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P.G.J. Irwin  N.A. Teanby 《Icarus》2010,208(2):913-926
Long-slit spectroscopy observations of Uranus by the United Kingdom InfraRed Telescope UIST instrument in 2006, 2007 and 2008 have been used to monitor the change in Uranus’ vertical and latitudinal cloud structure through the planet’s Northern Spring Equinox in December 2007.These spectra were analysed and presented by Irwin et al. (Irwin, P.G.J., Teanby, N.A., Davis, G.R. [2009]. Icarus 203, 287-302), but since publication, a new set of methane absorption data has become available (Karkoschka, E., Tomasko, M. [2010]. Methane absorption coefficients for the jovian planets from laboratory, Huygens, and HST data. Icarus 205, 674-694.), which appears to be more reliable at the cold temperatures and high pressures of Uranus’ deep atmosphere. We have fitted k-coefficients to these new methane absorption data and we find that although the latitudinal variation and inter-annual changes reported by Irwin et al. (2009) stand, the new k-data place the main cloud deck at lower pressures (2-3 bars) than derived previously in the H-band of ∼3-4 bars and ∼3 bars compared with ∼6 bars in the J-band. Indeed, we find that using the new k-data it is possible to reproduce satisfactorily the entire observed centre-of-disc Uranus spectrum from 1 to 1.75 μm with a single cloud at 2-3 bars provided that we make the particles more back-scattering at wavelengths less than 1.2 μm by, for example, increasing the assumed single-scattering albedo from 0.75 (assumed in the J and H-bands) to near 1.0. In addition, we find that using a deep methane mole fraction of 4% in combination with the associated warm ‘F’ temperature profile of Lindal et al. (Lindal, G.F., Lyons, J.R., Sweetnam, D.N., Eshleman, V.R., Hinson, D.P. [1987]. J. Geophys. Res. 92, 14987-15001), the retrieved cloud deck using the new (Karkoschka and Tomasko, 2010) methane absorption data moves to between 1 and 2 bars.The same methane absorption data and retrieval algorithm were applied to observations of Neptune made during the same programme and we find that we can again fit the entire 1-1.75 μm centre-of-disc spectrum with a single cloud model, providing that we make the stratospheric haze particles (of much greater opacity than for Uranus) conservatively scattering (i.e. ω = 1) and we also make the deeper cloud particles, again at around the 2 bar level more reflective for wavelengths less than 1.2 μm. Hence, apart from the increased opacity of stratospheric hazes in Neptune’s atmosphere, the deeper cloud structure and cloud composition of Uranus and Neptune would appear to be very similar.  相似文献   

Observations of Uranus were made in September 2009 with the Gemini-North telescope in Hawaii, using both the NIFS and NIRI instruments. Observations were acquired in Adaptive Optics mode and have a spatial resolution of approximately 0.1″.NIRI images were recorded with three spectral filters to constrain the overall appearance of the planet: J, H-continuum and CH4(long), and long slit spectroscopy measurements were also made (1.49-1.79 μm) with the entrance slit aligned on Uranus’ central meridian. To acquire spectra from other points on the planet, the NIFS instrument was used and its 3″ × 3″ field of view stepped across Uranus’ disc. These observations were combined to yield complete images of Uranus at 2040 wavelengths between 1.476 and 1.803 μm.The observed spectra along Uranus central meridian were analysed with the NEMESIS retrieval tool and used to infer the vertical/latitudinal variation in cloud optical depth. We find that the 2009 Gemini data perfectly complement our observations/conclusions from UKIRT/UIST observations made in 2006-2008 and show that the north polar zone at 45°N has continued to steadily brighten while that at 45°S has continued to fade. The improved spatial resolution of the Gemini observations compared with the non-AO UKIRT/UIST data removes some of the earlier ambiguities with our previous analyses and shows that the opacity of clouds deeper than the 2-bar level does indeed diminish towards the poles and also reveals a darkening of the deeper cloud deck near the equator, perhaps coinciding with a region of subduction. We find that the clouds at 45°N,S lie at slightly lower pressures than the clouds at more equatorial latitudes, which suggests that they might possibly be composed of a different condensate, presumably CH4 ice, rather than H2S or NH3 ice, which is assumed for the deeper cloud. In addition, analysis of the centre-to-limb curves of both the Gemini/NIFS and earlier UKIRT/UIST IFU observations shows that the main cloud deck has a well-defined top, and also allows us to better constrain the particle scattering properties.Overall, Uranus appeared to be less convectively active in 2009 than in the previous 3 years, which suggests that now the northern spring equinox (which occurred in 2007) is passed the atmosphere is settling back into the quiescent state seen by Voyager 2 in 1986. However, a number of discrete clouds were still observed, with one at 15°N found to lie near the 500 mb level, while another at 30°N, was seen to be much higher at near the 200 mb level. Such high clouds are assumed to be composed of CH4 ice.  相似文献   

