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Sequential time-step images acquired using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) show the displacement of deuterated water (D2O) by fresh water within two limestone samples characterized by a porous and permeable limestone matrix of peloids and ooids. These samples were selected because they have a macropore system representative of some parts of the eogenetic karst limestone of the Biscayne Aquifer in southeastern Florida. The macroporosity, created by the trace fossil Ophiomorpha , is principally well connected and of centimeter scale. These macropores occur in broadly continuous stratiform zones that create preferential flow layers within the hydrogeologic units of the Biscayne. This arrangement of porosity is important because in coastal areas, it could produce a preferential pathway for salt water intrusion. Two experiments were conducted in which samples saturated with D2O were placed in acrylic chambers filled with fresh water and examined with NMR. Results reveal a substantial flux of fresh water into the matrix porosity with a simultaneous loss of D2O. Specifically, we measured rates upward of 0.001 mL/h/g of sample in static conditions, and perhaps as great as 0.07 mL/h/g of sample when fresh water continuously flows past a sample at velocities less than those found within stressed areas of the Biscayne. These experiments illustrate how fresh water and D2O, with different chemical properties, migrate within one type of matrix porosity found in the Biscayne. Furthermore, these experiments are a comparative exercise in the displacement of sea water by fresh water in the matrix of a coastal, karst aquifer since D2O has a greater density than fresh water.  相似文献   

Abstract A deep section of accretionary complex, the metamorphosed Susunai Complex, is observed on Sakhalin Is., Russia. High pressure part of pumpellyite-actinolite facies metavolcanics, metacherts and metapelites are well exposed and constitute a tectonic pile preserving primary structures related to underplating of the oceanic crust. Three stages of deformation, D1 through D3, suggest successive deformation during subduction, underplating and exhumation of the complex. Oceanic material in the complex is more abundant than other well documented ancient accretionary complexes (e.g. the Shimanto Belt in southwest Japan and the Ghost Rocks Formation in Alaska), which were shallowly underplated. At Susunai, deep down-stepping of a décollément has scraped off the upper part of the oceanic crust, primarily the pillowed basalt horizon. This down-stepping results from crustal weakening as overpressured water is released from the fractured oceanic crust during metamorphism.  相似文献   

Abstract Deformation in the Sanbagawa Belt is characterized by ductile flow in an east-west direction sub-parallel to its length. The east-west flow (D1) caused large-scale recumbent folding of the metamorphic sequence in central Shikoku, which can explain the inverted thermal structure of this region. Chemical zoning of metamorphic minerals associated with D1 microstructures also suggest that the east-west flow developed under retrograde conditions. D1 is therefore related to exhumation rather than subduction processes. A variety of kinematic indicators show that during the east-west flow, deformation was partitioned into structurally continuous domains with opposed senses of shear. This suggests that bulk deformation was not simple shear but included a component of flattening.  相似文献   

The Kuwait Group consists mainly of clastic sediments overlying unconformably the Dammam Formation of Tertiary age. The Kuwait Group is generally divided into three main hydrostratigraphic units: the upper and lower aquifers separated by an aquitard. The upper aquifer is further divided into the water table aquifer, an aquitard and a semiconfined aquifer. This semiconfined unit was pumped and the drawdowns were observed in piezometers screened in various subunits of the Kuwait Group. Some pumping tests of short duration were carried out in the top water table aquifer as well. These tests showed that the subunits of the Kuwait Group are hydraulically interconnected to a varying degree.

The pumping test data were analysed using conventional analytical solutions. The semiconfined pumping test was also simulated by a quasi-three-dimensional model using a leaky multiaquifer modelling technique. The initial hydraulic parameters were improved manually in the model till best fit drawdowns were obtained.

