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KATE KRANCK 《Sedimentology》1981,28(1):107-114
The concentration and grain size of the natural and deflocculated inorganic suspended particulate matter were measured along the length of the Miramichi Estuary and interpreted with respect to flocculation and transport properties. Changes in particulate matter concentration are associated with regular changes in grain-size characteristics. In the turbidity maximum region of the estuary the suspended matter occurs mostly as large flocculated particles whereas, in the waters with lower particle concentrations, a larger proportion of the material occurs as fine material. At higher concentrations natural floc modes and inorganic grain modes vary simultaneously but at low concentrations the two modes vary inversely. This modal relationship and the variation in organic matter within the estuary is proposed to result from variation in inorganic—organic composition of flocs. Increase in settling rates due to flocculation is believed to increase the trapping effect of the estuarine circulation that produces the turbidity maximum.  相似文献   

It is well known that sediment sorting according to size, shape and density occurs, but the exact mechanisms involved are poorly understood. To assess the effects of size and density, sand-size spheres of two densities were transported and deposited under controlled flume conditions. Observations on the motion of discrete particles show that grains smaller than bed-roughness grains move continuously and have the same transport velocities regardless of density. For grains near and slightly larger than the roughness, movement is intermittent and, for a given size, heavy particles move more slowly than lights. For grains much larger than bed roughness grains, movement is continuous over the rough surface and light and heavy grains have nearly the same transport velocities. Analyses of bulk sediment deposited from plane-bed transport, show that the size and proportion of heavies decreases and that of lights increases with distance transported. For ripple bed transport, however, the size relations between associated light and heavy grains remains essentially unchanged with transport distance and the proportion of light and heavy grains is extremely variable. These results suggest that size-density sorting in plane-bed transport is a function of the transportabilities identified in the discrete grain studies but that sorting in ripple-bed transport is related to deposition on, and recycling through, the bed forms. Application of these findings to the concept of hydraulic equivalence implies that some indication of bed configuration may be necessary for the concept to be useful.  相似文献   

Settling velocities and entrainment thresholds of biogenic sedimentary particles, under unidirectional flow conditions, are derived on the basis of settling tower and laboratory flume experiments. Material consisting predominantly of equant blocks (shell fragments of Cerastoderma edule , density, ρ s=2800 kg m−3) or of mica-like flakes and elongate rods ( Mytilus edulis fragments, ρ s=2720 kg m−3) are used in separate series of experiments. Differences in the measured settling and threshold properties are related primarily to particle shape. The selection of a characteristic length scale for non-spherical grains is investigated by comparing two approaches used to define the grain size ( D ) of the sediment samples: grain settling and sieve analysis that are used to derive data for the threshold criteria, in terms of the Shields and Movability diagrams. The empirical curves effectively predict the threshold conditions for any grain shape, provided that grain size is defined in terms of grain settling velocity. However, a functional distinction is made between the characteristic `hydraulic' grain size, defined by grain settling for grain transport applications, and the actual (physical) grain size defined by sieve analysis.  相似文献   

The erodibility of a grain on a rough bed is controlled by, among other factors, its relative projection above the mean bed, its exposure relative to upstream grains, and its friction angle. Here we report direct measurements of friction angles, grain projection and exposure, and small-scale topographic structure on a variety of water-worked mixed-grain sediment surfaces. Using a simple analytical model of the force balance on individual grains, we calculate the distribution of critical shear stress for idealized spherical grains on the measured bed topography. The friction angle, projection, and exposure of single grain sizes vary widely from point to point within a given bed surface; the variability within a single surface often exceeds the difference between the mean values of disparate surfaces. As a result, the critical shear stress for a given grain size on a sediment surface is characterized by a probability distribution, rather than a single value. On a given bed, the crtitical shear stress distributions of different grain sizes have similar lower bounds, but above their lower tails they diverge rapidly, with smaller grains having substantially higher median critical shear stresses. Large numbers of fines, trapp.ed within pockets on the bed or shielded by upstream grains, are effectively lost to the flow. Our calculations suggest that critical shear stress, as conventionally measured, is defined by the most erodible grains, entrained during transient shear stress excursions associated with the turbulent flow; this implies a physical basis for the indeterminacy of initial motion. These observations suggest that transport rate/shear stress relationships may be controlled, in part, by the increasing numbers of grains that become available for entrainment as mean shear stress increases. They also suggest that bed textures and grain size distributions may be controlled, within the constraints of an imposed shear stress and sediment supply regime, by the influence of each size fraction on the erodibility of other grain sizes present on the bed.  相似文献   

