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The significant orbital eccentricities of most giant extrasolar planets may have their origin in the gravitational dynamics of initially unstable multiple planet systems. In this work, we explore the dynamics of two close planets on inclined orbits through both analytical techniques and extensive numerical scattering experiments. We derive a criterion for two equal mass planets on circular inclined orbits to achieve Hill stability, and conclude that significant radial migration and eccentricity pumping of both planets occurs predominantly by 2:1 and 5:3 mean motion resonant interactions. Using Laplace-Lagrange secular theory, we obtain analytical secular solutions for the orbital inclinations and longitudes of ascending nodes, and use those solutions to distinguish between the secular and resonant dynamics which arise in numerical simulations. We also illustrate how encounter maps, typically used to trace the motion of massless particles, may be modified to reproduce the gross instability seen by the numerical integrations. Such a correlation suggests promising future use of such maps to model the dynamics of more coplanar massive planet systems.  相似文献   

Anne-Sophie Libert 《Icarus》2006,183(1):186-192
Using a high-order (order 12) expansion of the perturbative potential in powers of eccentricities [Libert, A.-S., Henrard, J., 2005. Celest. Mech. Dynam. Astron. 93, 187-200], we study the secular effects of two coplanar planets which are not in mean motion resonances. The main results concern eccentricity variations, oscillation amplitude of the angular difference of the apsidal lines (Δ?) and frequency of such an oscillation. We show that this analytical approach describes correctly the behaviour of most of the exosystems and underlines the known limitations of the linear Laplace-Lagrange theory. Apsidal configuration of υ Andromedae, HD 168443, HD 169830, HD 38529, HD 74156 and HD 12661 are examined. We also point out the great sensitivity of the υ Andromedae system to the initial values (e1(0), e2(0) or Δ?(0)).  相似文献   

On the basis of a high-order (order 12) expansion of the perturbative potential in powers of the eccentricities and the inclinations, we analyze the secular interactions of two non-coplanar planets which are not in mean-motion resonance. The model is based on the planetary three-body problem which can be reduced to two degrees of freedom by the well-known elimination of the nodes [Jacobi, C.G.J., 1842. Astron. Nachr. XX, 81-102]. We introduce non-singular canonical variables which bring forward the symmetries of the problem. The main dynamical features depend on the location and stability of the equilibria which are easily found with our analytical model. We find that there exists an equilibrium when both eccentricities are zero. When the mutual inclination is small, this equilibrium is stable, but for larger mutual inclination it becomes unstable, generating a large chaotic zone and, by bifurcation, two regular regions, the so-called Kozai resonances. This analytical study which depends on only two parameters (the ratio of the semi-major axes and the mass ratio of the planets) makes possible a large survey of the problem and enables us to identify and quantify its main dynamical features, periodic orbits, regular and chaotic zones, etc. The results of our analytical model are illustrated and confirmed by numerical integrations.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional secular behavior of a system composed of a central star and two massive planets is modeled semi-analytically in the frame of the general three-body problem. The main dynamical features of the system are presented in geometrical pictures allowing us to investigate a large domain of the phase space of this problem without time-expensive numerical integrations of the equations of motion and without any restriction on the magnitude of the planetary eccentricities, inclinations and mutual distance. Several regimes of motion of the system are observed. With respect to the secular angle Δ?, possible motions are circulations, oscillations (around 0° and 180°), and high-eccentricity/inclination librations in secular resonances. With respect to the arguments of pericenter, ω1 and ω2, possible motions are direct circulation and high-inclination libration around ±90° in the Lidov-Kozai resonance. The regions of transition between domains of different regimes of motion are characterized by chaotic behavior. We apply the analysis to the case of the two outer planets of the υ Andromedae system, observed edge-on. The topology of the 3-D phase space of this system is investigated in detail by means of surfaces of section, periodic orbits and dynamical spectra, mapping techniques and numerical simulations. We obtain the general structure of the phase space, and the boundaries of the spatial secular stability. We find that this system is secularly stable in a large domain of eccentricities and inclinations.  相似文献   