J.W. Norwood  N.J. Chanover 《Icarus》2009,203(1):331-335
We obtained near-infrared spectra of Uranus at NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility during the planet’s September 2006 and September 2007 oppositions. Ratios between the spectra indicate that in 2006, Uranus’ methane windows appeared much brighter in the south than in the north, and that between 2006 and 2007 they grew dimmer in the south and brighter in the north; we interpret these variations to be primarily caused by changing brightness in Uranus’ upper cloud layer near 2 bars.  相似文献   

We present observations of Uranus taken with the near-infrared camera NIRC2 on the 10-m W.M. Keck II telescope, the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) and the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) from July 2007 through November 2009. In this paper we focus on a bright southern feature, referred to as the “Berg.” In Sromovsky et al. (Sromovsky, L.A., Fry, P.M., Hammel, H.B., Ahue, A.W., de Pater, I., Rages, K.A., Showalter, M.R., van Dam, M. [2009]. Icarus 203, 265-286), we reported that this feature, which oscillated between latitudes of −32° and −36° for several decades, suddenly started on a northward track in 2005. In this paper we show the complete record of observations of this feature’s track towards the equator, including its demise. After an initially slow linear drift, the feature’s drift rate accelerated at latitudes ∣θ∣ < 25°. By late 2009 the feature, very faint by then, was spotted at a latitude of −5° before disappearing from view. During its northward track, the feature’s morphology changed dramatically, and several small bright unresolved features were occasionally visible poleward of the main “streak.” These small features were sometimes visible at a wavelength of 2.2 μm, indicative that the clouds reached altitudes of ∼0.6 bar. The main part of the Berg, which is generally a long sometimes multipart streak, is estimated to be much deeper in the atmosphere, near 3.5 bars in 2004, but rising to 1.8-2.5 bars in 2007 after it began its northward drift. Through comparisons with Neptune’s Great Dark Spot and simulations of the latter, we discuss why the Berg may be tied to a vortex, an anticyclone deeper in the atmosphere that is visible only through orographic companion clouds.  相似文献   

Ozone is a tracer of photochemistry in the atmosphere of Mars and an observable used to test predictions of photochemical models. We present a comparison of retrieved ozone abundances on Mars using ground-based infrared heterodyne measurements by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Heterodyne Instrument for Planetary Wind And Composition (HIPWAC) and space-based Mars Express Spectroscopy for the Investigation of the Characteristics of the Atmosphere of Mars (SPICAM) ultraviolet measurements. Ozone retrievals from simultaneous measurements in February 2008 were very consistent (0.8 μm-atm), as were measurements made close in time (ranging from <1 to >8 μm-atm) during this period and during opportunities in October 2006 and February 2007. The consistency of retrievals from the two different observational techniques supports combining the measurements for testing photochemistry-coupled general circulation models and for investigating variability over the long-term between spacecraft missions. Quantitative comparison with ground-based measurements by NASA/GSFC’s Infrared Heterodyne Spectrometer (IRHS) in 1993 reveals 2-4 times more ozone at low latitudes than in 2008 at the same season, and such variability was not evident over the shorter period of the Mars Express mission. This variability may be due to cloud activity.  相似文献   

