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Groundwater constitutes the major source of utility water in Ekiti State with the majority of the population depending on groundwater for drinking and other household uses. Soil in the area is commonly used as a component of building materials, which may produce radon in the indoor environment. Excessive concentrations of radon in water and soil can cause radiological health risks to human as witnessed by the increased cases of lung cancer among non-smokers in Nigeria, which may be traceable to the ingestion and inhalation 222Rn in drinking water and indoor air. In the present study, comparative in situ measurements of radon in groundwater and soil gas were carried out at one hundred selected locations across the Ekiti State in southwest Nigeria, using a RAD7 radon detector to generate a radon distribution map and to estimate radiation hazards due to radon. The concentrations of radon in groundwater ranged from 0.9 to 472 Bq L?1 with a mean of 34.7?±?4.4 Bq L?1, while those of soil gas ranged from 0.1 to 315 kBq L?1 with a mean of 38.9?±?1.4 kBq L?1. The total annual effective dose due to inhalation and ingestion of radon in groundwater amounted to 94.7 µSv year?1, which is lower than the reference dose of 100 µSv year?1 recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). The radon map generated for groundwater and soil gas identified three distinct areas with radon levels ranging from low to high. The results of this study show that some locations (Emure, Gbonyin, Ijero and Ikole) show mean total annual effective doses which are higher than the recommended limit. It can then be inferred that the groundwater samples pose significant radiological hazards to the population and that the noticed increase in lung cancer cases may be attributed to the consumption of groundwater in the area.  相似文献   

 An integrated geological, geoelectrical and hydrochemical investigation of shallow groundwater occurrence in the Ibadan area, southwestern Nigeria, is presented. The primary objective was to characterise the groundwater in a typical low-latitude environment underlain by Precambrian crystalline basement complex rocks. The dominant rocks comprise suites of gneisses and quartzites. Chemical analyses of the groundwater show that the mean concentration of the cations is in the order Na>Ca>Mg>K while that for the anions is Cl>HCO3>NO3>SO4. Statistical analyses, using the product-moment coefficient of correlation, indicate positive correlations between the following pairs of parameters: TDS and conductivity (r=0.96); Na++Mg2+ and Cl (r=0.95); Na++K+ and Ca2+ (r=0.43); Na++K+ and HCO3 (r=0.17); Ca2+ and Mg2+ (r=0.74); Ca2+ and HCO3 (r=0.33); Ca2++Mg2+ and HCO3 (r=0.31) and pH and HCO3 (r=0.54). A very weak negative correlation was recorded between pH and Cl, with r=–0.003. Five groundwater groups have been identified, namely, (1) the Na-Cl, Na-Ca-Cl, Na-Ca-(Mg)-Cl; (2) the Ca-(Mg)-Na-HCO3-Cl, Na-Ca-HCO3-Cl, and Ca-HCO3-Cl; (3) the Ca-(Mg)-Na-HCO3, Ca-Na-HCO3; (4) Ca-Na-Cl-(SO4)-HCO3 and (5) the Ca-(Mg)-Na-SO4-HCO3. The different groups reflect the diversity of bedrock types and consequently also of the products of weathering. Most of the water sampled is unfit for drinking on account of the high NO3 content. It can, however, be used for irrigation purposes as the sodium hazard is low while the salinity hazard ranges from low to medium. Resistivity soundings indicate the presence of a thick weathering profile, which could be up to 60 m. Such sites should be the target for any long-term and sustainable groundwater development in the area. Received: 15 April 1998 · Accepted: 4 July 1998  相似文献   

文章探讨在花岗岩地区地下水井位的快速定位问题,结合工程实践,采用三极电阻率测深法和天然电场选频法开展综合探测研究。首先实施三极电阻率测深剖面工作,对采集结果进行二维有限元反演研究,获得二维测深断面上低阻导电体的分布规律;在测深剖面上进一步开展天然电场选频法剖面勘探工作,得到低阻含水构造的水平精确位置,并进一步开展选频测深法的实践。后期的成井结果表明:三极电测深勘探成果的剖面异常比较直观,选频法则在异常体的地表水平定位方面比较精确,施工非常方便,两种方法相结合对地下水进行综合勘探是一种行之有效的办法。  相似文献   

