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In ordinary chondrites (OCs), phosphates and feldspar are secondary minerals known to be the products of parent‐body metamorphism. Both minerals provide evidence that metasomatic fluids played a role during metamorphism. We studied the petrology and chemistry of phosphates and feldspar in petrologic type 4–6 L chondrites, to examine the role of metasomatic fluids, and to compare metamorphic conditions across all three OC groups. Apatite in L chondrites is Cl‐rich, similar to H chondrites, whereas apatite in LL chondrites has lower Cl/F ratios. Merrillite has similar compositions among the three chondrite groups. Feldspar in L chondrites shows a similar equilibration trend to LL chondrites, from a wide range of plagioclase compositions in petrologic type 4 to a homogeneous albitic composition in type 6. This contrasts with H chondrites which have homogeneous albitic plagioclase in petrologic types 4–6. Alkali‐ and halogen‐rich and likely hydrous metasomatic fluids acted during prograde metamorphism on OC parent bodies, resulting in albitization reactions and development of phosphate minerals. Fluid compositions transitioned to a more anhydrous, Cl‐rich composition after the asteroid began to cool. Differences in secondary minerals between H and L, LL chondrites can be explained by differences in fluid abundance, duration, or timing of fluid release. Phosphate minerals in the regolith breccia, Kendleton, show lithology‐dependent apatite compositions. Bulk Cl/F ratios for OCs inferred from apatite compositions are higher than measured bulk chondrite values, suggesting that bulk F abundances are overestimated and that bulk Cl/F ratios in OCs are similar to CI.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 8418 is an unusual chondrite whose properties do not exactly match those of any other known chondrite. It has similarities to the CV (Vigarano group), CK (Karoonda group), and CL (Loongana group) chondrites, but its abundance of large calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) and the low NiO content (<0.2 wt%) of its matrix olivine ally it most closely with the CV group. The absence of grossular, monticellite, wollastonite, and sodalite from the alteration products of the CAIs; the magnesium-rich nature of the matrix olivines (Fa38) relative to that of the CV3 chondrites (~Fa50); and the presence of secondary Na-bearing plagioclase and chlorapatite indicate a metamorphic temperature >600 °C. NWA 8418 contains kamacite, taenite, and troilite, and lacks magnetite and pentlandite. We propose that NWA 8418 be reclassified as a reduced CV4 chondrite, which makes it the first CV chondrite of petrologic type 4.  相似文献   

The single parent body model for the CV and CK chondrites (Greenwood et al. 2010 ) was challenged by Dunn et al. ( 2016a ), who argued that magnetite compositions could not be reconciled by a single metamorphic sequence (i.e., CV3 → CK3 → CK4–6). Cr isotopic compositions, which are distinguishable between the CV and CK chondrites, also support two different parent bodies (Yin et al. 2017 ). Despite this, there are many petrographic and mineralogical similarities between the unequilibrated (petrologic type 3) CK chondrites and the CV chondrites (also type 3), which may result in misclassification of samples. Hart and Northwest Africa 6047 (NWA 6047) are an excellent example of this. In this study, we revisit the classification of Hart and NWA 6047 using magnetite compositions, petrography, and compositions of olivine, the most ubiquitous mineral in both CV and CK chondrites. Not only do our results suggest that NWA 6047 and Hart were misclassified, but our assessment of CV and CK3 chondrites has also led to the development of criteria that can be used to distinguish between CV and CK3 chondrites. These criteria include: abundances of Cr2O3, TiO2, NiO, and Al2O3 in magnetite; Fa content and NiO abundance of matrix olivine; FeO content of chondrules; and the chondrule:matrix ratio. Classification as a CV chondrite is also supported by the presence of igneous chondrule rims, calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions, and an elongated petrofabric. However, none of these petrographic characteristics can be used conclusively to distinguish between CV and CK3 chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Modal mineralogies of individual, equilibrated (petrologic type 4–6 L and LL chondrites have been measured using an electron microprobe mapping technique, and the chemical compositions of coexisting silicate minerals have been analyzed. Progressive changes in the relative abundances and in the molar Fe/Mn and Fe/Mg ratios of olivine, low‐Ca pyroxene, and diopside occur with increasing metamorphic grade. Variations in olivine/low‐Ca pyroxene ratios (Ol/Px) and in metal abundances and compositions with petrologic type support the hypothesis that oxidation of metallic iron accompanied thermal metamorphism in ordinary chondrites. Modal Ol/Px ratios are systematically lower than normative Ol/Px ratios for the same meteorites, suggesting that the commonly used C.I.P.W. norm calculation procedure may not adequately estimate silicate mineral abundances in reduced chondrites. Ol/Px ratios calculated from visible and near‐infrared (VISNIR) reflectance spectra of the same meteorites are not in agreement with other Ol/Px determinations, possibly because of spectral complexities arising from other minerals in chondrites. Characteristic features in VISNIR spectra are sensitive to the proportions and compositions of olivine and pyroxenes, the minerals most affected by oxidative metamorphism. This work may allow spectral calibration for the determination of mineralogy and petrologic type, and thus may be useful for spectroscopic studies of asteroids.  相似文献   

