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利用2010年1-2月深圳LAP3000型风廓线雷达资料, 对湍流耗散率进行了估算, 针对典型晴天条件下的湍流耗散率  相似文献   

利用2010年1-2月深圳LAP3000型风廓线雷达资料, 对湍流耗散率进行了估算, 针对典型晴天条件下的湍流耗散率ε、折射率结构常数C2n、水平风速和风切变, 分析了其时空变化特征。得出如下结论: (1) 深圳地区低空大气ε的量级在10-7~10-1 m-2·s-3之间, 与理论模拟值基本一致; (2) 时间分布特征为, 2 km以下ε有很明显的日变化特征, 夜晚和上午ε较大, 下午及傍晚减少;(3) 空间分布特征表现为, ε随高度大致呈递减分布;ε量级达10-2.5 m2·s-3所在高度可作为深圳地区2010年1月14-15日边界层顶高度的判断依据。  相似文献   

Two levels of triple-hot-film and sonic anemometers were deployed on a 5.5-m towerduring the Cooperative Atmospheric Surface Exchange Study (CASES-99) in October1999. Each triple-hot-film probe was collocated 50 mm from the sonic sensing path ona common boom. Various problems with using triple-hot-films in the atmosphere toresolve wind components are addressed including the derivation of a yaw angle correction using the collocated sensors. It was found that output voltage drift due to changes in environmental temperature could be monitored and corrected using an automated system. Non-unique solutions to heat transfer equations can be resolved using a collocated sonic anemometer. Multi-resolution decomposition of the hot-film data was used to estimate appropriate day and night averaging periods for turbulent flux measurements in and near the roughness sub-layer. Finally, triple-hot-film measurements of mean wind magnitude (M), turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), sensible heat flux (H), and local friction velocity (u*) are compared to those of the collocated CSAT3 sonic anemometers. Overall, the mean wind magnitudes measured by the triple-hot-film and the collocated sonic sensorswere close, consistent and independent of stability or proximity to the ground. The turbulent statistics, TKE, u*, and H, measured by the two sensor systems were reasonably close together at z = 5 m. However, the ratio of sonic measurement/hot-film measurement decreased toward the ground surface, especially during stable conditions.  相似文献   

Turbulence Structure in the Wake Region of a Meteorological Tower   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A meteorological tower significantly modifies the air flow, the mean windspeed and wind direction as well as the turbulencestructure of the air. Suchchanges can be noticed in particular in the wake region of the tower.Measurementson the 200 m tower ofForschungszentrum Karlsruhewere carried outusing Solent sonic anemometers in the lee of the towerand cup anemometers on both sides.In the wake region, spectral energydensity is increased in the high-frequency range. Superposition of this disturbance spectrum on the undisturbedspectrum yields a `knee' in the resulting spectrum. In the case of low turbulence intensity with stable stratification,a plateau with a constant energy content is observed in front of the knee.This effect is caused by the new production of turbulence energy from the mean flow as well as by an energy transfer fromlarger to smaller vortices. Power spectra in strongly stable conditionsshow a more rapid decrease of intensity in the region where the inertialsubrange is expected.The relevant scales of wake turbulence are derived from the maximum of the disturbance spectrum.Locations of the high-frequency peak do not depend on atmospheric stability,but are controlled mainly by mean wind speed.Apart from the reduction of the mean wind speed, the spectra and cospectra exhibit a strong anisotropy for such cases.The results demonstrate the significant influence of a tower on turbulence spectra in the wake region.  相似文献   

利用地基毫米波雷达进行云参数及云内湍流特性的探测和反演。根据云雷达回波的功率谱数据,反演出大气垂直运动速度和云微物理参数,得到云内湍流耗散率ε的大小和分布情况,并进一步研究和分析了云内空气垂直运动与云微物理参数、反射率因子、多普勒速度、速度谱宽变化的关系,更好地了解云的演变情况。对2016年8月8日四川稻城的一次层状云过程的探测和反演表明:1)粒子有效半径随着上升气流的增强而增大,由于碰并聚合的作用,粒子数浓度也呈现相应减小的趋势。2)云内湍流耗散率ε在云底、云顶较大,云内较小,量级在10-8~10-2 m2·s-3,多普勒速度能谱验证了假设雷达探测湍涡的尺度在惯性副区的合理性。3)随着上升气流的增强,云粒子的下沉运动相应减小,速度谱宽相应增大。  相似文献   