Groundwater mounds and hinge lines are important features related to the interaction of groundwater and lakes. In contrast to the transient formation of groundwater mounds, numerical simulations indicate that permanent groundwater mounds form between closely spaced lakes as the natural consequence of adding two net sinks to a groundwater flow system. The location of the groundwater mound and the position of the hinge lines between the two lakes are intimately related. As the position of the mound changes there is a corresponding shift in the position of the hinge line. This results in a change in the ratio of groundwater inflow to outflow (Qi/Qo) for the lake. The response of the lake is an increase or decrease in the lake level. Our simulations indicate that the movement of the hinge line in a natural system is a consequence of the dynamic interrelationships between recharge, the slope of the water table upgradient and downgradient of the lake, and the loss of water from the lake by evaporation. The extent of the seasonal movement of the hinge line will vary from one year to the next depending on local changes in the magnitude of the hydrologic variables. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

 A strong geochemical gradient was observed in the thick overburden aquifer of the Asa drainage basin. Different types of groundwater occur at different (downslope) locations and groundwater table depths. The following sequence was noticed with increasing distance downslope or with increasing groundwater table depth: 1. Ca–Mg–HCO3 water at about 390-m groundwater table elevations or upslope locations. 2. Ca–Mg–HCO3–Cl water at middle-slope locations or groundwater table elevations of about 350 m above sea level; 3. Ca–Mg–SO4–Cl water at downslope locations or groundwater table elevations of about 300 m above sea level. In this basin, changes in the type of water are expected at about every 40–50 m depth from the surface. Statistical analysis via the determination of the correlation coefficient (r) and regression analysis shows that about 80–99% of the variation in groundwater chemistry is accounted for by the topography, using the model presented in this paper. The rate of change in the sequence will depend on the permeability of the aquifer, which determines the rate of groundwater flow and the residence time, and the nature of recharge. Received: 4 February 1997 · Accepted: 22 July 1997  相似文献   

Information generated from geophysical, geochemical and hydrogeological data has been used in assessing the groundwater resource potential, quality and usability and in mapping flow directions within the shallow subsurface of the Mamfe Embayment, Cross River State, Nigeria. The electrical resistivity technique in which the Schlumberger’s vertical electrical sounding field procedure has been adopted was the geophysical method employed; lithology logs from drilling records, discharge rates, static water level information were the hydrogeological information utilized, while the geochemical techniques involve analyses of water samples. Apparent resistances were measured using different resistivity meters including OYO McOhm (model 2115), ABEM terrameter (SAS300B and SAS1000 models) and IGIS (SSP-ATS-MRP model) with maximum current electrode separation reaching 1 km in some communities. Geological information was used as control in the modelling and interpretation of all geophysical data. The physico-chemical parameters of the water samples from the different water sources in the area were determined using different analytical techniques and in some cases, by in situ direct measurement of some parameters. Measured values of electrical conductivity, static water level, available aquifer discharge information and calculated SAR and %Na were integrated into the geophysical and hydrogeological results. The shallow subsurface of the area is segmented into four hydrogeological provinces [crystalline basement province (CBP), Cross River Plain Province (CRPP), Nkporo-Afikpo Shales Province (NASP) and alluvial/buried river province (ABRP) with localized groundwater flow patterns]. Results indicated that the alluvial (discharge rate of 3.83 L/s), fractured sandstone (discharge rate of 2.43 L/s) and basement (discharge rate of 1.80 L/s) aquifers are more yielding than the aquifers in areas covered with deformed shales (discharge rate of 0.62 L/s) and siltstone aquifers (discharge rate of 0.97 L/s). The aquifer horizons are inhomogeneous and anisotropic with topography and lithology exerting significant influence on groundwater flow direction. However, there appears to be some high yielding aquifers at depths greater than 100 m in the CRPP areas although researches on their distribution are still ongoing. Precipitation is the major source of recharge and the water is enriched with Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, ${\text{HCO}}_{ 3}^{ - }$ , Cl?, ${\text{SO}}_{ 4}^{2 - }$ and ${\text{NO}}_{ 3}^{ - }$ throughout the year. Graphical analyses of hydrochemical data using Piper and Stiff diagrams show that Ca–(Mg)–CO3–HCO3 is the dominant water facies. Results from EC, SAR and %Na show that the water is fresh and belongs to the good-to-excellent class and is, therefore, suitable for domestic, agricultural and industrial use.  相似文献   