Abstract— Ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites of the lowest petrologic types were surveyed by X‐ray mapping techniques. A variety of metamorphic effects were noted and subjected to detailed analysis using electron microprobe, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and cathodoluminescence (CL) methods. The distribution of Cr in FeO‐rich olivine systematically changes as metamorphism increases between type 3.0 and type 3.2. Igneous zoning patterns are replaced by complex ones and Cr‐rich coatings develop on all grains. Cr distributions in olivine are controlled by the exsolution of a Cr‐rich phase, probably chromite. Cr in olivine may have been partly present as tetrahedrally coordinated Cr3+. Separation of chromite is nearly complete by petrologic type 3.2. The abundance of chondrules showing an inhomogeneous distribution of alkalis in mesostasis also increases with petrologic type. TEM shows this to be the result of crystallization of albite. Residual glass compositions systematically change during metamorphism, becoming increasingly rich in K. Glass in type I chondrules also gains alkalis during metamorphism. Both types of chondrules were open to an exchange of alkalis with opaque matrix and other chondrules. The matrix in the least metamorphosed chondrites is rich in S and Na. The S is lost from the matrix at the earliest stages of metamorphism due to coalescence of minute grains. Progressive heating also results in the loss of sulfides from chondrule rims and increases sulfide abundances in coarse matrix assemblages as well as inside chondrules. Alkalis initially leave the matrix and enter chondrules during early metamorphism. Feldspar subsequently nucleates in the matrix and Na re‐enters from chondrules. These metamorphic trends can be used to refine classification schemes for chondrites. Cr distributions in olivine are a highly effective tool for assigning petrologic types to the most primitive meteorites and can be used to subdivide types 3.0 and 3.1 into types 3.00 through 3.15. On this basis, the most primitive ordinary chondrite known is Semarkona, although even this meteorite has experienced a small amount of metamorphism. Allan Hills (ALH) A77307 is the least metamorphosed CO chondrite and shares many properties with the ungrouped carbonaceous chondrite Acfer 094. Analytical problems are significant for glasses in type II chondrules, as Na is easily lost during microprobe analysis. As a result, existing schemes for chondrule classification that are based on the alkali content of glasses need to be revised.  相似文献   

Here, the petrological features of numerous primitive achondrites and highly equilibrated chondrites are evaluated to review and expand upon our knowledge of the chondrite–achondrite transition, and primitive achondrites in general. A thermodynamic model for the initial silicate melting temperature and progressive melting for nearly the entire known range of oxidation states is provided, which can be expressed as Tm = 0.035Fa2?3.51Fa + 1109 (in °C, where Fa is the proportion of fayalite in olivine). This model is then used to frame a discussion of textural and mineralogical evolution of stony meteorites with increasing temperature. We suggest that the metamorphic petrology of these meteorites should be based on diffusive equilibration among the silicate minerals, and as such, the chondrite–achondrite transition should be defined by the initial point of silicate melting, not by metal–troilite melting. Evidence of silicate melting is preserved by a distinctive texture of interconnected interstitial plagioclase ± pyroxene networks among rounded olivine and/or pyroxene (depending on ?O2), which pseudomorph the former silicate melt network. Indirectly, the presence of exsolution lamellae in augite in slowly cooled achondrites also implies that silicate melting occurred because of the high temperatures required, and because silicate melt enhances diffusion. A metamorphic facies series is defined: the Plagioclase Facies is equivalent to petrologic types 5 and 6, the Sub‐calcic Augite Facies is bounded at lower temperatures by the initiation of silicate melting and at higher temperatures by the appearance of pigeonite, which marks the transition to the Pigeonite Facies.  相似文献   

