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The main goal of the research was a detailed study of the consequences, caused by groundwater abstraction in the Neresnica brook catchment (Slovak Republic) since the water supply source Podzamcok was put in operation in 1973. This goal was supplemented by research of groundwater origin, groundwater chemical composition and its changes. Field measurements, analyses of water samples and statistical evaluation of hydrometeorological data were used to gain and process the data. It was showed that overexploitation of groundwater in the catchment resulted in distinct diminishing of stream flow discharges in low flow periods, groundwater level dropping and disturbance of hydraulic connection between surface and groundwater. Groundwater quality was quite stable during the whole period of observation. Groundwater modeling was proposed to be used for the re-estimation of utilizable groundwater amounts in the catchment.  相似文献   

炼锌固体废渣中重金属(Pb、Zn)的存在状态及环境影响   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
利用XRD、TEM/EDS和连续提取实验研究了土法炼锌固体废渣中重金属的矿物学特征及不同粒度中重金属的相态分布特征。与通常发现的重金属一般富集在小粒径废渣中的情况不同,本工作所研究的废渣样品中大粒径废渣与细粒径废渣相似,甚至有更高的金属含量。化学形态研究表明,冶炼过程形成的矿物(或玻璃质)集合体和堆积后的风化过程形成的次生矿物是废渣中重金属存在的主要化学相。同时发现Pb的残渣态很少(0.39%~15.75%),而Zn的残渣态较高(14.3%~46.2%),这可能与冶炼工艺所形成较多Zn的硅酸盐矿物有关。尽管可交换态Pb、Zn在不同相态中的相对比例非常小(Pb0.03%~1.30%;Zn0.03%~3.30%),但其绝对含量却比一般土壤或沉积物要高(Pb1.5~385μg/g;Zn3~590μg/g)。由于重金属可交换态有比其他化学相态更高的活动性和生物可利用性,因此,对环境有较大的潜在影响。废渣样品的微束分析表明,Pb在废渣中见有金属Pb存在形式或呈纳米金属Pb颗粒包裹于其他矿物或铁合金及熔球集合体中。同时不排除有Pb的碳酸盐矿物存在的可能。而以硅锌矿Zn2(SiO4)、锰硅锌矿(Zn,Mn)2犤SiO4犦和纤维状的丝锌铝石Zn8Al4犤(OH)8(SiO4)5犦·7H2O等矿物形式存在以及Fe、Mn等的铝硅酸盐形式存在的Zn,可能是导致Zn的残渣态较高的原因。与连续提  相似文献   

During the late Saalian Drenthe glaciation ice-damming of the Upper Weser Valley led to the formation of glacial Lake Weser. The lake drained catastrophically into the Münsterland Embayment as the western ice dam failed, releasing up to 110 km3 of water with a calculated peak discharge of 2.5 × 105 m3/s to 1.3 × 106 m3/s. Geographic information systems (GIS) and high-resolution digital elevation models (DEM) were used to map streamlined landforms and channel systems in front of lake overspills. Geological maps, 2450 boreholes and the DEM were integrated into the 3D modeling program GOCAD to reconstruct the distribution of flood-related deposits, palaeotopographic surfaces and the internal facies architecture of streamlined hills. The drainage pathways are characterized by the occurrence of deep plunge pools, channels, streamlined hills and 4 km long and 12 m deep V-shaped megaflutes. Plunge pools are deeply incised into Mesozoic basement rocks and occur in front of three major overspill channels. The plunge pools are up to 780 m long, 400 m wide and 35 m deep. Approximately 1–10.5 km downslope of the overspill channels fan shaped arrays of streamlined hills are developed, each covering an area of 60–130 km2, indicating rapid flow expansion. The hills commonly have quadrilateral to elongated shapes and formed under submerged to partly submerged flow conditions, when the outburst flood entered a shallow lake in the Münsterland Embayment. Hills are up to 4300 m long, 1200 m wide, 11 m high and have characteristic average aspect ratios of 1:3.3. They are separated by shallow, anabranching channels in the outer zones and up to 30 m deep channels in the central zones. Hills partly display V-shaped chevron-like bedforms that have apices facing upslope, are 1.6–2.5 km long, 3–10 m high, 0.8–1.2 m from limb to limb, with limb separation angels of 20–35°. These bedforms are interpreted as mixed erosional depositional features. It is hypothesized that the post-Saalian landscape evolution of the Münsterland Embayment has considerably been influenced by catastrophic floods of glacial Lake Weser, creating large and deep valleys, which subsequently became the new site of river systems. The outburst floods probably followed the east-west-trending Saalian Rhine-Meuse river system eventually flowing into the North Sea, the Strait of Dover and the Bay of Biscay. It is speculated that the Hondsrug ice stream may have been enhanced or even triggered by the formation and outburst of glacial lakes in the study area.  相似文献   

