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Surface rainfall and cloud budgets associated with three heavy rainfall events that occurred over eastern China during the mei-yu season in June 2011 were analyzed using 2D cumulus ensemble model simulation data.Model domain mean rainfall showed three peaks in response to three prescribed ascending motion maxima,primarily through the mean moisture convergence during the torrential rainfall period.Prescribed ascending motion throughout the troposphere produced strong convective rainfall during the first (9 June) and third (17-18 June) rainfall events,whereas strong prescribed ascending motion in the mid and upper troposphere and weak subsidence near the surface generated equally important stratiform and convective rainfall during the second rainfall event (14 June).The analysis of surface rainfall budgets reveals that convective rainfall was associated with atmospheric drying during the first event and moisture convergence during the third event.Both stratiform and convective rainfall responded primarily to moisture convergence during the second event.An analysis of grid data shows that the first and third mean rainfall maxima had smaller horizontal scales of the precipitation system than the second.  相似文献   

2003年淮河流域持续性大暴雨的水汽输送分析   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
康志明 《气象》2004,30(2):20-24
利用NCEP资料对 2 0 0 3年淮河流域 6、7月间持续性强暴雨的水汽输送特征进行分析。结果表明 :持续性强暴雨发生在我国南方西南水汽输送异常偏强的背景下。水汽从南海北部经副热带高压西南侧向北及从孟加拉湾越过中南半岛到长江中下游两条通道向淮河流域输送。从整个梅汛期和暴雨个例的计算结果来看 ,暴雨区的各个层次上水汽收支有不同的特点 ,主要水汽辐合发生在 850hPa及其以下层。来自孟加拉湾和南海的水汽向暴雨区输送在不同层次上的比重有很大差异 ,在暴雨区水汽的主要辐合层上 ,南海是最重要的水汽源地  相似文献   

青藏高原气象要素场低频特征及其与夏季区域降水的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用1995~1998年中日季风实验期间拉萨等4个高原自动天气站观测资料,结合1995/1996年NCEP/NCAR逐日资料,研究了青藏高原气象要素场低频位相结构特征及其与我国夏季不同区域降水的关系。发现夏季低频感热和低频潜热具有同位相30~50d振荡,当低频感热增强,则同期高原降水量减少;反之,则高原降水量增加,代频 纬向风传播分析发同1995/1996年冬季高原是低频振荡的汇,200hPa低频纬  相似文献   

李勇  梁必骐 《大气科学》1991,15(4):35-42
本文在分析梅雨期暴雨中尺度水热场特征的基础上,利用Nitta的云谱模式和积云对流参数化方法对暴雨区积云对流对环境水热场的反馈机制进行了诊断研究.结果表明,在暴雨过程中,主要是高云和低云两类云的活动,在对流层中层很少有卷出的积云;积云对流的补偿下沉气流强烈地加热和干燥环境大气,这种加热和干燥效应主要被积云卷出的液态水再蒸发所抵消;同时,在暴雨过程中还可能存在某种不同于积云卷出液态水的蒸发冷却和湿润环境大气的物理机制.  相似文献   

Analysis of a heavy rainfall in a lower latitude plateau and characteristics of water vapor transportation have been conducted by using conventional data and denser surface data. The results show: (1) the heavy rainfall was caused by a series of mesoscale systems under favorable large-scale conditions when the warm moister air and cold air interacted with each other. At the same time, the coupling between the upper- and lower-level jets was revealed. It is also found that there exists some different characteristics among the main influencing systems of heavy rainfalls in Yunnan, such as the Indian-Myanmar trough and the path of the cold air, compared with those in East and South China. (2) The interaction between mesoscale convergence lines near the ground may be a possible triggering mechanism for the occurrence of mesoscale systems, and the dynamical and thermal dynamical structure of the mesoscale systems was very obvious. The convergence lines may relate closely to the terrain of Yunnan, China. (3) The computation of the water vapor budget reveals that the primary source of water vapor supply for heavy rainfall was in the Bay of Bengal. In this case, the water vapor could be transported into Yunnan even though the amount of water vapor was less than that in the lower troposphere in East and South China. In addition, the analysis for three-dimensional air parcel trajectories better revealed and described the source location and the transportation of water vapor to Yunnan.  相似文献   

