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The evolution from Late Cretaceous to early Eocene of the well dated Amiran foreland basin in the NW Iranian Zagros Mountains is studied based on the reconstruction of successive thickness, palaeobathymetry and subsidence maps. These maps show the progressive forelandwards migration of the mixed carbonate‐siliciclastic system associated with a decrease in creation of accommodation. Carbonate facies variations across the basin suggest a structural control on the carbonate distribution in the Amiran foreland basin, which has been used as initial constraint to study the control exerted by syndepositional folding in basin architecture and evolution by means of stratigraphic numerical modelling. Modelled results show that shallow bathymetries on top of growing folds enhance carbonate production and basin compartmentalization. As a consequence, coarse clastics become restricted to the internal parts of the basin and only the fine sediments can by‐pass the bathymetric highs generated by folding. Additionally, the development of extensive carbonate platforms on top of the anticlines favours the basinwards migration of the depositional system, which progrades farther with higher fold uplift rates. In this scenario, build‐ups on top of anticlines record its growth and can be used as a dating method. Extrapolation of presented modelling results into the Amiran foreland basin is in agreement with an early folding stage in the SE Lurestan area, between the Khorramabad and Kabir Kuh anticlines. This folding stage would enhance the development of carbonate platforms on top of the anticlines, the south‐westward migration of the system and eventually, the complete filling of the basin north of the Chenareh anticline at the end of the Cuisian. Incremental thickness maps are consistent with a thin (0.4–2 km) ophiolite complex in the source area of the Amiran basin.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between sedimentation and tectonics is critical to the analysis of stratigraphic evolution in foreland basins. Previous models of foreland basins have explained stratal development, but were done generally under the assumption that steady allogenic forcing produces a steady stratigraphic response. They did not consider autogenic shoreline behaviour during the development of the subsidence pattern characteristic of foreland basins. We present a mathematical model and flume experiments that explore how subsidence and sediment‐supply rates control the shoreline trajectory and the stratal patterns that fill foreland basins. Through these models, we found differing autogenic responses in the rate and direction of shoreline migration, and these generated three distinct styles of stratal architecture, despite the constant external forcing (i.e. constant sediment discharge and basin substrate tilting). The first response was ‘autoretreat’, where shoreline migration switched from initial progradation to retrogradation. The second response was progradation followed by constant aggradation of the shoreline. The third response was maintained progradation with a markedly accelerating rate. We termed this latter newly observed autogenic behaviour ‘shoreline autoacceleration’. These three modes of shoreline behaviour and their accompanying stratal architecture provide a basic framework for the relationship between sedimentation and tectonic activity in foreland basins under the simplified conditions presented here.  相似文献   

A numerical model linking a coral growth algorithm and an algorithm for flexural subsidence reproduces many of the characteristics of drowned foreland basin carbonate platforms. This model successfully matches the observed distribution and drowning age of drowned carbonate platforms in the Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea, a modern submarine foreland basin. Analysis of equations describing flexural subsidence and eustatic sea-level variations suggest that there are minimum convergence rates and periodicities of sea-level variation required to drown foreland basin carbonate platforms. For convergence rates on the order of a few millimetres per year, sea-level must vary on time-scales of about 105 years in order to induce a rate of relative sea-level rise great enough to drown an otherwise healthy foreland basin carbonate platform.  相似文献   

