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Pedogenic needle-fiber calcite was studied regarding its morphology, texture and stable isotope composition from the paleosol of the Quaternary Várhegy travertine (Budapest, Hungary). The needle-fiber calcite is composed of 40–200 μm long monocrystals. Smooth rods as well as serrated-edged crystals with calcite overgrowths were identified by SEM. Needles have several textural varieties: randomly distributed crystals in vugs and pores with calcite hypocoatings, bundles of subparallel crystals forming coatings around grains and alveolar structure with bridging needles in vugs.The morphological study of needle-fiber calcite suggests that needles are calcified fungal sheaths and produced by fungal biomineralization, a common process in recent and fossil soils and calcretes. The stable isotope composition of needle-fiber calcite (average: δ18O=-7.1‰ and δ13C=-7.3‰ vs. V-PDB) indicates significant incorporation of organically derived CO2 and probably biological influence on needle genesis. Dissolved host rock travertine and/or atmospheric CO2 could also contribute some carbon to the acicular calcite.  相似文献   

The biogenic carbonate hard parts of fossil bivalves, cephalopods and brachiopods are among the most widely exploited marine archives of Phanerozoic environmental and climate dynamics research. The advent of novel analytical tools has led many workers to explore non‐traditional geochemical and petrographic proxies, and work performed in neighbouring disciplines sheds light on the complex biomineralization strategies applied by these organisms. These considerations form a strong motivation to review the potential and problems related to the compilation and interpretation of proxy data from bivalve, cephalopod and brachiopod hard parts from the viewpoint of the sedimentologist and palaeoceanographer. Specific focus is on the complex biomineralization pathways of a given dissolved ion or food particle from its aquatic environment via the digestion and biomineralization apparatus in molluscs and brachiopods and its incorporation into a biomineral. Given that molluscs and brachiopods do not secrete their hard parts from seawater but rather from their mantle and periostracum, this paper evaluates differences and similarities of seawater versus that of body fluids. Cephalopods, bivalves and brachiopods exert a strong biological control on biomineralization that, to some degree, may buffer their shell geochemistry against secular changes in seawater chemistry. Disordered (amorphous) calcium carbonate precursor phases, later transformed to crystalline biominerals, may be significant in carbonate archive research due to expected geochemical offset relative to the direct precipitation of stable phases. A reasonable level of understanding of the related mechanisms is thus crucial for those who use these skeletal hard parts as archives of the palaeo‐environment. The impact of what is commonly referred to as ‘biological factors’ on the geochemistry of mollusc and brachiopod hard parts is explored for conventional isotope systems such as carbon, oxygen, strontium and traditionally used element to calcium ratios. In particular, the often used δ13Ccarb or the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca elemental proxies are fraught with problems. An interesting new research field represents the analysis, calibration and application of non‐traditional proxies to mollusc and brachiopod hard parts. Examples include the carbonate clumped isotope (Δ47) approach and the analysis of the isotopes of Ca, Mg, N, Li, S or element to Ca ratios such as Li/Ca or B/Ca and rare earth elements. Based on considerations discussed here, a series of “do's and don'ts” in mollusc and brachiopod archive research are proposed and suggestions for future work are presented. In essence, the suggestions proposed here include experimental work (also field experiments) making use of recent archive organisms or, where possible, a reasonable recent analogue in the case of extinct groups. Moreover, the detailed understanding of the architecture of mollusc and brachiopod hard parts and their ultra‐structures must guide sampling strategies for geochemical analyses. Where feasible, a detailed understanding of the diagenetic pathways and the application of multi‐proxy and multi‐archive approaches should form the foundation of fossil carbonate archive research. The uncritical compilation of large data sets from various carbonate‐shelled organisms collected at different locations is not encouraged.  相似文献   