The Podljubelj mercury mine lies in the NW part of Slovenia. The ore is of hydrothermal-vein type. The ore deposit was exploited between the years 1557 and 1902. Total production of the mine was 110000 tons of ore (360 tons of Hg). A smelter located close to the mine had been in operation since 1855. The waste material from the mine and the smelter was dumped in close vicinity of the mine. Total quantity of the waste has been estimated at 170000 tons. In order to establish environmental impacts, soil and stream sediment samples were investigated. Soil samples were collected at two different depths (horizons A and B) in a 100 m grid within an 88 ha area. In the vast area also 11 samples of stream sediments were considered. Heavy metals were determined by means of cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry CV-AAS after aqua regia digestion. Based on the chemical analyses of samples, the estimated mercury mean for soils is 3.67 mg/kg (0.35-244 mg/kg) for horizon A and 1.39 mg/kg (0.17-71.7 mg/kg) for horizon B. The estimated mercury mean for stream sediments is 0.64 mg/kg (0.065-1.36 mg/kg). The concentrations of mercury in soils generally decrease with depth and distance from the mine. The highest content of Hg was determined in a sample taken in the immediate vicinity of the smelter (719 mg/kg). The results have shown that on the 9 ha of the study area, the contents of Hg in soils exceeded the officially set limit value for soils (10 mg/kg). High contents of Hg in soil around the abandoned smelter are a consequence of former atmospheric emissions and technological losses. High contents of Hg were also found in the mine and smelter waste dump. At the edges of the study area and in the samples of stream sediments, Hg concentrations are low.  相似文献   

Marco Bontje 《GeoJournal》2004,61(1):13-21
In the early 20th century, the East German city of Leipzig seemed well on its way to become a metropolis of international importance. The city was expected to grow towards over one million inhabitants in 2000. Seventy years later, Leipzigs population has shrunk to less than 500,000 inhabitants instead. The German partition after World War II took away most of its national administrative and economic functions and much of its hinterland. The socialist GDR regime worsened the long-term development perspectives and living circumstances of the city. The German reunification brought new development chances, but like most East German cities, Leipzigs hopes soon became disappointed. The local politicians faced a difficult redevelopment task: apart from the question how to revive the local and regional economy, they also had to deal with a housing vacancy rate of 20%, a huge need for renovation in the older neighbourhoods as well as in the socialist high-rise areas, the negative effects of urban sprawl on the city core, and various environmental pollution problems. After briefly describing the development path of Leipzig until the 1990s, the paper will discuss the current attempts of the city government to give Leipzig a more positive post-industrial future. On the one hand, Leipzig is developing a strategy to downsize the citys built environment and infrastructure to adapt to a probably lastingly smaller population. On the other hand, many growth instruments well known from the international scientific and political debate are tried to put Leipzig back on the (inter)national map. The paper will discuss these development strategies in the light of the international debate on the question how to fight the shrinking city, with specific attention for post-socialist cities.  相似文献   