To examine the ability of the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory(HYSPLIT) model to detect the origins and paths of moisture supplied to Southeast China, trajectories of air particles released over Southeast China were traced backward during 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013 and three typical regional persistent heavy rainfall events. The HYSPLIT model provides more insightful information than water vapor flux. Analysis of the specific humidity along the trajectories revealed the origins of moisture and their contributions to the moisture supply in Southeast China. In the boreal summer half year, four key moisture transport paths from the eastern Indian Ocean, central Indian Ocean, South China Sea(SCS), and western North Pacific(WNP) contribute 10%, 20%, 31%, and 16% of the moisture to Southeast China,respectively. In the winter half year, the contributions of the paths from the WNP and North China double. Examination of heavy rainfall events showed that under tropical storm conditions, all moisture transport routines are rotated cyclonically before reaching Southeast China. The invasion of cold air can trigger heavy rainfall in both the summer and winter half years but plays different roles: it does not contribute to the moisture supply but plays a key role in converging and uplifting the moisture in the summer half year, while it supplies a great amount of moisture in the winter half year as it absorbs abundant moisture in crossing the WNP.  相似文献   

使用鄱阳湖北部70 m气象塔湍流和梯度观测数据,分析了2011年6月6日夜间一次暴雨过程中近地面边界层特征.结果表明,此次过程是在高空低槽和西南急流的天气背景下,受鄱阳湖复杂地表影响产生的局地性强降水.强降水发生前受东南暖平流影响,近地面边界层中水汽累积,不稳定性增加;强降水过程中,近地层感热、潜热通量迅速增加,同时,近地面层湍流动量通量下传和水平输送增加,鄱阳湖的水汽输送加强降水强度.另外,强降水过程中,近地面湍流动能迅速增大并达到最大值,而平均动能的增大发生在强降水结束后,表明地表作用明显,近地面边界层的湍流场为暴雨提供动力条件.尺度分析表明,强降水前,中尺度动量通量占主要地位,降水过程中湍流动量通量显著加强.  相似文献   

Summary The interannual variability of the monthly mean upper layer thickness for the central Arabian Sea (5°N-15° N and 60° E-70° E) from a numerical model of the Indian Ocean during the period 1954–1976 is investigated in relation to Indian monsoon rainfall variability. The variability in the surface structure of the Somali Current in the western Arabian Sea is also briefly discussed. It is found that these fields show a great deal of interannual variability that is correlated with variability in Indian monsoon rainfall. Model upper layer thickness (H) is taken as a surrogate variable for thermocline depth, which is assumed to be correlated with sea surface temperature. In general, during the period 1967 to 1974, which is a period of lower than normal monsoon rainfall, the upper ocean warm water sphere is thicker (deeper thermocline which implies warmer surface water); in contrast, during the period 1954–1966, which is a period of higher than normal monsoon rainfall, the upper warm water sphere is thinner (shallower thermocline which implies cooler surface water). The filtered time series of uppper layer thickness indieates the presence of a quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) during the wet monsoon period, but this QBO signal is conspicuously absent during the dry monsoon period.Since model H primarily responds to wind stress curl, the interannual variability of the stress curl is investigated by means of an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis. The first three EOF modes represent more than 72% of the curl variance. The spatial patterns for these modes exhibit many elements of central Arabian Sea climatology. Features observed include the annual variation in the intensity of the summer monsoon ridge in the Arabian Sea and the annual zonal oscillation of the ridge during pre- and post-monsoon seasons. The time coefficients for the first EOF amplitude indicate the presence of a QBO during the wet monsoon period only, as seen in the ocean upper layer thickness.The variability in the model upper layer thickness is a passive response to variability in the wind field, or more specifically to variability in the Findlater Jet. When the winds are stronger, they drive stronger currents in the ocean and have stronger curl fields associated with them, driving stronger Ekman pumping. They transport more moisture from the southern hemisphere toward the Indian subcontinent, and they also drive a greater evaporative heat flux beneath the Findlater Jet in the Arabian Sea. It has been suggested that variability in the heat content of the Arabian Sea drives variability in Indian monsoon rainfall. The results of this study suggest that the opposite is true, that the northern Arabian Sea responds passively to variability in the monsoon system.With 10 Figures  相似文献   