Calcite grew continuously for 500,000 years on the submerged walls of an open fault plane (Devils Hole) in southern Nevada, U.S.A. at rates of 0.3 to 1.3 mm/ka, but ceased growing approximately 60,000 years ago, even though the fault plane remained open and was continuously submerged. The maximum initial in-situ growth rate on pre-weighed crystals of Iceland spar placed in Devils Hole (calcite saturation index, SI, is 0.16 to 0.21 at 33.7 °C) for growth periods of 0.75 to 4.5 years was 0.22 mm/ka. Calcite growth on seed crystals slowed or ceased following initial contact with Devils Hole groundwater. Growth rates measured in synthetic Ca-HCO3 solutions at 34 °C, CO2 partial pressures of 0.101, 0.0156 (similar to Devils Hole groundwater) and 0.00102 atm, and SI values of 0.2 to 1.9 were nearly independent of PCO 2, decreased with decreasing saturation state, and extrapolated through the historical Devils Hole rate. The results show that calcite growth rate is highly sensitive to saturation state near equilibrium. A calcite crystal retrieved from Devils Hole, and used without further treatment of its surface, grew in synthetic Devils Hole groundwater when the saturation index was raised nearly 10-fold that of Devils Hole water, but the rate was only 1/4 that of fresh laboratory crystals that had not contacted Devils Hole water. Apparently, inhibiting processes that halted calcite growth in Devils Hole 60,000 years ago continue today.  相似文献   

A significant portion of calcium carbonate is deposited in lake sediments as a result of biological processes related to the photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton in the pelagic realm and, in addition, macrophytes in the littoral zone. Lake Wigry, one of the largest lakes in Poland (north‐east Poland), is characterized by: (i) carbonate sediments with a CaCO3 content exceeding 80% within the littoral zone; and (ii) large areas of submerged vegetation dominated by charophytes (macroscopic green algae, Characeae family). It is claimed that charophytes are highly effective in utilizing HCO3? and forming thick CaCO3 encrustations. Thus, this study was aimed at evaluating the CaCO3 production by dense Chara stands overgrowing the lake bottom reaching a depth of 4 m. In late July 2009, the fresh and dry mass of plants, the percentage contribution of calcium carbonate and the production of CaCO3 per 1 m2 were investigated along three transects at three depths (1 m, 2 m and 3 m, with each sample area equal to 0·0625 m2) per transect. The composition and structure of phytoplankton and the physico‐chemical properties of the water analysed in both the littoral and pelagic zones served as the environmental background and demonstrated moderately low fertility in the lake. The greatest dry plant mass exceeded 1000 g m?2 and CaCO3 encrustations constituted from 59% to over 76% of the charophyte dry weight. Thus, the maximum and average values of carbonates precipitated by charophytes were 685·5 and 438 g m?2, respectively, which exceeded previously reported results. A correlation of carbonate production with the depth of Chara stands was detected, and intermediate depths offered the most favourable conditions for carbonate precipitation (589 g m?2 on average). As precipitated carbonates are ultimately stored in bottom deposits, the results highlight the significance of charophytes in lacustrine CaCO3 sedimentation.  相似文献   

中国花岗伟晶岩型锂矿特征和研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙文礼 《地质与勘探》2021,57(3):478-496
花岗伟晶岩型锂矿是中国锂资源的重要类型之一。本文基于全国87处花岗伟晶岩型锂矿研究资料,通过与全球典型伟晶岩型锂矿的对比分析,梳理总结中国花岗伟晶岩型锂矿的时空分布规律、矿石矿物组合特征、成矿成岩温压条件、演化历史和锂同位素分馏特征,以期为今后找矿工作提供理论依据。研究表明中国花岗伟晶岩锂矿空间分布相对集中,主要分布在8个锂成矿带,主成矿期为三叠纪;含锂矿物相与花岗岩-伟晶岩体系中的H_2O、P、F和Li等挥发性元素密切相关;与国外典型花岗伟晶岩锂矿相比,中国大型-超大型伟晶岩锂矿具有成矿温度相似和成矿压力较大的特征;不同于以Harding伟晶岩为代表的侵位后P-T两阶段演化轨迹,中国花岗伟晶岩锂矿存在以川西扎乌龙为代表的单阶段快速降温降压型演化轨迹;结晶分异是花岗伟晶岩最可能的岩石成因,该地质过程中锂元素和重锂同位素富集于花岗伟晶岩;未矿化伟晶岩全岩比锂辉石矿化伟晶岩全岩更富轻锂同位素的特征表明锂成矿过程发生在流体出溶之后。  相似文献   

