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In this paper, we formulate a finite-element procedure for approximating the coupled fluid and mechanics in Biot’s consolidation model of poroelasticity. We approximate the flow variables by a mixed finite-element space and the displacement by a family of discontinuous Galerkin methods. Theoretical convergence error estimates are derived and, in particular, are shown to be independent of the constrained specific storage coefficient, c o . This suggests that our proposed algorithm is a potentially effective way to combat locking, or the nonphysical pressure oscillations, which sometimes arise in numerical algorithms for poroelasticity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we formulate a finite element procedure for approximating the coupled fluid and mechanics in Biot’s consolidation model of poroelasticity. Here, we approximate the pressure by a mixed finite element method and the displacements by a Galerkin method. Theoretical convergence error estimates are derived in a continuous in-time setting for a strictly positive constrained specific storage coefficient. Of particular interest is the case when the lowest-order Raviart–Thomas approximating space or cell-centered finite differences are used in the mixed formulation, and continuous piecewise linear approximations are used for displacements. This approach appears to be the one most frequently applied to existing reservoir engineering simulators.  相似文献   

An improved crust-freeze sampler for taking undisturbed cores of the surface sediments from ice-covered lakes is described together with a technique for subsampling the frozen sediment. Hints are given on how photography and varve-counting in frozen and in fresh cores of varved lake sediments can be made easier, and on how to make thin sections of sediments for examination under the light microscope  相似文献   

边坡动力可靠性分析方法的模式、问题与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晓  唐辉明  熊承仁 《岩土力学》2013,34(5):1217-1234
边坡可靠性研究从静力学领域逐步拓展到更具一般性的动力学领域是研究不断深化的必然结果。当前国际上对边坡动力可靠性的研究正处于起步阶段,现有的边坡动力可靠性评价理论和方法均是从静力可靠性理论体系发展而来。通过剖析可靠性问题求解的理论构架,将边坡静力可靠性分析方法分为6种嵌套模式,指出其中4种可以拓展到动力学领域。明确了高性能计算在动力可靠性分析中的地位,依据计算复杂性理论对算法的效率做了定量的研究,给出了静力和动力条件下的时间复杂度。对近13年来(2000-2012年)SCI-E数据库收录的46篇文献进行了统计分析。在此基础上,将边坡动力可靠性研究存在的问题归纳为3个方面:①对不确定性考虑不足。②边坡体系可靠度求解方法所存在的争论对动力学领域的影响显著。③计算效率问题已成为制约动力可靠性研究的技术瓶颈之一。指出未来边坡动力可靠性研究的发展趋势是:①对不确定性的考虑将趋向全面和深入;在岩土体物理力学性质的描述上,运用随机场理论来刻画空间变异性的研究将逐步受到重视;且模糊性与随机性将获得深入的整合。②针对边坡体系可靠度求解方法的争论,今后的发展方向之一是致力于从理论上实现完备的证明,结束关于边坡体系可靠度求解方法的争论;方向之二是在具体实践上,朝着精细化、复杂化的方向发展,将会更为广泛地与新兴的群体智能优化算法相结合。③在解决动力可靠性分析的计算效率问题上,以Monte Carlo法内嵌响应面法的模式具有良好的发展前景,通过吸收非线性学科的相关优秀算法作为高效率的响应面代理手段,将会极大地推动边坡动力可靠性研究的发展。  相似文献   

