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Physical properties, grain size, bulk mineralogy, elemental geochemistry and magnetic parameters of three sediment piston cores recovered in the Laurentian Channel from its head to its mouth were investigated to reconstruct changes in detrital sediment provenance and transport related to climate variability since the last deglaciation. The comparison of the detrital proxies indicates the succession of two sedimentary regimes in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence (EGSL) during the Holocene, which are associated with the melting history of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) and relative sea‐level changes. During the early Holocene (10–8.5 cal. ka BP), high sedimentation rates together with mineralogical, geochemical and magnetic signatures indicate that sedimentation in the EGSL was mainly controlled by meltwater discharges from the local retreat of the southeastern margin of the LIS on the Canadian Shield. At this time, sediment‐laden meltwater plumes caused the accumulation of fine‐grained sediments in the ice‐distal zones. Since the mid‐Holocene, postglacial movements of the continental crust, related to the withdrawal of the LIS (c. 6 cal. ka BP), have triggered significant variations in relative sea level (RSL) in the EGSL. The significant correlation between the RSL curves and the mineralogical, geochemical, magnetic and grain‐size data suggest that the RSL was the dominant force acting on the sedimentary dynamics of the EGSL during the mid‐to‐late Holocene. Beyond 6 cal. ka BP, characteristic mineralogical, geochemical, magnetic signatures and diffuse spectral reflectance data suggest that the Canadian Maritime Provinces and western Newfoundland coast are the primary sources for detrital sediments in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, with the Canadian Shield acting as a secondary source. Conversely, in the lower St. Lawrence Estuary, detrital sediments are mainly supplied by the Canadian Shield province. Finally, our results suggest that the modern sedimentation regime in the EGSL was established during the mid‐Holocene.  相似文献   

In this study, the paleo-sedimentary depositional environment of the Gachsaran Formation and the Asmari reservoir cap rock (i.e., the stratigraphically lowest member of the Gachsaran Formation) was investigated from elemental geochemical data and mineralogical data obtained XRF and SEM analyses, respectively, of anhydrite samples collected from two oil wells in the Zeloi oil field in southwestern Iran. The present data reveal that arid conditions and cycles of transgression–regression of the sea contributed to the formation of evaporite sequences of the Gachsaran Formation in a coastal sabkha-lagoon basin that was partly closed to the sea. This interpretation was based on synthesis of statistical correlation analysis the geochemical data, chemostratigraphic correlation of geochemical ratios, and textural analysis of salts observed in SEM images.  相似文献   

The Palaeoproterozoic Frere Formation (ca 1.89 Gyr old) of the Earaheedy Basin, Western Australia, is a ca 600 m thick succession of iron formation and fine‐grained, clastic sedimentary rocks that accumulated on an unrimmed continental margin with oceanic upwelling. Lithofacies stacking patterns suggest that deposition occurred during a marine transgression punctuated by higher frequency relative sea‐level fluctuations that produced five parasequences. Decametre‐scale parasequences are defined by flooding surfaces overlain by either laminated magnetite or magnetite‐bearing, hummocky cross‐stratified sandstone that grades upward into interbedded hematite‐rich mudstone and trough cross‐stratified granular iron formation. Each aggradational cycle is interpreted to record progradation of intertidal and tidal channel sediments over shallow subtidal and storm‐generated deposits of the middle shelf. The presence of aeolian deposits, mud cracks and absence of coarse clastics indicate deposition along an arid coastline with significant wind‐blown sediment input. Iron formation in the Frere Formation, in contrast to most other Palaeoproterozoic examples, was deposited almost exclusively in peritidal environments. These other continental margin iron formations also reflect upwelling of anoxic, Fe‐rich sea water, but accumulated in the full spectrum of shelf environments. Dilution by fine‐grained, windblown terrigenous clastic sediment probably prevented the Frere iron formation from forming in deeper settings. Lithofacies associations and interpreted paragenetic pathways of Fe‐rich lithofacies further suggest precipitation in sea water with a prominent oxygen chemocline. Although essentially unmetamorphosed, the complex diagenetic history of the Frere Formation demonstrates that understanding the alteration of iron formation is a prerequisite for any investigation seeking to interpret ocean‐atmosphere evolution. Unlike studies that focus exclusively on their chemistry, an approach that also considers palaeoenvironment and oceanography, as well the effects of post‐depositional fluid flow and alteration, mitigates the potential for incorrectly interpreting geochemical data.  相似文献   

