraction of the surface signal to obtain the spectrum of the true interior of the rock samples, the measurements show the usual correlation between olivine and iron oxides of olivine basalt.It is argued that the compositional changes observed are related to high temperature oxidation of the rocks, probably during solidification, a process known to lead to anomalously magnetic rocks. The rock Mazatzal is discussed in some detail, and it is suggested that the surface is covered with deposits rich in ferric iron rather than these ferric phases being due to oxidation of the rock. The fact that all the surfaces in this investigation show this same pattern, suggests that the dominating erosion of the surface layer of basaltic rocks at Gusev crater has been mechanical rather than chemical.  相似文献   

New infrared photometry of a sample of 39 stars in the open cluster NGC 752 is presented. These observations confirm the bimodality of the Main Sequence previously reported. We analyze the nature of this behaviour on the basis of the binary hypothesis.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain  相似文献   

Geological and geophysical evidence is presented for a newly discovered, probable remnant complex impact structure. The structure, located near Bow City, southern Alberta, has no obvious morphological expression at surface. The geometry of the structure in the shallow subsurface, mapped using downhole geophysical well logs, is a semicircular structural depression approximately 8 km in diameter with a semicircular uplifted central region. Detailed subsurface mapping revealed evidence of localized duplication of stratigraphic section in the central uplift area and omission of strata within the surrounding annular region. Field mapping of outcrop confirmed an inlier of older rocks present within the center of the structure. Evidence of deformation along the eastern margin of the central uplift includes thrust faulting, folding, and steeply dipping bedding. Normal faults were mapped along the northern margin of the annular region. Isopach maps reveal that structural thickening and thinning were accommodated primarily within the Belly River Group. Evidence from legacy 2‐D seismic data is consistent with the subsurface mapping and reveals additional insight into the geometry of the structure, including a series of listric normal faults in the annular region and complex faulting within the central uplift. The absence of any ejecta blanket, breccia, suevite, or melt sheet (based on available data) is consistent with the Bow City structure being the remnant of a deeply eroded, complex impact structure. Accordingly, the Bow City structure may provide rare access and insight into zones of deformation remaining beneath an excavated transient crater in stratified siliciclastic target rocks.  相似文献   

