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Large impacts not only create giant basins on terrestrial planets but also heat their interior by shock waves. We investigate the impacts that have created the largest basins existing on the planets: Utopia on Mars, Caloris on Mercury, Aitken on Moon, all formed at ∼4 Ga. We determine the impact-induced temperature increases in the interior of a planet using the “foundering” shock heating model of Watters et al. (Watters, W.A., Zuber, M.T., Hager, B.H. [2009]. J. Geophys. Res. 114, E02001. doi:10.1029/2007JE002964). The post-impact thermal evolution of the planet is investigated using 2D axi-symmetric convection in a spherical shell of temperature-dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity, and pressure-dependent thermal expansion. The impact heating creates a superheated giant plume in the upper mantle which ascends rapidly and develops a strong convection in the mantle of the sub-impact hemisphere. The upwelling of the plume rapidly sweeps up the impact-heated base of the mantle away from the core-mantle boundary and replaces it with the colder surrounding material, thus reducing the effects of the impact-heated base of the mantle on the heat flux out of core. However, direct shock heating of the core stratifies the core, suppresses the pre-existing thermal convection, and cripples a pre-existing thermally-driven core dynamo. It takes about 17, 4, and 5 Myr for the stratified cores of Mars, Mercury, and Moon to exhaust impact heat and resume global convection, possibly regenerating core dynamos.  相似文献   

The origin of the ancient martian crustal dichotomy and the massive magmatic province of Tharsis remains an open problem. Here, we explore numerically a hypothesis for the origin of these two features involving both exogenic and endogenic processes. We propose a giant impact event during the late stage of planetary formation as the source of the southern highland crust. In a second stage, the extraction of excess heat by vigorous mantle convection on the impacted hemisphere leads to massive magmatism, forming a distinct Tharsis-like volcanic region. By coupling short-term and long-term numerical simulations, we are able to investigate both the early formation as well as the 4.5 Gyr evolution of the martian crust. We demonstrate numerically that this exogenic-endogenic hypothesis is in agreement with observational data from Mars.  相似文献   

We present a Mars General Circulation Model (GCM) numerical investigation of the physical processes (i.e., wind stress and dust devil dust lifting and atmospheric transport) responsible for temporal and spatial variability of suspended dust particle sizes. Measurements of spatial and temporal variations in airborne dust particles sizes in the martian atmosphere have been derived from Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) spectral and emission phase function data [Wolff, M.J., Clancy, R.T., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. (Planets) 108 (E9), doi:10.1029/2003JE002057. 1-1; Clancy, R.T., Wolff, M.J., Christensen, P.R., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. (Planets) 108 (E9), doi:10.1029/2003JE002058. 2-1]. The range of dust particle sizes simulated by the NASA Ames GCM is qualitatively consistent with TES-derived observations of effective dust particle size variability. Model results suggest that the wind stress dust lifting scheme (which produces regionally confined dust lifting) is the process responsible for the majority of the dust particle size variability in the martian atmosphere. Additionally, model results suggest that atmospheric transport processes play an important role in the evolution of atmospheric dust particles sizes during substantial dust storms on Mars. Finally, we show that including the radiative effects of a spatially variable particle size distribution significantly influences thermal and dynamical fields during the dissipation phase of the simulated global dust storm.  相似文献   

C.C. Reese  C.P. Orth 《Icarus》2011,213(2):433-442
We show that a sufficiently energetic impact can generate a melt volume which, after isostatic adjustment and differentiation, forms a spherical cap of crust with underlying depleted mantle. Depending on impact energy and initial crustal thickness, a basin may be retained or impact induced crust may be topographically elevated. Retention of a martian lowland scale impact basin at impact energies ∼3 × 1028-3 × 1029 J requires an initial crustal thickness greater than 10 km. Formation of impact induced crust with size comparable to the martian highlands requires a larger impact energy, ∼1-3 × 1030 J, and initial crustal thickness <20 km. Furthermore, we show that the boundary of impact induced crust can be elliptical due to a spatially asymmetric impact melt volume caused by an oblique impact. We suggest the term “impact megadome” for topographically elevated, impact induced crust and propose that processes involved in megadome formation may play an important role in the origin of the martian crustal dichotomy.  相似文献   

