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This paper describes and interprets the mineral and facies assemblages that occur in carbonate–evaporite shallow lacustrine deposits, considering the importance of the processes pathway (i.e. dolomitization, gypsum calcitization and silicification). The Palaeogene deposits of the Deza Formation (Almazán Basin, central‐northern Spain) are selected as a case study to determine the variety of physicochemical processes taking place in carbonate–evaporite shallow lakes and their resulting diagenetic features. Dolostones are the predominant lithology and are composed mainly of dolomite with variable amounts of secondary calcite (5 to 50%), which mainly mimic lenticular gypsum (pseudomorphs). Five morphological types of dolomite crystal were identified as follows: dolomite tubes, dolomite cylinders, rhombohedral dolomite, spheroidal and quasi‐rhombohedral dolomite, and cocoon‐shaped dolomite. The dolomite cylinders and tubes are interpreted as the dolomitized cells of a widespread microbial community. The sequence of diagenetic processes started with growth of microlenticular interstitial gypsum in a calcareous mud deposited on the playa margin mudflats, and that sometimes included microbial sediments. Immediately following growth of gypsum, dolomite replaced the original calcite (or possibly aragonite) muds, the microbial community and the gypsum. Partial or total replacement of gypsum by dolomite was related mainly to the biomineralization of endolithic microbial communities on gypsum crystals. Later calcitization took place under vadose, subaerial exposure conditions. The development of calcrete in distal alluvial settings favoured the release of silica and subsequent silicification on the playa margin mudflats. Stable isotope compositions of calcite range from ?9·02 to ?5·83‰ δ13CPDB and ?7·10 to 1·22‰ δ18OPDB; for the dolomite, these values vary from ?8·93 to ?3·96‰ δ13CPDB and ?5·53 to 2·4‰ δ18OPDB. Quartz from the cherts has δ18OSMOW values ranging from 27·1 to 31·1‰. Wide variation and relatively high δ18OSMOW values for dolomite indicate evaporitic and closed hydrological conditions; increased influx of meteoric waters reigned during the formation of secondary calcite spar.  相似文献   

四川盆地西北部中坝气田中三叠统雷口坡组颗粒型白云岩和晶粒型白云岩储层的成岩演化过程复杂,各种成岩作用发育,储层质量的好坏受成岩作用影响明显。储层内部鸟眼孔、生物体腔孔、晶间孔和粒间孔等原生孔隙在经过压实压溶作用、多期方解石、白云石和石膏等胶结作用后基本消失。表生期和埋藏期的溶蚀作用决定了粒间溶孔、粒内溶孔、藻黏结“格架”溶孔和晶间溶孔等次生孔隙的形成。而多期白云石、石英和碎屑物质的胶结和充填作用又导致这些次生孔隙大幅缩小,局部消失,最终在构造破裂作用的影响下,成为现今该层段的主要储集空间。  相似文献   

