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This study aims to develop an improved time series model to overcome difficulties in modeling monthly short term stream flows. The periodic, serial dependent and independent components of the classical time series models are improved separately by information transfer from a surrounding long term gauging station to the considered flow section having short term records. Eventually, an improved model preserving the mathematical model structure of the classical time series model, while improving general and monthly statistics of the monthly stream flows, is derived by using the improved components instead of the short term model components in the time series modeling. The correlative relationships between the current short term and surrounding long term stations are used to improve periodic and serial dependent behaviors of monthly flows. Independent components (residuals) are improved via the parameters defining their theoretical probability distribution. The improved model approach is tested by using 50 year records of Göksu-Himmetli (1801) and Göksu-Gökdere (1805) flow monitoring stations located on the Ceyhan river basin, in south of Turkey. After 50 year records of the station 1801 are separated into five 10 year sub series, their improved and classical time series models are computed and compared with the real long-term (50 year) time series model of this station to reveal efficiencies of the improved models for each subseries (sub terms with 10 year observation). The comparisons are realized based on the model components, model estimates and general/monthly statistics of model estimates. Finally, some evaluations are made on the results compared to the regression method classically applied in the literature.  相似文献   

Streamflow forecasting is very important for the management of water resources: high accuracy in flow prediction can lead to more effective use of water resources. Hydrological data can be classified as non‐steady and nonlinear, thus this study applied nonlinear time series models to model the changing characteristics of streamflows. Two‐stage genetic algorithms were used to construct nonlinear time series models of 10‐day streamflows of the Wu‐Shi River in Taiwan. Analysis verified that nonlinear time series are superior to traditional linear time series. It is hoped that these results will be useful for further applications. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mean monthly flows of the Tatry alpine mountain region in Slovakia are predominantly fed by snowmelt in the spring and convective precipitation in the summer. Therefore their regime properties exhibit clear seasonal patterns. Positive deviations from these trends have substantially different features than the negative ones. This provides intuitive justification for the application of nonlinear two-regime models for modelling and forecasting of these time series. Nonlinear time series structures often have lead to good fitting performances, however these do not guarantee an equally good forecasting performance. In this paper therefore the forecasting performance of several nonlinear time series models is compared with respect to their capabilities of forecasting monthly and seasonal flows in the Tatry region. A new type of regime-switching models is also proposed and tested. The best predictive performance was achieved for a new model subclass involving aggregation operators.  相似文献   

A review of literature reveals the inadequacy of Intervention analysis and spectrum based methods to adequately quantify changes in hydrologic times series. A Bayesian method is used to investigate the statistical significance of observed changes in hydrologic times series and the results are reported herein. The Bayesian method is superior to the previous methods.  相似文献   


Large errors in peak discharge estimates at catchment scales can be ascribed to errors in the estimation of catchment response time. The time parameters most frequently used to express catchment response time are the time of concentration (TC), lag time (TL) and time to peak (TP). This paper presents a review of the time parameter estimation methods used internationally, with selected comparisons in medium and large catchments in the C5 secondary drainage region in South Africa. The comparison of different time parameter estimation methods with recommended methods used in South Africa confirmed that the application of empirical methods, with no local correction factors, beyond their original developmental regions, must be avoided. The TC is recognized as the most frequently used time parameter, followed by TL. In acknowledging this, as well as the basic assumptions of the approximations TL = 0.6TC and TCTP, along with the similarity between the definitions of the TP and the conceptual TC, it was evident that the latter two time parameters should be further investigated to develop an alternative approach to estimate representative response times that result in improved estimates of peak discharge at these catchment scales.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor Qiang Zhang  相似文献   


