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The distribution of selected critical elements in the sedimentary rocks of the Carboniferous coal-bearing series within the Polish Coal Basins is presented.Critical elements such as Be,Mg,Si,P,Sc,V,Co,Y,Nb,In,Sb,La,Ce,Hf,Ta,W,Bi were analysed using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP/MS).Concentrations of elements such as Sb,Bi,In and,to a slightly lesser extent,Nb,as well as Sc,show average concentrations higher than those from the upper continental crust.The average concentrations of elements like Hf,Mg,P,Y,La,and Ce are slightly lower than in the upper continental crust.Other elements,such as Be,Co,Si,Ta,W and V have average concentrations that are similar,but slightly enriched or slightly depleted,relative to the upper continental crust.The research showed enrichment of some critical elements in the analysed samples,but not high enough that extraction would be economically viable.Statistical methods,which include correlation coefficients between elements and cluster analysis,reveal a strong positive correlation between elements like Be,Bi,Nb,Sc,Ta,W and V.Very high,almost total,positive correlation is also noted between La and Ce.  相似文献   

谭锡畴 《地质论评》1943,8(Z1):41-66
引言易门安宁禄丰三县,为云南中部产铁区域,土炉冶炼,采挖已久,惟关於矿产之价值,矿床之种类,作科学之研究者,至近年来,始有其人,最初有法人来克里者,曾考察易门铁矿,  相似文献   

云南矿产概论   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
谢家荣 《地质论评》1941,6(Z1):1-42
云南矿产向称丰富,中外报告,言之屡矣。自抗战军兴,增加後方生产,为当务之急,于是滇省之地下富源,遂益为国人所重视。经济部地质调查所,西南联大地质系,本省建设厅及经济委员会等先後派员,实地测勘,所得结果俱极重要,惜多散见於分刊物及简报中,尚无概括之论述,足资一般之参考  相似文献   

“地质论评”在中国地质学会困苦的支持下,八年来幸未间断。这是我们的领导当局之苦心,与工作同人之努力,所收的效果。对于学会出版物,黄汲清,尹建猷,谢季骅,李赓阳,王斐轩,及帮助编印诸君,都尽了不少义务。他们求学之专,生活之苦,检讨之严,服务之热,都到了可敬佩的地步。出版  相似文献   

马以思女士原籍四川成都,先祖以经营金矿,举家迁居於东北边陲,女士於民国八年十月廿五日生於黑龙江,天资聪慧,幼年习日文颇有成就,九一八事变後,父伯严公携眷内迁,  相似文献   

李四光 《地质论评》1942,7(6):253-266
长江流域和东西江流域,除了在广西的东北角兴安附近,曾用人工勾通水系而外,可以说是两个完全独立的排水区域,这两个区域的干流,大致成东西向,而在这两个区域之间,也有断断续续的山脉,形成天然的界线,这些山脉或分水岭,普  相似文献   

汤克成  姚瑞开 《地质论评》1941,6(Z2):302-303
攀枝花及倒马坎,位盐边县西南,踞金沙江北岸。攀枝花山势陡峻,距江边约三公里,倒马坎山小坡平,即濒江干。铁矿藏量颇丰,质亦良佳,且密迩永仁煤田,及盐边县属乌拉阿卡坭红果等煤区,洵可大量开采,西南钢铁事业,至有望焉。  相似文献   

关于甘肃及青海境内之第三纪红色地层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
路兆洽 《地质论评》1948,13(Z2):258-261
一、绪言在甘肃及青海境内,包括祁连山南北,秦岭以北,并六盘山东西地带,第三纪红色地层,颇佔重要地位,惟迄今对其命名,时代,及分层等尚末能一致,兹就著者各处观察所得,并与前人所论比较论证,期能获得进一步之认识。  相似文献   

李广源 《地质论评》1944,9(Z1):127-128
刘莊先生字伊璜,山东泰安县人,生於民国八年,双亲早世,赖祖叔抚育成人;颖悟非凡,沈静寡言,乐交游,重情感。十二岁就读泰安省立第三初级中学;十五岁考入山东省立济南高级中学,课馀之暇,喜习纲球,技术甚精。旋於民国廿五  相似文献   

高平 《地质论评》1944,9(Z1):123-126
二十六年冬,余奉调入江西地质调查所工作;时赣北战事紧张,所址迁移萍乡安源镇之葛仙寺,下车伊始,即与刘君辉泗相遇於葛仙寺下之山坡,君方自赣南调查归来,畅谈野外所见,滔滔不绝。及相处日久,尤慕其禀牲真挚,待人诚坦,不  相似文献   

腾冲上新统芒棒组地质时代及沉积环境   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
摘要:腾冲地区新生代地层分布广泛,其中又以芒棒组出露较为完整,由河流相、湖泊相及沼泽相碎屑岩夹火山岩中火山沉积岩组成,含丰富的植物化石和硅藻化石。依据化石研究及用K-Ar、Rh-Sr法测获同位素年龄,芒棒组应属新近纪上新世。植物化石显示腾冲地区上新世时期气候,比现今亚热带炎热干燥气候较温凉而湿润,反映该区从新近纪上新世至第四纪,气候有从凉变暖的演变趋势。  相似文献   