Late Palaeozoic‐age strata from the Capitan Reef in west Texas show facies‐dependent heterogeneity in the sulphur isotopic composition of carbonate‐associated sulphate, which is trace sulphate incorporated into carbonate minerals that is often used to reconstruct the sulphur isotopic composition of ancient seawater. However, diagenetic pore fluid processes may influence the sulphur isotopic composition of carbonate‐associated sulphate. These processes variously modify the sulphur isotopic composition of incorporated sulphate from syndepositional seawater in shelf crest, outer shelf, shelf margin and slope depositional settings. This study used a new multicollector inductively‐coupled plasma mass spectrometry technique to determine the sulphur isotopic composition of samples of individual depositional and diagenetic textures. Carbonate rocks representing peritidal facies in the Yates and Tansill formations preserve the sulphur isotopic composition of Guadalupian seawater sulphate despite alteration of the carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions by meteoric and dolomitizing diagenetic processes. However, sulphur isotopic data indicate that limestones deposited in reef and slope facies in the Capitan and Bell Canyon formations largely incorporate sulphate from anoxic marine‐phreatic pore fluids isotopically modified from seawater by microbial sulphate reduction, despite generally preserving the carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of Permian seawater. Some early and all late meteoric calcite cements have carbonate‐associated sulphate with a sulphur isotopic composition distinct from that of Permian seawater. Detailed petrographic and sedimentary context for carbonate‐associated sulphate analyses will allow for improved reconstructions of ancient seawater composition and diagenetic conditions in ancient carbonate platforms. The results of this study indicate that carbonate rocks that diagenetically stabilize in high‐energy environments without pore fluid sulphate gradients can provide a robust archive of ancient seawater's sulphur isotopic composition.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines the diagenetic history of dual (i.e. matrix and fracture) porosity reservoir lithologies in Cretaceous to Eocene carbonate turbidites of the Ionian fold and thrust belt, close to the oil‐producing centre of Fier–Ballsh (central Albania). The first major diagenetic event controlling reservoir quality was early cementation by isopachous and syntaxial low‐Mg calcite. These cements formed primarily around crinoid and rudist fragments, which acted as nucleation sites. In sediments in which these bioclasts are the major rock constituent, this cement can make up 30% of the rock volume, resulting in low effective porosity. In strata in which these bioclasts are mixed with reworkedmicrite, isopachous/syntaxial cements stabilized the framework, and matrixporosity is around 15%. The volumetric importance of these cements, their optical and luminescence character (distribution and dull orange luminescence) and stable isotopic signal (δ18O and δ13C averaging respectively; ?0·5‰ VPDB and +2‰ VPDB) all support a marine phreatic origin. Within these turbidites and debris flows, several generations of fractures alternated with episodes of cementation. A detailed reconstruction of this history was based on cross‐cutting relationships of fractures and compactional and layer‐parallel shortening (LPS) stylolites. The prefolding calcite veins possess orange cathodoluminescence similar to that of the host rock. Their stable isotope signatures (δ18O of ?3·86 to ?0·85‰ VPDB and δ13C of – 0·14 to + 2·98‰ VPDB) support a closed diagenetic rock‐buffered system. A similar closed system accounts for the selectively reopened and subsequently calcite‐cemented LPS stylolites (δ18O of ?1·81 to ?1·14‰ VPDB and δ13C of +1·52 to +2·56‰ VPDB). Within the prefolding veins, brecciated host rock fragments and complex textures such as crack and seal features resulted from hydraulic fracturing. They reflect expulsion of overpressured fluids within the footwall of the frontal thrusts. After folding and thrust sheet emplacement, some calcite veins are still rock buffered (δ18O of ?0·96 to +0·2‰ VPDB and δ13C of +0·79 to +1·37‰ VPDB), whereas others reflect external (i.e. extraformational) and thus large‐scale fluid fluxes. Some of these veins are linked to basement‐derived fluid circulation or originated from fluid flow along evaporitic décollement horizons (δ18O around +3·0‰ VPDB and δ13C around +1·5‰ VPDB). Others are related to the maturation of hydrocarbons in the system (δ18O around ?7·1‰ VPDB and δ13C around +9·3‰ VPDB). An open joint system reflecting an extensional stress regime developed during or after the final folding stage. This joint system enhanced vertical connectivity. This open joint network can be explained by the high palaeotopographical position and the folding of the reservoir analogue within the deformational front. The joint system is pre‐Burdigalian in age based upon a dated karstified discordance contact. Sediment‐filled karst cavity development is linked to meteoric water infiltration during emergence of some of the structures. Despite its sediment fill, the karst network is locally an important contributor to reservoir matrix porosity in otherwise tight lithologies. Development of secondary porosity along bed‐parallel and bed‐perpendicular (i.e. layer‐parallel shortening) stylolites is interpreted as a late‐stage diagenetic event associated with migration of acidic fluids during hydrocarbon maturation. Development of porosity along the LPS system enhanced the vertical reservoir connectivity.  相似文献   

