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The Achankovil Shear Zone (AKSZ) in the Southern Granulite Terrain separates the Trivandrum block from the Madurai block. Various geomorphic indices and longitudinal profiles of the river systems in the AKSZ, viz., Achankovil river basin (ARB) and Kallada river basin (KRB), were derived from SRTM DEM to decipher the influence of shearing and deformation on the regional drainage evolution. Although hypsometric analysis of the basins implies old stage of geomorphic evolution, horizontal shifts in the channel plan form are restricted (except in the Tertiary sediments), suggesting the structural controls over the drainage organization, which are also supported by the high topographic sinuosity. The transverse topographic symmetry (T) vectors indicate a southwesterly migration for the upstream channel segments of both ARB and KRB, while the northwesterly migration of the downstream courses can be correlated with the dextral shearing of the AKSZ. Even though the shear zone is considered to be the block boundary between the charnockite of Madurai and khondalite of Trivandrum blocks, the moderate to low profile concavity (θ) values are probably the result of suppressing the effect of the block–boundary interactions by shearing and denudation. The study proposes a model for evolution of drainage network in the AKSZ, where the mainstream of the basins was initially developed along NE–SW direction, and later the upstream and midstream segments were reoriented to the NW–SE trend as a result of intense shearing. Overall, the present study emphasizes the significance of geomorphic indices and longitudinal profile analysis to understand the role of shearing and deformation on drainage evolution in transcrustal shear zones.  相似文献   

Due to the plate movement is considerably slow, the human history record is too short to register landscape change for such a long time scale. However, longitudinal river profile can display watershed landscape characteristics. Therefore, this paper applies a quantitative analysis of geomorphic indices coupled with some mathematical models for the Choushui River and its six tributaries, including the gradient index and slope–area relationship. The abnormally high SL and SL/k values indicated that a decreasing trend from lower- to mid-stream areas and south Lishan fault was higher than north Lishan fault on the upstream areas, and the result of slope–area relationship also indicated that the regression line of the upper and lower steam exhibit an obvious right-shift nearby Lishan fault, could be explained by geodynamic models of active deformation in Taiwan area. This study also found that the abnormally high values of SL/k were affected by river and fault intersecting to form a high angle or perpendicular and the abnormally low values of SL/k were affected by river along with a fault or form a low angle, but the channel of Junda River along with Lishan fault is opposite. Based on quantitative results of these geomorphology indices, this study suggests that the important factor influencing landscape of the Choushui River watershed is tectonic uplift.  相似文献   

River terrace sequences are important frameworks for archaeological evidence and as such it is important to produce robust correlations between what are often fragmentary remnants of ancient terraces. This paper examines both conceptual and practical issues related to such correlations, using a case study from the eastern part of the former Solent River system near Southampton, England. In this region two recent terrace schemes have been constructed using different data to describe the terrace deposits: one based mainly on terrace surfaces; the other on gravel thicknesses, often not recording the terrace surface itself. The utility of each of these types of data in terrace correlation is discussed in relation to the complexity of the record, the probability of post-depositional alteration of surface sediments and comparison of straight-line projections with modern river long profiles. Correlation using age estimates is also discussed, in relation to optically stimulated luminescence dating of sand lenses within terrace gravels in this region during the PASHCC project. It is concluded that the need for replication at single sites means that this approach has limited use for correlative purposes, although dating of sediments is important for understanding wider landscape evolution and patterns of human occupation.  相似文献   

In the forest of Enkheim near the city of Frankfurt, the depositional sequence of a river Main floodplain sediment was analyzed with regard to the elemental composition of its sediment-facies using XRD- and XRF-techniques. The study includes: residual minerals (mainly Zr and Ti species, which are extremely resistant to weathering), detrital minerals (quartz, K-feldspars, plagioclases), secondary minerals (mainly clay minerals such as Illitehydrous mica, kaolinite, vermiculite, chlorite, smectite and mixed-layer clays) and precipitated minerals (mainly calcite). The processes of weathering are defined in terms of buffer ranges (pH-Eh stability fields). The impact of the acid weathering front on the upper part of the sedimentary sequence was established by the analyses of the mechanisms of dissolution, transport and sorption of selected constituents (major cations; heavy metals) of which their eco-availability is of importance when measures of environmental protection have to be taken.  相似文献   

