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The rotation of the solar corona has been studied using recurrence properties of the green coronal line (5303 Å) for the interval 1947–1970. Short-lived coronal activity is found to show the same differential rotation as short-lived photospheric magnetic field features. Long-lived recurrences show rigid rotation in the latitude interval ±57°.5. It is proposed that at least part of the variability of rotational properties of the solar atmosphere may be understood as a consequence of coexistence of differential and rigid solar rotation.On leave from Torino University, Italy, as an ESRO-NASA Fellow.  相似文献   

We have investigated 15 time series of Ca II line spectrograms in quiet-Sun regions located at various distances from the disk center. Our goal is to reveal the center-to-limb variation of the brightness oscillations. The residual intensities at the centers of the Ca II K and 849.806-nm lines and the K index have been analyzed. We have considered separately two components of the chromospheric network. Our main result is that the power of the brightness oscillations in the chromosphere of the average quiet Sun decreases to the limb. This change for the boundaries of supergranulation cells (networks) is considerably larger than that for their inner parts (cells). It is mainly determined by the 5-min oscillations; the 3-min oscillations show virtually no center-to-limb variation. In addition to studying the dependence of the oscillation power on the heliocentric angle, we also consider other characteristics of the oscillatory regime of the chromosphere. For example, the low-frequency oscillations with periods longer than 700 s, which are inherent predominantly in the K line core in networks, have been separated into an isolated mode. No center-to-limb variation has been revealed for them. As a result of our discussion of the patterns found based on present-day publications on the chromosphere dynamics, we conclude that different mechanisms and sources of its heating can simultaneously make their contributions.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is a detailed statistical analysis of the low-frequency Ca II line intensity oscillations containing information about the dynamics of the lower and middle chromosphere. A pixel-by-pixel analysis of the observed parameters has been performed. The following results have been obtained. (1) The low-frequency chromospheric oscillations (periods >400 s) are seen much more frequently in networks than in chromospheric network cells. (2) The relative fraction of the low-frequency chromospheric intensity oscillations increases with height. (3) The occurrence distribution of intensity oscillations as a function of the frequency is subdivided at least into two types. (4) In contrast to the low-frequency photospheric oscillations, the phase differences between the Ca II K and 849.8 nm line intensity oscillations do not give grounds to identify the low-frequency chromospheric oscillations with internal gravity waves. (5) The spectral composition of the oscillations in the network chromosphere resembles that expected in magnetic flux tubes in the nonlinear regime of conversion of transverse MHD waves at lower levels of the atmosphere into longitudinal MHD waves in its upper layer.  相似文献   

Type IV radio bursts with wide band from microwave to metric-wave frequency are generally associated with solar proton flares. Recently, Castelli et al. (1967, 1968) have shown that the type IV radio bursts associated with solar proton flares show the U-shaped peak flux spectra with the minimum flux at decimetric frequencies. In this paper, the center-to-limb variation of such peak flux spectra is investigated in order to examine the effect of decrease of the peak flux at metric frequencies with increase of the angular distance from the central meridian of the Sun. It is shown that the U-shaped spectra are obtained independent of the position of proton flares, although the spectral form changes significantly in the case of the flares near the limb. It is further suggested that the U-shaped spectra consist of the two essentially independent components for microwave and metric-wave frequencies, respectively.  相似文献   

A semi-empirical model of a facular flux tube has been used to determine its center-to-limb appearance. The model is that of Osherovich et al. (1983). This model is in MHSE and includes tension forces. Results are presented in the form of contour maps, cross-sections of the contrast on axis, and integrated contrast as a function of viewing angle. Results are generally consistent with those of Caccin and Severino (1979), but not with observations of Chapman and Klabunde (1982).  相似文献   

《Chinese Astronomy》1979,3(3):258-272
In this paper a numerical solution of the equations of transfer of the Stokes parameters in the presence of magnetic fields has been carried out. This yields the profiles of the Stokes parameters for three magneto-sensitive spectral lines (FEI λλ 6302.499, 6173.341, 5250.216). The magnetic broadening, temperature sensitivity and some other properties of these lines have also been investigated.In Unno's pioneering work, an algebraic solution of the equations of transfer of the Stokes parameters were obtained under a series of assumptions. Two of these are: 1) The source function B, varies linearly with the optical depth τλ; 2) The atmosphere follows the Milne-Eddington model. In this paper we have abandoned both these unrealistic assumptions. In consequence, our numerical solution agrees with observations better than the algebraic solution of Unno.  相似文献   