The Sorbas Member is a late Messinian complex sedimentary system that formed immediately following deposition of the Messinian evaporites in the Sorbas Basin (South‐east Spain). This work describes the sequence architecture and facies organization of a continuous kilometre long, alluvial fan to open platform transect near the village of Cariatiz in the north‐east of the basin. The post‐evaporitic Cariatiz platform was a mixed carbonate‐siliciclastic system composed of four intermediate‐frequency, fifth‐order depositional sequences (Depositional Sequences 1 to 4) arranged in an overall prograding trend. The intense fracturing and brecciation of these deposits is attributed to the deformation and dissolution of an evaporite body measuring several tens of metres in thickness. The four sequences display significant spatial–temporal variability in both architecture and facies distribution, with two main phases: (i) Depositional Sequences 1 and 2 are ooid and oobioclastic dominated, and show normal marine faunas; and (ii) Depositional Sequences 3 and 4 show a higher siliciclastic contribution and are microbialite dominated. These important changes are interpreted as modifications of the primary controlling factors. Following an initial 70 m drowning, possibly linked to increased oceanic input, Depositional Sequences 1 to 3 were controlled mainly by eustatic variations and inherited topography; their progradation destabilized the evaporite body near the end of the Depositional Sequence 2 period. During the second phase, Depositional Sequences 3 and 4 recorded a progressive restriction of the Sorbas Basin related to a 30 to 40 m fall in water level that was driven mainly by regional factors. These regional factors were dissolution and gravity‐induced deformation of the evaporites and correlative evaporative fluid circulation associated with the contrasted arid/humid regional climate that, respectively, controlled sequence geometry and fluctuating water salinity which caused a microbialite bloom.  相似文献   

This work aims to reveal the evolution of the porosity in the Triassic Yanchang Formation tight sandstone reservoir of the Xifeng–Ansai area of Ordos Basin. Based on destructive diagenesis(compaction and cementation) and constructive diagenesis(dissolution) of sandstone reservoirs, this study analyzed the diagenesis characteristics of the tight sandstone reservoirs in this area, and discussed the relationship between sandstone diagenesis and porosity evolution in combination with present porosity profile characteristics of sandstone reservoir. The effect simulation principle was employed for the mathematical derivation and simulation of the evolution of porosity in the Yanchang Formation tight sandstone reservoirs. The result shows that compaction always occurs in tight sandstone reservoirs in the Yanchang Formation, and cementation occurs when the burial depth increases to a certain value and remains ever since. Dissolution occurs only at a certain stage of the evolution with window features. In the corresponding present porosity profile, diagenesis is characterized by segmentation. From the shallow to the deep, compaction, compaction, cementation and dissolution, compaction and cementation occur successively. Therefore, the evolution of sandstone porosity can be divided into normal compaction section, acidification and incremental porosity section, and normal compaction section after dissolution. The results show that the evolution of sandstone porosity can be decomposed into porosity reduction model and porosity increase model. The superposition of the two models at the same depth in the three stages or in the same geological time can constitute the evolution simulation of the total porosity in sandstone reservoirs. By simulating the evolution of sandstone reservoir porosity of the eighth member in Xifeng area and the sixth member in Ansai area, it shows that they are similar in the evolution process and trend. The difference is caused by the regional uplift or subsidence and burial depth.  相似文献   

