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Abstract– The majority of meteorite impacts occur at oblique incidence angles. However, many of the effects of obliquity on impact crater size and morphology are poorly understood. Laboratory experiments and numerical models have shown that crater size decreases with impact angle, the along‐range crater profile becomes asymmetric at low incidence angles, and below a certain threshold angle the crater planform becomes elliptical. Experimental results at approximately constant impact velocity suggest that the elliptical threshold angle depends on target material properties. Herein, we test the hypothesis that the threshold for oblique crater asymmetry depends on target material strength. Three‐dimensional numerical modeling offers a unique opportunity to study the individual effects of both impact angle and target strength; however, a systematic study of these two parameters has not previously been performed. In this work, the three‐dimensional shock physics code iSALE‐3D is validated against laboratory experiments of impacts into a strong, ductile target material. Digital elevation models of craters formed in laboratory experiments were created from stereo pairs of scanning electron microscope images, allowing the size and morphology to be directly compared with the iSALE‐3D craters. The simulated craters show excellent agreement with both the crater size and morphology of the laboratory experiments. iSALE‐3D is also used to investigate the effect of target strength on oblique incidence impact cratering. We find that the elliptical threshold angle decreases with decreasing target strength, and hence with increasing cratering efficiency. Our simulations of impacts on ductile targets also support the prediction from Chapman and McKinnon (1986) that cratering efficiency depends on only the vertical component of the velocity vector.  相似文献   

Two sets of hypervelocity impact experiments have been performed in the open using a contact charge technique and recorded using fast-framing cameras. It has been possible to record the uninterrupted ballistic trajectories of fragments from the catastrophically disrupted targets, together with their velocity and rotational properties directly after the impact, as well as their size. By performing these experiments in the open and on fairly soft ground, secondary fragmentation normally caused by impact onto the walls or floor of a test chamber has been minimised. A total of 10 experiments have been performed using targets of artificial rock which were either homogeneous, cored or carefully pre-fractured. We report here on the analysis of some of these data using a computer and special software written and developed by our group, with an indication of the results obtained.  相似文献   

Abstract— The capture in aerogel of 106 μm diameter glass beads is investigated for impact speeds of 1 to 7.5 km s?1. Three different aerogel densities were used, 60,96 and 180 kg m?3. It was found that the length of the penetration track in the aerogel increases with speed until a maximum is reached. Above the maximum speed the track length decreases. This behaviour is similar to that which has previously been observed for particles impacting polystyrene foams and porous alumina. Whilst track length was not found to be an unambiguous indicator of impact speed, the excavated track volume was found to be a suitable indictor of speed. Further, it was possible to estimate the original particle size by measurements of the track volume and entrance hole size. In addition sub‐100 μm diameter particles composed of various minerals were fired into aerogel and the characterisation of the particles in situ by use of a Raman spectrometer was evaluated. This was found to work well, giving vibrational spectra essentially similar to those of the bulk minerals, thus providing a mineralogical rather than an elemental signature for the captured particles.  相似文献   

Abstract— Previous investigations of impact‐induced atmospheric erosion considered vertical impacts only. Numerical simulations of oblique impacts presented in this paper show that the loss of air strongly depends on trajectory inclination and it increases as the impact angle decreases. The results of numerical simulations over the wide range of impact parameters (projectile sizes from 1 to 30 km, impact velocities from 15 to 70 km/s, escape velocities from 5 to 11.2 km/s, projectile densities from 1 to 3.3 g/cm3, normal atmospheric densities varying by three orders of magnitude) can be approximated by simple analytical formulae.  相似文献   

The ejecta dynamics during main-stage excavation flow in a cratering event have previously been well characterized, particularly for vertical impacts. In this experimental study, we present new results addressing the early-time, low-angle, high-speed component of the ejecta velocity distribution as a function of time for hypervelocity vertical impacts into sand. Although this regime represents a very small portion of total ejected mass in laboratory experiments, it comprises a greater percentage of growth for larger craters.  相似文献   

Launch of martian meteorites in oblique impacts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A high-velocity oblique impact into the martian surface accelerates solid target material to escape velocity. A fraction of that material eventually falls as meteorites on Earth. For a long time they were called the SNC meteorites (Shergotty, Nakhla, and Chassigny). We study production of potential martian meteorites numerically within the frame of 3D hydrodynamic modeling. The ratio of the volume of escaping solid ejecta to projectile volume depends on the impact angle, impact velocity and the volatile content in the projectile and in the target. The size distribution of ejected fragments appears to be of crucial importance for the atmosphere-ejecta interaction in the case of a relatively small impact (with final crater size <3 km): 10-cm-sized particles are decelerated efficiently, while 30-50% of larger fragments could escape Mars. The results of numerical modeling are compared with shock metamorphic features in martian meteorites, their burial depth, and preatmospheric mass. Although it is impossible to accelerate ejected fragments to escape velocity without substantial compression (above 10 GPa), the maximum temperature increase in dunite (Chassigny) or ortopyroxenite (ALH84001) may be lower than 200 degree. This result is consistent with the observed chaotic magnetization of ALH84001. The probability of microbes' survival may be rather high even for the extreme conditions during the ejection process.  相似文献   