确定矿井水中重金属污染程度及主要来源,对矿井水的再利用及矿区生态环境保护具有重要的理论意义。以内蒙古某矿区为研究对象,采集地表水、第四系潜水、承压水及矿井水水样49组,检测水体中Zn、Pb、Fe、Mn、As、Cu、Cd、Cr、Hg、Se 10种重金属浓度,分析矿井水中重金属污染特征及超标情况,利用HPI模型定量评价重金属污染程度,并综合数理统计、不同类型水样重金属浓度箱形图及煤/顶板重金属浸出试验,分析矿井水重金属主要来源。结果表明:内蒙古某矿矿井水中Zn、Pb、Fe、Mn、As 5种重金属浓度值超标,其中Fe和Zn的超标率高达100%;7个矿井水样中6个矿井水的HPI值大于临界值100,矿井水重金属污染程度较高;矿井水中的Pb、As主要来源于采煤及运输机械油类物质泄漏,Mn主要来源于Ⅲ含地下水,Fe、Zn主要来源于Ⅲ含地下水及煤层中含Fe、Zn矿物的溶滤。该结论将为矿井水中重金属污染防治提供基础与依据。   相似文献   

The Kangra Re-entrant in the NW Himalaya is one of the most seismically active regions, falling into Seismic Zone V along the Himalaya. In 1905 the area experienced one of the great Himalayan earthquakes with magnitude 7.8. The frontal fault system – the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) associated with the foreland fold – Janauri Anticline, along with other major as well as secondary hinterland thrust faults, provides an ideal site to study the ongoing tectonic activity which has influenced the evolution of drainage and landscape in the region. The present study suggests that the flat-uplifted surface in the central portion of the Janauri Anticline represents the paleo-exit of the Sutlej River. It is suggested that initially when the tectonic activity propagated southward along the HFT the Janauri Anticline grew along two separate fault segments (north and south faults), the gap between these two fault and the related folds allowed the Sutlej River to flow across this area. Later, the radial propagation of the faults towards each other resulted in an interaction of the fault tips, which caused the rapid uplift of the area. Rapid uplift resulted in the disruption and longitudinal deflection of the Sutlej river channel. Fluvial deposits on the flat surface suggest that an earlier fluvial system flowed across this area in the recent past. Geomorphic signatures, like the sharp mountain fronts along the HFT in some places, as well as along various hinterland subordinate faults like the Nalagarh Thrust (NaT), the Barsar Thrust (BaT) and the Jawalamukhi Thrust (JMT); the change in the channel pattern, marked by a tight incised meander of the Beas channel upstream of the JMT indicate active tectonic movements in the area. The prominent V-shaped valleys of the Beas and Sutlej rivers, flowing across the thrust fronts, with Vf values ranging from <1.0–1.5 are also suggestive of ongoing tectonic activity along major and hinterland faults. This suggests that not only is the HFT system active, but also the other major and secondary hinterland faults, viz. the MBT, MCT, SnT, NaT, BaT, and the JMT can be shown to have undergone recent tectonic displacement.  相似文献   