G. Poletto  R. A. Kopp 《Solar physics》1988,116(1):163-178
On 21–22 May, 1980 the HXIS instrument aboard SMM imaged an enormous, more-or-less stationary, X-ray arch structure near the position of a large two-ribbon flare which immediately preceded it in time. As described by vestka et al. (1982), the arch remained visible for up to 10 hours. Previous inferences of the height, orientation, and physical parameters of this feature have been based largely on the X-ray data and on radio observations of the associated stationary Type I noise storm. In the present paper we use the observed photospheric line-of-sight magnetic field distribution to compute, in the current-free approximation, the three-dimensional topology of the coronal field above the flare site. Comparing the HXIS intensity contours of the arch to the projected shapes of the field lines suggests that the arch is indeed aligned with certain coronal flux tubes and allows an independent determination of the geometrical arch parameters to be made. This procedure indicates that the true height of the arch is about 70000 km, i.e., appreciably less than was suggested previously (although it is still certainly to be classified as a giant feature of the post-flare evolution).These results suggest that the arch may be a by-product of magnetic reconnection occurring far above the flare site, analogous to the post-flare loops seen at lower heights. Unlike the latter, however, the field lines undergoing reconnection here link more distant parts of the active region; i.e., they do not represent direct linkages across the magnetic neutral line and thus appear to be topologically quite distinct from those which thread the underlying post-flare loops. In fact, of this group of peripheral field lines, the arch could simply comprise the lowest-lying ones to have been opened up by the flare process (and the first to reconnect again). This would explain why both the arch and the post-flare loops were visible early in the decay phase, being products of separate reconnection processes. Moreover, because of the lower plasma density and longer cooling times of the arch, this feature persisted long after the post-flare loops faded from view. A calculation of the magnetic energy liberated by reconnection shows that this process is easily capable of satisfying the overall energy requirements of the arch (the latter as determined from observations).On leave from Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The mode of formation of gullies on Mars, very young erosional–depositional landforms consisting of an alcove, channel, and fan, is one of the most enigmatic problems in martian geomorphology. Major questions center on their ages, geographic and stratigraphic associations, relation to recent ice ages, and, if formed by flowing water, the sources of the water to cause the observed erosion/deposition. Gasa (35.72°S, 129.45°E), a very fresh 7-km diameter impact crater and its environment, offer a unique opportunity to explore these questions. We show that Gasa crater formed during the most recent glacial epoch (2.1–0.4 Ma), producing secondary crater clusters on top of the latitude-dependent mantle (LDM), interpreted to be a layered ice-dust-rich deposit emplaced during this glacial epoch. High-resolution images of a pre-Gasa impact crater ~100 km northeast of Gasa reveal that portions of the secondary-crater-covered LDM have been removed from pole-facing slopes in crater interiors near Gasa; gullies are preferentially located in these areas and channels feeding alcoves and fans can be seen to emerge from the eroding LDM layers to produce multiple generations of channel incision and fan lobes. We interpret these data to mean that these gullies formed extremely recently in the post-Gasa-impact time-period by melting of the ice-rich LDM. Stratigraphic and topographic relationships are interpreted to mean that under favorable illumination geometry (steep pole-facing slopes) and insolation conditions, melting of the debris-covered ice-rich mantle took place in multiple stages, most likely related to variations in spin-axis/orbital conditions. Closer to Gasa, in the interior of the ~18 km diameter LDM-covered host crater in which Gasa formed, the pole-facing slopes display two generations of gullies. Early, somewhat degraded gullies, have been modified by proximity to Gasa ejecta emplacement, and later, fresh appearing gullies are clearly superposed, cross-cut the earlier phase, and show multiple channels and fans, interpreted to be derived from continued melting of the LDM on steep pole-facing slopes. Thus, we conclude that melting of the ice-rich LDM is a major source of gully activity both pre-Gasa crater and post-Gasa crater formation. The lack of obscuration of Gasa secondary clusters formed on top of the LDM is interpreted to mean that the Gasa impact occurred following emplacement of the last significant LDM layers at these low latitudes, and thus near the end of the ice ages. This interpretation is corroborated by the lack of LDM within Gasa. However, Gasa crater contains a robustly developed set of gullies on its steep, pole-facing slopes, unlike other very young post-LDM craters in the region. How can the gullies inside Gasa form in the absence of an ice-rich LDM that is interpreted to be the source of water for the other adjacent and partly contemporaneous gullies? Analysis of the interior (floor and walls) of the host crater suggest that prior to the Gasa impact, the pole-facing walls and floor were occupied by remnant debris-covered glaciers formed earlier in the Amazonian, which are relatively common in crater interiors in this latitude band. We suggest that the Gasa impact cratering event penetrated into the southern portion of this debris-covered glacier, emplaced ejecta on top of the debris layer covering the ice, and caused extensive melting of the buried ice and flow of water and debris slurries on the host crater floor. Inside Gasa, the impact crater rim crest and wall intersected the debris-covered glacier deposits around the northern, pole-facing part of the Gasa interior. We interpret this exposure of ice-rich debris-covered glacial material in the crater wall to be the source of meltwater that formed the very well-developed gullies along the northern, pole-facing slopes of Gasa crater.  相似文献   

D.M. Hunten  M. Tomasko  L. Wallace 《Icarus》1980,43(2):143-152
The radiative heat flux from 0.1 to 10 bars is estimated on the basis of a “two-cloud” scattering model that fits available spectral data and Pioneer photometry. Deeper than a few bars, the flux is 4.5 W m?2, compared with the 18.8 W m?2 used in an earlier study by Trafton and Stone. A temperature profile is computed, with the H2 pressure-induced opacity; the temperature at 1 bar is found to be 156°K, rather than the commonly accepted 170°K. An additional optical depth of unity at the 0.67-bar level could restore the conventional value; otherwise a considerably cooler atmosphere is a serious possibility.  相似文献   

Abstract— Alteration of surficial suevites at Ries crater, Germany was studied by means of X‐ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Here, we discuss the origin of hydrous silicate (clay) phases in these suevites that have been previously interpreted as resulting from post‐impact hydrothermal processes. The results of this study indicate that the dominant alteration phases are dioctahedral Al‐Fe montmorillonite and halloysite, which are typical low temperature clay minerals. We suggest that the surficial suevites are not altered by hydrothermal processes and that alteration occurred by low temperature subsurface weathering processes. If the surficial suevites were indeed hydrothermally modified during the early stages of post‐impact cooling, then the alteration was of limited character and is completely masked by later weathering.  相似文献   