L.A. Sromovsky  P.G.J. Irwin 《Icarus》2006,182(2):577-593
Near-IR absorption of methane in the 2000-9500 cm−1 spectral region plays a major role in outer planet atmospheres. However, the theoretical basis for modeling the observations of reflectivity and emission in these regions has had serious uncertainties at temperatures needed for interpreting observations of the colder outer planets. A lack of line parameter information, including ground-state energies and the absence of weak lines, limit the applicability of line-by-line calculations at low temperatures and for long path lengths, requiring the use of band models. However, prior band models have parameterized the temperature dependence in a way that cannot be accurately extrapolated to low temperatures. Here we use simulations to show how a new parameterization of temperature dependence can greatly improve band model accuracy and allow extension of band models to the much lower temperatures that are needed to interpret observations of Uranus, Neptune, Titan, and Saturn. Use of this new parameterization by Irwin et al. [Irwin, P.G.J., Sromovsky, L.A., Strong, E.K., Sihra, K., Bowles, N., Calcutt, S.B., 2005b. Icarus. In press] has verified improved fits to laboratory observations of Strong et al. [Strong, K., Taylor, F.W., Calcutt, S.B., Remedios, J.J., Ballard, J., 1993. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Trans. 50, 363-429] and Sihra [1998. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Oxford], which cover the temperature range from 100 to 340 K. Here we compare model predictions to 77 K laboratory observations and to Uranus spectra, which show much improved agreement between observed and modeled spectral features, allowing tighter constraints on pressure levels of Uranus cloud particles, implying that most scattering contributions arise from pressures near 2 bars and 6 bars rather than expected pressures near 1.25 and 3.1 bars. Between visible and near-IR wavelengths, both cloud layers exhibit strong decreases in reflectivity that are indicative of low opacity and submicron particle sizes.  相似文献   

S.G. Gibbard  I. de Pater 《Icarus》2005,174(1):253-262
We present the first Earth-based images of several of the individual faint rings of Uranus, as observed with the adaptive optics system on the W.M. Keck II telescope on four consecutive days in October 2003. We derive reflectivities based on multiple measurements of 8 minor moons of Uranus as well as Ariel and Miranda in filters centered at wavelengths of 1.25(J), 1.63(H), and 2.1(Kp) μm. These observations have a phase angle of 1.84°-1.96°. We find that the small satellites are somewhat less bright than in observations made by the HST at smaller phase angles, confirming an opposition surge effect. We calculate albedoes for the ring groups and for each ring separately. We find that the ε ring particles, as well as the particles in the three other ring groups, have albedoes near 0.043 at these phase angles. The equivalent depths of some of the individual rings are different than predicted based upon ring widths from occultation measurements (assuming a constant particle ring brightness); in particular the γ ring is fainter and the η ring brighter than expected. Our results indicate that q, the ratio of ε ring intensity at apoapse vs. periapse, is close to 3.2±0.16. This agrees well with a model that has a filling factor for the ε ring of 0.06 (Karkoschka, 2001, Icarus 151, 78-83). We also determine values of the north to south brightness ratio for the individual rings and find that in most cases they are close to unity.  相似文献   

We present 0.8-2.4 μm spectral observations of uranian satellites, obtained at IRTF/SpeX on 17 nights during 2001-2005. The spectra reveal for the first time the presence of CO2 ice on the surfaces of Umbriel and Titania, by means of 3 narrow absorption bands near 2 μm. Several additional, weaker CO2 ice absorptions have also been detected. No CO2 absorption is seen in Oberon spectra, and the strengths of the CO2 ice bands decline with planetocentric distance from Ariel through Titania. We use the CO2 absorptions to map the longitudinal distribution of CO2 ice on Ariel, Umbriel, and Titania, showing that it is most abundant on their trailing hemispheres. We also examine H2O ice absorptions in the spectra, finding deeper H2O bands on the leading hemispheres of Ariel, Umbriel, and Titania, but the opposite pattern on Oberon. Potential mechanisms to produce the observed longitudinal and planetocentric distributions of the two ices are considered.  相似文献   