Water from four north-flowing rivers (Oswegatchie, Grasse, Raquette, and West Branch of the St. Regis) traversing three distinct geologic terranes (Adirondack Highlands, Adirondack Lowlands, St. Lawrence Valley), originating in the acidified northern Adirondack region, display rapid spatial changes in downriver multi-element chemistry and physical parameters. Downriver, most soluble elements increase (Ba, Ca, Cu, K, Mg, Na, Rb, S, and Sr) while statistically significant decreases in insoluble elements (Al, Ce, Dy, Er, Fe, Gd, La, Mn, Nd, Pr, and Y) also occur. Lithium, Si, and Zr did not show a consistent increasing or decreasing trend. Concentrations of most elements measured on June 5, 2008 were greater than 7?weeks later; however, greater discharge and lower pH enhanced Al concentrations occurred during the later sampling date. Elemental ratios track changes in lithology, anthropogenic influence, and pH. The Raquette River shows the least variation in elemental concentrations because of storage in numerous hydropower reservoirs and has non-detectable concentrations of some redox sensitive elements such as Co, Ni, and V. Oswegatchie tributaries display similar geochemical trends dependent upon their location and local bedrock and show geochemical trends along the trunks of major rivers that are also evident in smaller drainage basins. Comparison with analytical results from the Western Adirondack Stream Survey also indicates acidification is prevalent in the Adirondack Highlands, particularly in the Oswegatchie headwaters during periods of high flow, but acidity is rapidly buffered downriver due to interaction with marble in the Adirondack Lowlands.  相似文献   

The Ponnaiyar River is one of the largest rivers of the Tamil Nadu state (India), flowing a distance of 430 km from its point of origin to the sea. This work contributes with new data of magnetic and elemental composition of river sediments, and improves the knowledge obtained by preliminary and previous studies of rivers from Southeastern India. Magnetic susceptibility, anhysteretic and isothermal remanent magnetization and chemical determinations (major and trace metals) were measured. Magnetic results reveal the predominance of magnetite-like mineral with magnetic grain size variations along the river and in depth. Most of the uppermost samples have the major presence of trace metals and higher values of magnetic concentration. Magnetic and chemical variables were also analysed as potential pollution indicators using multivariate statistical techniques: canonical correlation and fuzzy c-means clustering analyses, which confirmed the existence of relationships, but not in a simple way, between magnetic and chemical variables. Furthermore, fuzzy analysis allows classifying the data in different well-differentiated groups regarding the trace metal load, concentration and feature-dependent parameters. The most polluted samples show high concentration of trace elements and magnetic carriers, softer and coarser magnetic minerals; on the contrary, the unpolluted samples (from the deepest sediments) have the opposite characteristics.  相似文献   

Major ion chemistry of groundwater in a river basin: a study from India   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Groundwater is the prime source in the area of Varaha River Basin, Andhra Pradesh, India. Groundwater samples collected during pre- and post-monsoon were analyzed for major ion chemistry to understand the operating mechanism of geochemical processes for variation of groundwater quality. Low ionic concentration is observed in the groundwater occurring at topographic-highs and towards the river compared to the rest of the area. This is caused by the influence of recharge water. Geochemistry of groundwater is observed to be mainly controlled by the rock-weathering, mineral dissolution, leaching, ion exchange and evaporation, and is subsequently modified by the anthropogenic and marine activities. Contribution of residual soluble salts below the depth of 5 m from the ground surface is high, while it is low beyond the depth of 5 m. Anthropogenic activities cause an accumulation of excess residual soluble salts in the former depth and the content of this soluble matter is reduced by the clay products beyond the latter depth. Seasonal ionic concentration of groundwater is greatly influenced by the recharge process with reference to topographical features, lithological characteristics and anthropogenic activities. Groundwater quality is classified as mixed and non-carbonate alkali groups due to a combined action of geogenic/anthropogenic and marine sources, respectively. The groundwater quality is above the adequacy level for both drinking and irrigation, and appropriate management measures are recommended for sustainable development.  相似文献   