This paper presents a complete finite‐element treatment for unsaturated soil problems. A new formulation of general constitutive equations for unsaturated soils is first presented. In the incremental stress–strain equations, the suction or the pore water pressure is treated as a strain variable instead of a stress variable. The global governing equations are derived in terms of displacement and pore water pressure. The discretized governing equations are then solved using an adaptive time‐stepping scheme which automatically adjusts the time‐step size so that the integration error in the displacements and pore pressures lies close to a specified tolerance. The non‐linearity caused by suction‐dependent plastic yielding, suction‐dependent degree of saturation, and saturation‐dependent permeability is treated in a similar way to the elastoplasticity. An explicit stress integration scheme is used to solve the constitutive stress–strain equations at the Gauss point level. The elastoplastic stiffness matrix in the Euler solution is evaluated using the suction as well as the stresses and hardening parameters at the start of the subincrement, while the elastoplastic matrix in the modified Euler solution is evaluated using the suction at the end of the subincrement. In addition, when applying subincrementation, the same rate is applied to all strain components including the suction. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The heat capacities of the anhydrous international reference clay minerals, smectite MX-80, illite IMt-2 and mixed-layer illite-smectite ISCz-1, were measured by low temperature adiabatic calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry, from 6 to 520 K (at 1 bar). The samples were chemically purified and Na-saturated. Dehydrated clay fractions <2 μm were studied. The structural formulae of the corresponding clay minerals, obtained after subtracting the remaining impurities, are K0.026Na0.435Ca0.010(Si3.612Al0.388) (Al1.593Mg0.228Ti0.011)O10(OH)2 for smectite MX-80, K0.762Na0.044(Si3.387Al0.613) (Al1.427Mg0.241O10(OH)2 for illite IMt-2 and K0.530Na0.135(Si3.565Al0.435)(Al1.709Mg0.218Ti0.005)O10(OH)2for mixed-layer ISCz-1. From the heat capacity values, we determined the molar entropies, standard entropies of formation and heat contents of these minerals. The following values were obtained at 298.15 K and 1 bar:
(J mol−1 K−1)S0 (J mol−1 K−1)
Smectite MX-80326.13 ± 0.10280.56 ± 0.16
Illite IMt-2328.21 ± 0.10295.05 ± 0.17
Mixed-layer ISCz-1320.79 ± 0.10281.62 ± 0.15
Full-size table

A numericl method for solving consolidation problems of layered soils is developed. Starting from the governing differential equations for the coupled poro-elastic medium, the governing partial differential equations are reduced to ordinary differential equations by means of the appropriate displacement functions and Laplace-Fourier transformation. Once the fundamental solution in the transformed domain has been found, the solution in the physical domain is obtained by numerically inverting the transformations. A series of soil consolidation problems have been solved and validated against existing solutions in order to compare the feasibility and the accuracy of the present technique.  相似文献   

A sufficient knowledge on the kinematics and development of landslides helps to adopt proper measures that can be used to protect slopes and the environment in general. This can be achieved by adequate monitoring programs. This paper presents the findings of intensive monitoring activities carried out on Shiidomari and Katanoo landslides found in Sado Island of Japan. More than one year of observation of the two landslides allowed defining some peculiar futures of their kinematics and style of development. The problem of slope instability in the two areas is generally accredited to various factors. But, both landslides were triggered by heavy rainfalls and snowmelt. Because of the outline of the area and the presence of relict topographic features, the Shiidomari landslide is considered to be a large-scale reactivation of old slope failures. The Katanoo landslide is, however, a first-time case. Geophysical investigations and drilling activities in Shiidomari indicated the presence of two slip planes. The deepest (80–100 m) of these is controlled by existing lineaments. Monitoring data suggests that the body of the landslide has subsided as much as 1.16 m just below the main scarp, but a centimeter in the central region. The toe sector also experienced a significant amount of subsidence, but this was counter-balanced by an uplift on the opposite side of the landslide. Hence, the landslide seems not any more active along the deepest slip surface, although it may extend upward and define a series of shallow shear planes around the crown. In the case of Katanoo, the landform characteristics, differential weathering, the road cut and groundwater fluctuations appeared to contribute much to determine the exact location of the landslide. Extensional cracks that preceded the landslide can be related to heavy rainfalls and the cold and warm cycles thereafter. Subsurface investigations and monitoring works indicated that the landslide has two slide blocks with different slip planes. During the observation period, the upper part of the landslide responded more effectively to rainfall and snowmelt than the middle and lower sections. The corresponding movements, however, appeared to settle about three months after failure. There were also little strain transmissions in boreholes and no significant change in the characteristics of the landslide. The kinematics of deformation of many of the slopes in Sado Island resembles that of Shiidomari landslide. But mass movements along highways and mountain roads are usually similar to Katanoo. Landslides of the type like Shiidomari may not show sudden and drastic failures, but are usually long lasting and can reactivate repeatedly along new, shallow shear planes. Monitoring works and long-term supervisions in these types of landslides are useful to identify impending failures and take the right measures before they brought about large-scale destruction to the environment.  相似文献   