The final parameters obtained by simulation of the pumping tests were used in designing a pilot drainage system for the control of a rising groundwater table in parts of Kuwait City.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions of drawdown in unconfined aquifers are widely applied for determining the specific yield, Sy, and the horizontal and the vertical hydraulic conductivity Kr and Kz, respectively. In many previous studies, estimates of Sy and Kz were observed to be highly variable and physically unrealistic. This has been attributed to the conceptualization of flow above the declining water table and aquifer heterogeneity in the applied models. We present the analysis of time-drawdown data from a pumping test instrumented with depth-differentiated observation piezometers arranged in clusters. Applying homogeneous anisotropic aquifer models in combination with nonlinear least squares parameter identification techniques, the data were analyzed in different groups: analysis of data from individual piezometer clusters and simultaneous analysis of the entire data set from all piezometer clusters (global analysis). From the cluster analyses, estimates of Sy and Kz exhibit large variances and depart from a priori estimates inferred from the hydrostratigraphy. Parameter estimates from the global analysis do not fall within the parameter bounds (minimum and maximum values) defined by the cluster analyses. While heterogeneity appears to be the important reason for large parameter variances, we discuss the influence of rarely considered aquifer return flow on drawdown and the inconsistent results from the cluster and global analyses. We corroborate our findings with data on hydraulic gradients, slug test data, and results from the application of a more realistic numerical flow model.  相似文献   

Pumping test data for surficial aquifers are commonly analyzed under the assumption that the base of the aquifer corresponds to the bottom of the test wells (i.e., the aquifer is truncated). This practice can lead to inaccurate hydraulic conductivity estimates, resulting from the use of low saturated thickness values with transmissivity estimates, and not accounting for the effects of partially penetrating wells. Theoretical time-drawdown data were generated at an observation well in a hypothetical unconfined aquifer for various values of saturated thickness and were analyzed by standard curve-matching techniques. The base of the aquifer was assumed to be the bottom of the pumping and observation wells. The overestimation of horizontal hydraulic conductivity was found to be directly proportional to the error in assumed saturated thickness, and to the (actual) ratio of vertical to horizontal hydraulic conductivity (Kv/Kh). Inaccurately high estimates of hydraulic conductivity obtained by aquifer truncation can lead to overestimates of ground water velocity and contaminant plume spreading, narrow capture zone configuration estimates, and overestimates of available ground water resources.  相似文献   

Lincolns municipal wellfield consists of 44 wells developed in an alluvial aquifer adjacent to the Platte River near Ashland, Nebraska Induced recharge from the river is the primary source of water for the wellfield. Wafer samples were collected on a periodic basis from the Platte River arid two transects of monitoring wells. These samples were analyzed for the herbicide atrazine, which was used as a tracer of induced recharge in this stream-aquifer system. Atrazine concentrations in the river and aquifer were much less than 1.0 ppb during late fall and winter, but increased to as high as 18.9 ppb during spring and summer, associated with runoff from upgradient agricultural lands. There was approximately a 21-day lag time from the first detection of increasing atrazine concentration in the river to the first detection in monitoring wells immediately adjacent to the river. This lag time was relatively constant throughout the year and from one year to the next, even with major fluctuations of river stage and wellfield production. This consistency of lag time indicated that the travel times from the river to the first set of monitoring wells immediately adjacent to the river were fairly constant.
Paths of preferential flow were identified in the aquifer at a depth of 25 to 35 feet below land surface. This aquifer zone appeared to play a significant role in movement of water from beneath the river into the wellfield.
Aquifer dispersivity was calculated using a method described by Hoehn and Santschi (1987). Macrodispersivity (AL) was shown to increase linearly over the scale of the wellfield. Calculated values of AL were within limits of other reported values for this type of aquifer material and agreed well with values reported by Hoehn and Santschi (1987); These findings will be extremely beneficial for planning and management of the municipal wellfield.  相似文献   