Climate change projections of precipitation and temperature suggest that Serbia could be one of the most affected regions in southeastern Europe. To prepare adaptation measures, the impact of climate changes on water resources needs to be assessed. Pilot research is carried out for the Lim River basin, in southeastern Europe, to predict monthly flows under different climate scenarios. For estimation of future water availability, an alternative approach of developing a deterministic-stochastic time series model is chosen. The proposed two-stage time series model consists of several components: trend, long-term periodicity, seasonality and the stochastic component. The latter is based on a transfer function model with two input variables, precipitation and temperature, as climatic drivers. The Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency for the observed period 1950–2012 is 0.829. The model is applied for the long-term hydrological prediction under the representative concentration pathway (RCP) emissions scenarios for the future time frame 2013–2070.  相似文献   

This paper compares two generators of yearly water availabilities from sources located at multiple sites with regard to their ability to reproduce the characteristics of historical critical periods and to provide reliable results in terms of the return period of critical sequences of different length. The two models are a novel multi-site Markov mixture model explicitly accounting for drought occurrences and a multivariate ARMA. In the case of the multisite Markov mixture model parameter estimation is limited to a search in the parameter space guided by the value of parameter λ to show the sensitivity of the model to this parameter. Application to two of the longest time series of streamflows available in Sicily (Italy) shows that the models can provide quite different results in terms of estimated return periods of historic droughts, although they seem to perform more uniformly when it comes to simulate drought-related statistics such as drought length, severity and intensity. The role of parameter selection for the multisite Markov mixture model and of the marginal probability of generated flows in providing results consistent with the characteristics of the observed series is discussed. Both models are applied to the system of sources supplying the city of Palermo (Sicily) and its environs showing the applicability of the newly developed multisite Markov mixture model to medium-to-large scale water resources systems.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a procedure for the segmentation of hydrological and enviromental time series. We consider the segmentation problem from a purely computational point of view which involves the minimization of Huberts segmentation cost; in addition this least squares segmentation is equivalent to Maximum Likelihood segmentation. Our segmentation procedure maximizes Likelihood and minimizes Huberts least squares criterion using a hidden Markov model (HMM) segmentation algorithm. This algorithm is guaranteed to achieve a local maximum of the Likelihood. We evaluate the segmentation procedure with numerical experiments which involve artificial, temperature and river discharge time series. In all experiments, the procedure actually achieves the global minimum of the Likelihood; furthermore execution time is only a few seconds, even for time series with over a thousand terms.  相似文献   


Accurate runoff forecasting plays a key role in catchment water management and water resources system planning. To improve the prediction accuracy, one needs to strive to develop a reliable and accurate forecasting model for streamflow. In this study, the novel combination of the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model with the shuffled frog-leaping algorithm (SFLA) is proposed. Historical streamflow data of two different rivers were collected to examine the performance of the proposed model. To evaluate the performance of the proposed ANFIS-SFLA model, six different scenarios for the model input–output architecture were investigated. The results show that the proposed ANFIS-SFLA model (R2 = 0.88; NS = 0.88; RMSE = 142.30 (m3/s); MAE = 88.94 (m3/s); MAPE = 35.19%) significantly improved the forecasting accuracy and outperformed the classic ANFIS model (R2 = 0.83; NS = 0.83; RMSE = 167.81; MAE = 115.83 (m3/s); MAPE = 45.97%). The proposed model could be generalized and applied in different rivers worldwide.  相似文献   

