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The Jane Arc and Basin system is located at the eastern offshore prolongation of the Antarctic Peninsula, along the southern margin of the South Orkney Microcontinent. Three magnetic anomaly profiles orthogonal to the main tectonic and bathymetric trends were recorded during the SCAN97 cruise by the Spanish R/V Hespérides. In our profiles, chron C6n (19.5 Ma) was identified as the youngest oceanic crust of the Northern Weddell Sea, whose northern spreading branch was totally subducted. The profiles from the Jane Basin allow us to date, for the first time, the age of the oceanic crust using linear sea floor magnetic anomalies. The spreading in the Jane Basin began around the age of the oldest magnetic anomaly at 17.6 Ma (chron C5Dn), and ended about 14.4 Ma (chron C5ADn). The distribution of the magnetic anomalies indicate that the mechanism responsible for the development of Jane Basin was the subduction of the Weddell Sea spreading centre below the SE margin of the South Orkney Microcontinent, suggesting a novel mechanism for an extreme case of backarc development.  相似文献   

The South China Sea is the largest marginal basin of SE Asia, yet its mechanism of formation is still debated. A 1000-km long wide-angle refraction seismic profile was recently acquired along the conjugate margins of the SW sub-basin of the South China Sea, over the longest extended continental crust. A joint reflection and refraction seismic travel time inversion is performed to derive a 2-D velocity model of the crustal structure and upper mantle. Based on this new tomographic model, northern and southern margins are genetically linked since they share common structural characteristics. Most of the continental crust deforms in a brittle manner. Two scales of deformation are imaged and correlate well with seismic reflection observations. Small-scale normal faults (grabens, horsts and rotated faults blocks) are often associated with a tilt of the velocity isocontours affecting the upper crust. The mid-crust shows high lateral velocity variation defining low velocity bodies bounded by large-scale normal faults recognized in seismic reflection profiles. Major sedimentary basins are located above low velocity bodies interpreted as hanging-wall blocks. Along the northern margin, spacing between these velocity bodies decreases from 90 to 45 km as the total crust thins toward the Continent–Ocean Transition. The Continent–Ocean Transitions are narrow and slightly asymmetric – 60 km on the northern side and no more than 30 km on the southern side – indicating little space for significant hyper-stretched crust. Although we have no direct indication for mantle exhumation, shallow high velocities are observed at the Continent–Ocean Transition. The Moho interface remains rather flat over the extended domain, and remains undisturbed by the large-scale normal faults. The main décollement is thus within the ductile lower crust.  相似文献   

The magnetic field over the central Levant continental margin, off northern Israel and southern Lebanon, and the adjacent Levant Basin has two distinct trends. Mount Carmel and its offshore continuation (Carmel Nose), which are the surface expression of a large subbottom structure that extends from the land area across the continental shelf to the continental slope, form a dividing zone between the two magnetic trends. South of the Carmel structure the magnetic field trends east-west, while north of the Carmel structure it trends northeast and north-northeast.Several pronounced magnetic anomalies exist mainly north of the Carmel structure, the majority of which trend north-northeast and northeast, parallel and sub-parallel to the trend of the magnetic field in this area. Some also trend northwest, perpendicular to the trend of the magnetic field. In several cases the magnetic anomalies indicate large lithological elements which continue from land to sea.Gravity and seismic refraction data show that the two magnetic domains north and south of the Carmel structure are associated with areas of different crustal structure. South of the Carmel structure the continetal-oceanic crustal transition zone is located beyond the continental margin at the base of the continental slope, while north of the Carmel structure it is located under the continental shelf, near the shore. On land, there are also differences in the structure of the crust north and south of the Carmel structure, the crust being much thinner north of the structure than south of it.We suggest that some of the large magnetic anomalies off the Central Levant were formed during the rifting phase of the eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The southwestern part of the Scotia Sea, at the corner of the Shackleton Fracture Zone with the South Scotia Ridge has been investigated, combining marine magnetic profiles, multichannel seismic reflection data, and satellite-derived gravity anomaly data. From the integrated analysis of data, we identified the presence of the oldest part of the crust in this sector, which tentative age is older than anomaly C10 (28.7 Ma). The area is surrounded by structural features clearly imaged by seismic data, which correspond to gravity lows in the satellite-derived map, and presents a rhomboid-shaped geometry. Along its southern boundary, structural features related to convergence and possible incipient subduction beneath the continental South Scotia Ridge have been evidenced from the seismic profile. We interpret this area, now located at the edge of the south-western Scotia Sea, as a relict of ocean-like crust formed during an earlier, possibly diffuse and disorganized episode of spreading at the first onset of the Drake Passage opening. The successive episode of organized seafloor spreading responsible for the opening of the Drake Passage that definitively separated southern South America from the Antarctic Peninsula, instigated ridge-push forces that can account for the subduction-related structures found along the western part of the South Scotia Ridge. This seafloor accretion phase occurred from 27 to about 10 Ma, when spreading stopped in the western Scotia Sea Ridge, as resulted from the identification of the marine magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