Based on aquifer performance tests, 13 out of 15 wells situated at the Mixed Waste Disposal (MWD) area located at the Savannah River site. South Carolina, exhibited high skin factors and low well efficiencies indicative of severely damaged wells. The use of damaged wells in aquifer testing can lead to inaccurate determinations of aquifer properties, and such wells are unusable in future remediation programs. Moreover, damaged wells can go dry during purging, thus compromising sample collection. Pump tests, chemical analyses, and biological investigations revealed that the poor well performance at MWD was attributable to calcite precipitation on the well screen and drilling mud in the filter pack. The calcite problem resulted from improper well installation, and the drilling mud in the filter pack was due to inadequate well development.
Experimental rehabilitation procedures employed on two wells, MWD 5A and 1A, included acidification, swabbing, introduction of surfactants, and surging. Treatment of the wells substantially improved well yields, skin factors, and well efficiencies. Moreover, well rehabilitation was determined to be a reasonable alternative to drilling new wells at the MWD wellfield.  相似文献   

Treatability tests and cost analyses were conducted to provide objective criteria for selection of a surfactant formulation to be used for surfactant enhanced aquifer remediation (SEAR) of a tetrachloroethene (PCE)-contaminated site in Oscoda, Michigan. Two surfactant formulations, 4% Tween 80 + 500 mg/L CaCl2 and 8% Aerosol MA/IPA +15,000 mg/L NaCl + 1000 mg/L CaCl2, were considered based on their capacity to solubilize PCE and prior use in SEAR applications. Results of a two-dimensional aquifer cell experiment indicated that 53% of the released PCE was recovered after flushing with approximately 8 pore volumes of 4% Tween 80. In contrast, only 3 pore volumes of 8% Aerosol MA/IPA solution were required to recover 78% of the PCE from the two-dimensional aquifer cell, although the greater recovery of PCE was attributed, in large part, to the higher concentration of Aerosol MA. However, mobilization of PCE as free product was observed during the 8% Aerosol MA/IPA flood, which was consistent with total trapping number (NT) calculations. At the pilot-scale, SEAR treatment costs were estimated to be $222,000 and $244,000 for 4% Tween 80 and 8% Aerosol MA/IPA, respectively, which compared favorably to the estimated pump-and-treat cost of $316,000. Projected full-scale costs, based on a line-drive flushing system, were $382,000 for 4% Tween 80 and $443,000 for 8% Aerosol MA/IPA. In contrast, full-scale pump-and-treat costs were estimated to be $1,167,000. Surfactant recycling was shown to be logistically and economically infeasible at the pilot scale, and provided only a minimal cost benefit for 4% Tween 80 at the full scale. Based on the similarities in solubilization capacity and treatment cost, but substantially lower risk of PCE displacement, Tween 80 was recommended over Aerosol MA/IPA for pilot-scale testing of SEAR.  相似文献   

Borehole dilution tests have been used for characterization of aquifer hydrogeologic properties for several decades. Based on the principles of borehole dilution tests, we conducted what more appropriately may be considered a wellbore fluid displacement test in a limestone aquifer in South Carolina. Our study area is a quarry in the coastal plain of South Carolina. Using a solution of reagent grade NaCl and deionized H2O as a tracer, a brine slug was introduced into a 5 cm (2 in.) diameter Schedule 40 PVC well with a 6-m slotted screen at the bottom. Immediately following addition of the brine, a recording electrical conductivity (EC) sensor was placed in the well opposite the screen and set to record EC in 2-min intervals for 5 days. An alternative to previous methods for analyzing data from wellbore brine displacement tests was developed. Results were analyzed using SEAWAT-2000 to account for the density dependency of brine flow and transport. The high spatial resolution, three-dimensional numerical simulation enabled direct incorporation of well construction peculiarities, including the sand pack and length of screen, in the data analysis. Hydraulic conductivity, effective porosity, and longitudinal dispersivity were adjusted in the simulation model until the best match of simulated wellbore fluid concentrations to observed concentrations was achieved. Using this procedure, we were able to obtain a very close agreement between observed and simulated concentrations and, hence, reliable estimates of the hydrogeologic properties of the aquifer in the vicinity of the test well.  相似文献   