Large volumes of carbonate breccia occur in the late syn-rift and early post-rift deposits of the Billefjorden Trough, Central Spitsbergen. Breccias are developed throughout the Moscovian Minkinfjellet Formation and in basal parts of the Kazimovian Wordiekammen Formation. Breccias can be divided into two categories: (i) thick, cross-cutting breccia-bodies up to 200 m thick that are associated with breccia pipes and large V-structures, and (ii) horizontal stratabound breccia beds interbedded with undeformed carbonate and siliciclastic rocks. The thick breccias occur in the central part of the basin, whereas the stratabound breccia beds have a much wider areal extent towards the basin margins. The breccias were formed by gravitational collapse into cavities formed by dissolution of gypsum and anhydrite beds in the Minkinfjellet Formation. Several dissolution fronts have been discovered, demonstrating the genetic relationship between dissolution of gypsum and brecciation. Textures and structures typical of collapse breccias such as inverse grading, a sharp flat base, breccia pipes (collapse dolines) and V-structures (cave roof collapse) are also observed. The breccias are cemented by calcite cements of pre-compaction, shallow burial origin. Primary fluid inclusions in the calcite are dominantly single phase containing fresh water (final melting points are ca 0 °C), suggesting that breccia diagenesis occurred in meteoric waters. Cathodoluminescence (CL) zoning of the cements shows a consistent pattern of three cement stages, but the abundance of each stage varies stratigraphically and laterally. δ18O values of breccia cements are more negative relative to marine limestones and meteoric cements developed in unbrecciated Minkinfjellet limestones. There is a clear relationship between δ18O values and the abundance of the different cement generations detected by CL. Paragenetically, later cements have lower δ18O values recording increased temperatures during their precipitation. Carbon isotope values of the cements are primarily rock-buffered although a weak trend towards more negative values with increasing burial depth is observed. The timing of gypsum dissolution and brecciation was most likely related to major intervals of exposure of the carbonate platform during Gzhelian and/or Asselian/Sakmarian times. These intervals of exposure occurred shortly after deposition of the brecciated units and before deep burial of the sediments.  相似文献   

Carbonate concretions formed in bathyal and deeper settings have been studied less frequently than those formed in shallow‐marine deposits. Similarly, concretions affected by catagenetic conditions have rarely been reported. Calcite concretions in deep‐marine mudstones and greywackes of the Bardo Unit (Sudetes Mountains, Poland) formed during early diagenesis and were buried to significant depths. Petrographic and geochemical (elemental and stable C and O isotopic) analyses document their formation close to the sediment–water interface, prior to mechanical compaction within the sulphate reduction zone and their later burial below the oil window. Although the concretions were fully formed during early diagenesis, the effects of increased temperature and interaction with late‐diagenetic interstitial fluids can be discerned. During maximum burial, the concretions underwent thorough recrystallization that caused alteration of fabric and elemental and O isotope composition. The initial finely crystalline cement was replaced by more coarsely crystalline, sheaf‐like, poikilotopic calcite in the concretions. These large calcite crystals engulf and partially replace unstable detrital constituents. The extremely low δ18O values (down to ?21·2‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite) in the concretions are the result of the increased temperature in combination with alteration of volcanic glass, both causing a significant 18O‐depletion of bicarbonate dissolved in the interstitial fluids. Recrystallization led to uniform O isotope ratios in the concretions, but did not affect the C isotope signature. The δ13C values of the late‐diagenetic cements precipitated in the greywacke and in cracks cutting through concretions imply crystallization in the catagenetic zone and decarboxylation as a source of the bicarbonate. These late‐diagenetic processes took place in a supposedly overpressured setting, as suggested by clastic dykes and hydrofractures that cut through both concretions and host rock. All of these features show how the effects of early and late diagenesis can be distinguished in such rocks.  相似文献   

Lower Priabonian coral bioherms and biostromes, encased in prodelta marls/clays, occur in the Aínsa‐Jaca piggyback basin, in the South Central Pyrenean zone. Detailed mapping of lithofacies and bounding surfaces onto photomosaics reveals the architecture of coral buildups. Coral lithosomes occur either isolated or amalgamated in larger buildups. Isolated lithosomes are 1 to 8 m thick and a few hundred metres wide; clay content within coral colonies is significant. Stacked bioherms form low‐relief buildups, commonly 20 to 30 m thick, locally up to 50 m. These bioherms are progressively younger to the west, following progradation of the deltaic complex. The lowermost skeletal‐rich beds consist of bryozoan floatstone with wackestone to packstone matrix, in which planktonic foraminifera are abundant and light‐related organisms absent. Basal coral biostromes, and the base of many bioherms, consist of platy‐coral colonies ‘floating’ in a fine‐grained matrix rich in branches of red algae. Corals with domal or massive shape, locally mixed with branching corals and phaceloid coral colonies, dominate buildup cores. These corals are surrounded by matrix and lack organic framework. The matrix consists of wackestone to packstone, locally floatstone, with conspicuous red algal and coral fragments, along with bryozoans, planktonic and benthonic foraminifera and locally sponges. Coral rudstone and skeletal packstone, with wackestone to packstone matrix, also occur as wedges abutting the buildup margins. Integrative analysis of rock textures, skeletal components, buildup anatomy and facies architecture clearly reveal that these coral buildups developed in a prodelta setting where shifting of delta lobes or rainfall cycles episodically resulted in water transparency that allowed zooxanthellate coral growth. The bathymetric position of the buildups has been constrained from the light‐dependent communities and lithofacies distribution within the buildups. The process‐product analysis used here reinforces the hypothesis that zooxanthellate corals thrived in mesophotic conditions at least during the Late Eocene and until the Late Miocene. Comparative analysis with some selected Upper Eocene coral buildups of the north Mediterranean area show similarities in facies, components and textures, and suggest that they also grew in relatively low light (mesophotic) and low hydrodynamic conditions.  相似文献   