The Bransfield Basin is a narrow and elongated active rift basin located between the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands. The Bransfield Basin is composed of three small basins, and two of them, the Central and Eastern Bransfield Basins, were surveyed during a recent cruise (GEBRA 93). The full swath bathymetry coverage as well as the single-channel seismic reflection and magnetic profiles that have been acquired, help us to better understand the morphostructure and recent evolution of the Bransfield Basin. Six large volcanic edifices aligned with the basin axis stick out of the sedimented seafloor of the Central Bransfield Basin. In contrast, the Eastern Bransfield Basin is characterised by four deep troughs displaying a rhombic-shape, and small, scattered volcanic cones located in the southwestern half basin. Seamount volcanism plays an important role in the formation of new crust in the Bransfield Basin. The larger seamounts of the Central Bransfield Basin are located at the intersection of the two main orthogonal sets of faults (longitudinal ENE-WSW and transversal NNW-SSE). Morphological analysis of the seamounts indicates a multi-staged volcano-tectonic construction. The distribution and shape of these edifices suggests that both volcanism and extension are concentrated at the same preferential areas through time. This might be related to the fracturation style of the continental crust. The Central and Eastern Bransfield Basins are very different in morphostructure, volcanism, and sedimentary cover. The Central Bransfield Basin shows evidence of NW-SE extensional faulting and focused active MORB-volcanism interpreted as result of incipient seafloor spreading. The Eastern Bransfield Basin is still in a rifting stage, mainly dominated by a NW-SE extension and some left-lateral strike-slip component probably related to the South Scotia Ridge.J. Acosta, J. Baraza, P. Bart, A.M. Calafat, J.L. Casamor, M. De Batist, G. Ercilla, G. Francés, E. Ramos, J.L. Sanz, and A. Tassone.  相似文献   

The central part of the northern Labrador Sea is a magnetic quiet zone, and is flanked by regions exhibiting well developed linear magnetic anomalies older than anomaly 24. The quiet zone dies out progressively to the south, where it becomes possible to correlate anomalies between adjacent profiles. A 45 degree change in spreading direction at anomaly 25 time was accompanied by a major jump in ridge position and orientation. As a consequence of this reorganisation, spreading in the northern Labrador Sea next occurred within a rift that was oriented at 45 degrees to the spreading direction, while to the south spreading occurred within in a rift that was orientated at 90 degrees to the spreading direction. Obliquity of spreading changed, between these limits, progressively along the ridge. The quiet zone may be present to the north because the oblique northern geometry resulted in a fragmented ridge composed of many small-offset transform faults joining many short spreading ridge segments. Each magnetic source block produced by magnetisation of sea floor at these small ridge segments will be surrounded by similar small blocks that have opposite polarity, so that none can be resolved at the sea surface. Supporting evidence comes from multi-channel seismic profiles across the Labrador Sea, which show that the basement is more textured within the quiet zone than outside, suggesting the presence of numerous small fracture zones in the quiet zone.A magnetic quiet zone is present in the northern Greenland Sea between margins that are oblique to the spreading direction. In contrast, there are clear lineated magnetic patterns in adjacent areas to north and south where the margins are orthogonal to the spreading direction. This quiet zone may also be due to the geometry of spreading.  相似文献   


The structure of the South Powell Ridge (SPR), separating the Late Cenozoic ocean-floored Powell Basin and the Mesozoic Weddell Sea domain, is revealed by multichannel seismic data. The SPR appears as a basement high, bounded northward by transtensional faults and by normal and major reverse faults to the south. These margin features seem to be linked to the Powell Basin southern strike-slip margin and to the Jane Arc paleotrench, respectively. We suggest the ridge evolved from the Antarctic Peninsula passive margin to become the deformational front of the Scotia/Antarctica Plate boundary, later being welded to the Antarctic Plate.