The dynamics of suspended particles within a fjord's estuarine circulation are investigated and the results compared with larger non-enclosed prodelta environments. In the upper prodelta, the seaward-flowing river plume flows over the ambient marine water depositing much of the initial riverine suspended load. Sedimentation is dominated by coarse silt and fine-grained sand particles with coarseness determined by the tidal and fluvial stage. Particles less than 10 μn have similar settling velocities regardless of size because they settle in flocs: the settling velocity at a water depth of 5 m is 30 m day-1 and increases with depth so that at 30 m the particles settle at 100 m day-1. For larger particles, the downward settling velocity enhancement due to flocculation decreases with increasing grain size. Hydraulic sorting allows the preferential settling of feldspar and quartz over mica. Particle dynamics in the lower prodelta are dependent on the character of the freshwater wedge that thins seaward of the upper prodelta. The vertical flux of particles is controlled by biogeochemical interactions such as pelletization of fine particles and flocculation (which occurs within rather than below the surface layer in contrast to the upper prodelta). The pellets are produced by indiscriminate filter feeding zooplankton. Across the lower prodelta the suspensate character, recognized in the composition of both flocs and pellets, changes from a dominance of mineral grains to that of autochthonous organic matter. The interaction of bacteria with the suspended particles increases with depth and seaward distance. At depth, the mucoid filaments form stable interconnecting webs. Particle concentration in the surface layer decreases at a rate proportional to the negative one-half and three-halves power of the distance seaward over the upper and lower prodelta, respectively. This relationship is hypothesized as being universal for large marine deltas dominated by buoyancy flow dynamics, regardless of the levels of initial riverine particle concentration or their composition.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The vertical and horizontal distributions of aeolian mass flux were measured at Oceano Dunes, California, and these data were used to evaluate a numerical model of saltation. Grain‐size analyses showed that the distributions of the modal sediment size class corresponded closely to those of the total sediment population, and modelling thus focused on replicating the distributions of the mean grain size. Although much previous work has assumed that the mean launch speed of saltating particles varies in proportion to shear velocity, simulations using a constant mean launch speed were found to yield the closest approximations to the mass flux distributions observed in the field. Both exponential and gamma distributions of launch velocity produced realistic simulations, although the latter approach required the inclusion of an additional reptation component to achieve good results. A range of mean launch angles and an equivalent sphere correction were also found to generate comparable results, providing the other input parameters could be varied freely. All the modelling approaches overestimated the proportion of mass flux occurring at the bottom of the vertical distributions, and underestimated the proportion occurring at the upwind end of the horizontal distributions. No theoretical shortcoming that would account for these small, but systematic, discrepancies could be identified, and experimental error thus represents a more plausible explanation. The conclusion that mean grain launch speeds are essentially constant and independent of shear velocity suggests that the additional kinetic energy extracted by grains under more energetic wind conditions is largely transferred to the bed, and that increases in the transport rate are therefore driven primarily by the ejection of additional grains. It is suggested that the kinetic energy of rebounding grains is constrained by the ability of the bed to resist deformation, equivalent to a plastic limit. Hence, grains of larger mass (diameter) rebound from the bed at lower speeds, and follow shorter, lower trajectories, as has been widely observed previously.  相似文献   

Breaks in the slope of log-probability plots of cumulative grain-size distributions of bed material are compared with frequency distributions of bedload and suspended sediment over a range of discharges at two stations on the Platte River in south-central Nebraska. The break between suspension and intermittent suspension as determined from the bed-material curve coincides with the upper limit of the grain-size overlap between bedload particles and suspended-sediment particles, whereas the break between intermittent suspension and traction corresponds to the grain size at the lower limit of overlap of bedload particles and suspended-sediment particles. Although grain-size distributions of bedload change little with discharge, the size of the coarsest grains in suspension increases with increasing discharge. Thus, the length of overlap of bedload and suspended-sediment distributions increases with increasing discharge. The limits of grain-size overlap of bedload and suspended-sediment distribution curves associated with near-flood discharges most closely approximate the breaks in the bed material grain-size distribution.  相似文献   