This paper provides a procedure for evaluating model performance where model predictions and observations are given as time series data. The procedure focuses on the analysis of error time series by graphing them, summarizing them, and predicting their variability through available information (recalibration). We analysed two rainfall–runoff events from the R‐5 data set, and evaluated 12 distinct model simulation scenarios for these events, of which 10 were conducted with the quasi‐physically‐based rainfall–runoff model (QPBRRM) and two with the integrated hydrology model (InHM). The QPBRRM simulation scenarios differ in their representation of saturated hydraulic conductivity. Two InHM simulation scenarios differ with respect to the inclusion of the roads at R‐5. The two models, QPBRRM and InHM, differ strongly in the complexity and number of processes included. For all model simulations we found that errors could be predicted fairly well to very well, based on model output, or based on smooth functions of lagged rainfall data. The errors remaining after recalibration are much more alike in terms of variability than those without recalibration. In this paper, recalibration is not meant to fix models, but merely as a diagnostic tool that exhibits the magnitude and direction of model errors and indicates whether these model errors are related to model inputs such as rainfall. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A well-known but rarely used powerful method to investigate the presence of harmonic signals in time series is the Phasor Walkout method (other names are: Graphical Fourier Transform, Summation Dial, Complex Demodulation). At a given test frequency the complex contributions (phasors) to the Fourier Transform of each sample in an equidistantly sampled series are added vectorially in the complex plane. The resulting pattern, the walkout, reveals information about the properties of the signal which is not easy to obtain by other methods. Synthetic examples are used to demonstrate the resolving power of the method. The following geophysical examples for the application of this method are shown: determination of the frequency of the breathing mode0 S 0 of the earth after a large earthquake; the study of superconducting gravimeter records after a large deep earthquake used in the core mode interpretation of a spectral peak, the study of the residualS 3 (8 h period) signal in a tidal record and the bichromatic Rayleigh-waves from Mount Pinatubo on June 15, 1991.  相似文献   

Hydrological model parameter estimation is an important aspect in hydrologic modelling. Usually, parameters are estimated through an objective function minimization, quantifying the mismatch between the model results and the observations. The objective function choice has a large impact on the sensitivity analysis and calibration outcomes. In this study, it is assessed whether spectral objective functions can compete with an objective function in the time domain for optimization of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Three empirical spectral objective functions were applied, based on matching (i) Fourier amplitude spectra, (ii) periodograms and (iii) Fourier series of simulated and observed discharge time series. It is shown that most sensitive parameters and their optimal values are distinct for different objective functions. The best results were found through calibration with an objective function based on the square difference between the simulated and observed discharge Fourier series coefficients. The potential strengths and weaknesses of using a spectral objective function as compared to utilising a time domain objective function are discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study proposed a methodology using the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) and multivariate time series model for the analysis of drought both in time and space. The methodology proposed was then applied to evaluate the vulnerability of agricultural drought of major river basins in Korea. First, the three-month SPI data from 59 rain gauge stations over the Korean Peninsula were analyzed by deriving and spatially characterizing the EOFs. The shapes of major estimated EOFs were found to well reflect the observed spatial pattern of droughts. Second, the coefficient time series of estimated EOFs were then fitted by a multivariate time series model to generate the SPI data for 10,000 years, which were used to derive the annual maxima series of areal average drought severity over the Korean Peninsula. These annual maxima series were then analyzed to determine the mean drought severity for given return periods. Four typical spatial patterns of drought severity could also be selected for those return periods considered. This result shows that the southern part of the Korean Peninsula is most vulnerable to drought than the other parts. Finally, the agricultural drought vulnerability was evaluated by considering the potential water supply from dams. In an ideal case, when all the maximum dam storage was assumed to be assigned to agriculture, all river basins in Korea were found to have the potential to overcome a 30-year drought. However, under more realistic conditions considering average dam storage and water allocation priorities, most of the river basins could not overcome a 30-year drought.  相似文献   

认为地震活动度5、P(b)值、A(b)值、b值、小震调制比Rm、地震时间熵Q^l、算法复杂性AC、地震非均匀度GL、多分维均值Dq、地震集中度C值、地震演化指数YH、地震强度熵Q^E、G-R关系偏离度η、缺震和等效震级M^*等15种地震活动时间扫描分析方法对东南沿海地震带西段4.8级以上地震的发震时间具有一定的预测能力,并将这些方法在震前所显示的异常同步性引伸为地震时间预测信度同步性,初步确定了各种地震活动参数首次出现异常后4.8级以上地震发生在不同时段上的信度,证实了震前预测地震时间信度的同步性要远好于异常同步性,进而计算出这15种分析方法的综合预测信度。研究发现,运用综合预测信度可以较为明确地预测出M≥4.8级地震的发生时段,如果在所预测时段内同步发生了地震活动度.S、P(b)、A(b)和b值异常(并非都要全部发生),则有可能做出6个月内发震的短期预报。  相似文献   

