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Aspects of communities and events in the concentrating ponds (S.G. 1.130 to 1.214) and salt crystallizing ponds (S.G. 1.215 to 1.264) of solar saltworks pertinent to salt manufacture are described. Communities that aid salt manufacture enable continuous and efficient production of high quality salt at a saltworks' design capacity, and they provide important controls on levels of organic matter in the brine. Fluctuating salinities, high concentrations of nutrients, and petroleum products are disturbances that causeAphanothece halophytica andDunaliella salina to release excessive quantities of organic matter, and that suppress or cause death to nutrient stripping organisms. Disturbances result in decreased quality and quantity of salt and increased costs for salt harvest, washing, and pond upkeep. Organic matter can be controlled by management techniques that keep nutrient stripping communities at proper levels and maintain a narrow and unchanging range of salinities in each pond, by constructing pond dikes able to withstand wind and water erosion, and by preventing spills of petroleum products in the ponds.  相似文献   

Ecological studies onArtemia are still sparse, particularly in the Mediterranean area. The paper provides information on the main life-history traits of a bisexualArtemia strain in solar saltworks at Sant'Antioco, in the Province of Cagliari (southern Sardinia, Italy). Data on age class composition, reproductive mode and status, fecundity and other features are discussed in relation to environmental conditions and compared with previous studies.  相似文献   

Cysts of two parthenogeneticArtemia strains from the Kalloni and Polychnitos saltworks on Lesbos Island were evaluated for their potential use in aquaculture. The characterizations performed were: cyst and naupliar biometrics, cyst hatching characteristics, and fatty acid profile of instar-I nauplii. Deactivation of diapause after treatment with H2O2 and/or decapsulation were applied in order to improve cyst hatchability. The evaluation revealed that the strains studied exhibit acceptable hatching characteristics for parthenogeneticArtemia and that the fatty acid profile of the Kalloni strain is excellent for use in culturing marine fishes and crustaceans. Statistical analyses on cyst and naupliar biometrics showed that the two populations characterized are almost identical and very similar to other Greek parthenogenetic strains.  相似文献   

So far,Artemia populations in solar saltponds of southern France have been considered as belonging to the Old World parthenogenetic strain. However, two populations sampled monthly in abandoned salinas of Sète-Villeroy and Villeneuve appear to be bisexual throughout their life-cycle. Their sex ratio regularly fluctuates near equilibrium, and mating, present throughout life, is very common in early winter. Morphological characteristics, particularly the male frontal knobs structure, are discussed in relation to the diploid bisexual Mediterranean strain,Artemia tunisiana, which is distributed around the Mediterranean basin. The existence of sexual populations is discussed in regard to variation in environmental conditions in abandoned salinas.  相似文献   

The hydrobiology of two Indian solar salt works was investigated. A salient feature was variability in physico-chemical and biological characteristics. The filamentous cyanophyceansLyngbya majuscula andOscillatoria salina and the chlorophyceanXenococcus aceervatus were the major primary producers. Significant fauna were protozoans, rotifers and copepods.Artemia was present in only one set of solar salt pans, where it was dominant. The study illustrates the importance ofArtemia in the biological management of solar salt works. This paper is dedicated to Thiru. K. Ayyaru Vandayar, Member, Governing body, A.V.V.M. Sri Pshpam College (Autonomous), Poondi, on his sixtieth birthday  相似文献   

A study at the Penrice Soda Products Saltfields revealed that a “weed” blocking siphons in the lower salinity end of the fields was a bryozoan,Zoobotryon verticillatum (della Chiaje). Further observations showed that this bryozoan grows from early October to mid June, dying off for 3 months during winter, and that it was commonly found in salinities of up to 56 grams per litre.  相似文献   

Of the many microorganisms present in the hypersline environment of the saltfield studied, the cyanobacteriumSynechococcus was found to be the major producer of polysaccharide slime. When dissolved in the brine, this slime caused elevated brine viscosities which impaired the quality of the salt crystallised from such brine.Synechococcus was present in benthic microbial mats throughout the 6 concentrating ponds of the saltfield, but it dominated in the ponds where brine density was above 1.10 g cm–3, corresponding to the saturation density of gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O). At such density,Synechococcus was always associated with copious amounts of slime. At lower density, the nature of the substratum over which the mat was growing affected the slime content and productivity of the mat, presumably relatively to its ability to supply nutrients to the mat. Under laboratory conditions, the addition of gypsum stimulated the growth ofSynechococcus in the presence of excess phosphate (>15 mg L–1 PO4-P). Slime production however was not stimulated by high salinity, addition of (CaSO4·2H2O), NaSO4 or nitrate deficiency. Only as cultures entered a stationary phase of growth did slime production increase. It was concluded that a nutrient limitation was probably responsible for the activation of extracellular polysaccharide production, possibly as a means of disposing of excess photosynthetically fixed carbon.  相似文献   