Large, high-quality multi-element geochemical datasets are becoming widely available in the exploration industry, and afford excellent opportunities to investigate geochemical processes. A dataset of over 2500 analyses of unweathered and variably weathered mafic and ultramafic rocks for over 50 elements has been collected by Gold Fields Ltd. in the auriferous Agnew-Lawlers area of the eastern Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia. This dataset is used to investigate changes in element abundances and inter-element ratios through varying degrees and styles of weathering in an area of thick regolith characterised by deep in situ weathering. Systematic interrogation of the data, using lithostratigraphic controls derived from regional mapping and geophysics, reveals that a suite of elements, including Ti, Al, Zr, Th, La, Sc and Nb, and to a lesser extent Cr and Ni, behave as essentially immobile components during saprolite formation. In some cases diagnostic element ratios persist into siliceous duricrust. Ratios of these elements are used as reliable discriminants of bedrock type, and delineate features such as cryptic layering within fractionated sills and subtle geochemical variants in a sequence of tholeiitic and komatiitic basalts. Mapping on the basis of discriminant element ratios greatly extends previous trace-element ratio-based schemes for rock type discrimination. The potential to determine several of these elements with adequate precision and accuracy using portable XRF technology opens a potentially useful technique for rapid geochemical bedrock mapping in residual terrains.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(4):541-552
The intersection of the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR) and the Central Basin Rift (CBR) of the West Philippine Basin (WPB) is a relic of a trench-trench-rift (TTR) type triple-junction, which preserves some pivotal information on the cessation of the seafloor spreading of the WPB, the emplacement and disintegration of the proto-Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc, and the transition from initial rifting to steady-state spreading of the Parece Vela Basin (PVB). However, the structural characteristics of this triple-junction have not been thoroughly understood. In this paper, using the newly acquired multi-beam bathymetric, gravity, and magnetic data obtained by the Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China Geological Survey, the authors depict the topographic, gravity, and magnetic characteristics of the triple-junction and adjacent region. Calculations including the upward continuations and total horizontal derivatives of gravity anomaly are also performed to highlight the major structural features and discontinuities. Based on these works, the morphological and structural features and their formation mechanisms are analyzed. The results show that the last episode amagmatic extension along the CBR led to the formation of a deep rift valley, which extends eastward and incised the KPR. The morphological and structural fabrics of the KPR near and to the south of the triple-junction are consistent with those of the western PVB, manifesting as a series of NNE-SSW- and N-S-trending ridges and troughs, which were produced by the extensional faults associated with the initial rifting of the PVB. The superposition of the above two reasons induced the prominent discontinuity of the KPR in deep and shallow crustal structures between 15°N–15°30′N and 13°30′N–14°N. Combined with previous authors’ results, we propose that the stress produced by the early spreading of the PVB transmitted westward and promoted the final stage amagmatic extension of the CBR. The eastward propagation of the CBR destroyed the KPR, of which the magmatism had decayed or ceased at that time. The destruction mechanism of the KPR associated with the rifting of the PVB varies along strike the KPR. Adjacent to the triple-junction, the KPR was destroyed mainly due to the oblique intersection of the PVB rifting center. Whereas south of the triple-junction, the KPR was destroyed by the E-W-directional extensional faulting on its whole width.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

In this study, geochemical characteristics of acid mine drainage (AMD) and its sediments from the Malan and Sitai coalmines, Shanxi Province, China, were investigated. Many analytical approaches such as IC, ICP-MS, XRD, XRF, and modeling calculation of hydrogeochemistry using PHREEQCI software were employed. The AMD is characterized by higher concentrations of iron and sulfate, a low pH, and elevated concentrations of a wide variety of heavy metals. The results of modeling calculation by PHREEQCI software demonstrate the metals in AMD are present mainly as Me^n+ and MeSO4^n-2 species. The sediments of AMD are composed mainly of iron-beating minerals such as goethite and schwertmannite, which are controlled by pH, Fe and SO4^2- concentrations. The schwertmannite mineral has been found for the first time in China.  相似文献   

This contribution constitutes a new study using magnetic parameters and trace element determinations of pollutants in river sediments from the Tamil Nadu state. The Vellar River covers a total length of about 200 km and flows into the Bay of Bengal. Sediment samples were collected at different sediment depths (up to 90 cm) from 12 sites to investigate their magnetic properties (27 samples) and the contents of trace elements (21 out of 27 samples) along the river; as well as to perform magnetic studies for various grain size fractions (16 sub samples). The magnetic results of magnetic susceptibility and remanent magnetizations suggest that the magnetic signal of these sediments is controlled by ferrimagnetic minerals magnetite-like minerals and a minor contribution of antiferromagnetic carriers (such as hematite minerals). Detailed studies of selected samples showed a higher magnetic concentration in finer grain-sized fractions and a slightly different magnetic mineralogy. Magnetic concentration-dependent parameters evidenced high values, which, together with the background values, allowed us to identify magnetic enhancement at some sites. The Pearson correlation and multivariate statistical studies (Principal Component Analysis, Canonical Correlation Analysis) supported the relationship between the magnetic and chemical variables; in particular, magnetic susceptibility, anhysteretic and isothermal remanent magnetization are closely correlated to Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, V, Zn, and the pollution load index. In addition, Principal Coordinate Analysis and fuzzy C-means cluster analysis allowed us to make a classification and to perform a magnetic-chemical characterization of the data into four groups, thereby identifying critical (possibly polluted) sites from the Vellar River.  相似文献   