Fine sediment deposition in the ocean is complicated by the cohesive nature of muds and their tendency to flocculate. The result is disaggregated inorganic grain size (DIGS) distributions of bottom sediment that are influenced by single‐grain and floc deposition. This study outlines a parametric model that characterizes bottom sediment DIGS distributions. Modelled parameters are then used to infer depositional conditions that account for the regional variation in the grain sizes deposited by turbidity currents on the Laurentian Fan–Sohm Abyssal Plain, offshore south‐eastern Canada. Results indicate that, on the channellized Laurentian Fan, the mass fraction of floc‐deposited mud increases only slightly downslope. The small evolution in this fraction arises because sediment concentration and turbulent energy are associated in turbidity currents. On the Sohm Abyssal Plain, however, the mass fraction of floc‐deposited mud decreases, probably as a result of lower sediment concentration at this source‐distal site. Estimates of the mass fraction of mud deposited as flocs suggest that floc deposition is the dominant mode by which sediment is lost from suspension, although single‐grain deposition contributes more to the depositional flux in proximal areas where high energy breaks flocs and in distal areas where low sediment concentration limits floc formation. It is concluded that, throughout the dispersal system, changes in the fraction of flocculated mud deposited from turbidity currents reflect changes in sediment concentration and energy downslope.  相似文献   

The Avon River estuary of Nova Scotia was studied with the intention of analysing the relations between grain-size distributions and hydraulics. The Avon is macrotidal; tidal ranges up to 15·6 m generate tidal currents up to 1·7 m s?1. Maximum current speed increases from the mouth (seaward end) to the head (shoreward end) of the estuary. Mean grain size decreases from the estuary mouth to the head. Thus, there is an inverse relationship between mean grain size and current speed. Consequently, textural parameters do not directly reflect hydraulic conditions. Graphical dissection of cumulative frequency curves into their component grain populations reveals a large coarse population at the estuary mouth that is absent at the head. There are several relationships between hydraulics and cumulative curves. Shields’ criterion predicts that all sediment in the system can be transported so that the large coarse population at the estuary mouth is not a lag. Local maximum shear velocity nearly equals the settling velocity of the grain size at the boundary of the coarse (C) and intermediate (A) grain populations. This has been previously interpreted to signifiy a transition from traction to intermittent suspension transport, and implies that the C population is a function of traction and that the A population is related to intermittent suspension (Middleton, 1976). Each grain population is transported at a different rate; suspended grains travel almost an order of magnitude faster than grains moved by traction according to Einstein's transport formula. Sediment transport paths in the estuary were determined from bedform migration directions and the computed net sediment transport per tidal cycle using Engelund and Hansen's formula. The areal distribution of the transport paths, combined with the differential transport rates of each grain population, produces hydraulic sorting. Hydraulic sorting causes coarse sediment to be excluded from the estuary head and creates the inverse relationship between current speed and mean grain size.  相似文献   

In the classical view of fine sediment transport and deposition in streams, particles are expected to be removed from flowing water simply by direct sedimentation onto the streambed. However, recent research has demonstrated that fine sediments can propagate into pore spaces in the streambed due to hyporheic exchange and be removed by a combination of physical and chemical processes. This behaviour can significantly alter fine sediment size distributions during in-stream sediment transport because the physical transport of fine particles and their attachment to bed sediment grains are both a function of the particle size. Herein, we present model simulations for deposition of suspended sediments with a bimodal size distribution. We also applied this approach to analyse the results of laboratory flume observations of suspended sediment deposition. Results from model simulations and flume experiments clearly show that the rate of particle deposition increases with increasing particle size. Thus, the larger particles are preferentially removed from mixtures and there is a fining of the mixed suspensions over time. Both particle deposition mechanisms, i.e. particle sedimentation and filtration, contribute to the fining of the mixed fine particle suspensions over time, and their effects are clearly demonstrated using the fundamental process-based model. These results clearly demonstrate the effects of stream-subsurface exchange on the temporal evolution of the suspended fine sediment size distribution in downstream transport.  相似文献   