In the early 20th century, the East German city of Leipzig seemed well on its way to become a metropolis of international importance. The city was expected to grow towards over one million inhabitants in 2000. Seventy years later, Leipzigs population has shrunk to less than 500,000 inhabitants instead. The German partition after World War II took away most of its national administrative and economic functions and much of its hinterland. The socialist GDR regime worsened the long-term development perspectives and living circumstances of the city. The German reunification brought new development chances, but like most East German cities, Leipzigs hopes soon became disappointed. The local politicians faced a difficult redevelopment task: apart from the question how to revive the local and regional economy, they also had to deal with a housing vacancy rate of 20%, a huge need for renovation in the older neighbourhoods as well as in the socialist high-rise areas, the negative effects of urban sprawl on the city core, and various environmental pollution problems. After briefly describing the development path of Leipzig until the 1990s, the paper will discuss the current attempts of the city government to give Leipzig a more positive post-industrial future. On the one hand, Leipzig is developing a strategy to downsize the citys built environment and infrastructure to adapt to a probably lastingly smaller population. On the other hand, many growth instruments well known from the international scientific and political debate are tried to put Leipzig back on the (inter)national map. The paper will discuss these development strategies in the light of the international debate on the question how to fight the shrinking city, with specific attention for post-socialist cities.  相似文献   

Geophysical methods are widely applied to soils for resolving different tasks in precision agriculture, pollution evaluation, erosion estimation, etc. Environmental magnetic methods were applied in our study on a collection of soil samples from area near Rosslau (Germany), which was gathered on the basis of a field electromagnetic induction study. Magnetic laboratory analyses include magnetic susceptibility, isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM), anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM), thermomagnetic analyses for determination of the kind of magnetic minerals present in soils. The results reveal the presence of statistically significant inverse correlations between magnetic susceptibility, as well as remanent magnetizations ARM and IRM, and conductivity values. This maybe ascribed to influence of topography and water regime on the iron oxide forms in soil and the influence of soil moisture on soil conductivity. Magnetic measurements on soil cores showed close correspondence between soil horizons outlined in 1 m-long cores, and depth changes in mass-specific magnetic susceptibility. Existing relationships between magnetic characteristics, soil reaction pH, and nutrients’ content (total nitrogen, carbon and sulphur) have been explored by cluster analysis and general regression model statistics. The results reveal the presence of significant correlations between nutrients’ content, magnetic susceptibility and the grain size sensitive ratio ARM/χ. These are expressed by numerical equations, representing pedotransfer functions, which predict the content of Nitrogen, Carbon and Sulphur through combination of magnetic parameters and soil pH. The obtained pedotransfer functions for the particular case of Gley soils and Fluvisols studied could be used for application of magnetic methods in agricultural practice as a fast and inexpensive proxy evaluation of the content of these nutrition elements.  相似文献   