Aquatic socio-ecological systems show pervasive cross-scale interactions and problems of fit between ecosystems and institutions. Nested bio-hydrological processes within river basins are prone to third-party impacts, and equitable/sustainable management of water resources requires adequate governance patterns that both cover relevant scalar levels and handle cross-scale interactions. This paper provides the example of the Zayandeh Rud basin, in central Iran, and describes the historical evolution of water use at three different nested scales. It shows how the gradual overallocation of water resources (basin closure) and the manipulation of the hydrological cycle by the state and other actors have resulted in a constant spatial and social redistribution of water use and associated benefits and costs. State-centered modes of governance characterized by the priority to large-scale infrastructure, vested political and financial interests, lack of attention to local processes and hydrological interconnectedness, and the neglect of environmental degradation, must give way to forms of comanagement that better articulate the different levels of control and governance.  相似文献   

Preservation bias may significantly impact the application of detrital zircon geochronology in reconstructing Earth surface processes.Here we compare detrital zircons from the actively eroding Murchison River channel in Western Australia with Ordovician fluvial sediments that have drained similar source rocks along the western margin of the West Australian Craton.In addition to standard analysis of detrital zircon age spectra we apply multivariate statistics to test the relation between 3-D grain shape,U-content and U-Pb ages,with the objective to quantify differences between both sample groups and track preservation along the transport pathway of the Murchison River.Our results show that zircon grains in modern river sands display an upstream trend toward larger surface areas,volume equivalent diameters and grain widths,as well as toward higher U-contents and lower apparent grain densities.3-D grain shape,size and age spectra of Murchison River zircons evolve consistently downstream,but even at the river outlet remain distinct from the Ordovician samples,as a less mature representation of source.We interpret Ordovician river zircons to represent a significantly depleted subset from which up to 22% of the zircon population may have been lost compared to the actively transported detrital load.This discrepancy between the characteristics of detrital zircons in modern active rivers and ancient fluvial Ordovician sandstones demonstrates a bias that could be relevant for other source-sink detrital transport systems throughout Earth history.  相似文献   

In-stream structures including cross-vanes, J-hooks, rock vanes, and W-weirs are widely used in river restoration to limit bank erosion, prevent changes in channel gradient, and improve aquatic habitat. During this investigation, a rapid assessment protocol was combined with post-project monitoring data to assess factors influencing the performance of more than 558 in-stream structures and rootwads in North Carolina. Cross-sectional survey data examined for 221 cross sections from 26 sites showed that channel adjustments were highly variable from site to site, but approximately 60 % of the sites underwent at least a 20 % net change in channel capacity. Evaluation of in-stream structures ranging from 1 to 8 years in age showed that about half of the structures were impaired at 10 of the 26 sites. Major structural damage was often associated with floods of low to moderate frequency and magnitude. Failure mechanisms varied between sites and structure types, but included: (1) erosion of the channel bed and banks (outflanking); (2) movement of rock materials during floods; and (3) burial of the structures in the channel bed. Sites with reconstructed channels that exhibited large changes in channel capacity possessed the highest rates of structural impairment, suggesting that channel adjustments between structures led to their degradation of function. The data question whether currently used in-stream structures are capable of stabilizing reconfigured channels for even short periods when applied to dynamic rivers.  相似文献   