本文在分析荥巩矿区水文地质条件的基础上,重点对岩溶地下水系统的水化学特征进行分析。结果表明:岩溶水水化学类型自补给区到排泄区,从单一的HCO3型向复杂的HCO3.SO4型和SO4.HCO3型转变,TDS和Sr2+/Ca2+值均增加。地下水氢氧稳定同位素分析结果表明,本区岩溶地下水主要接受大气降水的入渗补给。根据同位素计算的补给高程推断岩溶水补给范围和划分的流动系统与地面调查结果及水化学研究成果一致:矿区处于区域流动系统排泄带,中寒武统张夏组—中奥陶统灰岩在矿区南部出露的范围接受降水补给,以侧向径流的方式进入矿区充水含水层。  相似文献   

根据砂岩薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、X-衍射等分析,研究了鄂尔多斯盆地青化砭油田长2油层组河流相及长6油层组三角洲相砂岩储层的成岩作用,分析了它们对储层物性的影响状况。研究结果表明,长2油层组河流相和长6油层组三角洲相砂岩储层目前分别处于晚成岩A期和B期。压实作用、胶结作用和溶解作用是控制二者物性演化的主要成岩作用,其中压实作用和胶结作用强烈破坏了它们的原生孔隙,溶解作用则有效地改善了它们的孔隙结构,从而提高了储层的孔渗条件。优质储层多出现在长2油层组河道及长6油层组三角洲平原分流河道砂体中。但在不同强度的成岩作用影响下,长2油层组河流相砂岩储层物性明显好于长6油层组三角洲相砂岩储层,因此优质储层的勘探应以长2油层组河流相河道砂体为重点,兼顾长6油层组三角洲相平原分流河道砂体。  相似文献   

Geochemical signals from speleothems are commonly used in the investigation of palaeoenvironments. In most cases, however, little attention is paid to whether or not these signals are primary or altered by diagenesis. The speleothems of the Castañar Cave (Cáceres, Spain), which are initially formed of calcite or aragonite, have undergone a variety of meteoric diagenetic processes such as micritization and neomorphism (inversion), that collectively modify their primary features (textures, mineralogy, geochemical signals). The mean δ13C and δ18O values of the aragonites in the cave are −8.66 and −4.64 respectively, whereas the primary calcites have mean δ13C and δ18O values of −9.99 and −5.77, respectively. Following the diagenetic process of micritization, the aragonite isotopic signals averaged −7.63 δ13C and −4.74 δ18O and the calcite micrite signals −9.53 δ13C and −5.21 δ18O. Where inversion took place, some secondary calcites after the aragonite show preserved aragonite, whereas others do not. The secondary calcites without aragonite relics show isotopic values slightly higher than those of the primary calcite due to the inheritance of the aragonite signal. Where aragonite relics are preserved, the isotopic signatures are very similar to those of the aragonite micrite.In addition, the stable isotopic values and Sr and Mg contents of the speleothems became also modified by micritization and/or inversion. These diagenetic processes were driven by the changes in composition of the cave waters over time and space, but also, in the case of aragonite, by its initial unstable mineralogy.The present results highlight how important diagenesis is in caves and how the initial features of cave minerals may be lost. These changes alter the geochemical signals shown by speleothems, which may have an impact on the interpretation of the results obtained in palaeoenvironmental studies.  相似文献   

