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A detailed study to evaluate ground-based photographs of Mercury has been carried out. Models of the surface scattering properties have been assumed and smeared with a Gaussian function for direct comparison with center-to-limb scans along Mercury's intensity equator. Data from a range of phase angles from 31° to 92° have been compared with smeared models assuming a Lambert surface, a surface which obeys the Lommel-Seeliger law and one which is Minnaertian, having a variable coefficient. Within the limits of the observations a lunar Minnaert surface yields the most consistent interpretation. An objective evaluation of the resolution of the photographs is obtained in terms of Gaussian half-widths.  相似文献   

We describe and compare two methods of short-exposure, high-definition ground-based imaging of the planet Mercury. Two teams have recorded images of Mercury on different dates, from different locations, and with different observational and data reduction techniques. Both groups have achieved spatial resolutions of <250 km, and the same albedo features and contrast levels appear where the two datasets overlap (longitudes 270–360°). Dark albedo regions appear as mare and correlate well with smooth terrain radar signatures. Bright albedo features agree optically, but less well with radar data. Such confirmations of state-of-the-art optical techniques introduce a new era of ground-based exploration of Mercury's surface and its atmosphere. They offer opportunities for synergistic, cooperative observations before and during the upcoming Messenger and BepiColombo missions to Mercury.  相似文献   

Disk-integrated and disk-resolved measurements of Mercury’s surface obtained by both the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS) and the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer (MASCS) onboard the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft were analyzed and compared with previous ground-based observations of Mercury at 11 wavelengths. The spectra show no definitive absorption features and display a red spectral slope (increasing reflectance with increasing wavelength) typical of space-weathered rocky surfaces. The MDIS spectra show evidence of phase reddening, which is not observed in the MASCS spectra. The MDIS spectra are commensurate with ground-based observations to within 10%, whereas the MASCS spectra display greater discrepancies with ground-based observations at near-infrared wavelengths. The derived photometric calibrations provide corrections within 10% for observations taken at phase angles less than ∼100°. The derived photometric properties are indicative of a more compact regolith than that of the lunar surface or of average S-type asteroids. The photometric roughness of the surface is also much smoother than the Moon’s. The calculated geometric albedo (reflectance at zero phase) is higher than lunar values. The lower reflectance of immature units on Mercury compared with immature units on the Moon, in conjunction with the higher geometric albedo, is indicative of more complicated grain structures within Mercury’s regolith.  相似文献   

In order to obtain detailed information from multiple telescope observations a general blind super-resolution (SR) reconstruction approach for astronomical images is proposed in this paper. A pixel-reliability-based SR reconstruction algorithm is described and implemented, where the developed process incorporates flat field correction, automatic star searching and centering, iterative star matching, and sub-pixel image registration. Images captured by the 1-m telescope at Yunnan Observatory are used to test the proposed technique. The results of these experiments indicate that, following SR reconstruction, faint stars are more distinct, bright stars have sharper profiles, and the backgrounds have higher details; thus these results benefit from the high-precision star centering and image registration provided by the developed method. Application of the proposed approach not only provides more opportunities for new discoveries from astronomical image sequences, but will also contribute to enhancing the capabilities of most spatial or ground-based telescopes.  相似文献   

The Sun-to-Mercury mass ratio adopted by the International Astronomical Union (6023600 ± 250) was obtained in 1987 by analyzing Mariner 10 observations (Anderson et al. 1987) and since then has not been improved. The large number of asteroids in Mercury-approaching orbits and the ever-increasing accuracy of their observations allow the mass of Mercury to be estimated by a different method. We have improved the orbital parameters of 43 asteroids and obtained 6023440 ± 530 for the Sun-to-Mercury mass ratio through a simultaneous solution based on their optical and radar observations. A further improvement in this estimate is possible in the immediate future owing to the rapid increase in the number of known asteroids whose observations can be used to solve this problem.  相似文献   

The short exposure method proved to be very productive in ground-based observations of Mercury. Telescopic observations with short exposures, together with computer codes for the processing of data arrays of many thousands of original electronic photos, make it possible to improve the resolution of images from ground-based instruments to almost the diffraction limit. The resulting composite images are comparable with images from spacecrafts approaching from a distance of about 1 million km. This paper presents images of the hemisphere of Mercury in longitude sectors 90°–180°W, 215°–350°W, and 50°–90°W, including, among others, areas not covered by spacecraft cameras. For the first time a giant S basin was discovered in the sector of longitudes 250°–290°W, which is the largest formation of this type on terrestrial planets. Mercury has a strong phase effects. As a result, the view of the surface changes completely with the change in the planetary phase. But the choice of the phase in the study using spacecrafts is limited by orbital characteristics of the mission. Thus, ground-based observations of the planet provide a valuable support.  相似文献   

