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We model the optical to X-ray continuum spectrum of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy RE J1034+396. We show that the flat optical spectrum is consistent with emission from an irradiated accretion disc. The X-ray emission can be modelled with a disc blackbody and a Comptonized component. The temperature at the inner edge of the disc     Using this constraint, we show that the flat optical spectrum is consistent with emission from the irradiatively heated outer part of the accretion disc. We constrain the outer radius of the optically thick disc     and the inner radius of the irradiation-dominated region     . Our optical and X-ray spectral fits indicate a mass     , and do not rule out a low (i.e. face-on) inclination angle for the system.  相似文献   

An explanation for the soft X-ray excess in active galactic nuclei   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a large sample of type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGN) spectra taken with XMM–Newton , and fit them with both the conventional model (a power law and blackbody) and the relativistically blurred photoionized disc reflection model of Ross & Fabian. We find that the disc reflection model is a better fit. The disc reflection model successfully reproduces the continuum shape, including the soft excess, of all the sources. The model also reproduces many features that would conventionally be interpreted as absorption edges. We are able to use the model to infer the properties of the sources, specifically that the majority of black holes in the sample are strongly rotating, and that there is a deficit in sources with an inclination >70°. We conclude that the disc reflection model is an important tool in the study of AGN X-ray spectra.  相似文献   

Using simple stellar population synthesis, we model the bulge stellar contribution in the optical spectrum of a narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy, RE J1034+396. We find that its bulge stellar velocity dispersion is  67.7 ± 8 km s−1  . The supermassive black hole (SMBH) mass is about  (1–4) × 106 M  if it follows the well-known   M BH–σ*  relation found in quiescent galaxies. We also derive the SMBH mass from the Hβ second moment, which is consistent with that from its bulge stellar velocity dispersion. The SMBH mass of (1–4)  × 106 M  implies that the X-ray quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) of RE J1034+396 can be scaled to a high-frequency QPO at 27–108 Hz found in Galactic black hole binaries with a  10-M  black hole. With the mass distribution in different age stellar populations, we find that the mean specific star formation rate (SSFR) over the past 0.1 Gyr is  0.0163 ± 0.0011  Gyr−1, the stellar mass in the logarithm is  10.155 ± 0.06  in units of solar mass and the current star formation rate is  0.23 ± 0.016 M yr−1  . For RE J1034+396, there is no relation between the Eddington ratio and the SSFR as suggested by Chen et al., despite a larger scatter in their relation. We also suggest that about 7.0 per cent of the total Hα luminosity and 50 per cent of the total [O  ii ] luminosity come from the star formation process.  相似文献   

We analyzed the recently published kHz quasi-period oscillaiton (QPO) data in the neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), in order to investigate the different correlations of the twin-peak kHz QPOs in bright Z sources and in the less luminous Atoll sources. We find a power-law relation  ν1∼ν b 2  between the upper and the lower kHz QPOs with different indices: b ≃ 1.5 for the Atoll source 4U 1728-34 and b ≃ 1.9 for the Z source Sco X-1. The implications of our results for the theoretical models for kHz QPOs are discussed.  相似文献   

We present spectropolarimetry data on RE J1034+396, an ultra-soft X-ray narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy, and find an upper limit of ∼ 0.4 to the linear polarization in the optical band. This suggests that there is no synchrotron emission in this AGN, and thus it is unlikely that RE J1034+396 is related to BL Lac objects. Furthermore, any other polarization arising from transmission through dust, or reflection from dust and electrons, must be cancelled out by geometrical effects or diluted to a high degree by unpolarized radiation.  相似文献   

The origin of the soft X-ray excess emission observed in many type-1 active galactic nuclei (AGN) has been an unresolved problem in X-ray astronomy for over two decades. We develop the model proposed by Gierliński & Done, which models the soft excess with heavily smeared, ionized, absorption, by including the emission that must be associated with this absorption. We show that, rather than hindering the ionized absorption model, the addition of the emission actually helps this model reproduce the soft excess. The emission fills in some of the absorption trough, while preserving the sharp rise at ∼1 keV, allowing the total model to reproduce the soft excess curvature from a considerably wider range of model parameters. We demonstrate that this model is capable of reproducing even the strongest soft X-ray excesses by fitting it to the XMM–Newton EPIC PN spectrum of PG1211+143, with good results. The addition of the emission reduces the column density required to fit these data by a factor of ∼2 and reduces the smearing velocity from ∼0.28c to ∼0.2c. Gierliński & Done suggested a tentative origin for the absorption in the innermost, accelerating, region of an accretion disc wind, and we highlight the advantages of this interpretation in comparison to accretion disc reflection models of the soft excess. Associating this material with a wind off the accretion disc results in several separate problems however, namely, the radial nature, and the massive implied mass-loss rate, of the wind. We propose an origin in a 'failed wind', where the central X-ray source is strong enough to overionize the wind, removing the acceleration through line absorption before the material reaches escape velocity, allowing the material to fall back to the disc at larger radii.  相似文献   

