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Straddling the south polar region of Saturn's moon Enceladus, the four principal “tiger stripe” fractures are a likely source of tectonic activity and plume generation. Here we investigate tidally driven stress conditions at the tiger stripe fractures through a combined analysis of shear and normal diurnal tidal stresses and accounting for additional stress at depth due to the overburden pressure. We compute Coulomb failure conditions to assess failure location, timing, and direction (right- vs left-lateral slip) throughout the Enceladus orbital cycle and explore a suite of model parameters that inhibit or promote shear failure at the tiger stripes. We find that low coefficients of friction (μf=0.1-0.2) and shallow overburden depths (z=2-4 km) permit shear failure along the tiger stripe faults, and that right- and/or left-lateral slip responses are possible. We integrate these conditions into a 3D time-dependent fault dislocation model to evaluate tectonic displacements and stress variations at depth during a tiger stripe orbital cycle. Depending on the sequence of stress accumulation and subsequent fault slip, which varies as a function of fault location and orientation, frictional coefficient, and fault depth, we estimate resolved shear stress accumulation of ∼70 kPa prior to fault failure, which produces modeled strike-slip displacements on the order of ∼0.5 m in the horizontal direction and ∼5 mm in the vertical direction per slip event. Our models also indicate that net displacements on the order of 0.1 m per orbital cycle, in both right- and left-lateral directions, are possible for particular fault geometries and frictional parameters. Tectonic activity inferred from these analyses correlates with observed plume activity and temperature anomalies at Enceladus's south polar region. Moreover, these analyses provide important details of stress accumulation and the faulting cycle for icy satellites subjected to diurnal tidal stress.  相似文献   

M. Grott  F. Sohl 《Icarus》2007,191(1):203-210
Recently, the Cassini spacecraft has detected ongoing geologic activity near the south pole of Saturn's moon Enceladus. In contrast, the satellite's north-polar region is heavily cratered and appears to have been geologically inactive for a long time. We propose that this hemispheric dichotomy is caused by interior dynamics with degree-one convection driving the south-polar activity. We investigate a number of core sizes and internal heating rates for which degree-one convection occurs. The numerical simulations imply that a core radius of less than 100±20 km and an energy input at a rate of 3.0 to 5.5 GW would be required for degree-one convection to prevail. This is within the range of the observed thermal power release near Enceladus' south pole. Provided that Enceladus is not fully differentiated, degree-one convection is found to be a viable mechanism to explain Enceladus' hemispheric dichotomy.  相似文献   

Cassini-Huygens observations have shown that Titan and Enceladus are geologically active icy satellites. Mitri and Showman [Mitri, G., Showman, A.P., 2005. Icarus 177, 447-460] and McKinnon [McKinnon, W.B., 2006. Icarus 183, 435-450] investigated the dynamics of an ice shell overlying a pure liquid-water ocean and showed that transitions from a conductive state to a convective state have major implications for the surface tectonics. We extend this analysis to the case of ice shells overlying ammonia-water oceans. We explore the thermal state of Titan and Enceladus ice-I shells, and also we investigate the consequences of the ice-I shell conductive-convective switch for the geology. We show that thermal convection can occur, under a range of conditions, in the ice-I shells of Titan and Enceladus. Because the Rayleigh number Ra scales with δ3/ηb, where δ is the thickness of the ice shell and ηb is the viscosity at the base of the ice-I shell, and because ammonia in the liquid layer (if any) strongly depresses the melting temperature of the water ice, Ra equals its critical value for two ice-I shell thicknesses: for relatively thin ice shell with warm, low-viscosity base (Onset I) and for thick ice shell with cold, high-viscosity base (Onset II). At Onset I, for a range of heat fluxes, two equilibrium states—corresponding to a thin, conductive shell and a thick, convective shell—exist for a given heat flux. Switches between these states can cause large, rapid changes in the ice-shell thickness. For Enceladus, we demonstrate that an Onset I transition can produce tectonic stress of ∼500 bars and fractures of several tens of km depth. At Onset II, in contrast, we demonstrate that zero equilibrium states exist for a range of heat fluxes. For a mean heat flux within this range, the satellite experiences oscillations in surface heat flux and satellite volume with periods of ∼50-800 Myr even when the interior heat production is constant or monotonically declining in time; these oscillations in the thermal state of the ice-I shell would cause repeated episodes of extensional and compressional tectonism.  相似文献   