尚映莲 《云南地质》2003,22(4):418-425
古近纪之后,强烈的构造运动在腾冲形成数个新生代湖盆,成为硅藻生存场所。上新世~全新世强烈火山活动为硅藻繁殖提供丰富的物质条件,该期的冰期较冷气候为硅藻提供适宜生存的低温冷水条件,相对平静的湖湾部位是硅藻大量繁殖和遗赅稳定掩埋的良好场所。这些地质构造、古水文、古气候是硅藻土矿床形成的必要条件。  相似文献   

中国泥炭资源   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尹善春 《地学前缘》1999,6(Z1):116-124
泥炭的形成和发展,直接受地表水热条件控制,后者又取决于形成时期的气候、地质。地貌及水文地质条件。文中据大量调查资料,叙述中国6个区的泥炭分布,扼要分析若干类型泥炭分布特征。在受河流活动控制并有泥炭形成的地区,泥炭沼泽分布呈现干流区少、支流区多,下游区少、上游区多的特点;在巨型构造湖盆区,泥炭沼泽可充分发展,形成泥炭层厚、空间展布广的巨型矿床;火山口湖盆型、堰塞湖盆型泥炭沼泽环境稳定,历经长期发育,可形成厚达9.0~9.5m的矿床;平原区湖盆型、河漫滩型泥炭,形成时受洪水事件影响,产出多层、较薄的泥炭。80年代本原地质矿产部通过对中国30个地质矿产局调查报告(未含台湾省)系统分析研究,获全国泥炭资源量46.87亿t(千重)。文中据国际泥炭学会(IPS)规定,按含水40%容重核算,1998年获资源量124.96亿t,证实中国泥炭资源分布的不平衡性,质量属中等,与泥炭资源丰富的国家相比,中国泥炭资源是较丰富的。  相似文献   

Core samples were taken at two sites from a peat deposit buried by a sanitary landfill operated by the city of Vancouver since the 1960s and from a third site where the same peat bed is not covered by landfill. Twenty-nine subsamples from the three cores were analyzed by a variety of techniques to determine the concentration of as many as 34 constituents. The content of heavy metals, the principal object of this investigation, is highest in the lower part of the peat succession, in which there is a significant amount of interbedded inorganic sediment, rather than in the upper clean bog peat. Individual layers as little as 2.5 cm thick can hold concentrations of heavy metals ten times that of the nearby layers. The heavy metal contents show a high positive correlation with those of iron and manganese and a very low correlation with sulfur. Iron from the landfill has been transported by downward percolating groundwater in solution or colloidal suspension into the lower layers of peat deposit where the passing heavy metals were sorbed. A comparison of the amounts of heavy metals stored in the peat alone with the amount leaving the whole landfill annually suggests that some metals, notably lead and arsenic, might be retained in the peat for very long periods, whereas other metals such as zinc and mercury might be quickly lost.  相似文献   

杨美芳 《地质科学》1994,29(2):173-174
山东临胸县中新世山旺组地层中的硅藻土不仅以化石门类丰富保存精美著称于世,而且具有重要的开采经济价值。山旺组在山东省分布十分局限,仅分布临胸县东25公里的山旺村一解家河村一带,是一套由泥岩、页岩、硅藻土及油页岩、煤层间夹玄武岩组成的湖泊沉积。它分布在大片基性火山熔岩发育区,岩性简单,产状平缓,厚度不大。由20-100米不等,地层出露面积不足0.5平方公里,化石极为丰富,尤其是硅藻。  相似文献   

From 1992 to 1994, trace metal concentrations of bog water, Sphagnum mosses and peat cores of the bog “Georgenfelder Hochmoor” at Zinnwald-Georgenfeld in the Eastern Ore Mountains (Germany) were investigated. A sampling campaign in September 2019 allows the comparison of the older measurements with today's trace metal concentrations. No changes were found in the bog waters, while the trace metal concentrations of the Sphagnum mosses have decreased significantly. Due to the low growth rate of the peat and despite certain heterogeneity between the peat cores, the investigated elemental data for the peat sampled in the 1990s and in 2019 are in the same concentration range. The maximum concentrations are measured in the upper samples of all peat cores for the analysed elements (except sulphur). Compared to upper crustal data, a different behaviour of the elements is observed: Cr, Sc, Ti, and V, rare earth elements show crustal ratios, while Al and Si are also influenced by crust-air fractionation. Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn are additionally enriched by anthropogenic atmospheric inputs from industry and transport. These results confirm the assumption that peat cores record past atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

