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Based on regional geological setting, stratigraphic distribution and other geological conditions, this paper summarized three types of geothermal reservoirs in the southeast coastal areas of China: Cenozoic sandstone or sandy conglomerate reservoir, Mesozoic granite fissure reservoir and Paleozoic karst reservoir. Cenozoic sandstone or sandy conglomerate reservoirs are mainly located in Cenozoic basins, such as Zhangzhou, Fuzhou, Sanshui and Leiqiong basins. The Tertiary sedimentary basins such as Leiqiong Basin and Sanshui Basin, are controlled by NE-trending faults, while the Quaternary sedimentary such as Zhangzhou and Fuzhou basins are controlled by NW-trending faults. Mesozoic granite fissure reservoirs are mainly distributed in the southeast coastal areas, such as Zhangzhou, Fuzhou, Fengshun, Yangjiang and southern part of Hainan Province. The distribution of good Mesozoic granite fissure reservoir in these areas is mainly controlled by NE-trending faults. Paleozoic carbonate reservoirs are widely distributed in these areas. Most carbonate rocks are from the upper Paleozoic strata, such as those in the area of Huizhou in Guangdong Province. The major types of geothermal systems in the southeast coastal areas of China belong to medium and low-temperature convection. The geothermal resources developed from the ground to-3 000 m underground could be utilized directly for space heating, greenhouse heating, aquaculture pond heating and industrial uses, as well as other purposes. The geothermal resources with a depth of 3 000~6 000 m underground is mainly featured by Hot Dry Rock(HDR) with a temperature ranges from 150 ℃ to 200 ℃, which is conductive to the development of Enhanced Geothermal System(EGS) and can be utilized for power generation.  相似文献   

The paper reports the results of lithogeochemical studies of the Upper Devonian rocks from the Andoma Hill zone of fold-and-fault dislocations (SE Onega region). The rocks are characterized by the negative Eu anomaly (from 0.4 to 0.65) that maks them different from modern sediments of the White Sea. The latter can be regarded as the average composition of mainly Archean (Karelian–Kola) part of the Baltic Shield. In terms of the contents of some trace elements, they also differ from the Vendian rocks of the Zimnii Bereg area. Since the considered rocks are geochemically similar to the Svecofennian metamorphic rocks and Paleoproterozoic granite rapakivi, they could be formed by the erosion of these complexes. The clastic material was transported via a channel confined to the Baltic Shield and Russian Platform junction known as the Polkanov geoflexure.  相似文献   

Biotites from unaltered Sn granites in southeastern Australia are highly ferroan, Fe/(Fe+Mg+Mn) >0.75, whereas biotites from barren granites are less Ferich, Fe/(Fe+Mg+Mn)<0.65. Similar distinctions between Sn-specialized and barren granites can be observed in the other phyllosilicates, especially chlorite. Biotites and muscovites from Sn granites have greater Be, Cs, (F), Li, Mo, Rb, Sc, Sn, Tl, (Y) and Zn and lesser Ba abundances than corresponding micas from barren granites in the same district. Alteration of barren granites also results in similar enrichments in micas. Of these elements, Sn and Zn, because of their abundance and retention during degradation of biotite to chlorite, are the best trace element discriminants between barren granites and Sn granites/altered granites, with the Sn content of phyllosilicates being a better indicator than Zn. Rutile inclusions within phyllosilicates from unaltered Sn granites have Nb2O5 contents up to 26%. The Ta content tends to increase with Nb content but especially high Ta contents occur in the rutile inclusions of granites that give rise to pegmatitic deposits. The rutile inclusions in Sn granites may also have substantial Sn and W contents. The rutiles of barren granites have low Nb, Ta, Sn and W contents but Sn and W increase with alteration. Together, the ratio Fe/(Fe+Mg+Mn) and Sn contents in phyllosilicates and rutile compositions can be used to identify the Sn mineralization potential of a granite.  相似文献   

