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A model for gas outflows is proposed which simultaneously explains the correlations between the (i) equivalent widths of low-ionization and Lyα lines, (ii) outflow velocity, and (iii) star formation rate observed in Lyman break galaxies (LBGs). Our interpretation implies that LBGs host short-lived (30 ± 5 Myr) starburst episodes observed at different evolutionary phases. Initially, the starburst powers a hot wind bound by a denser cold shell, which after ≈5 Myr becomes dynamically unstable and fragments; afterwards the fragment evolution is approximately ballistic while the hot bubble continues to expand. As the fragments are gravitationally decelerated, their screening ability of the starlight decreases as the ultraviolet (UV) starburst luminosity progressively dims. LBG observations sample all these evolutionary phases. Finally, the fragments fall back on to the galaxy after ≈60 Myr. This phase cannot be easily probed as it occurs when the starburst UV luminosity has already largely faded; however, galaxies dimmer in the UV than LBGs should show infalling gas.  相似文献   

We find that at redshifts   z ≳ 10, HD  line cooling allows strongly shocked primordial gas to cool to the temperature of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). This temperature is the minimum value attainable via radiative cooling. Provided that the abundance of HD, normalized to the total number density, exceeds a critical level of  ∼10−8  , the CMB temperature floor is reached in a time which is short in comparison to the Hubble time. We estimate the characteristic masses of stars formed out of shocked primordial gas in the wake of the first supernovae, and resulting from the virialization of dark matter haloes during hierarchical structure formation to be  ∼10 M  . In addition, we show that cooling by HD enables the primordial gas in relic H  ii regions to cool to temperatures considerably lower than those reached via H2 cooling alone. We confirm that HD cooling is unimportant in cases where the primordial gas does not go through an ionized phase, as in the formation process of the very first stars in   z ≳ 20  minihaloes of mass  ∼106 M  .  相似文献   

We explore possibilities of collapse and star formation in Population III objects exposed to the external ultraviolet background (UVB) radiation. Assuming spherical symmetry, we solve self-consistently radiative transfer of photons, non-equilibrium H2 chemistry and gas hydrodynamics. Although the UVB does suppress the formation of low-mass objects, the negative feedback turns out to be weaker than previously suggested. In particular, the cut-off scale of collapse drops significantly below the virial temperature T vir∼104 K at weak UV intensities ( J 21≲10−2) , owing to both self-shielding of the gas and H2 cooling. Clouds above this cut-off tend to contract highly dynamically, further promoting self-shielding and H2 formation. For plausible radiation intensities and spectra, the collapsing gas can cool efficiently to temperatures well below 104 K before rotationally supported and the final H2 fraction reaches ∼ 10−3.
Our results imply that star formation can take place in low-mass objects collapsing in the UVB. The threshold baryon mass for star formation is ∼ 109 M for clouds collapsing at redshifts z ≲3 , but drops significantly at higher redshifts. In a conventional cold dark matter universe, the latter coincides roughly with that of the 1 σ density fluctuations. Objects near and above this threshold can thus constitute 'building blocks' of luminous structures, and we discuss their links to dwarf spheroidal/elliptical galaxies and faint blue objects. These results suggest that the UVB can play a key role in regulating the star formation history of the Universe.  相似文献   

The line ratios from coronal gas in Seyferts can be successfully fitted with photoionized clouds of high densities and low volume filling factor. The ionization parameter implied is sufficiently high that models must consider the effect of radiation pressure from the active nucleus. In spite of the gravitational force of the nucleus, radiation pressure is sufficiently strong to compress and radially accelerate the internally stratified gas clouds provided that these contain small amounts of dust (≃ 10 per cent of the solar neighbourhood value). This radial acceleration could explain the blueshift of the coronal lines relative to the systemic velocity without the need to invoke an ambient 'pushing' wind. Embedded dust has the interesting effect of making the photoionized clouds marginally ionization-bounded instead of matter-bounded.  相似文献   

Transformation of discs into spheroids via mergers is a well-accepted element of galaxy formation models. However, recent simulations have shown that the bulge formation is suppressed in increasingly gas-rich mergers. We investigate the global implications of these results in a cosmological framework, using independent approaches: empirical halo-occupation models (where galaxies are populated in haloes according to observations) and semi-analytic models. In both, ignoring the effects of gas in mergers leads to the overproduction of spheroids: low- and intermediate-mass galaxies are predicted to be bulge-dominated (   B / T ∼ 0.5  at  <1010 M  , with almost no 'bulgeless' systems), even if they have avoided major mergers. Including the different physical behaviour of gas in mergers immediately leads to a dramatic change: bulge formation is suppressed in low-mass galaxies, observed to be gas-rich (giving   B / T ∼ 0.1  at  <1010 M  , with a number of bulgeless galaxies in good agreement with observations). Simulations and analytic models which neglect the similarity-breaking behaviour of gas have difficulty reproducing the strong observed morphology–mass relation. However, the observed dependence of gas fractions on mass, combined with suppression of bulge formation in gas-rich mergers, naturally leads to the observed trends. Discrepancies between observations and models that ignore the role of gas increase with redshift; in models that treat gas properly, galaxies are predicted to be less bulge-dominated at high redshifts, in agreement with the observations. We discuss implications for the global bulge mass density and future observational tests.  相似文献   