On the basis of records from meridian chains of magnetometers and the KRM inversion method, we have deduced a number of ionospheric quantities, including the distribution of the electric potential, field-aligned currents, the ionospheric currents and its equatorial counterpart and the relationship between the AE index and the cross-polar cap potential. In this paper, we examine the results thus obtained in the light of compatible data which are deduced from satellite observations. It is shown that both results agree fairly well, proving the validity of the polar ionospheric parameters deduced from both the ground-based and satellite-based data. Several important implications of the results are pointed out.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to draw attention to the priority of the well-known astronomer and geophysicist, member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine A.Ya. Orlov (1880–1954) in the determination of the following parameters describing the secular motion of the earth’s poles: speed (4 mas/year) and direction (69° west). These results (1954) are based on the astronomical observations from 1900 to 1950 with zenith telescopes at international latitude stations. Orlov is well known in the world astronomical community as the founder of the Poltava Gravimetric Observatory, the Main Astronomical Observatory, and the national research school of global geodynamics. However, his pioneering work on secular polar motion is little known worldwide. At present, Orlov’s estimates for secular polar motion have been verified by century-long observations (1900–2012) obtained with different telescopes at many observatories worldwide and by different, both astronomical and space-based, methods (LLS, VLBI, GNSS, etc.).  相似文献   

Several versions of a Mercury surface element, part of the ESA BepiColombo Mercury Cornerstone mission to be launched in 2009, have been studied. The major constraint on system design has been the need to maximise the useful system mass on the surface of Mercury. The absence of atmosphere on the planet forces the adoption of a purely propulsive descent and landing system. The need to maintain the shock level at landing below limits which are acceptable to the payload imposes the adoption of a precise guidance, navigation & control system, which allows a drastic reduction of the landing speed, and therefore the adoption of an airbag landing system. Surface mobility is an obvious requirement for the purpose of geochemical exploration, since selected rocks have a much higher scientific yield than the average regolith. Geophysical investigations require that thermal, accelerometric, and densitometric probes be brought in contact with subsurface regions, to a depth of several metres. Magnetometric measurements may need deployment of sensors to some distance from the bulk of the lander body. The thermal environment on the surface of Mercury is extreme, even in the polar regions that will be targeted by the BepiColombo lander, while the solar flux rises seasonally to 10 times the one experienced in Earth orbit. The need to provide a low-temperature heat sink to sensors is particularly critical, if these are installed on a small-size, small-mass mobile deployment device. A consequence of the landing in a polar region will be the extremely variable lighting conditions, with extended portions of the surface shrouded in darkness by any small surface obstacle. Limitations on communications between Earth and the deployed payload will be caused by the low available data rate and by visibility windows (contact may be restricted to as little as <10 min every 9.5 h). This will impose a high degree of autonomy to be built into the payload systems.  相似文献   

We have produced 22 VLBI images of the TeV blazar Markarian 421 at 11 epochs, including a Space VLBI observation with the HALCA satellite. We measure the speeds of the three innermost jet components to be 0.64±0.33, 0.48±0.09, and 0.06±0.09c (H0=65 km s−1 Mpc−1). Interpretation of these subluminal speeds in terms of the high Doppler factor demanded by the TeV observations is discussed.  相似文献   

Intensity observations of solarp modes are needed to form a complete picture of wave propagation in the photosphere. Ground-based intensity observations are severely hampered by terrestrial atmospheric noise. Partial cancellation of the noise power can be achieved if two spectra having disparate signal-to-noise ratios, and based on time series acquired simultaneously at the same site, are combined. A method of combining the spectra is suggested in which one amplitude is scaled and subtracted from the other. The result is squared yielding a positive-definite power density. To test the method, the intensity of light scattered by the Earths atmosphere was recorded at fifteen-second intervals in two narrow bands centered on 0.5 and 1.6. When the two resulting spectra were combined, the noise power was attenuated by a factor of 2.7. The scale factor was varied about its optimum value, revealing that noise peaks have a different signature than signal peaks, and opening up the possibility of a new tool in discrimination against noise peaks. Maxima at symmetry-allowed frequencies and minima at symmetry-forbidden frequencies indicate that the probability that these results are obtained by chance is only 6.1 × 10–4. The positions of these maxima and minima also support the solar-cycle dependent frequency shifts found by Pallé, Régulo, and Roca Cortés (1990a).  相似文献   

Comparisons are made between observations of spatial variations in the thermal emission from Venus obtained with ground-based telescopes and those from spacecraft. In particular, we concentrate on measurements of solar-related structure at low and mid-latitudes, limb-darkening, and on the high-contrast polar structure. We conclude that (1) the solar-related emission is predominantly wavenumber 2, although it contains a significant diurnal component; (2) the relative amplitudes of the semidiurnal and diurnal components vary with latitude; (3) thermally excited temperature waves or, alternatively, solar-driven vertical motions of the cloud top are better able to account for the magnitude of the solar-locked emission than brightness temperature contrasts resulting from variations in aerosol microphysical properties; (4) the equatorial limb-darkening shows the top of the main cloud to be diffuse and approximately uniformly mixed with the gas; (5) polar collars are persistent at least for several months but disappear on occasion; and (6) collars have been observed at both poles simultaneously, but whether simultaneous appearance is the exception or the rule is still in question.  相似文献   

