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This paper concerns efficient uncertainty quantification techniques in inverse problems for Richards’ equation which use coarse-scale simulation models. We consider the problem of determining saturated hydraulic conductivity fields conditioned to some integrated response. We use a stochastic parameterization of the saturated hydraulic conductivity and sample using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods (MCMC). The main advantage of the method presented in this paper is the use of multiscale methods within an MCMC method based on Langevin diffusion. Additionally, we discuss techniques to combine multiscale methods with stochastic solution techniques, specifically sparse grid collocation methods. We show that the proposed algorithms dramatically reduce the computational cost associated with traditional Langevin MCMC methods while providing similar sampling performance.  相似文献   

Uncertainty plagues every effort to model subsurface processes and every decision made on the basis of such models. Given this pervasive uncertainty, virtually all practical problems in hydrogeology can be formulated in terms of (ecologic, monetary, health, regulatory, etc.) risk. This review deals with hydrogeologic applications of recent advances in uncertainty quantification, probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), and decision-making under uncertainty. The subjects discussed include probabilistic analyses of exposure pathways, PRAs based on fault tree analyses and other systems-based approaches, PDF (probability density functions) methods for propagating parametric uncertainty through a modeling process, computational tools (e.g., random domain decompositions and transition probability based approaches) for quantification of geologic uncertainty, Bayesian algorithms for quantification of model (structural) uncertainty, and computational methods for decision-making under uncertainty (stochastic optimization and decision theory). The review is concluded with a brief discussion of ways to communicate results of uncertainty quantification and risk assessment.  相似文献   

Interpolation techniques for spatial data have been applied frequently in various fields of geosciences. Although most conventional interpolation methods assume that it is sufficient to use first- and second-order statistics to characterize random fields, researchers have now realized that these methods cannot always provide reliable interpolation results, since geological and environmental phenomena tend to be very complex, presenting non-Gaussian distribution and/or non-linear inter-variable relationship. This paper proposes a new approach to the interpolation of spatial data, which can be applied with great flexibility. Suitable cross-variable higher-order spatial statistics are developed to measure the spatial relationship between the random variable at an unsampled location and those in its neighbourhood. Given the computed cross-variable higher-order spatial statistics, the conditional probability density function is approximated via polynomial expansions, which is then utilized to determine the interpolated value at the unsampled location as an expectation. In addition, the uncertainty associated with the interpolation is quantified by constructing prediction intervals of interpolated values. The proposed method is applied to a mineral deposit dataset, and the results demonstrate that it outperforms kriging methods in uncertainty quantification. The introduction of the cross-variable higher-order spatial statistics noticeably improves the quality of the interpolation since it enriches the information that can be extracted from the observed data, and this benefit is substantial when working with data that are sparse or have non-trivial dependence structures.  相似文献   

In studies involving environmental risk assessment, Gaussian random field generators are often used to yield realizations of a Gaussian random field, and then realizations of the non-Gaussian target random field are obtained by an inverse-normal transformation. Such simulation process requires a set of observed data for estimation of the empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) and covariance function of the random field under investigation. However, if realizations of a non-Gaussian random field with specific probability density and covariance function are needed, such observed-data-based simulation process will not work when no observed data are available. In this paper we present details of a gamma random field simulation approach which does not require a set of observed data. A key element of the approach lies on the theoretical relationship between the covariance functions of a gamma random field and its corresponding standard normal random field. Through a set of devised simulation scenarios, the proposed technique is shown to be capable of generating realizations of the given gamma random fields.  相似文献   