Early Proterozoic metamorphic rocks of the Salida area include two exceptionally well-preserved sections of undeformed volcanogenic rocks: a northern section nearly 4000 m thick and a southern section 1700 m thick. The stratigraphic and lithologic character of the sections are the same, indicating that they were formed contemporaneously in the same subaqueous environment. The suite is strongly bimodal, consisting of felsic volcaniclastic rocks (50%), mafic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks (22%), and gabbro/diabase sheets (23%). The remaining rocks are mostly pelitic metasediments.The felsic rocks, which dominate the upper portions of both sections, comprise four distinct facies: crystal-lithic tuff breccia, crystal-lithic lapilli-breccia tuff, bedded tuff, and massive tuff. Lithic fragments are typically foreign, dominated by pelitic material. Crystal clasts are feldspar, mainly plagioclase, and quartz. Sequences of these facies, representing cycles of eruptive activity, are uniform in thickness and extend along strike for the entire width of Precambrian exposure, up to 4 km, but individual facies units, especially the coarser ones, are limited in their lateral extent. Individual sequences average about 100 m thick, but continuous exposures of felsic rocks locally exceed 600 m. Primary sedimentary structures and vertical and lateral variations indicate deposition, typically following remobilization as debris flows and turbidites, in a shallow marine environment of low relief.Mafic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks form accumulations up to 600 m thick and extend uniformly for several kilometers along strike, although individual units are more restricted laterally. The principal rock types are basalt flows, basaltic lithic breccia, pillow lava/pillow breccia, bedded basaltic lapillistone, and laminated basaltic tuff, all deposited in a submarine setting. Accumulations, typically including several types, are interbedded with felsic rocks, but mechanical mixing of mafic and felsic volcaniclastics is rare, suggesting separate eruptive centers for the mafic and felsic volcanics. The northern section may be more proximal than the southern section, as indicated by the greater abundance of flows, the thicker sheets of gabbro, and the greater abundance of mafic rocks relative to felsic rocks.Gabbro/diabase sheets, up to 350 m thick and dominantly concordant, intrude throughout both sections. They are characterized by lack of internal differentiation, simple mineralogy consisting of plagioclase and hornblende, pseudomorphous after pyroxene, and sub-ophitic texture. The minor pelitic material indicates that the area was accessible to continental sediment sources, although their location is not known.The Salida bimodal volcanic suite is part of a more extensive accumulation of similar 1700–1800 Ma supracrustal rocks that extends west to the Gunnison area and perhaps south into northern New Mexico.  相似文献   

Experimental clinopyroxenes synthesized at 850–1500 °C and 0–60 kbar in the CMS and CMAS-Cr systems and in more complex lherzolitic systems have been used to calibrate a Cr-in-Cpx barometer and an enstatite-in-Cpx thermometer for Cr-diopsides derived from garnet peridotites. The experiments cover a wide range of possible natural peridotitic compositions, from fertile pyrolite to refractory, high-Cr lherzolite. The barometer is based on the Cr exchange between clinopyroxene and garnet. Pressure is formulated as a function of temperature and clinopyroxene composition:
where a CaCrTs Cpx=Cr−0.81·Cr#·(Na+K) and Cr#= , with elements in atoms per 6 oxygens. This formulation reproduces the experimental pressures to ±2.3 kbar (1σ) and has a temperature dependence (1.2–2.4 kbar/50 °C, varying with composition) that is weaker than that of the widely used Al-in-Opx barometer (2–3 kbar/50 °C). The enstatite-in-Cpx thermometer includes corrections for the effect of minor components and is formulated as
where K)). The thermometer reproduces the experimental temperatures to ±30 °C (1σ). The uncertainties of the present formulations are comparable to, or better than, those of the most widely used thermobarometers for garnet peridotites. P-T estimates obtained for diamond-bearing and graphite-bearing lherzolite xenoliths and peridotitic clinopyroxene inclusions in kimberlitic and lamproitic diamonds confirm the reliability of the thermobarometer. Cr-diopside thermobarometry appears to be a potential tool for obtaining information on the thermal state of the upper mantle and the extent of mantle sampling by deep-seated magmas. We consider the Cr-in-Cpx barometer to be the best alternative to the Al-in-Opx barometer for the evaluation of pressure conditions of equilibration of natural garnet lherzolites. P-T conditions of equilibration can be directly retrieved from the composition of Cr-diopside alone, thus allowing application to partially altered xenoliths, inclusions in diamonds, and loose grains from sediments. We foresee application of the present thermobarometer to evaluation of the diamond potential of kimberlite and lamproite provinces and in diamond exploration where Cr-diopside from deep mantle sources is preserved in the surficial weathering environment. Received: 16 August 1999 / Accepted: 17 March 2000  相似文献   

