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An experimental research was conducted to determine the corrosion and bearing capacity of a reinforced concrete (RC) slab at different ages in a marine environment. Results show that the development of corrosion-induced cracks on a slab in a marine environment can be divided into three stages according to crack morphology at the bottom of the slab. In the first stage, cracks appear. In the second stage, cracks develop from the edges to the middle of the slab. In the third stage, longitudinal and transverse corrosion-induced cracks coexist. The corrosion ratio of reinforcements nonlinearly increases with the age, and the relationship between the corrosion ratio of the reinforcements and the corrosion-induced crack width of the concrete is established. The flexural capacity of the corroded RC slab nonlinearly decreases with the age, and the model for the bearing capacity factor of the corroded RC slab is established. The mid-span deflection of the corroded RC slab that corresponds to the yield of the reinforcements linearly increases with the increase in corrosion ratio. Finally, the mechanisms of corrosion morphology and the degradation of the mechanical properties of an RC slab in a marine environment are discussed on the basis of the basic theories of steel corrosion in concrete and concrete structure design.  相似文献   

倪国荣 《海岸工程》2006,25(3):60-67
氯化物是钢筋混凝土结构在使用寿命期内可能遇到的一种最危险的侵蚀介质,混凝土中钢筋表面的氯离子浓度超过一定的限值,钢筋就可能会发生锈蚀,锈蚀的钢筋会导致混凝土构件的承载力下降.通过分析国内外研究者所做的大量工作,讨论了氯离子侵入引起的锈蚀钢筋混凝土构件的抗力计算方法,为氯化物环境条件下混凝土结构的耐久性评估提供参考.  相似文献   

An experimental program was carried out to study the shear behavior of the reinforced con-crete composite beam(RCCB)subjected to two-phase uniformly distributed load.A total of 12 reinforcedconcrete composite beams were tested:10 of them were the RCCB subjected to two-phase uniformly dis-tributed load,the other 2 were the comparative reinforced concrete beams cast at the same time as theRCCB subjected to one-phase uniformly distributed load.The interface of precast unit and recast concretewas natural and rough.The test range of the main composite factors:the ratio of precast section depth tocomposite section depth was from 0.35 to 0.65,the ratio of first-phase load moment to precast section ulti-mate bearing moment was from 0.25 to 0.65.Based on the test results,the stresses of the longitudinal rein-forcements and stirrups,the load-bearing properties of the interface,the crack state and the failure charac-teristics of the RCCB under uniformly distributed load are discussed.The effects of the stirrups,the  相似文献   

A novel method for prediction of the load carrying capacity of a corroded reinforced concrete beam (CRCB) is presented in the paper. Nine reinforced concrete beams, which had been working in an aggressive environment for more than 10 years, were tested in the laboratory. Comprehensive tests, including flexural test, strength test for corroded concrete and rusty rebar, and pullout test for bond strength between concrete and rebar, were condueted. The flexural test results of CRCBs reveal that the distribution of surface cracks on the beams shows a fractal behavior. The relationship between the fractal dimensions and mechanical properties of CRCBs is then studied. A prediction model based on artificial neural network (ANN) is established by the use of the fractal dimension as the corrosion index, together with the basic intbrmation of the beam. The validity of the prediction model is demonstrated through the experimental data, and satisfactory resuits are achieved.  相似文献   

A probabilistic framework for durability assessment of concrete structures in marine environments was proposed in terms of reliability and sensitivity analysis, which takes into account the uncertainties under the environmental, material, structural and executional conditions. A time-dependent probabilistic model of chloride ingress was established first to consider the variations in various governing parameters, such as the chloride concentration, chloride diffusion coefficient, and age factor. Then the Nataf transformation was adopted to transform the non-normal random variables from the original physical space into the independent standard Normal space. After that the durability limit state function and its gradient vector with respect to the original physical parameters were derived analytically, based on which the first-order reliability method was adopted to analyze the time-dependent reliability and parametric sensitivity of concrete structures in marine environments. The accuracy of the proposed method was verified by comparing with the second-order reliability method and the Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, the influences of environmental conditions, material properties, structural parameters and execution conditions on the time-dependent reliability of concrete structures in marine environments were also investigated. The proposed probabilistic framework can be implemented in the decision-making algorithm for the maintenance and repair of deteriorating concrete structures in marine environments.  相似文献   