We report on a comprehensive analysis of the kilohertz (≥300 Hz) quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) detected from the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary 4U 0614+09 with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. With a much larger data set than previously analysed (all archival data from 1996 February up to 2007 October), we first investigate the reality of the 1330 Hz QPO reported by van-Straaten et al. This QPO would be of particular interest since it has the highest frequency reported for any source. A thorough analysis of the same observation fails to confirm the detection. On the other hand, over our extended data set, the highest QPO frequency we measure for the upper kHz QPO is at ∼1224 Hz; a value which is fully consistent with the maximum values observed in similar systems. Secondly, we demonstrate that the frequency dependence of the quality factor  ( Q =ν/Δν)  and amplitude of the lower and upper kHz QPOs follow the systematic trends seen in similar systems. In particular, 4U 0614+09 shows a drop of the quality factor of the lower kHz QPO above ∼700 Hz. If this is due to an approach to the innermost stable circular orbit, it implies a neutron star mass of  ∼1.9 M  . Finally, when analysing the data over fixed durations, we have found a gap in the frequency distribution of the upper QPO, associated with a local minimum of its amplitude. A similar gap is not present in the distribution of the lower QPO frequencies, suggesting some cautions when interpreting frequency ratio distributions, based on the occurrence of the lower QPO only.  相似文献   

We find a significant anticorrelation between the hard X-ray photon index Γ and the Eddington ratio   L bol/ L Edd  for a sample of low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions and local Seyfert galaxies, compiled from literature with Chandra or XMM–Newton observations. This result is in contrast with the positive correlation found in luminous active galactic nuclei (AGN), while it is similar to that of X-ray binaries (XRBs) in the low/hard state. Our result is qualitatively consistent with the spectra produced from advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs). It implies that the X-ray emission of low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (LLAGN) may originate from the Comptonization process in ADAF, and the accretion process in LLAGN may be similar to that of XRBs in the low/hard state, which is different from that in luminous AGN.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei (AGN) are scaled-up versions of Galactic black holes. We show that the amplitude of high-frequency X-ray variability in the hard spectral state is inversely proportional to the black hole mass over eight orders of magnitude. We have analysed all available hard-state data from RXTE of seven Galactic black holes. Their power density spectra change dramatically from observation to observation, except for the high-frequency (≳10 Hz) tail, which seems to have a universal shape, roughly represented by a power law of index −2. The amplitude of the tail,   C M   (extrapolated to 1 Hz), remains approximately constant for a given source, regardless of the luminosity, unlike the break or quasi-periodic oscillation frequencies, which are usually strongly correlated with luminosity. Comparison with a moderate-luminosity sample of AGN shows that the amplitude of the tail is a simple function of black hole mass,   C M = C / M   , where   C ≈ 1.25 M Hz−1  . This makes   C M   a robust estimator of the black hole mass which is easy to apply to low- to moderate-luminosity supermassive black holes. The high-frequency tail with its universal shape is an invariant feature of a black hole and, possibly, an imprint of the last stable orbit.  相似文献   

We present a systematic analysis of the X-ray spectral properties of a sample of 22 'narrow-line' Seyfert 1 galaxies for which data are available from the ASCA public archive. Many of these sources, which were selected on the basis of their relatively narrow H β linewidth (FWHM ≤2000 km s−1), show significant spectral complexity in the X-ray band. Their measured hard power-law continua have photon indices spanning the range 1.6–2.5 with a mean of 2.1, which is only slightly steeper than the norm for 'broad-line' Seyfert 1s. All but four of the sources exhibit a soft excess, which can be modelled as blackbody emission ( T bb≈100–300 eV) superposed on the underlying power law. This soft component is often so strong that, even in the relatively hard bandpass of ASCA , it contains a significant fraction, if not the bulk, of the X-ray luminosity, apparently ruling out models in which the soft excess is produced entirely through reprocessing of the hard continuum.
Most notably, six of the 22 objects show evidence for a broad absorption feature centred in the energy range 1.1–1.4 keV , which could be the signature of resonance absorption in highly ionized material. A further three sources exhibit 'warm absorption' edges in the 0.7–0.9 keV bandpass. Remarkably, all nine 'absorbed' sources have H β linewidths below 1000 km s−1, which is less than the median value for the sample taken as a whole. This tendency for very narrow linewidths to correlate with the presence of ionized absorption features in the soft X-ray spectra of NLS1s, if confirmed in larger samples, may provide a further clue in the puzzle of active galactic nuclei.  相似文献   