The Reynolds–Anmatjira Ranges, central Australia, form part of a high‐grade basement terrane dissected by intensely metasomatized transpressional shear zones active during the Ordovician–Carboniferous Alice Springs Orogeny. Unlike typical retrograde structures associated with discrete fluid flow, the mid‐crustal setting and intracontinental nature of these shear systems present significant problems for the source and ingress mechanism of the fluid involved in their rehydration. To address these issues, we describe two detailed traverses across deformed and metasomatized basement rocks in this region, and interrogate their record of fluid–rock interaction from various perspectives. Both traverses combine structural and petrological observations with Zr‐in‐rutile and Ti‐in‐quartz thermobarometry, oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope analysis, and major, trace and rare earth element mobility trends. Each technique is critically evaluated for its utility in this study and its more widespread applicability to alternative field areas, providing a strategic framework for the general investigation of fluid‐affected shear zones. Ultimately, the integrated data sets specify pressure–temperature conditions of ~530 °C and 4–5 kbar, implying average apparent thermal gradients of 29–36 °C km?1 and depths of 14–18 km. Other characteristic features to emerge include strongly variable element mobilities and pronounced isotopic depletion fronts consistent with the alteration effects of an externally derived, non‐equilibrium fluid. This is confirmed by calculated fluid compositions indicative of contributions from a fluid of meteoric origin, with estimated δ18O and δD values as low as 2.3‰ and ?59.8‰, respectively. We propose that these surficial fluid signatures are imposed on the mid‐crust by the prograde burial and dehydration of hydrothermally altered fault panels produced during pre‐orogenic basin formation. Progressive fluid release with continued subsidence then leads to the accumulation of increasing fluid volumes in the vicinity of the brittle–ductile transition, promoting extensive hydration, metasomatism and reaction softening at the locus of stress transmission from plate‐boundary sources. The sustained injection of externally derived fluids into refractory crustal material may thus stimulate a critical reduction in the long‐term strength of the lithosphere, providing strong impetus for the initiation and advancement of intracontinental orogenesis.  相似文献   

On the basis of hydrochemical observation and experimental calculation, the features of stable carbon isotope geochemistry in the karst dynamic systems of the Guilin Karst Experimental Site, Huanglong Ravine and Wujiangdu Dam Site are summarized in this study. Furthermore, an attempt has been made to solve several geochemical problems, such as the origin of CO2 in the system, kinetic fractionation of carbon isotopes during calcite deposition, hydrochemistry and formation of tufa, and carbon-14 dating of tufa of hydrothermal origin. The results show that three kinds of karst dynamic system can be distinguished: (1) the shallow system, such as the Guilin Karst Experimental Site, in which soil CO2 provides the an active agent for karst processes; (2) the geothermal system, such as the Huanglong Ravine, in which metamorphic or/ and juvenile CO, is the source of activity for karst; (3) the anthropogenic system, such as the Wujiangdu Dam Site, in which the stable carbon isotope geochemical and hydrochemical f  相似文献   