Altitude dependences of [CO2] and [CO2+] are deduced from Mariner 6 and 7 CO2+ airglow measurements. CO2 densities are also obtained from ne radio occultation measurements. Both [CO2] profiles are similar and correspond to the model atmosphere of Barth et al. (1972) at 120 km, but at higher altitudes they diverge and at 200–220 km the obtained [CO2] values are three times less the model. Both the airglow and radio occultation observations show that a correction factor of 2.5 should be included into the values for solar ionization flux given by Hinteregger (1970). The ratio of [CO2+]/ne is 0.15–0.2 and, hence, [O]/[CO2] is ~3% at 135 km. An atmospheric and ionospheric model is developed for 120–220 km. The calculated temperature profile is characterized by a value of T ≈ 370°K at h ? 220 km, a steep gradient (~2°/km) at 200-160 km, a bend in the profile at 160 km, a small gradient (~0.7°/km) below and a value of T ≈ 250°K at 120 km. The upper point agrees well with the results of the Lyman-α measurements; the steep gradient may be explained by molecular viscosity dissipation of gravity and acoustical waves (the corresponding energy flux is 4 × 10?2 erg cm?2sec?1 at 180 km). The bend at 160 km may be caused by a sharp decrease of the eddy diffusion coefficient and defines K ≈ 2 × 108cm2sec?1; and the low gradient gives an estimate of the efficiency of the atmosphere heating by the solar radiation as ? ≈ 0.1.  相似文献   

The final dynamical collapse of oxygen cores of 103 and 104 M which undergo the pair formation instability is computed. These cores are found to suffer complete collapse, presumably to form black holes, in contrast to cores of 100M which have previously been found to explode completely, leaving no remnant. These calculations represent a first attempt to ascertain the outcome of evolution over several decades of mass previously unexplored. The outcome may have some relevance to models of X-ray sources in globular clusters.  相似文献   

The Tabernas–Alhabia Basin is a structural depression situated in the province of Almería, southeastern Spain. The basin is filled with Neogene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene sediments resting discordantly on a Paleozoic metamorphic basement. During the marine Tortonian sedimentation, a bed of breccia (Gordo megabed) was formed. It consists of rotated sedimentary megablocks commonly capped and/or surrounded by a polymict breccia composed mainly of up to dm-sized clasts of the crystalline (schist) basement. Previous work has suggested the bed to be a seismite corresponding to events induced by earthquakes. Here, we link the formation of the Gordo megabed with an ∼5 km wide, rimmed depression with exposed breccias on the northern flank of the Sierra de Gádor mountain. This semicircular structure, developed in mainly schists and dolostone of the basement, is delimited to the W, S, and E by an up to 350 m high escarpment with overturned stratigraphy. Toward the north, this crater-like structure opens toward the Gordo megabed of the Tabernas Basin. In the southern sector, the overturned strata transform outward for into a blocky allochthonous breccia with decreasing thickness and clast size. In the interior of the structure, there are occurrences of graded breccia and arenite superposed on a blocky, autochthonous breccia. Based on the presence of mineralogical shock metamorphic evidence, potential shatter cones, and a high Ir anomaly (∼500 ppb) as well as the position of the structure near the town of Alhama de Almería, we propose to call it the Alhama de Almería impact structure.  相似文献   

We report results from 6 days' continuous recording of pulsation activity on a chain of magnetometers aligned East-West at 56.5°N geomagnetic latitude. We find phase differences between stations are relatively small. Signal propagation sense and horizontal polarisation correlate as low frequency inhomogeneous plasma theory predicts. There is no evidence of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability being the major source. The most highly coherent signals often occur near midnight. We suggest the nightside may be the source region for a significant amount of dayside pulsation activity.  相似文献   