The Investigation of Aquifer Parameters Using Multiple Piezometers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to investigate the aquifer parameters of a fissured layered sandstone aquifer, it was found necessary to construct and test an abstraction borehole using laboratory, double packer, geophysical and pumping test techniques. Good correlation was found between the techniques when the aquifer was represented by a fissured layered aquifer with low permeability bands separating layers of higher permeability. The use of multiple piezometers proved to be the only way of obtaining sensible results for field pumping tests and has given storage coefficients for both the confined and unconfined sections of the aquifer.  相似文献   

Abstract. Two useful programs have been developed for the Hewlett Packard HP41CV programmable calculator. The THEIS program is designed to simulate a well pumping from a confined or unconfined aquifer. Drawdown, residual drawdown, t/t1 and t/r2 are calculated. The BOUN program is designed to solve for drawdown in a well pumping from an aquifer bounded by two parallel impermeable barriers. The programs can be used in aquifer pumping test design, pumping test analysis, and aquifer response predictions.  相似文献   

A conceptual model of eolian transport is proposed to address the widely distributed, high concentrations of hexavalent chromium (Cr+6) observed in ground water in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Concentrations (30 to more than 1000 μg/L Cr+6) extend over thousands of square kilometers of ground water systems. It is hypothesized that the Cr is derived from weathering of chromium-rich pyroxenes and olivines present in ophiolite sequence of the adjacent Oman (Hajar) Mountains. Cr+3 in the minerals is oxidized to Cr+6 by reduction of manganese and is subsequently sorbed on iron and manganese oxide coatings of particles. When the surfaces of these particles are abraded in this arid environment, they release fine, micrometer-sized, coated particles that are easily transported over large distances by wind and subsequently deposited on the surface. During ground water recharge events, the readily soluble Cr+6 is mobilized by rain water and transported by advective flow into the underlying aquifer. Chromium analyses of ground water, rain, dust, and surface (soil) deposits are consistent with this model, as are electron probe analyses of clasts derived from the eroding Oman ophiolite sequence. Ground water recharge flux is proposed to exercise some control over Cr+6 concentration in the aquifer.  相似文献   

This paper presents a vertically averaged model for studying water and solute exchanges between a large river and its adjacent alluvial aquifer. The hydraulic model couples horizontal 2D Saint Venant equations for river flow and a 2D Dupuit equation for aquifer flow. The dynamic coupling between river and aquifer is provided by continuity of fluxes and water level elevation between the two domains. Equations are solved simultaneously by linking the two hydrological system matrices in a single global matrix in order to ensure the continuity conditions between river and aquifer and to accurately model two‐way coupling between these two domains. The model is applied to a large reach (about 36 km2) of the Garonne River (south‐western France) and its floodplain, including an instrumented site in a meander. Simulated hydraulic heads are compared with experimental measurements on the Garonne River and aquifer in the floodplain. Model verification includes comparisons for one point sampling date (27 piezometers, 30 March 2000) and for hydraulic heads variations measured continuously over 5 months (5 piezometers, 1 January to 1 June 2000). The model accurately reproduces the strong hydraulic connections between the Garonne River and its aquifer, which are confirmed by the simultaneous variation of the water level in the river and in piezometers located near the river bank. The simulations also confirmed that the model is able to reproduce groundwater flow dynamics during flood events. Given these results, the hydraulic model was coupled with a solute‐transport component, based on advection‐dispersion equations, to investigate the theoretical dynamics of a conservative tracer over 5 years throughout the 36 km2 reach studied. Meanders were shown to favour exchanges between river and aquifer, and although the tracer was diluted in the river, the contamination moved downstream from the injection plots and affected both river banks. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Identifying connections in a fractured rock aquifer using ADFTs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Halihan T  Love A  Sharp JM 《Ground water》2005,43(3):327-335
Fractured rock aquifers are difficult to characterize because of their extremely heterogeneous nature. Developing an understanding of fracture network hydraulic properties in these aquifers is difficult and time consuming, and field testing techniques for determining the location and connectivity of fractures in these aquifers are limited. In the Clare Valley, South Australia, well interference is an important issue for a major viticultural area that uses a fractured aquifer. Five fracture sets exist in the aquifer, all dipping > 25 degrees . In this setting, we evaluate the ability of steady-state asymmetric dipole-flow tests (ADFTs) to determine the connections between a test well and a set of piezometers. The procedure involves dividing a test well into two chambers using a single packer and pumping fluid from the upper chamber to the lower chamber. By conducting a series of tests at different packer elevations, an "input" signal is generated in fracture zones connected to the test well. By monitoring the "output" response of the hydraulic dipole field at piezometers, the connectivity of the fractures between the test well and piezometers can be determined. Results indicate the test well used in this study is connected in a complex three-dimensional geometry, with drawdown occurring above and below areas of potentiometric buildup. The ADFT method demonstrates that the aquifer evaluated in this study cannot be modeled effectively on the well scale using continuum flow models.  相似文献   