The Mozambique Ridge (MOZR) is one of the basement high structures located in the Southwest Indian Ocean, parallel to the Southeast African continental margin. It was formed as a result of the tectono-magmatic evolution of the Gondwana breakup. The origin of the MOZR has been highly debated, with models suggesting either continental or oceanic origin. With new free-air gravity anomaly and multichannel seismic (MCS) reflection data, we present results of 2D density modeling along two seismic profiles acquired by R/V Xiangyanghong 10 at the northern Mozambique Ridge (N-MOZR) between 26°S and 28°S. We observed high free-air gravity anomaly and strong positive magnetic anomaly related to the emplaced seaward dipping reflectors (SDR) and high density lower crustal body (HDLCB), and high Bouguer gravity anomaly associated with the thinning of the continental crust underneath the N-MOZR over a distance of ~82 km. This suggests a thinned and intruded continental crust bound by the Mozambique Fracture Zone (MFZ) that is characterized by gravity low and negative magnetic anomaly. This fracture zone marks the continent-ocean boundary (COB) while the N-MOZR is the transform margin high, i.e., marks the continent-ocean transition (COT) of the Southern Mozambique margin, following the definition of transform margins. We suggest that the N-MOZR was formed by continental extension and subsequent breakup of the MFZ, accompanied by massive volcanism during the southward movement of the Antarctica block. The presence of SDR, HDLCB, and relatively thick oceanic crust indicates the volcanic nature of this transform margin.  相似文献   

The structure of the South Powell Ridge (SPR), separating the Late Cenozoic ocean-floored Powell Basin and the Mesozoic Weddell Sea domain, is revealed by multichannel seismic data. The SPR appears as a basement high, bounded northward by transtensional faults and by normal and major reverse faults to the south. These margin features seem to be linked to the Powell Basin southern strike-slip margin and to the Jane Arc paleotrench, respectively. We suggest the ridge evolved from the Antarctic Peninsula passive margin to become the deformational front of the Scotia/Antarctica Plate boundary, later being welded to the Antarctic Plate. Received: 18 August 1997 / Revision received: 4 May 1998  相似文献   

Multichannel seismic reflection profiles from the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula between 63° and 69°S show the growth of eight very large mound-shaped sedimentary bodies. MCS profiles and long-range side-scan sonar (GLORIA) images show the sea floor between mounds is traversed by channels originating in a dendritic pattern near the base of the continental slope. The mounds are interpreted as sediment drifts, constructed mainly from the fine-grained components of turbidity currents originating on the continental slope, entrained in a nepheloid layer within the ambient southwesterly bottom currents and redeposited downcurrent.  相似文献   

The northern Bay of Bengal velocity-depth profiles do not follow the velocity-depth curve for the North Atlantic volcanic margins, and only partially the Kerguelen plume velocity-depth curves. Compared with the South China Sea northern margin proxy, we still suggest that the Bay of Bengal crust is thinned continental crust intruded by post-rifting volcanics, as also shown by the interpretation of the numerous high-quality deep multichannel seismic profiles we collected there. What was supposed to be underplating might be sills intruded through the lower thinned continental crust.  相似文献   

Approximately 147000 km of low-level (450 m) aeromagnetic tracks were flown over the Arctic Ocean and adjacent Greenland and Norwegian Seas, for the greater part with a digitally recording nuclear precession magnetometer designed and built by Wold (1964). The digital recording feature of the system facilitated numerous data processing and analytical techniques which are described herein. These include: noise filtering coordinate conversion, removal of the regional field, second derivatives, downward continuations, polynomial fits of varying degrees to profiles and surfaces, numerical approximations, and depth to source calculations. Using these data and interpretative techniques some inferences could be made about the geologic structure and evolution of the Arctic Ocean Basin. Salient amongst these are: both gravity and magnetic data suggest that there is a 2 1/2 km basement uplift in the eastern Chukchi Shelf associated with the Tigara structure which truncates the western end of Lisburne Peninsula. A 30–40 km wide basement root encircles the Chukchi Rise and extends over 30 km into the mantle. Within the Canda Basin there is a thickening of sediments from the Asian continental margin toward the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Sediment thickness in the Makarov Basin is 1–1 1/2 km. There appears to be only about a 1/2 km sediment cover in the Fram and Nautilus Basins. The absence of large amplitude magnetic anomalies over these basins is attributed to a 10 km elevation of the Curie isotherm. The Alpha and Nansen ridges produce magnetic profiles that show axial symmetry and correlate with profiles in the North Atlantic. A quantitative attempt has been made to verify these correlations, which infer that the Alpha Cordillera became inactive 40 mybp when the locus of rifting shifted to the Nansen Cordillera. The absence of significant magnetic anomalies over the Lomonosov Ridge reinforces the hypothesis that it is a section of the former Eurasian continental margin that was translated into the Arctic Basin by sea-floor spreading along the Nansen Cordillera axis.  相似文献   

