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The Merfeg Formation (upper Campanian) of Central Tunisia crops out around the southwestern periclinal termination of Jebel el Kébar, near Sidi Bouzid. At its base is a massively bedded unit of locally dolomitized, sparsely fossiliferous micritic to microbioclastic limestone that contains several discrete, plurimetric mound-like bodies (lithosomes) of micritic limestone containing locally abundant rudists and corals. The lithosomes are separated laterally from one another by megabreccias and conglomerates containing clasts of similar lithology and are overlain, with sharp contact, by onlapping argillaceous pelagic limestones, within which are intercalated at least two more, somewhat thinner rudist/coral limestone units. This complex of facies is laterally equivalent to thicker, deep platform limestones of the Abiod Formation to the north and east, and to restricted carbonate platform facies of the Berda Formation to the south and west. The lithosomes have previously been interpreted as in situ downslope mudmounds that became capped by rudist and coral formations, cemented, and then surrounded by erosively emplaced debris flows. However, our detailed studies of rudist orientations imply variable and in some cases relatively high angles of bedding within the lithosomes with respect to the regional dip of the host strata. Such steep inclinations of internal bedding are unlikely to have been primary. Accordingly, we propose an alternative interpretation that the lithosomes were platform-derived olistoliths, emplaced along with the associated debris flow deposits. Micritic beds, neighbouring the olistoliths are of variable thickness and contain rare large inoceramids and randomly oriented rudists, as well as locally developed microbioclastic beds with planar and small-scale swaley cross stratification. These micritic and microbioclastic beds are, by contrast, interpreted as primary (i.e., non-olistostromal) slope deposits. Whether the proposed catastrophic collapses of the original platform margin were induced by sea-level fall or seismically triggered (or a combination of the two) remains uncertain.  相似文献   

Interleaved phyllosilicate grains (IPG) of various compositions are widespread in low-grade Verrucano metasediments of the northern Apennines (Italy). They are ellipsoidal or barrel shaped, up to 300–400 μm long and they are often kinked and folded; phyllosilicate packets occur as continuous lamellae or as wedge-shaped layers terminating inside the grain. Using electron microscopy techniques (SEM, TEM) six types of IPG have been distinguished on the basis of their mineralogical composition: (1) Chl+Ms ± Kln; (2) Chl+ Ms+Pg ± Kln; (3) Ms+Prl ± Pg; (4) Ms+Prl+Su; (5) Ms+Prl+Chl+Su; (6) Su+Ms. Types (1) and (2) are mainly composed of chlorite, with Ms and Pg as minor phases; Kln grows on Ms in highly weathered samples. Types (3), (4), (5), and (6) are composed of muscovite, with intergrown Prl, Chl, Su and new-formed muscovite. The IPG show all kinds of contacts: from coherent grain boundaries with parallel basal planes and along-layer transitions to low- and high-angle grain boundaries. The IPG formed on pristine minerals such as chlorite and muscovite. The transformations took place during the prograde and retrograde metamorphic path of the rocks: they were facilitated by deformation and they occurred in equilibrium with a fluid phase, which allowed cation diffusion. Prograde reactions [Chl = Ms (or Pg); Ms = Prl; Ms = Chl] involve dehydration and sometimes a decrease in volume, whereas retrograde reactions (Ms = Kln; Ms = Su) involve hydration and an increase in volume. These transformations do not simply occur through an interchange of cations, but often involve deep structural changes: transitions from one phyllosilicate to another generally proceed through dissolution-recrystallization reactions. In conclusion, Verrucano IPG represent microstructural sites which have not completely equilibrated with the whole rock and whose mineral assemblage depends on the original composition of the microstructural sites. Received: 20 June 1996 / Accepted: 3 February 1997  相似文献   

Leaves of Dalembia jiayinensis sp. nov. are reported from the Santonian Yong'ancun Formation exposed along the Heilongjiang (Amur) River in Jiayin County, Northeast China. The leaves are compound, odd-pinnate, consisting of five leaflets. Leaflets are pinnately-lobed, trilobate or unlobed, elliptic, oblong, elliptic-rhomboid or ovate in outline, with blunt or rounded apex and the leaflet base is variable being cuneate, slightly decurrent, truncate or slightly cordate and sometimes asymmetric. Margin is entire or lobed. Lobes are short, simple, decreasing upwards, with wide and rounded sinuses. Apices of the lobes are usually rounded, sometimes notched. Venation is pinnate or palmately-pinnate, craspedodromous or semi-craspedodromous. The new species D. jiayinensis extends both the geographical and stratigraphic ranges of the genus Dalembia. This is the first occurrence of Dalembia in China and the most southern and youngest (Santonian) occurrence of this genus.  相似文献   