Bottom-up control, or physical forcing of upper trophic populations, is often cited as a major factor regulating marine species. In particular, seabirds are often cited as indicators of relative productivity and health of the marine environment. The degree to which physical forcing plays a dominant role and the mechanisms of effect remain unclear. We test the relationship between measures of oceanographic and atmospheric forcing, proxied by commonly available monthly to daily indices, and the response of populations of a ubiquitous seabird of the Pacific Northwest coastal environment, the common murre,Uria aalge. We constructed two models: an annualized bottom-up model that examines the degree to which population response variables, including population size, breeding success, and foraging parameters, are correlated with oceanographic forcing at space and time scales relevant to murre biology; and a daily direct forcing model that examines the degree to which diet choices reflect specific, local oceanographic signals. Our bottom-up model suggests that murres are regulated by bottom-up forcing, and that the strength of the association between physical change and population response may be mediated by density dependence. Our direct forcing model indicated that chick diet is affected by both local and remote parameters, including upwelling, tide, and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. We conclude that murres, and seabirds in general, can be used as indicators of local to basinwide physical change, but only under certain conditions: the life history of the species, and the specific local population, must be well known; a conceptual model that links life history traits to measures of physical change at biologically relevant space and time scales must be developed; and larger populations that are more apt to show density-dependent effects should be selected.  相似文献   

We focus on the question of whether high phytoplankton production events observed in a United States Pacific Northwest estuary consist of estuarine species blooms fueled by oceanic nutrient input or reflect offshore oceanic blooms that have advected into the estuary. Our approach is to use certain phytoplankton species as indicators associated with water mass origin, either estuarine or oceanic, to help resolve this question in Willapa Bay, Washington. We used species analysis and primary production data from 10 selected dates in May–September of 1998 and 1999, representing periods of high through low productivity. Out of 108 phytoplankton species identified from Willapa Bay, nine were selected and tested as indicators of oceanic species, six as estuarine, and two as surf zone. Our test results demonstrated the oceanic and estuarine species to be satifactory indicators of source waters. The prevalence of these species indicators in our samples revealed that the highest primary production and the appearance ofPseudo-nitzschia spp. were associated with oceanic intrusions of phytoplankton biomass into Willapa Bay. While the largest blooms were oceanic in origin, numerous medium-sized production events were from either oceanic, surf zone, or estuarine sources, indicating a complex situation.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of main palaeoenvironmental conditions across the Mid-Cenomanian Event (MCE I) in the hemipelagic Tethyan section of Blieux (Southeast France, Vocontian Basin) is proposed. Quantitative analyses of calcareous nannofossil, ammonoid and clay mineral assemblages have been made and compared with respect to sea level changes and the carbon cycle perturbations. The nannofossil primary productivity, as recorded by nannofossil fluxes and relative abundances of meso-eutrophic taxa, is low just below and during the MCE Ia, then slightly increases in the interval including the MCE Ib. The clay assemblages mainly consist of illite/smectite mixed-layers with a smaller proportion of kaolinite. The percentage of kaolinite strongly decreases in the interval including the MCE Ia and slightly increases in the interval including the MCE Ib. The clay assemblages are mainly detrital in origin and reflect environmental changes including differential settling processes, climate, intensity of runoff and detrital sources. The ammonoid assemblages are characterised by a significant change during the MCE I: planispirals (mainly Schloenbachia) are dominant until the MCE Ia, whereas heteromorphs (mainly Sciponoceras) become dominant from the MCE Ib onwards. Strongly oligotrophic levels in sea surfaces are recorded during the MCE Ia and are related both to arid climatic conditions and major sea level fall (both 3rd order and medium scale lowstand deposits). A decrease in bathymetry could partly explain the decrease in the relative abundance of Schloenbachia. The first occurrence of Sciponoceras took place during the MCE Ib; this second positive increase in δ13C is not associated with enhanced nannofossil primary productivity. No clear relations can be established between the occurrence of Sciponoceras and trophic resources.  相似文献   