Uncertainties in structure properties can result in different responses in hybrid simulations. Quantification of the effect of these uncertainties would enable researchers to estimate the variances of structural responses observed from experiments. This poses challenges for real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) due to the existence of actuator delay. Polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) projects the model outputs on a basis of orthogonal stochastic polynomials to account for influences of model uncertainties. In this paper, PCE is utilized to evaluate effect of actuator delay on the maximum displacement from real-time hybrid simulation of a single degree of freedom (SDOF) structure when accounting for uncertainties in structural properties. The PCE is first applied for RTHS without delay to determine the order of PCE, the number of sample points as well as the method for coefficients calculation. The PCE is then applied to RTHS with actuator delay. The mean, variance and Sobol indices are compared and discussed to evaluate the effects of actuator delay on uncertainty quantification for RTHS. Results show that the mean and the variance of the maximum displacement increase linearly and exponentially with respect to actuator delay, respectively. Sensitivity analysis through Sobol indices also indicates the influence of the single random variable decreases while the coupling effect increases with the increase of actuator delay.  相似文献   

Simulation of multigaussian stochastic fields can be made after a Karhunen-Loéve expansion of a given covariance function. This method is also called simulation by Empirical Orthogonal Functions. The simulations are made by drawing stochastic coefficients from a random generator. These numbers are multiplied with eigenfunctions and eigenvalues derived from the predefined covariance model. The number of eigenfunctions necessary to reproduce the stochastic process within a predefined variance error, turns out to be a cardinal question. Some ordinary analytical covariance functions are used to evaluate how quickly the series of eigenfunctions can be truncated. This analysis demonstrates extremely quick convergence to 99.5% of total variance for the 2nd order exponential (‘gaussian’) covariance function, while the opposite is true for the 1st order exponential covariance function. Due to these convergence characteristics, the Karhunen-Loéve method is most suitable for simulating smooth fields with ‘gaussian’ shaped covariance functions. Practical applications of Karhunen-Loéve simulations can be improved by spatial interpolation of the eigenfunctions. In this paper, we suggest interpolation by kriging and limits for reproduction of the predefined covariance functions are evaluated.  相似文献   

Simulation of multigaussian stochastic fields can be made after a Karhunen-Loéve expansion of a given covariance function. This method is also called simulation by Empirical Orthogonal Functions. The simulations are made by drawing stochastic coefficients from a random generator. These numbers are multiplied with eigenfunctions and eigenvalues derived from the predefined covariance model. The number of eigenfunctions necessary to reproduce the stochastic process within a predefined variance error, turns out to be a cardinal question. Some ordinary analytical covariance functions are used to evaluate how quickly the series of eigenfunctions can be truncated. This analysis demonstrates extremely quick convergence to 99.5% of total variance for the 2nd order exponential (‘gaussian’) covariance function, while the opposite is true for the 1st order exponential covariance function. Due to these convergence characteristics, the Karhunen-Loéve method is most suitable for simulating smooth fields with ‘gaussian’ shaped covariance functions. Practical applications of Karhunen-Loéve simulations can be improved by spatial interpolation of the eigenfunctions. In this paper, we suggest interpolation by kriging and limits for reproduction of the predefined covariance functions are evaluated.  相似文献   

Seismic risk assessment requires adoption of appropriate models for the earthquake hazard, the structural system and for its performance, and quantification of the uncertainties involved in these models through appropriate probability distributions. Characterization of the seismic hazard comprises undoubtedly the most critical component of this process, the one associated with the largest amount of uncertainty. For applications involving dynamic analysis this hazard is frequently characterized through stochastic ground motion models. This paper discusses a novel, global sensitivity analysis for the seismic risk with emphasis on such a stochastic ground motion modeling. This analysis aims to identify the overall (i.e. global) importance of each of the uncertain model parameters, or of groups of them, towards the total risk. The methodology is based on definition of an auxiliary density (distribution) function, proportional to the integrand of the integral quantifying seismic risk, and on comparison of this density to the initial probability distribution for the model parameters of interest. Uncertainty in the rest of the model parameters is explicitly addressed through integration of their joint auxiliary distribution to calculate the corresponding marginal distributions. The relative information entropy is used to quantify the difference between the compared density functions and an efficient approach based on stochastic sampling is introduced for estimating this entropy for all quantities of interest. The framework is illustrated in an example that adopts a source-based stochastic ground motion model, and valuable insight is provided for its implementation within structural engineering applications.  相似文献   