In general, mires develop by autogenic succession from more groundwater‐fed to more rainwater‐fed. This study from a calcareous mire in the West Carpathians (Slovakia) describes a similar development in the Early Holocene, followed by a reverse development in the Middle and Late Holocene. Pollen, macrofossil and testate amoeba analyses show that the site started as a minerotrophic open fen woodland. After 10 700 cal a BP autogenic succession led to the accumulation of at least 1 m of Sphagnum fuscum peat. Around 9000 cal a BP, as climate could no longer sustain a stable water regime, the bog desiccated and a fire broke out. The fire removed part of the peat layer and as a consequence relative water levels rose, leading to the establishment of a wet minerotrophic swamp carr with Thelypteris palustris, Equisetum sp. and Alnus sp. with extremely slow peat accumulation. After 600 cal a BP, rapid peat accumulation with calcareous tufa formation resumed as a result of anthropogenic deforestation and hydrological changes in the catchment and resulting increased groundwater discharge. At present the mire still hosts a wealth of relict and endangered plant and animal species typical of calcareous fens and fen meadows. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Petrographic examinations and electron microprobe analyses of Proterozoic granitic rocks, SE Sweden aimed to characterize and unravel the mechanisms and conditions of plagioclase alterations. These alterations include saussuritization, albitization and replacement of plagioclase by K‐feldspar. The hydrothermal alterations, which are inferred to have occurred at ca. 250–400°C, resulted in concomitant formation of Al‐rich titanite, epidote, calcite, pumpellyite, prehnite and iron oxides. Replacement of plagioclase by K‐feldspar occurs in red‐stained zones, which have developed close to thin fractures owing to the precipitation of tiny Fe‐oxide pigment particles within the altered plagioclase, whereas saussuritized plagioclase has less systematic spatial relationships to these fractures. Albitization of plagioclase occurred in rocks that are poor in biotite compared to rocks that suffered extensive saussuritization. The chemical and textural characterization of various types of plagioclase alterations allows elucidation of the granitic hydrothermal systems. Features of feldspar alteration in the granitic rocks are similar to those encountered in feldspathic sandstones and should hence be considered in studies on diagenetic changes of siliciclastic successions during basin evolution. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Aragonite, low‐magnesian calcite, gypsum and halite were identified by X‐ray diffraction and electron microbeam techniques in mineral precipitates near a salt seep 50 km southwest of Charters Towers in north Queensland. The chemistry of water from the creek and from the groundwater at the salt seep shows that Mg:Ca ratios are greater than or equal to 1.5 throughout the year. The formation of halite and gypsum is due to evaporative concentration of the water at the seep and that of the carbonates, in particular aragonite, is probably due to a combination of evaporation and photosynthetic activity by diatoms.  相似文献   

We show evidence that the primary uranium minerals, uraninite and coffinite, from high-grade ore samples (U3O8>0.3%) in the Wuyiyi, Wuyier, and Wuyisan sandstone-hosted roll-front uranium deposits, Xinjiang, northwestern China were biogenically precipitated and psuedomorphically replace fungi and bacteria. Uranium (VI), which was the sole electron acceptor, was likely to have been enzymically reduced. Post-mortem accumulation of uranium may have also occurred through physio-chemical interaction between uranium and negatively-charged cellular sites, and inorganic adsorption or precipitation reactions. These results suggest that microorganisms may have played a key role in formation of the sandstone- or roll-type uranium deposits, which are among the most economically significant uranium deposits in the world.  相似文献   