Keiko Atobe  Shigeru Ida 《Icarus》2004,168(2):223-236
We have investigated obliquity variations of possible terrestrial planets in habitable zones (HZs) perturbed by a giant planet(s) in extrasolar planetary systems. All the extrasolar planets so far discovered are inferred to be jovian-type gas giants. However, terrestrial planets could also exist in extrasolar planetary systems. In order for life, in particular for land-based life, to evolve and survive on a possible terrestrial planet in an HZ, small obliquity variations of the planet may be required in addition to its orbital stability, because large obliquity variations would cause significant climate change. It is known that large obliquity variations are caused by spin-orbit resonances where the precession frequency of the planet's spin nearly coincides with one of the precession frequencies of the ascending node of the planet's orbit. Using analytical expressions, we evaluated the obliquity variations of terrestrial planets with prograde spins in HZs. We found that the obliquity of terrestrial planets suffers large variations when the giant planet's orbit is separated by several Hill radii from an edge of the HZ, in which the orbits of the terrestrial planets in the HZ are marginally stable. Applying these results to the known extrasolar planetary systems, we found that about half of these systems can have terrestrial planets with small obliquity variations (smaller than 10°) over their entire HZs. However, the systems with both small obliquity variations and stable orbits in their HZs are only 1/5 of known systems. Most such systems are comprised of short-period giant planets. If additional planets are found in the known planetary systems, they generally tend to enhance the obliquity variations. On the other hand, if a large/close satellite exists, it significantly enhances the precession rate of the spin axis of a terrestrial planet and is likely to reduce the obliquity variations of the planet. Moreover, if a terrestrial planet is in a retrograde spin state, the spin-orbit resonance does not occur. Retrograde spin, or a large/close satellite might be essential for land-based life to survive on a terrestrial planet in an HZ.  相似文献   

Keiko Atobe 《Icarus》2007,188(1):1-17
We have investigated the obliquity evolution of terrestrial planets in habitable zones (at ∼1 AU) in extrasolar planetary systems, due to tidal interactions with their satellite and host star with wide varieties of satellite-to-planet mass ratio (m/Mp) and initial obliquity (γ0), through numerical calculations and analytical arguments. The obliquity, the angle between planetary spin axis and its orbit normal, of a terrestrial planet is one of the key factors in determining the planetary surface environments. A recent scenario of terrestrial planet accretion implies that giant impacts of Mars-sized or larger bodies determine the planetary spin and form satellites. Since the giant impacts would be isotropic, tilted spins (sinγ0∼1) are more likely to be produced than straight ones (sinγ0∼0). The ratio m/Mp is dependent on the impact parameters and impactors' mass. However, most of previous studies on tidal evolution of the planet-satellite systems have focused on a particular case of the Earth-Moon systems in which m/Mp?0.0125 and γ0∼10° or the two-body planar problem in which γ0=0° and stellar torque is neglected. We numerically integrated the evolution of planetary spin and a satellite orbit with various m/Mp (from 0.0025 to 0.05) and γ0 (from 0° to 180°), taking into account the stellar torques and precessional motions of the spin and the orbit. We start with the spin axis that almost coincides with the satellite orbit normal, assuming that the spin and the satellite are formed by one dominant impact. With initially straight spins, the evolution is similar to that of the Earth-Moon system. The satellite monotonically recedes from the planet until synchronous state between the spin period and the satellite orbital period is realized. The obliquity gradually increases initially but it starts decreasing down to zero as approaching the synchronous state. However, we have found that the evolution with initially tiled spins is completely different. The satellite's orbit migrates outward with almost constant obliquity until the orbit reaches the critical radius ∼10-20 planetary radii, but then the migration is reversed to inward one. At the reversal, the obliquity starts oscillation with large amplitude. The oscillation gradually ceases and the obliquity is reduced to ∼0° during the inward migration. The satellite eventually falls onto the planetary surface or it is captured at the synchronous state at several planetary radii. We found that the character change of precession about total angular momentum vector into that about the planetary orbit normal is responsible for the oscillation with large amplitude and the reversal of migration. With the results of numerical integration and analytical arguments, we divided the m/Mp-γ0 space into the regions of the qualitatively different evolution. The peculiar tidal evolution with initially tiled spins give deep insights into dynamics of extrasolar planet-satellite systems and discussions of surface environments of the planets.  相似文献   