Computation of phase diagrams in mineral systems and quantitative geothermobarometry thrive on the availability and accuracy of internally consistent thermodynamic datasets for minerals. The prevailing two methodologies applied to derive them, mathematical programming (MAP) and least squares regression (REG), have their very specific advantages and deficiencies which are to some extent complementary. Bayes estimation (BE), the novel technique proposed here for obtaining internally consistent thermodynamic databases, can combine the advantages of both MAP and REG but avoid their drawbacks. It optimally uses the information on thermochemical, thermophysical, and volumetric properties of phases and experimental reaction reverals to refine the thermodynamic data and returns their uncertainties and correlations. Therefore, BE emerges as the method of choice. The theoretical background of BE, and its relation to MAP and REG, is explained. Although BE is conceptually simple, it can be computationally demanding. Fortunately, modern computer technology and new stochastic methods such as Gibbs sampling help surmount those difficulties. The basic ideas behind these methods are explored and recommendations for their use are made using the Al2SiO5 unary as an example. The potential of BE and its future perspective for application to multicomponent-multiphase systems appear very promising. For the convenience of readers not interested in the mathematical details of BE, an illustrative example is given in the Appendix to promote an intuitive understanding of what BE is all about.  相似文献   

This study investigates how estimates of uranium endowment made by a geologist using an appraisal system that is based upon a formalization of geoscience and decision rules compare with estimates made by informal and unconstrained intuitive processes. The motivation for this study derives from the premise that formalization of decisions would mitigate the heuristic biases and hedging that may result from the use of unconstrained intuitive processes. Estimates of the uranium endowment of the San Juan Basin of New Mexico by four methodologies are compared in this study. These methods, ranked from top to bottom by degree of decomposition (mitigating of heuristic bias)and control on hedging, are as follows Implicit 2 1.5 × 106 s.t. of U3O8 Implicit 1 1.6 × 106 s.t. of U3O8 NURE (1980) 2.4 × 106 s.t. of U3O8 Appraisal system 3.9 × 106 s.t. of U3O8 The magnitude of expected uranium endowment estimated by these methods, ranked from smallest to largest, is in this same order. With the exception of the NURE estimates, the magnitude of the variance (uncertainty)of uranium endowment, ranked from smallest to largest, also is in this same order. These results prompt the suggestion that the more decomposed and formalized the estimation procedure, the greater the expected value and the variance of uranium endowment. Equivalently, predicating U 3 O 8 endowment estimation strictly upon that part of the geologist's geoscience that is useful in making U 3 O 8 endowment estimates and upon his understanding of the region's history produced larger estimates than have previously been reported. However, this method of estimation also shows that uncertainty about the actual state of U 3 O 8 endowment is much greater than previously described.  相似文献   

In 1999 the Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse (IGG), with the support of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), undertook the collection, preparation and distribution of eight geological materials intended for a blind interlaboratory comparison of measurements of boron isotopic composition and concentration. The materials came from Italian sources and consist of three natural waters (Mediterranean seawater and two groundwaters) and five rocks and minerals (tourmaline, basalt, obsidian, limestone and clay). The solid materials were crushed, milled and mixed, in preparation for distribution. Extensive assays performed at the IGG on these materials demonstrated that their boron isotopic and chemical compositions are homogeneous.
Additional homogeneity tests were carried out on solid material fragments at the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, with the specific objective of investigating the suitability of some of them for the calibration in situ of micro-analytical techniques. Two materials, B4 (tourmaline) and B6 (obsidian), proved to be isotopically homogeneous and may become excellent references for in situ microanalyses of boron isotopes.
The materials described here were used as the basis of a major laboratory intercomparison study and are now available for further distribution from either the IAEA (solid materials) or the IGG (waters).  相似文献   