北京北部地区深层热水开发对浅层冷水的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
北京北部有小汤山和沙河2个地热田,呈三角形展布,东部边界为黄庄-高丽营断裂,西部边界为南口-孙河断裂.北部边界为阿苏卫-小汤山断裂。热储层为蓟县系雾迷山组、铁岭组和寒武系-奥陶系碳酸盐岩岩溶裂隙含水层.热储盖层为青白口系页岩、石炭系-二叠系砂页岩和侏罗系火山岩隔水层。该区雨水、浅层基岩冷水和深层基岩热水的H、O同位素组成基本上都落在克雷格降水线上,表明区内冷水与热水均来源于大气降水。热水的^3H值表现出北高南低的特点.说明热水与冷水一样自北向南流动。重点分析了深层热水开采对浅层地震观测井中冷水动态的影响,以及这种影响在不同的水文地质条件、离开采井不同距离和不同测项方面表现出的差异。结果表明,北京北部深层热水开采对浅层冷水动态的影响距离约为5km.对位于导水断裂带附近的观测井的影响最为明显。  相似文献   

The August 1985 crack has focussed attention on passive earth processes in parts of Bauchi State, Nigeria. These processes, encompassing groundwater solution and roof collapse, soil shrink-swell, and gullying, are widespread in the Akko, Gombe, and Bauchi Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the State. Soils in these areas are rich in montmorillonite clay minerals and possess appreciable shrink-swell capabilities. Surface heave ranges from 8.1 to 11 cm. Preliminary data on plasticity measurement show a plasticity index (PI) of 13.4 to 15%. Consequently, in response to seasonal changes, the soil usually splits, leaving gaping cracks. These cracks, once formed, constitute channels throug which meteoric water easily penetrates the bedrock. The water is chemically acid and the underlying bedrock contains layers of limestone and shale. Systematic solution of these chemically reactive rocks results in the formation of caverns, the roof of which may ultimately collapse leaving randomly distributed sink holes. These cracks and sink holes run through villages, destroying mud buildings, which often collapse overnight, and transforming most modern block buildings into death traps. They affect roads, bridges, and other foundations, and render farmlands waste, swallowing up livestock.The expansive soil processes, solution and roof collapse phenomena currently identified in these places, are passive phenomena and have been overlooked as geologic hazards. Preliminary results of investigations on the physical and chemical properties of the soils and underlying rocks indicate that these areas of Bauchi State of Nigeria need to be monitored closely to avert disaster.  相似文献   

Assessment of iodine concentration in blood and urine samples is one of the major strategies in knowing the iodine levels in goitre or iodine endemic patients. Sixty two (62) blood and urine samples were collected from fifty six (56) goitre and six (6) non-goitre patients within five (5) communities (Igbogila, Egua, Sawonjo, Imoto and UNAAB) in order to determine the levels or concentrations of iodine in the blood and urine of goitre and non-goitre patients within these communities using iodometric titration method. The results show that the mean blood and urine of the goitre patients in Igbogila community range from 14.2 to 14.7 μg/l and 15.7 to 16.8 μg/l respectively while the mean blood and urine iodine levels of the goitre patients in Egua community indicate iodine concentration in the range of 11.1–11.3 μg/l and 14.3–14.7 μg/l respectively. The mean blood and urine iodine concentration of the goitre patients in Sawonjo ranges from 13.4 to 13.7 μg/l and 17.2 to 17.8 μg/l and the mean blood and urine iodine levels in Imoto range from 11.1 to 13.4 μg/l and 13.1 to 15.8 μg/l. Similarly, the mean blood and urine of the non-goitre patients in the UNAAB community (the control area) range from 122.5 to 129.0 μg/l and 137.2 to 138.8 μg/l respectively. Comparison of the obtained levels of iodine in the blood and urine samples of the goitre and non-goitre patients with the WHO recommended iodine level of > 100 μg/l in the blood and urine of non-goitre patients indicates that the goitre patients in Igbogila, Egua, Sawonjo and Imoto were severely deficient in their blood and urine iodine levels while the blood and urine iodine levels of the people in the UNAAB community were found to be adequate (i.e. no indication of iodine deficiency).  相似文献   