We calculate the evolution of planets undergoing a strong tidal encounter using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), for a range of periastron separations. We find that outside the Roche limit, the evolution of the planet is well-described by the standard model of linear, non-radial, adiabatic oscillations. If the planet passes within the Roche limit at periastron, however, mass can be stripped from it, but in no case do we find enough energy transferred to the planet to lead to complete disruption. In light of the three new extrasolar planets discovered with periods shorter than two days, we argue that the shortest-period cases observed in the period-mass relation may be explained by a model whereby planets undergo strong tidal encounters with stars, after either being scattered by dynamical interactions into highly eccentric orbits, or tidally captured from nearly parabolic orbits. Although this scenario does provide a natural explanation for the edge found for planets at twice the Roche limit, it does not explain how such planets will survive the inevitable expansion that results from energy injection during tidal circularization.  相似文献   

Gliese 22 is a hierarchical triple red dwarf system formed by two close components, Aa and Ab, and a distant component, B, which is moving around the center of mass of the first two.The possible existence of a fourth very low-mass object (15 Jupiter mass) orbiting around component B was reported by Docobo et al. (Docobo, J.A. et al. [2007]. IAU Commun. 26, 3-4). In this probable scenario with four bodies, component B would be in reality two: star Ba and the new object, Bb.Two full three-dimensional accurate (circular and elliptical) solutions for the orbit of Bb have been obtained, along with an improved arrangement of the system masses. In addition, such a multiple system is analyzed by means of a (2 + 2)-body model considering its evolution during 10 Myr. In particular, we have studied its apsidal motion in order to eventually find any evidence of chaotic behavior. The nature of the new object as a giant planet or a brown star is also discussed.  相似文献   

Sean N. Raymond  Thomas Quinn 《Icarus》2005,177(1):256-263
‘Hot jupiters,’ giant planets with orbits very close to their parent stars, are thought to form farther away and migrate inward via interactions with a massive gas disk. If a giant planet forms and migrates quickly, the planetesimal population has time to re-generate in the lifetime of the disk and terrestrial planets may form [P.J. Armitage, A reduced efficiency of terrestrial planet formation following giant planet migration, Astrophys. J. 582 (2003) L47-L50]. We present results of simulations of terrestrial planet formation in the presence of hot/warm jupiters, broadly defined as having orbital radii ?0.5 AU. We show that terrestrial planets similar to those in the Solar System can form around stars with hot/warm jupiters, and can have water contents equal to or higher than the Earth's. For small orbital radii of hot jupiters (e.g., 0.15, 0.25 AU) potentially habitable planets can form, but for semi-major axes of 0.5 AU or greater their formation is suppressed. We show that the presence of an outer giant planet such as Jupiter does not enhance the water content of the terrestrial planets, but rather decreases their formation and water delivery timescales. We speculate that asteroid belts may exist interior to the terrestrial planets in systems with close-in giant planets.  相似文献   

J.E. Chambers 《Icarus》2007,189(2):386-400
The stability of an additional planet between the orbit of Mars and the asteroid belt is examined in the context of the Planet V hypothesis. In this model, the Solar System initially contained a fifth terrestrial planet, “Planet V,” which was removed after ∼700 Myr, a possible trigger for the late heavy bombardment on the inner planets. The model is investigated using 96 N-body integrations of the 8 major planets with an additional body between Mars and the asteroid belt. In more than 1/4 of simulations, Planet V survives for 1000 Myr. In most other cases, Planet V collides with the Sun or hits another planet after several hundred Myr, leaving 4 surviving terrestrial planets. In 24/96 simulations, Planet V is lost by ejection or collision with the Sun while the other four terrestrial planets survive without undergoing a collision. In 18 cases, Planet V is removed at least 200 Myr after the beginning of the simulation. The endstate depends sensitively on the mass of Planet V. Collision with the Sun is likely when Planet V's mass is 0.25 Mars masses or less. When Planet V is more massive than this, collisions involving it and/or other terrestrial planets become commonplace. In unstable systems, the times of first encounter and first collision/ejection depend on the initial aphelion distance of Mars. Reducing Mars's aphelion distance increases these times and also increases the fraction of systems surviving for 1000 Myr. When Mars's current orbit is used, the stability of Planet V increases when these two planets are widely separated initially. Planet V's aphelion distance Q typically begins to cross the asteroid belt within a few tens to a few hundred Myr, and its orbit last leaves the belt several hundred Myr later in most cases. The total time spent with Q>2.1 AU is typically less than 200 Myr.  相似文献   