Amarga Lagoon, lat. 50°29 S and long. 73°45 S, it is located at the Torres del Paine National Park, Chile. The physical, chemical, and biological features of the lake were studied. According to salinity, the lake is mesosaline. Sodium and chloride were the dominant ions. Nitrogen was potentially limiting for phytoplankton growth. One Cyanophyceae species andArtemia were the predominant species in the plankton.Artemia provided abundant food for flamingoes.  相似文献   

Lake Hayward, Western Australia, is a pristine, monomictic coastal lake with a residual brine (depth=1.5 m) of 200 gL−1: stratification in winter (May to October) followed the input of ground water and rain. The epilimnion had temperature ranges of 10–30°C, and salinity from 65–110 g L−1. Maximum depth in winter was 2.4 m. The population structure of the brine shrimpArtemia parthenogenetica, the dominant metazoan grazer in Lake Hayward, was studied from September, 1989, to February, 1991. The L. Hayward population ofA. parthenogenetica is predominantly ovoviviparous with little recruitment into the adult population. Cyst production occurs in summer, and there was evidence for recruitment from cyst hatching in the winters of 1989 and 1990. Nauplii were continuously present throughout the study period. Nevertheless, recruitment through to adult stages as defined by the presence of gravid females occurred only twice: in October–December, 1989 and in December, 1990. Based on limited observations of long-term survival of laboratory cultures, we believe that the major mechanism controlling nauplius survival and recruitment ofArtemia in Lake Hayward is food quality and quantity.  相似文献   

Primary production in Lake Hayward, Western Australia, is dominated by benthic microbial communities, with limited planktonic primary production. This study investigated the question of howArtemia, commonly regarded as simple, obligate, non-selective filter feeders, were able to survive in this system. Bacteria (heterotrophic and autotrophic, filamentous and unicellular) were the major components in the diet of theArtemia in Lake Hayward. These bacteria were derived from bacterial aggregates in the water column and also from benthic mat material (both still attached to the substrate and from pieces floating in the water column). Benthic diatoms were a substantial dietary component of animals living in the unstratified shallow regions. Photosynthetic eukaryotic nanoplankton comprised a minor component of the diet of thisArtemia population. Gut contents of a large number of animals and the results of a simple laboratory test indicated that these animals utilise substrate-bound food resources. The results of the present study raises the question of the ecological significance of surface grazing by brine shrimps in other shallow, benthos dominated saline systems.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of sulphonamide pollution in marine and brackish systems, and to assess the utility of a recently proposed test protocol, sulphadimethoxine toxicity was measured using naupli and cysts of anArtemia species. Nauplii mortality, evaluated between 24 and 96 h, indicated a relatively high toxicity of sulphadimethoxine toArtemia (96 h LC50= 19.5 mg L−1). In addition, test on cysts demonstrated that a nominal concentration of 300 mg L−1 sulphadimethoxine significantly depressed hatching. Toxicity could depend on the high bioaccumulation rate of sulphadimethoxine measured in the organisms. The role of these tests in assessing the environmental risks of intensive farming and in determining suitable standards to improve water quality criteria is discussed together with the possible utilization of bioaccumulatingArtemia as ‘medicated feed’.  相似文献   

San Jose lagoon is a hypersaline body of water located in Mexico in the Baja California Peninsula. The lagoon belongs to a system that lies between the fault ridge known as San Jose Creek. Because of its marine origin, it can be considered as thalassohaline, but its isolation from the ocean has brought about changes in its salt composition. It has an area of 13,500 m2, a mean depth of 80 cm and a total volume of 10,000 m3. It does not desiccate and can be considered as a permanent lagoon. Seasonal variations are small. TheArtemia population in San Jose produces cysts all year. To determine the physico-chemical conditions inducing permanent production of cysts, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pH of the lagoon were monitored, as well as relative humidity and wind conditions in the region in different seasons of the year. From spring to summer, differences of 1 mg L–1 of O2, 1°C in water temperature, and 8 g L–1 in salinity were observed, and from summer to winter differences of 3.3 mg L–1, 6.5°C, and 14 g L–1, respectively. Despite small seasonal variations, the lagoon exhibits strong spatial and daily changes that are important for cyst production.  相似文献   

