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基于地磁坐标和地理位置的关系,利用Newton迭代法推导了地磁北极的计算公式;根据Klobuchar模型中电离层电子含量与地磁位置的关系,给出地磁位置的表达式;进而建立了GPS观测量估计地磁北极的模型.理论分析和数据验证了方法的可行性,得出1)Klobuchar模型属于全球性的电离层估计模型,对于区域性电离层信息描述的不十分准确,建立区域化Klobuchar模型将更有利于地磁北极的估计;2)利用泰勒公式将Klobuchar模型线性化的过程中,公式仅取其一阶项,将会影响模型的精度,有待于提高模型的展开阶数;3)实际中地磁北极的估计结果受初始值得约束;4)不同计算方法和模型对结果的可靠性有所影响,试图选择其它估计过程和方法,提高估计的可靠性.  相似文献   

Abstract Global carbonate accumulation rates on the surface of the earth, including not only platforms but also continental margin slopes and deep-sea from the Cretaceous to Present, are estimated by compiling previous geologic studies. These rates are revised, taking account of the erosional effect of the sediments on the platform and deep-sea. Long-term model carbonate fluxes from the ocean to the crust are calculated on the basis of the carbon cycle model (GEOCARB of Berner 1991 ). The rates based on the actual geologic data indicate much lower values than model fluxes, excluding the Pliocene and Quaternary. The discrepancy could be attributed to the two misunderstandings, namely an overestimate of carbonate accumulation rate for the Quaternary and an incorrect use of the higher Quaternary rate for a boundary condition of the model. The carbonate accumulation rate for the Pliocene to Quaternary is lowered from 29.8 × 1018 mol/Ma (modified from Opdyke & Wilkinson 1988 ) to 14.8 × 1018 mol/Ma in the present study, assuming that the rate from Quaternary to Pliocene is almost the same as the Miocene value. New model fluxes are recalculated with the new boundary condition in the Quaternary (14.8 × 1018 mol/Ma). Revised model fluxes show general trends of high rates in 120 Ma or 130 Ma, and a low rate in 0 Ma, and are in agreement with the accumulation rate pattern.  相似文献   

The ocean meridional overturning circulation (MOC) plays a central role for the climate in the Atlantic realm. Since scenarios for future climate change indicate a significant reduction of the MOC under global warming, an assessment of variations and trends of the real MOC is important. Using observations at ocean weather ship (OWS) stations and along oceanic sections, we examine the hydrographic information that can be used to determine MOC trends via its signature in water mass properties obtained from model simulations with the climate model ECHAM5/MPI-OM. We show that temperature trends at mid-latitudes provide useful indirect measure of large-scale changes of deep circulation: A mid-depth warming is related to MOC weakening and a cooling to MOC strengthening. Based on our model experiments, we argue that a continuation of measurements at key OWS sites may contribute to a timely detection of a possible future MOC slowdown and to separate the signal from interannual-to-multidecadal MOC variability. The simulations suggest that the subsurface hydrographic information related to MOC has a lower variability than the MOC trend measured directly. Based on our model and the available long-term hydrographic data, we estimate non-significant MOC trends for the last 80 years. For the twenty-first century, however, the model simulations predict a significant MOC decline and accompanied mid-depth warming trend.  相似文献   


The application of remotely-sensed data for hydrological modeling of the Congo Basin is presented. Satellite-derived data, including TRMM precipitation, are used as inputs to drive the USGS Geospatial Streamflow Model (GeoSFM) to estimate daily river discharge over the basin from 1998 to 2012. Physically-based parameterization was augmented with a spatially-distributed calibration that enables GeoSFM to simulate hydrological processes such as the slowing effect of the Cuvette Centrale. The resulting simulated long-term mean of daily flows and the observed flow at the Kinshasa gauge were comparable (40 631 and 40 638 m3/s respectively), in the 7-year validation period (2004–2010), with no significant bias and a Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient of 0.70. Modeled daily flows and aggregated monthly river outflows (compared to historical averages) for additional sites confirm the model reliability in capturing flow timing and seasonality across the basin, but sometimes fails to accurately predict flow magnitude. The results of this model can be useful in research and decision-making contexts and validate the application of satellite-based hydrological models driven for large, data-scarce river systems such as the Congo.  相似文献   