D. Uli&#;ný 《Sedimentology》2001,48(3):599-628
Deposits of coarse‐grained, Gilbert‐type deltas showing varying degrees of reworking of foresets by basinal currents were identified in Middle Turonian to Early Coniacian sandstones of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. The progradation of the deltaic packages, earlier interpreted as large‐scale subaqueous dunes, shelf ridges or subaqueous fault‐scarp ‘accumulation terraces’, was controlled by high‐ and low‐frequency, relative sea‐level changes in a relatively slowly subsiding, intracontinental strike‐slip basin. End‐member types of the Bohemian Cretaceous coarse‐grained deltas are deep‐water deltas, characterized by thick (50–80 m) foreset packages with steep (10–30°) foresets, and shallow‐water deltas, which deposited thin (<15 m) packages with foresets typically between 4° and 10°. The differences in thickness and foreset slope angle were controlled predominantly by the accommodation available during progradation. The depositional regime of the deltas was governed by (i) the fluvial input of abundant sand bedload, with a minor proportion of gravel; (ii) gravity flows, most probably caused by liquefaction of the upper part of the unstable foreset slope; and (iii) migration of sandy bedforms on the foreset slopes. The bedform migration was driven by unidirectional currents of possible tidal origin. Individual foreset packages represent systems tracts, or parts of systems tracts, of depositional sequences. A variety of stacking patterns of high‐frequency sequences exists in the basin, caused by low‐frequency relative sea‐level changes as well as by local changes in sediment input. Because of generally low subsidence rates, fluvial or beach topset strata were not preserved in the cases studied. The absence of preserved fluvial facies, which has been one of the main arguments against the fluvio‐deltaic origin of the sandstone bodies, is explained by erosion of the topsets during transgression and their reworking into coarse‐grained lags of regional extent covering ravinement surfaces.  相似文献   


The Upper Cambrian Owen Conglomerate of the West Coast Range, western Tasmania, comprises two upward‐fining successions of coarse‐grained siliciclastic rocks that exhibit a characteristic wedge‐shaped fill controlled by the basin‐margin fault system. Stratigraphy is defined by the informally named basal lower conglomerate member, middle sandstone member, middle conglomerate member and upper sandstone member. The lower conglomerate member has a gradational basal contact with underlying volcaniclastics of the Tyndall Group,while the upper sandstone member is largely conformable with overlying Gordon Group marine clastics and carbonates. The lower conglomerate member predominantly comprises high flow regime, coarse‐grained, alluvial‐slope channel successions, with prolonged channel bedload transport exhibited by the association of channel‐scour structures with upward‐fining packages of pebble, cobble and boulder conglomerate and sandstone, with abundant large‐scale cross‐beds derived from accretion in low‐sinuosity, multiply active braided‐channel complexes. While the dipslope of the basin is predominantly drained by west‐directed palaeoflow, intrabasinal faulting in the southern region of the basin led to stream capture and the subsequent development of axial through drainage patterns in the lower conglomerate member. The middle sandstone member is characterised by continued sandy alluvial slope deposition in the southern half of the basin, with pronounced west‐directed and local axial through drainage palaeoflow networks operating at the time. The middle sandstone member basin deepens considerably towards the north, where coarse‐grained alluvial‐slope deposits are replaced by coarse‐grained turbidites of thick submarine‐fan complexes. The middle conglomerate member comprises thickly bedded, coarse‐grained pebble and cobble conglomerate, deposited by a high flow regime fluvial system that focused deposition into a northern basin depocentre. An influx of volcanic detritus entered the middle conglomerate member basin via spatially restricted footwall‐derived fans on the western basin margin. Fluvial systems continued to operate during deposition of the upper sandstone member in the north of the basin, facilitated by multiply active, high flow regime channels, comprising thick, vertically stacked and upward‐fining, coarse‐grained conglomerate and sandstone deposits. The upper sandstone member in the south of the basin is characterised by extensive braid‐delta and fine‐grained nearshore deposits, with abundant bioturbation and pronounced bimodal palaeocurrent trends associated with tidal and nearshore reworking. An increase in base‐level in the Middle Ordovician culminated in marine transgression and subsequent deposition of Gordon Group clastics and carbonates.  相似文献   