Environmental geochemistry of the Guanajuato Mining District, Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Guanajuato Mining District, once one of the major silver producers in the world, has been exploited for silver and gold from low-sulfidation quartz- and calcite-rich epithermal veins since 1548. Currently, there are some 150 million tonnes of low-grade ore piles and mine-waste material (mostly tailings) piles, covering a surface area of 15 to 20 km2 scattered in a 100-km2 region around the city of Guanajuato. Most of the historic tailings piles were not deposited as formal tailings impoundments. They were deposited as simple valley-filling piles without concern for environmental issues. Most of those historical tailings piles are without any vegetation cover and undergo strong eolian and hydrologic erosion, besides the natural leaching during the rainy season (which can bring strong thunderstorms and flash flows). There is public concern about possible contamination of the local aquifer with heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, As and Se) derived from the mining activities.Experimental and field data from this research provide strong geochemical evidence that most of the mine-waste materials derived from the exploitation of the epithermal veins of the region have very low potential for generation of acid mine drainage due to the high carbonate/sulfide ratio (12:1), and very low potential for leaching of heavy metals into the groundwater system. Furthermore, geochemical evidence (experimental and modeled) indicates that natural processes, like metal adsorption onto Fe-oxy-hydroxides surfaces, control the mobility of dissolved metals. Stable isotope data from surface water, groundwater wells (150-m depth) and mine-water (300- to 500-m depth) define an evaporation line (δD=5.93 δ18O=13.04), indicating some deep infiltration through a highly anisotropic aquifer with both evaporated water (from the surface reservoirs) and meteoric water (not evaporated). Zinc concentrations in groundwater (0.03 to 0.5 ppm) of the alluvial aquifer, some 15 km from the mineralized zone, are generally higher than Zn concentrations in experimental tailings leachates that average less than 0.1 ppm. Groundwater travel time from the mineralized area to the alluvial valley is calculated to range from 50 to several hundred years. Thus, although there has been enough time for Zn sourced from the tailings to reach the valley, Zn concentrations in valley groundwater could be due to natural dissolution processes in the deep portions of the epithermal veins.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of water sampled in a 700 m deep underground barite-fluorite mine in the crystalline basement of the Black Forest area (SW Germany) varies systematically with depth and the length of flow paths trough, the fracture porosity of the gneiss matrix. Calcium and sulfate increase as a result of a combined sulfide oxidation and plagioclase alteration reaction. The gneiss contains andesine–plagioclase (An20–An40) and is rich in primary sulfide. As an effect of Ca and SO4 release by the prime water–rock reaction, dissolved oxygen decreases and the waters become more reduced. The waters have Cl/Br mass ratios of about 50, which is very close to that of experimentally leached gneiss powders indicating that the rock matrix is the source of the halogens. The waters are undersaturated with respect to calcite in the upper parts of the mine. With increasing reaction progress, calcite saturation is reached and carbonate forms as a reaction product of the prime reaction that also controls the partial pressure of CO2 to progressively lower values. The chemical evolution of groundwater in fractured basement of the Clara mine suggests that the partial pressure of CO2 is an internally buffered parameter rather than a controlling external variable.  相似文献   

Zhang Baolei 《Natural Hazards》2012,63(2):1269-1272
The coastal zone, the interface between the sea and the land, has a variety of characteristics, such as resource abundance, multiple services, ecological fragility and frequent occurrence of disasters. It has been under tremendous pressure from human activities, especially increasing sea reclamation in recent years. Sea reclamation, which is an effective way to alleviate human pressure on coastal land, is especially apparent in the coastal zone of Jiaozhou Gulf, located in the southern part of Shandong Province. As a massive human intervention, sea reclamation inevitably has great effects on all aspects of the coastal system.  相似文献   

For the first time, evidence of a submerged pine forest from the early Holocene can be documented in a central European lake. Subaquatic tree stumps were discovered in Lake Giesenschlagsee at a depth of between 2 and 5 m using scuba divers, side‐scan sonar and a remotely operated vehicle. Several erect stumps, anchored to the ground by roots, represent an in situ record of this former forest. Botanical determination revealed the stumps to be Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) with an individual tree age of about 80 years. The trees could not be dated by means of dendrochronology, as they are older than the regional reference chronology for pine. Radiocarbon ages from the wood range from 10 880±210 to 10 370±130 cal. a BP, which is equivalent to the mid‐Preboreal to early Boreal biozones. The trees are rooted in sedge peat, which can be dated to this period as well, using pollen stratigraphical analysis. Tilting of the peat bed by 4 m indicates subsidence of the ground due to local dead ice melting, causing the trees to become submerged and preserved for millennia. Together with recently detected Lateglacial in situ tree occurrences in nearby lakes, the submerged pine forest at Giesenschlagsee represents a new and highly promising type of geo‐bio‐archive for the wider region. Comparable in situ pine remnants occur at some terrestrial (buried setting) and marine (submerged setting) sites in northern central Europe and beyond, but they partly differ in age. In general, the in situ pine finds document shifts of the zonal boreal forest ecosystem during the late Quaternary.  相似文献   