A. Morschhauser  D. Breuer 《Icarus》2011,212(2):541-400
We have reinvestigated the coupled thermal and crustal evolution of Mars taking new laboratory data concerning the flow behavior of iron-rich olivine into account. The low mantle viscosities associated with the relatively higher iron content of the martian mantle as well as the observed high concentrations of heat producing elements in a crust with a reduced thermal conductivity were found to promote phases of crustal recycling in many models. As crustal recycling is incompatible with an early separation of geochemical reservoirs, models were required to show no episodes of crustal recycling. Furthermore, admissible models were required to reproduce the martian crust formation history, to allow for the formation of partial melt under present day mantle conditions and to reproduce the measured concentrations of potassium and thorium on the martian surface. Taking dehydration stiffening of the mantle viscosity by the extraction of water from the mantle into account, we found that admissible models have low initial upper mantle temperatures around 1650 K, preferably a primordial crustal thickness of 30 km, and an initially wet mantle rheology. The crust formation process on Mars would then be driven by the extraction of a primordial crust after core formation, cooling the mantle to temperatures close to the peridotite solidus. According to this scenario, the second stage of global crust formation took place over a more extended period of time, waning at around 3500 Myr b.p., and was driven by heat produced by the decay of radioactive elements. Present-day volcanism would then be driven by mantle plumes originating at the core-mantle boundary under regions of locally thickened, thermally insulating crust. Water extraction from the mantle was found to be relatively efficient and close to 40% of the total inventory was lost from the mantle in most models. Assuming an initial mantle water content of 100 ppm and that 10% of the extracted water is supplied to the surface, this amount is equivalent to a 14 m thick global surface layer, suggesting that volcanic outgassing of H2O could have significantly influenced the early martian climate and increased the planet’s habitability.  相似文献   

P. van Thienen  A. Rivoldini 《Icarus》2006,185(1):197-210
The two main volcanic centers on Mars, Tharsis and Elysium, are often interpreted in terms of mantle plume hotspots, even though there are several problems with the plume hypothesis for Mars. We present results of 2D cylindrical shell numerical mantle convection experiments in which we try to ascertain whether flushing of the hot lower mantle could provide a mechanism for the generation of a small number of plume-like features, i.e., localized upwelling of hot material. In this scenario the formation of hot upwellings is driven from the top by cold downwellings rather than from a hot thermal boundary layer at the CMB. First we construct a range of Mars interior structure models consistent with observations in order to demonstrate that the presence of a thin lower mantle in the martian interior is a viable scenario. Then we use a series of numerical convection experiments to investigate the effects of solid-state phase transitions, different stratified and temperature-dependent viscosity models, and the presence of a thick southern hemisphere crust on the operation of such a mechanism. Our results show that it is possible to generate hot strong localized upwellings from top-down dynamics if the lithosphere is thin or actively involved in the convective pattern. The presence of a thick, immobile, insulating southern hemisphere crust reduces the number of upwellings, and the perovskite phase transition causes a focusing of the upwellings. Further experiments demonstrate that an initial 500 Myr phase of mobile lid is sufficient to start this process create an upwelling which is stable for billions of years.  相似文献   

Recently aurora-type UV emissions were discovered on the nightside of Mars [Bertaux, J.-L., Leblanc, F., Witasse, O., et al., 2005. Discovery of an aurora on Mars. Nature 439, doi:10.1038/nature03603]. It was suggested that these emissions are produced by suprathermal electrons with energies of tens of eV, rather than by the electrons with spectra peaked above 100 eV [Leblanc, F., Witasse, O., Winningham J., et al., 2006. Origin of the martian aurora observed by spectroscopy for investigation of characteristics of the atmosphere of Mars (SPICAM) onboard Mars Express. J. Geophys. Res. 111, A09313, doi:10.1029/2006JA011763]. In this paper we present observations of fluxes of suprathermal electrons (Ee≈30-100 eV) on the Martian nightside by the ASPERA-3 experiment onboard the Mars Express spacecraft. Narrow spikes of suprathermal electrons are often observed in energy-time spectrograms of electron fluxes at altitudes between 250 and 600 km. These spikes are spatially organized and form narrow strips in regions with strong upward or downward crustal magnetic field. The values of electron fluxes in such events generally could explain the observed auroral UV emissions although a question of their origin (transport from the dayside or local precipitation) remains open.  相似文献   