本文利用NCEP/NCAR全球再分析逐日资料、地面观测资料和自动站降水资料,在分析了2015年浙江省梅汛期强降水特征、水汽输送和局地环流的基础上,从西南季风进退、副热带高压、南亚高压及西风带波动等方面对2015年形成梅汛期暴雨的控制环流进行了分析。结果表明:2015年整个浙江省梅汛期降水量较常年显著偏多,浙江中部地区降水量比历史同期偏多接近一倍。丰沛的水汽从孟加拉湾经中南半岛向东输送,与西太平洋副热带高压西侧的西南气流相合并,在梅雨锋南侧形成异常辐合,为强降水提供了水汽条件。这次持续强降水由三次强降水过程构成并由西风辐合型锋生引起。第二次强降水过程中大气强对流性不稳定利于梅雨锋上中尺度对流系统发展,导致强降水呈现明显的局地性。而第一次和第三次过程中梅雨带附近大气基本处于对流稳定或中性,以斜压性降水为主。在对流层低层,副高较常年偏东偏南,其西北侧西南暖湿气流与北侧冷空气交汇于浙江省,利于梅汛期强降水集中期的出现。在对流层上层的南亚高压较常年位置偏东,其北侧的西风急流强度偏强,东亚急流核入口区右侧的强辐散利于造成强烈的上升运动。在对流层中层,贝加尔湖阻高的东侧有明显的波动能量向东向南传播并在长江中下游积聚,利于浙江地区扰动的维持,形成持续稳定的梅雨锋和中低空切变线,造成梅雨强降水过程的持续。2015年春夏季热带中东太平洋海温正异常分布有利于梅汛期降水偏多的异常环流的形成。  相似文献   

Moisture exchange between the South Atlantic and southern Africa is examined in this study through zonal moisture transport. Along the west coast of southern Africa, a multivariate analysis of the zonal flow of moisture computed from NCEP-DOE AMIP II Re-analyses reveals a primary mode of variability typical of variations in intensity and of the latitudinal migration of the circulation associated with the midlatitude westerlies and the South Atlantic anticyclone. In austral summer (January–February), this mode, referred to as the South Atlantic midlatitude mode, is found to be well correlated with rainfall over southern Africa (i.e. to the south of the upper lands surrounding the Congo basin). Its positive/negative phases are found to correspond with surface pressures changes over the South Atlantic region in austral summer when the South Atlantic anticyclone is shifted northward/southward respectively. Such changes are accompanied by dipole-like SST anomalies in the midlatitude South Atlantic Ocean, while simultaneous SST anomalies with a similar structure are also found over South Indian Ocean regions. In January–February, positive/negative events linked to the South Atlantic midlatitude mode are marked by meridional shifts (northward/southward) and weakening/strengthening of the ITCZ over the southern tropics, together with modulations in intensity (weakened/sustained) of the Angola low, which could act as a tropical source of moisture for Tropical Temperate Troughs (TTTs). In association with a strengthened/weakened zonal component of the southern extension of the African Easterly Jet (AEJ), this could modulate the meridional transfer of moisture south of 15°S to the advantage/detriment of Angolan coastal regions, where above/below rainfall are expected. Variations in the latitudinal position (northward/southward) of the South Atlantic anticyclone, and thus of the midlatitude westerlies, are also found to reduce/favour moisture advection towards southern Africa subtropics allowing the southern Indian trades to penetrate less/more over the subcontinent south of 25°S. This would create a situation where convection processes are inhibited/supported within the SICZ/TTTs region resulting in drier/wetter conditions locally for positive/negative events respectively.  相似文献   

利用2014-2018年5-9月间山东大监站逐日降水资料、Micaps常规资料以及NCEP再分析资料等,将山东暖区暴雨分为锋前型、暖切变型、副高边缘型和急流型4大类,并对山东暖区暴雨的垂直结构、对流特性以及环境参量特征进行统计。主要结论为:(1)山东暖区暴雨的低空风场主要以西南风或东南风为主,且整层风场随高度顺转。高湿区主要集中在对流层中低层。大气的自由对流高度和云底高度较低,湿层和暖云层深厚,其中急流型湿层和暖云层最为深厚。(2)山东暖区暴雨发生时,K≥30.5℃, 0.72≥SI≥-6.87,假相当位温≥334K,垂直锋区的北界位于37-39°N之间,暴雨落区位于锋区北界南侧2-3个纬距范围内。(3)暖区暴雨上空辐合中心平均值为-3×10-5 s-1,辐合中心均出现在700hPa以下;垂直速度中心的平均值为-1.1×10-5 hPa.s-1,大值中心出现在对流层中低层;涡度中心的平均值为5×10-5 s-1,正涡度主要在低层,且随高度的增加而减小;q925≥16g.kg-1,q850≥12g.kg-1,q700≥9g.kg-1,暖区暴雨的水汽输送主要集中在低层,水汽通量散度平均值,850 hPa是-2.3×10-6 g.cm-2.hPa-1.s-1, 700 hPa 为-1.2×10-6 g.cm-2.hPa-1.s-1。  相似文献   

