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Silicon and iron isotope compositions of different physically separated components of enstatite chondrites (EC) were determined in this study to understand the role of nebular and planetary scale events in fractionating Si and Fe isotopes of the terrestrial planet-forming region. We found that the metal–sulfide nodules of EC are strongly enriched in light Si isotopes (δ30Si ≥ −5.61 ± 0.12‰, 2SD), whereas the δ30Si values of angular metal grains, magnetic, slightly magnetic, and non-magnetic fractions become progressively heavier, correlating with their Mg# (Mg/(Mg+Fe)). White mineral phases, composed primarily of SiO2 polymorphs, display the heaviest δ30Si of up to +0.23 ± 0.10‰. The data indicate a key role of metal–silicate partitioning on the Si isotope composition of EC. The overall lighter δ30Si of bulk EC compared to other planetary materials can be explained by the enrichment of light Si isotopes in EC metals along with the loss of isotopically heavier forsterite-rich silicates from the EC-forming region. In contrast to the large Si isotope heterogeneity, the average Fe isotope composition (δ56Fe) of EC components was found to vary from −0.30 ± 0.08‰ to +0.20 ± 0.04‰. A positive correlation between δ56Fe and Ni/S in the components suggests that the metals are enriched in heavy Fe isotopes whereas sulfides are the principal hosts of light Fe isotopes in the non-magnetic fractions of EC. Our combined Si and Fe isotope data in different EC components reflect an inverse correlation between δ30Si and δ56Fe, which illustrates that partitioning of Si and Fe among metal, silicate, and sulfidic phases has significantly fractionated Si and Fe isotopes under reduced conditions. Such isotope partitioning must have occurred before the diverse components were mixed to form the EC parent body. Evaluation of diffusion coefficients of Si and Fe in the metal and non-metallic phases suggests that the Si isotope compositions of the silicate fractions of EC largely preserve information of their nebular processing. On the other hand, the Fe isotopes might have undergone partial or complete re-equilibration during parent body metamorphism. The relatively uniform δ56Fe among different types of bulk chondrites and the Earth, despite Fe isotope differences among their components, demonstrates that the chondrite parent bodies were not formed by random mixing of chondritic components from different locations in the disk. Instead, the chondrite components mostly originated in the same nebular reservoir and Si and Fe isotopes were fractionated either due to gas–solid interactions and associated changes in physicochemical environment of the nebular reservoir and/or during parent body processing. The heavier Si isotope composition of the bulk silicate Earth may require accretion of chondritic and/or isotopically heavier EC silicates along with cumulation of refractory forsterite-rich heavier silicates lost from the EC-forming region to form the silicate reservoir of the Earth.  相似文献   

New Tl, Pb, and Cd concentration and Tl, Pb isotope data are presented for enstatite as well as L- and LL-type ordinary chondrites, with additional Cd stable isotope results for the former. All three chondrite suites have Tl and Cd contents that vary by more than 1–2 orders of magnitude but Pb concentrations are more uniform, as a result of terrestrial Pb contamination. Model calculations based on Pb isotope compositions indicate that for more than half of the samples, more than 50% of the measured Pb contents are due to addition of modern terrestrial Pb. In part, this is responsible for the relatively young and imprecise Pb-Pb ages determined for EH, L, and LL chondrites, which are hence only of limited chronological utility. In contrast, four particularly pristine EL chondrites define a precise Pb-Pb cooling age of 4559 ± 6 Ma. The enstatite chondrites (ECs) have highly variable ε114/110Cd of between about +3 and +70 due to stable isotope fractionation from thermal and shock metamorphism. Furthermore, nearly all enstatite meteorites display ε205Tl values from −3.3 to +0.8, while a single anomalous sample is highly fractionated in both Tl and Cd isotopes. The majority of the ECs thereby define a correlation of ε205Tl with ε114/110Cd, which suggests that at least some of the Tl isotope variability reflects stable isotope fractionation rather than radiogenic ingrowth of 205Tl from 205Pb decay. Considering L chondrites, most ε205Tl values range between −4 and +1, while two outliers with ε205Tl ≤ −10 are indicative of stable isotope fractionation. Considering only those L chondrites which are least likely to feature Pb contamination or stable Tl isotope effects, the results are in accord with the former presence of live 205Pb on the parent body, with an initial 205Pb/204Pb = (1.5 ± 1.4) × 10−4, which suggests late equilibration of the Pb-Tl system 26–113 Ma after carbonaceous chondrites (CCs). The LL chondrites display highly variable ε205Tl values from −12.5 to +14.9, also indicative of stable isotope effects. However, the data for three pristine LL3/LL4 chondrites display an excellent correlation between ε205Tl and 204Pb/203Tl. This defines an initial 205Pb/204Pb of (1.4 ± 0.3) × 10−4, equivalent to a 205Pb-205Tl cooling age of 55 + 12/−24 Ma (31–67 Ma) after CCs.  相似文献   