Stress models for Tharsis formation, Mars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A critical survey is presented of most stress models proposed for the formation of the tectonic structures in the Tharsis volcano-tectonic province on Mars and provides new constraints for further models. First papers, in the 1970s, attempted to relate the Tharsis formation to asthenospheric movements and lithosphere loading by magma bodies. These processes were then quantified in terms of stress trajectory and magnitude models in elastic lithosphere (e.g. Banerdt et al., J. Geophys. Res. 87(B12), 9723–9733, 1982). Stresses generated by dynamic lithosphere uplift were rapidly dismissed because of the poor agreement between the stress trajectories provided by the elastic models and the structural observations. The preferred stress models involved lithosphere loading, inducing isostatic compensation, and then lithosphere flexure. Some incomsistency with structural interpretation of Viking imagery has been found. In the early 1990s, an attempt to solve this problem resulted in a model involving the existence of a Tharsis-centred brittle crustal cap, deteched from the strong mantle by a weak crustal layer (Tanaka et al., J. Geophys. Res. 96(E1), 15617–15633, 1991). Such a configuration should produce loading stresses akin to those predicted by some combination of the two loading modes. This model has not been quantified yet, however it is expected to reconcile stress trajectories and most structural patterns. Nevertheless, some inconsistencies with observed structures are also expected to remain. Parallel to this approach focused on loading mechanisms, the idea that volcanism and tectonic structures could be related to mantle circulation began to be considered again through numerical convection experiments, whose results have however not been clearly correlated with surface observations. Structural clues to early Tharsis dynamic uplift are reported. These structures have little to do with those predicted by elastic stress modelling of dynamic lithosphere uplift. They denote the existence of unsteady stress trajectories responsible for surface deformations that cannot be readily predicted by elastic models. These structures illustrate that improving current stress models for Tharsis formation shall come from deeper consideration of rock failure criterion and load growth in the lithosphere (e.g. Schultz and Zuber, J. Geophys. Res. 99(E7), 14691–14702, 1994). Improvements should also arise from better understanding rheological layering in the lithosphere and its evolution with time, and from consideration of stress associated to magma emplacement in the crust, which may have produced many tectonic structures before loading stress resulting from magma freezing became significant (Mège and Masson, Planet. Space Sci. 44, 1499–1546, 1996a).  相似文献   

We map the subsurface structure of Planum Boreum using sounding data from the Shallow Radar (SHARAD) instrument onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Radar coverage throughout the 1,000,000-km2 area reveals widespread reflections from basal and internal interfaces of the north polar layered deposits (NPLD). A dome-shaped zone of diffuse reflectivity up to 12 μs (∼1-km thick) underlies two-thirds of the NPLD, predominantly in the main lobe but also extending into the Gemina Lingula lobe across Chasma Boreale. We equate this zone with a basal unit identified in image data as Amazonian sand-rich layered deposits [Byrne, S., Murray, B.C., 2002. J. Geophys. Res. 107, 5044, 12 pp. doi:10.1029/2001JE001615; Fishbaugh, K.E., Head, J.W., 2005. Icarus 174, 444-474; Tanaka, K.L., Rodriguez, J.A.P., Skinner, J.A., Bourke, M.C., Fortezzo, C.M., Herkenhoff, K.E., Kolb, E.J., Okubo, C.H., 2008. Icarus 196, 318-358]. Elsewhere, the NPLD base is remarkably flat-lying and co-planar with the exposed surface of the surrounding Vastitas Borealis materials. Within the NPLD, we delineate and map four units based on the radar-layer packets of Phillips et al. [Phillips, R.J., and 26 colleagues, 2008. Science 320, 1182-1185] that extend throughout the deposits and a fifth unit confined to eastern Gemina Lingula. We estimate the volume of each internal unit and of the entire NPLD stack (821,000 km3), exclusive of the basal unit. Correlation of these units to models of insolation cycles and polar deposition [Laskar, J., Levrard, B., Mustard, J.F., 2002. Nature 419, 375-377; Levrard, B., Forget, F., Montmessin, F., Laskar, J., 2007. J. Geophys. Res. 112, E06012, 18 pp. doi:10.1029/2006JE002772] is consistent with the 4.2-Ma age of the oldest preserved NPLD obtained by Levrard et al. [Levrard, B., Forget, F., Montmessin, F., Laskar, J., 2007. J. Geophys. Res. 112, E06012, 18 pp. doi:10.1029/2006JE002772]. We suggest a dominant layering mechanism of dust-content variation during accumulation rather than one of lag production during periods of sublimation.  相似文献   

