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The distribution of neutral and ionized particles about a planet depends, at any time, on angular coordinates (latitude and longitude) as well as altitude. Measurements of the Venusian and Martian atmospheres and ionospheres have been made by means of the ‘occultation’ experiment on-board the Mariner spacecrafts, and the same or similar experiment is planned for future missions to the planets. The conventional method of reducing the residual doppler data assumes spherical symmetry, in which the refractivity of the medium depends only on radius from the center of the planet, or altitude. It is shown that the neglect of angular dependence may introduce serious errors, even for media in which this dependence is slight compared to that in the radial direction, when the plane of motion of the spacecraft about the planet is inclined with respect to the direction of the Earth. The magnitude of the errors may be greatest for a planet such as Mercury and least for Jupiter, if planetary size and atmospheric temperature are the principal factors considered. Mars and Venus being intermediate. These results are most significant for an orbiter in which the orbital plane is inclined to obtain planetary coverage in a matter of months of measurements. Results of calculations for a particular model show that scale height measurements, and, thereby, atmospheric temperature, may be in error by a factor greater than 2 for inclined orbital configurations.  相似文献   

The present small amount of water in the atmosphere of Venus, in connection with the estimated short time scale of water loss from this planet, has lead to the hypothesis that the water concentration in the Venusian atmosphere is in a dynamical equilibrium, where the losses are counter-balanced by a suitable water source. The main candidate water sources are: (a) outgassing from the Venusian surface, due to volcanic activity and (b) cometary impacts. The lack of observational evidence of cometary impacts is usually attributed either to the rarity of such events or to the fact that presently their observational signature is not well understood. In this paper we report on a photographic evidence of a short duration dark feature on Venus, which was observed on 18 May 1988. After eliminating the possibilities of a film defect and an interference from an artificial Earth satellite or an interplanetary object, we conclude that this feature was the signature of an event that took place on the upper haze layer of the Venusian atmosphere. We propose that this event was actually the impact of a small (~1010 gr) comet-like object, consisting mainly of water, on Venus. This impact caused the temporary evaporation ot the sol H2SO4 particles of the upper haze layer and, consequently, a decrease of the albedo of the region around the point of entrance of the comet in the Venusian cloud layers. This region of lower albedo appears as a dark feature in the reported photograph. Our model accounts for the short duration of the feature as well as for its shape.  相似文献   

The principal features which distinguish the atmosphere on Venus from that of the Earth are the slow rotation of the planet, the large mass of the atmosphere, and the opacity of the atmosphere to long-wave radiation. The slow rotation of the planet gives rise, first of all, to nongeostrophuc dynamics (the atmosphere gas has a tendency to move along the pressure gradient), with the result that the region of the main influx of solar energy is located on one side of the planet, and the region of maximum cooling on the other. These considerations lead to a much simpler scheme of circulation than that in the Earth's atmosphere.The large mass of the atmosphere is the cause of a high thermal and mechanical inertia, which explains why the atmospheric circulation is asymmetrical relative to the solar-antisolar axis. The daily center of circulation is displaced to the second half of the Cytherean solar day, i.e., to the line of zero budget of thermal energy corresponding to a height of the Sun abobe the horizon of about 20°. The notions of cold and warm regions are very relative for Venus. While the horizontal temperature differences on the Earth may reach 100°, a mean horizontal temperature drop as small as 3° in the Cytherean atmosphere may be looked upon as an exceptional phenomenon. This high thermal homogeneity is due to a very large thermal inertia, with cooling at the poles never manifesting itself in the temperature fields obtained.The opacity of the Cytherean atmosphere to long-wave radiation results in vertical heat transfer by turbulence, mesoscale convection, and large-scale currents. This produces adiabatic stratification in the troposphere and a high temperature in the lower layers.These phenomena were studied in a general manner using two- and three-level models. Steps have recently been undertaken to investigate in greater detail the vertical structure of the troposphere on Venus using ten-level models. It appeared that the vertical dynamic structure of the troposphere is very much dependent on the distribution in height of the solar energy influx. In the greenhouse model, the entire atmosphere is affected by circulation. Pronounced velocity maxima are observed in the lower and upper layers. In a model with adsorption of solar radiation in the upper layer, the velocity is small in the lower layers, but it rapidly increases and changes its direction several times in the upper layers. The mean kinetic energy of the atmosphere proves to be two to three times smaller than in the greenhouse model.Attempts have been made in the calculations to find the principal modes of the statistical fluctuations. The results obtained show that atmospheric circulation may be represented by a global mean basic state following the rotation of the planet with deviations from that basic state which are indeterminate disturbances. The mean basic state exhibits a high degree of symmetry relative to the equator. On account of nonlinearity, the disturbances were observed in all the models independently of space and time resolution. This phenomenon appears to reflect the actual properties of the Cytherean atmosphere and has no bearing on the details of the numerical scheme.  相似文献   