This study reports changes in coal-mine drainage constituent concentrations through an anaerobic SO4-reducing bioreactor monitored over a 3-a period. The purpose of the study was to identify and monitor over time the biogeochemical mechanisms that control the attenuation of toxic compounds in the mine drainage. This information is needed to investigate bioreactor performance and longevity. The water treated at the case example site, the Tab-Simco Mine, was highly acidic with an average pH of 2.9, a net acidity of 1674 mg/L CaCO3 equivalent-CCE, and high levels of dissolved SO42-, Al, Fe and Mn. The results of this study indicated that the treatment system increased the pH of the acid mine drainage (AMD) to 6.2 and decreased the median acidity to 22.7 mg/L CCE, SO42- from 2981 to 1750 mg/L, Fe from 450.6 to 1.76 mg/L, Al from 113 to 0.42 mg/L, and Mn from 36.4 to 23.3 mg/L. Geochemical modeling indicates that the bioreactor discharge is saturated with respect to the minerals alunite, gibbsite, siderite, rhodochrosite, jarosite, and Fe hydroxide precipitates. The observed trends also include seasonal variations in SO42- reduction and a general decline in the amount of alkalinity produced. The average δ34S value of the SO42- in the untreated AMD was +7.3‰. In the bioreactor, δ34S value of SO42- increased from an average of +6.9‰ to +9.2‰, suggesting the presence of bacterial SO4 reduction processes. Preliminary results of a bacterial community analysis show that DNA sequences corresponding to bacteria capable of SO4 reduction were present in the bioreactor outflow sample. However, these sequences were outnumbered by sequences similar to bacteria capable of reoxdizing reduced sulfur species. This study illustrates the dynamic nature of metal removal in SO4-reducing bioreactor-based treatment systems.  相似文献   


新仙女木(Younger Dryas,简称YD)事件是发生在末次冰消期升温过程中北半球的一次急剧降温事件。文章基于福建西部仙云洞石笋(编号:XYⅣ-14)9个高精度230Th年龄和233个氧同位素分析,建立了12.68~11.25 ka B.P.时段平均分辨率达7 a的东亚夏季风强度的演变序列。该石笋氧同位素记录最为显著的特征是在11.89~11.51 ka B.P.时δ18O在380±95 a内偏负约1.3‰,指示了YD事件缓慢的结束过程。与基于年层时标的我国北方苦栗树洞、南京葫芦洞和神农架青天洞石笋记录对比发现,仙云洞记录的YD结束过程的时间(380±95 a)明显比苦栗树洞、葫芦洞和青天洞记录(38 a、10 a和11 a)长300多年。仙云洞石笋所记录的YD事件缓慢结束的特征与低纬菲律宾Palawan洞穴石笋记录十分相似。分析结果表明,受热带西太平洋海气耦合的影响,低纬水文循环过程的变化比高纬的气候突变要缓慢的多。


王猛  刘焰  何延波  魏东 《地质科学》2008,43(3):603-622
利用GTOPO30和SRTM3数字高程(DEM)数据,提取了喜马拉雅山脉(造山带)的数字高程模型并对其进行了地质地貌的初步分析。从SRTM3数字高程数据提取出坡度数据,初步分析了喜马拉雅山脉坡度和高程的特征。数字高程和坡度图清楚地展现了喜马拉雅大型断裂带(构造边界)的空间分布特征。分析了中国气象局下属的西藏、青海、四川和云南4省区气象观测台站55年来的年平均降水量观测数据、喜马拉雅山脉南坡的年平均降水量数据、喜马拉雅DEM和裂变径迹数据,发现喜马拉雅山脉从东至西,年平均降水量逐渐减少,地形起伏逐渐变小,而高程渐次升高,与此同时剥蚀速率降低;从北至南,年平均降水量逐渐增加,地形起伏增大,高程快速降低,而剥蚀速率则急剧升高。这充分说明了喜马拉雅年平均降水量大的地区,地表剥蚀作用相对较强,年平均降水量小的地区,地表剥蚀作用则较弱,即:在喜马拉雅地区,长周期的地表剥蚀过程(可长达数个百万年时间尺度)和短周期(仅仅50年)的降水量观测是耦合的。  相似文献   

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