Zircon in five samples of variably comminuted, melted, and hydrothermally altered orthogneiss from the Maniitsoq structure of southern West Greenland yield a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 3000.9 ± 1.9 Ma (ion probe data, n = 37). The age data constitute a rare example of pervasive and nearly complete isotopic resetting of zircon during a regional hydrothermal event. Many zircon grains are homogeneous or display weak flame‐like patterns in backscattered electron images. Other grains show complex internal textures, where homogeneous, high‐U fronts commonly cut across relict igneous‐type oscillatory zonation. Inclusions of quartz, plagioclase, mica, and other Al ± Na ± Ca ± Fe‐bearing silicates are very common. In two samples, selective replacement of zircon with baddeleyite occurs along concentric zones with relict igneous zonation, and as specks a few microns large within recrystallized, high‐U areas. We interpret the 3000.9 ± 1.9 Ma date as the minimum age of the recently proposed impact structure at Maniitsoq. The great geographical extent and intensity of the hydrothermal event suggest massive invasion of water into the currently exposed crust, implying that the age of the hydrothermal alteration would closely approximate the age of the proposed impact at Maniitsoq. At the western margin of the Taserssuaq tonalite complex, which postdates the Maniitsoq event, a 207Pb/206Pb mean age of 2994.6 ± 3.4 Ma obtained from zircon has mostly retained igneous‐type oscillatory zonation. A subsequent thermal event at approximately 2975 Ma is recorded in several samples by zircon with baddeleyite replacement textures.  相似文献   

Saturn’s satellite Phoebe is the best-characterized representative of large outer Solar System planetesimals, thanks to the close flyby by the Cassini spacecraft in June 2004. We explore the information contained in Phoebe’s physical properties, density and shape, which are significantly different from those of other icy objects in its size range. Phoebe’s higher density has been interpreted as evidence that it was captured, probably from the proto-Kuiper-Belt. First, we demonstrate that Phoebe’s shape is globally relaxed and consistent with a spheroid in hydrostatic equilibrium with its rotation period. This distinguishes the satellite from ‘rubble-piles’ that are thought to result from the disruption of larger proto-satellites. We numerically model the geophysical evolution of Phoebe, accounting for the feedback between porosity and thermal state. We compare thermal evolution models for different assumptions on the formation of Phoebe, in particular the state of its water, amorphous or crystalline. We track the evolution of porosity and thermal conductivity as well as the destabilization of amorphous ice or clathrate hydrates. While rubble-piles may never reach temperatures suitable for porous ice to creep and relax, we argue that Phoebe’s shape could have relaxed due to heat from the decay of 26Al, provided that this object formed less than 3 Myr after the production of the calcium–aluminum inclusions. This is consistent with the idea that Phoebe could be an exemplar of planetesimals that formed in the transneptunian region and later accreted onto outer planet satellites, either during the satellite’s formation stage, or still later, during the late heavy bombardment.  相似文献   

The spectral synthesis of C 2 Swan band sequence V = – 1 indicates the intensity of the forbidden green oxygen line of 5577.3 to be about 3 to 5% of the 6300 line. Therefore, it appears that the green line should be observable in high-resolution spectra of a bright comet. Festou and Feldman suggest red/green >/ 10 means a water parent origin.  相似文献   

In this work, we report new quasars discovered in fields in the vicinity of the Andromeda(M31) and Triangulum(M33) galaxies with the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope(LAMOST, also called the Guo Shou Jing Telescope) during the 2013 observational season, the second year of the regular survey. In total, 1330 new quasars are discovered in an area of ~133 deg2 around M31and M33. With i magnitudes ranging from 14.79 to 20.0 and redshifts from 0.08 to4.85, the 1330 new quasars represent a significant increase in the number of identified quasars in fields in the vicinity of M31 and M33. Up to now, there have been a total of 1870 quasars discovered by LAMOST in this area. The much enlarged sample of known quasars in this area can potentially be utilized to construct a precise astrometric reference frame for the measurement of minute proper motions of M31, M33 and their associated substructures, which are vital for understanding the formation and evolution of M31, M33 and the Local Group of galaxies. Moreover, in the sample,there are a total of 45, 98 and 225 quasars with i magnitudes brighter than 17.0, 17.5and 18.0 respectively. In the aforementioned brightness bins, 15, 35 and 84 quasars are reported here for the first time, and 6, 21 and 81 are reported in our pervious work. In addition, 0, 1 and 6 are from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and 24, 41 and 54 are from the NED database. These bright quasars provide an invaluable sample to study the kinematics and chemistry of the interstellar/intergalactic medium of the Local Group.  相似文献   

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