The use of grain‐size distribution of muds for the reconstruction of past deep ocean currents is becoming established and applied in the palaeoceanographic community. The methods are also applicable to shallow marine and tidal flat muds with similar inferences concerning the energy of wave and current sorting being drawn. Fine sediment grain‐size distributions can be obtained using a variety of instruments based on fundamentally different theoretical principles. These machines may give varying, sometimes misleading, results giving divergent interpretations of flow speed history. The new evidence presented here, combined with earlier work, suggests that of the three most commonly used analytical methods for fine silts with clays, settling velocity (Sedigraph) should be the method and instrument of choice, with electrical resistance pulse counters (e.g. Coulter Counter) as a suitable alternative. The data also show that laser particle sizers should be avoided for palaeocurrent reconstructions because the measured size of platey minerals can be dominated by their large projected area. This causes them to be recorded as the same size as larger equant grains although they have much smaller settling velocity and were deposited in aggregates. This produces results with a weaker relationship to the dynamics of deposition. The central problem is thus that some coarse clay/fine silt is recorded as medium to coarse silt, the key size in the ‘sortable silt’ mean size method of inferring changes in flow speed. For coarse silts (e.g. loess) the laser gives more satisfactory results.  相似文献   

“Sliding Surface Liquefaction” is a process causing strength loss and consequent rapid motion and long runout of certain landslides. Using a new ring shear apparatus with a transparent shear-box and digital video camera system, shear-speed-controlled tests were conducted on mixed grains (mixture of three different sizes of sand and gravel) and mixed beads to study shear behavior and shear zone development process under the naturally drained condition in which pore pressure is allowed to dissipate through the opened upper drainage valve during shearing. Higher excess pore water pressure and lower minimum apparent friction were observed in the tests where grain crushing was more extensive under higher normal stress and higher shear speed. Along with the diffusion of silty water generated by grain crushing, smaller particles were transported upward and downward from the shear zone. Concentration of larger grains to the central and upper part of the shear zone was confirmed by means of visual observation together with grain size analysis of sliced samples from several layers after the test. On the other hand, smaller particles were accumulated mostly below the layer where larger grains were accumulated. The reason why larger grains were accumulated into the shear zone may be interpreted as follows: grains under shearing are also subjected to vertical movement, the penetration resistance of larger grains into a layer of moving particles is smaller than that into the static layer. Therefore, larger grains tend to move into the layer of moving grains. At the same time, smaller particles can drop into the pores of underlying larger grains downward due to gravity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A measure of grain shape is needed for incorporation in calculations of the behaviour of grain populations (for example during transport by fluids). Many shape measures have been proposed, most of them for application to single grains rather than to populations. In this paper three such shape parameters are evaluated for samples taken by size fraction from each of three parent sands. The chosen parameters are the maximum projection sphericity of Sneed & Folk (based on triaxial measurements made on the grains), the dynamic shape factor of Briggs (based on settling velocity in water), and rollability, after Winkelmolen (based on rolling behaviour in a specially mounted rotating cylinder).
It is shown that the Sneed & Folk parameter and rollability both discriminate clearly between the shape characteristics of the three sands over the size range 150-500 μm. Moreover the discrimination of the two parameters is mutually consistent. However, dynamic shape factor gives results which for sizes smaller than 300 μm are inconsistent with those of the other two methods and which do not discriminate reliably between the populations. This is inevitable because the differences between drag on spheres and on other shapes become very small at Reynolds Numbers corresponding to those which obtain in settling tests on grains smaller than 300 μm.  相似文献   

On the frequency distribution of turbidite thickness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The frequency distribution of turbidite thickness records information on flow hydrodynamics, initial sediment volumes and source migration and is an important component of petroleum reservoir models. However, the nature of this thickness distribution is currently uncertain, with log‐normal or negative‐exponential frequency distributions and power‐law cumulative frequency distributions having been proposed by different authors. A detailed analysis of the Miocene Marnoso Arenacea Formation of the Italian Apennines shows that turbidite bed thickness and sand‐interval thickness within each bed have a frequency distribution comprising the sum of a series of log‐normal frequency distributions. These strata were deposited predominantly in a basin‐plain setting, and bed amalgamation is relatively rare. Beds or sand intervals truncated by erosion were excluded from this analysis. Each log‐normal frequency distribution characterizes bed or sand‐interval thickness for a given basal grain‐size or basal Bouma division. Measurements from the Silurian Aberystwyth Grits in Wales, the Cretaceous Great Valley Sequence in California and the Permian Karoo Basin in South Africa show that this conclusion holds for sequences of disparate age and variable location. The median thickness of these log‐normal distributions is positively correlated with basal grain‐size. The power‐law exponent relating the basal grain‐size and median thickness is different for turbidites with a basal A or B division and those with only C, D and E divisions. These two types of turbidite have been termed ‘thin bedded’ and ‘thick bedded’ by previous workers. A change in the power‐law exponent is proposed to be related to: (i) a transition from viscous to inertial settling of sediment grains; and (ii) hindered settling at high sediment concentrations. The bimodal thickness distribution of ‘thin‐bedded’ and ‘thick‐bedded’ turbidites noted by previous workers is explained as the result of a change in the power‐law exponent. This analysis supports the view that A and B divisions were deposited from high‐concentration flow components and that distinct grain‐size modes undergo different depositional processes. Summation of log‐normal frequency distributions for thin‐ and thick‐bedded turbidites produces a cumulative frequency distribution of thickness with a segmented power‐law trend. Thus, the occurrence of both log‐normal and segmented power‐law frequency distributions can be explained in a holistic fashion. Power‐law frequency distributions of turbidite thickness have previously been linked to power‐law distributions of earthquake magnitude or volumes of submarine slope failure. The log‐normal distribution for a given grain‐size class observed in this study suggests an alternative view, that turbidite thickness is determined by the multiplicative addition of several randomly distributed parameters, in addition to the settling velocity of the grain‐sizes present.  相似文献   

