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涡动相关仪观测蒸散量的插补方法比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
涡动相关仪在长时间连续观测中,观测数据会有不同程度的缺失.应用6种不同的插补方法(平均昼夜变化法MDV,非线性回归方法NLR,动态线性回归方法DLR,查表法LUT,FAO-PM方法,HANTS方法)对北京密云站2007年涡动相关仪观测蒸散量数据进行了插补.结果表明:LUT方法在不同数据缺失时均得到较好结果(均方差小于8 W/m2);MDV和NLR方法更适合于短时间数据缺失的插补:DLR和FAO-PM方法在观测数据出现连续波动时插补结果较差.由LUT、DLR、NLR、HANTS、FAO-PM方法得到的年蒸散量分别为395.8 mm、409.9 mm、393.5 mm、390.7 mm、399.4 mm,差异在2.3~19.2 mm之间变化.对比分析了LUT方法得到的年蒸散量(潜热通量)与净辐射、降水量以及LAS观测潜热通量间的变化规律,表明插补结果合理.  相似文献   

涡动相关仪在长时间连续观测中,观测数据会有不同程度的缺失。应用6种不同的插补方法(平均昼夜变化法MDV,非线性回归方法NLR,动态线性回归方法DLR,查表法LUT,FAO PM方法,HANTS方法)对北京密云站2007年涡动相关仪观测蒸散量数据进行了插补。结果表明: LUT方法在不同数据缺失时均得到较好结果(均方差小于8 W/m2);MDV和NLR方法更适合于短时间数据缺失的插补; DLR和FAO PM方法在观测数据出现连续波动时插补结果较差。由LUT、DLR、NLR、HANTS、FAO PM方法得到的年蒸散量分别为395.8 mm、409.9 mm、393.5 mm、390.7 mm、399.4 mm,差异在2.3~19.2 mm之间变化。对比分析了LUT方法得到的年蒸散量(潜热通量)与净辐射、降水量以及LAS观测潜热通量间的变化规律,表明插补结果合理。  相似文献   

An increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the atmosphere due to anthropogenic activities is responsible for global warming and hence in recent years, CO2 measurement network has expanded globally. In the monsoon season (July–September) of year 2011, we carried out measurements of CO2 and water vapour (H2O) concentrations along with wind and air temperature over a tropical site in south-east India having rural topography. To collect these observations, the instrumentations used were the sonic anemometer for wind and temperature, and the open path H2O/CO2 infrared gas analyzer for CO2 and H2O concentrations. Using these observations, we explored the diurnal variability of CO2 flux along with sensible and latent heat. The CO2 flux was positive during night-time and negative during daytime and in phase with convective instability. The CO2 flux relationships with the meteorological parameters such as wind speed, temperature and heat fluxes have been analysed. The seasonal (monsoon) half hour mean of CO2 flux which was ?3.55 μmol m???2 s???1 indicated the experimental site as a CO2 sink region (net seasonal uptake). An increase in CO2 concentrations during weekends was not observed due to unavailability of heavy vehicular traffic.  相似文献   

Based on data measured by eddy covariance (EC) and the Kormann and Meixner model, footprints of the flux of desert shrub ecosystems were analyzed. The contributions of different land types during the growing season in Fukang station in 2007 were estimated. Spatial distributions of footprint source areas were evaluated to reveal the relative flux contribution to the total flux over the entire observation period. The results indicate that: (1) The applied footprint model provides accurate footprint estimates and the flux data can be used for the shrub flux estimations. The flux contribution from shrub land showed that the observed flux data were able to represent seasonal change in the flux of desert shrub ecosystems. The flux contribution rate of shrub was highest during May to July between 10:00 and 18:00 h. (2) The location of the EC system in Fukang is appropriate for monitoring shrub flux. (3) Footprint analysis is necessary because it assesses the contribution of the target land-use type to the total flux for any user-defined period. The flux contribution rate was affected significantly by wind direction and the source region.  相似文献   

山东鲁北平原地下水资源与可持续利用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
鲁北平原目前区内供水水源以黄河客水和地下水为主.最新均衡计算结果为:浅层地下水开采资源量37.03×10 8m 3/a,深层地下水开采资源量2.62×10 8m 3/a.据山东省水资源可持续利用总体规划报告,现状年需水量约74×10 8m 3/a,2010年需水量为93×10 8m 3/a,2030年需水量为109×10 8m 3/a,现状年供需基本平衡,远景供水不足.浅层地下水易采易补,更新能力强,应以合理调控水位为中心,优先开采浅层地下水,充分发挥浅层地下水资源的供水功能,尤其是东阿-齐河-商河-利津沿黄地区更应加强开发浅层水的力度.浅层水为可持续利用的地下水资源量.深层地下水更新能力弱,应严格限制其开发利用.在德州、滨州漏斗中心区,建议实施部分封井,调减开采量.实行地表水与地下水联合调度,优化水资源开发结构,适当增加地表水引用量,实施含水层的恢复工程,遏制地面沉降等环境问题的继续发展,走全面、协调、可持续发展的路子.  相似文献   