Groundwater contamination by fuel-related compounds such as the fuel oxygenates methyl tert -butyl ether (MTBE), tert -butyl alcohol (TBA), and tert -amyl methyl ether (TAME) presents a significant issue to managers and consumers of groundwater and surface water that receives groundwater discharge. Four sites were investigated on Long Island, New York, characterized by groundwater contaminated with gasoline and fuel oxygenates that ultimately discharge to fresh, brackish, or saline surface water. For each site, contaminated groundwater discharge zones were delineated using pore water geochemistry data from 15 feet (4.5 m) beneath the bottom of the surface water body in the hyporheic zone and seepage-meter tests were conducted to measure discharge rates. These data when combined indicate that MTBE, TBA, and TAME concentrations in groundwater discharge in a 5-foot (1.5-m) thick section of the hyporheic zone were attenuated between 34% and 95%, in contrast to immeasurable attenuation in the shallow aquifer during contaminant transport between 0.1 and 1.5 miles (0.1 to 2.4 km). The attenuation observed in the hyporheic zone occurred primarily by physical processes such as mixing of groundwater and surface water. Biodegradation also occurred as confirmed in laboratory microcosms by the mineralization of U- 14C-MTBE and U-14C-TBA to 14CO2 and the novel biodegradation of U- 14C-TAME to 14CO2 under oxic and anoxic conditions. The implication of fuel oxygenate attenuation observed in diverse hyporheic zones suggests an assessment of the hyporheic zone attenuation potential (HZAP) merits inclusion as part of site assessment strategies associated with monitored or engineered attenuation.  相似文献   

Control of BTEX Migration Using a Biologically Enhanced Permeable Barrier   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A permeable barrier system. consisting of a line of closely spaced wclls. was installed perpendicular to ground water flow to control the migration of a dissolved hydrocarhon plume. The wells were charged wiih concrete briquets that release oxygen and nitrate at a controlled rate. enhancing aerobic bio-degradation in the downgradient aquifer.
Laboratory batch reactor experiments were conducted to identify concrete mixtures that slowly released oxygcn over an extended time period. Concretes prepared with urea hydrogen peroxide were unsatisfactory, while concretes prepared with calcium peroxide and a proprietary formalation of magnesium peroxide (ORC®) gradually released oxygen at a steadily declining rate. The 21 percent MgO2 conerete cylinders and briquets released oxygen at measurable rates for up to 300 days, while the 14 percent CaO2 briquets were exhausted by 100 days.
A full-scale permeable barrier system using ORC was constructed at a gasoline-spill site. During the first 242 days of operation. total BTFX decreased from 17 to 3.4 mg/L. and dissolved oxygen increased from 0.4 to 1.8 mg/L. during transport through the barrier. Over time, BTEX treatment efficiencies declined. indicating the barrier system had becomc less effective in releasing oxygen and nutrients to the highly contaminated portion of the aquifer. Point dilution tests and sediment analyses performed at the conclusion of the project indicated that ihc aquifer in the vicinity of the remediation wells had been clogged by precipitation with iron minerals. This clogging is believed to result from high pH from the concrete and oxygen released by ihc ORC. Oxygen-releasing permeable barriers and other aerobic bioremediation processes should be used with caution in aquifers with high levels of dissolved iron.  相似文献   