Chemostratigraphic studies on lacustrine sedimentary sequences provide essential insights on past cyclic climatic events, on their repetition and prediction through time. Diagenetic overprint of primary features often hinders the use of such studies for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Here the potential of integrated geochemical and petrographic methods is evaluated to record freshwater to saline oscillations within the ancient marginal lacustrine carbonates of the Miocene Ries Crater Lake (Germany). This area is critical because it represents the transition from shoreline to proximal domains of a hydrologically closed system, affected by recurrent emergent events, representing the boundaries of successive sedimentary cycles. Chemostratigraphy targets shifts related to subaerial exposure and/or climatic fluctuations. Methods combine facies changes with δ 13C–δ 18O chemostratigraphy from matrix carbonates across five closely spaced, temporally equivalent stratigraphic sections. Isotope composition of ostracod shells, gastropods and cements is provided for comparison. Cathodoluminescence and back‐scatter electron microscopy were performed to discriminate primary (syn‐)depositional, from secondary diagenetic features. Meteoric diagenesis is expressed by substantial early dissolution and dark blue luminescent sparry cements carrying negative δ 13C and δ 18O. Sedimentary cycles are not correlated by isotope chemostratigraphy. Both matrix δ 13C and δ 18O range from ca −7·5 to +4·0‰ and show clear positive covariance (R  = 0·97) whose nature differs from that of previous basin‐oriented studies on the lake: negative values are here unconnected to original freshwater lacustrine conditions but reflect extensive meteoric diagenesis, while positive values probably represent primary saline lake water chemistry. Noisy geochemical curves relate to heterogeneities in (primary) porosity, resulting in selective carbonate diagenesis. This study exemplifies that ancient lacustrine carbonates, despite extensive meteoric weathering, are able to retain key information for both palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and the understanding of diagenetic processes in relation to those primary conditions. Also, it emphasizes the limitation of chemostratigraphy in fossil carbonates, and specifically in settings that are sensitive for the preservation of primary environmental signals, such as lake margins prone to meteoric diagenesis.  相似文献   

This paper explores little investigated diagenesis of spicule‐dominated sediments, based on Permian spiculites and cool‐water carbonates of the Tempelfjorden Group in central Spitsbergen. Field observations, petrography, stable isotope geochemistry, and mineralogical and chemical analyses reveal that the strata have been subjected to multistage diagenesis as the result of silica phase transitions at medium burial depths and deep‐burial overprinting. The growth of silica concretions occurred during the opal‐A/opal‐CT conversion and was controlled by the content and distribution of clay and spicules in the sediment, resulting in a variety of megascopic silica fabrics. Opal‐CT was subsequently dissolved, and all silica is now in a stable quartz stage. Petrographically, the rocks are characterized by a variety of chalcedony and quartz cements which perfectly preserve precursor textures. Most cements precipitated from silica‐oversaturated fluids, and their shapes reflect the silica saturation state and geometry of the pore space. Some microquartz and cryptoquartz also formed by a solid–solid inversion (recrystallization) of chalcedony. The cements have δ 18O values between +30‰ and +20‰ Standard Mean Ocean Water and display a systematic depletion in 18O from the first to the last crystallized, interpreted to reflect a gradual increase in temperature during burial. The precipitation of quartz cements started in the Middle Triassic when the strata passed the 19°C isotherm at burial depths of ca 600 m, and was completed in the mid‐Cretaceous, 2·3 km beneath the sea floor at temperatures of 75°C. Late diagenetic overprinting of the chert includes fracturing, brecciation and cementation with carbonate cements having δ 18O values between +2‰ and −30‰ Pee Dee Belemnite and δ 13C values between +4‰ and −14‰ Pee Dee Belemnite; they are linked to hot solutions introduced during Cretaceous volcanism or Palaeogene tectonism. This study illustrates the diagenetic pathway during burial of spicule‐rich sediments in a closed system and thereby provides a baseline for studies of more complexly altered chert deposits.  相似文献   

Most of the present knowledge of shallow‐marine, mixed carbonate–siliciclastic systems relies on examples from the carbonate‐dominated end of the carbonate–siliciclastic spectrum. This contribution provides a detailed reconstruction of a siliciclastic‐dominated mixed system (Pilmatué Member of the Agrio Formation, Neuquén Basin, Argentina) that explores the variability of depositional models and resulting stratigraphic units within these systems. The Pilmatué Member regressive system comprises a storm‐dominated, shoreface to basinal setting with three subparallel zones: a distal mixed zone, a middle siliciclastic zone and a proximal mixed zone. In the latter, a significant proportion of ooids and bioclasts were mixed with terrigenous sediment, supplied mostly via along‐shore currents. Storm‐generated flows were the primary processes exporting fine sand and mud to the middle zone, but were ineffective to remove coarser sediment. The distal zone received low volumes of siliciclastic mud, which mixed with planktonic‐derived carbonate material. Successive events of shoreline progradation and retrogradation of the Pilmatué system generated up to 17 parasequences, which are bounded by shell beds associated with transgressive surfaces. The facies distribution and resulting genetic units of this siliciclastic‐dominated mixed system are markedly different to the ones observed in present and ancient carbonate‐dominated mixed systems, but they show strong similarities with the products of storm‐dominated, pure siliciclastic shoreface–shelf systems. Basin‐scale depositional controls, such as arid climatic conditions and shallow epeiric seas might aid in the development of mixed systems across the full spectrum (i.e. from carbonate‐dominated to siliciclastic‐dominated end members), but the interplay of processes supplying sand to the system, as well as processes transporting sediment across the marine environment, are key controls in shaping the tridimensional facies distribution and the genetic units of siliciclastic‐dominated mixed systems. Thus, the identification of different combinations of basin‐scale factors and depositional processes is key for a better prediction of conventional and unconventional reservoirs within mixed, carbonate–siliciclastic successions worldwide.  相似文献   