崂山花岗岩山脊壶穴的特征及成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱银奎 《地质论评》2014,60(2):397-408
关于中国北方地区花岗岩山脊壶穴(有报刊称之为冰臼、冰川壶穴、A型风化穴、岩臼、锅穴、坑穴等)的争论一直不断,通过对青岛崂山花岗岩山脊壶穴的形态及分布特征的实地仔细观察和分析研究发现,青岛崂山花岗岩山脊壶穴同其他北方地区花岗岩山脊壶穴一样,具有口小、肚大、底平、内有水平纹理的特征。山脊壶穴有一出水口,以出水口水平面为界,以上为"口小"的部分即本文称之为壶檐,以下即"肚大"的部分为壶穴的主体。根据山脊壶穴的这些特征认为,崂山花岗岩山脊壶穴是由于壶穴内冬季水面的结冰对壶穴内壁的冰蚀作用所形成的,每年冬季在不同的水位结冰,便在壶穴内不同的部位产生冰蚀,由于壶穴内最高水位与出水口持平,故其上部分不发生冰蚀,便形成壶檐即"口小",其下部分不断被冰蚀扩大便形成"肚大"的特征。同时,崂山花岗岩山脊壶穴的生长发育必须满足这样的条件:位于山顶部位,没有外来流水、沉积物及生物枝叶等落入壶内。本文用冰蚀作用解释了崂山花岗岩山脊壶穴的基本特征,对花岗岩山脊壶穴发育过程进行了探讨,并指出崂山花岗岩山脊壶穴的产生—发育—消亡是现代花岗岩冰蚀作用的产物,而且这种过程目前仍在进行中,与第四纪冰川无关。  相似文献   

碳酸盐矿物是火山岩储层内重要的矿物成分,长岭断陷火山岩储层内的自生碳酸盐矿物主要是方解石.本文通过对营城组储层内方解石矿物的碳氧同位素特征分析,探讨储层内碳酸盐矿物成因.研究表明,长岭断陷火山岩储层内方解石δ13 CV-PDB值范围为-12.7‰~0.4‰,δ18OV-SMOw值范围为3.8‰~12‰,具有高δ18O值.与方解石平衡的CO2碳同位素计算值范围较宽,为-16.0‰~2.2‰,表明其形成物质的多源性.在δ18 O-δ13C图解中显示,形成碳酸盐矿物的CO2来源于幔源-岩浆无机成因的CO2和有机质演化过程中产生的CO2,以无机成因CO2源为主.这些无机成因CO2、有机成因CO2和沉积有机质热演化产生的有机酸溶于流体,形成酸性流体.火山岩储层中碳酸盐矿物的形成实质就是这种酸性流体与储层围岩反应的结果.  相似文献   

Brown and red, and to a lesser extent green, macroalgae are a hallmark of intertidal rocky coasts and adjacent shallow marine environments swept by stormy seas in middle and high latitudes. Such environments produce carbonate sediment but the sediment factory is neither well‐documented nor well‐understood. This study documents the general marine biology and sedimentology of rocky coastal substrates around Kaikoura Peninsula, a setting that typifies many similar cold‐temperate environments with turbid waters and somewhat elevated trophic resources along the eastern coast of South Island, New Zealand. The macroalgal community extends down to 20 m and generally comprises a phaeophyte canopy beneath which is a prolific rhodophyte community and numerous sessile calcareous invertebrates on rocky substrates. The modern biota is strongly depth zoned and controlled by bottom morphology, variable light penetration, hydrodynamic energy and substrate. Most calcareous organisms live on the lithic substrates beneath macroalgae or on algal holdfasts with only a few growing on macroalgal fronds. A live biota of coralline red algae [geniculate, encrusting and nodular (rhodoliths)], bryozoans, barnacles and molluscs (gastropods and epifaunal bivalves), together with spirorbid and serpulid worms, small benthonic foraminifera and echinoids produce sediments that are mixed with terrigenous clastic particles in this overall siliciclastic depositional system. The resultant sediments within macroalgal rocky substrates at Kaikoura contain bioclasts typified by molluscs, corallines and rhodoliths, barnacles and other calcareous invertebrates. In the geological record, however, the occurrence of macroalgal produced sediments is restricted to unconformity‐related early transgressive systems tract stratigraphic intervals and temporally constrained to a Cenozoic age owing to the timing of the evolution of large brown macroalgae.  相似文献   

Microbial biomineralization in submarine hydrothermal environments provides an insight into the formation of vent microfossils and the interactions between microbes, elements and minerals throughout the geological record. Here, we investigate microbial biomineralization of a deep-sea vent community in the Edmond vent field and provide ultrastructural evidence for the formation of microfossils and biogenic iron-rich minerals related to Archaea and Bacteria. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) analysis shows that filamentous and spiral microbes are encrusted by a non-crystalline silica matrix and minor amounts of iron oxides. Examination by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) reveals acicular iron-rich particles and aggregates that occur either intracellularly or extracellularly. A culture-independent molecular phylogenetic analysis demonstrates a diverse range of Bacteria and Archaea, the majority of which are related to sulfur metabolism in the microbial mats. Both Archaea and Bacteria have undergone silicification, in a similar manner to microorganisms in some terrestrial hot springs and indicating that silicification may be driven by silica supersaturation and polymerization. Formation mechanisms of intracellular and extracellular iron oxides associated with microbes are discussed. These results enhance our understanding of microbial mineralization in extreme environments, which may be widespread in the Earth's modern and ancient hydrothermal vent fields.  相似文献   