Recent work by Láng (1977) on solutional erosion rates in limestone drainage basins in relation to rainfall contains serious errors and has a questionable logical basis. Although much sounder, Smith and Atkinson's (1976) work on erosion rates in relation to runoff also requires modification as it greatly overestimates erosion rates in two areas of New Zealand. Greater resolution could probably be obtained by relating autogenic runoff to the rate of solution by autogenic waters and by computing separate relationships for areas where solution takes place under open and closed system equilibrium conditions. These factors should be taken into account in the experimental design of future studies.  相似文献   

利用卫星温度资料计算风场的方法分析与比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文分析和比较了利用卫星温度资料计算水平风场的方法,包括地转风、梯度风和平衡风的计算方法.以DAAC提供的MLS/UARS 1992年12月份的大气温度数据为例,计算了20~55 km高度范围的地转风、梯度风和平衡风,并与ECMWF提供的ERA-40再分析风场资料作了对比和分析,包括12月16日以及12月月平均风场随纬度-高度的变化、风场随经度-纬度的变化、纬圈平均风场随纬度-高度的变化特征和规律.计算结果表明,利用卫星温度观测数据计算的风场与再分析资料的特征和规律基本一致.计算的地转风在高纬地区比梯度风和平衡风大,在中低纬地区三者的差别较小,随着纬度的增大,曲率项的影响也逐渐增大,在高纬地区不可忽略.平衡风在梯度风的基础上还考虑了大气平流项的影响,能更好地反映风场的变化特征,尤其是高纬地区经向风的变化规律.利用平衡风场的计算结果,文章首次定量地计算了平衡方程中各项的大小和比值,分析了各项的贡献和相对重要性.结果表明,重力位势梯度项的贡献最大,并且随着纬度的增大有升高的趋势;曲率项的贡献随着纬度的增大也有增大的趋势,在高纬度地区的比值超过10%;平流项占有一定的比值,其变化范围相对较大,变化规律比较复杂.  相似文献   

针对2015年4月25日尼泊尔Mw7.8地震的孕震特征,本文首先对覆盖尼泊尔及周边地区的5套GPS水平速度场结果进行了融合,得到了近似统一参考框架下的速度场结果;在此基础上通过对此次地震震源区及周边地区的速度场、应变率场、基线时间序列分析,识别了震前变形特征.GPS应变率场结果显示,喜马拉雅主边界断裂存在大范围挤压应变积累,震源区处于近南北向应变积累高值过渡区.跨喜马拉雅构造带的GPS基线时间序列结果表现为持续缩短现象,表明印度板块与欧亚板块之间的持续挤压变形特征,2012年以来的缩短增强现象反映了印度板块对青藏块体的推挤增强作用明显.距离震中较近的西藏南部GPS同震位移结果以南向运动为主且指向震中,反映了青藏高原存在逆冲应变释放现象.综合此次尼泊尔地震前变形和同震应变释放特征,认为此次地震的孕震区域和同震应变释放区域均较大,将会对青藏高原的地壳变形与强震孕育产生深远影响.  相似文献   