P.M. Fry  L.A. Sromovsky 《Icarus》2007,192(1):117-134
On August 11, 2004, we made adaptive optics observations of the Uranus and Neptune systems with the Keck II Near Infrared Camera. Uranus and Triton were observed in three broadband filters (J, H, and K-prime) and four narrowband filters [Hcont, FeII, He1_B, and H2(v=1-0)]. Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, and Oberon were observed in the four narrowband filters only. To achieve the highest possible photometric accuracy, and thus the tightest possible constraints on atmospheric aerosol models and gas mixing ratios, we used aperture photometry that accounted for the dependence of point-spread functions and growth curves on the adaptive optics reference object, and accounted for recently determined phase curves of each object. The satellite albedos we determined were compared with published relative spectra to verify the relative consistency of our observations, which were subsequently used to convert published relative spectra to absolute spectra. We used these absolute spectra and synthetic photometry methods to compare published values in dissimilar photometric systems to each other and to our observations. We find our satellite albedos in best agreement with photometry from Karkoschka [Karkoschka, E., 2001. Icarus 151, 51-68], which is the best characterized and most contemporaneous data set. Our estimated absolute accuracy of 5% to 8% is consistent with these intercomparisons. We obtained the following ring-subtracted and discrete feature-free albedos of Uranus: J: (1.66±0.07)×10−2, H: (1.09±0.05)×10−2, K: (2.08±0.15)×10−4, Hcont: (3.71±0.23)×10−2, FeII: (1.14±0.07)×10−3, He1_B: (2.06±0.16)×10−4, and H2: (1.27±0.10)×10−4.  相似文献   

We present observations of the uranian ring system at a wavelength of 2.2 μm, taken between 2003 and 2008 with NIRC2 on the W.M. Keck telescope in Hawaii, and on 15–17 August 2007 with NaCo on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. Of particular interest are the data taken around the time of the uranian ring plane crossing with Earth on 16 August 2007, and with the Sun (equinox) on 7 December 2007. We model the data at the different viewing aspects with a Monte Carlo model to determine: (1) the normal optical depth τ0, the location, and the radial extent of the main rings, and (2) the parameter 0 (A is the particle geometric albedo), the location, and the radial plus vertical extent of the dusty rings. Our main conclusions are: (i) The brightness of the ? ring is significantly enhanced at small phase and ring inclination angles; we suggest this extreme opposition effect to probably be dominated by a reduction in interparticle shadowing. (ii) A broad sheet of dust particles extends inwards from the λ ring almost to the planet itself. This dust sheet has a vertical extent of ∼140 km, and 0 = 2.2 × 10−6. (iii) The dusty rings between ring 4 and the α ring and between the α and β rings are vertically extended with a thickness of ∼300 km. (iv) The ζ ring extends from ∼41,350 km almost all the way inwards to the planet. The main ζ ring, centered at ∼39,500 km from the planet, is characterized by 0 = 3.7 × 10−6; this parameter decreases closer to the planet. The ζ ring has a full vertical extent of order 800–900 km, with a pronounced density enhancement in the mid-plane. (v) The ηc ring is optically thin and less than several tens of km in the vertical direction. This ring may be composed of macroscopic material, surrounded by clumps of dust.  相似文献   

L.A. Sromovsky  P.M. Fry 《Icarus》2008,193(1):252-266
Grism spectra of Uranus obtained at the Keck Observatory in 2006, using the NIRC2 instrument and adaptive optics, provide new constraints on the vertical structure of Uranus' cloud bands and on the volume mixing ratio of methane. The best model fits to H-band spectra (1.49-1.635 μm) are found for a methane volume mixing ratio of 1.0 ± 0.25% for latitudes near 43° S and 1-1.6% for latitudes of 12° S and 33° N. Analysis of the J-band spectra are confused by discrepancies between short-wave and long-wave sides of the 1.28 μm window region. The short-wave side of the window (1.23-1.30 μm) is best fit with 1.6% CH4, but if the fitted spectral range is extended to include the long-wave side of the window (1.2-1.34 μm), the best fit CH4 mixing ratio is 4% or more, although many small scale spectral features are poorly fit over this range even at high methane mixing ratios, suggesting that models of methane opacity may be inconsistent in this spectral region. Most of the latitudinal variability of the H-band spectra can be fit with clouds near 2-3 and 6-8 bar, with cloud reflectivity of the deeper layer increasing from ∼2% at 33° N to 3-4% in the southern hemisphere. This layer is most likely made of H2S particles and appears weakly reflective because it is optically thin and possibly also contaminated by absorbing materials. The reflectivity of the 2-3-bar cloud increases from 0.5% at 33° N to ∼1% at the bright band centered near 43° S, where the upper cloud is a little higher (pressure is 10% lower) and ∼25% more reflective than at nearby latitudes. The bright band is also associated with lowering of the deep cloud pressure, by ∼1.4 bar. The bright band parameters are roughly consistent with those obtained from 1975 disk-averaged spectra, obtained when the southern hemisphere was more exposed to the Sun. The lack of significant cloud particle contributions near 1.2 bar, where occultation results suggested a methane cloud, is confirmed by both spectra and HST imaging observations.  相似文献   