We quantified soil nutrients and biological crust cover (bryophytes and lichens) under the canopies of three species of Mojave Desert shrubs and in interspaces between shrubs at three elevations to determine the effects of shrub species, soil crust, and elevation on islands of soil fertility. Means of pH, organic matter, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrogen mineralization, and gravimetric soil moisture are significantly greater in soils under Ambrosia dumosa (Gray) Payne, Larrea tridentata Cov., and Coleogyne ramosissima Torr. than soils from adjacent interspace microhabitats. Although soil moisture and soil organic matter increase by a factor of 1.5 from the low elevation to the high elevation site, the ratio of shrub to interspace concentrations, or the difference in mean soil variables between shrubs and interspaces, is effectively constant and independent of elevation. Total bryophyte and lichen cover is relatively low (24.5%), however, there are 11 species of bryophytes and two species of lichens distributed across three elevations with the highest species richness and cover at the low-elevation site. Bryophyte and lichen cover is correlated with silt but is not related, consistently, to soil nutrients. Overall, the balance of processes controlling spatial aggregation of soil nutrients under shrubs is remarkably insensitive to potential differences in organic inputs among elevations, shrub species, and soil crust surfaces.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic changes in the remains of Bosmina longirostris from a lake with an introduced sockeye salmon population and a lake with a natural salmon run on Kodiak Island demonstrated markedly different responses to past fluctuations in salmon populations. In both lakes, there was a positive correlation between the density of Bosmina microfossils and the abundance of sockeye salmon. However, opposite size trends were observed in the two lakes. In Karluk Lake, which has a native sockeye salmon population, Bosmina mean carapace lengths were largest at high salmon densities, and mean mucro and antennule lengths were also large, suggesting strong predation pressure from cyclopoid copepods, and less intense pressure from juvenile sockeye salmon. As salmon-derived nutrients are important in driving primary productivity in this system, changes in zooplankton productivity track salmon escapement, but grazing pressure on Bosmina from juvenile salmon is less important than that from cyclopoid copepods. In Frazer Lake, a lake with an introduced salmon population, Bosmina morphologies were smallest during periods of high sockeye salmon in the lake, suggesting much stronger predation effects from sockeye salmon due to the suppression of Cyclops columbianus. Latent development of compensatory mechanisms and the delayed recovery of copepod populations to salmon introductions has resulted in zooplankton populations that are still recovering from shifts in fish populations that occurred decades earlier. The differential response of Bosmina populations between the natural and manipulated lakes suggests that care must be taken when attempting to extrapolate results from whole-lake manipulations and short-term experiments to natural systems.  相似文献   

The natural abundance15N/14N method was used to estimate the influence of silvicultural and P fertilization treatments on N accretion, N2fixation and N partitioning among tissues in a mature mesquiteProsopis glandulosavar.glandulosastand in Texas. The silvicultural treatments consisted of understory removal, herbicide treatment of brushy resprouts, thinning trees to single stems and 100 kg ha−1P fertilization. The trees had a mean basal diameter of 17·8 cm with 8 to 35 cm range. The stand was slow growing with the increase in dry matter ranging from 0·465 Mg ha−1year−1to 0·701 Mg ha−1year−1for the 8 years after the treatments were applied. N accretion after 8 years ranged from 3·1 kg ha−1year−1to 4·4 kg ha−1year−1.Due to the range in δ15N of the leaves, twigs, branches and trunk, we used the weighted (by biomass) average δ15N per tree in calculations of the percent N derived from N2fixation (%Ndfa). There was considerable variability in δ15N of the reference plants, i.e. from 3·3 to 5·9. In contrast there was low variability in the background δ15N of nearby soils (7·0±1·0). As the total above-ground biomass δ15N of a grass grown outside the influence of mesquite (7·8±0·58) had the same δ15N as the soil (7·5±1·0), we used the grass outside the influence of mesquite and the weighted tree mean δ15N to calculate % of N derived from N2fixation.The decrease in intraspecific competition by thinning multistemed trees to single stemmed trees was the only treatment that significantly (p= 0·0001) increased growth. Interspecific competition, i.e. understory removal, did not increase growth. There were no significant differences in total N production or N fixation among treatment means. The most striking result was the highly positive correlation between tree δ15N and total N per tree and biomass per tree (R2= 0·90,F= 164·4, df. = 18, mean square error (MSE) = 0·155,p= 0·0001). This implies that the younger trees colonizing infertile soils relied more heavily on N2fixation than larger trees which accumulated 1200 kg ha−1more N under their canopies. The percentage N derived from N2fixation ranged from 63 to 73% in the various treatments. Despite the high percentage of N derived from N2fixation, the N2fixation of the stand was very low, i.e. 1·98 to 2·80 kg N ha−1year−1, due to the low growth of the stand. We believe that comparisons of the whole tree weighted δ15N to background soil δ15N provides a more reasonable approach to estimate % N2fixation than comparisons of leaves of fixers and reference plants.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of plant cover, carrying capacity and diversity in areas of Monte vegetation at the Biosphere Reserve of Ñacuñán, Mendoza, Argentina, in 1982, 1984 and 1995. Treatments applied in 1981 were: control (untreated plots), selective hand-cutting, roller-chopping, and root-plowing. By 1995, woody cover was lower in root-plowed plots (27%) than in the others treatments (41–51%), and herbaceous cover was similar in treated (28–39%) and untreated areas (26%). Carrying capacity of treated areas (6–8 ha per Large Stock Unit (LSU)) was higher than in the control areas (12 ha LSU−1). Woody species diversity, quantified by the Shannon index, for both areas was similar in the study period (0·62), except in root-plowed sites in 1982 (0·0) and 1995 (1·3). Herbaceous species diversity was similar on treated (0·81) and untreated sites (1·2) in 1995. We could recommend less drastic treatments to improve carrying capacity.  相似文献   