Many studies of foreland basins have recognized a hierarchical organization in the stacking of sequences deposited by axial‐deltaic and alluvial fan systems. The hierarchy is often explained in terms of the competing control of eustasy and pulsed tectonic subsidence and the different frequencies at which these processes operate. Unravelling the relative contributions of tectonic and eustatic controls on the sequence stacking pattern is a fundamental question in foreland basin analysis, yet this is difficult because of the lack of independent stratigraphic evidence. In this study, a three‐dimensional numerical model is presented, which aids in the interpretation of alluvial successions in foreland basins filled by transverse and axial depositional systems, under conditions of variable tectonism and eustatic sea‐level change. The tectono‐sedimentary model is capable of simulating the hierarchical stratigraphic response to both eustatic and tectonic forcing, and is of higher resolution than previous models of foreland basin filling. Numerical results indicate that the onset of tectonic activity is reflected by rapid retrogradation of both depositional systems and by widespread flooding and onlap of carbonate sediments. Syntectonic fluvial patterns on the axial‐deltaic plain are dominated by bifurcating channels, swiftly relocating in response to the general rise in relative sea level induced by flexural subsidence. The resulting surface morphology of the axial delta is convex upwards. Syntectonic eustatic sea‐level fluctuations result in parasequence‐scale packages of retrograding and prograding fan and delta sediments bounded by minor flooding surfaces and type 2 sequence boundaries. Incised channels are rare within the syntectonic parasequences and are formed only during phases of tectonic quiescence when eustatic falls are no longer compensated by the subsidence component in the rise in relative sea level. Suites of amalgamating, axial channels corresponding to multiple eustatic falls delineate the resulting type 1 unconformities. Coarse‐grained, incised‐channel fills are found in the zone between the alluvial fan fringes and the convex‐upward body of the axial delta, as the axial streams tend to migrate towards this zone of maximum accommodation.  相似文献   

This study highlights three‐dimensional variability of stratigraphic geometries in the ramp crest to basin of mixed carbonate–siliciclastic clinoforms in the Permian San Andres Formation. Standard field techniques and mapping using ground‐based lidar reveal a high degree of architectural complexity in channellized, scoured and mounded outer ramp stratigraphy. Development of these features was a function of location along the ramp profile and fluctuations in relative sea‐level. Deposition of coarse‐grained and fine‐grained turbidites in the distal outer ramp occurred through dilute and high‐density turbidity flows and was the result of highstand carbonate shedding within individual cycles. In this setting, high‐frequency cycles of relative sea‐level are interpreted on the basis of turbidite frequency, lateral extent and composition. Submarine siliciclastic sediment bypass during lowstand cycles resulted in variable degrees of siliciclastic preservation. Abundant siliciclastic material is preserved in the basin and distal outer ramp as point‐sourced lowstand wedges and line‐sourced early transgressive blankets. In mounded topography of the outer ramp, siliciclastic preservation is minimal to absent, and rare incised channels offer the best opportunity for recognition of a sequence boundary. Growth of mounded topography in the outer ramp began with scouring, followed by a combination of bioherm construction, fusulinid mound construction and isopachous draping. Intermound areas were then filled with sediment and continued mound growth was prevented by an accommodation limit. Mound growth was independent of high‐frequency cycles in relative sea‐level but was dependent on available accommodation dictated by low‐frequency cyclicity. Low‐angle ramp clinoforms with mounded topography in the outer ramp developed during the transgressive part of a composite sequence. Mound growth terminated as the ramp transformed into a shelf with oblique clinoform geometries during the highstand of the composite sequence. This example represents a ramp‐to‐shelf transition that is the result of forcing by relative sea‐level fluctuations rather than ecologic or tectonic controls.  相似文献   

通过准噶尔盆地中拐地区二叠系上乌尔禾组的岩石矿物学特征、元素地球化学特征、沉积环境特征、物性特征、成岩作用特征等综合分析,研究了该区富火山碎屑砂砾岩储层的成因机理。结果表明,研究区乌尔禾组古气候总体较为稳定,为温暖湿润的气候,丰富的降水使上乌尔禾组发育多套厚层砂砾岩扇三角洲沉积体系,大量的火山碎屑在流域内湿润的气候条件下发生化学风化,并被富氧淡水携带入湖,水解释放大量的阳离子,使得上乌尔禾组时期湖盆水体环境为咸水的氧化条件。火山碎屑沉积埋藏后也为后期成岩作用提供了碱性的成岩流体环境以及自生矿物形成的物质基础。该区上乌尔禾组储层物性受到沉积环境和成岩作用的双重控制,埋深较浅的扇三角洲前缘水下分流河道微相的砂砾岩为研究区的主要目的储层,其储集空间主要为剩余粒间孔,以及长石、火山碎屑等溶蚀孔隙。  相似文献   