垂直湍流输送对大洋的重力位能和混合过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宇  林一骅  王辉 《大气科学》2014,38(5):838-844
利用WOA09(World Ocean Atlas 2009)全球大洋温盐客观分析数据,计算了不同湍流垂直混合系数下全球大洋重力位能的变化,并分析了混合系数、浮力频率和重力位能变化之间的关系。在此基础上,进一步探讨了湍流混合造成的能量转换对湍流参数化的影响。结果表明,大洋中的垂直湍流运动不仅仅是动能能汇,而且是一个重要的外部能量转化为重力位能的途径。垂直湍流增加的重力位能在混合系数取0.1 cm2 s-1 时为0.08 TW,参考前人研究结果,外部能量输入甚至可引起等效于全球平均12 cm2 s-1 的垂直混合系数。一般而言,层结越稳定、混合系数越大,垂直湍流对重力位能的影响也越大。考虑湍流动能可转化为重力位能后,参数化方案可以得到和实际观测更接近的湍流动能耗散率和混合系数。  相似文献   

A number of turbulence parameterization schemes are available in the latest version (6.0) of the Regional Atmospheric Modelling System (RAMS). Chan in Meteorol Atmos Phys 103:145–157, (2009), studied the performance of these schemes by simulating the eddy dissipation rate (EDR) distribution in the vicinity of the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and comparing with the EDR measurements of remote-sensing instruments at the airport. For the e-l (turbulent kinetic energy ? mixing length) scheme considered in that study, the asymptotic mixing length was assumed to be a constant. This assumption is changed in the present paper, a variable asymptotic mixing length is chosen and simulations of EDR fields are repeated for terrain-disrupted airflow in the vicinity of HKIA. It is found that, with a variable asymptotic mixing length, the performance of the e-l scheme is greatly improved. With suitable choice of the empirical constants in the turbulence closure, the accuracy of the EDR profile (in comparison with LIDAR and wind profiler measurements) is found to be comparable with that predicted by the Deardorff scheme. A study on the sensitivity of the simulation results to these empirical constants has also been performed. Moreover, as a follow-up of the previous study of Chan in Meteorol Atmos Phys 103:145–157, (2009), case studies have been conducted on the following issues of the model simulation of turbulence for aviation application: (a) the effect of vertical gridding on the simulation results, (b) possibility of false alarm (such as over-forecasting of EDR value) in light turbulence cases, and (c) the performance in the simulation of other turbulence intensity metric for aviation purpose, e.g. TKE.  相似文献   

The linear two-layer barotropic primitive equations in cylindrical coordinates are used to derive a gen- eralized energy equation, which is subsequently applied to explain the instability of the spiral wave in the model. In the two-layer model, there are not only the generalized barotropic instability and the super high- speed instability, but also some other new instabilities, which fall into the range of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and the generalized baroclinic instability, when the upper and lower basic flows are different. They are perhaps the mechanisms of the generation of spiral cloud bands in tropical cyclones as well.  相似文献   

The structure of the marine atmospheric boundarylayer and the validity ofMonin–Obukhov similarity theory over the seahave been investigated using longterm measurements. Three levels of turbulencemeasurements (at 10 m, 18 mand 26 m) at Östergarnsholm in themiddle of the Baltic Sea have beenanalysed. The results show that turbulentparameters have a strong dependenceon the actual height due to wave influence.The wind profile and thus thenormalised wind gradient are very sensitiveto wave state. The lower part of theboundary layer can be divided into three heightlayers, a wave influenced layerclose to the surface, a transition layer andan undisturbed ordinary surfacelayer; the depth of the layers is determinedby the wave state. This heightstructure can, however, not be found for thenormalised dissipation, which is onlya function of the stability, except duringpronounced swell where the actualheight also has to be accounted for. Theresults have implications for the heightvariation of the turbulent kinetic energy(TKE) budget. Thus, the imbalancebetween production and dissipation willalso vary with height according to thevariation of wave state. This, in turn,will of course have strong implicationsfor the inertial dissipation method, inwhich a parameterisation of the TKEbudget is used.  相似文献   