周平  陈胜礼  朱丽丽 《地质通报》2009,28(203):224-231
物探方法与技术作为开展深部找矿工作的一种主要手段,越来越受到矿产勘查界的广泛重视与应用。地下物探方法利用现有的钻孔或坑道,对钻孔底部或外围进行进一步的勘查很有优势,更适用于深部找矿。论述了井中磁测、井中激发极化法、井中(坑道)充电法、坑道(井中)自然电位法、井中电磁法等几种常用的金属矿地下物探方法。从应用实例着手,分析和总结了各种方法在深部找矿中所发挥的优势与作用,提出应重视并重新认识地下物探技术的地位和作用,增强相关技术的研发与应用等建议,为矿产勘查、开发、开采与施工提供重要的信息指导。  相似文献   

Uncertainty for elemental and isotopic measurements in calcite by LA‐ICP‐MS is largely controlled by the homogeneity of the reference materials (RMs) used for calibration and validation. In order to produce calcite RMs with homogeneous elemental and isotopic compositions, we incorporated elements including U, Pb and rare earth elements into calcite through heat‐ and pressure‐induced crystallisation from amorphous calcium carbonate that was precipitated from element‐doped reagent solution. X‐ray absorption spectra showed that U was present as U(VI) in the synthesised calcite, probably with a different local structure from that of aqueous uranyl ions. The uptake rate of U by our calcite was higher in comparison with synthetic calcite of previous studies. Variations of element mass fractions in the calcite were better than 12% 2RSD, mostly within 7%. The 207Pb/206Pb ratio in the calcite showed < 1% variations, while the 238U/206Pb ratio showed 3–24% variations depending on element mass fractions. Using the synthetic calcite as primary RMs, we could date a natural calcite RM, WC‐1, with analytical uncertainty as low as < 3%. The method presented can be useful to produce calcite with controlled and homogeneous element mass fractions and is a promising alternative to natural calcite RMs for U‐Pb geochronology.  相似文献   

伍皓  夏彧  周恳恳  张建军 《岩石学报》2020,36(2):589-600
锆石的U-Pb测年、Hf和O同位素及稀土、微量元素的研究与应用已获得诸多进展,但锆石中铀含量所蕴藏的地质意义却较少被关注。华南花岗岩型铀矿床的铀源一直存在争议,不同观点认为其分别来自早期已固结地质体、分异岩浆、地幔柱或热点以及U、Th、K富集圈。为尝试利用锆石中的铀含量来追索铀源,本文通过搜集诸广山南体花岗岩锆石U-Pb同位素测年文献,掌握了该花岗岩中14个岩体、37件样品、3种岩性,共467个锆石定年数据。通过数据分析发现印支期(253Ma、244Ma)和燕山期(139Ma、124Ma)具高分异特征的4件酸性岩脉(小岩体)样品中锆石的铀含量明显高于同期岩体。依据铀矿床中高分异酸性岩脉(小岩体)侵位期、基性岩脉侵位期、铀成矿早期(140~90Ma)三者的良好对应关系,结合这一锆石铀含量指示,初步认为华南花岗岩型铀矿床中铀可能主要来自高分异花岗岩浆;推测花岗岩型铀成矿可能属壳幔混合作用结果,即铀源来自地壳分异岩浆,成矿流体和矿化剂主要来自地幔,而成矿空间受断裂系统控制。岩体锆石铀含量或可在铀源丰度、矿床品位判别等方面发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

