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This paper presents a novel approach to continuously monitor very slow-moving translational landslides in mountainous terrain using conventional and experimental differential global navigation satellite system(d-GNSS)technologies.A key research question addressed is whether displacement trends captured by a radio-frequency“mobile”d-GNSS network compare with the spatial and temporal patterns in activity indicated by satellite interferometric synthetic aperture radar(InSAR)and unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)photogrammetry.Field testing undertaken at Ripley Landslide,near Ashcroft in south-central British Columbia,Canada,demonstrates the applicability of new geospatial technologies to monitoring ground control points(GCPs)and railway infrastructure on a landslide with small and slow annual displacements(<10 cm/yr).Each technique records increased landslide activity and ground displacement in late winter and early spring.During this interval,river and groundwater levels are at their lowest levels,while ground saturation rapidly increases in response to the thawing of surficial earth materials,and the infiltration of snowmelt and runoff occurs by way of deep-penetrating tension cracks at the head scarp and across the main slide body.Research over the last decade provides vital information for government agencies,national railway companies,and other stakeholders to understand geohazard risk,predict landslide movement,improve the safety,security,and resilience of Canada’s transportation infrastructure;and reduce risks to the economy,environment,natural resources,and public safety.  相似文献   

Mountain area is an important geographical unit of land,and its ecology is sensitive and fragile.Over the past few decades,human activities have caused dramatic changes in land use in mountainous areas,which caused changes in landscape patterns and impacts on the ecological environment.It is unknown how the mechanism of land use affects the landscape pattern at different scales.The Hantai District,a typical human settlement in the mountain area in Shaanxi,China,was chosen as the study area.Based on the remote sensing images,the mathematical models and landscape indexes were adopted to evaluate the impact of land use change from 1998 to 2017 on the landscape pattern at different scales,and its main driving forces were analyzed.The results showed that the urbanized land expanded largest from 15.39%to 24.30%,and cultivated land experienced the largest decline from 43.54%to 35.35%.Changes in land use have made the patch morphology of most land types developed from a natural random to a sawtooth shape,and its spatial pattern evolved from a ruleset to a fragmented expansion.This reflects the continuous strengthening of human intervention in the process of regional development.Under the jurisdiction of Hantai District,the biggest change in landscape pattern is in Hanzhong City and Qili Town.The improved economy and increasing population and urbanization rate were the main factors that cause these changes.This research could provide necessary information for understanding the evolution mechanism of land resources in mountainous human settlements for mountainous areas with significant geomorphic differentiation.  相似文献   

4月27日,中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究中心和社会科学文献出版社联合主办的2007年中国房地产高峰论坛暨《 房地产蓝皮书》2007年版出版发布会在北京举行.来自中国社会科学院、国土资源部、建设部、国家统计局、中国房地产协会等部门的专家、学者和官员出席了会议.  相似文献   

浙西南的江山市廿八都镇,地处浙闽赣三省交界。四面群山拱卫,仙霞古道穿镇而过,自古有“东南锁钥,入闽咽喉”之称。小镇类似文学家沈从文笔下的边城,当时“也有商人落脚的客店,坐镇不动的理发馆。此外,饭店、杂货铺、油行、盐栈、花衣庄,莫不各有一种地位,装点这条小河街。”而唐宋古道驿站遗址和明清古桥民居至今尚存。  相似文献   

"一户一宅"的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《土地管理法》第六十二条规定,农村村民一户只能拥有一处宅基地。这对于节约集约用地,强化农村宅基地管理具有十分重要的指导意义。长期以来,农村旧的宅基地管理模式造成农村村民住房严重超标,一户多宅以及空心村的现象普遍存在,农村宅基地极度浪费。“一户一宅”制从当前全国农村的实际出发,对农村宅基地使用作出了科学合理的界定。但是,在执行“一户一宅”过程中,也出现一些新情况新问题,在市场经济条件下,这些新情况新问题必须在立法和实践中加以解决,并不断完善现有的制度,以达到科学合理地利用农村土地。  相似文献   