The influence of an idealized moving wavy surface on the overlying airflow is investigated using direct numerical simulations (DNS). In the present simulations, the bulk Reynolds number is Re = 8000 (; where U0 is the forcing velocity of the flow, h the height of the domain and v the kinematic viscosity) and the phase speed of the imposed waves relative to the friction velocity, i.e., the wave age varies from very slow to fast waves. The wave signal is clearly present in the airflow up to at least 0.15λ (where λ is the wave length) and is present up to higher levels for faster waves. In the kinetic energy budgets, pressure transport is mainly of importance for slow waves. For fast waves, viscous transport and turbulent transport dominate near the surface. Kinetic energy budgets for the wave and turbulent perturbations show a non-negligible transport of turbulent kinetic energy directed from turbulence to the wave perturbation in the airflow. The wave-turbulent energy transport depends on the size, tilt, and phase of the wave-induced part of the turbulent Reynolds stresses.According to the DNS data, slow waves are more efficient in generating isotropic turbulence than fast waves.Despite the differences in wave-shape as well as in Reynolds number between the idealized direct numerical simulations and the atmosphere, there are intriguing similarities in the turbulence structure. Important information about the turbulence above waves in the atmosphere can be obtained from DNS—the data must, however, be interpreted with care.  相似文献   

彭飞  李晓莉  陈静  李红祺 《气象学报》2019,77(2):180-195
为了体现次网格尺度能量升尺度转换过程中存在的不确定性, 文中将随机动能补偿(Stochastic Kinetic Energy Backscatter, SKEB)方案应用于GRAPES(Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System)全球集合预报系统(GRAPES-GEPS), 以更好地表征模式误差并且增大集合离散度。使用的SKEB方案基于具有一定时、空相关特征的随机型以及由数值扩散导致的局地动能耗散率来构造随机流函数强迫。并根据流函数与水平风速旋转分量的关系, 将SKEB方案中的流函数强迫转化为适用于GRAPES全球模式的水平风速扰动。结果表明, SKEB方案的使用一方面能够提高GRAPES对大气动能谱的模拟能力; 另一方面能够改善GRAPES-GEPS的集合离散度与集合平均误差的关系, 增加了集合离散度, 并在一定程度上减小了集合平均误差, 尤其是在热带地区这种改进更为显著。而且该方案使得热带地区连续分级概率评分(CRPS评分)显著减小。就降水预报而言, 从Brier评分与相对作用特征面积(AROC, Area under the Relative Operating Characteristics)的结果来看, SKEB方案有助于改善中国地区小雨[0.1 mm, 10 mm)、中雨[10 mm, 25 mm)与大雨[25 mm, 50 mm)量级降水的概率预报技巧, 而对暴雨[50 mm, ∞)量级降水预报技巧影响很小(24 h降水量)。总体上, 模式扰动随机动能补偿方案提高了GRAPES-GEPS的概率预报技巧。   相似文献   

We utilize experimental data collected in 2002 over an open field in Hanford, Washington, USA, to investigate the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budget in the atmospheric surface layer. The von Kármán constant was determined from the near-neutral wind profiles to be 0.36 ± 0.02 rather than the classical value of 0.4. The TKE budget was normalized and all terms were parameterized as functions of a stability parameter z/L, where z is the distance from the ground and L is the Obukhov length. The shear production followed the Businger–Dyer relation for −2 < z/L < 1. Contrary to the traditional Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST), the shear, buoyancy and dissipation terms were found to be imbalanced due to a non-zero vertical transport over all stabilities. Motivated by this local imbalance, modified parameterizations of the dissipation and the turbulent transport were attempted and generated good agreement with the experimental data. Assuming stationarity and horizontal homogeneity, the pressure transport was estimated from the residual of the TKE budget.  相似文献   

We estimated the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation rate for thirty-two 1-h intervals of unstable stratification covering the stability range 0.12 ≤ −z/L ≤ 43 (z/L is the ratio of instrument height to the Obukhov length), by fitting Kolmogorov’s inertial subrange spectrum to streamwise spectra observed over a desert flat. Estimated values are compatible with the existence of local equilibrium, in that the TKE dissipation rate approximately equalled the sum of shear and buoyant production rates. Only in the neutral limit was the turbulent transport term in the TKE budget measured to be small.  相似文献   

The lifetime of electric energy in the atmosphere is introduced and investigated as is the total electric energy of the atmosphere related to the total mean rate of electric energy dissipation. This lifetime, as determined from general estimations and convenient analytical expressions, turns out to be very small – from about 10 to about 100 s, depending on the assumptions on the control parameters of principal sources in the global electric circuit. In particular the energy lifetime is less than the relaxation time of the “global condenser” and field relaxation time near the ground surface. It is explained by the high dissipative rate of the electric energy in the atmosphere, taking into account that the regions mainly contributing to the total energy and its dissipative rate are connected to the altitudes of active parts of electrified (thunderstorm) clouds in the atmosphere with exponentially increasing conductivity.  相似文献   

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