A theoretical study of the influence of propagating acoustic pulses in the solar chromosphere upon the line profiles of the Ca ii resonance and infrared triplet lines has been made. The major objective has been to explain the observed asymmetries seen in the cores of the H and K lines and to predict the temporal behavior of the infrared lines caused by passing acoustic or shock pulses. The velocities in the pulses, calculated from weak shock theory, have been included consistently in the non-LTE calculations. The results of the calculations show that these lines are very sensitive to perturbations in the background atmosphere caused by the pulses. Only minor changes in the line shapes result from including the velocities consistently in the line source function calculations. The qualitative changes in the line profiles vary markedly with the strength of the shock pulses. The observed differences in the K line profiles seen on the quiet Sun can be explained in terms of a spectrum of pulses with different wave-lengths and initial amplitudes in the photosphere.  相似文献   

Observations of solar X-ray line emission using crystal spectrometers during a large chromospheric flare have provided a list of wavelengths with a precision of 0.003 Å in first order of diffraction and correspondingly better in higher orders. In addition to the resonance, intersystem (1 1 S 0-2 3 P 1) and forbidden (1 1 S 0-2 3 S 1) transitions of ions of the Hei isoelectronic sequence, we have recorded satellite lines arising from ions in the Lii, Bei and Bi isoelectronic sequences. These satellite features are most prominent in the iron spectrum. Apparent decreases in the ratio of forbidden and intersystem line intensities of Mgxi and Sixiii during the flare are used to derive electron densities possibly as high as 1 × 1013 cm–3 in the Mgxi emitting region and 1 × 1014 cm–3 in the Sixiii region during the event. A search for satellite lines on the long-wavelength side of the Lyman-alpha line of Hi-like ions has yielded no positive identifications.  相似文献   

Zheleznyakov  V. V.  Zlotnik  E. Ya. 《Solar physics》1989,121(1-2):449-456
It was shown by Zheleznyakov and Zlotnik (1980a, b) that in complex configurations of solar magnetic fields (in hot loops above the active centres, in neutral current sheets in the preflare phase, in hot X-ray kernels in the initial flare phase) a system of cyclotron lines in the spectrum of microwave radiation is likely to be formed. Such a line was obtained by Willson (1985) in the VLA observations at harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency. This communication interprets these observations on the basis of an active region model in which thermal cyclotron radiation is produced by hot plasma filling the magnetic tube in the corona above a group of spots. In this model the frequency of the recorded 1658 MHz line corresponds to the third harmonic of electron gyrofrequency, which yields the magnetic field (196 ± 4) G along the magnetic tube axis. The linewidth f/f 0.1 is determined by the 10% inhomogeneity of the magnetic field over the cross-section of the tube; the line profile indicates the kinetic temperature distribution of electrons over the tube cross-section with the maximum value 4 × 106 K. Analysis shows that study of cyclotron lines can serve as an efficient tool for diagnostics of magnetic fields and plasma in the solar active regions and flares.  相似文献   

Low-noise limb-effect observations of the non-magnetic line Fei 557.6 nm are presented. Separate measurements along the solar equator and the meridian have been carried out and have been corrected for scattered light. The limb-effect line shifts at the pole and at the equatorial limb are found to be equal. The detailed shape of the limb effect along the meridian is found to differ significantly from that along the equator. This difference can be explained by the presence of a meridional circulation pattern, with horizontal flows < 50 m–1 from both the equator and poles toward ± 45° latitude. Alternatively the meridian/equator difference may be caused by a combination of latitude dependence of the granular parameters. An increase with latitude of the granular velocity scale height, contrast, or mean sizes could explain the observations.  相似文献   

The profiles of 43 lines have been observed at the centre and near the limb of the solar disk. Their asymmetry decreases towards the limb, and increases with the equivalent width and the mean heigth of line formation; no relation was found between the asymmetry and the line excitation potential, nor with the degree of ionization, nor with the usually adopted macroturbulent velocity. The asymmetry appears to be due to radial movements.  相似文献   