Crystallization experiments were conducted on dry glasses fromthe Unzen 1992 dacite at 100–300 MPa, 775–875°C,various water activities, and fO2 buffered by the Ni–NiObuffer. The compositions of the experimental products and naturalphases are used to constrain the temperature and water contentsof the low-temperature and high-temperature magmas prior tothe magma mixing event leading to the 1991–1995 eruption.A temperature of 1050 ± 75°C is determined for thehigh-temperature magma based on two-pyroxene thermometry. Theinvestigation of glass inclusions suggests that the water contentof the rhyolitic low-temperature magma could be as high as 8wt % H2O. The phase relations at 300 MPa and in the temperaturerange 870–900°C, which are conditions assumed to berepresentative of the main magma chamber after mixing, showthat the main phenocrysts (orthopyroxene, plagioclase, hornblende)coexist only at reduced water activity; the water content ofthe post-mixing dacitic melt is estimated to be 6 ± 1wt % H2O. Quartz and biotite, also present as phenocrysts inthe dacite, are observed only at low temperature (below 800–775°C).It is concluded that the erupted dacitic magma resulted fromthe mixing of c. 35 wt % of an almost aphyric pyroxene-bearingandesitic magma (1050 ± 75°C; 4 ± 1 wt % H2Oin the melt) with 65 wt % of a phenocryst-rich low-temperaturemagma (760–780°C) in which the melt phase was rhyolitic,containing up to 8 ± 1 wt % H2O. The proportions of rhyoliticmelt and phenocrysts in the low-temperature magma are estimatedto be 65% and 35%, respectively. It is emphasized that the strongvariations of phenocryst compositions, especially plagioclase,can be explained only if there were variations of temperatureand/or water activity (in time and/or space) in the low-temperaturemagma. KEY WORDS: Unzen volcano; magma mixing; experimental study  相似文献   

1 Introduction Since the 1990’s of the 20th century, oil & gas geochemists have shifted their research focus on hydrocarbon source rocks in the past to that on reservoir rocks and oil reservoirs at present; their research field has been expanded from oil & gas exploration to the assessment of oil reservoirs and production & management. Therefore, reservoir geochemistry as a branch disciplinary of organic geochemistry is now attracting great concern of many oil & gas explorers and oilfield en…  相似文献   

Four paleosols, and soil horizons within paleosols, were clearly identified in the thick calcium carbonate-free loess sections at Timaru, South Island, New Zealand, by changes in the distribution of total phosphorus and calcium phosphate in the upper 2 m to each paleosol. Extractable manganese was also sensitive in identifying paleosols, particularly the upper horizons. The distribution of bulk density values was useful in identifying paleosols; however, the maximum bulk density (>1.7 g/cc) occurred in horizons identified as B2 rather than fragipan horizons in three of four cases. The distribution of clay particles was useful in understanding the genesis of the modern soil and paleosols, but not in identifying paleosols.  相似文献   

Mineral modes have been determined for specimens of eight rocktypes from CuK X-ray powder diffraction data using the Rietveldmethod. The samples include two granites, a granodiorite, adamellite,gabbro, basalt, trachyte, and two granulite-facies metamorphicrocks. Up to eight individual mineral components have been measuredin each sample (no glassy phases were observed), with a detectionlimit of {small tilde}1 wt.%, depending on the mineral assemblage.Marked variations in grain size (i.e., granite vs. trachyte)provide no difficulties for the X-ray method. The X-ray resultscompare very favourably with (1) optical modes determined forthe medium–coarse-grained samples by point counting, (2)normative calculations obtained using locally enhanced catanormand mesonorm software, and (3) corresponding Rietveld modesdetermined, for two samples, from neutron powder data. Wheredifferences occur, these are discussed in relation to the limitationsof each of the methods. The improved accuracy of the X-ray method is due primarily tothe incorporation of the full diffraction profile in the Rietveldanalysis calculations, and the elimination of preferred orientationby collecting the data from samples packed in glass capillaries(i.e., Debye–Scherrer mode). The good agreement of theX-ray and neutron modes shows that the usual problems encounteredwith microabsorption, extinction, and sampling are of littleconcern in these rocks. The results highlight one of the majoradvantages provided by Rietveld modal analysis over the moretraditional ‘reference intensity’ X-ray methods,namely, that the crystal chemistry (and thus the calibrationconstants) of the individual phases can be adjusted dynamicallyduring each individual analysis. This not only provides moreaccurate phase abundances, but also gives important supplementaryinformation about the mineralogy of the major components.  相似文献   

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