In a previous paper we attempted to assess the contribution of red bacteria of theHalobacterium — Haloferax — Haloarcula group and of the -carotene-rich green algaDunaliella salina to the red colour of saltern crystallizer ponds. By means of light absorption measurements, we showed that bacterioruberin contained in the bacteria was mainly responsible for the colour of the brines, in spite of the fact that -carotene derived fromDunaliella was the pigment present in the greatest amount. This apparent discrepancy was explained by the very smallin vivo optical cross-section of -carotene, which is densely packed in globules inside theD. salina cells. We recently observed that the centrifugation technique used in the previous study to collect biomass from the ponds was unsuitable for this type of measurements, as a substantial part of theDunaliella cells present did not sediment upon centrifugation due to the low specific gravity caused by the high -carotene content. Therefore similar measurements were performed with biomass collected by filtration. Again,in vivo absorption spectra were dominated by the absorption peaks of bacterioruberin. The results reported here show that, in spite of the methodological problem associated with the earlier study, all views and conclusions expressed in our earlier paper retain their validity.  相似文献   

Responses of herbaceous and suffrutescent species to fire, grazing, and presence of Prosopis glandulosa were examined in a Chihuahuan desert grassland in south-central New Mexico. Treatments were assigned randomly to eight 12×8 m plots within each of two blocks. Following fires in June 1995, unfenced plots were exposed to livestock grazing over 4 years. Plots were established that either included or excluded P. glandulosa. Perennial grass cover, primarilyBouteloua eriopoda , decreased by 13% in burned plots but increased 5% in unburned areas. Conversely, perennial forb cover was 4% greater after fire. Perennial grass frequency decreased 30% more and perennial forb frequency increased 10% more following burning. Further, increases in evenness after fire resulted in a 225% increase in species diversity. Grazing also resulted in a decrease in perennial grass cover while frequency decreased 22% more in grazed than ungrazed plots. Only frequency and not cover of perennial forbs and annual grasses increased more following grazing. Presence of P. glandulosa had no differential effect on responses of non-shrub species. Fires were conducted during near drought conditions while grazing occurred during years of precipitation equivalent to the long-term average. Precipitation immediately following fire may be critical for recovery of B. eriopoda -dominated desert grasslands; relationships between fire and post-fire precipitation patterns require future investigation.  相似文献   

Citrulus colocynthis(wild gourd) is a desert plant of the Cucurbitaceae, naturally adapted to arid environments. It was known in biblical times as a source of seed oil and its fruits were used as an efficient laxative. Accessions were collected in Israel and evaluated as a potential oil seed crop adapted to arid zones. It was found that its oil composition is similar to safflower oil, with a total of 80-85% unsaturated fatty acids. A potential yield of oil of 250-400 l ha−1was calculated. The best yield was obtained during the first 4 weeks of the 10-week maturation period. Yield potential should be estimated under desert conditions in order to evaluate the plant's economic future as a crop suitable for an arid environment.  相似文献   

A pollen sequence spanning over 4000 years was recovered from a small (0.1 ha)Sphagnum-dominated peatland in the mountains near Sukhumi, Abkhasia, West Georgia. The peatland lies atc. 1650 m a.s.l. in denseFagus-Abies forest. The pollen record reveals totally forested surroundings throughout since at least 4000 years BP (90–95% AP). It begins with a complex forest dominated byFagus with large proportions ofCastanea, Acer andUlmus. ThenCastanea became dominant whileFagus was still prominent. This might indicate a warmer climate. Later development shows a dramatic decline ofCastanea. Its pollen drops down to 3–5%. RecentlyAbies has been experiencing an exponential growth. Now it comprises over 50% of the forest composition around the peatland. These changes have possibly been caused by human influence together with climatic change. The basin started as aPotamogeton-dominated shallow lake with ferns andAlisma along the margins. Later it developed into a sedge fen and finally aSphagnum andMenyanthes poor fen with scatteredCarex limosa. The record indicates a progression towards oligotrophy.This publication is the fifth paper in a series of papers presented at the session on Past Climatic Change and the Development of Peatlands at the ASLO and SWS Meetings in Edmonton, Canada, May 30–June 3, 1993. Dr. P. Kuhry and Dr S. C. Zoltai are serving as Guest Editors.  相似文献   

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