CK chondrites are the only group of carbonaceous chondrites with petrologic types ranging from 3 to 6. It is commonly reported than ~15 vol% of CK4–6 samples are composed of chondrules. The modal abundance of chondrules estimated here for 18 CK3–6 (including five CK3s) ranges from zero (totally recrystallized) to 50.5%. Although almost all chemically re‐equilibrated with the host matrix, we recognized in CK3s and Tanezrouft (Tnz) 057 (CK4) up to 85% of chondrules as former type I chondrules. Mean diameters of chondrules range from 0.22 to 1.05 mm for Karoonda (CK4) and Tnz 057 (CK4), respectively. Up to ~60% of chondrules in CK3–4 are surrounded by igneous rims (from ~20 μm to 2 mm width). Zoned olivines were found in unequilibrated chondrules from DaG 431 (CK3‐an), NWA 4724 (CK3.8), NWA 4423 (CK3.9), and Tnz 057 (CK4). We modeled Fe/Mg interdiffusion profiles measured in zoned olivines to evaluate the peak metamorphic temperatures and time scales of the CK parent body metamorphism, and proposed a two‐stage diffusion process in order to account for the position of inflection points situated within chondrules. Time scales inferred from Fe/Mg interdiffusion in olivine from unequilibrated chondrules are on the order of tens to a hundred thousand years (from 50 to 70,000 years for peak metamorphic temperatures of 1140 and 920 K, respectively). These durations are longer than what is commonly accepted for shock metamorphism and shorter than what is required for nuclide decay. Using the concept of a continuous CV–CK metamorphic series, which is reinforced by this study, we estimated peak metamorphic temperatures <850 K for CV, 850–920 K for CK3, and 920–1140 K for CK4–6 chondrites considering a duration of 70,000 years.  相似文献   

Abstract— Many properties of CO3 chondrites have been shown previously to have resulted from thermal metamorphism; petrologic subtypes 3.0–3.7 have been assigned to members of the group. Additional properties that correlate with the metamorphic sequence but seem to have resulted from hydrothermal alteration include the modal abundance of amoeboid olivine inclusions (AOI), chondrule size, the types of refractory inclusions and whole rock O isotopic composition. The percentage of rimmed AOI increases with petrologic subtype. The rims most likely formed during hydrothermal alteration. The previously reported correlation between AOI abundance and chondrite subtype is probably an artifact due to the difficulty in recognizing small unrimmed AOI in the least metamorphosed CO3 chondrites. Because large (≥ 200 μm size) porphyritic chondrules have nearly the same mean size in all CO3 chondrites, it seems likely that the correlation between chondrule size and subtype is due to alteration of the smallest chondrules to the point of unrecogizability as complete objects in the more metamorphosed CO3 chondrites. The previously reported decrease in the proportion of melilite-rich refractory inclusions with increasing petrologic subtype may have resulted from more extensive hydrothermal alteration in CO3.4–3.7 chondrites that converted primary melilite into Ca-pyroxene, andradite and nepheline. Alteration probably caused the preferential occurrence of 16O-poor oxygen isotopes in the more metamorphosed whole rock samples.  相似文献   