L.A. Sromovsky  P.M. Fry  J.H. Kim 《Icarus》2011,215(1):292-312
Lindal et al. (Lindal, G.F., Lyons, J.R., Sweetnam, D.N., Eshleman, V.R., Hinson, D.P. [1987]. J. Geophys. Res. 92 (11), 14987-15001) presented a range of temperature and methane profiles for Uranus that were consistent with 1986 Voyager radio occultation measurements of refractivity versus altitude. A localized refractivity slope variation near 1.2 bars was interpreted to be the result of a condensed methane cloud layer. However, models fit to near-IR spectra found particle concentrations much deeper in the atmosphere, in the 1.5-3 bar range (Sromovsky, L.A., Irwin, P.G.J., Fry, P.M. [2006]. Icarus 182, 577-593; Sromovsky, L.A., Fry, P.M. [2010]. Icarus 210, 211-229; Irwin, P.G.J., Teanby, N.A., Davis, G.R. [2010]. Icarus 208, 913-926), and a recent analysis of STIS spectra argued for a model in which aerosol particles formed diffusely distributed hazes, with no compact condensation layer (Karkoschka, E., Tomasko, M. [2009]. Icarus 202, 287-309). To try to reconcile these results, we reanalyzed the occultation observations with the He volume mixing ratio reduced from 0.15 to 0.116, which is near the edge of the 0.033 uncertainty range given by Conrath et al. (Conrath, B., Hanel, R., Gautier, D., Marten, A., Lindal, G. [1987]. J. Geophys. Res. 92 (11), 15003-15010). This allowed us to obtain saturated mixing ratios within the putative cloud layer and to reach above-cloud and deep methane mixing ratios compatible with STIS spectral constraints. Using a 5-layer vertical aerosol model with two compact cloud layers in the 1-3 bar region, we find that the best fit pressure for the upper compact layer is virtually identical to the pressure range inferred from the occultation analysis for a methane mixing ratio near 4% at 5°S. This strongly argues that Uranus does indeed have a compact methane cloud layer. In addition, our cloud model can fit the latitudinal variations in spectra between 30°S and 20°N, using the same profiles of temperature and methane mixing ratio. But closer to the pole, the model fails to provide accurate fits without introducing an increasingly strong upper tropospheric depletion of methane at increased latitudes, in rough agreement with the trend identified by Karkoschka and Tomasko (Karkoschka, E., Tomasko, M. [2009]. Icarus 202, 287-309).  相似文献   

Nightside infrared limb spectra of the Venus upper atmosphere, obtained by Venus Express VIRTIS, show strong scattering of thermal radiation. This scattering of upward-going radiation into the line-of-sight is dominant below 82.5 km even at a wavelength of 5 μm, which is indicative of relatively large particles. We show that 1 μm-sized sulfuric acid particles (also known as mode 2 particles) provide a good fit to the VIRTIS limb data at high altitudes. We retrieve vertical profiles of the mode 2 number density between 75 and 90 km at two latitude ranges: 20-30°N and 47-50°N. Between 20 and 30°N, scattering by mode 2 particles is the main source of radiance for altitudes between 80 and 85 km. Above altitudes of 85 km smaller particles can also be used to fit the spectra. Between 47 and 50°N mode 2 number densities are generally lower than between 20 and 30°N and the profiles show more variability. This is consistent with the 47-50° latitude region being at the boundary between the low latitudes and high latitudes, with the latter showing lower cloud tops and higher ultraviolet brightness (Titov, D.V., Taylor, F.W., Svedhem, H., Ignatiev, N.I., Markiewicz, W.J., Piccioni, G., Drossart, P. [2008]. Nature 456, 620-623).  相似文献   