Abstract— Radiometric age dating of the shergottite meteorites and cratering studies of lava flows in Tharsis and Elysium both demonstrate that volcanic activity has occurred on Mars in the geologically recent past. This implies that adiabatic decompression melting and upwelling convective flow in the mantle remains important on Mars at present. I present a series of numerical simulations of mantle convection and magma generation on Mars. These models test the effects of the total radioactive heating budget and of the partitioning of radioactivity between crust and mantle on the production of magma. In these models, melting is restricted to the heads of hot mantle plumes that rise from the core‐mantle boundary, consistent with the spatially localized distribution of recent volcanism on Mars. For magma production to occur on present‐day Mars, the minimum average radioactive heating rate in the martian mantle is 1.6 times 10?12 W/kg, which corresponds to 39% of the Wanke and Dreibus (1994) radioactivity abundance. If the mantle heating rate is lower than this, the mean mantle temperature is low, and the mantle plumes experience large amounts of cooling as they rise from the base of the mantle to the surface and are, thus, unable to melt. Models with mantle radioactive heating rates of 1.8 to 2.1 times 10 ?12 W/kg can satisfy both the present‐day volcanic resurfacing rate on Mars and the typical melt fraction observed in the shergottites. This corresponds to 43–50% of the Wanke and Dreibus radioactivity remaining in the mantle, which is geochemically reasonable for a 50 km thick crust formed by about 10% partial melting. Plausible changes to either the assumed solidus temperature or to the assumed core‐mantle boundary temperature would require a larger amount of mantle radioactivity to permit present‐day magmatism. These heating rates are slightly higher than inferred for the nakhlite source region and significantly higher than inferred from depleted shergottites such as QUE 94201. The geophysical estimate of mantle radioactivity inferred here is a global average value, while values inferred from the martian meteorites are for particular points in the martian mantle. Evidently, the martian mantle has several isotopically distinct compositions, possibly including a radioactively enriched source that has not yet been sampled by the martian meteorites. The minimum mantle heating rate corresponds to a minimum thermal Rayleigh number of 2 times 106, implying that mantle convection remains moderately vigorous on present‐day Mars. The basic convective pattern on Mars appears to have been stable for most of martian history, which has prevented the mantle flow from destroying the isotopic heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Recent modeling of the meteorological conditions during and following times of high obliquity suggests that an icy mantle could have been emplaced in western Utopia Planitia by atmospheric deposition during the late Amazonian period [Costard, F.M., Forget, F., Madeleine, J.B., Soare, R.J., Kargel, J.S., 2008. Lunar Planet. Sci. 39. Abstract 1274; Madeleine, B., Forget, F., Head, J.W., Levrard, B., Montmessin, F., 2007. Lunar Planet. Sci. 38. Abstract 1778]. Astapus Colles (ABa) is a late Amazonian geological unit — located in this hypothesized area of accumulation — that comprises an icy mantle tens of meters thick [Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888]. For the most part, this unit drapes the early Amazonian Vastitas Borealis interior unit (ABvi); to a lesser degree it overlies the early Amazonian Vastitas Borealis marginal unit (ABvm) and the early to late Hesperian UP plains unit HBu2 [Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888]. Landscapes possibly modified by late-Amazonian periglacial processes [Costard, F.M., Kargel, J.S., 1995. Icarus 114, 93-112; McBride, S.A., Allen, C.C., Bell, M.S., 2005. Lunar Planet. Sci. 36. Abstract 1090; Morgenstern, A., Hauber, E., Reiss, D., van Gasselt, S., Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L., 2007. J. Geophys. Res. 112, doi:10.1029/2006JE002869. E06010; Seibert, N.M., Kargel, J.S., 2001. Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, 899-902; Soare, R.J., Kargel, J.S., Osinski, G.R., Costard, F., 2007. Icarus 191, 95-112; Soare, R.J., Osinski, G.R., Roehm, C.L., 2008. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 272, 382-393] and glacial processes [Milliken, R.E., Mustard, J.F., Goldsby, D.L., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. 108 (E6), doi:10.1029/2002JE002005. 5057; Mustard, J.F., Cooper, C.D., Rifkin, M.K., 2001. Nature 412, 411-414; Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888] have been reported within the region. Researchers have assumed that the periglacial and glacial landscapes occur within the same geological unit, the ABa [i.e., Morgenstern, A., Hauber, E., Reiss, D., van Gasselt, S., Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L., 2007. J. Geophys. Res. 112; doi:10.1029/2006JE002869. E06010; Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888]. In this study we use HiRISE (High Resolution Image Science Experiment, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) imagery to identify the stratigraphical separation of the two landscapes and show that periglacial landscape modification has occurred in the geological units that underlie the ABa, not in the ABa itself. Moreover, we suggest that the periglacial landscape extends well beyond the perimeter of the ABa and could be the product of “wet” cold-climate processes. These processes involve freeze-thaw cycles and intermittently stable liquid-water at or near the surface. By contrast, we propose that the ABa is a very recent late-Amazonian geological unit formed principally by “dry” cold-climate processes. These processes comprise accumulation (by atmospheric deposition) and ablation (by sublimation).  相似文献   