Althea V. Moorhead 《Icarus》2005,178(2):517-539
This paper presents a parametric study of giant planet migration through the combined action of disk torques and planet-planet scattering. The torques exerted on planets during Type II migration in circumstellar disks readily decrease the semi-major axes a, whereas scattering between planets increases the orbital eccentricities ?. This paper presents a parametric exploration of the possible parameter space for this migration scenario using two (initial) planetary mass distributions and a range of values for the time scale of eccentricity damping (due to the disk). For each class of systems, many realizations of the simulations are performed in order to determine the distributions of the resulting orbital elements of the surviving planets; this paper presents the results of ∼8500 numerical experiments. Our goal is to study the physics of this particular migration mechanism and to test it against observations of extrasolar planets. The action of disk torques and planet-planet scattering results in a distribution of final orbital elements that fills the a-? plane, in rough agreement with the orbital elements of observed extrasolar planets. In addition to specifying the orbital elements, we characterize this migration mechanism by finding the percentages of ejected and accreted planets, the number of collisions, the dependence of outcomes on planetary masses, the time spent in 2:1 and 3:1 resonances, and the effects of the planetary IMF. We also determine the distribution of inclination angles of surviving planets and the distribution of ejection speeds for exiled planets.  相似文献   

E.W. Thommes  M.J. Duncan 《Icarus》2003,161(2):431-455
Runaway growth ends when the largest protoplanets dominate the dynamics of the planetesimal disk; the subsequent self-limiting accretion mode is referred to as “oligarchic growth.” Here, we begin by expanding on the existing analytic model of the oligarchic growth regime. From this, we derive global estimates of the planet formation rate throughout a protoplanetary disk. We find that a relatively high-mass protoplanetary disk (∼10 × minimum-mass) is required to produce giant planet core-sized bodies (∼10 M) within the lifetime of the nebular gas (?10 million years). However, an implausibly massive disk is needed to produce even an Earth mass at the orbit of Uranus by 10 Myrs. Subsequent accretion without the dissipational effect of gas is even slower and less efficient. In the limit of noninteracting planetesimals, a reasonable-mass disk is unable to produce bodies the size of the Solar System’s two outer giant planets at their current locations on any timescale; if collisional damping of planetesimal random velocities is sufficiently effective, though, it may be possible for a Uranus/Neptune to form in situ in less than the age of the Solar System. We perform numerical simulations of oligarchic growth with gas and find that protoplanet growth rates agree reasonably well with the analytic model as long as protoplanet masses are well below their estimated final masses. However, accretion stalls earlier than predicted, so that the largest final protoplanet masses are smaller than those given by the model. Thus the oligarchic growth model, in the form developed here, appears to provide an upper limit for the efficiency of giant planet formation.  相似文献   

T.A. Michtchenko  R. Malhotra 《Icarus》2004,168(2):237-248
The discovery of extra-solar planetary systems with multiple planets in highly eccentric orbits (∼0.1-0.6), in contrast with our own Solar System, makes classical secular perturbation analysis very limited. In this paper, we use a semi-numerical approach to study the secular behavior of a system composed of a central star and two massive planets in co-planar orbits. We show that the secular dynamics of this system can be described using only two parameters, the ratios of the semi-major axes and the planetary masses. The main dynamical features of the system are presented in geometrical pictures that allows us to investigate a large domain of the phase space of this three-body problem without time-expensive numerical integrations of the equations of motion, and without any restriction on the magnitude of the planetary eccentricities. The topology of the phase space is also investigated in detail by means of spectral map techniques, which allow us to detect the separatrix of a non-linear secular apsidal resonance. Finally, the qualitative study is supplemented by direct numerical integrations. Three different regimes of secular motion with respect to the secular angle Δ? are possible: they are circulation, oscillation (around 0° and 180°), and high eccentricity libration in a non-linear secular resonance. The first two regimes are a continuous extension of the classical linear secular perturbation theory; the last is a new feature, hitherto unknown, in the secular dynamics of the three-body problem. We apply the analysis to the case of the two outer planets in the υ Andromedae system, and obtain its periodic and ordinary orbits, the general structure of its secular phase space, and the boundaries of its secular stability; we find that this system is secularly stable over a large domain of eccentricities. Applying this analysis to a wide range of planetary mass and semi-major axis ratios (centered about the υ Andromedae parameters), we find that apsidal oscillation dominates the secular phase space of the three-body coplanar system, and that the non-linear secular resonance is also a common feature.  相似文献   