 The Cross River State, Nigeria, is underlain by the Precambrian-age crystalline basement complex and by rocks of Cretaceous to Tertiary age. The exploration for groundwater in this area requires a systematic technique in order to obtain optimum results, but the non-availability of funds and facilities has made it extremely difficult to carry out site investigations prior to the drilling of water wells. Therefore, the failure rate is as high as 80%. In order to delineate areas that are expected to be suitable for future groundwater development, black and white radar imagery and aerial photographs were used to define some hydrological and hydrogeological features in parts of the study area. Lineament and drainage patterns were analysed using length density and frequency. Lineament-length density ranges from 0.04–1.52; lineament frequency is 0.11–5.09; drainage-length density is 0.17–0.94, and the drainage frequency is 0.16–1.53. These range of values reflect the differences in the probability of groundwater potentials. Results were then used to delineate areas of high, medium, and low groundwater potential. Study results also indicate that correlations exist between lineament and drainage patterns, lithology, water temperature, water conductivity, well yield, transmissivity, longitudinal conductance, and the occurrence of groundwater. Received, August 1994 · Revised, March 1996, June 1996 · Accepted, October 1996  相似文献   

In 1986, carbon dioxide gas exploded from Lake Nyos and killed about 1,800 people. After that disaster, various administrative and research activities have been conducted to mitigate subsequent disasters. However, none of those endeavors have characterized the groundwater chemistry to identify hydrogeochemical processes that control the water chemistry, and the quality of the water for domestic and agricultural uses that support the lives of un-official resettlers around Lake Nyos. Conventional hydrochemical techniques coupled with statistical and graphical analysis were therefore employed to establish the baseline hydrochemical conditions, assess processes controlling solutes distribution in shallow groundwater in the Lake Nyos catchment and explore its usability. Groundwater samples were analyzed for their physical and chemical properties. The wide ranges of electrical conductivity and total dissolved solid values reveal the heterogeneous distribution of groundwater within the watershed. The relative abundance of major dissolved species was Ca > Mg > Na > K for cations and HCO3 >>> Cl > SO4 > NO3 for anions. Piper diagram classified almost all water samples into mixed CaMg–HCO3 water type. Major ion geochemistry reveals that, in addition to silicates weathering (water–rock interaction), ion exchange processes regulate the groundwater chemistry. Principal component analysis supports the occurrence of water rock interaction. Hierarchical cluster analysis showed that the chemistry of groundwater in the study area is controlled by three main factors, and suggests no hydraulic connectivity between deep lake water and groundwater in the catchment. The quality assessment of the groundwater showed that groundwater parameters are within the acceptable limit of the World Health Organization and Nigeria guidelines for drinking and domestic uses, and water found to be good for irrigation.  相似文献   

Water resources management is an important driver in social and economic development. Water shortage is one of the most critical issues threatening human welfare, public health, and ecosystems. This issue has turned into a major challenge in many river basins all around the world due to the imbalance in water supply and demand. Use of simulation models can be effective tools in providing water managers with scientifically supported decisions in dealing with complex and uncertain water resource systems. System dynamics approach serves as a management tool and may play an important role in understanding the cause–effect in water resources systems. In the present study, system dynamics approach was applied to simulate management strategies dealing with Tehran metropolitan water resources systems. In the developed model, the trend of water storage in the next 30-year period and the effectiveness of water supply strategies were simulated. The results showed that, despite the growing shortage of the water resources, optimal use of existing resources under appropriate strategies could reduce water deficit within the next 30 years.  相似文献   