Diverse thoracican cirripedes from the Hauterivian of the Hannover district of northern Germany are described, including seven species, belonging to five genera. Of these, a new genus belonging to the Scalpellidae, Jaegerscalpellum, includes one Hauterivian species, J. elegans sp. nov., an Aptian species, J. comptum (Withers, 1910) and an Albian species, J. politum (Darwin, 1851) are also referred to it. A new Cretiscalpellum, C. mutterlosei sp. nov. is described from the Hauterivian, and C. matrioni sp. nov. is described from the Middle Albian of France. The oldest record of the Unilatera Gale, 2018, Pedupycnolepas pulcher sp. nov. is described from the Hauterivian; this displays typical shell structure of the group, retained by living Verrucidae. Finally, four species of Zeugmatolepadidae, subfamily Martillepadinae, are recorded from the Hauterivian, including Martillepas hausmanni (Koch and Dunker, 1836), M. decoratus sp. nov., M. auriculum sp. nov. and Etcheslaepas borealis (Collins, 1990). The Hauterivian fauna from Hannover shows affinities both with Late Jurassic and later Cretaceous (Aptian-Cenomanian) forms, and includes the earliest scalpellids, unilateran (Pedupycnolepas) and Cretiscalpellum species known. It constrains the age of the Cretaceous cirripede evolutionary radiation to the earliest Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The oxidation of Mn(II) by O2 to Mn(III) or Mn(IV) is thermodynamically favored under the pH and pO2 conditions present in most near surface waters, but the kinetics of this reaction are extremely slow. This work investigated whether reactive oxygen species, produced through illumination of humic substances, could oxidize Mn at an environmentally relavent rate. The simulated sunlight illumination of a solution containing 200 μM Mn(II) and 5 mg/L Aldrich humic acid buffered at pH 8.1 produced ∼19 μM of oxidized Mn (MnOx where x is between one and two) after 45 minutes. The major oxidants reponsible for this reaction appear to be photoproduced superoxide radical anion, O2, and singlet molecular oxygen, 1O2. The dependencies of MnOx formation on Mn(II), humic acid, and H+ concentration were characterized. A kinetic model based largely on published rate constants was established and fit to the experimental data. As expected, analysis of the model indicates that the key reaction rate controlling MnOx production is the rate of decomposition of a MnO2+ complex formed from the reaction of Mn(II) with O2. This rate is strongly dependent on the Mn(II) complexing ligands in solution. The MnOx production in the seawater sample taken from Bodega Bay, USA and spiked with 200 μM Mn(II) was well reproduced by the model. Extrapolations from the model imply that Mn photo-oxidation should be a significant reaction in typical surface seawaters. Calculated rates, 5.8 to 55 pM h−1, are comparable to reported rates of biological Mn oxidation, 0.07 to 89 pM h−1. Four fresh water samples that were spiked with 200 μM Mn(II) also showed significant MnOx production. Based on these results, it appears that Mn photo-oxidation could constitute a significant, and apparently unrecognized geochemical pathway in natural waters.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution in the surficial sediments derived from the estuary in Daliao River and Yingkou Bay is investigated to assess environmental quality, pollution level, bioavailability and toxicity. The ranges of Pb, Co, Zn and Cu concentrations in the surficial sediments are: 16.57–39.18, 3.61–16.02, 16.53–39.18, 2.77–43.80 mg/kg. Results of the geoaccumulation index (I geo) show that the pollution levels of four metals are in the “unpolluted” class except for Pb in 15 sampling sites. The pollution level of the study area assessed by pollution load index (PLI) shows that except for the moderately polluted region of sites 1, 2, 3, 8, 12 and 13, other sites belong to unpolluted state. The sequence of pollution extent of different heavy metals is: Pb > Zn > Co > Cu. At all sampling sites, the grades of potential ecological risk of Co, Cu, Pb and Zn are “light”. The order of potential ecological risk is: Pb > Co > Cu > Zn. Sequential extraction of the metals indicates that the states of Pb, Cu, Co and Zn in the sediment are relatively stable at most sites of the estuary in Daliao River and Yingkou Bay, which means that there is a low source of pollution arriving in this area. While only at several sites, Co, Pb and Zn are labile, which are considered as anthropogenically originated.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - The western Makran subduction zone is capable of producing considerable tsunami run-up heights that penetrate up to 5 km inland. In this study, we show how climate change...  相似文献   