We use five and one-half years of limb- and nadir-viewing temperature mapping observations by the Composite Infrared Radiometer-Spectrometer (CIRS) on the Cassini Saturn orbiter, taken between July 2004 and December 2009 (LS from 293° to 4°; northern mid-winter to just after northern spring equinox), to monitor temperature changes in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere of Titan. The largest changes are in the northern (winter) polar stratopause, which has declined in temperature by over 20 K between 2005 and 2009. Throughout the rest of the mid to upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere, temperature changes are less than 5 K. In the southern hemisphere, temperatures in the middle stratosphere near 1 mbar increased by 1-2 K from 2004 through early 2007, then declined by 2-4 K throughout 2008 and 2009, with the changes being larger at more polar latitudes. Middle stratospheric temperatures at mid-northern latitudes show a small 1-2 K increase from 2005 through 2009. At north polar latitudes within the polar vortex, temperatures in the middle stratosphere show a ∼4 K increase during 2007, followed by a comparable decrease in temperatures in 2008 and into early 2009. The observed temperature changes in the north polar region are consistent with a weakening of the subsidence within the descending branch of the middle atmosphere meridional circulation.  相似文献   

Observations of the Composite InfraRed Spectrometer (CIRS) during the entire nominal Cassini mission (2004-2008) provide us with an accurate global view of composition and temperature in the middle atmosphere of Titan (between 100 and 500 km). We investigated limb spectra acquired at resolution at nine different latitudes between 56°S and 80°N, with a better sampling in the northern hemisphere where molecular abundances and temperature present strong latitudinal variations. From this limb data acquired between February 2005 and May 2008, we retrieved the vertical mixing ratio profiles of C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, C3H8, CH3C2H, C4H2, C6H6, HCN, HC3N and CO2. We present here for the first time, the latitudinal variations of the C2H6, C3H8, CO2, C2H4 and C6H6 vertical mixing ratios profiles. Some molecules, such as C2H6 or C3H8 present little variations above their condensation level. The other molecules (except CO2) show a significant enhancement of their mixing ratios poleward of 50°N. C2H4 is the only molecule whose mixing ratio decreases with height at latitudes below 46°N. Regions depleted in C2H2, HCN and C4H2 are observed around 400 km (0.01 mbar) and 55°N. We also inferred a region enriched in CO2 located between 30 and 40°N in the 2-0.7 mbar pressure range. At 80°N, almost all molecules studied here present a local minimum of their mixing ratio profiles near 300 km (∼0.07 mbar), which is in contradiction with Global Circulation Models that predict constant-with-height vertical profiles due to subsidence at the north pole.  相似文献   

We present the first spectra of Neptune taken with the Spitzer Space Telescope, highlighting the high-sensitivity, moderate-resolution 10-20 μm (500-1000 cm−1) spectra. We report the discovery of methylacetylene (CH3C2H) and diacetylene (C4H2) with derived 0.1-mbar volume mixing ratios of (1.2±0.1)×10−10 and (3±1)×10−12 respectively.  相似文献   

Observations of Neptune were made in September 2009 with the Gemini-North Telescope in Hawaii, using the NIFS instrument in the H-band covering the wavelength range 1.477–1.803 μm. Observations were acquired in adaptive optics mode and have a spatial resolution of approximately 0.15–0.25″.The observations were analysed with a multiple-scattering retrieval algorithm to determine the opacity of clouds at different levels in Neptune’s atmosphere. We find that the observed spectra at all locations are very well fit with a model that has two thin cloud layers, one at a pressure level of ∼2 bar all over the planet and an upper cloud whose pressure level varies from 0.02 to 0.08 bar in the bright mid-latitude region at 20–40°S to as deep as 0.2 bar near the equator. The opacity of the upper cloud is found to vary greatly with position, but the opacity of the lower cloud deck appears remarkably uniform, except for localised bright spots near 60°S and a possible slight clearing near the equator.A limb-darkening analysis of the observations suggests that the single-scattering albedo of the upper cloud particles varies from ∼0.4 in regions of low overall albedo to close to 1.0 in bright regions, while the lower cloud is consistent with particles that have a single-scattering albedo of ∼0.75 at this wavelength, similar to the value determined for the main cloud deck in Uranus’ atmosphere. The Henyey-Greenstein scattering particle asymmetry of particles in the upper cloud deck are found to be in the range g ∼ 0.6–0.7 (i.e. reasonably strongly forward scattering).Numerous bright clouds are seen near Neptune’s south pole at a range of pressure levels and at latitudes between 60 and 70°S. Discrete clouds were seen at the pressure level of the main cloud deck (∼2 bar) at 60°S on three of the six nights observed. Assuming they are the same feature we estimate the rotation rate at this latitude and pressure to be 13.2 ± 0.1 h. However, the observations are not entirely consistent with a single non-evolving cloud feature, which suggests that the cloud opacity or albedo may vary very rapidly at this level at a rate not seen in any other giant-planet atmosphere.  相似文献   