Abstract– We evaluate the chemical and physical conditions of metamorphism in ordinary chondrite parent bodies using X‐ray diffraction (XRD)‐measured modal mineral abundances and geochemical analyses of 48 type 4–6 ordinary chondrites. Several observations indicate that oxidation may have occurred during progressive metamorphism of equilibrated chondrites, including systematic changes with petrologic type in XRD‐derived olivine and low‐Ca pyroxene abundances, increasing ratios of MgO/(MgO+FeO) in olivine and pyroxene, mean Ni/Fe and Co/Fe ratios in bulk metal with increasing metamorphic grade, and linear Fe addition trends in molar Fe/Mn and Fe/Mg plots. An aqueous fluid, likely incorporated as hydrous silicates and distributed homogeneously throughout the parent body, was responsible for oxidation. Based on mass balance calculations, a minimum of 0.3–0.4 wt% H2O reacted with metal to produce oxidized Fe. Prior to oxidation the parent body underwent a period of reduction, as evidenced by the unequilibrated chondrites. Unlike olivine and pyroxene, average plagioclase abundances do not show any systematic changes with increasing petrologic type. Based on this observation and a comparison of modal and normative plagioclase abundances, we suggest that plagioclase completely crystallized from glass by type 4 temperature conditions in the H and L chondrites and by type 5 in the LL chondrites. Because the validity of using the plagioclase thermometer to determine peak temperatures rests on the assumption that plagioclase continued to crystallize through type 6 conditions, we suggest that temperatures calculated using pyroxene goethermometry provide more accurate estimates of the peak temperatures reached in ordinary chondrite parent bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Kobe CK4 chondrite, like most metamorphosed CK chondrites, exhibits pronounced silicate darkening of matrix and chondrule mesostases. Our petrographic and scanning electron microscopic study reveals that the matrix of Kobe consists mostly of intermixtures of two types of fine‐grained olivine. One forms subhedral to anhedral normal crystals. The other fills interstices of the subhedral to anhedral olivine crystals, exhibiting a complex network of veinlets. The latter type of olivine contains high densities of small spherical vesicles (<0.05‐3 μm in diameter) and grains (<0.05‐5 μm) of magnetite and pentlandite as well as round to anhedral grains (1–10 μm) of plagioclase, low‐Ca pyroxene, diopside and chlorapatite. The vesicular olivine is particularly abundant in regions of matrix that exhibit a relatively high degree of darkening and commonly fills chondrule mesostases. The vesicular olivine is clearly the principal cause of the silicate darkening in Kobe. The internal texture of the vesicular olivine closely resembles those of local melts produced from the matrices of experimentally and naturally shocked carbonaceous chondrites. The occurrence and texture of the vesicular olivine suggest that it resulted from recrystallization of partially melted matrix olivine by shock. Kobe exhibits light shock effects in olivine that are consistent with shock stage S2 that is too low to explain the occurrence of olivine melting. We suggest that the vesicular olivine in Kobe was produced by shock metamorphism at a relatively mild shock pressure (<25 GPa) and a high temperature (>600 °C). Thus, it is probable that the shock effects in olivine, manifest as fracturing and deformation, were relatively minor, but heating was strong enough to cause partial melting of matrix olivine.  相似文献   

We performed a petrologic, geochemical, and oxygen isotopic study of the lowest FeO ordinary chondrite (OC), Yamato (Y) 982717. Y 982717 shows a chondritic texture composed of chondrules and chondrule fragments, and mineral fragments set in a finer grained, clastic matrix, similar to H4 chondrites. The composition of olivine (Fa11.17 ± 0.48 (1σ)) and low‐Ca pyroxene (Fs11.07 ± 0.98 (1σ)Wo0.90 ± 0.71(1σ)) is significantly more magnesian than those of typical H chondrites (Fa16.0‐20, Fs14.5‐18.0), as well as other known low‐FeO OCs (Fa12.8‐16.7; Fs13‐16). However, the bulk chemical composition of Y 982717, in particular lithophile and moderately volatile elements, is within the range of OCs. The bulk siderophile element composition (Ni, Co) is within the range of H chondrites and distinguishable from L chondrites. The O‐isotopic composition is also within the range of H chondrites. The lack of reduction textures indicates that the low olivine Fa content and low‐Ca pyroxene Fs content are characteristics of the precursor materials, rather than the result of reduction during thermal metamorphism. We suggest that the H chondrites are more compositionally diverse than has been previously recognized.  相似文献   