To facilitate geological analyses of the Ulleung Basin in the East Sea (Japan Sea) between Korea and Japan, shipborne and satellite altimetry-derived gravity data are combined to derive a regionally coherent anomaly field. The 2-min gridded satellite altimetry-based gravity predicted by Sandwell and Smith [Sandwell DT, Smith WHF (1997) J Geophys Res 102(B5):10,039–10,054] are used for making cross-over adjustments that reduce the errors between track segments and at the cross-over points of shipborne gravity profiles. Relative to the regionally more homogeneous satellite gravity anomalies, the longer wavelength components of the shipborne anomalies are significantly improved with minimal distortion of their shorter wavelength components. The resulting free-air gravity anomaly map yields a more coherent integration of short and long wavelength anomalies compared to that obtained from either the shipborne or satellite data sets separately. The derived free-air anomalies range over about 140 mGals or more in amplitude and regionally correspond with bathymetric undulations in the Ulleung Basin. The gravity lows and highs along the basin’s margin indicate the transition from continental to oceanic crust. However, in the northeastern and central Ulleung Basin, the negative regional correlation between the central gravity high and bathymetric low suggests the presence of shallow denser mantle beneath thinned oceanic crust. A series of gravity highs mark seamounts or volcanic terranes from the Korean Plateau to Oki Island. Gravity modeling suggests underplating by mafic igneous rocks of the northwestern margin of the Ulleung Basin and the transition between continental and oceanic crust. The crust of the central Ulleung Basin is about a 14–15 km thick with a 4–5 km thick sediment cover. It may also include a relatively weakly developed buried fossil spreading ridge with approximately 2 km of relief.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of magnetic susceptibility and the gravel fraction in surface sediments in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean were investigated to reconstruct source areas and recent transport pathways of magnetominerals and ice-rafted debris. Maxima of magnetic susceptibility were observed offshore from areas where mafic source rocks occur, e.g. Queen Maud Land and the northern Antarctic Peninsula. The glacigenic input of debris and subsequent redeposition of fine material by bottom and turbidity currents on the continental margins result in regional variations of the gravel and susceptibility values. In the deep sea, however, the mixing of ice-rafted debris and turbidites from distal source areas causes a homogenous distribution of the susceptibility signal. On submarine elevations such as Maud Rise and Astrid Ridge, dust input may be an additional source for magnetominerals.  相似文献   

Compared to the northern South China Sea continental margin, the deep structures and tectonic evolution of the Palawan and Sulu Sea and ambient regions are not well understood so far. However, this part of the southern continental margin and adjacent areas embed critical information on the opening of the South China Sea (SCS). In this paper, we carry out geophysical investigations using regional magnetic, gravity and reflection seismic data. Analytical signal amplitudes (ASA) of magnetic anomalies are calculated to depict the boundaries of different tectonic units. Curie-point depths are estimated from magnetic anomalies using a windowed wavenumber-domain algorithm. Application of the Parker–Oldenburg algorithm to Bouguer gravity anomalies yields a 3D Moho topography. The Palawan Continental Block (PCB) is defined by quiet magnetic anomalies, low ASA, moderate depths to the top and bottom of the magnetic layer, and its northern boundary is further constrained by reflection seismic data and Moho interpretation. The PCB is found to be a favorable area for hydrocarbon exploration. However, the continent–ocean transition zone between the PCB and the SCS is characterized by hyper-extended continental crust intruded with magmatic bodies. The NW Sulu Sea is interpreted as a relict oceanic slice and the geometry and position of extinct trench of the Proto South China Sea (PSCS) is further constrained. With additional age constraints from inverted Moho and Curie-point depths, we confirm that the spreading of the SE Sulu Sea started in the Early Oligocene/Late Eocene due to the subduction of the PSCS, and terminated in the Middle Miocene by the obduction of the NW Sulu Sea onto the PCB.  相似文献   

