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A white dwarf rotating at a maximal angular velocity can take a form of a triaxial ellipsoid due to the rotation and to the presence of mountains on its surface. Such an object emits gravitational waves at a frequency of 2, where is the angular velocity of rotation, and the source of the radiated energy is the rotational kinetic energy. It is shown that the gravitational waves from rapidly rotating white dwarfs at an average distance of 50 pc from an terrestrial observer have an amplitude on the order of 10–24, so they can be detected by the new generation of detectors. Gravitational radiation from a pulsating white dwarf with a rough surface is also examined. It is shown that quasiradial pulsations of a white dwarf are long-lived; that is, once perturbed, a white dwarf will emit gravitational waves during all lifetime.Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 69–78 (February 2005).  相似文献   

We compute the emission of gravitational radiation from the merging of a close white dwarf binary system. This is done for a wide range of masses and compositions of the white dwarfs, ranging from mergers involving two He white dwarfs, through mergers in which two CO white dwarfs coalesce, to mergers in which a massive ONe white dwarf is involved. In doing so we follow the evolution of the binary system using a smoothed particle hydrodynamics code. Even though the coalescence process of the white dwarfs involves considerable masses, moving at relatively high velocities with a high degree of asymmetry we find that the signature of the merger is not very strong. In fact, the most prominent feature of the coalescence is that in a relatively small time-scale (of the order of the period of the last stable orbit, typically a few minutes) the sources stop emitting gravitational waves. We also discuss the possible implications of our calculations for the detection of the coalescence within the framework of future space-borne interferometers like LISA.  相似文献   

The magnetic fields of white dwarfs distort their shape generating an anisotropic moment of inertia. A magnetized white dwarf that rotates obliquely relative to the symmetry axis has a mass quadrupole moment that varies in time, so it will emit gravitational radiation. The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna ( LISA ) mission may be able to detect the gravitational waves from two nearby, rapidly rotating white dwarfs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compute the gravitational signal emitted when a white dwarf moves around a black hole on a closed or open orbit using the affine-model approach. We compare the orbital and the tidal contributions to the signal, assuming that the star moves in a safe region where, although very close to the black hole, the strength of the tidal interaction is insufficient to provoke the stellar disruption. We show that for all considered orbits the tidal signal presents sharp peaks corresponding to the excitation of the non-radial oscillation modes of the star, the amplitude of which depends on how deep the star penetrates the black hole tidal radius and on the type of orbit. Further structure is added to the emitted signal by the coupling between the orbital and the tidal motions.  相似文献   

Rotating white dwarfs undergoing quasi-radial oscillations can emit gravitational radiation in a frequency range from 0.1-0.3 Hz. Assuming that the energy source for the gravitational radiation comes from the oblateness of the white dwarf induced by the rotation, the strain amplitude is found to be 10-25 for a white dwarf at 50 pc. We had calculated thermal energy losses through a magneto-hydrodynamic mechanism and found it smaller than estimated before. The galactic population of these sources is estimated to be 107 and may produce a confusion-limited foreground for proposed advanced detectors in the frequency band between space-based and ground-based interferometers. Nearby oscillating white dwarfs may provide a clear enough signal to investigate white dwarf interiors through gravitational wave astroseismology.  相似文献   

The gravitational rotation of slowly rotating neutron stars with rough surfaces is examined. The source of the gravitational waves is assumed to be the energy transferred to the crust of the star during irregular changes in its angular rotation velocity. It is shown that individual pulsars whose angular velocity regularly undergoes glitches will radiate a periodic gravitational signal that can be distinguished from noise by the latest generation of detectors. Simultaneous recording of a gravitational signal and of a glitch in the angular velocity of a pulsar will ensure reliable detection of gravitational radiation. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 221–229 (May 2006).  相似文献   

Recent measurements by Hipparcos present observational evidence supporting the existence of some white dwarf (WD) stars with iron-rich core composition. In connection with this, the present paper is aimed at exploring the structure and evolution of iron-core WDs by means of a detailed and updated evolutionary code. In particular, we examined the evolution of the central conditions, neutrino luminosity, surface gravity, crystallization, internal luminosity profile and ages. We find that the evolution of iron-rich WDs is markedly different from that of their carbon–oxygen counterparts. In particular, cooling is strongly accelerated (up to a factor of 5 for models with pure iron composition) as compared with the standard case. Thus, if iron WDs were very numerous, some of them would have had time enough to evolve at lower luminosities than that corresponding to the fall-off in the observed WD luminosity function.  相似文献   

