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最近的研究表明:短γ射线暴(γ暴)的辐射特性和长γ暴的前两秒的辐射特征相似,这引发了对以前争论的问题,即:这两类暴是否是本质上相同的暴?本文主要对和γ暴谱形和光变曲线有关的两个量的分布进行了K—S检验。分析表明:这两类暴的分布是不同的,这和广为接受的两类γ暴事件产生于不同机制的观点是一致的。  相似文献   

Two dimensional distributions of T90 versus Epeak(or Ebreak)for three bright GRB samples have been investigated.The result shows that although both T90 and Epeak(or Ebreak) each span over a wide range,they are restricted to the region log(T90)≤-log(Epeak) 5.24.This cannot be explained by the current fireball model.It may represent a constraint on the fireball model.  相似文献   

When the axis of a gamma-ray burst (GRB) does not coincide with the spin axis of its source, there may result a ring-shaped jet. Using some refined jet dynamics, we calculate multi-wavelength afterglow light curves for such ring-shaped jets. In the R-band we find an obvious break in the afterglow light curve due to the beaming effect and the break is affected by many parameters, such as the electron energy fraction ξe, the magnetic energy fraction ξ2B, the width of ring A0 and the medium number density n. The overall light curve can be divided into three power-law stages, I.e., an ultra-relativistic stage, an after-break stage and a deep Newtonian stage. For each stage the power-law index is larger in the ring-shaped jet than in the corresponding conical jet.  相似文献   

采用小波分析方法对康普顿γ射线天文台(CGRO)上的BATSE仪器观测到的γ暴光变曲线数据进行去噪处理,并提出时间分辨的谱硬度比定义,用包含有599个暴的样本研究谱硬度比随时间的演化规律,结果表明:(1)样本中77%暴的谱硬度比随时间按"硬到软"规律演化,而23%暴谱硬度比随时间按"软到硬"规律演化,尤其是3%暴在整个暴中呈现单调的"软到硬"趋势。(2)平均谱硬度比随时间单调地以"硬到软"规律演化。(3)持续时间不同的暴,其谱硬度比演化曲线有较大的差异,其中"硬到软"演化趋势最显著的是持续时间在23~35s之间的那些暴;持续时间在1~10s的暴的演化特征跟其它组差异最显著,呈现比较明显的"软到硬"演化规律;持续时间在35~53s之间的暴平均谱硬度比几乎没有随时间演化。(4)不同辐射强度的暴平均谱硬度比的演化特征不同,随着峰值流量的增大,谱硬度比演化由"硬-软-硬"逐渐转变为"软-硬-软":峰值流量越大,"软-硬-软"的趋势越显著,而峰值流量越小,其峰值流量"硬-软-硬"的趋势越显著。我们对这些结果进行了简单的讨论。  相似文献   

The role of T50 in classifying gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is investigated. We take T50=0.7s as the line of division and find that some bursts belonging to the class of long bursts defined by T90≥2s now become short bursts (sample 1), while some belonging to the class of short bursts defined by T90 < 2 s now become long bursts (sample 2). We study how these sources are affected by the two methods of classification and find the change of classes of sample 1 is due to some peculiar properties of the light curves. Based on their characters, most of the bursts of sample 1 should be taken as short bursts.  相似文献   

Statistical Properties of the Highest Pulses in Gamma-Ray Bursts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the statistical properties of the highest pulses within individual gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). A wavelet package analysis technique and a developed pulse-finding algorithm have been applied to identify the highest pulses from burst profiles observed by BATSE on board CGRO from 1991 April 21 to 1999 January 26. The statistical light curves of the highest pulses in four energy channels have been derived by an aligning method, which illustrate the temporal evolution of the pulse emission. Our result that narrower pulses go with higher energies is consistent with previous findings. By normalizing both the pulse durations and counts to unity, “characteristic” profiles of the highest pulses in the four channels are also derived. The four characteristic profiles are turned out to be almost the same, thus strongly support the previous conclusion that the temporal profiles in different energy channels are self-similar and the previous conjecture on GRB pulses, implying that the emission process is similar at different energies. The cosmological time dilation effect is examined by investigating the relationship between the pulse flux and pulse duration. An anti-correlation between the two was found, which agrees with the expectation of the cosmological time dilation effect. Also, the evolution of the pulse duration with the observational epoch is studied. The result shows that the pulse duration tends to be shorter in later epochs. This trend cannot be explained by the present theoretical models, and may represent a great challenge to current theories.  相似文献   