F. Altieri  L. Zasova  G. Bellucci  B. Gondet 《Icarus》2009,204(2):499-511
We present a method to derive the 2D maps of the O2 (a1Δg) airglow emission at 1.27 μm from the OMEGA/MEx nadir observations. The OMEGA imaging capabilities allow monitoring the 2D distribution, daily and seasonal variation of the O2 emission intensities with a detection limit of 4 MR. The highest values, of the order of ∼31 MR, are found on the south pole for 11 h < LT < 13 h, during the early spring (186° < Ls < 192°) of martian year (MY) 27, according to the Mars Year numbering scheme of Clancy et al. [Clancy, R.T., Wolff, M.J., Christensen, P.R., 2003. Mars aerosol studies with the MGS TES emission phase function observations: Optical depths, particle sizes, and ice cloud types versus latitude and solar longitude. J. Geophys. Res. 108. doi: 10.1029/2003JE002058]. In the polar regions the day-by-day variability, associated with polar vortex turbulences, is obtained of the order of 30-50% as predicted by the model [Lefévre, F., Lebonnois, S., Montmessin, F., Forget, F., 2004. Three-dimensional modeling of ozone on Mars. J. Geophys. Res. 109, E07004. doi: 10.1029/2004JE002268] and found by SPICAM [Perrier, S., Bertaux, J.-L., Lebonnois, S., Korablev, O., Fedorova, A., 2006. Global distribution of total ozone on Mars from SPICAM/MEX UV measurements. J. Geophys. Res. 111, E09S06. doi: 10.1029/2006JE002681]. In the considered set of data a maximum of the O2 emission is observed between 11 h and 15 h LT in the latitude range 70-85° during early spring on both hemispheres, while for the southern autumn-winter season a maximum is found between 50° and 60° in the southern hemisphere for MY28. Increase of intensity of the O2 emission observed from Ls 130° to 160° at southern high latitudes may be explained by increase of solar illumination conditions in the maps acquired during the considered period.Atmospheric waves crossing the terminator on the southern polar regions are observed for the first time during the MY28 early spring. The spatial scale of the waves ranges from 100 to 130 km, and the intensity fluctuations are of the order of 4MR.This study confirms the high potentiality of O2 (a1Δg) day glow as a passive tracer of the martian atmosphere dynamics at high latitudes.  相似文献   