A previous paper [Dobrovolskis, A.R., 2007. Icarus 192, 1-23] showed that eccentricity can have profound effects on the climate, habitability, and detectability of extrasolar planets. This complementary study shows that obliquity can have comparable effects.The known exoplanets exhibit a wide range of orbital eccentricities, but those within several million kilometers of their suns are generally in near-circular orbits. This fact is widely attributed to the dissipation of tides in the planets. Tides in a planet affect its spin even more than its orbit, and such tidally evolved planets often are assumed to be in synchronous rotation, so that their rotation periods are identical to their orbital periods. The canonical example of synchronous spin is the way that our Moon always keeps nearly the same hemisphere facing the Earth.Tides also tend to reduce the planet’s obliquity (the angle between its spin and orbital angular velocities). However, orbit precession can cause the rotation to become locked in a “Cassini state”, where it retains a nearly constant non-zero obliquity. For example, our Moon maintains an obliquity of about 6.7° with respect to its orbit about the Earth. In comparison, stable Cassini states can exist for practically any obliquity up to ∼90° or more for planets of binary stars, or in multi-planet systems with high mutual inclinations, such as are produced by scattering or by the Kozai mechanism.This work considers planets in synchronous rotation with circular orbits, but arbitrary obliquity β; this affects the distribution of insolation over the planet’s surface, particularly near its poles. For β=0, one hemisphere bakes in perpetual sunshine, while the opposite hemisphere experiences eternal darkness. As β increases, the region of permanent daylight and the antipodal realm of endless night both shrink, while a more temperate area of alternating day and night spreads in longitude, and especially in latitude. The regions of permanent day or night disappear at β=90°. The insolation regime passes through several more transitions as β continues to increase toward 180°, but the surface distribution of insolation remains non-uniform in both latitude and longitude.Thus obliquity, like eccentricity, can protect certain areas of the planet from the worst extremes of temperature and solar radiation, and can improve the planet’s habitability. These results also have implications for the direct detectability of extrasolar planets, and for the interpretation of their thermal emissions.  相似文献   

We numerically investigate the stability of systems of 1 \({{\rm M}_{\oplus}}\) planets orbiting a solar-mass star. The systems studied have either 2 or 42 planets per occupied semimajor axis, for a total of 6, 10, 126, or 210 planets, and the planets were started on coplanar, circular orbits with the semimajor axes of the innermost planets at 1 AU. For systems with two planets per occupied orbit, the longitudinal initial locations of planets on a given orbit were separated by either 60° (Trojan planets) or 180°. With 42 planets per semimajor axis, initial longitudes were uniformly spaced. The ratio of the semimajor axes of consecutive coorbital groups in each system was approximately uniform. The instability time for a system was taken to be the first time at which the orbits of two planets with different initial orbital distances crossed. Simulations spanned virtual times of up to 1 × 108, 5 × 105, and 2 × 105 years for the 6- and 10-planet, 126-planet, and 210-planet systems, respectively. Our results show that, for a given class of system (e.g., five pairs of Trojan planets orbiting in the same direction), the relationship between orbit crossing times and planetary spacing is well fit by the functional form log(t c /t 0) = b β + c, where t c is the crossing time, t 0 = 1 year, β is the separation in initial orbital semimajor axis (in terms of the mutual Hill radii of the planets), and b and c are fitting constants. The same functional form was observed in the previous studies of single planets on nested orbits (Smith and Lissauer 2009). Pairs of Trojan planets are more stable than pairs initially separated by 180°. Systems with retrograde planets (i.e., some planets orbiting in the opposite sense from others) can be packed substantially more closely than can systems with all planets orbiting in the same sense. To have the same characteristic lifetime, systems with 2 or 42 planets per orbit typically need to have about 1.5 or 2 times the orbital separation as orbits occupied by single planets, respectively.  相似文献   