Most techniques for estimating settling velocities of natural particles have been developed for siliciclastic sediments. Therefore, to understand how these techniques apply to bioclastic environments, measured settling velocities of bioclastic sedimentary deposits sampled from a nearshore fringing reef in Western Australia were compared with settling velocities calculated using results from several common grain‐size analysis techniques (sieve, laser diffraction and image analysis) and established models. The effects of sediment density and shape were also examined using a range of density values and three different models of settling velocity. Sediment density was found to have a significant effect on calculated settling velocity, causing a range in normalized root‐mean‐square error of up to 28%, depending upon settling velocity model and grain‐size method. Accounting for particle shape reduced errors in predicted settling velocity by 3% to 6% and removed any velocity‐dependent bias, which is particularly important for the fastest settling fractions. When shape was accounted for and measured density was used, normalized root‐mean‐square errors were 4%, 10% and 18% for laser diffraction, sieve and image analysis, respectively. The results of this study show that established models of settling velocity that account for particle shape can be used to estimate settling velocity of irregularly shaped, sand‐sized bioclastic sediments from sieve, laser diffraction, or image analysis‐derived measures of grain size with a limited amount of error. Collectively, these findings will allow for grain‐size data measured with different methods to be accurately converted to settling velocity for comparison. This will facilitate greater understanding of the hydraulic properties of bioclastic sediment which can help to increase our general knowledge of sediment dynamics in these environments.  相似文献   

联用筛析法与激光法进行粒度接序分析的界点选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷伟  范代读 《沉积学报》2014,32(3):478-484
筛析法、激光法和图像法是三种常用的粒度分析方法,但由于测试原理的不同,三种测试方法有不同的适用性。筛析法和图像法能够精确测量砂质颗粒的粒径,但不适用于泥质细颗粒(<0.063 mm)的粒径测量;相反,激光法无法准确测量中粗砂粒级颗粒(2~0.21 mm),但能高精度测量较细沉积物粒径。分选较差的天然沉积物粒径分布范围较广,需要综合运用筛析法-激光法进行接序粒度测试。通常选用2 mm为界点开展接序粒度分析,但因激光法在测量中粗砂颗粒时误差较大,易导致接序粒度分析结果准确性不高。建议以0.21 mm为分界点开展接序粒度分析,分别避开筛析法和激光法测量精度不高的粒级区间,可使测试结果的准确性得到有效的提高。  相似文献   

Carbonate mylonites with varying proportions of second-phase minerals were collected at positions of increasing metamorphic grade along the basal thrust of the Morcles nappe (Helvetic nappes, Switzerland). Variations of temperature, stress, and strain rate, changes in chemistry of solid and fluid phases, and differing degrees of strain localization and annealing were tracked by measuring the shapes, mean sizes, and size distributions of both matrix and second-phase grains, as well as crystal preferred orientation (CPO) of the matrix. Field structures suggest that strain rate was constant along the fault. The mean and distribution of the calcite grain sizes were affected most profoundly by temperature: Increased temperature, presumably accompanied by decreased stress, correlated with larger mean sizes and wider size distributions. At a given location, the matrix grains in mylonites with more second-phase particles are, on average, smaller, have narrower size distributions, and have more elongate shapes. For example, mylonites with 50 vol.% of second phases have matrix grain sizes half that of pure mylonites. Changes in calcite chemistry and the presence of synkinematic fluids seemed to influence microfabric only weakly. Temporal variations in conditions, such as exhumation-induced cooling, apparently provoke changes in temperature, stress, and strain rate along the nappe. These changes result in further strain localization during retrograde conditions and cause the grain size to be reduced by an additional 50%. The matrix CPO strengthens with increasing temperature or strain, but weakens and rotates with increasing second-phase content. These fabric changes suggest differing rates of grain growth, grain size reduction, and development of CPO owing to variations in the deformation conditions and, perhaps, mechanisms. To interpret natural mylonite structures or to extrapolate mechanical data to natural situations requires careful characterization of the microfabric, and, in particular, second-phase minerals.  相似文献   