C/2006 P1 McNaught is a dynamically new comet from the Oort cloud that passed very close to the Sun, driving overall volatile production rates up to about 1031 molecules s−1. Post-perihelion observations were obtained in a target-of-opportunity campaign using the CSHELL instrument at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility atop Mauna Kea, Hawaii, on UT 2007 January 27 and 28. Eight parent volatiles (H2O, CH4, C2H2, C2H6, HCN, CO, NH3, H2CO) and two daughter fragments (OH and NH2) were detected, enabling the determination of a rotational temperature and production rate for H2O on UT January 27 and absolute and relative production rates for all the detected parent species on UT January 28. The chemical composition measured in the coma suggests that this close perihelion passage stripped off processed outer surface layers, likely exposing relatively fresh primordial material during these observations. The post-perihelion abundances we measure for CO and CH4 (relative to H2O) are slightly depleted while C2H2, NH2 and possibly NH3 are enhanced when compared to the overall comet population. Measured abundances for other detected molecular species were within the range typically observed in comets.  相似文献   

Measuring the spatial distribution of chemical compounds in Saturn’s stratosphere is critical to better understand the planet’s photochemistry and dynamics. Here we present an analysis of infrared spectra in the range 600-1400 cm−1 acquired in limb geometry by the Cassini spacecraft between March 2005 and January 2008. We first determine the vertical temperature profiles from 3 to 0.01 hPa, at latitudes ranging from 70°N to 80°S. We infer a similar meridional temperature gradient at 1-2 hPa as in recent previous studies [Fletcher, L.N., Irwin, P.G.J., Teanby, N.A., Orton, G.S., Parrish, P.D., de Kok, R., Howett, C., Calcutt, S.B., Bowles, N., Taylor, F.W., 2007. Icarus 189, 457-478; Howett, C.J.A., Irwin, P.G.J., Teanby, N.A., Simon-Miller, A., Calcutt, S.B., Fletcher, L.N., de Kok, R., 2007. Icarus 190, 556-572]. We then retrieve the vertical profiles of C2H6 and C2H2 from 3 to 0.01 hPa and of C3H8 around 1 hPa. At 1 hPa, the meridional variation of C2H2 is found to follow the yearly averaged solar insolation, except for a strong equatorial mole fraction of 8×10-7, nearly two times higher than expected. This enhancement in abundance can be explained by the descent of hydrocarbon-rich air, with a vertical wind speed at the equator of 0.25±0.1 mm/s at 1 hPa and 0.4±0.15 mm/s at 0.1 hPa. The ethane distribution is relatively uniform at 1 hPa, with only a moderate 25% increase from 35°S to 80°S. Propane is found to increase from north to south by a factor of 1.9, suggesting that its lifetime may be shorter than Saturn’s year at 1 hPa. At high altitudes (1 Pa), C2H2 and C2H6 abundances depart significantly from the photochemical model predictions of Moses and Greathouse [Moses, J.I., Greathouse, T.K., 2005. J. Geophys. Res. 110, 9007], except at high southern latitudes (62, 70 and 80°S) and near the equator. The observed abundances are found strongly depleted in the 20-40°S region and enhanced in the 20-30°N region, the latter coinciding with the ring’s shadow. We favor a dynamical explanation for these anomalies.  相似文献   

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