Two impact cratering experiments on nonporous rock targets were carried out to determine the influence of target composition on the structural mechanisms of subsurface deformation. Projectiles of 2.5 mm diameter were accelerated to ~5 km s−1 and impacted onto blocks of marble or quartzite. Subsurface deformation was mapped and analyzed on the microscale using thin sections of the bisected craters. Additionally, both experiments were modeled and the calculated strain zones underneath the craters were compared to experimental deformation features. Microanalysis shows that the formation of radial, tensile, and intragranular cracks is a common response of both nonporous materials to impact cratering. In the quartzite target, the subsurface damage is additionally characterized by highly localized deformation along shear bands with intense grain comminution, surrounded by damage zones. In contrast, the marble target shows closely spaced calcite twinning and cleavage activation. Crater diameter and depth as well as the damage lens underneath the crater are unexpectedly smaller in the marble target compared to the quartzite target, which is in contradiction to the marble's much weaker compressive and tensile strengths. However, numerical models result in craters that are similar in size as well as in strain accumulation at the end of transient crater formation, indicating that current models should still be viewed cautiously when compared to experimental details.  相似文献   

Amy C. Barr  Robert I. Citron 《Icarus》2011,211(1):913-916
The volume of melt produced in hypervelocity planetary impacts and the size and shape of the melted region are key to understanding the impact histories of solid planetary bodies and the geological effects of impacts on their surfaces and interiors. Prior work of Pierazzo et al. (Pierazzo, E., Vickery, A.M., Melosh, H.J. [1997]. Icarus 127, 408-423) gave the first estimates of impact melt production in geological materials using a modern hydrocode and equation of state. However, computational limits at the time forced use of low resolution, which may have resulted in low melt volumes. Our simulations with 50 times higher resolution provide independent confirmation of the Pierazzo et al. (Pierazzo, E., Vickery, A.M., Melosh, H.J. [1997]. Icarus 127, 408-423) melt volumes in aluminum, iron, dunite, and granite impacts at velocities between 20 and 80 km/s. In ice/ice impacts, we find that melt volumes depend on target temperature and are lower than predicted by Pierazzo et al. (Pierazzo, E., Vickery, A.M., Melosh, H.J. [1997]. Icarus 127, 408-423). Our melt volumes are directly proportional to impact energy for all materials, over a wide range of impact velocity. We also report new data for melt volume scalings for ice/dunite and iron/dunite impacts and the size and shape of melted region, valuable for interpretation of cratering records and studies of impact-induced differentiation.  相似文献   

A dust cloud of Ganymede has been detected by in situ measurements with the dust detector onboard the Galileo spacecraft. The dust grains have been sensed at altitudes below five Ganymede radii (Ganymede radius=2635 km). Our analysis identifies the particles in the dust cloud surrounding Ganymede by their impact direction, impact velocity, and mass distribution and implies that they have been kicked up by hypervelocity impacts of micrometeoroids onto the satellite's surface. We calculate the radial density profile of the particles ejected from the satellite by interplanetary dust grains. We assume the yields, mass and velocity distributions of the ejecta obtained from laboratory impact experiments onto icy targets and consider the dynamics of the ejected grains in ballistic and escaping trajectories near Ganymede. The spatial dust density profile calculated with interplanetary particles as impactors is consistent with the profile derived from the Galileo measurements. The contribution of interstellar grains as projectiles is negligible. Dust measurements in the vicinities of satellites by spacecraft detectors are suggested as a beneficial tool to obtain more knowledge about the satellite surfaces, as well as dusty planetary rings maintained by satellites through the impact ejecta mechanism.  相似文献   

Analytical estimates of melt volumes produced by a given projectile and contained in a given impact crater are derived as a function of impact velocity, impact angle, planetary gravity, target and projectile densities, and specific internal energy of melting. Applications to impact events and impact craters on the Earth, Moon, and Mars are demonstrated and discussed. The most probable oblique impact (45°) produces ~1.6 times less melt volume than a vertical impact, and ~1.6 and 3.7 times more melt volume than impacts with 30° and 15° trajectories, respectively. The melt volume for a particular crater diameter increases with planetary gravity, so a crater on Earth should have more melt than similar-size craters on Mars and the Moon. The melt volume for a particular projectile diameter does not depend on gravity, but has a strong dependence on impact velocity, so the melt generated by a given projectile on the Moon is significantly larger than on Mars. Higher surface temperatures and geothermal gradients increase melt production, as do lower energies of melting. Collectively, the results imply thinner central melt sheets and a smaller proportion of melt particles in impact breccias on the Moon and Mars than on Earth. These effects are illustrated in a comparison of the Chicxulub crater on Earth, linked to the Cretaceous–Tertiary mass extinction, Gusev crater on Mars, where the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit landed, and Tsiolkovsky crater on the Moon. The results are comparable to those obtained from field and spacecraft observations, other analytical expressions, and hydrocode simulations.  相似文献   