In the paper of L.V. Ksanfomality published in this issue of the journal, some objects observed in the TV panorama sent by Venera-9 are interpreted as possible specimens of the Venus fauna. Our analysis of this panorama, supported by comparisons with various objects observed on the surfaces of Earth and the Moon, shows that all objects seen in the Venera-9 panorama are probably objects of an abiotic nature. These are polygonal fragments of basaltic lavas, platy fragments of lithified deposits of fine-grained fraction of ejecta from distant impact craters and more rare fragments of rounded appearance, probably, volcanic breccias.  相似文献   

The dynamical evolution of an asteroid with orbital elements strikingly similar to the Earth is analysed. The object, 1991 VG, was discovered by the Spacewatch telescope during a particular encounter with the planet. 1991 VG experienced a temporary satellite capture by the Earth, a phenomena that is recurrent in its dynamical history. The possible origin of this puzzling object is discussed, including the suggestion that 1991 VG could be a piece of lunar ejecta after a great impact. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

(7)Formation of celestial bodies. The basic concepts of the accretional process are discussed, and the inadequacy of the contractional model is pointed out. A comparison is made between the general pre-planetary state on the one hand and the present state in the asteroidal region on the other. A model for accretion of resonance-captured grains leading to the formation of resonance-captured planets and satellites is suggested.(8)Spin and accretion. The relation between the accretional process and the spin of planets is analyzed.(9)Accretion of planets and satellites. It is shown that jet streams are a necessary intermediate stage in the formation of celestial bodies. The time sequence of planet formation is analyzed, and it is shown that the newly accreted bodies have a characteristic internal heat structure; the cases of the Earth and the Moon are considered in detail. A region of high initial temperature is found at 0.4 of the present Earth radius, whereas the culminating temperature of the Moon is near its present surface. An accretional heat wave is found to proceed outwards, and may produce the observed differentiation features.  相似文献   

Recent radar measures of the radius and mass of Mercury imply a composition for the planet containing about 60% iron. One or other of two conclusions seems inescapable: either that Mercury is a highly exceptional object among terrestrial planets, or that all measures to date of the planet involve substantial systematic error. In either case the situation is such that independent checking of the radius and mass of Mercury by some entirely different means has become of the greatest importance to planetary physics and cosmogony.The recent radar and other determinations of the solid radius of Venus imply an internal structure similar to that of the Earth, namely a liquid core surrounded by a solid mantle and outer-shell zone. The theory also implies that the temperatures within Venus should be slightly higher than at the corresponding parts of the Earth. The proportion of mass in the core of Venus (about 25% of the whole) is entirely consistent with the phase-change hypothesis as to its nature, as of course is also the absence of any liquid or iron core in both Mars and the Moon. On the older iron-core hypothesis, Venus with considerably less iron content by mass than the Earth, and Mars and the Moon with none, would all present problems in different degrees to account for the differences of composition.If Venus began as an all-solid planet, the initial radius would have been about 6300 km, and the total amount of surface reduction to date owing to contraction of the planet would have been almost 40 million km2, and as a proportion of the total area only slightly less than the contraction of the Earth. The theory thus predicts the existence of folded and thrusted mountain-systems of terrestrial type at the surface of Venus.  相似文献   