A guiding principle in hydrological modelling should be to keep the number of calibration parameters to a minimum. A reduced number of parameters to be calibrated, while maintaining the accuracy and detail required by modern hydrological models, will reduce parameter and model structure uncertainty and improve model diagnostics. In this study, the dynamics of runoff are derived from the distribution of distances from points in the catchments to the nearest stream. This distribution is unique for each catchment and can be determined from a geographical information system. The distribution of distances, will, when a celerity of (subsurface) flow is introduced, provide a distribution of travel times, or a unit hydrograph (UH). For spatially varying levels of saturation deficit, we have different celerities and, hence, different UHs. Runoff is derived from the superposition of the different UHs. This study shows how celerities can be estimated if we assume that recession events represent the combined UHs for different levels of saturation deficit. A new soil moisture routine which estimates saturated and unsaturated volumes of subsurface water and with only one parameter to calibrate is included in the new model. The performance of the new model is compared with that of the Swedish HBV model and is found to perform equally well for eight Norwegian catchments although the number of parameters to be calibrated in the module concerning soil moisture and runoff dynamics is reduced from seven in the HBV model to one in the new model. It is also shown that the new model has a more realistic representation of the subsurface hydrology. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于实测光谱数据的太湖水华和水生高等植物识别   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
水华和水生高等植物的识别对于内陆水质遥感监测至关重要,其分布状况既可以用于表征水牛植物的分布状况,从而间接反映水质分布状况,又可以进一步利用非水华和水草的水体遥感数据进行水质参数反演.然而,常用的多光谱遥感数据很难精确识别水华和水草,只有高光谱遥感数据才能够捕捉水华、水草和水体细致的光谱差异,从而对水华和水草进行精确识别.但是目前还缺乏基于高光谱遥感数据的水华和水草识别的系统性研究.以太湖为研究区,于2006年7月和10月开展了2次水面光谱测量实验,获取了水华、浮叶植物、沉水植物和水体的反射率光谱.在光谱分析的基础上,首先建它了4种光谱指数,进而利用这4种光谱指数建立了水华、浮叶植物、沉水植物和水体的判别公式,并利用2006年10月水面实验测量的光谱数据训练得到了判别公式中的阈值.通过2006年7月水面实验测量的光谱数据的检验,证明提出的判别公式能够很好的识别水华和水草,获得了较高的识别精度.  相似文献   

We codify previously published means of calculating exposure ages and erosion rates from 10Be and 26Al concentrations in rock surfaces, and present a single complete and straightforward method that reflects currently accepted practices and is consistent with existing production rate calibration measurements. It is intended to enable geoscientists, who wish to use cosmogenic-nuclide exposure age or erosion rate measurements in their work to: (a) calculate exposure ages and erosion rates; (b) compare previously published exposure ages or erosion rate measurements on a common basis; (c) evaluate the sensitivity of their results to differences between published production rate scaling schemes. The method is available online at http://hess.ess.washington.edu.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the break-up of the African tectonic plate into separate Nubian and Somalian blocks, based on recent Global Positioning System (GPS) data. A new, unique velocity field has been obtained by processing all available observations of permanent GPS stations on Africa since 1996. The quantity and distribution of the stations and the length of the time-series of observations exceed that of previous studies by a considerable margin, allowing one to derive a reliable estimate of the differential motion between the Nubia and Somalian plates, which are considered as a single (African) block in the prevailing global tectonic plate models. The estimated relative pole of rotation of Somalia with respect to Nubia is located at 54.8°S; 37.0°E with magnitude −0.069°/Ma, implying distinct opening in the Ethiopian Rift of magnitude ≈7 mm/year and azimuth ≈N94°E, whereas in southeastern South Africa this value is reduced to ≈2 mm/year in almost the same direction. This is in accordance with some of the independent geological and geophysical tectonic models of the Nubia-Somalia plate boundary region. However, the spatial density of the current tracking network is still not optimal to establish the exact location of the entire Somalia-Nubia plate boundary; in particular, the possible branch east of Lake Victoria and heading towards the Mozambique Channel is impossible to confirm or reject at this moment.  相似文献   

A soil moisture retrieval method is proposed, in the absence of ground-based auxiliary measurements, by deriving the soil moisture content relationship from the satellite vegetation index-based evapotranspiration fraction and soil moisture physical properties of a soil type. A temperature–vegetation dryness index threshold value is also proposed to identify water bodies and underlying saturated areas. Verification of the retrieved growing season soil moisture was performed by comparative analysis of soil moisture obtained by observed conventional in situ point measurements at the 239-km2 Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho, USA (2006–2009), and at the US Climate Reference Network (USCRN) soil moisture measurement sites in Sundance, Wyoming (2012–2015), and Lewistown, Montana (2014–2015). The proposed method best represented the effective root zone soil moisture condition, at a depth between 50 and 100 cm, with an overall average R2 value of 0.72 and average root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.042.  相似文献   