Coupling of thermal evolution and despinning of early Iapetus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Cassini mission revealed two spectacular characteristics of Iapetus: (1) a geologically old and high equatorial ridge, which is unique in the Solar System and (2) a large flattening of 35 km consistent with the equilibrium figure for a hydrostatic body rotating with a period of 16 h, whereas the current spin period is 79.33 days. This study describes three-dimensional simulations of solid-state convection within an undifferentiated Iapetus. It investigates the implications for the evolution of the interior thermal structure and its spin rate and global shape using radially layered viscoelastic models. The role of the concentration in the short-lived radiogenic element [26Al], just after accretion is completed, is specifically addressed. The first result is to show that whatever the [26Al] value, convection occurs. As suggested by Castillo-Rogez et al. [Castillo-Rogez, J., Matson, D., Sotin, C., Johnson, T., Lunine, J., Thomas, P. [2007] Icarus, 190, 179-202], convection reduces the warming of the interior compared to the conductive evolution and therefore limits the conditions for despinning. In our calculations, two conceptual linear viscoelastic models are used. When considering a Maxwell rheology, the interior temperature (viscosity) never reaches a value high (low) enough to induce despinning. In order to promote dissipation at low temperature, a Burgers rheology, which includes an additional dissipation peak, is introduced. For favorable parameter values, this latter rheology leads to despinning. However, only models associated with large amounts of short-lived radiogenic elements lead to the observed flattening. This suggests that the accretion process needs to be completed shortly after the formation of CAIs (Calcium-Aluminum-rich Inclusions) (?4 Myr). For [26Al] varying between 72 and 46 ppb, the observed flattening is obtained only for a limited range of initial spin period, between 9.5 and 10.2 h. For [26Al] ranging between 30 and 15 ppb, initial spin rates smaller than 8.5 h are required. For smaller values of [26Al], the body is too cold and viscous to acquire a significant flattening even if a rotation period close to the body disruption limit is considered. Even with a thin lithosphere during the early stage, our simulations show that Iapetus never reaches the equilibrium figure for a hydrostatic body due to the non-zero rigidity of the lithosphere. The 35 km value of the flattening is the result of the partial relaxation of an ancient larger flattening ranging between 45 and 80 km, depending on the evolution of the lithosphere thickness mainly controlled by the radiogenic content. A thin lithosphere is consistent with an early building of the equatorial ridge. The lithosphere thickening due to interior cooling can explain the preservation of the ridge throughout the remaining evolution of Iapetus.  相似文献   

Observations by the Mariner 10 spacecraft suggest that the lobate scarps on Mercury, which have been interpreted to record at most 1-2 km of radial contraction of the planet after the end of the Late Heavy Bombardment, possess a global, preferred N-S orientation but lack a strong latitudinal dependence on their surface expression. Here, we reexamine the idea that a decrease in the planetary rotation rate (despinning) coupled with global contraction of at least 3-5.5 km prior to the end of Late Heavy Bombardment resulted in global N-S oriented thrust faults. The surface expression of these faults is assumed to have been erased by the end of the Late Heavy Bombardment, and the faults were subsequently reactivated by later global contraction, producing generally N-S oriented thrust faults from an isotropic stress field. We use the estimate of >3-5.5 km contraction prior to ∼4 Ga as an additional constraint to thermomechanical simulations of the evolution of Mercury, finding that a wide range of models are consistent with this observation. The fact that a wide range of states are consistent with the contraction of Mercury prior to the end of Late Heavy Bombardment but only a restricted set of states are consistent with the at most 1-2 km of subsequent contraction bolsters the idea that there may be hidden strain on Mercury, features unseen by Mariner 10 but likely visible to the MESSENGER spacecraft.  相似文献   

Tidal dissipation has been suggested as the heat source for the south polar thermal anomaly on Enceladus. We find that under present-day conditions and assuming Maxwellian behavior, tidal dissipation is negligible in the silicate core. Dissipation may be significant in the ice shell if the shell is decoupled from the silicate core by a subsurface ocean. We have run a series of self-consistent convection and conduction models in 2D axisymmetric and 3D spherical geometry in which we include the spatially-variable tidal heat production. We find that in all cases, the shell removes more heat from the interior than can be produced in the core by radioactive decay, resulting in cooling of the interior and the freezing of any ocean. Under likely conditions, a 40-km thick ocean made of pure water would freeze solid on a ∼30 Ma timescale. An ocean containing other chemical components will have a lower freezing point, but even a water-ammonia eutectic composition will only prolong the freezing, not prevent it. If the eccentricity of Enceladus were higher (e?0.015) in the past, the increased dissipation in the ice shell may have been sufficient to maintain a liquid layer. We cannot therefore rule out the presence of a transient ocean, as a relic of an earlier era of greater heating. If the eccentricity is periodically pumped up, the ocean may have thickened and thinned on a similar timescale as the orbital evolution, provided the ocean never froze completely. We conclude that the current heat flux of Enceladus and any possible subsurface ocean is not in steady-state, and is the remnant of an epoch of higher eccentricity and tidal dissipation.  相似文献   