Nova outbursts on rotating oblate white dwarfs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel hypothesis is proposed in which the prolate geometry and latitudinal abundance gradients observed in nova ejecta are simultaneously explained as a natural consequence of the rotation and oblate distortion of the white dwarf. Thermonuclear runaway on the surface of an oblate rotating white dwarf is strongly affected by the local gravity, leading to stronger outbursts and faster outflows at the poles than in the equatorial regions. A unified scheme is presented which is capable of explaining the gross structures of the shells of classical novae, those 'recurrent novae' with giant companions, and symbiotic novae, which also show evidence for bipolar outbursts. It is shown that this hypothesis is capable of producing the observed geometry of the ejecta of the classical novae DQ Her 1934, V1500 Cyg 1975 and GK Per 1901, the recurrent nova RS Oph (1985 outburst), and the symbiotic nova HM Sge. Some observationally testable predictions which follow from this hypothesis are discussed.  相似文献   

The radiation spectra of supersoft X-ray sources based on a model for hydrogen burning on the white dwarf surface are investigated by solving hydrostatic equilibrium, radiative equilibrium, statistical equilibrium and radiative transfer self-consistently for various sets of mass, radius and luminosity. It is found that the radiation spectrum shows many bound–free emission/absorption features and greatly deviates from the blackbody spectrum at the effective temperature. By the effect of incoherent Compton scattering, the bound–free emission/absorption features do not appear in strong emission/absorption edges, as predicted by coherent models without Compton scattering, but appear as weak humps and relatively shallow absorption edges. The difference between the incoherent model and the coherent model is prominent for L 0.5 L Edd. A calculated spectrum is fitted to the ASCA observations of RX J0925.7−4758. It is found that the entire spectrum of RX J0925.7−4758 cannot be reproduced by model atmospheres with any parameter sets. This suggests that the observed spectrum consists of two or more components. In this case, the atmospheric component is explained by the emission from a white dwarf near the Chandrasekhar limit (∼1.4 M) with L ∼0.2 L Edd at a distance of 16–20 kpc.  相似文献   

Recent spectropolarimetric observations of Ap and Bp stars with improved sensitivity have suggested that most Ap and Bp stars are magnetic with dipolar fields of at least a few hundred gauss. These new estimates suggest that the range of magnetic fluxes found for the majority of magnetic white dwarfs is similar to that of main-sequence Ap–Bp stars, thus strengthening the empirical evidence for an evolutionary link between magnetism on the main sequence and magnetism in white dwarfs. We draw parallels between the magnetic white dwarfs and the magnetic neutron stars and argue that the observed range of magnetic fields in isolated neutron stars  ( Bp ∼ 1011–1015 G)  could also be explained if their mainly O-type progenitors have effective dipolar fields in the range of a few gauss to a few kilogauss, assuming approximate magnetic flux conservation with the upper limit being consistent with the recent measurement of a field of   Bp ∼ 1100 G  for θ Orion C.
In the magnetic field–rotation diagram, the magnetic white dwarfs can be divided into three groups of different origin: a significant group of strongly magnetized slow rotators  ( P rot∼ 50 –100 yr)  that have originated from single-star evolution, a group of strongly magnetized fast rotators  ( P rot∼ 700 s)  , typified by EUVE J0317–853, that have originated from a merger, and a group of modest rotators ( P rot∼ hours–days) of mixed origin (single-star and CV-type binary evolution). We propose that the neutron stars may similarly divide into distinct classes at birth , and suggest that the magnetars may be the counterparts of the slowly rotating high-field magnetic white dwarfs.  相似文献   