本文在法方程层面融合GOCE卫星的VxxVyyVzzVxz重力梯度分量观测数据和GRACE卫星观测数据,采用直接法解算了220阶次的重力场模型Tongji-GOGR2019S.首先利用ⅡR带通滤波器在5~41 mHz的重力梯度带宽范围内对约24个月的GOCE重力梯度观测方程进行无相移滤波处理,并组成解算220阶次重力场模型的法方程,各梯度分量根据相对于参考模型统计精度进行定权;然后与13.5 a GRACE数据建立的180阶次Tongji-Grace02s重力场模型的法方程进行叠加,解算了220阶次的无约束纯卫星重力场模型Tongji-GOGR2019S.利用EIGEN-6C4重力场模型、GNSS/水准数据、DTU15重力异常数据以及欧洲区域似大地水准面模型EGG2015等数据对Tongji-GOGR2019S模型精度进行全面的检核评定,结果表明:引入GOCE卫星梯度数据后,高于72阶的位系数精度优于Tongji-Grace02s模型,Tongji-GOGR2019S模型的整体精度接近同阶次的DIR-R6等GOCE卫星第6代模型.


任意地球物理模型的三角形和四面体有限单元剖分   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
系统介绍了适用于复杂地球物理模型的三角形和四面体单元剖分算法,讨论了单元优良性,优良的网格剖分判定规则,建立了C++执行类库与地球物理模型单元剖分库.利用C++剖分类库与模型单元库,可以进行任意地形条件下的地球物理场的正演与反演计算,剖分类的高效性为实际模型的并行有限元法计算提供了基础.  相似文献   

本文在法方程层面融合GOCE卫星的VxxVyyVzzVxz重力梯度分量观测数据和GRACE卫星观测数据,采用直接法解算了220阶次的重力场模型Tongji-GOGR2019S.首先利用ⅡR带通滤波器在5~41 mHz的重力梯度带宽范围内对约24个月的GOCE重力梯度观测方程进行无相移滤波处理,并组成解算220阶次重力场模型的法方程,各梯度分量根据相对于参考模型统计精度进行定权;然后与13.5 a GRACE数据建立的180阶次Tongji-Grace02s重力场模型的法方程进行叠加,解算了220阶次的无约束纯卫星重力场模型Tongji-GOGR2019S.利用EIGEN-6C4重力场模型、GNSS/水准数据、DTU15重力异常数据以及欧洲区域似大地水准面模型EGG2015等数据对Tongji-GOGR2019S模型精度进行全面的检核评定,结果表明:引入GOCE卫星梯度数据后,高于72阶的位系数精度优于Tongji-Grace02s模型,Tongji-GOGR2019S模型的整体精度接近同阶次的DIR-R6等GOCE卫星第6代模型.  相似文献   

GPS揭示的郯庐断裂带中南段闭锁及滑动亏损   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用华北地区2009-2014年GPS水平运动速度场数据,采用块体负位错模型反演了郯庐断裂带中南段断层深部滑动速率、断层闭锁程度分布、断层滑动亏损速率分布及地震矩积累率,结合地表应变率分布,对郯庐断裂带中南段深、浅部形变、应变特征以及华北地区的地壳形变模式进行了分析.结果表明:郯庐断裂中南段的北端主要为右旋走滑特性,南端则表现为右旋走滑兼拉张性运动,断层滑动速率在0.9 mm·a-1至1.2 mm·a-1,且沿断层走向由北至南逐次增大.断层闭锁程度分布沿走向分布不均一,断层闭锁深度由最北端的27 km增加到中段的32 km,至最南端变为5 km,断层闭锁最深处与1668年郯城MS8.5震中位置相对应.断层滑动亏损速率沿走向由0.9 mm·a-1增加到1.2 mm·a-1,沿倾向由地表至深部逐渐减小为0 mm·a-1.地震矩积累率在郯庐断裂带中南段郯城附近较大,而地表对应区域为第二应不变分量的低值区.华北地区地壳变形以块体运动为主,块体内部应变及断层闭锁产生的负位错效应次之;郯庐断裂带中南段断层形变沿走向呈条带状分布,形变宽度单侧小于50 km,形变量不超过1 mm·a-1,且上盘形变略大于下盘.  相似文献   