John Caldwell 《Icarus》1973,18(3):489-496
Ultraviolet albedos of Mars in the region γγ2000–3600 Å are discussed. When the reflectivity due to the known amount of CO2 on Mars is accounted for, the remaining reflectivity may be used to set an upper limit for the surface albedo. The result disagrees qualitatively with published ultraviolet reflectivities of limonite and carbon suboxide. An alternate interpretation of the observations leads to the conclusion that CO2 comprises at least 60% of the molecular atmosphere of Mars, assuming the remainder to be argon. A comparison of the OAO results with 1969 Mariner ultraviolet data reveals some important areas of conflict.Attempts to detect Mars at wavelengths less than γ2000 Å were unsuccessful, with only very high upper limits being set.  相似文献   

The fluctuations of radio emission of the atmosphere (for the present only cloudy) are a substantial limiting factor for observations of cosmic radio sources on centimetre and millimetre wavelengths. For suppressing these fluctuations the dual-beam method (differential receiving from two slightly separated direction) is widely used. At the same time works for perfecting this method are going on as well as in searching other possibilities with the principal aim of doing away limitations on sizes of sources under observation. There are considered here these methods with a competitive evaluation of their possibilities for suppressing fluctuation of the atmosphere radio emissions.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》1999,43(2-4):297-315
Ground-based observations at millimeter wavelengths are still competitive with space observatories if inevitable foreground contamination is considered at all stages of data acquisition and analysis. Technical solutions together with carefully chosen cosmological targets and observational strategies are the key points in the development of the MITO experiment.  相似文献   

Vesta’s crater sizes that are based on images returned from the Dawn probe orbiting the asteroid 4 Vesta are compared with sizes of spots on its surface derived from hydrosilicate equivalent widths and asteroid color indices B-V and V-R observed spectrophotometrically on earth using a spectral-frequency method. The sizes of craters and spots at the asteroid poles prove to correspond to the sizes of spots that are assumed to be located at latitudes of 40°...45° N and S. Comparative results for the crater sizes ranging from 10 to 100 km are tabulated. We conclude that crater sizes on asteroid surfaces can be determined using the spectral-frequency method.  相似文献   

The composition and chemistry of Mercury’s regolith has been calculated from MESSENGER MASCS 0.3-1.3 μm spectra from the first flyby, using an implementation of Hapke’s radiative transfer-based photometric model for light scattering in semi-transparent porous media, and a linear spectral mixing algorithm. We combine this investigation with linear spectral fitting results from mid-infrared spectra and compare derived oxide abundances with mercurian formation models and lunar samples. Hapke modeling results indicate a regolith that is optically dominated by finely comminuted particles with average area weighted grain size near 20 μm. Mercury shows lunar-style space weathering, with maturation-produced microphase iron present at ∼0.065 wt.% abundance, with only small variations between mature and immature sites, the amount of which is unable to explain Mercury’s low brightness relative to the Moon. The average modal mineralogies for the flyby 1 spectra derived from Hapke modeling are 35-70% Na-rich plagioclase or orthoclase, up to 30% Mg-rich clinopyroxene, <5% Mg-rich orthopyroxene, minute olivine, ∼20-45% low-Fe, low-Ti agglutinitic glass, and <10% of one or more lunar-like opaque minerals. Mercurian average oxide abundances derived from Hapke models and mid-infrared linear fitting include 40-50 wt.% SiO2, 10-35 wt.% Al2O3, 1-8 wt.% FeO, and <25 wt.% TiO2; the inferred rock type is basalt. Lunar-like opaques or glasses with high Fe and/or Ti abundances cannot on their own, or in combination, explain Mercury’s low brightness. The linear mixing results indicate the presence of clinopyroxenes that contain up to 21 wt.% MnO and the presence of a Mn-rich hedenbergite. Mn in M1 crystalline lattice sites of hedenbergite suppresses the strong 1 and 2 μm crystal field absorption bands and may thus act as a strong darkening agent on Mercury. Also, one or more of thermally darkened silicates, Fe-poor opaques and matured glasses, or Mercury-unique Ostwald-ripened microphase iron nickel may lower the albedo. A major part of the total microphase iron present in Mercury’s regolith is likely derived from FeO that is not intrinsic to the crust but has been subsequently delivered by exogenic sources.  相似文献   

David L. Coffeen 《Icarus》1973,20(1):52-53
A plea is entered for extensive ground-based observations of Jupiter around the first week of December, 1973, to coordinate with coverage by the Pioneer 10 flyby.  相似文献   

The characteristics of VLF emissions during the two magnetic storms on 5–7 June and 19–21 September, 1967 are investigated based on the Ariel 3 satellite data and ground observation at a low-latitude station in Japan. During the study of the June event, the satellite lay in the dawn-dusk plane. Soon after the onset of the main phase there appeared VLF emissions on the morning side of the magnetosphere on the ground as well as on the satellite, but the emissions were at very low level in the evening. It was not until the recovery phase that we could recognize the stationary occurrence of intense emissions in the evening. Furthermore, it is found that the chorus-type morning emissions are observed outside the plasmapause, while the narrow-banded hiss-type evening emissions lay within the plasmapause. It is shown that the cyclotron instability of ring current electrons can, on the whole, account for the many properties of the storm-like emissions. Similarly, we discuss the characteristics of the September event.  相似文献   

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