The results of the spectrophotometrical measurements of the polarization in the coronal lines Fe xiv 5303 Å and Fe × 6374 Å are given. Polarization spectrograms were obtained by two spectrographs (prism and echelle types) during the solar eclipse in Mexico on 7 March, 1970 near the region of the second contact at the heights 0.06 to 0.12 R above the limb. The polarization in the green line is about 30% (for averaged height 1.08 R ). The polarization in the red line is close to the errors of the measurement and does not exceed 6%. A brief discussion of the results is also given.  相似文献   

L. Achmad 《Solar physics》1992,138(2):411-414
A simple and reliable method has been established for the definition of the depth of formation of lines in a stellar atmosphere. It is based on the determination of the level of emission of the reemitted line radiation. The new definition, which is applied in this paper to the solar case, does not suffer from the ambiguities of previously derived expressions. We apply this method to two artificial weak Oxygen I lines as examples.on leave from Department of Astronomy, ITB, Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia  相似文献   

The [SI] lines are due to transitions within the 3s23p4 ground configuration of neutral sulphur. The results are presented from a search for the [Si] lines in the Fraunhofer spectrum. Two identifications are proposed with faint features in the Fraunhofer spectrum: 1D2-1S0 at = 7725.02 Å and 3P2-1D2 at = 10821.23 Å. Their measured equivalent widths are shown to confirm the value for the solar abundance of sulphur, logN S = 7.21 (in the scale logN H = 12.00), which is derived from the permitted high-excitation lines. These lines give the first convincing identification of [Si] lines in an astrophysical source.  相似文献   

New center-to-limb measurements in FeI lines show changes in both the line profiles and the limb darkening curves that appear to be characteristic of many other solar lines. Here we seek the constraints placed on the atmospheric model by these effects. We find that in addition to a depth varying source function we must also allow the ratio of the continuous absorption coefficient to the total absorption coefficient to pass through a minimum in the mid-photosphere. Such an effect is consistent with inward increases of the Doppler width and damping constant in the upper photosphere and an inward increase of the ionization for both iron and hydrogen in the low photosphere.The National Center for Atmospheric Research and Kitt Peak National Observatory are sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A photographic Fabry-Perot interferometer was used to measure the breadth and wavelength of the Fexiv spectral line at 5303 Å in the solar corona, during the eclipse of 7 March, 1970, in Mexico. The observations were consistent with a possible large-scale vortex structure in a bright streamer, in which cooler gases revolved about a hotter core.Work supported by the United States National Science Foundation and by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Office of Aerospace Research, United States Air Force, under Grant AF-AFOSR-68-1496.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that pressure shifts are the sole cause for the systematic blue shift of solar fraunhofer lines (Hart, 1974). To check this we evaluate the significance of pressure shifts for Fe i lines. The observed wavelength shifts of a large number of lines are compared with the shifts calculated for the Lennard-Jones potential following Hindmarsh et al. (1967). The Lennard-Jones potential for the interatomic forces yield pressure shifts caused by neutral hydrogen, which explain only a small fraction of the observed blue shift. It is also shown that the quadratic Stark effect contributes insignificantly to the position of Fe i lines. Table I summarizes the average line shifts for iron lines at the center of the solar disk after correction for pressure shifts.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract AST 74-04129 with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We searched for a variation with heliographic latitude of the solar limb effect by comparing the relative wavelengths of weak and strong Fraunhofer lines. The blue shifts associated with the limb effect appear 9%±5% larger in the polar radius vector than in an equatorial radius vector at cos = 0.5. This should perhaps be interpreted as an increase with latitude of either solar convection or of convective overshoot. Recent observations of poleward meridional flows of 30m s–1 should be corrected for this limb effect variation. This correction increases this flow velocity to 70 m s–1. A search for a similar variation in plages and in network boundaries had negative results, the variation being +1%±5% and -1%±6% respectively.Now at the Multiple Mirror Telescope Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721, U.S.A. The MMTO is jointly operated by the University of Arizona and the Smithsonian Institution.The Sacramento Peak Observatory is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract AST 78-17292 with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A. J. Sauval 《Solar physics》1969,10(2):319-329
A new investigation of the presence of SiH lines in the solar disk spectrum has been performed. It may be concluded that molecular absorption lines of SiH are present in the disk spectrum with maximum equivalent widths of about 2 mÅ. A value of the oscillator strength of SiH has been derived (f 00 = 0.0008 ± 0.0004).  相似文献   

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