The abundances of highly siderophile elements (HSE; including Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, and Pd) and 187Re‐187Os isotopic systematics were determined for two fragments from ungrouped achondrite NWA 7325. Rhenium‐Os systematics are consistent with closed‐system behavior since formation or soon after. The abundances of the HSE were therefore largely unaffected by late‐stage secondary processes such as shock or terrestrial weathering. As an olivine gabbro cumulate, this meteorite has a bulk composition consistent with derivation from a body that produced a core, mantle, and crust. Also consistent with derivation from a body that produced a core, both fragments of NWA 7325 have HSE abundances that are highly depleted compared to bulk chondrites. One fragment has ~0.002× CI chondrite Ir and relative HSE abundances similar to bulk chondrites. The other fragment has ~0.0002× CI chondrite Ir and relative HSE abundances that are fractionated compared to bulk chondrites. The chondritic relative HSE abundances of the fragment characterized by higher HSE abundances most likely reflect the addition of exogenous chondritic material during or after crystallization by surface impacts. The HSE in the other fragment is likely more representative of the parent body crust. One formation model that can broadly account for the HSE abundances in this fragment is multiple episodes of low‐pressure metal‐silicate equilibration, followed by limited late accretion and mantle homogenization. Given the different HSE compositions of the two adjoining fragments, this meteorite provides an example of the overprint of global processes (differentiation and late accretion) by localized impact contamination.  相似文献   

Abstract– Analysis of the mineralogy, isotopic, and bulk compositions of the eucrite meteorites is imperative for understanding their origin on the asteroid 4 Vesta, the proposed parent body of the HED meteorites. We present here the petrology, mineral compositions, and bulk chemistry of several lithic components of the new brecciated basaltic eucrite Northwest Africa (NWA) 3368 to determine if all the lithologies reflect formation from one rock type or many rock types. The meteorite has three main lithologies: coarse‐ and fine‐grained clasts surrounded by a fine‐grained recrystallized silicate matrix. Silicate compositions are homogeneous, and the average rare earth element pattern for NWA 3368 is approximately 10× CI chondrites with a slight negative Eu anomaly. Major and trace element data place NWA 3368 with the Main Group‐Nuevo Laredo trend. High‐Ti chromites with ilmenite exsolution lamellae provide evidence of NWA 3368’s history of intense metamorphism. We suggest that this meteorite underwent several episodes of brecciation and metamorphism, similar to that proposed by Metzler et al. (1995) . We conclude that NWA 3368 is a monomict basaltic eucrite breccia related to known eucrites in texture and in mineral, bulk, and oxygen isotopic composition.  相似文献   

In April 1969, the chondrite was accidentally found in the side wall of the vegetable storage excavated at Shibayama-machi, Sanbu-gun, Chiba-ken, Japan, by Mr. A. Ishii and his grandson, Mr. S. Ito. The chondrite named Shibayama has been weathered thoroughly for a long period of burial underground. The bulk chemical composition, especially total Fe (21.41%) and ratios of Fetotal/SiO2(0.557), SiO2/MgO (1.59) and molar composition of olivine (Fa23) and pyroxene (Fs22) as well as mineral composition, indicate that Shibayama is a typical olivine-hypersthene chondrite. If the oxidized Fe is assumed only from metallic Fe, the original metallic Fe (7.75%) and Femetal/Fetotal(0.361) also support the above conclusion. From the well-recrystallized texture, indistinct and obliterated chondrule-matrix boundary, homogeneous composition of olivine and pyroxene, absence of igneous glass, and interstitial and well-developed plagioclase, this chondrite could be classified in petrologic type 6. Mosaic texture, kink bands, undulatory extinction of silicate grains and maskelynitization of plagioclase indicate that Shibayama suffered from a heavy shock effect, as is seen in other L-6 group chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Ocotillo IAB iron meteorite contains small silicate inclusions consisting of olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, chromian diopside, plagioclase, magnesiochromite, apatite, troilite and metal. The ferromagnesian silicates have a small range of Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios that are not due to zoning. These phases appear to be not well equilibrated. The FeO content of magnesiochromite is lower than values normally seen in silicate assemblages in IAB iron meteorites. The minerals in Ocotillo are generally like silicate assemblages in other IAB meteorites, covering similar composition ranges and exhibiting a metamorphic (granoblastic) texture. An estimate was made of the bulk composition of Ocotillo silicate inclusions. The bulk composition is close to that of ordinary chondrites with the exception of a deficiency in CaO that might be due to a sampling problem associated with the method used to estimate the bulk composition.  相似文献   