Based on the latest high-precision aeromagnetic data,an aeromagnetic anomaly zone is identified at Zhangsanying--Tongshanzi in northern Hebei Province.By the potential field conversion processing,including the reduction to the pole,vertical derivative,upward continuation and residual anomaly,the authors analyzed the characteristics of three typical aeromagnetic anomalies in Zhangsanying--Tongshanzi aeromagnetic anomaly zone and their geological origin.The methods include the forward and inversion methods,such as 2.5D optimization fitting and Euler deconvolution.Moreover,combined with the geological outcrop,known iron deposits,ground magnetic survey and verification,the authors studied the relationship between the aeromagnetic anomalies and iron deposits.The result shows that the Zhangsanying--Tongshanzi aeromagnetic anomaly zone is composed of 10 large magnetic anomalies with high amplitude and clear boundary.The aeromagnetic anomalies are comparable and intrinsically related to the ground magnetic anomalies and IP anomalies,indicating that the anomalies are caused by magnetite deposits.It has good magnetite prospecting potential in the Zhangsanying--Tongshanzi aeromagnetic anomaly zone.  相似文献   

六幢崭新的办公大楼、一个巨大的半球形会议中心气势恢宏;数百亩绿地、园林、假山、喷泉环绕其中;波光粼粼的湖面上,几只鸭子在悠闲地游弋……2006年5月底,当网友将这个充满诗情画意、外观状似"白宫"的郑州市惠济区办公新址的照片在网上曝光后,其山水景观式的建筑格局和530亩的占地规模,引起全国轰动,受到了舆论的猛烈抨击.由于办公楼规模宏大,被网友形容为"世界第一区政府".而决策建造此豪华办公楼的原区委书记冯刘成也因此出名,被称为"白宫"书记.  相似文献   

在巍巍伏牛山深处的栾川县,有这样一位普普通通的矿管站长:他参加工作32年,有22年工作在矿管第一线,先后2次被评为省级先进工作者,7次被评为市级先进工作者,18次被评为县级先进工作者;作为一名普通地矿工作人员,他精通业务,在自己平凡的工作岗位上,用热情,用心血,用汗水,为他心爱的地矿事业奉献着自己的光和热;作为管理第一线的矿管站长,他坚持原则,不畏强暴,维护着国家矿产资源的安全.  相似文献   

客户成功案例1 Autodesk基础设施解决方案 BCMEM为勘探群体提供宝贵的数据 为最大程度上提高向勘探群体所提供的地理空 间信息的价值,BCMEM转向使用互联网和Autodesk MapGuide来分发空间数据.  相似文献   

In order to improve our knowledge of the mechanical effect of the roots of mixed-plantings on soil reinforcement and slope protection,the influence of roots of a mixed-planting with four herb species(Medicago sativa L.,Elymus nutans Griseb.,Puccinellia distanx(L.),and Poa pratensis L.)and one shrub species(Caragana korshinskii Kom.)were investigated on the shear strength characteristics of saline loess soil.The root distribution characteristics were assessed via a survey when the plants grew for one year.The effects of the root biomass density,the root mass ratio(RMR)of the fine roots to the coarse roots,the moisture content,and the salt content on the shear strength index of the rooted soil were analyzed via a triaxial compression test,and the mechanism of these effects was discussed.The results indicate that the biomass density decreased linearly with increasing depth.The RMR initially decreased with depth and then increased,exhibiting in a quadratic relationship.The cohesion of the rooted soil increased linearly as the biomass density increased.The cohesion of the rooted soil initially increased with increasing RMR and salt content,and then it decreased.The turning point of the cohesion occurred when the RMR was 0.6 and the salt content was 1.18%.The internal friction angle of the rooted soil initially increased with biomass density and then decreased,and the turning point of the internal friction angle occurred when the biomass density was 0.015 g/cm3.The relationships between the internal friction angle of the rooted soil and the RMR and salt content were exponential incremental and linear subtractive relationship,respectively.Both the cohesion and the internal friction angle of the rooted soil linearly decreased with increasing moisture content.  相似文献   

11月25日,在北京召开的"中国岩盐之都——河南叶县授牌仪式暨盐业发展高层论坛"上,平顶山市市长赵顷霖和叶县县长闰廷瑞从全国人大常委会副委员长许嘉璐、中国矿业联合会常务副会长曾绍金手中接过了"中国岩盐之都"的牌匾.这是中国矿业联合会命名的矿业城市名牌中含金量最高的一个等级.  相似文献   