应用2009—2013年6—9月山东全省加密自动站资料、地面和探空观测资料,选出了98次区域性强降水过程。统计分析了产生强降水的天气系统特征,把500 hPa天气系统分为6种类型,850~700 hPa天气系统分为5种类型,地面影响系统分为7种类型。统计分析了强降水过程中及前期24个代表大气热力、水汽和动力特征的物理量,给出了最小值、最大值、平均值和各阈值所占百分率。850 hPa 和700 hPa偏南风达到急流(≥12 m·s-1)强度的分别占56.1%和62.2%。对流有效位能(CAPE)≥300 J·kg-1占72.6%。K指数≥30 ℃占86.7%。沙氏指数SI≤0占75.5%。925 hPaθse≥68 ℃占82.2%,850 hPa θse≥66 ℃占74.8%。GPS/MET水汽监测大气可降水量≥55 mm占81.8%。850 hPa和700 hPa的水汽通量平均值分别为8.0和5.9 g·(cm·hPa·s)-1,水汽通量散度平均值分别为-4.6×10-9和-2.7×10-9 g·(hPa·cm2·s)-1。925 hPa、850 hPa和700 hPa的涡度平均值分别为12.6×10-6、12.3×10-6和9×10-6 s-1,散度平均值分别为-5.5×10-6、-3.1×10-6、-3.4×10-6 s-1。850 hPa、700 hPa和500 hPa的垂直速度平均值分别为-4.5×10-4、-7.4×10-4和-11.1×10-4 hPa·s-1。  相似文献   

基于1982—2013年逐月NCEP资料及GODAS资料,采用回归分析、合成分析以及2.5层简化海洋模式数值模拟等方法,研究了热带东印度洋的大气和海洋过程对印度洋海温偶极子(IOD,Indian Ocean Dipole)东极(IODE,IOD East pole)海温异常的影响。结果表明,IODE海温异常的演变超前IOD西极(IODW,IOD West pole)海温异常的演变,并对IOD事件的生成和发展起到关键作用。初夏,来自阿拉伯海、中南半岛地区以及孟加拉湾西南部的水汽输送,导致孟加拉湾东部出现强降水。降水释放的潜热在热带东印度形成了一个跨越赤道的经向环流,有利于加强赤道东印度洋的过赤道气流,并在苏门答腊沿岸形成偏南风异常。该异常偏南风通过影响混合层垂向夹卷混合过程和纬向平流过程,导致IODE海温迅速下降。随后赤道东南印度洋异常东南风迅速增强以及赤道中印度洋东风异常的出现,增强了自东南印度洋向西印度洋的水汽输送,削弱了向孟加拉湾的水汽输送,使西南印度洋的降水增强,孟加拉湾东部的降水减弱。因此,IOD达到盛期前孟加拉湾东部的降水通过局地经向环流在苏门答腊沿岸形成偏南风异常,导致苏门答腊沿岸迅速的降温,并最终导致IOD事件的发生。  相似文献   

Zhuoqi He  Renguang Wu 《Climate Dynamics》2014,42(9-10):2323-2337
This study investigates summer rainfall variability in the South China Sea (SCS) region and the roles of remote sea surface temperature (SST) forcing in the tropical Indian and Pacific Ocean regions. The SCS summer rainfall displays a positive and negative relationship with simultaneous SST in the equatorial central Pacific (ECP) and the North Indian Ocean (NIO), respectively. Positive ECP SST anomalies induce an anomalous low-level cyclone over the SCS-western North Pacific as a Rossby-wave type response, leading to above-normal precipitation over northern SCS. Negative NIO SST anomalies contribute to anomalous cyclonic winds over the western North Pacific by an anomalous east–west vertical circulation north of the equator, favoring more rainfall over northern SCS. These NIO SST anomalies are closely related to preceding La Niña and El Niño events through the “atmospheric bridge”. Thus, the NIO SST anomalies serve as a medium for an indirect impact of preceding ECP SST anomalies on the SCS summer rainfall variability. The ECP SST influence is identified to be dominant after 1990 and the NIO SST impact is relatively more important during 1980s. These Indo-Pacific SST effects are further investigated by conducting numerical experiments with an atmospheric general circulation model. The consistency between the numerical experiments and the observations enhances the credibility of the Indo-Pacific SST influence on the SCS summer rainfall variability.  相似文献   