We study the full evolution of low-mass white dwarfs with helium and oxygen cores. We revisit the age dichotomy observed in many white dwarf companions to millisecond pulsar on the basis of white dwarf configurations derived from binary evolution computations. We evolve 11 dwarf sequences for helium cores with final masses of 0.1604, 0.1869, 0.2026, 0.2495, 0.3056, 0.3333, 0.3515, 0.3844, 0.3986, 0.4160 and  0.4481 M  . In addition, we compute the evolution of five sequences for oxygen cores with final masses of 0.3515, 0.3844, 0.3986, 0.4160 and  0.4481 M  . A metallicity of   Z = 0.02  is assumed. Gravitational settling, chemical and thermal diffusion are accounted for during the white dwarf regime. Our study reinforces the result that diffusion processes are a key ingredient in explaining the observed age and envelope dichotomy in low-mass helium-core white dwarfs, a conclusion we arrived at earlier on the basis of a simplified treatment for the binary evolution of progenitor stars. We determine the mass threshold where the age dichotomy occurs. For the oxygen white dwarf sequences, we report the occurrence of diffusion-induced, hydrogen-shell flashes, which, as in the case of their helium counterparts, strongly influence the late stages of white dwarf cooling. Finally, we present our results as a set of white dwarf mass–radius relations for helium and oxygen cores.  相似文献   

We present a phenomenological study of highly ionized, non-photospheric absorption features in high spectral resolution vacuum ultraviolet spectra of 23 hot DA white dwarfs. Prior to this study, four of the survey objects (Feige 24, REJ 0457−281, G191−B2B and REJ 1614−085) were known to possess these features. We find four new objects with multiple components in one or more of the principal resonance lines: REJ 1738+665, Ton 021, REJ 0558−373 and WD 2218+706. A fifth object, REJ 2156−546, also shows some evidence of multiple components, though further observations are required to confirm the detection. We discuss possible origins for these features including ionization of the local interstellar environment, the presence of material inside the gravitational well of the white dwarf, mass loss in a stellar wind and the existence of material in an ancient planetary nebula around the star. We propose ionization of the local interstellar medium as the origin of these features in G191−B2B and REJ 1738+665, and demonstrate the need for higher-resolution spectroscopy of the sample, to detect multiple interstellar medium velocity components and to identify circumstellar features that may lie close to the photospheric velocity.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of cooling helium atmosphere white dwarfs using a full evolutionary code, specifically developed to follow the effects of element diffusion and gravitational settling on white dwarf cooling. The major difference between this work and previous work is that we use more recent opacity data from the OPAL project. Since, in general, these opacities are higher than those available 10 years ago, at a given effective temperature, convection zones go deeper than in models with older opacity data. Thus convective dredge-up of observationally detectable carbon in helium atmosphere white dwarfs can occur for thicker helium layers than found by Pelletier et al. We find that the range of observed C to He ratios in different DQ white dwarfs of similar effective temperature is well explained by a range of initial helium layer mass between 10−3 and 10−2 M⊙, in good agreement with stellar evolution theory, assuming a typical white dwarf mass of 0.6 M⊙. We also predict that oxygen will be present in DQ white dwarf atmospheres in detectable amounts if the helium layer mass is near the lower limit compatible with stellar evolution theory. Determination of the oxygen abundance has the potential of providing information on the profile of oxygen in the core and hence on the important 12C(α,γ)16O reaction rate.  相似文献   

Combination frequencies are observed in the Fourier spectra of pulsating DA and DB white dwarfs, along with frequencies that are associated with stellar gravity modes. They appear at the sum and difference frequencies of the stellar modes. Brickhill proposed that the combination frequencies result from mixing of the eigenmode signals by a depth-varying surface convection zone when undergoing pulsation. The depth changes cause time-dependent thermal impedance.
Following Brickhill's proposal, we developed analytical expressions for the amplitudes and phases of these combination frequencies. The parameters that appear in these expressions are the depth of the stellar convection zone when at rest, the sensitivity of this depth towards changes in the stellar effective temperature, the inclination angle of the stellar pulsation axis with respect to the line of sight, and lastly the spherical degrees of the eigenmodes involved in the mixing. Adopting credible values for these parameters, we apply our expressions to DA and DB variable white dwarfs. We find reasonable agreement between theory and observation, although some discrepancies remain unexplained. It is possible to identify the spherical degrees of the pulsation modes using the combination frequencies.  相似文献   

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