Spectra of Seyfert 1s are commonly modelled as emission from an X-ray-illuminated flat accretion disc orbiting a central black hole. This provides both reprocessed and direct components of the X-ray emission, as required by observations of individual objects, and possibly a fraction of the cosmological X-ray background. There is some observational motivation for us to at least consider the role that an effectively concave disc surface might play: (1) a reprocessed fraction ≳1/2 in some Seyferts and possibly in the X-ray background, and (2) the commonality of a sharp iron line peak for Seyferts at 6.4 keV despite a dependence of peak location on inclination angle for flat disc models. Here it is shown that a concave disc may not only provide a larger total fraction of reprocessed photons, but can also reprocess a much larger fraction of photons in its outer regions compared with a flat disc. This reduces the sensitivity of the 6.4-keV peak location to the inner disc inclination angle because the outer regions are less affected by Doppler and gravitational effects. If the X-ray source is isotropic, the reprocessed fraction is directly determined by the concavity. If the X-ray source is anisotropic, the location of iron line peak can still be determined by concavity but the total reflected fraction need not be as large as for the isotropic emitter case. The geometric calculations herein are applicable to general accretion disc systems illuminated from the centre.  相似文献   

We report the detection of hard X-ray emission components in the spectra of six nearby, giant elliptical galaxies observed with the ASCA satellite. The systems studied, which exhibit strong dynamical evidence for supermassive black holes in their nuclei, are M87, NGC 1399 and NGC 4696 (the dominant galaxies of the Virgo, Fornax and Centaurus clusters, respectively) and NGC 4472, 4636 and 4649 (three further giant ellipticals in the Virgo cluster). The ASCA data for all six sources provide clear evidence for hard emission components, which can be parametrized by power-law models with photon indices in the range Γ=0.6–1.5 (mean value 1.2) and intrinsic 1–10 keV luminosities of 2×1040–2×1042 erg s−1. Our results imply the identification of a new class of accreting X-ray source, with X-ray spectra significantly harder than those of binary X-ray sources, Seyfert nuclei or low-luminosity active galactic nuclei, and bolometric luminosities relatively dominated by their X-ray emission. We discuss various possible origins for the hard X-ray emission and argue that it is most likely to be due to accretion on to the central supermassive black holes, via low radiative efficiency accretion flows coupled with strong outflows. In the case of M87, our detected power-law flux is in good agreement with a previously reported measurement from ROSAT High Resolution Imager observations, which were able to resolve the jet from the nuclear X-ray emission components. We confirm previous results showing that the use of multiphase models in the analysis of the ASCA data leads to determinations of approximately solar emission-weighted metallicities for the X-ray gas in the galaxies. We also present results on the individual element abundances in NGC 4636.  相似文献   

A number of recent results from X-ray observations of active galactic nuclei involving the Fe K α line (reduction of line variability compared with the X-ray continuum variability, the X-ray 'Baldwin effect') were attributed to the presence of a hot, ionized skin of an accretion disc, suppressing emission of the line. The ionized skin appears as a result of the thermal instability of X-ray irradiated plasma. We test this hypothesis by computing the Thomson thickness of the hot skin on top of the αP tot Shakura–Sunyaev disc, by simultaneously solving the vertical structure of both the hot skin and the disc. We then compute a number of relations between observable quantities, e.g. the hard X-ray flux, amplitude of the observed reprocessed component, relativistic smearing of the K α line and rms variability of the hard X-rays. These relations can be compared with present and future observations. We point out that this mechanism is unlikely to explain the behaviour of the X-ray source in MCG–6-30-15, where there are a number of arguments against the existence of a thick hot skin, but it can work for some other Seyfert 1 galaxies.  相似文献   

We compare ultraviolet (UV) spectra of the recent soft X-ray transients XTE J1118+480 and XTE J1859+226. The emission line strengths in XTE J1118+480 strongly suggest that the accreting material has been CNO processed. We show that this system must have come into contact with a secondary star of about 1.5 M, and an orbital period ∼15 h, very close to the bifurcation value at which the nuclear and angular momentum loss time-scales are similar. Subsequent evolution to the current period of 4.1 h was driven by angular momentum loss. In passing through a period of 7.75 h the secondary star would have shown essentially normal surface abundances. XTE J1118+480 could thus represent a slightly later evolutionary stage of A0620-00. We briefly discuss the broad Ly α absorption wings in XTE J1118+480.  相似文献   

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