南天山在晚古生代以来经历的一系列碰撞和微板块的拼合事件在塔里木盆地北缘的沉积作用和构造演化中都有明显的反映,而沉积物物源分析是认识盆地演化、解释构造背景的重要途径和方法。根据对塔里木盆地北缘地区多个剖面的研究,上石炭统阿依里河组砂岩碎屑组分以石英为主,其次是长石及各种岩屑,有时含有机质杂基及云母。其中石英平均含量为70.7%(53%~86%),长石平均含量7.1%(5%~17%),岩屑平均含量为22.5%(20%~30%)。物源分析结果表明,砂岩物源主要来自再旋回造山带,并且主要具俯冲消减的缝合带和碰撞造山属性,少量具弧造山属性。结合塔里木北缘晚石炭世的岩相古地理特征,认为物源可能来自于北侧的古天山造山带。  相似文献   

本文对班公湖地区中生代沙木罗组(J3—K1s)和日松组(J3r)地层的碎屑锆石进行了形态学及U-Pb年代学的研究。结果表明:锆石颗粒粒径约为100~150 μm,内部结构清晰,晶体为长柱状,自形程度较高,多数锆石不含暗色包体及浑圆形内核; 有些锆石颗粒有扇型分带结构。Th/U比值较大,多数大于0.1,均值约为0.86,说明岩浆的成因以锆石为主体,部分颗粒或晶体可能为变质成因; 锆石年龄主要分布在6个区间范围内: 1)180~100 Ma, 2)350~180 Ma, 3)600~450 Ma, 4)1100~600 Ma, 5)1800~1400 Ma, 6)2200~1800 Ma。锆石U-Pb年龄谱对应了羌塘地块经历的几次构造热事件,验证了晚侏罗世—早白垩世班公湖地区的物源主要来自其北部的羌塘地块。  相似文献   

WILLIAM CAVAZZA 《Sedimentology》1989,36(6):1077-1090
The Stilo-Capo d'Orlando Formation (SCO Fm) is a Miocene clastic unit nonconformably covering the basement of the southern portion of the Calabria-Peloritani Arc (CPA), a small-scale terrane which was accreted onto the Apennines-Maghrebides orogenic system during Neogene time. The SCO Fm is composed of conglomerate, sandstone and mudrock deposited in a marine environment through the action of gravity currents. Detrital modes of sandstones and conglomerates of the SCO Fm indicate a local provenance. In fact, petrological parameters can be matched directly with nearby basement lithologies. Two petrofacies with distinctive parameters are present. A northern petrofacies is predominantly composed of plutonic and low-grade metamorphic detritus, and was derived from the Serre massif, which is mostly made of late Hercynian plutons intruded into metasedimentary rocks. A southern petrofacies is mostly composed of metamorphic detritus and was derived from the Aspromonte and the Peloritani Mountains, which are predominantly composed of middle-to high-grade metamorphic rocks. Petrological results place important constraints on the geodynamic evolution of the CPA. According to several authors, the arc is composed of two sectors (microterranes) with different geological histories and partly composed of contrasting rock types, whose timing of juxtaposition is debated (Early Cretaceous against middle-late Miocene; that is, much before or soon after deposition of the SCO Fin). The SCO Fm crops out only in the southern sector of the CPA and does not contain any detritus derived from the northern sector, in spite of a favourable sediment palaeodispersal system. This fact indicates that the amalgamation of the two sectors probably took place after deposition of the SCO Fm.  相似文献   