中国泥炭记录末次冰消期以来古气候研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥炭记录的环境演变是过去全球变化(PAGES)研究的重要领域之一,分析了中国泥炭记录的古气候演化研究的区域范围,当前主要以东北哈尼、青藏高原的红原、神农架大九湖以及华南定南大湖四个位于东部季风区的研究工作最为集中。泥炭沉积高分辨率综合信息揭示了末次冰消期以来中国气候变化的时空特征:冷暖干湿变化既有一致性又表现出区域差异,末次冰消期东北地区、东部山地、华南地区都表现出冷偏湿的气候特点,而青藏高原却为冷偏干或凉偏干;Younger Dryas(YD)事件之后,全新世早期和中期青藏高原、东部山地、华南地区气候总体以温湿为主要特征,而东北地区有效降水减少,到全新世晚期,呈现出干旱的变化趋势。并对B~A事件,YD事件,8.2 ka 以及4.2 ka等重大气候突变事件研究工作进行了综述。最后指出今后应拓展与重建更多区域古气候环境变化序列的对比,加强泥炭沉积及环境指标的基础理论,重视和提高大气沉降泥炭档案以及气候变化背景下泥炭地碳循环机制等研究工作。  相似文献   

One hundred twenty-two samples of Jurassic and Paleogene brown coals and 1254 peat samples from the south-eastern region of the Western-Siberian platform were analyzed for gold by the neutron-activation method. Mean content of Au in Jurassic coals is 30 ± 8 ppb, in Paleogene coals is 10.6 ± 4.8 ppb, and in peat is 6 ± 1.4 ppb. Concentrations of gold as high as 4.4 ppm were found in coal ash and 0.48 ppm in the peat ash. Coal beds with anomalous gold contents were found at Western-Siberian platform for the first time.Negative correlation between gold and ash yield in coals and peat and highest gold concentrations were found in low-ash and ultra-low-ash coals and peat. Primarily this is due to gold's association with organic matter.For the investigation of mode of occurrence of Au in peat the bitumen, water-soluble and high-hydrolyzed substances, humic acids, cellulose and lignin were extracted from it. It was determined that in peat about 95% of gold is combined with organic matter. Forty to sixty percent of Au is contained in humic acids and the same content is in lignin. Bitumens, water-soluble and high-hydrolyzed substances contain no more than 1% of general gold quantity in peat.The conditions of accumulation of high gold concentrations were considered. The authors suggest that Au accumulation in peat and brown coals and the connection between anomalous gold concentrations and organic matter in low-ash coals and peat can explain a biogenic–sorption mechanism of Au accumulation. The sources of formation of Au high concentration were various Au–Sb, Au–Ag Au–As–Sb deposits that are abundant in the Southern and South-Eastern peripheries of the coal basin.  相似文献   

辽宁省泥炭的成因类型有陆相的沟谷类和河谷类,海陆交互相的河口类和海滨类.泥炭区域分布不平衡,辽东山地丘岭区为泥炭丰富区;辽南丘陵沿海为泥炭多量区;辽西山地丘陵及辽中平原区为泥炭少量区.从新构造运动与地貌、水文、海进海退和气候4个方面对泥炭分布的控制因素进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Since the Carboniferous, tropical latitudes have been the site of formation of many economic coal deposits, most of which have a restricted range of mineralogical composition as a result of their depositional environment, climatic conditions, and diagenesis. Mineralogical and microscopic investigations of tropical peats from Tasek Bera, Peninsular Malaysia, were performed in order to better understand some of these factors controlling the nature, distribution and association of inorganic matter in peat-forming environments. Distribution and nature of the inorganic fraction of peat deposits give insight into the weathering conditions and detrital input into the mire system. Because the inorganic composition of peat deposits is determined by plant communities, height of water table, and climate, the results of the quantitative and qualitative analysis can be used to reconstruct palaeoclimatic conditions.Tasek Bera is a peat-accumulating basin in humid tropical Malaysia with organic deposits of low- to high-ash yield and thus representative of many ancient peat-forming environments. Clay minerals dominate the mineralogical composition of the peat and organic-rich sediments, while quartz and clays dominate the underlying siliciclastic deposits. Kaolinite is the most abundant clay mineral in the organic deposits with minor amounts of illite and vermiculite. Particle size analyses indicate that >50% of the inorganic detrital fraction is <2 μm. Most detrital quartz grains range in size from fine silt to fine sand. The fine sand fraction accounts for a maximum of 5 wt.% of the inorganic constituents. In addition, abundant biogenic and non-biogenic, Al- and Si-rich amorphous matter occur. In the ombrotrophic (low-nutrient) environment, biogenic inorganic material contributes up to >75% of the ash constituents. As a consequence, the vegetational communities make an important contribution to the inorganic and overall ash composition of peats and coals. The ash content of the often inundated peat consists on average of 10% opaline silica from diatoms and sponge spicules, while the ash of the top deposits may have up to 50% biogenic silica. Hence, Al- and Si-hydroxides and the opaline silica from diatoms and sponges represent a large repository of Al and Si, which may form the basis of mineral transformation, neoformation and alteration processes during coalification of the peat deposits. As a result, most coal deposits from paleotropical environments are anticipated to have little to no biogenic inorganic material but high amounts of secondary clays, such as kaolinite (detrital kaolinite, resilisified kaolinite, or desilisified gibbsite) or illite, and various amounts of detrital and authigenetic quartz.  相似文献   

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