近百年来长江口启东嘴潮滩沉积物质来源及定量估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张云峰  张振克  任航  高磊  丁海燕 《地理学报》2018,73(11):2105-2116
河流入海输沙是海岸稳定的重要物质基础。启东嘴潮滩位于长江北支口门,与江苏海岸线交汇,陆海相互作用强烈。利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪测定了岩芯沉积物QDZ-1的地球化学元素。根据地球化学元素的分布特征和富集系数,分析了物源指示意义,表明启东嘴潮滩沉积物受到长江物质和南黄海物质的共同影响。基于地球化学元素的沉积物端元定量判识方法,对不同物质来源的贡献率进行了定量估算。在1930年前启东嘴潮滩沉积物主要来自长江的入海输沙,贡献率为68.1%,随着长江北支河槽的衰退,贡献率逐渐减少,在1930-1972年间为38.5%,到1972年后减少到17.5%。苏北沿岸流携带向南输运的南黄海物质,贡献率逐渐增加,在1930年前为27.1%,在1930-1972年间为55.6%,到1972年后增加到75.9%,成为启东嘴潮滩主要物质来源。沉积物来源的阶段性变化,在时间上与北支水动力的阶段性变化基本吻合。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the relationship between thrust loading and sedimentary facies evolution, we analyse the progradation of fluvial coarse‐grained deposits in the retroarc foreland basin system of the northern Andes of Colombia. We compare the observed sedimentary facies distribution with the calculated one‐dimensional (1D) Eocene to Quaternary sediment‐accumulation rates in the Medina wedge‐top basin and with a three‐dimensional (3D) sedimentary budget based on the interpretation of ~1800 km of industry‐style seismic reflection profiles and borehole data. Age constraints are derived from a new chronostratigraphic framework based on extensive fossil palynological assemblages. The sedimentological data from the Medina Basin reveal rapid accumulation of fluvial and lacustrine sediments at rates of up to ~500 m my?1 during the Miocene. Provenance data based on gravel petrography and paleocurrents reveal that these Miocene fluvial systems were sourced from Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene sedimentary units exposed to the west in the Eastern Cordillera. Peak sediment‐accumulation rates in the upper Carbonera Formation and the Guayabo Group occur during episodes of coarse‐grained facies progradation in the early and late Miocene proximal foredeep. We interpret this positive correlation between sediment accumulation and gravel deposition as the direct consequence of thrust activity along the Servitá–Lengupá faults. This contrasts with one class of models relating gravel progradation in more distal portions of foreland basin systems to episodes of tectonic quiescence.  相似文献   

Changes in sediment flux to continental margins are commonly interpreted in terms of tectonic growth of topography or climatic change. Here, we show that variations in sediment yield from orogenic systems, previously considered as resulting from climate change, drainage reorganisation or mantle processes can be explained by intrinsic mechanisms of mountain belt/foreland basin systems naturally evolving during post-orogenic decay. Numerical modelling indicates an increase of sediment flux leaving the orogenic system synchronous with the cessation of deposition in the foreland basin and the transition from late syn- to post-orogenesis. Experiments highlight the importance of lithospheric flexure that causes the post-orogenic isostatic rebound of the foreland basin. Erosion of the rebounding foreland basin combined with continued sediment flux from the thrust wedge drives an acceleration in sediment outflux towards continental margins. Sediment budget records in natural settings such as the Northern Pyrenees or Western European Alps also indicate accelerated post-orogenic sediment delivery to the Bay of Biscay and Rhône Delta respectively. These intrinsic processes that determine sediment yield to continental margins must be accounted for prior to consideration of additional external tectonic or climatic controls.  相似文献   

A two‐dimensional mathematical model considering coupling between a deforming elasto‐visco‐plastic fold–thrust belt, flexural subsidence and diffusional surface processes is solved using the Finite Element Method to investigate how the mechanical behaviour of brittle–ductile wedges influences the development of foreland basins. Results show that, depending mainly on the strength of the basal décollement, two end‐member types of foreland basin are possible. When the basal detachment is relatively strong, the foreland basin system is characterised by: (1) Highly asymmetrical orogen formed by thrusts concentrated in the incoming pro‐wedge. (2) Sedimentation on retro‐side takes place in one major foredeep basin which grows throughout orogen evolution. (3) Deposition on the pro‐side occurs initially in the foredeep, and continues in the wedge‐top before isolated basins are advected towards the orogen core where they become uplifted and exhumed. (4) Most pro‐wedge basins show an upward progression from low altitude, foredeep deposits at the base to high altitude, wedge‐top deposits near the surface. In contrast, when the basal detachment behaves weakly due to the presence of low viscosity material such as salt, the foreland basin system is characterised by (1) Broad, low relief orogen showing little preferential vergence and predominance of folding relative to faulting. (2) Deposition mainly in wedge‐top basins showing growth strata. (3) Many basins are initiated contemporaneously but form discontinuously due to the locus of active deformation jumping back and forth between different structures. Model results successfully reproduce first order observations of deforming brittle–ductile wedges and foreland basins. Moreover, the results support and provide a framework for understanding the existence of two main end‐member foreland basin types, simple and complex, associated with fold–thrust belts whose detachments are relatively strong and weak, respectively.  相似文献   