The rheology of the Martian mantle and the planet's initial temperature is constrained with thermal evolution models that include crust growth and test the conditions for magnetic field generation in the core. As observations we use the present-day average crustal thickness of 50-120 km as estimated from the Mars Global Surveyor gravity and topography data, the evidence for the crust being produced mostly early, with a rate declining from the Noachian to the Hesperian, and the evidence for an early magnetic field that likely existed for less than a billion years. We use the fact that the rate of crust growth is a function of temperature, which must be above the solidus in the sub-lithosphere mantle, and the mantle convection speed because the latter determines the rate at which melt can be replenished. The convection speed is a strong function of viscosity which, in turn, is a strong function of temperature and also of the water content of the mantle. We use a viscosity parameterization with a reference viscosity evaluated at 1600 K the value of which can be characteristic of either a dry or a wet mantle. We further consider the Fe-FeS phase diagram for the core and compare the core liquidus estimated for a sulphur content of 14% as suggested by the SNC meteorite compositions with the core temperatures calculated for our cooling models. Two data sets of the Fe-FeS eutectic temperature have been used that differ by about 200 K [Böhler, R., 1996. Fe-FeS eutectic temperatures at 620 kbar. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 96, 181-186; Fei, Y., Bertka, C.M., Finger, L.W., 1997. High-pressure iron-sulphur compound, Fe3S2, and melting relations in the Fe-FeS system. Science 275, 1621-1623] at Martian core-mantle boundary pressure and in the eutectic composition by 5 wt%. The differences in eutectic temperature and composition translate into a difference of about 400 K in liquidus temperature for 14 wt% sulphur.We find it premature to rule out specific mantle rheologies on the basis of the presently available crustal thickness and crust growth evidence. Rather a trade-off exists between the initial mantle temperature and the reference viscosity. Both a wet mantle rheology with a reference viscosity less than 1020 Pas and a dry mantle rheology with a reference viscosity of 1021 Pas or more can be acceptable if initial mantle temperatures between roughly 1700 and 2000 K are allowed. To explain the magnetic field history, the differences in liquidus temperatures matter. For a liquidus temperature of about 1900 K at the Martian core-mantle boundary as calculated from the Böhler et al. eutectic, a dry mantle rheology can best explain the lack of a present-day dynamo. For a liquidus temperature of about 1500 K at the core-mantle boundary as calculated from the Fei et al. eutectic all models are consistent with the observed lack of dynamo action. The reason lies with the fact that at 14 wt% S the Martian core would be close to the eutectic composition if the Fei et al. data are correct. As inner core growth is unlikely for an almost eutectic core, the early field would have been generated by a thermally driven dynamo. Together with the measured strength of the Martian crustal magnetization this would prove the feasibility of a strong thermally driven dynamo.  相似文献   

Abigail A. Fraeman 《Icarus》2010,210(1):43-57
We present a parameterized convection model of Mars by incorporating a new heat-flow scaling law for stagnant-lid convection, to better understand how the evolution of Mars may be affected by mantle melting. Melting in the mantle during convection leads to the formation of a compositionally buoyant lithosphere, which may also be intrinsically more viscous by dehydration. The consequences of these melting effects on the evolution of terrestrial planets have not been explored before. The temporal evolution of crust and lithospheric mantle is modeled in a self-consistent manner considering mantle melting, convective instability, and the rewetting of dehydrated lithosphere from below by hydrogen diffusion. Though the effect of compositional buoyancy turns out to be minimal, the introduction of viscosity contrast between wet and dry mantle can considerably slow mantle cooling and sometimes lead to non-monotonic core cooling. Furthermore, with or without dehydration stiffening, our model predicts that the martian mantle must have been degassed more extensively (>80%) than previously suggested (<10%); the loss of such a large amount of water from the mantle to surface has significant implications about the role of water in the early surface and climate evolution of Mars.  相似文献   

Abstract— The age, structure, composition, and petrogenesis of the martian lithosphere have been constrained by spacecraft imagery and remote sensing. How well do martian meteorites conform to expectations derived from this geologic context? Both data sets indicate a thick, extensive igneous crust formed very early in the planet's history. The composition of the ancient crust is predominantly basaltic, possibly andesitic in part, with sediments derived from volcanic rocks. Later plume eruptions produced igneous centers like Tharsis, the composition of which cannot be determined because of spectral obscuration by dust. Martian meteorites (except Allan Hills 84001) are inferred to have come from volcanic flows in Tharsis or Elysium, and thus are not petrologically representative of most of the martian surface. Remote‐sensing measurements cannot verify the fractional crystallization and assimilation that have been documented in meteorites, but subsurface magmatic processes are consistent with orbital imagery indicating thick crust and large, complex magma chambers beneath Tharsis volcanoes. Meteorite ejection ages are difficult to reconcile with plausible impact histories for Mars, and oversampling of young terrains suggests either that only coherent igneous rocks can survive the ejection process or that older surfaces cannot transmit the required shock waves. The mean density and moment of inertia calculated from spacecraft data are roughly consistent with the proportions and compositions of mantle and core estimated from martian meteorites. Thermal models predicting the absence of crustal recycling, and the chronology of the planetary magnetic field agree with conclusions from radiogenic isotopes and paleomagnetism in martian meteorites. However, lack of vigorous mantle convection, as inferred from meteorite geochemistry, seems inconsistent with their derivation from the Tharsis or Elysium plumes. Geological and meteoritic data provide conflicting information on the planet's volatile inventory and degassing history, but are apparently being reconciled in favor of a periodically wet Mars. Spacecraft measurements suggesting that rocks have been chemically weathered and have interacted with recycled saline groundwater are confirmed by weathering products and stable isotope fractionations in martian meteorites.  相似文献   