We analyzed a sample of 66 gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and statistically confirmed the prediction on the time curve of the hardness ratio of GRBs made by Qin et al. based on the curvature effect. In their analysis, GRB pulses are divided into three types according to the shape of their raw hardness ratio (RHR) time curves, defined as to include the background counts to the signal counts, so as to make use of counts within small time intervals. Of the three types, very hard sources exhibit a perfect pulse-like profile (type 1), hard bursts possess a pulse-like profile with a dip in the decay phase (type 2), and soft bursts show no pulse-like profile but have only a dipped profile (type 3). In terms of the conventional hardness ratio, type 3 sources are indeed generally softer than those of type 1 and type 2, in agreement with the prediction. We found that the minimum value of RHR is sensitive in distinguishing the different types. We propose that GRB pulses can be classified according to the minimum value of RHR and that the different type sources may be connected with different strengths of the shock or/and the magnetic field.  相似文献   

A systematic study on the early X-ray afterglows of both optically bright and dark gamma-ray bursts (B-GRBs and D-GRBs) observed by Swift is presented. Our sample includes 25 GRBs of which 13 are B-GRBs and 12 are D-GRBs. Our results show that the distributions of the X-ray afterglow fluxes (Fx), the gamma-ray fluxes (5r), and the ratio (Rr,x.) are similar for the two kinds of GRBs, that any observed differences should be simply statistical fluctuation. These results indicate that the progenitors of the two kinds of GRBs are of the same population with comparable total energies of explosion. The suppression of optical emission in the D-GRBs should result from circumburst but not from their central engine.  相似文献   

We use the newly released Union2 SNe Ia dataset to constrain cosmographic parameters, namely the deceleration, jerk and snap parameters (q0, j0 and s0), then calibrate the five luminosity relations of Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs) at redshift z ≤ 1.4. Assuming that the GRB luminosity relations do not evolve with the redshift, we obtain the distance moduli of 66 high-redshift GRBs. At last, we combine the observational datasets including the observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) and the 116 GRBs with known redshifts to constrain some widely-discussed dark energy models. We find that the ΛCDM model is the best according to the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), and the JBP model is the best according to the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).  相似文献   

探索来源于BATSE(http://cossc:gsfc:nasa:gov/batse)的GRB(Gamma-Ray Burst,伽玛射线暴)观测数据的半峰宽度(FWHM)与能量之间的关系,基于64个用KRL函数模型(即,文[1]中的(22)式)能很好地拟合的FRDE(Fast Rise and Exponential Decay,快速上升指数下降)型脉冲样本。发现64个样本中有63个的半峰宽度(FWHM)与能量之间的关系属于平台—幂率—平台型结构或峰型结构。64个样本的半峰宽度(FWHM)与能量之间的关系在观测中可详细分为5种类型:a)有34个样本为幂率形式关系;b)18个样本为低能段平台关系;c)有7个样本为高能段平台关系;d)4个样本为峰型结构关系;e)另外有1个样本为其他结构。结果表明:GRB观测数据的半峰宽度(FWHM)与能量之间的确存在有幂率的关系。此结果进一步确认了文[2](Qin etal 2005)的观点,即半峰宽度(FWHM)与能量之间的关系是由于火球模型的多普勒效应(Doppler effect)导致的。  相似文献   

Based on nine BATSE GRBs with known redshifts, we found that the maximum spectral lag of all the pulses in a gamma-ray burst (GRB) appears to be anti-correlated with the redshift of the burst. In order to confirm this finding, we analyzed 10 GRBs detected by HETE-2 with known redshifts and found a similar relation. Using the relation, we estimated the redshifts of 878 long GRBs in the BATSE catalog, then we investigated the distributions of the redshifts and 869 Eiso of these GRBs. The distribution of the estimated redshifts is concentrated at z = 1.4 and the distribution of Eiso peaks at 1052.5 erg. The underlying physics of the correlation is unclear at present.  相似文献   

贝叶斯推断是建立在贝叶斯定理上的一种参数估计方法。根据贝叶斯定理,当根据经验,对待估计的参量θ的分布密度p(θ)(称为“验前分布”)有所了解时,在给定观测数据D的情况下,可以计算出待估参数θ的“验后分布”-- p(θ|D)。p(θ|D)反映了观测结果对p(θ)的修正。所有贝叶斯统计推断都是以验后分布为基础的。贝叶斯估计法是数据分析中的有力工具,其在伽玛暴(GRBs)数据分析窗口展现了多方面的应用,例如分析光变结构,确定参数分布,检验是否存在某种谱线特征,比较和选取模型,等等。  相似文献   

Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTION Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are fascinating celestial objects. These short, energetic bursts of gamma-rays mark the most violent, cataclysmic explosions in the universe, likely associated with the births of stellar- size black holes or rapidly spinning, highly magnetized neutron stars. Since the detections of their long- wavelength afterglows (Costa et al. 1997; van Paradijs et al. 1997; Frail et al. 1997), GRBs are observa- tionally accessible in essentially all electromagn…  相似文献   

Beaming effect makes it possible that gamma-ray bursts have a standard energy, but the gamma-ray energy release is sensitive to some parameters. Our attention is focused on the effect of the gamma ray conversion efficiency (ηγ), which may range between 0.01 and 0.9, and which probably has a random value for different GRBs under certain conditions. Making use of the afterglow data from the literature, we carried out a complete correction to the conical opening angle formula. Within the framework of the conical jet model, we ran a simple Monte Carlo simulation for random values of ηγ, and found that the gamma-ray energy release is narrowly clustered, whether we use a constant value of ηγ or random values for different gamma-ray bursts.  相似文献   

Large-voltage, high-temperature plasma columns produced by pinch discharge can generate γ-ray flashes with energy spectra and spectral evolution consistent with what are observed in γ-ray bursts (GRBs), and the inverse Compton scattering (ICS) during the discharge process can produce high linear polarization. Our calculation indicates that the observed polarization depends on the angle between the line-of-sight todischarge, but only weakly depends onthe GRB and the direction of the pinch discharge, but only weakly depends on observed γray energy.  相似文献   

The observation of the time delay between the soft emission and the high-energy radiation from cosmological gamma ray bursts can be used as an important observational test of multi-dimensional physical theories. The main source of the time delay is the variation of the electromagnetic coupling, due to dimensional reduction, which induces an energy dependence of the speed of light. For photons with energies around 1 TeV, the time delay could range from a few seconds in the case of Kaluza–Klein models to a few days for models with large extra-dimensions. Based on these results we suggest that the detection of the 18-GeV photon ∼4500 s after the keV/MeV burst in GRB 940217 provides a strong evidence for the existence of extra-dimensions. The time delay of photons, if observed by the next generation of high energy detectors, like, for example, the SWIFT and GLAST satellite based detectors, or the VERITAS ground-based TeV gamma-ray instrument, could differentiate between the different models with extra-dimensions.  相似文献   

Based on nine BATSE GRBs with known redshifts, we found that the maximum spectral lag of all the pulses in a gamma-ray burst (GRB) appears to be anti-correlated with the redshift of the burst. In order to confirm this finding, we analyzed 10 GRBs detected by HETE-2 with known redshifts and found a similar relation. Using the relation, we estimated the redshifts of 878 long GRBs in the BATSE catalog, then we investigated the distributions of the redshifts and 869 Eiso of these GRBs. The distribution of the estimated redshifts is concentrated at z = 1.4 and the distribution of Eiso peaks at 10^52.5 erg. The underlying physics of the correlation is unclear at present.  相似文献   

A total of eight gamma-ray sources are identified with pulsars and these include some of the strongest gamma-ray sources in the sky. About 20 of the unidentified gamma-ray sources are very likely to be associated with currently known pulsars and there is little doubt that many of the others, at least those at low Galactic latitudes, will ultimately be identified with pulsars. How many of these and future gamma-ray detections will be detectable at radio wavelengths depends on the details of the radio and gamma-ray beaming. There is good evidence that the radio beams in young and millisecond pulsars are very wide, implying that most gamma-ray pulsars will be detectable in the radio band.  相似文献   

使用currentBATSE catakog中的一部分数据,定义了2个分别反映γ射线暴的能谱形和光变曲线的物理量FR和TR,同时对它们的分布作了统计分析,发现对于两类不同的γ射线暴,它们的分布存在统计上的较为明显的差异。这意味着两类暴可能产生于不同的辐射区域,两类暴的暴源可能有本质的差异,这些结果支持了把γ射线暴分为长暴和短暴的分类方法。  相似文献   

提供一个基于光变曲线的长γ暴光度的估计量.对BASTE记录到的12个已知红移的γ暴,利用时域上的时变分析方法计算了各暴的功率密度谱,用功率密度的峰值P表征光变曲线变化的剧烈程度.通过拟合发现在共动坐标系P与γ暴的各向同性峰值光度L之间存在着相关关系.这是继Norris等和Reichart等发现时间延迟与光度、变化率与光度的相关性之后又一个γ暴时变特征量与其光度之间的相关关系.  相似文献   

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