Oleg Abramov  John R. Spencer 《Icarus》2009,199(1):189-196
Linear features dubbed “tiger stripes” in the south polar region of Enceladus have anomalously high heat fluxes and are the apparent source of the observed plume. Several explanations for the observed activity have been proposed, including venting from a subsurface reservoir of liquid water, sublimation of surface ice, dissociation of clathrates, and shear heating. Thermal modeling presented in this work, coupled with observations from the Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) instrument, seeks to elucidate the underlying physical mechanism by constraining vent temperatures and thermal emission sources, using a model in which the observed thermal signature results primarily from conductive heating of the surface by warm subsurface fractures. The fractures feed surface vents, which may themselves contribute to the observed thermal emission. Model variables include vent temperature, presence of a surface insulating layer, vent width, time-variable heat input, and heat sources other than the central vent. Results indicate that CIRS spectra are best fitted with a model in which the surface is heated by narrow vents at temperatures as high as 223 K. Although equally good fits can be obtained for vent temperatures in the range of 130 to 155 K if the vents are wider (180 m and 22 m respectively) and dominate the emission spectrum, these models are probably less realistic because vents with these temperatures and widths cannot supply the observed H2O vapor flux. The lack of emission angle dependence of the thermal emission when July 2005 and November 2006 CIRS observations are compared also argues against thermal emission being dominated by the vents themselves. Thus, results favor high-temperature models, possibly venting from a subsurface liquid water reservoir. However, a fracture filled with liquid water near the surface would produce significantly higher radiances than were detected unless masked by a thermally insulating surface layer. Models that best match the CIRS data are characterized by small fractions of the surface at high temperatures, which strengthens the case for the vents and/or their conductively-heated margins being the primary heat source. Models where the thermal emission is dominated by conductive heating of the surface from below by a laterally-extensive buried heat source cannot reproduce the observed spectrum. Models with a 10 cm thick upper insulating layer produce a poor match to the CIRS spectra, suggesting high thermal inertias near the tiger stripes. Finally, tiger stripe thermal emission measured by CIRS varied by less than 15% over the 16 month period from July 2005 to November 2006.  相似文献   

Jun Kimura  Takashi Nakagawa 《Icarus》2009,202(1):216-224
Ganymede has an intrinsic magnetic field which is generally considered to originate from a self-excited dynamo in the metallic core. Driving of the dynamo depends critically on the satellite's thermal state and internal structure. However, the inferred structure based on gravity data alone has a large uncertainty, and this makes the possibility of dynamo activity unclear; variations in core size and composition significantly change the heat capacity and alter the cooling history of the core. The main objectives of this study is to explore the structural conditions for a currently active dynamo in Ganymede using numerical simulations of the thermal history, and to evaluate under which conditions Ganymede can maintain the dynamo activity at present. We have investigated the satellite's thermal history using various core sizes and compositions satisfying the mean density and moment of inertia of Ganymede, and evaluate the temperature and heat flux at the core-mantle boundary (CMB). Based on the following two conditions, we evaluate the possibility of dynamo activity, thereby reducing the uncertainty of the previously inferred interior structure. The first condition is that the temperature at the CMB must exceed the melting point of a metallic core, and the second is that the heat flux through the CMB must exceed the adiabatic temperature gradient. The mantle temperature starts to increase because of the decay of long-lived radiogenic elements in the rocky mantle. After a few Gyr, radiogenic elements are exhausted and temperature starts to decrease. As the rocky mantle cools, the heat flux at the CMB steadily increases. If the temperature and heat flux at the CMB satisfy these conditions simultaneously, we consider the case as capable of driving a dynamo. Finally, we identify the Dynamo Regime, which is the specific range of internal structures capable of driving the dynamo, based on the results of simulations with various structures. If Ganymede's self-sustained magnetic field were maintained by thermal convection, the satellite's metallic core would be relatively large and, in comparison to other terrestrial-type planetary cores, strongly enriched in sulfur. The dynamo activity and the generation of the magnetic field of Ganymede should start from a much later stage, possibly close to the present.  相似文献   