Electro-osmosis (EO), the movement of water through porous media in response to an electric field, offers a means for extracting contaminated ground water from fine-grained sediments, such as clays, that are not easily amenable to conventional pump-and-treat approaches. The EO-induced water flux is proportional to the voltage gradient in a manner analogous to the flux dependence on the hydraulic gradient under Darcy's law. The proportionality constant, the soil electro-osmotic conductivity or keo, is most easily measured in soil cores using bench-top tests, where flow is one-dimensional and interfering effects attributable to Darcy's law can be directly accounted for. In contrast, quantification of EO fluxes and keo in the field under deployment conditions can be difficult because electrodes are placed in ground water wells that may be screened across a heterogeneous mixture of lithologies. As a result, EO-induced water fluxes constitute an approximate radial flow system that is superimposed upon a Darcy flow regime through permeable pathways that may or may not be coupled with hydraulic head differences created by the EO-induced water fluxes. A single well comparative tracer test, which indirectly measures EO fluxes by comparing wellbore tracer dilution rates between background and EO-induced water fluxes, may provide a means for routinely quantifying the efficacy of EO systems in such settings. EO fluxes measured in field tests through this technique at a ground water contamination site were used to estimate a mean keo value through a semianalytic line source model of the electric field. The resulting estimate agrees well with values reported in the literature and with values obtained with bench-top tests conducted on a soil core collected in the test area.  相似文献   

Vertical depth profiles of pore water isotopes (δD and δ18O) in clay-rich aquitards have been used to show that solute transport is dominated by molecular diffusion, to define the timing of geologic events, and to estimate vertical hydraulic conductivity. The interpretation of the isotopic profiles in these studies was based on pore water samples collected from piezometers installed in nests (typically 4 to 15 piezometers) over depths of 10 to 80 m. Data from piezometer nests generally have poor vertical resolution (meters), raising questions about their capacity to reveal the impact of finer scale heterogeneities such as permeable sand bodies or fractured till zones on solute transport. Here, we used high-resolution (30-cm) depth profiles of δD and δ18O from two continuously cored boreholes in a till aquitard to provide new insights into the effects of sand bodies on solute transport. High-resolution core-derived profiles indicate that such heterogeneities can cause major deviations from one-dimensional diffusion profiles. Further, comparison of piezometer-measured values with best-fit diffusion trends shows subtle deviations, suggesting the presence of heterogeneities that should not be ignored. High-resolution profiles also more clearly defined the contact between the highly fractured oxidized zone and the underlying unoxidized zone than the piezometers.  相似文献   

An estimation of the volume of light nonaqueous phase liquids (LNAPL) is often required during site assessment, remedial design, or litigation. LNAPL volume can be estimated by a strictly empirical approach whereby core samples, distributed throughout the vertical and lateral extent of LNAPL, are analyzed for LNAPL content, and these data are then integrated to compute a volume. Alternatively, if the LNAPL has obtained vertical equilibrium, the thickness of LNAPL in monitoring wells can be used to calculate of LNAPL in monitoring wells can be used to calculate LNAPL volume at the well locations if appropriate soil and LNAPL properties can be estimated.
A method is described for estimating key soil and LNAPL properties by nonlinear regression of vertical profiles of LNAPL saturation. The methods is relatively fast, cost effective, and amenable to quantitative analysis of uncertainty. Optionally, the method allows statistical determination of best-fit values for the Van Genuchten capillary parameters (n, αoil-water and αoil-air), residual water saturation and ANAPL density. The sensitivity of the method was investigated by fitting field LNAPL saturation profiles and then determining the variation in misfit (mean square residual) as a function of parameter value for each parameter. Using field data from a sandy aquifer, the fitting statistics were found to be highly sensitive to LNAPL density, αoil-water and αoil-air moderately sensitive to the Van Genuchten n value, and weakly sensitive to residual water saturation. The regression analysis also provides information that can be used to estimate uncertainty in the estimated parameters, which can then be used to estimate uncertainty in calculated values of specific volume.  相似文献   

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