Chemosynthetic carbonates, identified by isotopic, palaeoecological and sedimentological features, are concentrated in middle-late Miocene satellite and foredeep deposits of the northern Apennines. Chemoherms in the foredeep are hosted in thick pelitic intervals, probably deposited in intrabasinal structural highs, which are entirely or partly involved in large slumps, in many cases associated with extrabasinal slides. Sediment textures in carbonates and in the enclosing foredeep pelitic sediments indicate a link between hydrocarbon-fluid venting, sediment deformation and mobilisation, and tectonics. The intensity and style of fluid release phases directly influenced chemoherm typology, and also determined overpressure conditions in low shear strength pelitic sediments, favouring sediment mobilisation and influencing slope instability, which widely affected the Apennine foredeep. Chemosynthetic carbonates are associated with sites of tectonically fractured and compressed sediments in the Apennine foredeep-thrust belt system, thus indicating a relation with the tectonic loading of the Apennine thrust-sheets, which favoured fluid expulsion along forerunner faults. Possible gas hydrate contributions to fluid expulsion processes are discussed, based on sediment textures compared with modern vent areas. Finally, sediment instability may have facilitated a large amount of fluid escape, thus stopping carbonate precipitation.  相似文献   

Petrographic, geochemical, and scanning electron microscope analyses of the sandstone and mudstone units of the Upper Miocene Injana Formation are presented. Furthermore, microprobe analysis for amphiboles, pyroxenes, garnet, and chromian spinels as common heavy mineral species present is done to support other results for better understanding of the provenance history of the Injana Formation. The sandstones of the Injana Formation consist of terrigenous carbonate lithic fragments as common type of sedimentary rock fragments in addition to chert, argillaceous, and rare sandstone fragments. They also include metamorphic and igneous lithic fragments, quartz, feldspars, and mica and generally, the sandstones are lithic arenites and immature. Scanning electron microscopic analysis for the heavy minerals shows that they have been affected by dissolution due to chemical etching and mechanical abrasion through several surface texture generated either in arid and semihumid environment or in diagenetic environment. Clay mineralogy of the mudstone units indicates the presence of illite, chlorite, kaolinite, palygorskite, and illite–smectite mixed layers. Bulk-rock and mineral phase geochemistry in addition to petrographic data suggest the derivation of the Injana Formation from a nearby sources with contribution from igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary provenance mainly from the high lands in the northeastern parts of Iraq which comprise mainly the Zagros mountains and the older sedimentary formations.  相似文献   

This study reports on the most stratigraphically extensive nannofloras yet recovered from the Lachman Crags Member of the Santa Marta Formation, James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula. The productive samples are dated as early Campanian. These ages are in accord with those provided by ammonites, foraminifera, ostracods and radiolarians from the same locality. The consistent and relatively abundant presence of Gephyrobiscutum diabolum throughout the productive part of the section, a species that has previously only been documented from the Falkland Plateau, extends its geographic distribution to higher latitudes, at least to the Antarctic Peninsula area.  相似文献   

Phytoclasts and coal particles, present in small quantities in a clay sediment, can be used as source rock indicators. The measurement of their reflectivities revealed characteristic low values typical for British Carboniferous coals, outcropping in Northern England, which may be a source area of the sediment. This technique may be a valuable complementary method to traditional mineralogical provenance studies.  相似文献   

Four nappes have been recognized in the Ligurian Apennines. In the Lavagna Nappe very low-grade metamorphism is combined with very large, originally W-facing isoclinal folds. In the other nappes, no evidence for metamorphism is found and all eutectonic folding was originally E- to NE-facing. Tectonic transport along the major nappe contacts was in an E- to NE-direction. A tectonic model is presented, which explains the generation of the large, originally W-facing folds as a result of originally E-inclined subduction within a young oceanic basin. Young oceanic lithosphere (maximum age approximately 25 Ma) subducted beneath oceanic lithosphere with a maximum age of approximately 40 Ma, under the influence of horizontally oriented compressional forces. Within the tectonic wedge, associated with the subduction, originally W-facing isoclinal folding and metamorphism occurred. Decrease and/or termination of compression resulted in the cessation of the subduction movements, followed by uplift of the region above the subducted plate by means of buoyancy. This uplift formed a slope from which sequences slid in an E- to NE-direction, causing E- to NE-facing folds. Ultimately, detachment and thrusting of gravitational nappes took place, by which process rock sequences of oceanic origin have been externally transported to attain ensialic (continental) domains. The Triassic-Early Oligocene tectonic events recognized in the Ligurian Apennines correlate quite well with the events that preceded the collision phase of the Alps.  相似文献   