Temperatures of the vapour produced during hypervelocity particle impacts are estimated from measurements of the spectra of impact light flashes. Temperatures between 2500 and 5000 K, depending on the impact velocity, were calculated. Measurements of the light flash intensity as a function of residual gas pressure in the target chamber are shown. From the increase of the light intensity with increasing pressure, the number of atoms vaporized during the impact process was estimated.  相似文献   

The presence and accessibility of a sub‐ice‐surface saline ocean at Enceladus, together with geothermal activity and a rocky core, make it a compelling location to conduct further, in‐depth, astrobiological investigations to probe for organic molecules indicative of extraterrestrial life. Cryovolcanic plumes in the south polar region of Enceladus enable the use of remote in situ sampling and analysis techniques. However, efficient plume sampling and the transportation of captured organic materials to an organic analyzer present unique challenges for an Enceladus mission. A systematic study, accelerating organic ice‐particle simulants into soft inert metal targets at velocities ranging 0.5–3.0 km s−1, was carried out using a light gas gun to explore the efficacy of a plume capture instrument. Capture efficiency varied for different metal targets as a function of impact velocity and particle size. Importantly, organic chemical compounds remained chemically intact in particles captured at speeds up to ~2 km s−1. Calibration plots relating the velocity, crater, and particle diameter were established to facilitate future ice‐particle impact experiments where the size of individual ice particles is unknown.  相似文献   

Hydrocode modeling of oblique impacts: The fate of the projectile   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— All impacts are oblique to some degree. Only rarely do projectiles strike a planetary surface (near) vertically. The effects of an oblique impact event on the target are well known, producing craters that appear circular even for low impact angles (>15° with respect to the surface). However, we still have much to learn about the fate of the projectile, especially in oblique impact events. This work investigates the effect of angle of impact on the projectile. Sandia National Laboratories' three‐dimensional hydrocode CTH was used for a series of high‐resolution simulations (50 cells per projectile radius) with varying angle of impact. Simulations were carried out for impacts at 90, 60, 45, 30, and 15° from the horizontal, while keeping projectile size (5 km in radius), type (dunite), and impact velocity (20 km/s) constant. The three‐dimensional hydrocode simulations presented here show that in oblique impacts the distribution of shock pressure inside the projectile (and in the target as well) is highly complex, possessing only bilateral symmetry, even for a spherical projectile. Available experimental data suggest that only the vertical component of the impact velocity plays a role in an impact. If this were correct, simple theoretical considerations indicate that shock pressure, temperature, and energy would depend on sin2θ, where θ is the angle of impact (measured from the horizontal). However, our numerical simulations show that the mean shock pressure in the projectile is better fit by a sin θ dependence, whereas shock temperature and energy depend on sin3/2 θ. This demonstrates that in impact events the shock wave is the result of complex processes that cannot be described by simple empirical rules. The mass of shock melt or vapor in the projectile decreases drastically for low impact angles as a result of the weakening of the shock for decreasing impact angles. In particular, for asteroidal impacts the amount of projectile vaporized is always limited to a small fraction of the projectile mass. In cometary impacts, however, most of the projectile is vaporized even at low impact angles. In the oblique impact simulations a large fraction of the projectile material retains a net downrange motion. In agreement with experimental work, the simulations show that for low impact angles (30 and 15°), a downrange focusing of projectile material occurs, and a significant amount of it travels at velocities larger than the escape velocity of Earth.  相似文献   