The Chilpi Group (2050–1850 Ma) in the Bastar Craton contains Banded Iron Formation (BIF) deposited immediately after the Great Oxidation Event but before the “Proterozoic iron ore gap”. Baseline geochemical data generated from this crucial period of Earth's history representing the transition from an initial high productivity period followed by productivity collapse, thereby delaying the evolution of biota, are interpreted in terms of the redox state of the ocean and atmospheric oxygen content. Presence of chamosite, greenalite and siderite in the ironstones of the Chilpi Group, identified during present analysis, provide valuable information regarding the redox state of the shallow sea. Geochemical analyses reveal high concentrations of Fe2O3total and SiO2 (average ~ 87.85 wt%) in iron-rich bands. Trace elements commonly enriched in detrital phases (e.g. Sc, Hf, Nb, Th and Zr) show good correlation with total REE concentration, but these have concentration below the cut-off limit defined for detrital sediments (except 3 samples). Higher concentration of these elements in greenalite/chamosite-rich samples indicates accumulation of these elements in greenalite/chamosite during primary precipitation. Most of the samples have low concentrations of Al2O3 (<5 wt%) and TiO2 (<0.5 wt%), but some chamosite-bearing samples show enrichments of Al2O3 (up to ~20 wt%). Post-Archean Australian Shale normalised rare earth elements with Y (REEY) patterns, showing a superchondritic Y/Ho ratio (average 32.15) and positive La, Gd and Y anomalies, indicate the preservation of seawater like signatures. Though a low positive Eu-anomaly, and Al/(Al + Fe + Mn) versus Fe/Ti plot suggest seawater signature with possible mixing of hydrothermal fluids and/or <10 % detrital components, preservation of seawater signatures and no involvement of high-temperature hydrothermal fluids are deduced from Eu/Sm versus Sm/Yb and Eu/Sm versus Y/Ho patterns. The Eu/Sm and Y/Ho ratios lower than the seawater and a mixing trend away from oceanic hydrothermal solution indicate possible mixing of freshwater with seawater for the observed REEY patterns. Redox-sensitive trace element ratios indicate a dysoxic to suboxic-anoxic condition in the depositional basin. Presence of oolitic textures and occurrence of chamosite support the shallow water (<60 m water depth) and anoxic condition in the depositional basin. The oxygen content of 10−3–10−5 times the present atmospheric level in the atmosphere is inferred for the period during the deposition of the BIF.  相似文献   

Cyclothemic sedimentary rocks of the Plio-Pleistocene Petane Group outcrop extensively in the Tangoio block of central Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. They are products of inner to mid-shelf sedimentation and were deposited during glacio-eustatic sea level fluctuations along the western margin of a shallow, pericontinental seaway located in a forearc setting. The succession consists of five laterally continuous cyclothems, each containing a fine grained interval of silt and a coarse grained interval of siliciclastic sand ± gravel or limestone. Five sedimentary facies assemblages comprising 20 separate facies have been recognized. Coarse grained intervals of cyclothems were deposited mostly during relative sea level lowstands and contain up to four facies assemblages: (1) a non-marine assemblage (with three component facies, representing braided river and overbank environments); (2) an estuarine assemblage (with three component facies, representing tidal flat and mud-dominated estuarine environments); (3) a siliciclastic shoreline assemblage (with six component facies, representing greywacke pebble beach, shoreface and inner shelf environments); and (4) a carbonate shelf assemblage (with four component facies, representing tide-dominated, inshore and shallow marine environments). Fine grained intervals of cyclothems were deposited during sea level highstands when the Tangoio area was generally experiencing mid-shelf sedimentation. This produced an offshore assemblage consisting of four component facies. The distribution of facies assemblages during relative sea level lowstands was dependent upon proximity to the shoreline, the type and rate of sediment supply to the basin, and shelf hydrodynamics. Carbonate shelf facies dominate coarse grained intervals in Cyclothems 3–5, but siliciclastic shoreline and non-marine facies dominate in Cyclothems 1 and 2. The abrupt change from siliciclastic to carbonate sedimentation during relative sea level lowstand deposition is thought to have been induced by rapidly falling interglacial to glacial sea level accentuated by regional tectonic shoaling. This caused most of the terrigenous sediment supply to bypass the Tangoio area. Consequently, carbonate sediment accumulated in inshore and shallow marine settings. Facies assemblages rarely show lateral interdigitation, but are vertically stratified over the entire Tangoio block. Facies successions in each cyclothem preserve a record of relative sea level change during deposition of the Petane Group and are consistent with a Plio-Pleistocene sea level change in eastern New Zealand of c. 75–150 m, i.e. approximately the magnitude suggested for Late Quaternary glacio-eustatic sea level changes.  相似文献   