The northern Austral basin from Patagonia is characterized by an Early Cretaceous (Barremian–Albian) coarse-grained regressive sequence. These littoral to continental deposits conform a 150 km long basin cropping out along the Southern Patagonian Andes between 47 and 48°S. The basin fill consist of basal deltaic sandstones with interbedded shales and limestones from the Río Belgrano Formation, topped by up to 350 m of fluvial conglomerates and reworked tuffs of the Río Tarde and Kachaike formations. This continental depocenter represent a major geodynamic and paleoenviromental change from the underling marine Río Mayer Formation. In this study we analyze the tectonic setting and provenance during deposition of the coarse-grained sequence using sedimentary petrography of 37 thin sections in four stratigraphic profiles covering the northern basin. Our dataset indicates mainly a recycled orogenic sandstones provenance, in agreement with potential surrounding basement sources.  相似文献   

赣东北信江盆地晚白垩世圭峰群塘边组以发育大型高角度交错层理的风成砂岩为特征,总体为干旱气候条件下沙漠沉积环境的产物。该地区所采砂岩样品为紫红色中-细粒长石石英砂岩,碎屑颗粒主要包括石英、长石、云母和岩屑,多呈次圆状,分选性较好。利用碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS测年法,对塘边组风成砂岩进行U-Pb同位素定年,分析物源。碎屑锆石颗粒大多数大于100μm,Th/U值为0.1~2.1,且大部分锆石内部具有清晰的振荡环带结构,表明多数为岩浆锆石。~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄加权平均值为141.4±1.2Ma。锆石U-Pb年龄主要集中于5个年龄段,分别是137~170Ma、431~506Ma、798~1172Ma、1268~2493Ma、2501~3488Ma。这些主要年龄区间与中国东南地区已知的岩浆事件对应,分别为燕山运动、加里东运动、晋宁运动、吕梁运动。其中,燕山期酸性火山-侵入杂岩提供了主要物源。结合风成砂岩交错层理反映的古风向数据,认为弋阳塘边组碎屑物质主要来自盆地北西部的九岭地区及北东部地区。  相似文献   

对大兴安岭北部漠河盆地中侏罗统漠河组砂岩进行了碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄测试,获得的碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄为1425~170 Ma,反映了中侏罗时期漠河盆地源区的复杂性。该时期漠河盆地物源主要有:中元古代变质火山岩,碎屑锆石年龄1425~1064 Ma;新元古代变质侵入岩,碎屑锆石年龄888~550 Ma;寒武—奥陶纪变质表壳岩与深成侵入岩,碎屑锆石年龄517~441 Ma;石炭—二叠纪侵入岩,碎屑锆石年龄327~252 Ma;三叠纪—中侏罗世侵入岩,碎屑锆石年龄250~170 Ma。这一测试数据与盆地现在南缘分布的地质体的时代基本对应,说明盆地的物源主要来自南部的中元古代—中侏罗世地质体,碎屑锆石中最小年龄为170 Ma,反映漠河组沉积下限不早于中侏罗世早期。这一成果对研究漠河盆地源区的物质组成、盆地沉积年代和油气成藏条件提供了新的素材。  相似文献   

A peculiar new lineage of sawflies (‘Symphyta’) is described and figured from a female beautifully preserved in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) amber from northern Myanmar. Syspastoxyela rhaphidia Engel and Huang, gen. et sp. nov., shares many plesiomorphic features with the primitive Xyelidae, 2Xyelotomidae, and 2Xyelydidae such as enlarged and thickened first flagellomere succeeded by a series of thinner and shorter flagellomeres, absence of a transverse mesoscutal sulcus, multiple preapical spurs, and two protibial spurs among other traits. However, the new lineage has an apomorphically contracted forewing venation, lacks a subcostal vein, has a single marginal cell, and lacks crossvein 1r-rs, and thus it is segregated into a new family, Syspastoxyelidae Engel and Huang, fam. nov. The phylogenetic affinities of the new family are discussed and a position near Pamphilioidea or Pamphilioidea + Unicalcarida is advocated.  相似文献   

Vertebrate remains from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Ajka Coal Formation (Bakony Mountains, western Hungary) are described. Macro- and microfossils collected from two boreholes and from isolated chunks of sediment/matrix dumped on spoil heaps of the Jókai Mine represent pycnodontiform and lepisosteiform fishes, bothremydid turtles, the mosasauroid Pannoniasaurus inexpectatus, the crocodyliforms cf. Theriosuchus, Iharkutosuchus makadii and cf. Allodaposuchus, as well as ankylosaurian and theropod dinosaurs. This unit was deposited in a swampy lacustrine environment, in contrast with the neighbouring and contemporaneous floodplain deposit of the vertebrate-bearing Csehbánya Formation at Iharkút. Despite significant environmental differences, the faunal composition of the Ajka Coal Formation assemblage completely overlaps with that of the Csehbánya Formation, suggesting the occurrence of the same semi-aquatic and terrestrial species in both settings. The ankylosaurian remains further strengthen the previous view that ankylosaurus preferred wetland habitats such as fluvial systems and coastal regions.  相似文献   