Prior to extension of the lithosphere in the Eurasia Basin, the Yermak Plateau was an element of the Eurasian Arctic margin. Extension of the Barents Sea shelf culminated gradually in rifting of the continental crust with separation of this block from the continent during Chrons C25r?C26n (57.656?59.237 Ma ago) and emplacement of numerous basic dikes, which could be responsible for the formation of high-amplitude magnetic anomalies on the Yermak Plateau. The investigation included reconstruction of axes in the breakup zones along peripheral continental fragments of Spitsbergen with determination of the Euler poles and angles of rotation, which describe the kinematics of this process. It is revealed that the difference between depths of conjugate isobaths can be as large as many tens of meters, which reflects the nonuniformly scaled slide of peripheral areas of the continental crust along the plane of the crustal-penetrating fault and, correspondingly, their different subsidence during rifting.  相似文献   

Enderby Land in East Antarctica and its adjacent areas, which are closely related to the Indian Plate in their geological evolution, have become one of the key zones for studies on how the Antarctic continent evolves. Based on the isostasy and flexure theories of the lithosphere and using the CRUST1.0 model as the depth constraint, this paper uses the gravity field model EIGEN-6C4 and topographic data to calculate the isostatic gravity anomalies of Enderby Land and its adjacent areas. Then, the ...  相似文献   

The Uruguayan continental margin comprises three sedimentary basins: the Punta del Este, Pelotas and Oriental del Plata basins, the genesis of which is related to the break-up of Gondwana and the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. Herein the continental margin of Uruguay is studied on the basis of 2D multichannel reflection seismic data, as well as gravity and magnetic surveys. As is typical of South Atlantic margins, the Uruguayan continental margin is of the volcanic rifted type. Large wedges of seaward-dipping reflectors (SDRs) are clearly recognizable in seismic sections. SDRs, flat-lying basalt flows, and a high-velocity lower crust (HVLC) form part of the transitional crust. The SDR sequence (subdivided into two wedges) has a maximum width of 85 km and is not continuous parallel to the margin, but is interrupted at the central portion of the Uruguayan margin. The oceanic crust is highly dissected by faults, which affect post-rift sediments. A depocenter over oceanic crust is reported (deepwater Pelotas Basin), and volcanic cones are observed in a few sections. The structure of continental crust-SDRs-flat flows-oceanic crust is reflected in the magnetic anomaly map. The positive free-air gravity anomaly is related to the shelf-break, while the most prominent positive magnetic anomaly is undoubtedly correlated to the landward edge of the SDR sequence. Given the attenuation, interruption and/or sinistral displacement of several features (most notably SDR sequence, magnetic anomalies and depocenters), we recognize a system of NW-SE trending transfer faults, here named Río de la Plata Transfer System (RPTS). Two tectono-structural segments separated by the RPTS can therefore be recognized in the Uruguayan continental margin: Segment I to the south and Segment II to the north.  相似文献   

从南海与大洋磁异常的相关性探讨南海的成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对南海与大洋盆地条带状磁异常的相关分析表明,相关系数为0.11—0.659,存在弱线性关系。这从一个侧面反映出边缘海洋壳与大洋壳本质上的差异。边缘海洋壳是玄武岩浆侵入并吞蚀破碎的大陆边缘地壳后形成的不同于大洋壳的新型洋壳。南海盆地磁异常显示其洋壳是新老不一、厚薄不匀的新洋壳的拼合叠覆体。  相似文献   

Integrated geological and geophysical analysis of the anomalous magnetic field along with the previously unpublished profiles of Spanish expeditions onboard the R/V Hesperides and international databases of geomagnetic data processed in the context of the global tectonics concepts made it possible to identify paleomagnetic anomalies C11–C15 and compile the first map of the bottom geochronology of the Scan Basin. Unlike in earlier known publications, the paleoaxis of spreading does extend northeast, but approximately at an angle of 345°. According to calculations, spreading began 35.294?35.706 Ma ago during chron C15r, and the spreading paleoaxis was abandoned 29.527?29.970 Ma ago during chron C11n.2n. Thus, the destruction of the American–Antarctic bridge in the region joining the Bruce and Discovery banks with formation of oceanic crust in the Scan Basin started about 36 Ma ago. Regular spreading of the bottom has been continuing for about 6 Ma at a average rate close to 1.8 cm/year.  相似文献   

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