Simulating fields of categorical geospatial variables from samples is crucial for many purposes, such as spatial uncertainty assessment of natural resources distributions. However, effectively simulating complex categorical variables (i.e., multinomial classes) is difficult because of their nonlinearity and complex interclass relationships. The existing pure Markov chain approach for simulating multinomial classes has an apparent deficiency—underestimation of small classes, which largely impacts the usefulness of the approach. The Markov chain random field (MCRF) theory recently proposed supports theoretically sound multi-dimensional Markov chain models. This paper conducts a comparative study between a MCRF model and the previous Markov chain model for simulating multinomial classes to demonstrate that the MCRF model effectively solves the small-class underestimation problem. Simulated results show that the MCRF model fairly produces all classes, generates simulated patterns imitative of the original, and effectively reproduces input transiograms in realizations. Occurrence probability maps are estimated to visualize the spatial uncertainty associated with each class and the optimal prediction map. It is concluded that the MCRF model provides a practically efficient estimator for simulating multinomial classes from grid samples.  相似文献   

We present a derivation of a stochastic model of Navier Stokes equations that relies on a decomposition of the velocity fields into a differentiable drift component and a time uncorrelated uncertainty random term. This type of decomposition is reminiscent in spirit to the classical Reynolds decomposition. However, the random velocity fluctuations considered here are not differentiable with respect to time, and they must be handled through stochastic calculus. The dynamics associated with the differentiable drift component is derived from a stochastic version of the Reynolds transport theorem. It includes in its general form an uncertainty dependent subgrid bulk formula that cannot be immediately related to the usual Boussinesq eddy viscosity assumption constructed from thermal molecular agitation analogy. This formulation, emerging from uncertainties on the fluid parcels location, explains with another viewpoint some subgrid eddy diffusion models currently used in computational fluid dynamics or in geophysical sciences and paves the way for new large-scales flow modeling. We finally describe an applications of our formalism to the derivation of stochastic versions of the Shallow water equations or to the definition of reduced order dynamical systems.  相似文献   

We present theoretical tools from statistical physics for the calculation of non-Gaussian moments. In particular, we focus on the variational approximation and the cumulant expansion. These methods enable approximate but explicit moment calculations with non-Gaussian probability density functions (pdfs). Their use is illustrated by calculating the variance and the excess kurtosis for a univariate non-Gaussian pdf. We comment on the potential application of these methods in estimating the parameters of the recently proposed Spartan spatial random fields.  相似文献   

This paper presents an algorithm for simulating Gaussian random fields with zero mean and non-stationary covariance functions. The simulated field is obtained as a weighted sum of cosine waves with random frequencies and random phases, with weights that depend on the location-specific spectral density associated with the target non-stationary covariance. The applicability and accuracy of the algorithm are illustrated through synthetic examples, in which scalar and vector random fields with non-stationary Gaussian, exponential, Matérn or compactly-supported covariance models are simulated.  相似文献   

The random function is a mathematical model commonly used in the assessment of uncertainty associated with a spatially correlated attribute that has been partially sampled. There are multiple algorithms for modeling such random functions, all sharing the requirement of specifying various parameters that have critical influence on the results. The importance of finding ways to compare the methods and setting parameters to obtain results that better model uncertainty has increased as these algorithms have grown in number and complexity. Crossvalidation has been used in spatial statistics, mostly in kriging, for the analysis of mean square errors. An appeal of this approach is its ability to work with the same empirical sample available for running the algorithms. This paper goes beyond checking estimates by formulating a function sensitive to conditional bias. Under ideal conditions, such function turns into a straight line, which can be used as a reference for preparing measures of performance. Applied to kriging, deviations from the ideal line provide sensitivity to the semivariogram lacking in crossvalidation of kriging errors and are more sensitive to conditional bias than analyses of errors. In terms of stochastic simulation, in addition to finding better parameters, the deviations allow comparison of the realizations resulting from the applications of different methods. Examples show improvements of about 30% in the deviations and approximately 10% in the square root of mean square errors between reasonable starting modelling and the solutions according to the new criteria.  相似文献   