High‐precision oxygen three‐isotope ratios were measured for four mineral phases (olivine, low‐Ca and high‐Ca pyroxene, and plagioclase) in equilibrated ordinary chondrites (EOCs) using a secondary ion mass spectrometer. Eleven EOCs were studied that cover all groups (H, L, LL) and petrologic types (4, 5, 6), including S1–S4 shock stages, as well as unbrecciated and brecciated meteorites. SIMS analyses of multiple minerals were made in close proximity (mostly <100 μm) from several areas in each meteorite thin section, to evaluate isotope exchange among minerals. Oxygen isotope ratios in each mineral become more homogenized as petrologic type increases with the notable exception of brecciated samples. In type 4 chondrites, oxygen isotope ratios of olivine and low‐Ca pyroxene are heterogeneous in both δ18O and Δ17O, showing similar systematics to those in type 3 chondrites. In type 5 and 6 chondrites, oxygen isotope ratios of the four mineral phases plot along mass‐dependent fractionation lines that are consistent with the bulk average Δ17O of each chondrite group. The δ18O of three minerals, low‐Ca and high‐Ca pyroxene and plagioclase, are consistent with equilibrium fractionation at temperatures of 700–1000 °C. In most cases the δ18O values of olivine are higher than those expected from pyroxene and plagioclase, suggesting partial retention of premetamorphic values due to slower oxygen isotope diffusion in olivine than pyroxene during thermal metamorphism in ordinary chondrite parent bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract— Twenty-two carbonaceous chondrite clasts from the two howardites Bholghati and EET87513 were analyzed. Clast N from EET87513 is a fragment classified as CM2 material on the basis of texture, bulk composition, mineralogy, and bulk O isotopic composition. Carbonaceous chondrite clasts from Bholghati, for which less data are available because of their small size, can be divided into two petrologic types: C1 and C2. C1 clasts are composed of opaque matrix with rare coarse-grained silicates as individual mineral fragments; textures resemble CI meteorites and some dark inclusions from CR meteorites. Opaque matrix is predominantly composed of flaky saponite; unlike typical CI and CR meteorites, serpentine is absent in the samples we analyzed. C2 clasts contain chondrules, aggregates, and individual fragments of coarse-grained silicates in an opaque matrix principally composed of saponite and anhydrous ferromagnesian silicates with flaky textures similar to phyllosilicates. These anhydrous ferromagnesian silicates are interpreted as the product of heating of pre-existing serpentine. The carbonaceous chondrite clasts we have studied from these two howardites are, with one notable exception (clast N from EET87513), mineralogically distinct from typical carbonaceous chondrites. However, these clasts have very close affinities to carbonaceous chondrites and have also experienced thermal metamorphism and aqueous alteration, but to different degrees.  相似文献   