The Late Cenomanian–Mid Turonian succession in central Spain is composed of siliciclastic and carbonate rocks deposited in a variety of coastal and marine shelf environments (alluvial plain–estuarine, lagoon, shoreface, offshore‐hemipelagic and carbonate ramp). Three depositional sequences (third order) are recognized: the Atienza, Patones and El Molar sequences. The Patones sequence contains five fourth‐order parasequence sets, while a single parasequence set is recognized in the Atienza and El Molar sequences. Systems tracts can be recognized both in the sequences and parasequence sets. The lowstand systems tracts (only recognized for Atienza and Patones sequences) are related to erosion and sequence boundary formation. Transgressive systems tracts are related to marine transgression and shoreface retreat. The highstand systems tracts are related to shoreface extension and progradation, and to carbonate production and ramp progradation. Sequences are bounded by erosion or emergence surfaces, whose locations are supported by mineralogical analyses and suggest source area reactivation probably due to a fall in relative sea‐level. Transgressive surfaces are subordinate erosion and/or omission surfaces with a landward facies shift, interpreted as parasequence set boundaries. The co‐existence of siliciclastic and carbonate sediments and environments occurred as facies mixing or as distinct facies belts along the basin. Mixed facies of coastal areas are composed of detrital quartz and clays derived from the hinterland, and dolomite probably derived from bioclastic material. Siliciclastic flux to coastal areas is highly variable, the maximum flux postdates relative sea‐level falls. Carbonate production in these areas may be constant, but the final content is a function of changing inputs in terrigenous sediments and carbonate content diminishes through a dilution effect. Carbonate ramps were detached from the coastal system and separated by a fringe of offshore, fine‐grained muds and silts as distinct facies belts. The growth of carbonate ramp deposits was related to the highstand systems tracts of the fourth‐order parasequence sets. During the growth of these ramps, some sediment starvation occurred basinwards. Progradation and retrogradation of the different belts occur simultaneously, suggesting a sea‐level control on sedimentation. In the study area, the co‐existence of carbonate and siliciclastic facies belts depended on the superimposition of different orders of relative sea‐level cycles, and occurred mainly when the second‐order, third‐order and fourth‐order cycles showed highstand conditions.  相似文献   

The Late Neoproterozoic Buah Formation (Nafun Group, Oman) is a carbonate unit outcropping in the Jabal Akhdar and Huqf areas. It is composed mostly of shallow‐water carbonates deposited on a distally steepened carbonate ramp. Correlation of two δ13C isotope shifts shows that in the Jabal Akhdar ramp differentiation into fast and slow subsiding areas was followed by lateral progradation. In the Huqf area, however, a uniform scenario of upward shallowing of the facies and lateral progradation is demonstrated by chemostratigraphic timelines cross‐cutting the facies belts. The chemostratigraphic profiles show that the Buah Formation was deposited during sea‐level highstand conditions and that ramp differentiation was due to synsedimentary tectonics. High‐resolution correlation of δ13C profiles from the same lithostratigraphic unit (whether Precambrian or Phanerozoic in age) lacking biostratigraphic data can shed light on carbonate systems dynamics, tectonic vs. eustatic controls on depositional sequences and basin subsidence.  相似文献   

Cretaceous to Palaeogene sedimentary series in two long, continously recovered boreholes from the Senegal coastal basin and adjacent Cape Verde deep-sea basin have been compared by mineralogical, geochemical, electron-microscope and microprobe investigations. The transition between the diagenetic influences related to the depth of burial and the palaeoenvironmental influences, identified in the thick coastal-basin successions, is complicated by the tectonic instability of the margin during periods of high subsidence rates and crustal thinning. As the deep-sea basin sediments are only slightly affected by diagenetic changes, the comparison between the deep sea and coastal series allows the relative effects of lithostatic pressure, tectonics and other palaeoenvironmental factors to be evaluated. The disappearance of synsedimentary signatures (tectonics, climate, depositional conditions, etc.) expressed by clay mineralogy occurs below 4.5 km; there are no significant diagenetic changes in sediments at less than 2 km depth. By comparing identical time slices in coastal and deep-sea basins, it is possible to recognize from the clay stratigraphic record the main African detrital sources, the hot and often semi-arid character of the continental climate during the Cretaceous, the existence of minor but extensive stages of tectonic activity (Barremian-late Aptian, late Albian-early Cenomanian), the temporary existence of semi-closed basins on the shelf (Late Cretaceous, early Palaeogene) and the complexity of transport and sedimentation relationships between proximal and distal environments.  相似文献   