To determine where to search for life in our solar system or in other extrasolar systems, the concept of habitability has been developed, based on the only sample we have of a biological planet—the Earth. Habitability can be defined as the set of the necessary conditions for an active life to exist, even if it does not exist. In astronomy, a habitable zone (HZ) is the zone defined around a sun/star, where the temperature conditions allow liquid water to exist on its surface. This habitability concept can be considered from different scientific perspectives and on different spatial and time scales. Characterizing habitability at these various scales requires interdisciplinary research. In this article, we have chosen to develop the geophysical, geological, and biological aspects and to insist on the need to integrate them, with a particular focus on our neighboring planets, Mars and Venus. Important geodynamic processes may affect the habitability conditions of a planet. The dynamic processes, e.g., internal dynamo, magnetic field, atmosphere, plate tectonics, mantle convection, volcanism, thermo-tectonic evolution, meteorite impacts, and erosion, modify the planetary surface, the possibility to have liquid water, the thermal state, the energy budget, and the availability of nutrients. They thus play a role in the persistence of life on a planet. Earth had a liquid water ocean and some continental crust in the Hadean between 4.4 and 4.0 Ga (Ga: billions years ago), and may have been habitable very early on. The origin of life is not understood yet; but the oldest putative traces of life are early Archean (~3.5 Ga). Studies of early Earth habitats documented in the rock record hosting fossil life traces provide information about possible habitats suitable for life beyond Earth. The extreme values of environmental conditions in which life thrives today can also be used to characterize the “envelope” of the existence of life and the range of potential extraterrestrial habitats. The requirement of nutrients by life for biosynthesis of cellular constituents and for growth, reproduction, transport, and motility may suggest that a dynamic and rocky planet with hydrothermal activity and formation of relief, liquid water alteration, erosion, and runoff is required to replenish nutrients and to sustain life (as we know it). The concept of habitability is very Earth-centric, as we have only one biological planet to study. However, life elsewhere would most probably be based on organic chemistry and leave traces of its past or recent presence and metabolism by modifying microscopically or macroscopically the physico-chemical characteristics of its environment. The extent to which these modifications occur will determine our ability to detect them in astrobiological exploration. Looking at major steps in the evolution of life may help determining the probability of detecting life (as we know it) beyond Earth and the technology needed to detect its traces, be they morphological, chemical, isotopic, or spectral.  相似文献   

Abstract— The newly discovered asteroid 2002 AA29 moves in a very Earth‐like orbit that relative to Earth has a unique horseshoe shape and allows transitions to a quasi‐satellite state. This is the first body known to be in a simple heliocentric horseshoe orbit, moving along its parent planet's orbit. It is similarly also the first true co‐orbital object of Earth, since other asteroids in 1:1 resonance with Earth have orbits very dissimilar from that of our planet. When a quasi‐satellite, it remains within 0.2 AU of the Earth for several decades. 2002 AA29 is the first asteroid known to exhibit this behavior. 2002 AA29 introduces an important new class of objects offering potential targets for space missions and clues to asteroid orbit transfer evolution.  相似文献   

Recent probes of the planet Venus reveal a probable surface temperature exceeding 700K and a pressure exceeding 100 atm. A very dusty lower atmosphere may exist which is composed of micron-sized particles kept airborne by mild turbulence and a gentle circulation of deep adiabatic currents. A study of surface conditions responsible for generation and persistence of surface dust clouds is of fundamental importance in the radiative and dynamic properties of the atmosphere. Also spurious radar echoes may be caused by suspended particulate matter, thus explaining the high relief reported by radar altimeters.Equations describing transportation and deposition of dust and sand have been solved for the surface conditions of Venus. It is concluded that the minimum wind velocity for initiating grain movement is about one order of magnitude smaller than on Earth. In addition, this minimum wind velocity occurs for smaller particles on Venus than on Earth. Once the particles are raised, they can be maintained aloft for longer periods of time and over a larger size range on Venus.Surface structures such as ripples evolved from aeolian deposition are likely to be of smaller vertical dimensions but larger horizontally when compared with equivalent structures on Earth.  相似文献   

The Sun's gradual brightening will seriously compromise the Earth'sbiosphere within 109 years. If Earth's orbit migrates outward,however, the biosphere could remain intact over the entiremain-sequence lifetime of the Sun. In this paper, we explore thefeasibility of engineering such a migration over a long timeperiod. The basic mechanism uses gravitational assists to (in effect)transfer orbital energy from Jupiter to the Earth, and therebyenlarges the orbital radius of Earth. This transfer is accomplishedby a suitable intermediate body, either a Kuiper Belt object or a mainbelt asteroid. The object first encounters Earth during an inward passon its initial highly elliptical orbit of large ( 300 AU)semimajor axis. The encounter transfers energy from the object to theEarth in standard gravity-assist fashion by passing close to theleading limb of the planet. The resulting outbound trajectory of theobject must cross the orbit of Jupiter; with proper timing, theoutbound object encounters Jupiter and picks up the energy it lost toEarth. With small corrections to the trajectory, or additionalplanetary encounters (e.g., with Saturn), the object can repeat thisprocess over many encounters. To maintain its present flux of solarenergy, the Earth must experience roughly one encounter every 6000years (for an object mass of 1022 g). We develop the details ofthis scheme and discuss its ramifications.  相似文献   