Abstract— Northwest Africa (NWA) 428 is an L chondrite that was successively thermally metamorphosed to petrologic type‐6, shocked to stage S4–S5, brecciated, and annealed to approximately petrologic type‐4. Its thermal and shock history resembles that of the previously studied LL6 chondrite, Miller Range (MIL) 99301, which formed on a different asteroid. The petrologic type‐6 classification of NWA 428 is based on its highly recrystallized texture, coarse metal (150 ± 150 μm), troilite (100 ± 170 μm), and plagioclase (20–60 μm) grains, and relatively homogeneous olivine (Fa24.4 ± 0.6), low‐Ca pyroxene (Fs20.5 ± 0.4), and plagioclase (Ab84.2 ± 0.4) compositions. The petrographic criteria that indicate shock stage S4–S5 include the presence of chromite veinlets, chromite‐plagioclase assemblages, numerous occurrences of metallic Cu, irregular troilite grains within metallic Fe‐Ni, polycrystalline troilite, duplex plessite, metal and troilite veins, large troilite nodules, and low‐Ca clinopyroxene with polysynthetic twins. If the rock had been shocked before thermal metamorphism, low‐Ca clinopyroxene produced by the shock event would have transformed into orthopyroxene. Post‐shock brecciation is indicated by the presence of recrystallized clasts and highly shocked clasts that form sharp boundaries with the host. Post‐shock annealing is indicated by the sharp optical extinction of the olivine grains; during annealing, the damaged olivine crystal lattices healed. If temperatures exceeded those approximating petrologic type‐4 (?600–700°C) during annealing, the low‐Ca clinopyroxene would have transformed into orthopyroxene. The other shock indicators, likewise, survived the mild annealing. An impact event is the most plausible source of post‐metamorphic, post‐shock annealing because any 26Al that may have been present when the asteroid accreted would have decayed away by the time NWA 428 was annealed. The similar inferred histories of NWA 428 (L6) and MIL 99301 (LL6) indicate that impact heating affected more than 1 ordinary chondrite parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— We describe the petrologic and trace element characteristics of the Yamato 86029 (Y‐86029) meteorite. Y‐86029 is a breccia consisting of a variety of clasts, and abundant secondary minerals including coarse‐ and fine‐grained phyllosilicates, Fe‐Ni sulfides, carbonates, and magnetite. There are no chondrules, but a few anhydrous olivine‐rich grains are present within a very fine‐grained phyllosilicate‐rich matrix. Analyses of 14 thermally mobile trace elements suggest that Y‐86029 experienced moderate, open‐system thermal metamorphism. Comparison with data for other heated carbonaceous chondrites suggests metamorphic temperatures of 500–600°C for Y‐86029. This is apparent petrographically, in partial dehydration of phyllosilicates to incompletely re‐crystallized olivine. This transformation appears to proceed through ‘intermediate’ highly‐disordered ‘poorly crystalline’ phases consisting of newly formed olivine and residual desiccated phyllosilicate and their mixtures. Periclase is also present as a possible heating product of Mg‐rich carbonate precursors. Y‐86029 shows unusual textures rarely encountered in carbonaceous chondrites. The periclase occurs as unusually large Fe‐rich clasts (300–500 μm). Fine‐grained carbonates with uniform texture are also present as small (10–15 μm in diameter), rounded to sub‐rounded ‘shells’ of ankerite/siderite enclosing magnetite. These carbonates appear to have formed by low temperature aqueous alteration at specific thermal decomposition temperatures consistent with thermodynamic models of carbonate formation. The fine and uniform texture suggests crystallization from a fluid circulating in interconnected spaces throughout entire growth. One isolated aggregate in Y‐86029 also consists of a mosaic of polycrystalline olivine aggregates and sulfide blebs typical of shock‐induced melt re‐crystallization. Except for these unusual textures, the isotopic, petrologic and chemical characteristics of Y‐86029 are quite similar to those of Y‐82162, the only other heated CI‐like chondrite known. They were probably derived from similar asteroids rather than one asteroid, and hence may not necessarily be paired.  相似文献   

Abstract— The induced thermoluminescence (TL) properties of 16 CV and CV-related chondrites, four CK chondrites and Renazzo (CR2) have been measured in order to investigate their metamorphic history. The petrographic, mineralogical and bulk compositional differences among the CV chondrites indicate that the TL sensitivity of the ~130 °C TL peak is reflecting the abundance of ordered feldspar, especially in chondrule mesostasis, which in turn reflects parent-body metamorphism. The TL properties of 18 samples of homogenized Allende powder heated at a variety of times and temperatures, and cathodoluminescence mosaics of Axtell and Coolidge, showed results consistent with this conclusion. Five refractory inclusions from Allende, and separates from those inclusions, were also examined and yielded trends reflecting variations in mineralogy indicative of high peak temperatures (either metamorphic or igneous) and fairly rapid cooling. The CK chondrites are unique among metamorphosed chondrites in showing no detectable induced TL, which is consistent with literature data that suggests very unusual feldspar in these meteorites. Using TL sensitivity and several mineral systems and allowing for the differences in the oxidized and reduced subgroups, the CV and CV-related meteorites can be divided into petrologic types analogous to those of the ordinary and CO type 3 chondrites. Axtell, Kaba, Leoville, Bali, Arch and ALHA81003 are type 3.0–3.1, while ALH84018, Efremovka, Grosnaja, Allende and Vigarano are type 3.2–3.3 and Coolidge and Loongana 001 are type 3.8. Mokoia is probably a breccia with regions ranging in petrologic type from 3.0 to 3.2. Renazzo often plots at the end of the reduced and oxidized CV chondrite trends, even when those trends diverge, suggesting that in many respects it resembles the unmetamorphosed precursors of the CV chondrites. The low-petrographic types and low-TL peak temperatures of all samples, including the CV3.8 chondrites, indicates metamorphism in the stability field of low feldspar (i.e., <800 °C) and a metamorphic history similar to that of the CO chondrites but unlike that of the ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   

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