Although surface water quality and its underlying processes vary over time scales ranging from seconds to decades, they have historically been studied at the lower (weekly to interannual) frequencies. The aim of this study was to investigate intradaily variability of three water quality parameters in a small freshwater tidal lagoon (Mildred Island, California). High frequency time series of specific conductivity, water temperature, and chlorophylla at two locations within the habitat were analyzed in conjunction with supporting hydrodynamic, meteorological, biological, and spatial mapping data. All three constituents exhibited large amplitude intradaily (e.g., semidiurnal tidal and diurnal) oscillations, and periodicity varied across constituents, space, and time. Like other tidal embayments, this habitat is influenced by several processes with distinct periodicities including physical controls, such as tides, solar radiation, and wind, and biological controls, such as photosynthesis, growth, and grazing. A scaling approach was developed to estimate individual process contributions to the observed variability. Scaling results were generally consistent with observations and together with detailed examination of time series and time derivatives, revealed specific mechanisms underlying the observed periodicities, including interactions between the tidal variability, heating, wind, and biology. The implications for monitoring were illustrated through subsampling of the data set. This exercise demonstrated how quantities needed by scientists and managers (e.g., mean or extreme concentrations) may be misrepresented by low frequency data and how short-duration high frequency measurements can aid in the design and interpretation of temporally coarser sampling programs. The dispersive export of chlorophylla from the habitat exhibited a fortnightly variability corresponding to the modulation of semidiurnal tidal currents with the diurnal cycle of phytoplankton variability, demonstrating how high frequency interactions can govern long-term trends. Process identification, as through the scaling analysis here, can help us anticipate changes in system behavior and adapt our own interactions with the system.  相似文献   

Although shallow groundwater (<50 mbgl) sustains the vast majority of improved drinking-water supplies in rural Africa, there is little information on how resilient this resource may be to future changes in climate. This study presents results of a groundwater survey using stable isotopes, CFCs, SF6, and 3H across different climatic zones (annual rainfall 400–2,000 mm/year) in West Africa. The purpose was to quantify the residence times of shallow groundwaters in sedimentary and basement aquifers, and investigate the relationship between groundwater resources and climate. Stable-isotope results indicate that most shallow groundwaters are recharged rapidly following rainfall, showing little evidence of evaporation prior to recharge. Chloride mass-balance results indicate that within the arid areas (<400 mm annual rainfall) there is recharge of up to 20 mm/year. Age tracers show that most groundwaters have mean residence times (MRTs) of 32–65 years, with comparable MRTs in the different climate zones. Similar MRTs measured in both the sedimentary and basement aquifers suggest similar hydraulic diffusivity and significant groundwater storage within the shallow basement. This suggests there is considerable resilience to short-term inter-annual variation in rainfall and recharge, and rural groundwater resources are likely to sustain diffuse, low volume abstraction.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical assessment of groundwater in Moro area,Kwara state,Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Detailed study of chemical analysis results of several groundwater samples (UNICEF-Assisted Water project, Kwara state, Nigeria) were carried out in an attempt to assess the quality and usability of groundwaters in the Moro area. Chemical analysis results indicate higher concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, and HCO3 as compared to Na+, K+, Cl, and SO4 2–. With exception of few locations where Fe is relatively higher, the concentrations of these ions together with other water quality parameters are all within permissible limits of the domestic and agricultural standards.On the basis of the analytical results, groundwaters in the study area are largely characterized as Ca-(Mg)-HCO3 type reflecting (possibly) young facies with limited migratory history. The occurrence of Ca-(Mg)-Na-HCO3 water type in certain areas is attributed to cation exchange processes. In addition, the observed scattered relationship between the TDS and the thickness of weathered horizons in the boreholes indicates the contribution of precipitation (recharge) to the ionic inputs in the groundwaters in addition to the weathering and dissolution processes.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of element correlation, the Gibbs diagram, hydro-geochemical ion ratios, isoline maps of groundwater and soil, and change patterns of strontium content after normalization, the study examines water-rock interaction of shallow groundwater in Dingtao area. The results suggest that strontium in the study area mainly comes from water-rock interactions, and the strata interacting with groundwater are the top of Quaternary and Neogene. The element correlation analysis shows that the formation of strontium-rich groundwater is sufficiently affected by sulfate and carbonate. The Gibbs diagram suggests that the chemical composition of groundwater is mainly influenced by water-rock interactions, accompanied by evaporation crystallization. c(Ca2++Mg2+)/c(HCO3-+SO42-) reflects that the main reactions in the groundwater system is weathering dissolution of carbonate and sulfate, and ion exchange takes place. c(Na+)/c(Cl-) indicates that Na+ in groundwater may have water-rock interactions with rocks it flows through. c(Cl-)/c(Ca2+) indicates that the hydrodynamic condition in the pumping well is poor and the water circulation is slow. The study examines the macro isoline map change patterns, correlation curves of change of strontium content in groundwater and shallow soil, and correlation curves of change of strontium content in groundwater, shallow soil, and deep soil. The results suggest that the strontium content in the study area has the same change pattern in groundwater and in soil, which further indicates that strontium in the study area comes from water-rock interactions.  相似文献   