胶东东部地区的基底片麻岩以牟平-海阳断裂为界,两侧在岩性组合和地球化学性质上完全不同,本文认为该断裂应代表苏鲁造山带的西北边界(北段)。断裂西侧岩性包括花岗闪长质、奥长花岗质和花岗质,地球化学上表现为低硅(SiO2:64.16~71.76%)、高铝(Al2O3=15.60-18.51%)、显著的Ba和Sr正异常、强烈的稀土元素分馏程度(LaN/YbN=15.77~68.19)和贫重稀土元素(YbN=2.9-4.4)、Eu异常不明显(δEu=0.86~1.02),具典型的太古代高铝TTG岩石组合的特征。而东侧新元古代的基底片麻岩从地球化学上可分为高钾的Ⅰ型花岗质片麻岩和富钠的A型花岗质片麻岩。前者总体表现为富钾(K2O/Na2O比接近或大于1)和亚铝质,强烈亏损Sr、Nb和Ta,轻稀土元素之间的分馏程度强(LaN/SmN=4.21~5.37),而重稀土元素之间几乎无分馏(GdN/YbN:0.78~1.54),负Eu异常较强(δEu=0.47~0.61),岩石地球化学特征显示它们的原岩类似于活动大陆边缘的Ⅰ型花岗岩类。而后者则以偏碱和富钠(Na2O/K2O=1.06~1.77),高Y(20.4~52.9μg/g)、Zr(218~39μg/g)、Ga(18.8~22.9μg/g)及稀土元素丰度为特征,稀土元素分馏程度强(LaN/YbN=11.30~19.09),弱到中等程度的负Eu异常(δEu=0.94~0.65),强烈亏损Sr为显著特征,Nb和Ta相对于La也强烈亏损,而Ba则表现出明显的正异常。推测Ⅰ型花岗岩是在与俯冲有关的构造环境下,压力0.8~1.0Gpa条件下,由受俯冲板片脱水交代的镁铁质下地壳(26~33km)部分熔融形成的。而A型花岗岩则是在Ⅰ型花岗质岩浆形成后,由脱水的紫苏辉石质残留下地壳在温度大于900℃的条件下再一次部分熔融形成的。相对于Ⅰ型花岗岩,A型花岗岩中可能有更多的大洋岩石圈的组份被卷入。  相似文献   

为了提升微生物诱导碳酸盐沉淀(MICP)技术在海洋环境下对钙质砂的加固效果,在以往研究的基础上,设计进行了人工海水环境下巴氏芽孢杆菌多梯度人工驯化培养试验,并结合MICP固化钙质砂柱的力学试验和微细观结构分析,对巴氏芽孢杆菌的驯化效果进行了综合评价。结果表明:(1)海水环境下五梯度驯化后细菌的菌液浓度可达到淡水环境的97%以上,其与胶结液作用后碳酸盐的生成量较淡水环境下有一定幅度提高;(2)驯化后的巴氏芽孢杆菌具有很好的温度适应能力,在10~30℃温度下均有较好的MICP性能;(3)海水环境下加固的钙质砂柱无论是碳酸盐生成量还是无侧限抗压强度均较未驯化前高,尤其是五梯度驯化后的细菌,驯化后的细菌菌体变小,在海水环境生成的碳酸盐(碳酸钙和碳酸镁)晶体更小,更加致密,能更好地填充钙质砂颗粒的孔隙并胶结相邻的钙质砂颗粒,具有更优异的MICP性能。相关研究思路和方法可为MICP技术在海洋环境钙质砂地基加固方面的研究与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Microbial induced calcite precipitation (MICP) has been well studied to date in the laboratory as a viable alternative soil improvement technique that harnesses a natural bacterial process to induce cementation. Specifically, MICP utilizes the microbial process of hydrolysis of urea to induce pH increase leading to calcite precipitation. The study presented herein demonstrates the utility of a simple bio-geochemical reactive transport model to predict MICP in one-dimensional column experiments. The mathematical model was originally developed in the framework of the TOUGHREACT code to include kinetically controlled reaction rates for urea hydrolysis and calcite precipitation. Inverse modeling, via UCODE-2005, is utilized to calibrate and verify the model to experimental data including aqueous and mineral chemistry. Results indicate good agreement between data and simulated results for capturing the trends and magnitudes of a variety of MICP treatment schemes in half meter, one-dimensional flow columns. A design procedure is presented for predicting MICP in one-dimensional flow by sequentially coupling UCODE-2005 with TOUGHREACT.  相似文献   

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