The Aghajari Formation, called also the Upper Fars, develops throughout the Folded Zagros Zone and its thickness in the type section in southwest of Iran is 2966 meters. To analyze the sedimentary basin of this Formation, lithofacies, architectural elements and petrofacies of the related deposits in a section in southeast of Sarvestan in Fars Province of Iran with a thickness of 2221.45 meters were examined. Microscopically studying thin sections, the petrography and the occurrence of the deposits were determined. In this section, 16 lithofacies, 10 architectural elements and 2 sandstone petrofacies were identified. The lithofacies were divided into two major and minor groups, in which the major lithofacies consist of coarse-grained (Gh, Gp, Gt and Gm), medium-grained (Sh, Sp, St, Sl, Sm, Sr and Ss and fine-grained ones (Fm, Fl and Fsm), and the minor lithofacies were evaporative and mixed silisiclastic-carbonate. The identified architectural elements are CH, SB, GB, LA, DA, CR, CS, LV, LS, CH (FF) and FF. By combining evidences from facies analysis and architectural elements together, the Aghajari Formation was divided into three parts in which the related sedimentation environments, from top to bottom, are gravel, gravel-sand and fine-grained meandering river respectively. There have also been playas and shoreface in the lower part. Based on petrography, the sandstones of this formation were classified into two groups: litharenite and sublitharenite. The origin of these deposits (sandstones) was appointed to the recycled orogeny and the source of quartz is low and medium to high metamorphic rank. Using the field evidences, the paleocurrent direction was achieved indicating the direction of the paleocurrent from northwest to southeast at the time of deposition. It is hoped that these data can be used in the interpretation of the basin and reconstruction of the paleogeography in the local and regional scales.  相似文献   

Seismoacoustic profiles from the Arkona Basin show a late Pleistocene and Holocene succession of several distinct reflectors. The physical, sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical properties of more than 30 sediment cores were analysed in order to assign these reflectors to specific sedimentary discontinuity layers. Additionally, AMS 14C data and biostratigraphic information were gathered. Based on this multi‐proxy approach, seven lithostratigraphic units (AI, AII, B to F) were distinguished. These consist of fine‐grained clay, silt and mud, and are separated from each other by thin basin‐wide traceable sandy layers (Sab‐Sef). The most sensitive parameter to mark the lithostratigraphic boundaries is the weight percentage of the grain‐size fraction >63μm. In addition, some of the quartz‐grain‐dominated sandy layers cause the strong reflection lines recorded in seismoacoustic profiles. The sandy layers are interpreted to reflect enhanced hydrodynamic energy induced by episodes of basin‐wide water‐level low‐stand conditions. These low stands resulted from water‐level drops that occurred frequently during the Baltic Sea's history and presumably affected the entire Baltic basin. The thick fine‐grained units AI, AII to F, in which coarser material is absent, represent water‐level high‐stands. We conclude that the units AI and AII are Baltic Ice Lake sediments deposited before and after the Billingen‐1 regression, respectively. We assign the most prominent sandy layer Sab to the final drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake (Billingen‐2), whereas the sandy layers between units B, C., D and E are related to the Yoldia Sea and Ancylus Lake regressions of the Baltic Sea's history. The uppermost fine‐grained unit F with its high organic carbon content contains marine sediments deposited after the Littorina Transgression. The macroscopically well‐visible sediment colour change from reddish/brown‐to‐grey, previously interpreted as a regional stratigraphic boundary, varies from core to core. It has been shown by our new data that this colour change has a diagenetic origin, and thus does not represent a stratigraphic boundary. Previous subdivisions therefore have to be revised.  相似文献   