Stochastic modelling is a useful way of simulating complex hard-rock aquifers as hydrological properties (permeability, porosity etc.) can be described using random variables with known statistics. However, very few studies have assessed the influence of topological uncertainty (i.e. the variability of thickness of conductive zones in the aquifer), probably because it is not easy to retrieve accurate statistics of the aquifer geometry, especially in hard rock context. In this paper, we assessed the potential of using geophysical surveys to describe the geometry of a hard rock-aquifer in a stochastic modelling framework.The study site was a small experimental watershed in South India, where the aquifer consisted of a clayey to loamy–sandy zone (regolith) underlain by a conductive fissured rock layer (protolith) and the unweathered gneiss (bedrock) at the bottom. The spatial variability of the thickness of the regolith and fissured layers was estimated by electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) profiles, which were performed along a few cross sections in the watershed. For stochastic analysis using Monte Carlo simulation, the generated random layer thickness was made conditional to the available data from the geophysics. In order to simulate steady state flow in the irregular domain with variable geometry, we used an isoparametric finite element method to discretize the flow equation over an unstructured grid with irregular hexahedral elements.The results indicated that the spatial variability of the layer thickness had a significant effect on reducing the simulated effective steady seepage flux and that using the conditional simulations reduced the uncertainty of the simulated seepage flux.As a conclusion, combining information on the aquifer geometry obtained from geophysical surveys with stochastic modelling is a promising methodology to improve the simulation of groundwater flow in complex hard-rock aquifers.  相似文献   

Artificial neural network (ANN) has been demonstrated to be a promising modelling tool for the improved prediction/forecasting of hydrological variables. However, the quantification of uncertainty in ANN is a major issue, as high uncertainty would hinder the reliable application of these models. While several sources have been ascribed, the quantification of input uncertainty in ANN has received little attention. The reason is that each measured input quantity is likely to vary uniquely, which prevents quantification of a reliable prediction uncertainty. In this paper, an optimization method, which integrates probabilistic and ensemble simulation approaches, is proposed for the quantification of input uncertainty of ANN models. The proposed approach is demonstrated through rainfall-runoff modelling for the Leaf River watershed, USA. The results suggest that ignoring explicit quantification of input uncertainty leads to under/over estimation of model prediction uncertainty. It also facilitates identification of appropriate model parameters for better characterizing the hydrological processes.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a stochastic model reduction method for efficiently solving nonlinear unconfined flow problems in heterogeneous random porous media. The input random fields of flow model are parameterized in a stochastic space for simulation. This often results in high stochastic dimensionality due to small correlation length of the covariance functions of the input fields. To efficiently treat the high-dimensional stochastic problem, we extend a recently proposed hybrid high-dimensional model representation (HDMR) technique to high-dimensional problems with multiple random input fields and integrate it with a sparse grid stochastic collocation method (SGSCM). Hybrid HDMR can decompose the high-dimensional model into a moderate M-dimensional model and a few one-dimensional models. The moderate dimensional model only depends on the most M important random dimensions, which are identified from the full stochastic space by sensitivity analysis. To extend the hybrid HDMR, we consider two different criteria for sensitivity test. Each of the derived low-dimensional stochastic models is solved by the SGSCM. This leads to a set of uncoupled deterministic problems at the collocation points, which can be solved by a deterministic solver. To demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed method, a few numerical experiments are carried out for the unconfined flow problems in heterogeneous porous media with different correlation lengths. The results show that a good trade-off between computational complexity and approximation accuracy can be achieved for stochastic unconfined flow problems by selecting a suitable number of the most important dimensions in the M-dimensional model of hybrid HDMR.  相似文献   