D.W. Sears 《Icarus》1980,43(2):184-202
Condensation and accretion models for the formation of E chondrites have been examined. It is concluded that there is no simple equilibrium process which can explain all their fundamental properties. The nearest would seem to involve a complex accretion history, whereby metal and silicates which ceased to equilibrate at high temperatures and pressures (say about 1200–1600°K and about 1 atm) were mixed with material which ceased to equilibrate at the same pressures but over the temperature range 600–700°K. In this way the level of reduction displayed by this class, and the fractionation of several major, minor, and trace elements, may be explained. It is difficult to escape the conclusion that two assemblages are required, even if it is assumed that these meteorites formed from a gas of nonsolar composition. However, when the lithophile element fractionation and uncertainties in the thermodynamic and cosmic abundance data are taken into account, it is possible that the gas from which this meteorite class formed had a cosmic composition prior to the beginning of condensation.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of inertia is modeled by a new process, which semi-discretely changes the metrical scale of spacetime. This process explains inertia as a curved spacetime phenomenon, since all accelerating trajectories take place on geodesics of general relativity. By this approach inertial reference frames are Minkowskian manifolds imbedded in a five-dimensional space. It would imply a revised interpretation of special relativity, which preserves a universal temporal reference. If acceleration curves spacetime, it would also imply the existence of an energy-momentum tensor with net energy, which under certain conditions could become negative.  相似文献   

The radial velocity and profile variations of UV lines of the shell star Tau have been examined in the IUE spectra obtained in 1978–1982. The neutral atoms, and once or twice-ionized ions (exceptCii, Aliii, Siiii resonance lines) follow the same velocity variations as in the visual spectra, while the Siiv andCiv resonance lines show a constant negative velocity (–50 km s–1 at the core). The Aliii,Cii resonance lines and probably Feiii (mult. No. 34) are formed in both regions, i.e., in lowly-ionized and highly-ionized regions and the Siiii resonance line is formed in a highly-ionized region.Paper presented at the Lembang-Bamberg IAU Colloquium No. 80 on Double Stars: Physical Properties and Generic Relations, held at Bandung, Indonesia, 3–7 June, 1983.  相似文献   

A new class of solutions of Einstein field equations is investigated for a cylindrically symmetric space-time when the source of gravitation is a perfect fluid. To get the deterministic solution a relation between metric coefficients A=(BC) n is assumed. Certain physical and geometric properties of the model are also discussed.  相似文献   

Profile variations in the Hα and Hβ lines in the spectra of the star 55 Cyg are investigated from observations acquired in 2010 at the Cassegrain focus of the 2-m telescope at the Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory after named N.Tusi (Azerbaijan). The spectral resolution is approximately 15000. The emission and absorption components of the Ha profile are found to disappear on some observational days, and one of the spectrograms exhibits an inverse P-Cyg profile of Hα. It is suggested that the observational evidence for the nonstationary atmosphere of 55 Cyg can be associated in part with nonspherical stellar wind.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of both long-period deviations in the duration of a day from the standard (86400 s) and solar activity during the years 1700–2003 has been conducted. The comparative analysis was based on the average annual data on LOD (http://hpiers.obspm.fr/eop-pc/) and the number of sunspots W (http://www.wdcb.ru/stp/). The analysis was aimed at studying the evolution of the solar-terrestrial relationship under conditions of insufficient physical data on the origin and interaction of such oscillations in irregular variations in the duration of a day and in parameters characterizing solar activity. The analysis was conducted using three methods, i.e., the periodogram method, the method of exponential data approximation (the Prony method), and the technique of wavelet data transformation. A comparison of the analysis results allows the general conclusion to be drawn that such variations over ~11-yr-long and ~22-yr-long periods are coherent in the data on LOD and W. The amplitude of a squared absolute value of coherence comprises 72% for 11-year and 74% for 22-year variations.  相似文献   

The results of a complex study of the chemically peculiar star HD 45583 are reported. Observations were made using the Main Stellar Spectrograph equipped with a circular polarization analyzer and NES echelle spectrograph of the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Our measurements of Zeeman spectra show that the star exhibits unusual variations of the longitudinal component of magnetic field with a secondary minimum. The period of spectral and magnetic variability coincides with the rotation period, which is equal to 1.d177000. Two possible causes of the secondary minimum are discussed: spots with higher than ambient content of some chemical elements on the star’s surface or complex structure of the stellar magnetic field. The parameters of the star’s atmosphere are determined (T eff = 13000 K, log g = 4.0), as well as the abundances of some elements: the star shows a 1–2 dex overabundance of Fe, Si, and Cr, helium is underabundant by about 2 dex with respect to the Sun.  相似文献   