本文以珠江口盆地惠州凹陷南部为例,对地质历史时期的相对海平面变化进行了定量分析和估算,得到了研究区的相对海平面变化曲线。通过对比分析,INPEFA方法得出的曲线更能代表相对海平面变化。研究区K系列沉积时期,海平面总体是上升的,但上升的速率在不同的位置不尽相同。总体而言,四级层序海侵体系域(TST)的上升速率要稍高于与其相邻的同级别高位体系域(HST)的速率。海平面主要以交替的快速上升(海侵)和缓慢上升(海退)为特点。Fischer方法得出的曲线在本地区不直接反映相对海平面(可容纳空间)变化,但可以指示富砂层段的位置。本文进一步分析认为,可以利用地层的层序结构、分形特性以及离散的地层年龄等数据,依据贝叶斯-拉普拉斯(Bayes-Laplace)原理构建数据驱动的迭代模型,进而从粗略到精细,实现相对海平面在时间域的高精度刻画,为小尺度古环境研究和精细油藏描述提供支撑。  相似文献   

A better understanding of genesis and palaeoenvironmental setting of the Scisti silicei Formation (Lagonegro units, southern Italy) was achieved by means of geochemical analysis integrated with new stratigraphic information. Data show that major and trace element geochemistry of ancient clay-rich beds and banded cherts add new insights into the Mesozoic evolution of the Lagonegro basin. Sedimentary contributions to Jurassic shales sampled during this study were mainly derived from two major sources: (i) a dominant terrigenous fine-grained component, having affinity with average upper continental crust that had not undergone intense weathering and (ii) biogenic siliceous material. The latter component occurs in clay-rich layers from the “basal member” of the Scisti silicei Formation.

Composition varies up section and accounts for changes in the detrital supply due to bathymetric oscillations. The compositional variations from the basal to the overlying member are consistent with a distal source passing in time to a more “proximal” source, as indicated by sharp changes in the concentrations of detrital elements (Ti, Zr and Nb). It is likely that increased detrital input occurred through turbidity current deposition. Finally, the chemical features of the clay-rich layers from the upper cherty portion of the studied succession imply a progressive deepening of the basin.

The lack of any mafic and hydrothermal contributions in the Jurassic shales as well as the continental nature of detrital input suggests that the Lagonegro basin was located between two carbonate platforms, in accordance with the classical restoration of the African–Apulian palaeomargin. Thus, the basin acted as a preferential sink connected to the African cratonic areas through a southern entry point.  相似文献   