基于生物硅含量变化,结合碳酸钙和硅质生物放射虫数据,本文揭示了孟加拉湾东南部末次冰期以来的生产力演变规律及其气候响应。研究区域的古生产力演化大致分为3个阶段,即生产力相对低的末次冰期(56~18 ka)、生产力呈阶段性增加的末次冰消期(18~10 ka)以及高生产力的全新世。进一步地,研究发现末次冰期沉积物中放射虫物种主要是具有硅化程度较高的矢状环形结构的轭环虫/双篮虫属占据绝对优势(约60%)、少见硅化程度轻的纤细结构,推测末次冰期沉积物中硅质生物壳体受到明显溶解作用影响,尽管如此,末次冰期碳酸钙含量约20%、生物硅含量3.5%~4.4%、放射虫丰度1 000~6 000枚·g-1,表明孟加拉湾东南部末次冰期以来的生产力一直处于相对较高的水平,营养盐物质丰富、生物量较高。该结论得到放射虫群落结构中罩笼虫目高相对丰度(>50%)的数据支持,其被认为是营养盐丰富的指标。此外,末次冰消期生物硅含量的阶段性波动变化现象,可能是受千年尺度气候事件的调控引起的,即Heinrich1(HS1)和新仙女木(YD)时期生产力增高、生物量增加,推测与陆源有机物质的输入带来丰富的营养物质进入上层水体、南极中层水入侵带来中层水通风增强促进硅质生物生产力的升高有关。  相似文献   

The present study aims to establish the factors controlling the stable carbon isotopic compositions (δ13C) of individual aromatic hydrocarbons analysed by compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) in crude oils from western Australian petroleum basins of varying age and facies type. This paper reports δ13C values of individual aromatic hydrocarbons, like alkylbenzenes, alkylnaphthalenes, alkylphenanthrenes and methylated biphenyls. The main aims are to confirm the origin (source) and age of these oils based on CSIA of selected aromatic compounds and to understand why the Sofer plot is ineffective in establishing the source of western Australian petroleum systems. The bulk δ13C of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbon fractions of crude oils have been previously used to differentiate sources, however, many Australian crude oils are not classified correctly using this method. The oils were classified as marine by the δ13C values of individual aromatic compounds and as terrigenous based on the bulk δ13C data (Sofer plot).The oils where the δ13C values of 1,6-DMN and 1,2,5-TMN isomers are most negative are indicative of a marine source, whereas oils with a less negative values for the 1,6-DMN and 1,2,5-TMN isomers are derived from marine source rocks that contain a significant terrigenous component. Similarly, oils with the least negative δ13C values for the 1-MP and 1,9-DMP isomers reflect varying inputs of terrigenous organic matter to the their marine source rocks. Plots of P/DBT and Pr/Ph concentration ratios versus δ13C values of DMP, 1,6-DMN, 1,2,5-TMN, 1-MP and 1,9-MP are constructed to establish the relative amount of terrigenous organic matter contributing to the source rock of a series of marine oils. The ratios of P/DBT and Pr/Ph plotted against the δ13C values of the aromatic isomers (such as 1,6-DMN, 1,2,5-TMN, 1-MP and 1,9-MP) provide a novel and convenient way to discriminate crude oils derived from different source rocks that contain varying amounts of marine and terrigenous organic matter.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from two locations in Green Bay and two in lake Michigan were analyzed for 12 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), loss-on-ignition (LOI),210Pb,137Cs, and7Be to study differences in deposition patterns between the freshwater estuary Green Bay, with several local sources, and the open Lake Michigan, dominated by atmospheric inputs. We found that the remote sites receive relatively less high-molecular weight PAHs such as ideno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene and dibenz(ah)anthracene and are more depleted in anthracene and pyrene. This may be related to a low Henry’s law constant for the high molecular compounds and to selective photo-oxidation of anthracene and pyrene during transport. While sedimentation rates are higher in Green Bay than in the open lake, the PAH levels are generally comparable (0.3–8.5 μg g?1) in the two areas. However, the highest PAH levels are found in a core from Green Bay (GB88G). The two Green Bay cores have total PAH concentration maxima in 1985, which appear to be related to the combustion of petroleum. Also, one Green Bay core (GB88G) and the two from Lake Michigan exhibit PAH maxima in the early 1950s in agreement with observations from other study areas. There is a significant correlation between total PAH and LOI, and thus total organic carbon, for the Green Bay cores, but little or no such correlation for the Lake Michigan cores. This may indicate that PAHs in Green Bay are effectively scavenged by settling detritus.  相似文献   