This paper presents the environmental impacts caused by surface mining and the ecological rehabilitation of Haikou phosphate deposits, Kunming, China. Surface mining entails the removal of the overburden to expose bare rock surfaces, not only causing destruction of pre-existing vegetation, but also occupying large areas of land for dumping the spoil. Severe environmental impacts are caused, e.g. rock desertification, poor forest stand structure, loss of biodiversity, aesthetic depreciation of the landscape, and the potential hazard of landslide and ground erosion. Ecological restoration has been conducted in a demonstration area since 1989 by means of control of geological hazards and revegetation of the disturbed areas. On-site dumping of waste rock for restoration of the abandoned mine area was adopted, providing a new mode of mining reclamation with high economic, environmental, and social value. Countermeasures for prevention and control of landslides included cut and fill technology, drainage, safety netting protection, retaining wall construction, and vegetation cover. By recruiting native plant species to the mine site and planting a forest imitating a natural mixed forest, the mine area was successfully revegetated.  相似文献   

In the Odenwald area (SW-Germany) an intermediate level of Variscan magmatic arc is exposed. Between 360 and 335 Ma the »Neunkirchen Intrusive Complex« intruded into an active NE-SW-trending zone of ductile divergent strike shear. After the thermal peak of metamorphism, but before the emplacement of the magmatic rocks shear zones developed in the wall rocks. The microfabrics of these zones infer plastic deformation of feldspar, hornblende and quartz and an increasing degree of postkinematic annealing towards the intrusive complex. During emplacement and solidification, the magmatic rocks experienced bulk strain: The intrusive complex locally crosscut the shear zones of the wall rocks, but show magmatic and also mylonitic foliations which parallel these zones. A change from plastic to brittle behavior of feldspar and amphibole and a varying degree of postkinematic annealing of quartz, suggest that in the intrusive complex strike shear continued during cooling. In wall rocks and plutonic rocks kinematic indicators imply sinistral displacement; in the wall rocks adjacent to the intrusive complex, strike shear was combined with normal displacement. This suggests that a component of horizontal extension which was associated with strike shear (transtension) facilitated ascend and emplacement of the magma. Transtension occurred at the same time, when the Schwarzwald/Vosges area (in the south of the Odenwald) was subjected to NW-SE compression; transtension was probably initiated by lateral escape of crustal fragments during overall convergent plate movements. Transtension is also supposed to be associated with significant uplift of metamorphic rocks.
Zusammenfassung Im Gebiet des Odenwaldes (SW-Deutschland) ist das mittlere Krustenniveau eines variszischen magmatischen Gürtels aufgeschlossen. Zwischen 360 und 335 Ma intrudierte eine Abfolge magmatischer Gesteine (»Neunkirchener Flasergranitoid-komplex«) synkinematisch in eine NE-SW-streichende, divergente, duktile Blattverschiebungszone: Nach dem thermischen Höhepunkt der Metamorphose, aber noch vor der Platznahme der magmatischen Gesteine entwickelten sich im Nebengestein Scherzonen. Die Mikrogefüge dieser Zonen zeigen plastisches Deformationsverhalten von Feldspat, Hornblende und Quarz und postkinematische Temperung an. Während der Platznahme und Konsolidierung wurden die Magmatite deformiert. Die magmatische Abfolge schneidet lokal die Scherzonen des Nebengesteins, weist aber magmatische und auch mylonitische Foliationen parallel zu diesen Zonen auf. In den Magmatiten überdauerte die Abkühlung die Deformation: Feldspat und Amphibol zeigen einen Wechsel im Deformationsverhalten von plastisch zu spröde, der Grad der postkinematischen Temperung variiert. Im Nebengestein und in der magmatischen Abfolge wurden aus kinematischen Indikatoren sinistrale Blattverschiebungen abgeleitet. In den Nebengesteinen beinhalten die Blattverschiebungen eine deutliche Abschiebungskomponente. Dies läßt darauf schließen, daß horizontale Extension, die mit den Blattverschiebungen assoziiert war (Transtension) Aufstieg und Platznahme des Magmas erleichterte. Transtension fand gleichzeitig mit NW-SE-Kompression in Schwarzwald/Vogesen (südlich des Odenwaldes) statt. Transtension wurde möglicherweise durch »lateral escape« einzelner Krustenfragmente während der Kompression verursacht; sie ist wahrscheinlich auch mit signifikanter Hebung von metamorphen Gesteinen verbunden.