In zones of continental collision, three methods can be used to calculate the strength of the underthrust lithosphere: (1) a forward model approach to the Bouguer gravity field, (2) an inverse model of the gravity and topography using admittance techniques, or (3) a forward model of the stratigraphic infill of the foreland basin to estimate the cross-sectional profile of the downflexed plate. The use of reconstructed stratigraphy has the potential to yield values for the equivalent elastic thickness (Te) of the cratonic lithosphere at varying slices in geological time, and hence enable an insight into the longer term (10–50 Myr) mechanical behaviour of the continental lithosphere. Calculations of Te based on isopachs of foreland basin stratigraphy use sea level as a reference line to estimate the basement deflection, and therefore are limited to using stratigraphy which records shallow marine or coastal sedimentation. A new empirical approach is applied to evaluating ancient Te values using the reconstructed palaeocurvature of the basin in plan view. The radius of curvature of 12 curvilinear foreland basins is plotted against their documented Te values and shows a linear relationship. The maximum Te value for a given radius of curvature can also be plotted as a straight line. The palaeocurvature of reconstructed basins can then be compared with the plots, and estimates of likely maximum Te values may be obtained. During Eocene times, the underfilled foreland basin of the Alps was characterized on its cratonic edge by the deposition of Nummulite-rich limestones. Palaeogeographical reconstructions of the Nummulitic Limestones enable estimates of the palaeocurvature of the cratonic margin of the Alpine foreland basin during the Eocene. By comparing this value with the curvature of documented basins, it is possible to suggest that the European lithosphere underlying the western Alps had an effective elastic thickness of no greater than 17 km during the Eocene. It has been suggested that the transition in the depositional state of the Alpine foreland basin from an underfilled to a filled state during middle Oligocene times was linked to a thickening of the continental lithosphere associated with the effective ramp of the Tethyan passive margin. The Te value of less than 17 km during the underfilled stage combined with a value of 10±5 km for the later filled stage at 17 Ma does not lend support to this hypothesis.  相似文献   

From a long-term point of view, the balance between erosion and sediment yield in a drainage system can basically realize, i.e., the delivery ratio can be close to 1. However, substantial variations among individual rainfall events or between annual delivery ratio exist, causing frequent sediment retaining or re-erosion and re-delivery of the retained sediments in a short period of time. Thus the delivery ratio will be < 1 or > 1. The sediment delivery ratio is closely related to the spatial distribution of rainfall and magnitude of rise and fall of peak flood and that of runoff depth in the drainage system. Delivery ratio of single event in a drainage system and changes of delivery capacity of silt-laden runoff in various classes of gullies can be expressed by transformation mechanism of shear force of a single rainstorm event with flood resulting from increase and decrease of peak flood per unit area.  相似文献   

CHEN Hao 《地理学报》2001,11(1):71-79
From a long-term point of view, the balance between erosion and sediment yield in a drainage system can basically realize, i.e., the delivery ratio can be close to 1. However, substantial variations among individual rainfall events or between annual delivery ratio exist, causing frequent sediment retaining or re-erosion and re-delivery of the retained sediments in a short period of time. Thus the delivery ratio will be < 1 or > 1. The sediment delivery ratio is closely related to the spatial distribution of rainfall and magnitude of rise and fall of peak flood and that of runoff depth in the drainage system. Delivery ratio of single event in a drainage system and changes of delivery capacity of silt-laden runoff in various classes of gullies can be expressed by transformation mechanism of shear force of a single rainstorm event with flood resulting from increase and decrease of peak flood per unit area.  相似文献   