A sediment core(ABP24/05),collected at a water depth of 3520 m from the southeastern Bay of Bengal was studied to determine the change in chemical weathering during the last glacial to deglacial periods and the factors of sedimentary environment which controlled earliest diagenetic changes in the sediment after its deposition.High ratios of K/Rb,Ti/Al and Zr/Rb during~45 to~18 cal kyr B.P.in the core sediments may be attributed to the stronger physical erosion and turbidity currents activity during this period.This might have brought a higher quantity of unaltered minerals to the study area.Low ratios of K/Rb,Zr/Rb,and Ti/Al and increase of SiO2/TiO2,Rb/Al and Cs/Al from~18 cal kyr B.P.to present may be indicating an increase in the rate of chemical weathering during this period.The time of increased chemical weathering in the study area is consistent with deglaciation warming in the tropical Indian Ocean and strengthening of river runoff into the Andaman Sea.Climate change during the interglacial period by increased solar insolation thereby strengthened the summer monsoon which might have led to intensified chemical weathering in the source region since~18 cal kyr B.P.The low organic carbon(OC),high Mn/Al,Fe/Al and the Mn-oxides minerals precipitation indicate prevailing of oxic conditions during~11 cal kyr B.P.in the core sediments,which is contradictory to suboxic conditions developed in the deep ocean sediments in the western Bay of Bengal and the equatorial Indian Ocean.The low terrigenous influx and export of less OC to the bottom sediments might have created a favorable condition for the formation of Mn-oxides in the study area during Holocene.  相似文献   

Li  Yasong  Liu  Chunlei  Cao  Shengwei  Miao  Qingzhuang  Dong  Yan  Jiang  Zhenjiao 《Hydrogeology Journal》2021,29(6):2211-2218

Low-to-medium temperature geothermal fluids in the granite regions of southeastern China are an important renewable energy resource, but they are also a source of contamination containing highly toxic elements such as fluoride and arsenic. This study analyzed the origin of the geothermal fluids in a regional-scale hydrogeological unit in the city of Xiamen, China, based on isotope and hydrochemical analyses. The Br/Cl ratios suggested that the inland geothermal fluid is merely recharged by rainwater from the mountain edge, while the coastal geothermal fluid is originally recharged by the seawater and later mixed with rain-derived groundwater. The geothermal water featured high SiO2 and detectable Zn concentrations. The former reflects the significant water–granite interaction along the flow path, and the latter indicates the active hydraulic connection between surface waters, shallow aquifers and deep geothermal fluids. High radon content was detected near the deep conductive fault adjacent to a geothermal well, demonstrating that the fault damage zone acts as a major conduit for upward transport of the deep geothermal fluid. As a result, the fault damage zones developed in the granite are necessary for the formation of geothermal water, which leads to the uneven distribution of geothermal water in the subsurface. High-temperature geothermal water can be found in those regions with fairly sparse fault damage zones. In contrast, in the region with high-density fault activities, the active communication between shallow cool water and deep geothermal fluids can decrease the water temperature.