In this study, we propose to identify morphological and hydraulic characteristics related to overbank flows in the water level time‐series available at many gauged stations. The results obtained at 13 river stations (the catchment sizes vary from 10 to 1700 km2 with contrasted geology, land use and rainfalls regime) show that overflow mechanisms at the river‐reach scale can be systematically identified in the water level frequency distribution estimated with the peaks‐over‐threshold (POT) method. A first level (Lts1) was in the range of the incipient flooding onto the floodplain. Even if the definition of this level is variable in terms of flooded area at the reach scale, this method can be useful in providing a first estimation of the bankfull level for many gauged stations, without complex and costly field surveys. A second level (Lts2) was systematically detected on average 38 cm above the topographic flat floodplain elevation. The Lts2 inflection in the water‐level frequency distribution is assumed to reflect a composite effect of catchment hydrology and local hydraulics and channel geometry, without possibility to make a clear distinction between both processes at the moment. The local or reach scale effect would probably play an essential role in the frequency distribution as flood attenuation at catchment scale may explain the inflection Lts2 at only three sites. In light of the knowledge acquired in laboratory flumes with compound channels, most of the time Lts2 level would correspond to the level of resumption of flow both in the main channel and the floodplain. Once this method is validated in various physiographic contexts, it should apply to many hydrometric stations for both synchronic (e.g. regional analysis) and diachronic analysis (e.g. evolution over time of the bankfull discharge) to evaluate anthropic impacts on river morphology. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Among various strategies for sediment reduction, venting turbidity currents through dam outlets can be an efficient way to reduce suspended sediment deposition. The accuracy of turbidity current arrival time forecasts is crucial for the operation of reservoir desiltation. A turbidity current arrival time (TCAT) model is proposed. A multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA), a support vector machine (SVM) and a two-stage forecasting technique are integrated to obtain more effective long lead-time forecasts of inflow discharge and inflow sediment concentration. The multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) is applied for determining the optimal inputs of the forecasting model, support vector machine (SVM). The two-stage forecasting technique is implemented by adding the forecasted values to candidate inputs for improving the long lead-time forecasting. Then, the turbidity current arrival time from the inflow boundary to the reservoir outlet is calculated. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the TCAT model, it is applied to Shihmen Reservoir in northern Taiwan. The results confirm that the TCAT model forecasts are in good agreement with the observed data. The proposed TCAT model can provide useful information for reservoir sedimentation management during desilting operations.  相似文献   

In shallow water the frequency domain controlled source electromagnetic method is subject to airwave saturation that strongly limits the sensitivity to resistive hydrocarbon targets at depth. It has been suggested that time‐domain CSEM may offer an improved sensitivity and resolution of these deep targets in the presence of the airwave. In order to examine and test these claims, this work presents a side‐by‐side investigation of both methods with a main focus on practical considerations, and how these effect the resolution of a hydrocarbon reservoir. Synthetic noisy data for both time‐domain and frequency domain methods are simulated using a realistic frequency dependent noise model and frequency dependent scaling for representative source waveforms. The synthetic data studied here include the frequency domain response from a compact broadband waveform, the time‐domain step‐response from a low‐frequency square wave and the time‐domain impulse response obtained from pseudo‐random binary sequences. These data are used in a systematic resolution study of each method as a function of water‐depth, relative noise and stacking length. The results indicate that the broadband frequency domain data have the best resolution for a given stacking time, whereas the time‐domain data require prohibitively longer stacking times to achieve similar resolution.  相似文献   

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