Evolution of the spin of Venus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evolutionary sequences of the Venusian sidereal rotation period, and of its obliquity, under the action of solar gravitational torques on the body of the planet and on its atmosphere are here presented. They show that Venus initial configuration in the early history of the solar system may well have been of rotation period between 33 and 48 days with an angle of obliquity of about 170°.  相似文献   

A small Apollo object was found while photographing the split comet DuToit 2-Hartley on February 27/28, 1982. Designated 1982 DB, this Earth-crossing asteroid passed the Earth at a distance of 4.08 million km about 1 month prior to its discovery. Asteroid 1982 DB has been determined to be the most accessible near-Earth minor planet known. It provides many excellent opportunities for rendezvous and sample return missions, and a rare dual rendezvous mission with 1980 AA as the second target. For a mission to be realized, opportunities to observe 1982 DB during future apparitions must be taken.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the overall early melting of the lunar surface is not necessary for the explanation of facts and that the structure of highlands is more complicated than a solidified anorthositic ‘plot’. The early heating of the interior of the Moon up to 1000K is really needed for the subsequent thermal history with the maximum melting 3.5 × 109 yr ago, to give the observed ages for mare basalts. This may be considered as an indication that the Moon during the accumulation retained a portion of its gravitational energy converted into heat, which may occur only at rapid processes. A rapid (t < 103 yr) accretion of the Moon from the circumterrestrial swarm of small particles would give necessary temperature, but it is not compatible with the characteristic time 108 yr of the replenishment of this swarm which is the same as the time-scale of the accumulation of the Earth. It is shown that there were conditions in the circumterrestial swarm for the formation at a first stage of a few large protomoons. Their number and position is evaluated from the simple formal laws of the growth of satellites in the vicinity of a planet. Such ‘systems’ of protomoons are compared with the observed multiple systems, and the conclusion is reached that there could have been not more than 2–3 large protomoons with the Earth. The tidal evolution of protomoon orbits was short not only for the present value of the tidal phase-lag but also for a considerably smaller value. The coalescence of protomoons into a single Moon had to occur before the formation of the observed relief on the Moon. If we accept the age 3.9 × 109 yr for the excavation of the Imbrium basin and ascribe the latter to the impact of an Earth satellite, this collision had to be roughly at 30R, whereR is the radius of the Earth, because the Moon at that time had to be somewhere at this distance. Therefore, the protomoons had to be orbiting inside 20–25R, and their coalescence had to occur more than 4.0x109 yr ago. The energy release at coalescence is equivalent to several hundred degrees and even 1000 K. The process is very rapid (of the order of one hour). Therefore, the model is valid for the initial conditions of the Moon.  相似文献   

T.A. Heppenheimer 《Icarus》1978,34(2):441-443
We consider a class of planets which have experienced early, nearly complete differentiation and outgassing, whose mantles are fully convective, and whose crusts are isostatically compensated. The evolutionary model of Hargraves [Science193, 363 (1976)] suggests that in the absence of a runaway greenhouse, such planets may usually possess continent/ocean topographies similar to that of Earth. But if the planet is significantly larger than Earth, and its star of spectral type earlier than G, it may ordinarily be completely water-covered.  相似文献   

B.R. White 《Icarus》1981,46(2):226-232
Estimates of the trajectories of saltating particles on Venus show the level of saltation on Ve low when compared to either Earth or Mars. Particles in saltation on Venus obtain maximum heights of only 1 cm over a wide range in particle size and surface wind speeds. Their path lenghts are only a few centimeters at the wind speed of 1 and 2 m/sec. The entire saltation process and particle trajectories are insensitive to changes in surface pressure over the range from 70 to 100 bars and to changes in surface temperature over the range from 600 to 900°K. Secondly, the net rate of surface material transport due to saltation on Venus is small when compared to Earth or Mars. This result is due to the dense Venusian atmosphere. It is estimated that approximately 10 times more surface materials is transported by saltation on Earth than on Venus for dynamically similar conditions. And approximately 250 times more material is moved by the saltation process on Mars than on Venus, again for dynamically similar conditions. Both these estimates apply over a wide range of particle diameter, from 0.01 to 7 mm. Thirdly, the ripple wavelenghts may be small, such that thay may not be detected by the high-resolution radar images of the surface of Venus.  相似文献   