The linear singular integral equation derived from the nonlinear integral equation of Chandrasekhar’s H-function in radiative transfer is considered here to develop a new form of H-function as a solution of a Riemann–Hilbert problem using Plemelj and Cauchy integral formulae for complex domain. This new form of H-function is a simple integral of known functions. Forms of H-function both for conservative and nonconservative cases are obtained. Their numerical evaluations are made by Simpson’s one-third rule to arrive at an accuracy to ninth places of decimals.  相似文献   

A study of the Earth’s rotation in space reveals a complex pattern of variations in its orientation, the excitation mechanisms of these variations, and their manifestations in various natural processes. The Earth’s rotation rate is not constant but exhibits complex fluctuations that account for some fraction of 108 (corresponding to variations of several milliseconds (ms) in the length of the day). These variations span a wide spectrum of time scales, from hours to centuries or longer, reflecting the fact that they are produced by a wide variety of geophysical and astronomical processes. We discuss the results of our statistical comparison of long series of observations to reveal the most coherent variations. The spectral composition of the experimental time series has been determined using modified periodogram and single-channel autoregression methods. A comparative analysis has been performed by a two-channel autoregression spectral estimation method. The results of our comparison of the time series suggest that the fluctuations with periods of about 73 years are highly coherent.  相似文献   

We analyze the oscillations of the Hα profile width based on our observations of the chromosphere at the base of solar coronal holes. The maximum oscillation amplitude averaged over ten time series is 64 m 0 A. Direct calculations show that this value cannot be reached through temperature oscillations, because the periodic intensity fluctuations observed during our experiment did not exceed 5%, corresponding to Hα profile broadening only by 1.5–2 m Å. We hypothesize that the observed variations can result from the propagation of torsional Alfvén waves in the chromosphere of coronal holes.  相似文献   

By means of spectral analysis, oscillations have been detected in many-year time series of deviations in the duration of days from the standard that cannot be explained within the framework of existing gravitational theory. The solution of the problem of the origin and structure of these oscillations is associated with the essence of the phenomena taking place inside the Earth and the mechanisms of energy transfer by external fields and the Sun. The effect of the Sun on the Earth’s rotation also leads to the formation of a unified cyclic background, resulting in correlated oscillations in all shells of the Earth, as well as in its atmosphere and its nucleus. Ground magnetic fields of the Earth and the Sun play the leading role in the abovementioned unified cyclic process. The results of spectral autoregressive and wavelet analyses of experimental data concerning deviations in the duration of days from the standard in the years 1832–2006, ground geomagnetic field intensities in 1832–2006, and the mean magnetic field of the Sun during the period from 1975 to 2005 have been discussed in this paper to reveal and compare correlating oscillations. To analyze a short-period (31-yr-long) series of daily data on the mean magnetic field of the Sun, the results of wavelet transformations (the Morlet wavelet) of the detected amplitude of a burst envelope with a carrier frequency of 13 cycles/yr have been obtained.  相似文献   

We present the 6-m SAO telescope spectroscopy of HS 2134+0400, a blue compact galaxy (BCG) discovered within the framework of a dedicated Hamburg/SAO survey for low-metallicity BCGs (HSS-LM). Its very low abundance of oxygen (12 + log(O/H) = 7.44) and other heavy elements (S, N, Ne, Ar) allows this dwarf galaxy to be assigned to the group of eight lowest-metallicity BCGs among the several thousand BCGs known in the nearby Universe. The measured heavy-element abundance ratios (S/O, Ne/O, N/O, and Ar/O) are in good agreement with the typical values found for other very metal-poor BCGs. The spatial location of HS 2134+0400 is atypical of the majority of BCGs: it lies in the Pegasus void, a large region with a very low density of galaxies with normal or higher luminosities. In addition to HS 2134+0400, we found a dozen more very metal-poor galaxies in voids. Therefore, we discuss the hypothesis that this type of objects may be representative for the population of dwarf galaxies in voids.  相似文献   

We find that Einstein’s like field equations with coordinate-dependent cosmological “constant” Λ(x i ) imply a non geodesic law of motion for test particles moving in a continuous distribution of incoherent matter (“dust”). The deviation from the geodesic law depends on the derivatives ?Λ/? x i and, in the weak field approximation, causes an anomalous acceleration A~(Vc 2/γ ρ)?Λ/? t+(c 4/γ ρ)?Λ/? r where V=dr/dt, c=the speed of light, γ=8π G with G=the gravitational coupling, ρ=the mass density of the cloud, r and t are the radial and time coordinate respectively. Reasonable assumptions on Λ=Λ(t) give A<10?8 cm/s2 when ρ>10?29 g/cm3 i.e. in all known astrophysical systems. A possible connection with the anomalous Pioneer acceleration is shortly discussed in the case of a cosmological “constant” coupled to matter.  相似文献   