Abkenar open water(AOW)has a 35 km2distribution and is the largest part of the Anzali Lagoon in the southern coastal zone of the Caspian Sea.The effects of deforestation in the upstream basin of the AOW were assessed by measuring the rate of sedimentation,sediment contamination,and ecological risk for aquatic life and end-users using radioisotopes Cesium-137 and Lead-210.The chronology of the AOW sediment column was studied using the Constant Rate of Supply model.Correlations between environmental changes and the sedimentary regime of the study area highlight the contribution of the AOW authorized international and local wood harvesting companies pre-and-post 1950 in the catchment in terms of the rate of sediment supply and the influx of toxic metals.Historical evidence shows that two specific layers formed during World Wars I and II with the mean rates of 0.185±0.04(±STD)and 0.32±0.02 kg/(m2·y),respectively.The highest influx of alkali elements and toxic metals(nickel,cadmium,lead,zinc,and copper)into the basin occurred in 1945.Two layers of gray mud(16-50 cm)and organic-rich dark loss mud(0-16 cm)correlated well with the programmed wood harvesting projects.These layers accumulated from 1953 to 2000 with a mean rate of 0.6±0.2 and 2±0.7 kg/(m2·y).Thus,aquatic life and end-users have been exposed to moderate to extremely high levels of toxic metals and a moderate level of contamination since the 1950s.  相似文献   

Lei Wang  Jaehyung Yu 《水文研究》2012,26(19):2973-2984
The construction of stormwater detention basins is a best management practice to effectively control floods, to provide additional surface storage for excess floodwater and to compensate for the adverse effects of urban development. Traditional field‐based levelling survey methods are very time consuming and subject to human‐induced arbitrariness and error. This article presents an approach to modelling detention basins measured from light detection and ranging remote sensing data. A case study is illustrated by using the White Oak Bayou watershed of Harris County, Texas. The storage–stage curve obtained from the volumetric analysis is used in a modified detention basins routing model, which was developed by adding the weir structure control to the traditional hydrologic reservoir routing equations. The model simulation showed that the peak flow of the synthetic 100‐year reoccurrence event was effectively reduced and delayed by the detention basins. The comparison with the simulation results from the traditional reservoir routing model suggested that previous studies using the reservoir routing model were likely to underestimate the flood reduction effect of detention basins. The sensitivity analysis of the parameters showed that the detention basin design and evaluation should pay more attention on the weir height and river channel's roughness. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Trace element and Th, Sr and Pb isotope data for young lavas from the Tonga-Kermadec arc in the southwest Pacific suggest that geochemical variations in the lavas along the arc are linked to differences in the material being subducted beneath the arc. Lavas from the southern (Kermadec) segment of the arc have relatively radiogenic Pb isotope compositions, which reflects a contribution from subducted sediment. In contrast, much of the Pb in Tonga lavas is derived from the altered oceanic crust in the subducting Pacific Plate, and lavas from the northernmost Tonga islands of Tafahi and Niuatoputapu contain Pb and Sr derived from the subducted part of the Louisville Seamount Chain. The origin of the Pb in the lavas from these two islands can thus be traced to a point on the subducting slab, and this observation is used to estimate the rate at which trace elements are transported beneath the arc. Our calculations suggest that fluid-soluble elements such as U, Sr and Pb are transported from the subducted slab, across the mantle wedge and back to the surface in lavas over a period of approximately 2–3 Ma, and that magmas are erupted at the surface less than 350 ka after the melts are generated in the mantle wedge.  相似文献   

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