Abstract– Simple estimates suggest that ejecta blankets around larger craters should be more asymmetric than around smaller craters for the same oblique impact angle. Numerical simulations presented in the paper confirm that an increase in the scale of gravity‐dominated craters (and in the size of the corresponding projectiles) increases the asymmetry of both impact craters and ejecta blankets around them.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mineral particles analogous to components of cosmic dust were tested to determine if their Raman signatures can be recognized after hypervelocity capture in aerogel. The mineral particles were accelerated onto the silica aerogel by light‐gas‐gun shots. It was found that all the individual minerals captured in aerogel could be identified using Raman (or fluorescence) spectra. The laser beam spot size was ?5 micrometers, and in some cases the captured particles were of a similar small size. In some samples fired into aerogel, a broadening and a shift in the wave numbers of some of the Raman bands was observed, a result of the trapped particles being at elevated temperatures due to laser heating. Temperatures of samples were also estimated from the relative intensities of Stokes and anti‐Stokes Raman bands, or, in the case of corundum particles, from the wave number of fluorescence bands excited by the laser. The temperature varied greatly, dependent upon laser power and the nature of the particle. Most of the mineral particles examined had temperatures below 200 °C at a laser power of about 3 mW at the sample. This temperature is sufficiently low enough not to damage most materials expected to be found captured in aerogel in space. In the worst case, some particles were shown to have temperatures of 500–700 °C. In addition, selected meteorite samples were examined to obtain Raman signatures of their constituent minerals and were then shot into aerogel. It was possible to find Raman signatures after capture in aerogel and obtain a Raman map of a whole grain in situ in the aerogel. It is concluded that Raman analysis is indeed well suited for an in situ analysis of micrometer‐sized materials captured in aerogel.  相似文献   

The positive identification of the Rock Elm impact structure (Wisconsin, USA) and the Upheaval Dome (Utah, USA) as impact craters was complicated by a lack of distinctive shock features in the record. Low‐impedance surface layers over high‐impedance bedrock affect energy coupling and shock effects in the substrate; in both cases, removal of surface sediments erased most of the original impact structures, thereby making identification of the impact origin difficult. In this study, a combination of laboratory and 3‐D numerical experiments reveals the underlying processes controlling subsurface deformation and demonstrates that a low‐impedance layer can reduce expression of peak shock pressures left in the rock record, as at the Rock Elm and the Upheaval Dome impact sites. 3‐D CTH models of the Rock Elm impact structure predict that peak shock pressures should fall below the hugoniot elastic limit of quartz in the basement rocks, yet still induce permanent deformation. The model predicts peak pressures around 5–10 GPa, levels consistent with field observations of shocked quartz from both Rock Elm and the Upheaval Dome. Consequently, other impact sites exhibiting minimal shock features might be explained.  相似文献   

Abstract— The NASA Stardust mission brought to Earth micron‐size particles from the coma of comet 81P/Wild 2 using aerogel, a porous silica material, as the capture medium. A major challenge in understanding the organic inventory of the returned comet dust is identifying, unambiguously, which organic molecules are indigenous to the cometary particles, which are produced from carbon contamination in the Stardust aerogel, and which are cometary organics that have been modified by heating during the particle capture process. Here it is shown that 1) alteration of cometary organic molecules along impact tracks in aerogel is highly dependent on the original particle morphology, and 2) organic molecules on test‐shot terminal particles are mostly preserved. These conclusions are based on two‐step laser mass spectrometry (L2MS) examinations of test shots with organic‐laden particles (both tracks in aerogel and the terminal particles themselves).  相似文献   

To understand the process of cosmic dust particle impacts and translate crater morphology on smoothed metallic surfaces to dust properties, correct calibration of the experimental impact data is needed. This article presents the results of studies of crater morphology generated by impacts using micron‐sized polypyrrole (PPy)‐coated olivine particles. The particles were accelerated by an electrostatic dust accelerator to high speeds before they impacted onto polished aluminum targets. The projectile diameter and velocity ranges were 0.3–1.2 μm and 3–7 km s?1. After impact, stereopair images of the craters were taken using scanning electron microscope and 3‐D reconstructions made to provide diameter and depth measurements. In this study, not just the dimensions of crater diameters and depths, but also the shape and dimensions of crater lips were analyzed. The craters created by the coated olivine projectiles are shown to have complicated shapes believed to be due to the nonspherical shape of the projectiles.  相似文献   

Abstract— A simple analytical solution for subsurface particle motions during impact cratering is useful for tracking the evolution of the transient crater shape at late times. A specific example of such an analytical solution is Maxwell's Z‐Model, which is based on a point‐source assumption. Here, the parameters for this model are constrained using measured ejection angles from both vertical and oblique experimental impacts at the NASA Ames Vertical Gun Range. Data from experiments reveal that impacts at angles as high as 45° to the target's surface generate subsurface flow‐fields that are significantly different from those created by vertical impacts. The initial momentum of the projectile induces a subsurface momentum‐driven flow‐field that evolves in three dimensions of space and in time to an excavation flow‐field during both vertical and oblique impacts. A single, stationary point‐source model (specifically Maxwell's Z‐Model), however, is found inadequate to explain this detailed evolution of the subsurface flow‐field during oblique impacts. Because 45° is the most likely impact angle on planetary surfaces, a new analytical model based on a migrating point‐source could prove quite useful. Such a model must address the effects of the subsurface flow‐field evolution on crater excavation, ejecta deposition, and transient crater morphometry.  相似文献   

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