福建省漳州市第四纪沉积物粒度特征及其沉积环境   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对福建省漳州市不同沉积相带(河道沉积相带和海湾沉积相带)的两个钻孔进行详细的第四纪沉积物激光粒度分析,综合研究区内代表性钻孔的岩性和岩相等资料,得出了研究区第四系沉积环境及其演化的认识。采用MS-2000型激光粒度分析仪进行测试,对测试数据进行整理和分析,绘制出频率曲线图、概率累积曲线图和粒度众数分布曲线图等,并进行沉积环境的解释。在粒度分析曲线解释意义上,提出激光粒度分析方法做出的粒度众数曲线能够较灵敏地反映沉积环境及其水动力条件的变化,可以作为环境分析的辅助手段。在环境解释方面,漳州盆地第四纪环境演化经历了:①晚更新世中期龙海组冲洪积;②晚更新世晚期东山组冲积;③全新世早、中期长乐组下部海积;④全新世晚期长乐组上部洪冲积的演变过程。  相似文献   

盐腔内回填碱渣沉降固结特性室内试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冀国栋  杨春和  徐玉龙 《岩土力学》2014,299(2):407-412
碱渣回填到充满卤水的废弃盐腔后,颗粒会自由沉降到盐腔底部形成沉积层,进而在自重作用下固结。为了解盐腔内回填碱渣的沉降固结特性,以江苏淮安地区碱渣为对象,进行了沉降柱试验和固结试验。试验结果表明:(1)碱渣在卤水中的沉降过程可以分为3个阶段:絮凝阶段、沉降阶段和固结阶段。初始浓度对碱渣的沉降曲线和沉降速率有很大的影响。(2)碱渣颗粒分布、密度、含水率和孔隙比均呈现出分层特性,颗粒粒径、密度随深度的增加而增大,含水率、孔隙比随深度的增大而减小。(3)碱渣具有很高的压缩性,压缩系数a1-2为3.36 MPa-1。在压力范围小于100 kPa下,固结系数随固结压力的增加而显著减小。试验结果对了解盐腔内回填碱渣的沉降固结特性提供了参考,有利于指导回填施工工艺和碱渣的后期处理。  相似文献   

The initiation of particle movement by wind   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
When air blows across the surface of dry, loose sand, a critical shear velocity (fluid threshold, ut), must be achieved to initiate motion. However, since most natural sediments consist of a range of grain sizes, fluid threshold for any sediment cannot be defined by a finite value but should be viewed as a threshold range which is a function of the size, shape, sorting and packing of the surface sediment. In order to investigate the initiation of particle movement by wind a series of wind-tunnel tests was carried out on a range of pre-screened fluvial sands and commercially available glass beads with differing mean sizes and sorting characteristics. A sensitive laser-monitoring system was used in conjunction with a high speed counter to detect initial grain motion and to count individual grain movements. Test results indicate that when velocity is slowly increased over the sediment surface the smaller or more exposed grains are first entrained by the fluid drag and lift forces either in surface creep (rolling) or in saltation (bouncing or hopping downwind). As velocity continues to rise, larger or less exposed grains may also be moved by fluid drag. On striking the surface saltating grains impart momentum to stationary grains. This impact may result in the rebound of the original grain as well as the ejection of one or more stationary grains into the air stream at shear velocities lower than that required to entrain a stationary particle by direct fluid pressure. As a result, there is a cascade effect with a few grains of varying size initially moving over a range of shear velocities (the fluid threshold range) and setting in motion a rapidly increasing number of grains. Results of the tests showed that the progression from fluid to dynamic threshold, based on grain movement, can be characterized by a power function, the coefficients of which are directly related to the mean size and sorting characteristics of the sediment.  相似文献   

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