Pitch-angle diffusion coefficients of electrons have been calculated for resonant interaction with electrostatic electron-cyclotron harmonic (ECH) waves using quasi linear diffusion theory. Calculations have been performed for the planets Earth and Jupiter at three radial distances for each planet. Electron precipitation fluxes have also been calculated and compared with observed fluxes. At Earth, electrons of energy ≤200 eV may be put on strong diffusion at L = 10. At lower L values, observed ECH wave amplitudes are insufficient to put electrons on strong diffusion. At Jupiter, electrons can be put on strong diffusion at all L values. However, the energy of electrons which may be put on strong diffusion decreases from about 1 keV at L = 7 to ~100 eV at L = 17. It is concluded that ECH waves may be partly responsible for diffuse auroral precipitation of low energy electrons at Jupiter for lower L values. At Earth contribution of ECH waves to diffuse aurora is quite small.  相似文献   

It is shown that the Earth is a natural collector of extraterrestrial nonsterile artefacts that could impact our planet. Artefacts from 1.2 × 106 nearby stars could have reached the Earth over its history, and could be agents for spontaneous interstellar panspermia, even if alien civilizations pollute space only at the current terrestrial rate.  相似文献   

A star will become brighter and brighter with stellar evolution, and the distance of its habitable zone will become larger and larger. Some planets outside the habitable zone of a host star during the main sequence phase may enter the habitable zone of the host star during other evolutionary phases. A terrestrial planet within the habitable zone of its host star is generally thought to be suitable for the existence of life. Furthermore, a rocky moon around a giant planet may be also suitable for life to survive, provided that the planet–moon system is within the habitable zone of its host star. Using Eggleton’s code and the boundary flux of the habitable zone, we calculate the habitable zone of our Solar system after the main sequence phase. It is found that Mars’ orbit and Jupiter’s orbit will enter the habitable zone of the Solar system during the subgiant branch phase and the red giant branch phase, respectively. And the orbit of Saturn will enter the habitable zone of Solar during the He-burning phase for about 137 million years. Life is unlikely at any time on Saturn, as it is a giant gaseous planet. However, Titan, the rocky moon of Saturn, may be suitable for biological evolution and become another Earth during that time. For low-mass stars, there are similar habitable zones during the He-burning phase as our Solar, because there are similar core masses and luminosities for these stars during that phase.  相似文献   

The data obtained for the heights of the relief and the external gravitational field of Venus for spherical harmonics with degree and order up to 18 allow one to start theoretical analysis of the crust-mantle boundary (Venusian Moho) and stress state of the planetary interior. We suppose that Venusian convection is confined by floating massive crust. Apparently the convection in the upper mantle of Venus is separated from that one in the lower mantle and its lateral scale must be essentially smaller than on Earth. So, the convection is reflected to a larger degree of the gravitational field of the planet than for Earth. The spherical harmonic expansion of the topography for Venus correlates with corresponding expansion of the non-equilibrium part of the gravitational potential for n = 3–18. At the same time the relief of Venus is significantly compensated. It is reasonable to suppose that the gravity field for these harmonics is due to crustal thickness variations and, probably, to variations of crustal density. Thus, in the proposed scheme the Moho's relief causes the partial isostatic compensation of the topography.All calculations are carried out for the series of realistic models of Venus taking into consideration an asthenosphere. The asthenosphere is modeled either by a weakened (shear modulus is reduced), or by a liquid inviscid layer. We also suppose that the asthenosphere extends from the base of crust to a depth of 418 km, and the density contrast across the Moho boundary is –0.4 g * cm–3. If the actual density contrast across the Moho is less than the supposed one by some factor, then one must increase the amplitudes of the roots and inverse roots by the same factor. The results for the Moho's relief and stresses in the crust are presented for the case of the mean thickness of the crust of 50 km, which satisfies the probable upper (connected with phase transitions in waterless basalts) and lower (appearing in the framework of our interpretation) limits.On the whole, the crust-mantle boundary on Venus is evidently smooth, and the stress level in the crust is appreciably smaller than the crustal stresses on the Earth. The strong sensitivity of the stresses character to the parameters of the model of external layers of Venus together with geological data allow us to begin a preliminary investigation of the tectonical structure and geodynamics of the planet.'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci. Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence), Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

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