An extreme sea storm process can lead to a jack-up rig under the combined loading condition of vertical load(V), horizontal load(H), and moment(M) to have stability problems. This paper presents the analysis of combined bearing capacities of a circular spudcan on layered clays with a strong layer overlying a comparatively weaker layer. Numerical models combined with displacement-based load tests, swipe tests, and constant ratio displacement probe tests are adopted to calculate the uniaxial bearing capacities, failure envelopes in combined V-H, V-M planes, and failure envelopes in a combined V-H-M load space, respectively. A parametric study on the effects of vertical load level V, the layer strength ratio su,t/su,b, and the hard layer thickness t_1 on the bearing capacities is then performed. Results show that the vertical load level is a key factor that influences the values of H and M and the size of the H-M failure envelope. The existence of the underlying weak clay decreases the bearing capacities in all directions, and the vertical capacity Vult is affected more than the horizontal(Hult) and moment(Mult) capacities based on a single uniform deposit. The influence of the underlying weak clay on H-M failure envelope is mainly shown where H and M are coupled in the same direction. In contrast, little difference is observed when H and M are coupled in opposite directions.  相似文献   

江河如生物一样都是有年龄的.它们的成长也如同一个人的一生,分为婴年、幼年、青年、壮年和老年等几个阶段.不过河流的成长速度大慢,即使你活到100多岁,也许还看不出它有多大的变化.那我们又怎样知道河流的年龄呢? 原来,河流在发育过程中,即使是它千百万年前走过的路,也会在地面上留下足迹.我们寻踪觅迹,就能从它们的足迹上确定它们的年龄,就像我们从牛、马的牙齿,树木的年轮来考察它们的年龄一样.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have reported that treelines are moving to higher elevations and higher latitudes.Most treelines are temperature limited and warmer climate expands the area in which trees are capable of growing.Hence,climate change has been assumed to be the main driver behind this treeline movement.The latest review of treeline studies was published in 2009 by Harsch et al.Since then,a plethora of papers have been published studying local treeline migration.Here we bring together this knowledge through a review of 142 treeline related publications,including 477 study locations.We summarize the information known about factors limiting tree-growth at and near treelines.Treeline migration is not only dependent on favorable growing conditions but also requires seedling establishment and survival above the current treeline.These conditions appear to have become favorable at many locations,particularly so in recent years.The review revealed that at 66%of these treeline sites forest cover had increased in elevational or latitudinal extent.The physical form of treelines influences how likely they are to migrate and can be used as an indicator when predicting future treeline movements.Our analysis also revealed that while a greater percentage of elevational treelines are moving,the latitudinal treelines are capable of moving at greater horizontal speed.This can potentially have substantial impacts on ecosystem carbon storage.To conclude the review,we present the three main hypotheses as to whether ecosystem carbon budgets will be reduced,increased or remain the same due to treeline migration.While the answer still remains under debate,we believe that all three hypotheses are likely to apply depending on the encroached ecosystem.Concerningly,evidence is emerging on how treeline migration may turn tundra landscapes from net sinks to net sources of carbon dioxide in the future.  相似文献   

A preliminary field-based investigation was undertaken in a small(<10 km2)river valley located in the mountainous Jura region of northwest Switzerland.The aims of the work were to assess sediment generation and annual sediment transport rates by tree throw on forested hillslopes,and to document surface hydrology characteristics on four fresh soil mounds associated with recent tree throws over a 24-day monitoring period.For the soil mounds,average sediment recovery ranged from 7.7-28.2 g(dry weight),equivalent to a suspended sediment concentration of 145.2-327.8 g L-1,and runoff coefficients ranged from 1.0%-4.2%.Based on a soil bulk density value of 1,044 kg m-3,upslope runoff generation areas were denuded by an average 0.14 mm by the end of the 24-day monitoring period,representing an erosion rate equivalent to 2.1 mm yr-1.A ca.50 cm high soil mound could therefore feasibly persist for around 200-250 years.For tree throw work,the dimensions of 215 individual tree throws were measured and their locations mapped in 12 separate locations along the river valley representing a cumulative area equivalent to 5.3 ha(av.density,43 per ha).Tree throws generated a total of 20.1 m3 of fine-sediment(<2 mm diameter),or the equivalent of 3.8×10-4 m3 m-2.The process of tree throw was originally attributed to two extreme weather events that occurred in west and central Europe in late December 1999.Taking the 18-year period since both storms,this represents an annual sediment transport rate of 2.7×10-5 m3 m-1 yr-1.Exploring the relationship with wind on fall direction,65.5%of tree throws(143)generally fell in a downslope direction irrespective of hillslope aspect on which they were located.This infers that individual storms may not have been responsible for the majority of tree throws,but instead,could be associated with root failure.Given the high density of tree throws and their relative maturity(average age 41 years),we hypothesise that once trees attain a certain age in this river valley,their physiognomy(i.e.height,mass and centre of gravity)compromises their ability to remain securely anchored.We tentatively attribute this possibility to the presence of bedrock close to the surface,and to the shallow soil profile overlaying steep hillslopes.  相似文献   