M. Grott  D. Breuer 《Icarus》2008,193(2):503-515
Estimates of the martian elastic lithosphere thickness Te imply that Te increased from around 20 km in the Noachian to about 70 km in the Amazonian period. A phase of rapid lithospheric growth is observed during the Hesperian and we propose that this elastic thickness history is a consequence of the martian crustal rheology and its thermal evolution. A wet crustal rheology is found to generate a mechanically incompetent layer in the lower crust during the early evolution and the rapid growth of Te during the Hesperian results from the disappearance of this layer due to planetary cooling. The incompetent layer and the related rapid lithospheric growth are absent for a dry basaltic crustal rheology, which is therefore incompatible with the observations. Furthermore, we find that the observed elastic thickness evolution is best compatible with a wet mantle rheology, although a dry mantle cannot be ruled out. It therefore seems likely that rheologically significant amounts of water were retained in the Martian crust and mantle after planetary accretion.  相似文献   

M. Grott  D. Breuer 《Icarus》2009,201(2):540-151
The martian elastic lithosphere thickness Te has recently been constrained by modeling the geodynamical response to loading at the martian polar caps and Te was found to exceed 300 km at the north pole today. Geological evidence suggests that Mars has been volcanically active in the recent past and we have reinvestigated the martian thermal evolution, identifying models which are consistent with Te>300 km and the observed recent magmatic activity. We find that although models satisfying both constraints can be constructed, special assumptions regarding the concentration and distribution of radioactive elements, the style of mantle convection and/or the mantle's volatile content need to be made. If a dry mantle rheology is assumed, strong plumes caused by, e.g., a strongly pressure dependent mantle viscosity or endothermic phase transitions near the core-mantle boundary are required to allow for decompression melting in the heads of mantle plumes. For a wet mantle, large mantle water contents of the order of 1000 ppm are required to allow for partial mantle melting. Also, for a moderate crustal enrichment of heat producing, elements the planet's bulk composition needs to be 25 and 50% sub-chondritic for dry and wet mantle rheologies, respectively. Even then, models resulting in a globally averaged elastic thicknesses of Te>300 km are difficult to reconcile with most elastic thickness estimates available for the Hesperian and Amazonian periods. It therefore seems likely that large elastic thicknesses in excess of 300 km are not representative for the bulk of the planet and that Te possibly shows a large degree of spatial heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Ozone is an important observable tracer of martian photochemistry, including odd hydrogen (HOx) species important to the chemistry and stability of the martian atmosphere. Infrared heterodyne spectroscopy with spectral resolution ?106 provides the only ground-based direct access to ozone absorption features in the martian atmosphere. Ozone abundances were measured with the Goddard Infrared Heterodyne Spectrometer and the Heterodyne Instrument for Planetary Wind and Composition at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i. Retrieved total ozone column abundances from various latitudes and orbital positions (LS=40°, 74°, 102°, 115°, 202°, 208°, 291°) are compared to those predicted by the first three-dimensional gas phase photochemical model of the martian atmosphere [Lefèvre, F., Lebonnois, S., Montmessin, F., Forget, F., 2004. J. Geophys. Res. 109, doi:10.1029/2004JE002268. E07004]. Observed and modeled ozone abundances show good agreement at all latitudes at perihelion orbital positions (LS=202°, 208°, 291°). Observed low-latitude ozone abundances are significantly higher than those predicted by the model at aphelion orbital positions (LS=40°, 74°, 115°). Heterogeneous loss of odd hydrogen onto water ice cloud particles would explain the discrepancy, as clouds are observed at low latitudes around aphelion on Mars.  相似文献   