鲁北平原深层地下水开发与环境问题   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
鲁北平原在深层地下水开发利用过程中,由于开采地段过于集中在城镇,加上不合理开采等因素,出现了区域性深层地下水超采漏斗不断扩大、部分地段地下水资源枯竭和水质咸化问题严重、重点城镇地面沉降加剧及饮用高氯高碘地下水引发的地方病呈上升趋势等诸多水环境问题。笔者分析了这些问题的分布规律及演化趋势,从地学角度,提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

In semi-arid regions of Central Asia, water shortage results from low annual precipitation (P) with high interannual variability. Evapotranspiration (ET) dominates water balance losses entirely. Previous studies showed large differences between individual grassland sites in the partitioning of ET into evaporation and transpiration, but only little difference in the evaporative ratio ET/P. The hydrological model BROOK90 was applied to the Xilin river catchment in Inner Mongolia (China) in combination with data from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) and ET measurements. The ET part of the model was parameterised using several years of eddy covariance (EC) measurements over grasslands differing in grazing intensity and leaf area index (LAI). Using a relatively well-established relationship of LAI and P as well as LAI and temperature derived from MODIS, the water balance components of a 16 km2 sample area in the catchment were modelled with a 1 km2 resolution for the vegetation period of 2006. All pixels were modelled assuming a similar ET control as at the EC sites. Spatial variation in ET as well as in the partitioning of ET between transpiration and evaporation could be identified. The results indicate the potential of using MODIS data and BROOK90 to upscale ET of semi-arid grasslands from site to larger grass dominated catchments.  相似文献   

吴雪娇  周剑  李妍  潘晓多  周彦召 《冰川冻土》2014,36(6):1538-1547
在我国西北干旱和半干旱地区, 农业收获主要依靠灌溉保证, 灌溉绿洲的蒸散发(ET)是当地水资源的主要消耗. 通过遥感估算区域灌溉绿洲的ET对于地区合理利用水资源极其重要, 利用MODIS/Terra 影像, 基于物理过程的地表能量平衡模型(SEBS), 结合WRF模式输出的气候驱动数据和地面观测数据来估算黑河中游地区的地表通量和日蒸散发(ETdaily). 估算的ET用不同下垫面的涡动相关仪观测数据进行验证, 结果显示: SEBS模型估算的不同下垫面的ETdaily具有很好的拟合效果(R2=0.96, P<0.001), 在灌溉绿洲估算的ETdaily比实测值偏高, 说明干旱、半干旱地区灌溉绿洲土壤水分胁迫是影响ET的主要因素. 模型估算绿洲作物生长期间的ETdaily和实测的ETdaily平均相对误差为12.5%, 精度在观测的能量不闭合误差以内且精度比戈壁和沙漠地区高.  相似文献   

胶西北金矿集区成矿作用发生的地质背景   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
通过矿集区赋存的地质背景 ,包括区域重大地质事件、壳幔结构、深断裂及浅层断裂系的导流性、区域流体活动、地层建造及岩浆侵入事件等研究 ,建立了矿集区形成与演化框架 ,并提出了形成的必备因素。成矿诸因素间彼此关联、耦合为大型矿集区的形成提供了必备而优越的条件。地质演化历史中构造体制转换事件是大规模成矿作用发生的基础 ,其引起的区域壳幔物质交换、岩浆活动等系列事件及耦合作用为区域成矿作用提供了充足成矿物质、良好导流网络、丰富成矿流体、持续成矿能量等必备条件 ,最终导致矿集区的形成。  相似文献   

胶西北招平断裂带南段金矿勘查模型及找矿方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘述敏 《地质与勘探》2016,52(3):399-406
招平断裂带是胶西北重要的控矿构造带之一,其南段是下一步重点找矿地区。本文描述了南段已发现的金矿床地质特征,研究了其成矿规律。结果认为,"S"形构造控制矿床产出,不同构造性质决定了矿床类型。根据地层、构造、岩浆岩,各类异常、矿化信息,建立了区域勘查模型和矿床勘查模型,其中构造要素和蚀变矿化标志是重要的成矿要素。进一步指出在萌山-黄同段、张家庄-山旺段应加强勘探工作,已知矿床深部和外围有较大的找矿潜力。  相似文献   

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