这是一个令人振奋的喜讯. 据河南省国土资源厅于2007年9月5日召开的新闻发布会透露,截至8月底,全省已有4个省辖市、53个县(市、区),在经历了一年多的艰苦、细致工作后,终于关闭了辖区内的所有砖瓦窑厂,与"秦砖汉瓦"彻底告别.让我们记住吧,记住这4个省辖市的名字.它们分别是:漯河市、安阳市、鹤壁市、焦作市.让我们记住吧,记住这53个县(市、区)的名字.它们中有:舞阳县、临颍县、召陵区、文峰区、淇滨区、修武县、孟州市、伊川县等.  相似文献   

一边是蒜苗、菠菜、生菜等各种时令蔬菜,一边的猪圈内有五头将要出栏的肥猪.猪圈旁边是沼气池,沼气池为水泥结构,圆锥形,上边留一个直径有半米的圆孔以便向内填充植物垃圾和秸秆,其余的地方用土填好以后还可以种上菜,墙根没有硬化的地方,还零落地留着苦瓜、南瓜的枯藤.这是日前笔者在修武县城关镇河北辛庄村民范庆河家中看到的景象.  相似文献   

Analyzing large prehistoric rock avalanches provides significant data for evaluating the disaster posed by these relatively infrequent but destructive geological events. This paper attempts to study the characteristics and dynamics of the Ganqiuchi granitic rock avalanche, in the middle of the northern margin of Qinling Mountains, 30 km to the south of Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China. In plane view, this rock avalanche is characterized by source area, accumulation area and dammed lake area. Based on previous studies, historical records and regional geological data, the major trigger of the Ganqiuchi rock avalanche is considered to be a strong paleo-earthquake with tremendous energy. The in situ deposit block size distributions of the intact rock mass and the debris deposits are presented and analyzed by using a simple model for estimating the number of fragmentation cycles that the blocks underwent. The results show that the primary controlling factor of the fragmentation process is the pre-existing fractures, and there is a relationship between the potential energy and the fragmentation energy: the latter is approximately 20% of the former. Based on the dynamic discrete element technique, the study proposes a four-stage model for the dynamic course of the Ganqiuchi rock avalanche:(1) failing;(2) highspeed sliding;(3) collision with obstacles;(4) decelerated sliding, which has implication for hazard assessment of the potential rock avalanches in China and other countries with similar geological setting.  相似文献   

A novel sensor for ocean electric field testing has been fabricated by polyacrylonitrile-based on carbon fibers with electro-chemical oxidation.The surface profile characteristics of the carbon fibers were characterized by scanning electron microscope,Fourier transform infrared spectra and contact angle.Cyclic voltammetry and Tafel curves have been used to study its electro-chemical performances.Two identical electrodes in sea water as the electric field sensor will swiftly respond to applied electric field which causes positive and negative ions to move in opposite direction,resulting in a electric potential difference(ΔE).Test result indicates that the offset potential is typically below 1 m V with a drift of 60-170μVd^-1.Typical self noise level is 1.07 nV√Hz1/2@1 Hz.The electric field response indicates that the modified electrode pair shows better response to AC sine signal of amplitude and frequency(5 mV and 1 mHz)respectively than its blank.The electric field response model of the modified electrodes is creatively presented according to its electric double layer capacitance and Faraday pseudo-capacitance.Many advantages of the carbon fiber electric field electrode will make it have potential application prospect.  相似文献   

Based on seawater immersion,drying-wetting cycles,carbonation and drying-wetting cycles for coral aggregate sea-water concrete(CASC)with different strength grades,the effect of carbonation and drying-wetting cycles on chloride diffusion be-havior of CASC is studied.The results show that the free surface chloride concentration(Cs),free chloride diffusion coefficient(Df)and time-dependent index(m)of CASC in the drying-wetting cycles is obviously higher than that in seawater immersion.The Df and m of CASC of carbonation and drying-wetting cycles is higher than that in the drying-wetting cycles.Carbonation increases the Df and m of CASC,which is against CASC to resist chloride corrosion.The corrosion possibility of CASC structures in different ex-posed areas is as follows:splash zone(carbonation and drying-wetting cycles)>tidal zone(drying-wetting cycles)>underwater zone(seawater immersion).Besides,the chloride diffusion rate of C65-CASC is 17.8%-63.4%higher than that of C65-ordinary aggre-gate concrete(OAC)in seawater immersion(underwater zone).Therefore,anti-corrosion measures should be adopted to improve the service life of CASC structure in the oceanic environment.  相似文献   

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