William B. McKinnon 《Icarus》2006,183(2):435-450
It has been argued that the dominant non-Newtonian creep mechanisms of water ice make the ice shell above Callisto's ocean, and by inference all radiogenically heated ice I shells in the outer Solar System, stable against solid-state convective overturn. Conductive heat transport and internal melting (oceans) are therefore predicted to be, or have been, widespread among midsize and larger icy satellites and Kuiper Belt objects. Alternatively, at low stresses (where non-Newtonian viscosities can be arbitrarily large), convective instabilities may arise in the diffusional creep regime for arbitrarily small temperature perturbations. For Callisto, ice viscosities are low enough that convection is expected over most of geologic time above the internal liquid layer for plausible ice grain sizes (?a few mm); the alternative for early Callisto, a conducting shell over a very deep ocean (>450 km), is not compatible with Callisto's present partially differentiated state. Moreover, if convection is occurring today, the stagnant lid would be quite thick (∼100 km) and compatible with the lack of active geology. Nevertheless, Callisto's steady-state heat flow may have fallen below the convective minimum for its ice I shell late in Solar System history. In this case convection ends, the ice shell melts back at its base, and the internal ocean widens considerably. The presence of such an ocean, of order 200 km thick, is compatible with Callisto's moment-of-inertia, but its formation would have caused an ∼0.25% radial expansion. The tectonic effects of such a late, slow expansion are not observed, so convection likely persists in Callisto, possibly subcritically. Ganymede, due to its greater size, rock fraction and full differentiation, has a substantially higher heat flow than Callisto and has not reached this tectonic end state. Titan, if differentiated, and Triton should be more similar to Ganymede in this regard. Pluto, like Callisto, may be near the tipping point for convective shutdown, but uncertainties in its size and rock fraction prevent a more definitive assessment.  相似文献   

K. Nagel 《Icarus》2004,169(2):402-412
The recently measured dimensionless moment of inertia (MoI) factor for Callisto of 0.3549±0.0042 (Anderson et al., 2001, Icarus, 153, 157-161) poses a problem: its value cannot be explained by a model in which Callisto is completely differentiated into an ice shell above a rock shell and an iron core such as its neighboring satellite Ganymede nor can it be explained by a model of a homogeneous, undifferentiated ice-rock satellite. We show that Callisto may be incompletely differentiated into an outer ice-rock shell in which the volumetric rock concentration is close to the primordial one at the surface and decreases approximately linearly with depth, an ice mantle mostly depleted of rock, and an about 1800 km rock-ice core in which the rock concentration is close to the close-packing limit. The ice-rock shell thickness depends on uncertain rheology parameters and the heat flow and can be roughly 50 to 150 km thick. We show that if Callisto accreted from a mix of metal bearing rock and ice and if the average size of the rocks was of the order of meters to tens of meters, then Callisto may have experienced a gradual, but still incomplete unmixing of the two components. An ocean in Callisto at a depth of 100-200 km is difficult to obtain if the ice is pure H2O and if the ice-rock lithosphere is 100 km or more thick; a water ocean is more plausible for ice contaminated by ammonia, methane or salts; or for pure H2O at a depth of 400-600 km.  相似文献   

Tidal evolution of Mimas, Enceladus, and Dione   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Jennifer Meyer  Jack Wisdom 《Icarus》2008,193(1):213-223
The tidal evolution through several resonances involving Mimas, Enceladus, and/or Dione is studied numerically with an averaged resonance model. We find that, in the Enceladus-Dione 2:1 e-Enceladus type resonance, Enceladus evolves chaotically in the future for some values of k2/Q. Past evolution of the system is marked by temporary capture into the Enceladus-Dione 4:2 ee-mixed resonance. We find that the free libration of the Enceladus-Dione 2:1 e-Enceladus resonance angle of 1.5° can be explained by a recent passage of the system through a secondary resonance. In simulations with passage through the secondary resonance, the system enters the current Enceladus-Dione resonance close to tidal equilibrium and thus the equilibrium value of tidal heating of 1.1(18,000/QS) GW applies. We find that the current anomalously large eccentricity of Mimas can be explained by passage through several past resonances. In all cases, escape from the resonance occurs by unstable growth of the libration angle, sometimes with the help of a secondary resonance. Explanation of the current eccentricity of Mimas by evolution through these resonances implies that the Q of Saturn is below 100,000. Though the eccentricity of Enceladus can be excited to moderate values by capture in the Mimas-Enceladus 3:2 e-Enceladus resonance, the libration amplitude damps and the system does not escape. Thus past occupancy of this resonance and consequent tidal heating of Enceladus is excluded. The construction of a coherent history places constraints on the allowed values of k2/Q for the satellites.  相似文献   