Ja-Ren Lin  Taras V. Gerya 《Icarus》2009,204(2):732-748
We developed and tested an efficient 2D numerical methodology for modeling gravitational redistribution processes in a quasi spherical planetary body based on a simple Cartesian grid. This methodology allows one to implement large viscosity contrasts and to handle properly a free surface and self-gravitation. With this novel method we investigated in a simplified way the evolution of gravitationally unstable global three-layer structures in the interiors of large metal-silicate planetary bodies like those suggested by previous models of cold accretion [Sasaki, S., Nakazawa, K., 1986. J. Geophys. Res. 91, 9231-9238; Karato, S., Murthy, V.R., 1997. Phys. Earth Planet Interios 100, 61-79; Senshu, H., Kuramoto, K., Matsui, T., 2002. J. Geophys. Res. 107 (E12), 5118. 10.1029/2001JE001819]: an innermost solid protocore (either undifferentiated or partly differentiated), an intermediate metal-rich layer (either continuous or disrupted), and an outermost silicate-rich layer. Long-wavelength (degree-one) instability of this three-layer structure may strongly contribute to core formation dynamics by triggering planetary-scale gravitational redistribution processes. We studied possible geometrical modes of the resulting planetary reshaping using scaled 2D numerical experiments for self-gravitating planetary bodies with Mercury-, Mars- and Earth-size. In our simplified model the viscosity of each material remains constant during the experiment and rheological effects of gravitational energy dissipation are not taken into account. However, in contrast to a previously conducted numerical study [Honda, R., Mizutani, H., Yamamoto, T., 1993. J. Geophys. Res. 98, 2075-2089] we explored a freely deformable planetary surface and a broad range of viscosity ratios between the metallic layer and the protocore (0.001-1000) as well as between the silicate layer and the protocore (0.001-1000). An important new prediction from our study is that realistic modes of planetary reshaping characterized by a high viscosity protocore and low viscosity molten silicate and metal [Senshu, H., Kuramoto, K., Matsui, T., 2002. J. Geophys. Res. 107 (E12), 5118. 10.1029/2001JE001819] may result in the transient exposure of the protocore to the planetary surface and a strongly (up to 8% of the planetary diameter) aspherical deviation of the planetary shape during the early stages of core formation. Exposure of the protocore might happen in the early stages of iron core formation. This process may conceivably convert a large amount of potential energy into temperature increase and a transient strongly non-uniform depth of the magma ocean around the protoplanet. Our simplified model also predicts that the time for metallic core formation out of the metal-rich layer depends mainly on the dynamics of the deformation of the solid strong protocore. In nature this dynamics will be strongly dependent on the effective viscosity of the protocore, which should generally have non-Newtonian pressure-, temperature-, and stress-dependent rheology with strong thermomechanical feedbacks from gravitational energy dissipation.  相似文献   

In this study we explore the idea that coronae have formed on Venus as a result of gravitational (Rayleigh-Taylor) instability of the lithosphere. The lithosphere is represented by a system of stratified homogeneous viscous layers (low-density crust over high density mantle, over lower density layer beneath the lithosphere). A small harmonic perturbation imposed on the base of the lithosphere is observed to result in gravitational instability under the constraint of assumed axisymmetry. Topography develops with time under the influence of dynamic stress associated with downwelling or upwelling, and spatially variable crustal thickening or thinning. Topography may therefore be elevated or depressed above a mantle downwelling, but the computed gravity anomaly is always negative above a mantle downwelling in a homogeneous asthenosphere. The ratio of peak gravity to topography anomaly depends primarily on the ratio of crust to lithospheric viscosity. Average observed ratios are well resolved for two groups of coronae (∼40 mgal km−1), consistent with models in which the crust is perhaps 5 times stronger than the lithosphere. Group 3a (rim surrounding elevated central region) coronae are inferred to arise from a central upwelling model, whereas Group 8 (depression) coronae are inferred to arise from central downwelling. Observed average coronae radii are consistent with a lithospheric thickness of only 50 km. An upper low-density crustal layer is 10-20 km thick, as inferred from the amplitude of gravity and topography anomalies.  相似文献   

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