The oscillations of the half-width of the Ba II 4554 ? and Ca II 8542 ? spectral lines have been analyzed using observations at the base of solar coronal holes (CHs). The observed variations (~50 m ? for Ca II and ~4 m ? for Ba II) exceed considerably the thermal broadenings of these lines calculated from the measured intensity oscillations, suggesting their nonthermal nature. We point out a number of observational facts that hamper an unambiguous interpretation of the periodic Ba II and Ca II profile variations solely by the manifestation of torsional Alfve´ n waves in the lower solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

A dominant 16–17 yr cycle was observed in the net exposure times of the Earth to Toward and Away field directions of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF). A cycle of the same frequency and phase was observed in the polarity of the long-term hemispheric differences in coronal hole distributions. This was determined from north/south differences in average Fexiv green line quiet regions at high- and mid-latitudes. It is argued that the 17-yr cycle is a fundamental oscillation of coronal hole topology, which is transferred to Earth via variations in the neutral sheet. A comparison of the 17-yr cycle to the 22-yr Hale cycle indicated that they are not identical, but rather, can mix to form a 75-yr cycle plus a 9-yr cycle. Evidence for the 75-yr cycle existed in the Earth's net exposure times to fields from the solar North and South, and in the long-term imbalance of solar quiet regions between the northern and southern hemispheres. The 9-yr cycle was manifested in the mid- to low- latitude Fexiv modulations and in solar wind velocity variations in the ecliptic. At Earth, evidence for a similar 17-yr cycle was observed in the horizontal magnetic field observations in a multitude of surface magnetic recording stations. In addition, the detection of a 17-yr cycle in the Huancayo neutron monitor cosmic ray series suggests that the effects of this cycle extend to the heliospheric boundaries. It is concluded that sufficient preliminary evidence exists to consider the hypothesis that the Sun contains a magnetic moment with an oscillatory cycle of 17 years.  相似文献   

Cosmochemists have relied on CI carbonaceous chondrites as proxies for chemical composition of the non-volatile elements in the solar system because these meteorites are fine-grained, chemically homogeneous, and have well-determined bulk compositions that agree with that of the solar photosphere, within uncertainties. Here we report the discovery of a calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI) in the Ivuna CI chondrite. CAIs are chemically highly fractionated compared to CI composition, consisting of refractory elements and having textures that either reflect condensation from nebular gas or melting in a nebular environment. The CAI we found is a compact type A CAI with typical 16O-rich oxygen. However, it shows no evidence of 26Al, which was present when most CAIs formed. Finding a CAI in a CI chondrite raises serious questions about whether CI chondrites are a reliable proxy for the bulk composition of the solar system. Too much CAI material would show up as mismatches between the CI composition and the composition of the solar photosphere. Although small amounts of refractory material have previously been identified in CI chondrites, this material is not abundant enough to significantly perturb the bulk compositions of CI chondrites. The agreement between the composition of the solar photosphere and CI chondrites allows no more than ~0.5 atom% of CAI-like material to have been added to CI chondrites. As the compositions of CI chondrites, carbonaceous asteroids, and the solar photosphere are better determined, we will be able to reduce the uncertainties in our estimates of the composition of the solar system.  相似文献   

The connection between the radio emission from “lightnings” produced by the absorption of high-energy photons from the cosmic gamma-ray background in a neutron star magnetosphere and radio bursts from rotating ratio transients (RRATs) is investigated. The lightning length reaches 1000 km; the lightning radius is 100 m and is comparable to the polar cap radius. If a closed magnetosphere is filled with a dense plasma, then lightnings are efficiently formed only in the region of open magnetic field lines. For the radio emission from a separate lightning to be observed, the polar cap of the neutron star must be directed toward the observer and, at the same time, the lightning must be formed. The maximum burst rate is related to the time of the plasma outflow from the polar cap region. The typical interval between two consecutive bursts is ∼100 s. The width of a single radio burst can be determined both by the width of the emission cone formed by the lightning emitting regions at some height above the neutron star surface and by a finite lightning lifetime. The width of the phase distribution for radio bursts from RRATs, along with the integrated pulse width, is determined by the width of the bundle of open magnetic field lines at the formation height of the radio emission. The results obtained are consistent with the currently available data and are indicative of a close connection between RRATs, intermittent pulsars, and extreme nullers.  相似文献   

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