In light of the increasing deterioration of groundwater supplies in Rajasthan, India, rainwater harvesting practices in southern Rajasthan were studied to determine the effects of artificially recharged groundwater on the supply and quality of local groundwater. A physical and geochemical investigation utilizing environmental tracers (δ18O and Cl), groundwater level and groundwater quality measurements, and geological surveys was conducted with two objectives: (1) to quantify the proportion of artificially recharged groundwater in wells located near rainwater harvesting structures and (2) to examine potential effects of artificial recharge on the quality of groundwater in these wells. A geochemical mixing model revealed that the proportion of artificial recharge in these wells ranged from 0 to 75%. Groundwater tracer, water table, and geological data provided evidence of complex groundwater flow and were used to explain the spatial distribution of artificial recharge. Furthermore, wells receiving artificial recharge had improved groundwater quality. Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference between the water quality in these wells and wells determined not to receive artificial recharge, for electrical conductivity and SO 4 . The findings from this study provide quantitative evidence that rainwater harvesting structures in southern Rajasthan influence the groundwater supply and quality of nearby wells by artificially recharging local groundwater.  相似文献   

Located in semi-arid regions of northwestern China, Datong basin is a Quaternary sedimentary basin, where groundwater is the most important source for water supply. It is very important to study groundwater characteristics and hydrogeochemical processes for better management of the groundwater resource. We have identified five geochemical zones of shallow groundwater (between 5 and 80 m) at Datong: A. Leaching Zone (Zone I); B. Converging Zone (Zone II); C. Enriching Zone (Zone III); D. Reducing Zone (Zone IV); E. Oxidizing Zone (Zone V). In Zones I, II, and V and some parts of Zones III and IV, hydrolysis of albite/K-feldspar/chalcedony system and/or albite/K-feldspar/quartz system enhanced concentrations of Na+, K+, HCO3 and silicate. In Zone I, dissolution of carbonate and hydrolysis of feldspar generally controlled the groundwater chemistry. Infiltration of meteoric water promoted the formation of HCO3 in the water. In Zone II, the main geochemical processes influencing the groundwater chemistry were dissolutions of calcite and dolomite, ion exchange and evaporation. In Zones III and IV, in addition to ion exchange, evaporation and precipitation of calcite and dolomite, leaching of NaHCO3 in saline–alkaline soils dominated the water quality. Zone IV was under anoxic condition, and reduction reactions led to the decrease of SO42−, NO3 and occurrence of H2S, with the highest arsenic content (mean value of 366 μg/L), far exceeding Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL). Abnormal arsenic in the groundwater resulted in endemic disease of waterborne arsenic poisoning among local people. Zone V overlapped Zone I was intensively affected by coal mining activities. Sulfide minerals, such as pyrite, would have been oxidized when exposed to air due to coal mining, which directly added sulfate to groundwater and thus increased SO42− concentration. Oxidization of sulfide minerals also decreased pH and promoted dissolutions of calcite and dolomite.  相似文献   

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