中国南方夏季低频雨型特征及其年代际变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示南方低频降水的季节内及年代际变化规律,利用1961—2011年夏季中国南方逐日降水资料和大气环流再分析资料,运用经验正交函数分解(EOF)与聚类分析相结合方法,将南方地区10 d以上的低频尺度降水划分为5个异常雨型.分析表明,各雨型具有较好的持续性,与同期的环流场有很好的对应关系,彼此间水汽异常输送特征有明显差别.通过对雨型的统计特征进行分析,指出不同于以往的季节平均雨型,低频雨型可在季节内交替出现,反映了大尺度异常降水的低频演变特征.进一步研究发现,近50年来各低频雨型的多项统计特征存在显著的年代际变化:20世纪80—90年代各多雨型均相继出现峰值,进入21世纪偏旱型的各项统计特征存在明显上升趋势,而大部分低频多雨型出现次数减少,这可能预示着中国南方地区正在进入一个季节内尺度降水减少的阶段.  相似文献   

2002年我国天气气候特点   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
陆均天 《气象》2003,29(4):32-36
2002年我国主要天气气候特点为:全国降水量偏多,但时空分布不均,北方地区早春和伏秋少雨,受旱范围广,华南沿海地区别冬春夏初少雨连旱;汛期内无大范围或持续的强降水过程发生,但长江中下游一带春汛明显,北方雨季偏早,南方部分地区暴雨洪涝及局地山洪、泥石流、滑坡等灾害较重。全国大部地区气温偏高,但起伏变化较大。沙尘天气时段集中,影响范围广,强度偏强。登陆我国的台风(包括热带风暴)个数接近常年;冰雹、龙卷风等强对流天气偏多。  相似文献   

春季青藏高原感热对中国东部夏季降水的影响和预测作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1980-2012年青藏高原中、东部71个站点观测资料、全中国756站的月降水资料、哈得来中心提供的HadISST v1.1海温资料以及ERA-Interim再分析资料,综合青藏高原的感热加热以及全球海温,研究了春季青藏高原感热对中国东部夏季降水的影响,并建立预报方程,探讨了青藏高原春季感热对中国降水的预报作用。结果表明,青藏高原春季感热与中国东部降水关系密切,青藏高原春季感热异常增强伴随着长江流域中下游同期降水增多,后期夏季长江流域整流域降水也持续偏多,华南东部降水偏少。春季青藏高原感热的增强与环北半球中高纬度的罗斯贝波列密切相关,扰动在北太平洋形成的反气旋环流向西南方向延伸至西北太平洋,为长江流域输送大量的水汽,有利于降水的发生。夏季,伴随着前期青藏高原感热的增强,南亚高压位置偏东,西北太平洋副热带高压(西太副高)位置偏西偏南,西太副高北侧为气旋式环流异常。在西太副高的控制下,华南东部降水减少;西太副高西侧的偏南气流为长江流域带来大量水汽,并与来自北部气旋式环流异常西侧的偏北风发生辐合,降水增多。青藏高原春季感热异常是华南和长江流域夏季降水异常的重要前兆信号。加入青藏高原春季感热后,利用海温预报的华南、长江流域夏季降水量与观测值的相关系数有所提高,预报方程对区域降水的解释方差提高约15%。   相似文献   

2014年夏季长江流域(YRV)发生的多次阶段性强降水事件显著地受10-20天准双周振荡所调控.代表性振荡过程与合成分析表明,准双周湿位相主要取决于对流层高层南侵的高位势涡度(PV)与低纬度向西南平流的高PV导致南亚高压形态改变而产生的YRV高空辐散.高空向南的正PV平流与低层南风输送的负PV平流在YRV上空形成正的PV平流垂直梯度,激发出等熵面位移的上升运动分量;高空的高PV同时向中低层伸展,导致等熵面坡度增大从而增强气块沿等熵面上滑的上升运动分量,由此产生更强的非绝热有关的上升运动分量.干位相情况则相反.  相似文献   

Lu Riyu 《大气科学进展》2000,17(2):205-220
1.IntroductionInthesummerof1998,theYangtzeRiverbasin,includingNenjiangRiverValleyinNortheastChinasufferedaseverelarge--scalefloodonlynexttothatinthesummerof1954inthiscentury.Thefloodcausedapproximatelythedeathof3000individualsandthedirecteconomicdamageof250billionRMByuans(Yan,1998).Thisextremedisasterpromptedaseriesofimmediatestudiesonit(e.g.,Iluangetal.,1998;Taoetal.,1998).TheevolutionoftheEastAsiansupsmermonsoonshowsagreatvariabilityfromyeartoOThisstudywassupportedbytheNationalNatura…  相似文献   

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