沿海砼结构耐久性问题研究现状与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
混凝土耐久性能不良引起的适用性、安全性问题以及由此引发的环境、能源、经济问题在全球范围内已引起广泛的关注.而沿海城市经济的飞速发展和大规模的开发海洋资源使得混凝土结构面临严峻的海洋环境的挑战.因此,了解沿海混凝土结构耐久性问题的研究现状与对策具有十分重要的现实意义.综合分析了沿海砼结构性能退化的原因及解决办法并在此基础上指出进一步研究的可能方向.  相似文献   

对混凝土和钢筋的腐蚀原因进行了分析,并提出了相应的防护措施.  相似文献   

A design method of reinforced concrete (R. C.) offshore platforms with nonlinear finite element analysis is proposed. According to the method, a computer program is developed. In this program nonlinear constitutive relationships and strength criteria of concrete and steel bars are included, and the progressive cracking and crushing of the concrete are taken into account. Based on the stress distribution obtained by the nonlinear finite element analysis, the amount of reinforcement in the control sections can be computed and adjusted automatically by the program to satisfy the requirement of the design. The amount of reinforcement required in the control sections, which are obtained with the nonlinear finite element analysis, is agreeable to that obtained in the experiment. This shows that the design method of R. C. offshore platform with the nonlinear finite element method proposed by the authors is reliable for practical use.  相似文献   

The fatigue flexural performance of RC beams attacked by salt spray was studied. A testing method involving electro osmosis, electrical accelerated corrosion and salt spray was proposed. This corrosion process method effectively simulates real-world salt spray and fatigue loading exerted by RC components on sea bridges. Four RC beams that have different stress amplitudes were tested. It is found that deterioration by corrosion and fatigue loading reduces the fatigue life of the RC and decreases the ability of deformation. The fatigue life and deflection ability could be reduced by increasing the stress amplitude and the corrosion duration time. The test result demonstrates that this experimental method can couple corrosion deterioration and fatigue loading reasonably. This procedure may be applied to evaluate the fatigue life and concrete durability of RC components located in a natural salt spray environment.  相似文献   

本文主要针对海工设施、航船、海水输送管路及海水冷却系统的海水腐蚀和海生物污损所造成的双重危害进行了研究,且研制出了防护双重危害的技术装置,并论述了双防系统技术的原理和应用。  相似文献   

沿海地区氯盐侵蚀会对混凝土结构造成严重的耐久性问题,混凝土设计使用寿命难以保障。对于新建工程,若在自由水含量较高混凝土养护期进行电迁阻锈处理,则有利于电迁移性阻锈剂在钢筋周围聚集以达到更佳的阻锈效果。为此,针对两种电迁移性阻锈剂对处于氯盐侵蚀环境中的混凝土适用性展开研究,并测试了干湿循环前后混凝土内钢筋电化学参数、氯离子扩散特征及钢筋周围电迁移性阻锈剂含量研究两种电迁移性阻锈剂对混凝土耐久性保障的作用。结果表明,试验中养护期介入电迁阻锈后试件阻锈效果良好,经过干湿循环后钢筋腐蚀电位正向高于-162.6 m V,同时,钢筋附近出现明显的阻锈剂聚集现象,能保持钢筋的钝化状态。  相似文献   

受腐蚀钢筋混凝土结构力学性能研究现状   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在总结近年来国内外大量研究成果的基础上,对受腐蚀钢筋混凝土结构的力学性能进行了论述,同时针对海洋环境腐蚀的特点,提出了海洋环境下结构力学性能方面应该研究的课题。为海洋腐蚀环境下钢筋混凝土结构的耐久性设计和使用寿命评估提供参考。  相似文献   