Résumé Dans l'Odenwald (Allemagne du sud-ouest) affleure le niveau crustal moyen d'un arc magmatique varisque. Entre 360 et 335 Ma, un ensemble de roches magmatiques (le Complexe intrusif de Neukirchen) s'est mis en place de manière syncinématique dans une zone de cisaillement ductile divergent: après le pic thermique du métamorphisme, mais avant la mise en place des roches magmatiques, des shear-zones se sont développées dans les roches encaissantes. Les microfabriques de ces zones montrent une déformation plastique du feldspath, de la hornblende et du quartz et un recuit post-cinématique dont le degré augmente vers le complexe intrusif. Les roches magmatiques ont été déformées au cours de leur mise en place et de leur consolidation. Le complexe intrusif est localement sécant sur les shear-zones des roches encaissantes, mais présente des foliations magmatiques et mylonitiques parallèles à ces zones. Dans les roches magmatiques, la déformation cisaillante s'est poursuivie pendant le refroidissment: en témoignent le passage du comportement plastique du feldspath et de l'amphibole à un comportement rupturel, ainsi qu'un degré variable de recuit postcinématique du quartz. Tant dans les roches plutoniques que dans leurs encaissants, les marqueurs de déformation impliquent un déplacement sénestre; dans les roches encaissantes, le cisaillement est combiné à un déplacement normal. On en déduit qu'une composante d'extension horizontale, associée au cisaillement (« transtension »), a facilité la montée et la mise en place du magma. Cette «transtension» s'est manifestée au moment où la région des Vosges et de la Forêt Noire (au sud de l'Odenwald) était soumise à une compression et une transpression NW-SE; la transtension a été probablement initiée par le départ latéral («lateral escape») de fragments de croûte lors des mouvements de convergence des plaques. Elle est aussi vraisemblablement en liaison avec une montée significative des roches métamorphiques.

. 360 335 , , NE-SW («Neunkirchener Flasergranitoidkomplex»). , . , , . . , , , . : , . , . . , , ( ), . NW-SE /, .. . , , («lateral escape») . , , .

In the course of an exploration program in 1965 in the subsurface of the southeastern Elspe Syncline (Sauerland, Rhenish Schiefergebirge) was discovered a Middle Devonian reef, unknown up to now. The foundation is not yet drilled. The Meggen Reef forms a bioherm-like table reef which is completely surrounded by basinal sediments. According to organisms, matrix and primary voids within the reef limestones 7 facies types can be distinguished. The reef core is built of stromatoporoids and crinoids, the reef flank types are characterized by corals and crinoids. The subsided reef is covered with thin, partly condensed pelagic limestones. At the same time in the adjacent basin the stratiform pyrite-sphalerite-barite ore of Meggen is deposited. At the end of Middle Devonian time the Meggen reef and the overlying pelagic limestones are brecciated and transected by numerous sedimentary dikes. As in the sedimentary dikes the same acid tuffs are occurring, which follow immediately above the pyrite-sphalerite-barite ore of Meggen, there is a close connection between submarine destruction of the Meggen Reef, acid tuff eruptions and ascent of metall-bearing hydrothermal solutions. The Meggen Reef is due to the compression while the Variscan orogeny is deformed to an overturned and thrusted anticline and itself is thrusted over from the adjacent basin facies. With respect to the development of diagenetic processes, the following stages are distinguished: (1) during reef growth, (2) between reef growth and sedimentary dike formation, (3) between sedimentary dike formation and Variscan deformation and (4) during Variscan deformation.  相似文献   

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