. This paper deals with the extent of contamination in sediments of the southeast Gulf of Mexico. The concentration of elements (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, Na2O, MgO, CaO, and K2O) and heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Zn, Co, Pb, Ag, Cr, Ni, V, and Ba) were determined. The elemental composition of sediments is influenced by the Grijalva–Usumacinta–Terminos System at the east and the Tabasco lagoon system (El Carmen–La Machona) at the west coast of the study area. Concentrations of Ni, V, and Ba were anomalously high at some sites. Oil production activities in the vicinity of the sites may be responsible for the high values. Correlations of metal concentrations to elemental composition were performed. No significant relationships between metals and elements were found for most metals (p>0.05), suggesting that metals are not significantly associated with naturally occurring aluminosilicates, iron hydroxide, and calcium carbonate minerals of sediments. Other sources such as organic matter may be contributing to the total concentration of metals. The comparison of metal content in sediments of the southeast Gulf of Mexico with metals of the other areas of the Gulf of Mexico suggests that it is relatively contaminated with Cd, Pb, and Ni. The probable causes of contamination are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Garnet, an uncommon accessory mineral in igneous rocks, occurs in seven small peraluminous granitoid plutons in the southeastern Arabian Shield; textural equilibrium between garnet and other host granitoid minerals indicates that the garnets crystallized from their host magmas. Compositions of the garnets form three groups that reflect host-granitoid compositions, which in turn reflect source compositions and tectonic regimes in which the host magmas were generated. Garnets from the seven plutons have almandine-rich cores and spessartine-rich rims. This reverse zoning depicts host magma compositional evolution; i.e. rimward spessartine enrichment resulted from progressive, host-magma manganese enrichment. The garnets are heavy rare-earth element enriched; (Lu/La) N ranges from 13 to 355 and one of the garnets contains spectacularly elevated abundances of Y, Ta, Th, U, Zn, Zr, Hf, Sn, and Nb. Involvement of garnets with these trace element characteristics in magma genesis or evolution can have dramatic effects on trace element signatures of the resulting magmas. Other researchers suggest that Mn-enriched magmas are most conducive to garnet nucleation. Although the garnetiferous granitoids discussed here are slightly Mn enriched, other genetically similar peraluminous Arabian granitoids lack garnet; Mn enrichment alone does not guarantee garnet nucleation. The presence of excess alumina in the magma may be a prerequisite for garnet nucleation.  相似文献   

The content of heavy metals and arsenic in sediments of karst streams in southern Missouri was investigated for its potential use as an indicator of pollution. A three-step sequential extraction procedure was utilized for this purpose. The amount of trace elements bound to each extraction phase gives insight of its availability and geochemical dependence. These results were complemented with analyses of correlation and spatial variability. Although sediments collected in this study remained below EPAs critical value guidelines, concentration in the mobile phases and higher normalized Mn values successfully identified sites with concentrations higher than background levels. Correlation among elements was poor in most cases; among the trace metals only Cu and Zn correlated while Pb correlated with Ca, Al, Mn and Fe. Spatial variability analysis confirmed that natural variation among adjacent sediment samples is a common occurrence. The urban spring Ward Branch showed the highest levels of Cr, Zn, Pb and As.  相似文献   

Concentrations, spatial distribution and sources of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) listed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as priority pollutants were investigated in surface sediments of Bohai Bay, North China. Total concentrations of PAHs were in the range of 140.6–300.7 ng/g (dry wt), with an average of 188.0 ng/g. The three predominant PAHs were phenanthrene, acenaphthene and naphthalene. Sedimentary PAH concentrations of the north and central Bohai Bay were higher than those of the southern side of this bay. PAHs source analysis suggested that PAHs in most of the sediments were mainly from grass, wood and coal incomplete combustion. At other stations near the estuaries (Luanhe River Estuary and Chaohe River Estuary) or the oil drilling platform, both petrogenic and pyrogenic inputs were significant. The pyrogenic PAHs close to the oil drilling platform were mainly from petroleum combustion.  相似文献   

滇东南老君山地区出露了一套穹隆状变形-变质岩系,新近完成的1:5万都龙幅、麻栗坡县幅区域地质矿产调查报告,将其分解为晚志留纪南温河花岗岩、新元古界新寨岩组和古元古界猛硐岩群。首次对猛硐岩群的石英角闪斜长片麻岩进行了SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年,结合阴极发光图像分析,获得两组岩浆锆石的结晶年龄分别为761±12Ma和829±10Ma,指示滇东南老君山地区存在新元古代岩浆活动,同时从同位素年代学上,表明猛硐岩群是一套前寒武纪的变质沉积-岩浆杂岩。此外,还获得一些年龄为≈1.83Ga的残留锆石,表明该区存在古元古代的结晶基底。石英角闪斜长片麻岩及共存的斜长角闪岩,它们的原岩具有大陆裂谷背景下玄武质-玄武安山质岩浆系列的地球化学特征,可能与新元古代Rodinia超大陆聚合-裂解过程中的岩浆活动有关,本区在新元古代可能位于南华裂谷与康滇裂谷的交汇部位。  相似文献   

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