Abstract In mid‐Middle Cambrian time, shallow‐water sedimentation along the Cordilleran passive margin was abruptly interrupted by the development of the deep‐water House Range embayment across Nevada and Utah. The Marjum Formation (330 m) in the central House Range represents deposition in the deepest part of the embayment and is composed of five deep‐water facies: limestone–argillaceous limestone rhythmites; shale; thin carbonate mud mounds; bioturbated limestone; and cross‐bedded limestone. These facies are cyclically arranged into 1·5 to 30 m thick parasequences that include rhythmite–mound, rhythmite–shale, rhythmite–bioturbated limestone and rhythmite–cross‐bedded limestone parasequences. Using biostratigraphically constrained sediment accumulation rates, the parasequences range in duration from ≈14 to 270 kyr. The mud mounds are thin (<2 m), closely spaced, laterally linked, symmetrical domes composed of massive, fenestral, peloidal to clotted microspar with sparse unoriented, poorly sorted skeletal material, calcitized bacterial(?) filaments/tubes and abundant fenestrae and stroma‐ tactoid structures. These petrographic and sedimentological features suggest that the microspar, peloids/clots and syndepositional micritic cement were precipitated in situ from the activity of benthic microbial communities. Concentrated growth of the microbial communities occurred during periods of decreased input of fine detrital carbonate transported offshore from the adjacent shallow‐water carbonate platform. In the neighbouring Wah Wah Range and throughout the southern Great Basin, coeval mid‐Middle Cambrian shallow‐water carbonates are composed of abundant metre‐scale, upward‐shallowing parasequences that record high‐frequency (104?105 years) eustatic sea‐level changes. Given this regional stratigraphic relationship, the Marjum Formation parasequences probably formed in response to high‐frequency sea‐level fluctuations that controlled the amount of detrital carbonate input into the deeper water embayment. During high‐frequency sea‐level rise and early highstand, detrital carbonate input into the embayment decreased as a result of carbonate factory retrogradation, resulting in the deposition of shale (base of rhythmite–shale parasequences) or thin nodular rhythmites, followed by in situ precipitated mud mounds (lower portion of rhythmite–mound parasequences). During the ensuing high‐frequency sea‐level fall/lowstand, detrital carbonate influx into the embayment increased on account of carbonate factory pro‐ gradation towards the embayment, resulting in deposition of rhythmites (upper part of rhythmite–mound parasequences), reworking of rhythmites by a lowered storm wave base (cross‐bedded limestone deposition) or bioturbation of rhythmites by a weakened/lowered O2‐minimum zone (bioturbated lime‐ stone deposition). This interpreted sea‐level control on offshore carbonate sedimentation patterns is unique to Palaeozoic and earliest Mesozoic deep‐water sediments. After the evolution of calcareous plankton in the Jurassic, the presence or absence of deeper water carbonates was influenced by a variety of chemical and physical oceanographic factors, rather than just physical transport of carbonate muds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Upper Carboniferous deep‐water rocks of the Shannon Group were deposited in the extensional Shannon Basin of County Clare in western Ireland and are superbly exposed in sea cliffs along the Shannon estuary. Carboniferous limestone floors the basin, and the basin‐fill succession begins with the deep‐water Clare Shales. These shales are overlain by various turbidite facies of the Ross Formation (460 m thick). The type of turbidite system, scale of turbidite sandstone bodies and the overall character of the stratigraphic succession make the Ross Formation well suited as an analogue for sand‐rich turbidite plays in passive margin basins around the world. The lower 170 m of the Ross Formation contains tabular turbidites with no channels, with an overall tendency to become sandier upwards, although there are no small‐scale thickening‐ or thinning‐upward successions. The upper 290 m of the Ross Formation consists of turbidites, commonly arranged in thickening‐upward packages, and amalgamated turbidites that form channel fills that are individually up to 10 m thick. A few of the upper Ross channels have an initial lateral accretion phase with interbedded sandstone and mudstone deposits and a subsequent vertical aggradation phase with thick‐bedded amalgamated turbidites. This paper proposes that, as the channels filled, more and more turbidites spilled further and further overbank. Superb outcrops show that thickening‐upward packages developed when channels initially spilled muds and thin‐bedded turbidites up to 1 km overbank, followed by thick‐bedded amalgamated turbidites that spilled close to the channel margins. The palaeocurrent directions associated with the amalgamated channel fills suggest a low channel sinuosity. Stacks of channels and spillover packages 25–40 m thick may show significant palaeocurrent variability at the same stratigraphic interval but at different locations. This suggests that individual channels and spillover packages were stacked into channel‐spillover belts, and that the belts also followed a sinuous pattern. Reservoir elements of the Ross system include tabular turbidites, channel‐fill deposits, thickening‐upward packages that formed as spillover lobes and, on a larger scale, sinuous channel belts 2·5–5 km wide. The edges of the belts can be roughly defined where well‐packaged spillover deposits pass laterally into muddier, poorly packaged tabular turbidites. The low‐sinuosity channel belts are interpreted to pass downstream into unchannellized tabular turbidites, equivalent to lower Ross Formation facies.  相似文献   

A study of clay mineral and calcareous nannofossil abundances in late Jurassic–early Cretaceous sediments from the Volga Basin, SE Russia, is presented. From these results, we are able to compare some general patterns of mineralogical and palaeontological change for the Volga Basin to the palaeoclimate models developed for northern Europe and beyond. The two successions examined comprise calcareous mudstones with black organic‐rich shale horizons, overlain by a series of phosphatic silty sands. Clay mineralogical results show a progressive decrease in kaolinite and the concomitant increase of smectite and illite through the middle Volgian, followed by an abrupt increase in kaolinite in the late Volgian. The clay mineral evidence suggests increasing aridity at the end of the Jurassic, similar, in part, to many western European successions. Because of differential settling of clay minerals, superimposed upon this possible climatic signature is likely to be the effect of relative sea‐level change. Calcareous nannofossil analysis from a single section reveals a shift through the middle Volgian from low nutrient, warm water assemblages dominated by Watznaueria to cooler surface water and high nutrient assemblages dominated by Biscutum constans. These observations suggest that increased aridity is also associated with climatic cooling. Black shales are associated with increased productivity, higher sea levels and increases in smectite content. Hence, periods of low (chemical) hinterland weathering during semi‐arid conditions are paradoxically associated with relatively nutrient‐rich waters, and organic‐rich shales. Comparison of published carbon and oxygen stable isotope results from this and other sections to the clay mineral and nannofossil data confirms the palaeoclimatic interpretation. This study significantly improves the published biostratigraphically constrained clay mineral database for this time period, because other European and North American successions are either non‐marine (and thus poorly dated), absent (through penecontemporaneous erosion) or condensed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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