Javier Ruiz  Rosa Tejero 《Icarus》2003,162(2):362-373
Two opposing models to explain the geological features observed on Europa’s surface have been proposed. The thin-shell model states that the ice shell is only a few kilometers thick, transfers heat by conduction only, and can become locally thinner until it exposes an underlying ocean on the satellite’s surface. According to the thick-shell model, the ice shell may be several tens of kilometers thick and have a lower convective layer, above which there is a cold stagnant lid that dissipates heat by conduction. Whichever the case, from magnetic data there is strong support for the presence of a layer of salty liquid water under the ice. The present study was performed to examine whether the possibility of convection is theoretically consistent with surface heat flows of ∼100-200 mW m−2, deduced from a thin brittle lithosphere, and with the typical spacing of 15-23 km proposed for the features usually known as lenticulae. It was obtained that under Europa’s ice shell conditions convection could occur and also account for high heat flows due to tidal heating of the convective (nearly isothermal) interior, but only if the dominant water ice rheology is superplastic flow (with activation energy of 49 kJ mol−1; this is the rheology thought dominant in the warm interior of the ice shell). In this case the ice shell would be ∼15-50 km thick. Furthermore, in this scenario explaining the origin of the lenticulae related to convective processes requires ice grain size close to 1 mm and ice thickness around 15-20 km.  相似文献   

We investigate the response of conductive and convective ice shells on Europa to variations of heat flux and interior tidal-heating rate. We present numerical simulations of convection in Europa's ice shell with Newtonian, temperature-dependent viscosity and tidal heating. Modest variations in the heat flux supplied to the base of a convective ice shell, ΔF, can cause large variations of the ice-shell thickness Δδ. In contrast, for a conductive ice shell, large ΔF involves relatively small Δδ. We demonstrate that, for a fluid with temperature-dependent viscosity, the heat flux undergoes a finite-amplitude jump at the critical Rayleigh number Racr. This jump implies that, for a range of heat fluxes relevant to Europa, two equilibrium states—corresponding to a thin, conductive shell and a thick, convective shell—exist for a given heat flux. We show that, as a result, modest variations in heat flux near the critical Rayleigh number can force the ice shell to switch between the thin, conductive and thick, convective configurations over a ∼107-year interval, with thickness changes of up to ∼10-30 km. Depending on the orbital and thermal history, such switches might occur repeatedly. However, existing evolution models based on parameterized-convection schemes have to date not allowed these transitions to occur. Rapid thickening of the ice shell would cause radial expansion of Europa, which could produce extensional tectonic features such as fractures or bands. Furthermore, based on interpretations for how features such as chaos and ridges are formed, several authors have suggested that Europa's ice shell has recently undergone changes in thickness. Our model provides a mechanism for such changes to occur.  相似文献   

Europa, the smallest of the Galilean satellites, has a young icy surface and most likely contains an internal ocean. The primary objective of possible future missions to Europa is the unambiguous detection and characterization of a subsurface ocean. The thickness of the overlying icy shell provides important information on the thermal evolution of the satellite and on the interaction between the ocean and the surface, the latter being fundamental for astrobiology. However, the thickness is not well known, and estimates range from several hundred of meters to some ten of kilometers. Here, we investigate the use of libration (rotation variation) observations to study the interior structure of Europa and in particular its icy shell. A dynamical libration model is developed, which includes gravitational coupling between the icy shell and the heavy solid interior. The amplitude of the main libration signal at 3.55 days (the orbital period) is shown to depend on Europa's shape and structure. Models of the interior structure of Europa are constructed and the equatorial flattening of the internal layers, which are key parameters for the libration, are calculated by assuming that Europa is in hydrostatic equilibrium. Europa's flattened shape is assumed to be due to rotation and permanent tides, and we extend the classical Radau equation for rotationally flattened bodies to include also tidal deformation. We show that the presence of an ocean increases the amplitude of libration by about 10%, depending mainly on the thickness of the icy shell. Therefore, libration observations offer possibility of detection of a subsurface ocean in Europa and estimation of the thickness of its overlying icy shell.  相似文献   

Ran Qin  W. Roger Buck 《Icarus》2007,189(2):595-597
We show Lee, Pappalardo, and Makris' [2005. Icarus 177, 367-379] argument that surface cracks in Europa's icy shell penetrate 3-10 times deeper in the presence of subsurface ocean is not correct. We use numerical calculations to demonstrate that there is at most 50% increase in penetration depth for a crack opening in a shell of finite thickness compared to a half-space. We also propose a simple equation based on force balances to estimate the maximum thickness of an ice shell that can be opened under tensile stress. Our calculations show that a crack can only penetrate 330-m-thick ice shell under 200 kPa far-field tensile stress and half of that if the stress is 100 kPa. But the presence of water would allow crack penetrate ∼4.0 km into the ice shell with zero porosity.  相似文献   

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