The chemical and mineralogical composition of the Sidi Aïch Formation sandstones in central and southwestern Tunisia has been investigated in order to infer the provenance and tectonic setting, as well as to appraise the influence of weathering. The sixteen studied samples are mainly composed of quartz, feldspar, kaolinite and/or illite. Sidi Aïch sandstones are mainly arkosic, potassic feldspar-rich and immature. Much of the feldspar was transformed to kaolinite. Concerning the relation between sandstone detrital composition and their depositional setting, the Sidi Aïch Formation sandstone in the major studied localities, probably accumulated in relatively proximal small basins within the continental interior. However, for the Khanguet El Ouara study site, sandstones may have been deposited in a foreland basin which received recycled sediments from an adjacent orogenic belt.The source area may have included quartzose sedimentary rocks. The dominance of quartz and enrichment in immobile elements suggest that the depositional basins were associated with a passive margin. The petrography and geochemistry reflect a stable continental margin and sediments were derived from granitic and pegmatitic sources located in the southern parts of the Gafsa basin. High values for the chemical index of alteration (CIA) indicate that recycling processes might have been important. Particularly high CIA values in the Garet Hadid locality indicate more intense chemical alteration, either due to weathering processes or tectonic control.  相似文献   

The stratigraphically oldest remains of ornithomimid theropod dinosaurs are known from the Cenomanian Khodzhakul Formation and the Turonian Bissekty Formation of Uzbekistan. The ornithomimid from the Bissekty Formation is documented by more than 800 isolated bones that represent much of the skeleton. It shows at least three unambiguous synapomorphies of Ornithomimidae: length of anterior cervical centra three to five times greater than transverse width; low and rounded fibular crest of tibia; metatarsal III pinched between metatarsals II and IV; and proximal end of metatarsal III not visible in anterior view. Phylogenetic analysis, based on a dataset with 568 morphological characters and including all known ornithomimosaurian taxa, places the ornithomimid from the Bissekty Formation near the base of the ornithomimid radiation, between Archaeornithomimus asiaticus and Sinornithomimus dongi.  相似文献   

Results of a detailed petrographic and stable isotope study illustrate that sedimentological differences and eogenetic dissolution/precipitation processes controlled porosity distribution within carbonate turbidites of the Ionian basin (central Albania). Based on lithology characteristics and porosity distribution observed in outcrop, individual turbidite beds can be subdivided into four distinct intervals, i.e. from base to top: (A) a non‐porous wackestone/floatstone or packstone followed by (B) porous packstone–grainstone that grades into (C) wackestone and (D) non‐porous mudstone with pelagic foraminifera. Wackestone interval C is characterized by an alternation of porous and non‐porous laminae. Changes in turbidity current flow regime controlled the initial presence of matrix micrite giving rise to both matrix‐ and grain‐supported lithologies within turbidite sequences. These are non‐porous and porous, respectively. Four eogenetic diagenetic processes (dissolution, cementation, neomorphism and compaction) acted shortly after deposition and modified primary porosity characteristics and distribution. Alteration by meteoric water is excluded based on the continuous burial until the Oligocene of the studied deep marine carbonates. Moreover, the stable isotope data with values between −2·1‰ and +0·7‰ for δ18OV‐PDB and between +1‰ and +3‰ for δ13CV‐PDB, favour alteration by marine‐derived pore‐waters. Compaction and aggrading neomorphism occurred dominantly in intervals characterized by higher matrix micrite content, i.e. the floatstone base and the wackestone–mudstone upper turbidite part. Framework‐stabilizing cementation occurred dominantly in the packstone–grainstone middle part of the turbidite beds. In the latter porous lithologies, matrix micrite was not compacted because of the grain fabric and the framework‐stabilizing cements. Here, neomorphism of micrite into microrhombic euhedral calcite occurred and microporosity was preserved.  相似文献   

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