Lower Cretaceous sandstones of the Qishn Formation have been studied by integrating sedimentological, petrological and petrophysical analyses from wells in the Masila oilfields of eastern Yemen. These analyses were used to define the origin, type of diagenesis and its relation to reservoir quality. The sandstones of the Qishn Formation are predominately quartz arenite to subarkose arenite with sublitharenite and quartz wackes displaying a range of porosities, averaging 22.33%. Permeability is likewise variable with an average of 2844.2 mD. Cementation coupled with compaction had an important effect on porosity destruction after sedimentation and burial. The widespread occurrence of early calcite cement suggests that the sandstones of the Qishn Formation lost significant primary porosity at an early stage of its diagenetic history. In addition to poikilotopic calcite, several different cements including kaolinite, illite, chlorite and minor illite–smectite occur as pore‐filling and pore‐lining cements, which were either accompanied by or followed the development of the early calcite cement. Secondary porosity development occurred due to partial to complete dissolution of early calcite cements and feldspar grains. The new data presented in this paper suggest the reservoir quality of Qishn sandstones is strongly linked to their diagenetic history; hence, the reservoir quality is reduced by clay minerals, calcite and silica cements but is enhanced by the dissolution of the unstable grains, in addition to partial or complete dissolution of calcite cements and unstable grains. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Upper Devonian carbonate reefs in West‐central Alberta are important petroleum reservoirs that are well‐known for their extensive secondary porosity. An outcrop analogue study indicates that an early matrix‐selective dolomitization event occurred which is characterized by a major Late Devonian sea water component with increased salinity because of evaporation. It is interpreted that the matrix (replacive) dolomite formed during the Famennian as the result of a combination of both seepage and latent reflux dolomitization, although an additional type or overprinting of later intermediate burial dolomitization cannot be excluded. Formation of the moulds is attributed mainly to the dissolution of undolomitized fossil cores, most typically stromatoporoids. Geochemical modelling indicates that carboxylic acid fluids have the highest potential for dissolving residual calcite in this case. Geochemical models consistent with this analysis and interpretations can reproduce the secondary porosity and suggest a viable dolomitization process for the localities studied.  相似文献   

We present dissolved load (< 0.45 μm) rare earth element (REE) patterns of small streams from a catchment basin in the Massif Central in order to characterize the individual fractionation stages for the dissolved REE from the source to the catchment outlet. The upper part of the catchment is located on a basalt plateau, followed downstream by deep and narrow valleys with granitic and orthogneissic bedrock. Stream water has basalt-like REE patterns on the basaltic plateau close to the source, followed by a continuous depletion in light REE (La-Sm, LREE) downstream. Strontium and neodymium isotope ratios of stream water demonstrate that the dissolved REE are essentially of basaltic origin, even in the lower, granitic and gneissic part of the catchment. Mixing with gneiss or granite derived REE thus cannot explain the observed evolution of the REE patterns. There seems also to be no link with the calculated speciation of the dissolved REE. In contrast, a correlation between saturation indexes for hematite and La/Yb ratios suggests that REE fractionation is mainly controlled by precipitation of Fe-oxide particles that preferentially remove LREE from solution.  相似文献   

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