Sulfur has played a central role in the acidification of many lakes in Scandinavia and other regions. As part of the research into sulfur cycling, numerous studies have analyzed the sediment record in order to develop insights into past in-lake cycling of sulfur, particularly in the context of reconstructing past deposition rates. Although many of these studies have shown that it is not easy to interpret the sediment record in terms of past sulfur deposition rates, analyses of sulfur in sediment still provide valuable information on the response of lakes to anthropogenic sulfur deposition. Here, we have analyzed sulfur in top and bottom samples from short surface cores (25–35 cm, representing ≥250 years) as well as bulk cores from ∼110 lakes located throughout Sweden, which were collected during 1986, as well as in more-detailed profiles from six lakes. The lakes with the highest surface sediment concentrations (9–24 mg S g−1 dry mass) and the highest calculated inventories of ‘excess’ sulfur (20–180 g S m−2) are found in southern Sweden and around one industrial area along the northeastern coast where sulfur deposition rates and lake-water concentrations have been highest. For many lakes in the central and northern inland region it is common that the sediment cores exhibit either no enrichment or even a decline in sulfur concentrations in near-surface sediments, which we suggest was the pre-pollution norm for lakes. Although interpreting sulfur sediment profiles is problematic for reconstructing deposition, a more-comprehensive spatial sampling approach shows that there is a good geographic agreement between sulfur deposition, lake-water chemistry and sediment sulfur accumulation.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of surface geomorphic features in tree establishment at the alpine treeline in Glacier National Park, Montana, through the presentation of a multiscale, conceptual model of biogeomorphic relationships at alpine treeline. Empirical observations gathered through a multiscale field methodology over three summers serve as a base for the model. The model highlights the importance of surface geomorphic features, specifically boulders and terrace risers, in creating favorable local site conditions, largely by protecting seedlings from wind. The sheltering effect of surface features enables initial seedling establishment, and in some cases survival, above current treeline locations, thereby initiating a positive feedback effect that encourages subsequent tree establishment. Geomorphic features are therefore important in linking scales of pattern and process at the alpine treeline ecotone.  相似文献   

Magnetostratigraphy from the Kashi foreland basin along the southern margin of the Tian Shan in Western China defines the chronology of both sedimentation and the structural evolution of this collisional mountain belt. Eleven magnetostratigraphic sections representing ~13 km of basin strata provide a two‐ and three‐dimensional record of continuous deposition since ~18 Ma. The distinctive Xiyu conglomerate makes up the uppermost strata in eight of 11 magnetostratigraphic sections within the foreland and forms a wedge that thins southward. The basal age of the conglomerate varies from 15.5±0.5 Ma at the northernmost part of the foreland, to 8.6±0.1 Ma in the central (medial) part of the foreland and to 1.9±0.2, ~1.04 and 0.7±0.1 Ma along the southern deformation front of the foreland basin. These data indicate the Xiyu conglomerate is highly time‐transgressive and has prograded south since just after the initial uplift of the Kashi Basin Thrust (KBT) at 18.9±3.3 Ma. Southward progradation occurred at an average rate of ~3 mm year?1 between 15.5 and 2 Ma, before accelerating to ~10 mm year?1. Abrupt changes in sediment‐accumulation rates are observed at 16.3 and 13.5 Ma in the northern part of the foreland and are interpreted to correspond to southward stepping deformation. A subtle decrease in the sedimentation rate above the Keketamu anticline is determined at ~4.0 Ma and was synchronous with an increase in sedimentation rate further south above the Atushi Anticline. Magnetostratigraphy also dates growth strata at <4.0, 1.4±0.1 and 1.4±0.2 Ma on the southern flanks the Keketamu, Atushi and Kashi anticlines, respectively. Together, sedimentation rate changes and growth strata indicate stepped migration of deformation into the Kashi foreland at least at 16.3, 13.5, 4.0 and 1.4 Ma. Progressive reconstruction of a seismically controlled cross‐section through the foreland produces total shortening of 13–21 km and migration of the deformation front at 2.1–3.4 mm year?1 between 19 and 13.5 Ma, 1.4–1.6 mm year?1 between 13.5 and 4.0 Ma and 10 mm year?1 since 4.0 Ma. Migration of deformation into the foreland generally causes (1) uplift and reworking of basin‐capping conglomerate, (2) a local decrease of accommodation space above any active structure where uplift occurs, and hence a decrease in sedimentation rate and (3) an increase in accumulation on the margins of the structure due to increased subsidence and/or ponding of sediment behind the growing folds. Since 5–6 Ma, increased sediment‐accumulation (~0.8 mm year?1) and gravel progradation (~10 mm year?1) rates appear linked to higher deformation rates on the Keketamu, Atushi and Kashi anticlines and increased subsidence due to loading from both the Tian Shan and Pamir ranges, and possibly a change in climate causing accelerated erosion. Whereas the rapid (~10 mm year?1) progradation of the Xiyu conglomerate after 4.0 Ma may be promoted by global climate change, its overall progradation since 15.5 Ma is due to the progressive encroachment of deformation into the foreland.  相似文献   

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