环渤海湾地区经济发展迅速但开发利用过度,生态问题突出。本文以社会环境学理论、系统论、可持续发展理论等为基础,建立了环渤海湾海洋资源环境承载力评价指标体系,利用单项评价法,以地级市为基本单位对环渤海湾地区的海洋资源环境承载力进行评价。结果表明滨州市的海洋资源环境承载力较好,其次为唐山市和天津市,沧州市的海洋资源环境承载力较弱。  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土结构电渗阻锈技术研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过测量电渗阻锈过程中阻锈剂渗入量、脱盐率以及钢筋极化电阻,研究了混凝土技术参数和电渗电量对电渗阻锈效果的影响.试验结果表明,电渗阻锈技术能在脱除盐污染混凝土中氯离子的同时,将有效阻锈基团快速迁移到钢筋表面,使已腐蚀的钢筋快速恢复钝化而达到防腐的目的.  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土构件裂缝宽度计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
裂缝宽度计算是混凝土裂缝控制的重要内容,由于相关影响因素很多,至今各国规范的裂缝宽度计算公式尚存在不小的差异.文中分析国内外各种裂缝宽度计算理论中的几个代表性公式和有限元方法,通过实例计算对各种裂缝宽度计算公式与有限元方法和实验数据进行比较分析.在荷载水平较低时各种方法的计算结果差异较小,与实验结果也比较吻合;在荷载水平较高时,各种方法计算结果差异较大,与实验结果差异更大.最后,对现行<港口工程混凝土结构设计规范>采用的裂缝宽度计算公式提出了改进建议.  相似文献   

In the present research, effect of silica fume as an additive and oil polluted sands as aggregates on compressive strength of concrete were investigated experimentally. The amount of oil in the designed mixtures was assumed to be constant and equal to 2% of the sand weight. Silica fume accounting for 10%, 15% and 20% of the weight is added to the designed mixture. After preparation and curing, concrete specimens were placed into the three different conditions: fresh, brackish and saltwater environments (submerged in fresh water, alternation of exposed in air & submerged in sea water and submerged in sea water). The result of compressive strength tests shows that the compressive strength of the specimens consisting of silica fume increases significantly in comparison with the control specimens in all three environments. The compressive strength of the concrete with 15% silica fume content was about 30% to 50% higher than that of control specimens in all tested environments under the condition of using polluted aggregates in the designed mixture.  相似文献   

海洋立管抑振装置优化布置的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计1种梯形截面的三螺旋导板抑振装置,在实验室大型水槽进行海洋立管涡激振动实验.通过改变这种抑振装置的覆盖方式和覆盖范围,研究梯形截面螺旋导板的不同覆盖方式和覆盖范围对抑制海洋立管涡激振动的作用.实验时用动态电阻应变仪采集立管模型横向和顺流向的动态响应数据,并利用雨流计数法对模型进行疲劳分析.实验结果表明:在外流流速相同的条件下,三螺旋导板各种覆盖方案对涡激振动都有抑制作用;随着螺旋导板覆盖率的增加,立管的振动减弱,疲劳寿命增加;覆盖螺旋导板的立管顺流向振动频率明显降低,横向振动频率当覆盖率较高时有所降低,覆盖率较低时基本没有变化.  相似文献   

It is necessary to pay more attention to the durability of concrete undergoing freeze-thaw cycles and seawater attack simultaneously.Investigated are the effects of water-binder ratio,fly ash (FA) contents and air-entraining agent on resistance to frost and chloride diffusion of marine concrete blended with FA in natural seawater.The results show that fly ash does not improve the frost resistance of concrete but can improve its resistance to chloride diffusion by addition of less than 30%.The resistance to frost and chloride diffusion of FA concrete can be improved with the decrease of water-binder ratio,and FA may improve both of them simultaneously only being mixed with air-entraining agent.A ratio (named as R) of the frost-resisting durability factor to chloride diffusion coefficient can be used to evaluate the durability of marine concrete.Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses are consistent with the evaluations by the value of R.  相似文献   

混凝土受盐害侵蚀破坏直接影响混凝土的强度和耐久性。针对混凝土受盐害侵蚀破坏功能函数不能明确表达及非线性程度高的特点,利用BP人工神经网络进行分析,在大量试验数据基础上,通过计算方法的优化和样本的训练,对隐含层和各隐含单元多次试取,最优选取trainglm训练函数,建立盐害预测的人工神经网络系统。解析结果表明,混凝土试件抗压强度预测值和试验实测值的相对误差较小,建立的人工神经网络模型具有较高的预测精度。  相似文献   

本文系将我国几十年来在黄海、渤海和东海北部,开展海洋环境调查的情况与主要结果,作一简要回顾。  相似文献   

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