We analyse a high-redshift sample (0.4 < z < 0.5) of luminous red galaxies (LRGs) extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 4 and their surrounding structures to explore the presence of alignment effects of these bright galaxies with neighbour objects. In order to avoid projection effects, we compute photometric redshifts for galaxies within 3  h −1 Mpc in projection of LRGs and calculate the relative angle between the LRG major axis and the direction to neighbours within 1000 km s−1. We find a clear signal of alignment between LRG orientations and the distribution of galaxies within 1.5  h −1 Mpc. The alignment effects are present only for the red population of tracers; LRG orientation is uncorrelated to the blue population of neighbour galaxies. These results add evidence to the alignment effects between primaries and satellites detected at low redshifts. We conclude that such alignments were already present at z ∼ 0.5.  相似文献   

We investigate a number of potential foregrounds for an ambitious goal of future radio telescopes such as the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) and the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR): spatial tomography of neutral gas at high redshift in 21-cm emission. While the expected temperature fluctuations due to unresolved radio point sources is highly uncertain, we point out that free–free emission from the ionizing haloes that reionized the Universe should define a minimal bound. This emission is likely to swamp the expected brightness temperature fluctuations, making proposed detections of the angular patchwork of 21-cm emission across the sky unlikely to be viable. Hα observations with JWST could place an upper bound on the contribution of high-redshift sources to the free–free background. An alternative approach is to discern the topology of reionization from spectral features due to 21-cm emission along a pencil-beam slice. This requires tight control of the frequency-dependence of the beam in order to prevent foreground sources from contributing excessive variance. We also investigate potential contamination by galactic and extragalactic radio recombination lines (RRLs). These are unlikely to be show-stoppers, although little is known about the distribution of RRLs away from the Galactic plane. The mini-halo emission signal is always less than that of the intergalactic medium (IGM), making mini-haloes unlikely to be detectable. If they are seen, it will be only in the very earliest stages of structure formation at high redshift, when the spin temperature of the IGM has not yet decoupled from the cosmic microwave background.  相似文献   

We study cosmic microwave background (CMB) secondary anisotropies produced by inhomogeneous reionization by means of cosmological simulations coupled with the radiative transfer code crash . The reionization history is consistent with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe Thomson optical depth determination. We find that the signal arising from this process dominates over the primary CMB component for   l ≳ 4000  and reaches a maximum amplitude of   l ( l + 1) Cl /2π≃ 1.6 × 10−13  on arcmin scales (i.e. l as large as several thousands). We then cross-correlate secondary CMB anisotropy maps with neutral hydrogen 21-cm line emission fluctuations obtained from the same simulations. The two signals are highly anticorrelated on angular scales corresponding to the typical size of H  ii regions (including overlapping) at the 21-cm map redshift. We show how the CMB/21-cm cross-correlation can be used: (i) to study the nature of the reionization sources; (ii) to reconstruct the cosmic reionization history; (iii) to infer the mean cosmic ionization level at any redshift. We discuss the feasibility of the proposed experiment with forthcoming facilities.  相似文献   

Possible detection of signatures of structure formation at the end of the 'dark age' epoch  ( z ∼ 40–20)  is examined. We discuss the spectral–spatial fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) temperature produced by elastic resonant scattering of CMBR photons on deuterated hydrogen (HD) molecules located in protostructures moving with peculiar velocity. Detailed chemical kinematic evolution of HD molecules in the expanding homogeneous medium is calculated. Then, the HD abundances are linked to protostructures at their maximum expansion, whose properties are estimated by using the top-hat spherical approach and the Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology. We find that the optical depths in the HD three lowest pure rotational lines for high-peak protohaloes at their maximum expansion are much higher than those in LiH molecule. The corresponding spectral–spatial fluctuation amplitudes, however, are probably too weak to be detected by current and forthcoming millimetre telescope facilities. We extend our estimates of spectral–spatial fluctuations to gas clouds inside collapsed CDM haloes by using results from a crude model of HD production in these clouds. The fluctuations for the highest peak CDM haloes at redshifts ∼20–30 could be detected in the future. Observations will be important to test model predictions of early structure formation in the Universe.  相似文献   

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