The final stage in the formation of terrestrial planets consists of the accumulation of ∼1000-km “planetary embryos” and a swarm of billions of 1-10 km “planetesimals.” During this process, water-rich material is accreted by the terrestrial planets via impacts of water-rich bodies from beyond roughly 2.5 AU. We present results from five high-resolution dynamical simulations. These start from 1000-2000 embryos and planetesimals, roughly 5-10 times more particles than in previous simulations. Each simulation formed 2-4 terrestrial planets with masses between 0.4 and 2.6 Earth masses. The eccentricities of most planets were ∼0.05, lower than in previous simulations, but still higher than for Venus, Earth and Mars. Each planet accreted at least the Earth's current water budget. We demonstrate several new aspects of the accretion process: (1) The feeding zones of terrestrial planets change in time, widening and moving outward. Even in the presence of Jupiter, water-rich material from beyond 2.5 AU is not accreted for several millions of years. (2) Even in the absence of secular resonances, the asteroid belt is cleared of >99% of its original mass by self-scattering of bodies into resonances with Jupiter. (3) If planetary embryos form relatively slowly, then the formation of embryos in the asteroid belt may have been stunted by the presence of Jupiter. (4) Self-interacting planetesimals feel dynamical friction from other small bodies, which has important effects on the eccentricity evolution and outcome of a simulation.  相似文献   

Planetary formation models predict the existence of massive terrestrial planets and experiments are now being designed that should succeed in discovering them and measuring their masses and radii. We calculate internal structures of planets with one to ten times the mass of the Earth (Super-Earths) to obtain scaling laws for total radius, mantle thickness, core size and average density as a function of mass. We explore different compositions and obtain a scaling law of RM0.267-0.272 for Super-Earths. We also study a second family of planets, Super-Mercuries with masses ranging from one mercury-mass to ten mercury-masses with similar composition to the Earth's but with a larger core mass fraction. We explore the effect of surface temperature and core mass fraction on the scaling laws for these planets. The scaling law obtained for the Super-Mercuries is RM∼0.3.  相似文献   

We use a three dimensional generalization of Szebehely’s invariant relation obtained by us (Makó and Szenkovits, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 90, 51, 2004) in the elliptic restricted three-body problem, to establish more accurate criterion of the Hill stability. By using this criterion, the Hill stability of four extrasolar planets (γ Cephei Ab, Gliese 86 Ab, HD 41004 Ab and HD 41004 Bb) is investigated.  相似文献   

In Simpson’s (Simpson, G.C. [1927]. Mem. R. Meteorol. Soc. II (16), 69–95) classical derivation of the temperature of the Earth in the semi-gray model, the surface temperature diverges as the fourth root of the thermal radiation’s optical depth. No resolution to this apparent paradox was yet obtained under the strict semi-gray approximation. Using this approximation and a simplified approach, we study the saturation of the runaway greenhouse effect.First we generalize the problem of the semi-gray model to cases in which a non-negligible fraction of the stellar radiation falls on the long-wavelength range, and/or that the planetary long-wavelength emission penetrates into the transparent short wavelength domain of the absorption.Second, applying the most general assumptions and independently of any particular properties of an absorber, we show that the greenhouse effect saturates and that any Earth-like planet has a maximal temperature which depends on the type of and distance to its main-sequence star, its albedo and the primary atmospheric components which determine the cutoff frequency below which the atmosphere is optically thick. For example, a hypothetical convection-less planet similar to Venus, that is optically thin in the visible, could have at most a surface temperature of 1200–1300 K irrespective of the nature of the greenhouse gas.We show that two primary mechanisms are responsible for the saturation of the runaway greenhouse effect, depending on the value of λcut, the wavelength above which the atmosphere becomes optically thick. Unless λcut is small and resides in the optical region, saturation is achieved by radiating the thermal flux of the planet through the short wavelength tail of the thermal distribution. This has an interesting observational implication, the radiation from such a planet should be skewed towards the NIR. Otherwise, saturation takes place by radiating through windows in the FIR.  相似文献   

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