Due to the fast pace increasing availability and diversity of information sources in environmental sciences, there is a real need of sound statistical mapping techniques for using them jointly inside a unique theoretical framework. As these information sources may vary both with respect to their nature (continuous vs. categorical or qualitative), their spatial density as well as their intrinsic quality (soft vs. hard data), the design of such techniques is a challenging issue. In this paper, an efficient method for combining spatially non-exhaustive categorical and continuous data in a mapping context is proposed, based on the Bayesian maximum entropy paradigm. This approach relies first on the definition of a mixed random field, that can account for a stochastic link between categorical and continuous random fields through the use of a cross-covariance function. When incorporating general knowledge about the first- and second-order moments of these fields, it is shown that, under mild hypotheses, their joint distribution can be expressed as a mixture of conditional Gaussian prior distributions, with parameters estimation that can be obtained from entropy maximization. A posterior distribution that incorporates the various (soft or hard) continuous and categorical data at hand can then be obtained by a straightforward conditionalization step. The use and potential of the method is illustrated by the way of a simulated case study. A comparison with few common geostatistical methods in some limit cases also emphasizes their similarities and differences, both from the theoretical and practical viewpoints. As expected, adding categorical information may significantly improve the spatial prediction of a continuous variable, making this approach powerful and very promising.  相似文献   

Ground water model calibration using pilot points and regularization   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Doherty J 《Ground water》2003,41(2):170-177
Use of nonlinear parameter estimation techniques is now commonplace in ground water model calibration. However, there is still ample room for further development of these techniques in order to enable them to extract more information from calibration datasets, to more thoroughly explore the uncertainty associated with model predictions, and to make them easier to implement in various modeling contexts. This paper describes the use of "pilot points" as a methodology for spatial hydraulic property characterization. When used in conjunction with nonlinear parameter estimation software that incorporates advanced regularization functionality (such as PEST), use of pilot points can add a great deal of flexibility to the calibration process at the same time as it makes this process easier to implement. Pilot points can be used either as a substitute for zones of piecewise parameter uniformity, or in conjunction with such zones. In either case, they allow the disposition of areas of high and low hydraulic property value to be inferred through the calibration process, without the need for the modeler to guess the geometry of such areas prior to estimating the parameters that pertain to them. Pilot points and regularization can also be used as an adjunct to geostatistically based stochastic parameterization methods. Using the techniques described herein, a series of hydraulic property fields can be generated, all of which recognize the stochastic characterization of an area at the same time that they satisfy the constraints imposed on hydraulic property values by the need to ensure that model outputs match field measurements. Model predictions can then be made using all of these fields as a mechanism for exploring predictive uncertainty.  相似文献   

分形技术根据物体的局部自相似特征,突破了以往只能生成较规则图形的局限性,能够利用较少的描述性语句构造出复杂的非规则图形,如树木,河流和地震裂隙等。地震断层的破裂结构具有复杂性与随机性,然而在破裂过程中,总体形态蕴涵着分形的性质,该文研究基于L系统的三维结构建模方法,用以模拟地震断层的破裂。本文通过对地震数据的采集,从整体几何结构出发,并考虑地震断层破裂的规律和岩石的各向异性,提出基于几何可观察性的三维地震断层破裂的L系统构造模型,最后基于OpenGL图形库,实现裂隙的三维可视化仿真。  相似文献   

Models under location uncertainty are derived assuming that a component of the velocity is uncorrelated in time. The material derivative is accordingly modified to include an advection correction, inhomogeneous and anisotropic diffusion terms and a multiplicative noise contribution. In this paper, simplified geophysical dynamics are derived from a Boussinesq model under location uncertainty. Invoking usual scaling approximations and a moderate influence of the subgrid terms, stochastic formulations are obtained for the stratified Quasi-Geostrophy and the Surface Quasi-Geostrophy models. Based on numerical simulations, benefits of the proposed stochastic formalism are demonstrated. A single realization of models under location uncertainty can restore small-scale structures. An ensemble of realizations further helps to assess model error prediction and outperforms perturbed deterministic models by one order of magnitude. Such a high uncertainty quantification skill is of primary interests for assimilation ensemble methods. MATLAB® code examples are available online.  相似文献   

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